HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-04-07, Page 6PAGE .SIX TIIE SEA,?ORTH NEWS. John Uri Lloyd THURSDAY,, APRIL 7, 1932., 'bridle si e hold -wah red es blood. A'n' ob yo' foilah me,' she say. 'De wages IEl'ford was nearly a repetition of the iia se he look kindah ett'yus like at of in ,a ^t Jeff," `she miutNah t' hea'Sellb, iii st';one. The negro' wads invited into' lCupe an' den he ergo' a,cuss word, an' an ttuhn from. cle doah. 13ttt ma'se an' the sitting room, and in kindly tones eosin into de H'oltah,he go, Cuoe by Cupe go out too, an' es de doah diet'asked to state his business. his side Bete,' God, Ma'se Wagnals, Stan' b} her side, 'Whalt 'bout de 'GVantbitt'g about, he 'threw in a side Medical et waha lone wbnian, aa' in her arm's p'ap,fli•yo' write?' ma'se'ax, remark, by way of introduction: she hold Susie wrapped' ill 0 tad "She'atolp an' look at mase alp' "De bot'm ob de cheer yo' wan sit - h Cupe, ass' den she say: 'ET e'b'ah Wallin ,tun' iu On in trouble ag m, , Ef yo'11 An' notes he say l.inclah cross -like: glint t' Susie yo' kin use : de papal:. lot cie nigger took et home, he'1l put "'Wise' yo' come front?' An'. de wontan E't'll tole yo' wlva' Susie halls de right :iqs a new bo't'unl "' p rated to'ard de Norf: , Au''ma'se, he t' live an' eel] give de chile do 'Evils' "Alii right, Cupe,"' said the judge, ax: "What' yo' Swine to?' Ari' she look she alit 'titled to;: er et'i1 `bsung slh'aine .Irnlolsvinlg' well that this was not the dawn. at de'grabe. Ma'se, he "stop a t' de home olb a man who co'an was' \business which brought his caller at min'it 00' den say: `Yo' dm not alone, no sha'nie.' that, our. ud'dah popple am gwine 'long on, ,cle "'What am in papah?' "Et ata niany yeah's sense Cupe same road, an' de soonah so'ine ob dein" " `De 'story ob,a life ob sin.' 'tarn t'• bo.t'•m cheers, 'De colon-,sihuck .gots t' de end de'bettah_fo' de w.orl',' " Ani' de chile am m'ix'ed in de twist ani har'dah dian de h'ick'ry-strip, say Me SC. , cri he, de yinnecent chile?'`rCupe ax: an' de huck'ry b'o'tim las' de beist." `Den mase look at de chile, an' ` ``Yes? "Let it .be a .hickory bottom," kinda'h see sump'?' in ets eye 1' make "Yo' lie; yo' lie, go' nni'd'dah ob de "Dawe, de dimes an' qua'tahs what :him Oink a mnni,t es Cupe ''spacted b'i'ro chile," miaise say; `doh never was„spin lCs'pe imide 'm'othnin' cheers' fo'` t' do when he seed dens 'eyes ag'in.:He on an autibOtin babe, ani' no sin hab IStningtown 'folk,” the old ciarkey re- tu'hns on de woman sudden like an' come. t' Susie sense she wah bo'hn,' 'Marked, and reached again into the 'say: 'Wlvalt fo' yo',i brunigeat chile "'Et wails' case olb de mud'dah s sack; itakin'g therefrom ` the heavy ob- heals..? Wrlra yo' git dat chile?' sin.' long tin boa; he ste'pp'ed tdeferen'tiaily ";A'n' de woman say ;'Yo' lenblw de ' `Y,o' lie. ag'in 1 De mudldah wliat to the desk of the judge and placed it lookclin de 4eihele e orb de' chile? Wlh'a' else c key J. ye, Ear 'bear de chile, de mudlii'ah what ,hole before him,inserted a tiny '"into DR. F. -R, b10R1SiT:F,jR--.E de chile. t' her bos'm when de cussed the lock, turned it, raised the lid and Nose and Throat. Graduate 1¢t Miedi- 'Aha' then nva'se look a'g'in at de nnan hide hitis, head, de tnuddsh'what stepped back. cine, University (Continued from last week.) Cupe hab t' say es chile, an' say: 1. New Yorkorkn,ta th 3- in' ob de, sign: y: 'D'e eyes ob de ohne go (face de shame ail' .fate de worts' wild IB,eneath the cover lay a neatly fold_ Late Assistant . O' if how he am 't blame fo' de crime, an' )back t' de days ets faddlah• wah de chile in her arms am pure—by all e'd, patper, which Judge'E➢fond opened mid nil`' • t P kis' IDraplping on her knees, the old ne- not yo ." young. I see de sweet. bey as'i'btnn' by de. god's elle arra pure! Et am de and read1 3 a Aural In'stitu.e, Moorefi dQ's gress eiapiped her lips u'ppn •the deli- You, Cupid? 'Why you begged ,for my side a 'un, Der •, Pman at Cape's request, Then he : Eye, and Golden' Square throat h i-• mate:hand that lay upon the white co- g dmvple cheek, de who sang oar y,o know est, de coward soaked, • in surp-nese at the rnegrp and tale London, En land. At .possession of your charge: Your White skin. De eye orb de' chile befo' w'ho. sneak off 'an' lebe yo' t' bear de remarked:rnComm- Tate a i werle't, win' blew murmuring: Pleadings brougdtit'tears to my eyes, me call' back de,d'ay orb long ago,' De'n chile alone de' cur whoiI / c ' ;each Hotel,nt'Sfromth, 3rd Monday f.. IDe b'ib'w epic an'de snow arm y eft smnlut "Your freed'o'm, Cupe, re are a Exec 'each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, deep in de Oanerdy country;de nig- your voice has never left m :earns, Had he turn on de wotoan savage -like: naw: Et ami nelbbab de mu'd`dali 'wild 'man! Tlhese 'poets were drawn up ger Iib de Kaantucic' sunshine, de Iblistened to o you, c Susie wioul'd have W'oman', I 's'wo' once by' all de god's de chile on her bos'm, but always. d'e. fifty • years ago; tlhey are Properly sweet '.bade an' de possum; de grabe ,. happyn yourcabin now, an ddbbils dat elf 'ever de fahld'atl ob .man who am de sneakin' dawg, de signed 'and .wi'tne'ssed." Et wah de Court an' not yo', M•a'se drat chide, er lain orb de ,fah'dalt, sot foot sinnin' brute, de cowa'rd'I' The old man chuckled. ". `Drab am, DIR. W. C. edli ire, +Gradsate of ob de ole folks an' de chillun ani very IWagnah. Yo' did de biddiri' ob de on de ole farm, ets life 'ud•n't be wuffDen de rod'en't ob Surae sa : 'E'f 'uud'da a ah " he, Faculty of , tori cine, University of Pp son a dead niggers eyes. o' a' n'r dent t' de bract Dolts' .boort, an' - de law, lyut de law am not es stronges de co . •er• ,, • y h RP , said. F by Y y m right de won' am wrong, fo'Yes, the judge conitiiiued, Saari- Western Ontario, ,London, Member 'ceibin an de fren's'what lib in ale ,de sign, for de sign am de bidd1n' olb A'n' naw yo' bring de ole times: back, 'de word' slay' de chile an' de ,m,udldrah ing again: 'This paper is a bill o ` of College of Physicians and $qr- JKtaintu•ck am. pres'h'u's. But when God. 17t garb Cupe who es (blame 'when ,de'—den he break off -'dl p p 1 'f sale, arra de am de sinners: '-An' et wah case ob 'II'n consideration of twelve hundred geons of Ontario, Office in, rear of .Cupe say t' Dinah, for de good oh de d'oan I tale' yo', fo' he lose his head ole times!' he say, de sin dart I take.mychile an' d,oldars i Arhereart s drug •. store, . Sea'Eorlh, . chase, de dead mus' be done, Dnna'h'l'1 go ,'way . , to be. p'ai'd - by Cupid Hard -P'h'one 90, Hours 1.30-4 when de day ab trouble hove in sight, "D'e women look dawn on de grebe 'for de good ob de }lomat', warn am 'man to the legal heir of yiour recentp.m., i 3�: lest de fia!h go out on de cabin hart, "Haw were you to blame " an' cry. De chile look up ihto .ma'se'r safe.' ma'sfer, Dinah• is, to be freed." "9 p•m, Other hoots by appointment. an'll cl'ose de cabin doah; sfie'fl took "Ef Cu'pe had had his wits, he 'ud :face an' laugh, an' :hale out eta little "'Bea,' she go on, 'elf trouble rise up. Again the negro chuckled: "An'bl a lash look at de ole home, an' wid t'a'b brought .de sack go' see •011, de flo.'. arms, an' den Catip•e spoke, for he see an' yo' wan' Susie t' stay in de -cabin, yo' count de money in de box?", He :Cupe and de honey chile'll slip away IDe, fool ,nigger Pose his sense." awbeke'dines's rfsin' in ma're's 'eye. let de story be read. De m'an waho de leaned over, an effort careful] in de night." . by y in - Mr. Wagner looked inquiringly to- "Meese, yo siwo' elf eba'h de fa'h'd'a'h papah pints. tell send Monty.' • yerted the box an the desk and raise'd The .head orf the negress fell upon te,a'rd the sack. rob dolt chile, er kin ob de falhdah, sort "'Damn de man an': damn his man- it. Within were colas of every size the coverlet, her eyes sought the . "'Ef vo'll listen t' Cupe, hell tole yo' kat on de ole place yo'u,d do mu'dtli; ey!' say mase.. 'Nelblbah yo' mire de and descrip't'ion: The astonish'e'd ,bottle on the mantelpiece. Far a long 'wh'a't he should hob said de day yo' "'Yes, say mase; `a»' one ob de nro'ney; when. am •b'aek from d judge, though re'oiciss ' time aha rested in this position then„ e 7 g g J gin his ,humble ,come fo' Susie. varmints, am heah naw, an' I 'bend 'war t'o'll fin' de chile in de cabin, an'friend's triumtp•h, was reluctant. to un 'tttesslpted to rise, but irresistible Ian Standing on the floor, the old m'an t' choke de life out ob de brat.' He 'dah'4'l be a place fo' yio'; but no place dertake the tedious task suggested by guar held her in place. She reached began his story. He forgot himself,' reach out his Nan', es elf t' grab de fo' his dirty money.' 'the •negro, who himself realised 'hat r up .her hand, p oa ed"t o the vial, ani be lost sight of his hearer, his tongue, •ohh'le, `an' den Cupe, step betwixt de "She turn t' go, den she stop:ag'in. was a task., t t ,wanderingly keeping thne with his vivid memory,'two. Boldham'?.'• ' R' de tarifa, yo' hone bottle, but yo'ban Cupe shy, an' She turn ego, 'den site -step a'g'ar, "There am ?zae'ly twelve hundred Y yo' became eloquent, as the words fell strike et down. `De fah'dah ant ,not am not 1o' scandal tongue,' she say, doll'a'hs. You kin! take yoah time taint tole Cupe nuffin, fo' de line am from his lips. Iheah, an' de chile amt not Stan''n on de A'n' den s'he wa'l'k away. She go alone to count et. The ,wrinkled fingers on de .mark." -'Her eyes closed dream: "De day what per'iah Tong ago wah groan.' Yo' hab mu'd'h in yoaih heaht t' de yantlb'lanlce trains” Cupe Stapp- of the slave playlfully stirred the med- ily and she mumbled: De Cauerdy gone, Et ,went into de da'knes when an' hab no right t' act out de o'aff les'n ed. ]Lan' am cole an' de grabes ob •de mis- ole dc'se Hardman wah foun' dead de chile am stan'n on de eaof,' "'And did 'you hear n: ,' ley of coins. Picking a silver sus an' de chillun in K+ainituck am dealt in Bloody H'ollah, De niggers shet `"M 'se stop a mina't, an' den he say; afterward?" 9 othing from her dollar De .mark aol o it closely say- but fo' de good ob de Susie chile an"r t' y in'a� of mark an: on, you sborlce demselbs in de cabin, skealhed nigh t' Comede cabin!' Cape took' from his o:cket�book the mark of de Ease., Kin de sub ab ole Cupe, Dnn.ah'll close de deff, De wi�tahes wale pl'at'tin' de "Alt' de woman Dome, Dalt wa'nt !clipping of a news'p'aper, which Mt, you 'wah handed. to ,C you ] de ni night cabin d'aah ferebah." ape, night of horses' tail in de barn, de owl wah nuffin moah said, she jes come an' Wagner read aloud: de shiveree? De bright young mets - CHAPTER XXIX s'ittin' in de top db de hi'ek'ry tree gay. De woman sleep wid de chile "A Nurse Killed.—A shell from a sus kn de house on de pike. ban' you lookin' mighty wise but sayi'n' no: a in de Io'f,' an' Dinah sleep on de fl'o' rebel battery near Dallas, 'Georgia, to Cupe, an' say: "For wai'tin' on de Auctioneer, Cape's Story of the Past world. De sign wah in: de air, nr,' ab de lo'Y and tope sleep on d'e flo' Tuesday morning struck and al'mos't table Cup'e.' Clod bress her, sweet. GEORGE ELLIOTT,CotintLicensed• Cape go out int de night an' To'o'k in de eb de cabin room beside the be'd of instantly killed a rune. ,She came in faces ''Carpe sees her yit es she smile Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Trudging through the gabherin!g watch ab de spring an' read de word, nose. But de sign wah conte true! afi atnlbulonce train fro'nr Kentuck at de n,l .Arrangements can be made• for Sale dusk of the evening, Cupe, with. the ;Et saydat youngy nigger eat wed'n' night, de night Date a; The Seaforth News. ranee . 'sack on his back and the dog at his r, •m'a're 'ud die on de "Harte he keep away from de wo- but nothing is known of her h'i'story. she marry Ma'se Nard'm'an. IBiLt de New Yeah night, es yo' know he did man an' nehbah speak t' de chile for IHeedleas Of her own safety, she mov- face: am . s'a'h'rin' naw:✓ons 'chile moderate and satisfaction guranteed, heels, reached the outskizts of String- die' an' dat an' n Susie chile 'ud come es she a longtime. But he keep a monstrous ed about the field, auocouring the wearin' de Blue, de uddah nwearin' de town. He climbed the fence about esay moah don; dat; lookm) at ets big, roan eyes, an' moah ,veaun'ded of both armies, Careless of Grey." one of the back lots, near one of the 'but' yo' am consarned only wid what' dan 'once Cupe coach de 'tear drops 'herself, in the:think orf b'at'tle white Univers in+ . the •i 'frame lip�ses, and struck an alley -way, et say 'bout de chile, ,Ain' den de long stealin' down his'rough c'h'eek. But droid'ing a. canteen of, watera 'fi pp g e t sane paper from .that led to the pike. Walking; then to the ve dollar gold piece, Cupe a'bru�p'tiy along the sidewalk, he reached the yea'hs pass, an' one mahn'n Cupe say: Cupe doan say nuffin fo' feah et 'ud mouth of a dying soldier, her life was addressed Ihhe'judge: "Did you ever 'Ma'se, to-niorrals m't hn'in 'bout day cross de sign, suddenly destroyed. Nothing that see dis sisinin' piece before?" ',Then door of Mr, Wagner. Once before,Bloody llahill mix ets'elf son "One day de muddah,ob Susie say could give a clue 10 her identity was con'tihited, 'without wanting'for 'banning the clothing o'f'Susie, he had brake Ho r an stood:gethe thatotdoor, and hawing in yoah affairs, 1' Cupe: Gat me same wri'tin' papah.' 'found among her meagre effects, duo_ answer: "An' why' should you know "'Damn Blood Ho11I'ah?' say de An' Gupe when livered his bundle Ita'd retreated with y he go t' Slbringfown thing but an addressed, stamped en- de coram from its bruddahs? You'hab heavy, heart. N'o,w,agafn with another mase, git a sheet. An' when he han; et t'iier, ve'lope, in which was a request that in seed many like it, sua'h. :But Cupe "'A chile'11' be foun' ' by de lone .&he look at et kin'dah •cu'yus like, an' case of her death a simple Statement marked di,s'an' here am de • bundle he stood on the "same spat, hat grebe.' beauty, in hand, his white head conspicuous in ab . say: 'Et am net buff, 1 wan' t' write of the fact be m'ail'ed' in the same en mark," ,He pointed to a :tiny crass. the gloom. Mr. Wagner opened the Shet up yoah nigger signs!' say de story ob de eh'ile.' An' Cupe nex' velo'pe, and that no effort be made to "Do you 'mind, de dray. Cape hole'de de ina'se. day git a whole pack ob laig-'size• pa End her friends.. Osslg this and the strap and!let de de coffin ab de inis door,. and recognising Cupe,- invited "•'An' de chile'il came an' sb'ay in pah an' a dozen ,brgtit Pencil's. An' folIewing request added as a posit- sus down fn•tro..'d;e-earl? : An' do you. him in. d'is cabin.' de m•udd'ath.ob Susie hake de papah an' scri'p't: `Please lay me out in wh'i'te,' " min! dat as 'Cue .ass "You may drop your sack by the Close R P yeah dart n'iglh't, side of the door; it asr be perfectly" , yda'h kips, I tole, yo'! an', she write and write. De days come iAs.'Mr, Wagner • ceased' reading, you calve ,out and slip de shiiln' gild, sa in dat, mase walk off. an' go, an' she write an? write, Morse 'Cupe beake in:, Into.his han'? 'Dis'ant &It`coin, ya'sie safe." "But when • dehe doan saynuffin an' drown ax no "'S'he say, 'De'wages ob sin. am deft,' Elfoid," ICupe turned it slowly be- "Ef et am de sorra t' go', \4a'se grey ab de mahn'Tt conte, Cupe wah stan'n by de dealt ob qu'istiolts• He hadn't any - writin' 'an' she ani dead; but befo' God, de sin tween his fingers, "It am as bright as IW , I'll sot et inside de room." de cabin, an' mase he op'n de doah sense: An' at las' de woman wrap de wah not herr." . "' de day it wah' buried,'a ' de face "'Certainly, do as`" an' walk out, es Cupe 'spected him t' pa'Pa'h ay an' write su'm'n' on de out- : "'A said story,e ace pe' you choose. Cupe not only sot et inside .de do, He look kindahside ob depack, Cupid, but it is told de angel misses in Heaben am liinirn' room" but he deposited it at his. ver P queer' when hetoo late. The.motl'$,er is dead, the child 'bright as eat go?, :De; grebe cainit Y see Gu' Coe dah, an' den he say: "Den de rex' malvn'n ,she say . t' .is lost." nub de shine off td'e' of ou gib -'n feet, standing bareheaded beside the 'Cupe, yo' kin come wid, me; I'm lna'se: 'Dab am nusses ,wanted down•"Ei de chile co g add -looking package. could be four, Mase her'i are. Bat ain't no use in aaol t; show yo' dat nigger signs am in`Tennessy,' 1Wagnah?" each membeele'ctins: :De money tem Mr. Wagner nude no attempt , to 'fool signs.' •B'ut Cupe, he know drat "An' nfa'se he say: `A alnibulan'c "I'mr o' '�i induce she visitor to be seated, know- de omen wah wo'kin' on de.ma'se train fo' deY e p ss blas all ire, b rade', for kno made ite ing that Capes; negro trainingwould , an Souf or, ,Nordin' in de fieri' deb c f Il<s? keepiav' ab de chile square, butt al) 'Lewd knows where he keep . his: =IA stet an, folltawed by de pond ob Mr. Nordh)vait now.' t' bract #,Dirks?" some orb it hab barn," not allow him to sit in the parlour of de mase; wihp go straight fo'B•lood "An' de woman say puffin fo' a "`The child is GONE," T'he negro Y y a, -white man. Looking about' the IH'all'ah, An' 'whet ,ma'se an Cupe • time an' detithe gold,• in his, speech, and room, Cope spied upon tile wall a on de hillan' P sban , n she go 1'de' culpiboard 1Gu'pid leaned over, opened the sack :fingered the gold, • 1lilie jtld e� was ]look through de fig, au' take from et de red shawl what at h,is..feet, took front it the oblong silent, Ev'identl.: his th' u trin'ke't that once bel.on'ged to Susie, sump'n' wah to be seen in i1 hall'a'h (Susie wa'h wra.pf -cd in g Y o ghtd' weree IBdginning the conversa'ti'on afiter' the sanrn' 'n' dat •P de inah•n'n she package of ,mauu'scmi'pt handed ,h•iyn• by in the saleinm: Past, which had been P at. in de greyob rmahn'in wah' awlali found in BQ'oady H+allah!, 'Dinalh, and said: "When de candle' sin recalled . by Ga'pe's 'antral tongue: By tn'anncr o'f the ,negro, he addressed the monstrous queer loo'kin'. Et wah on ;,Cupe ,paused and turned his eyes to lighted t'-morr h : K''' ,h •' tniFnketinetead df M. Wagner. de B'loo'dy. Ilolltlah grabe. An' ma'se a tiny, well-worn shawl ' y g a comeid de gree- te pupo asked, 1s this, money An. who' es de Susie gears What hanging solemn' err store Cupe'91 chane t' a grocrry the' p:urp'ose orf, buying your .wife, 'carr ? he stop a minit kind), s'phtised like, an' a fes in the "wail, and in a soleinhr .'store meetin'. Yo' bob de pa/tab writ- 'Dlvuah7" y yo' in her bran', km ,yo' lone- 'Cupe raise 'his fan' and ,pint ,d'ow,n into ;tome remarked, pointing with his aa. (ten by'de woo some, in de sil'en'ce, do yo' lis'tt.fo' de :de H'oleah ,obalh de s'houldah ob deger as he did s Warn 1'in dr halide tongue ob de pert chile dot am ne " o• "Dab. de -brassard fines orb Go' o. Efdrather' de de mase, an' say: • ,gah'meirt 'now." dines p'raps yo' goalie rather• de chole Mr. Wagner could neat but feel a " De signs ant come'n true.' • Then he, continued: "An' : den de `shay wid de nigger pang'of remorse. He knew that Cupe "'Et am a cow,' salt' m'a'se, an' turn mu:dd'ah took de chile in her arms an' ' The ne ro turn was spe'akiing to h•im though address- back, g d to the doer: "De ing the'inau mate trinket. cry. �ba'se ]1e kinida'h feel dat sum'p'n!"rw,r tin' am only ,fin' yo'; tit arm none ob Wise mothers who kltow the vii- " `Hit am n•at a cow, et am de ch'il'e 'wah come'n, an' he say: `Ilse war am liSlhrin'gt'own's constahh." The door tales • of Mother Graves'' Worm Turning from that Cupe directly Mated t' by'de sir Ex - asked: "Am' h.uh yo' ,heard an news, '' say Cppe• An' not for dhlillu)t.' cib,sed, and Mr. Wagner Sabred to his terminator always htive' it at Nand', y jes den de crittah rise 'fro'm de honey gear•]?" de up an' star' on "De wolma'n stop a minit, an' den 'r'o'am: because it Proves its value. "'None, oaey ge the statement of gr'abe. Et ,wall tall an'slim an, she say: 'May de chile stag?' When morning broke, the village p g t red' an' White, but de fag gab tick, ""Yes,' say nea'se; '"but of de •fah cl'e'rk sat in leis oh'bir; theymanu'gcriptt rhe furloughed sol'd'ier, "who saw a an' en'ly de colour an' de siac could dab Put foot on, de place, d'a'h'll be a' :before him had beep read a second 'child in a camp' before Mui'free'sboio." the seed. Et wah' an awlfua s'igh't, a 'graabe dug; et'l'I be for him er me,' hd'nire; his head rested on his hand the "Asn,' did yo' send a ,man t' see of et sleeery t(nlg. "E'en she salt Susie in de little hick damp stied burned,' -for r. w'a'h Susie?" "''`Et Am not a curler'S 'ry;c'hair what , done made fo' dee reflection, i M Wagner, 's Sag mase, a°' Cupeher, s o t an, gave no thought to the "Yes; but he could find no trace df .he kindlAlh shiver. an' c]'ime t` de lora' an' came d�olfvn gid •Passage `of- lilac, • iber. Trate Army of the .Cumberland is "An' swill e't am not a cotw. Ef de 'de bundle orb papal an' lay et en de consPoanitly changing its location, and saga. am wrong et ani monstmotes'queer, ta'b'le. CHAPTER XXX there has been heavy fighting. Cupe •say,-Cntp'e, "`What am hs d ?' 1Oo:d knows that 1 th.ouglht S was d'o °An' .' ,,' a bundle, ax.mase. Cups Purchases so .rp;a'se slta,n' s'keereid l'i'ke, an' A load bb sin:' res His Wife •ing my duty to the child. Wrould that ,Cupe wah kintd'alu she were in her std home rviNh- solemn .case' de "'Site fake front her D'o.cket a little. 'Carpe afiter leaving Mr: Wagner dud again! You sign wah wrong. De crattah wah n'ot ;'P'ur'se ('Dupe 'held up a s'il'k purse an'' 'nio't go 'directly Mime, In:s'te'a'd, with a chile an' not a cow an' nlot like 'any slhe • lay et. •o s de' papah ani' 'say, 'Et, the sack over his slibu%Idler, he sought �'oah yintenp,on wah good, Ma'se -o'th'er cri'ttah," Jes den de breeze raise Iain all I ha'b,' Den s'he pick ,Susie up the' dwelling of J'ufld'ge Eldortel, Onke Wa -nah, an Cupe down ,bear ea blanc de fog, ail" .et sh'ouv a lone woman an' kiss an' hug her an' cry abort her; 'before he had p:as'se'd frolm doer to t'yo', , De trouble wah 'eat yo' tried t' hol'din' sum'p's' in her arm's. De wo "an' Dinah cry an' nurse an' Cupe kin - c; ass Pro',deruce an t' break de work- door of 'these two' houses, and this man wah in a White . dress, an' de dab feel bery solemn like, `Doan none second reception at the home .of Judge PROFESSIONIAL CARDS. 'DR. 1I. HrUIGIH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-, pita!, London, England. Special attention to diseases' of the eye,'eas. nose and throat. Office aed resi- dence behind Dominion Bank: Office Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104. DR. F., 5. Ii'URIRIOiWS, SeafortlL Office and residence; Gdderich street, east of the United' Church; Coroner for the County of Huron. Telephone No, 46, DR. C MIAOKIAY.—C, Mackay, honor graduate of •rT;rinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medicaa'. College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Dental DR J. A. MIU'NIN, Successor tei Dr.R, R. Ross, graduate of North western University, Chicago, NILi- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over SilW hardware, Main St, Seaforth, Phone 151, DR. F. J. REMEDY, ' graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over .W. R Sniitit'r grocery, Main St„ Seaforth: Phone*, office 1&5'W, residence 1SSd', WATSON • AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (ISuccssors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SIEA,FOiRrPH, ONT. Alt kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates ' in First -Char Companies,' To be continued. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FIARIM AND ISOLATED TOS PIRIOIPE'RITY, ONLY, INSURED Officers - Jahn-Bennewies,; Bead_ h'agen, 'President; J'as, 'Connolly,'Gad- erich, Vice -Tres.; ID. ';F. 'McGregor, Seaforth 'No. 4, Sec.-'Treas, IDir'otors—]Geo. 32. M'c'Cartney, Sea. forth No. 3; ,Alex. Broadfo'ot, Sea- le:nth No 3; James Evans, ISedfoat1 Nt. 5; iRobt. Ferris, !Blyth IND, 1; Jas, Slholdice, Walton No, 14; Jahn Pepper, Bracetfield; William Knox, .Landes - borough. Agents—Jas. Watt, Blyth No. 1.;,W E,: Iiinc'hdey, ISoafort'h; 'J. A. Murray Seaforth 'No, 3; W. J. Yeo, Clinton No. .3; R. G. 1Janm'uth, Bornholm. luditons -,'Jas. 'Kerr, 'Seaforth; Thos. Moylan, Se'afortm No. 5. Parties desinous to effect insurance or transact other business, . will 'be promptly attended to by appIfcatioas to any of the above earned officers ad- dressed to : their respective post office's. 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