HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-04-07, Page 5THU'RSD'AY, APRIL 7; 1932, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE TOWN TOFIOISy Mr, 'Jack Ferguson Of Port 'Robin- son, and 'Mr. and Mrs. ?Chas. Butler 'of St. Catherines attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Jahn; Gosenlock. 1Mns. Butler had been 'some during (Easter week ,but regrettably was call- ed home last 'Wednesday' owingto severe illness in the fancily. Miss 'Eileen (Flannery returned' to Toronto on Saturday after ,spending tate E'a'ster holickyls a't the home of. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, F1an eery. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chan. I31o'ore of 'Wlain(fleet, Oat., .spent a few drays last week at the (tome oIf Mr. and Mrs, IR. Frost Mr, and Mrs. H'arold. Frost and little daughter Rufha'delle, of Flint, Mich, are spending several weeks with the 'former's patents, Mr. and Mrs, R. 'Frost. Miss 'Alice (Knec'httel of ,Kitchener, .Mrs. E. E. Second olf Meaford, Mrs, W. P. Martin and little daugihter Phyllis Jean of M'i'ddleport, were Eas- ter ,guests of 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. KInechtel. •Mr. M. O'Loughlin of .Dublin is .spending a few d:ay;s with friends in 11a, n UUZFE'S LITTLE PROBLEMS—THE UNEXPECTED GUEST •I.t. is no lounger necessary to view with alarm the arrival of the unexpected guest: Superior Stores' service provides a quick volution. 'Phone your order to your. nearest Superior Store and our 'delivery service will do the rest. lib bother, no fuss, your order is filledwith careful a'tten'tion to detail and you are al'w'ays sure of best quality menchandise at 1owreVt.,pri'ce's. Try this service the next time this ,problem is ,presented to yoli. Renie nb:er our ,sllogan-- WE SELL THE BEST 'FOIE LESS. Items for week ending April .13th, ,.RASPBERRY JAM ...............................40 oz. jar OXYDIOL ,.. , , lge. pkg. 18 c RON:,A!MI,'Cake or Powder FRAY B'E'NITOS CO'RN'ED BEEF DURHAM OO•RN STARCH LILLY BRAND CH(I'CKE'N MADDIE c 2 for 25c per tin l 5 c per pkg. 9c per tin 15c (Heinz Pork and Beans, medium 2 tins 25c IH'einz Spaghetti, medium 2 'tins 25c Unicorn Salmon, F"ancylRed Cohere / s.,2'tins 29c; l's per tin 25c ' Drummer Brand Pastry Flour . '7's. . 19c; 24's, , ..580 .Perrui',s "week -end" assorted Chocolates per ib. 23c 'Keep's Mustard, '%'s .25c; F _ s ...49c Royal York Tea %'s ...28c; 1 s, ...55c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, . , .., .... —small 15c; large ,25c (,plus bottles)' Taylor's Peanut -Butter crown jars 25c 'Whiz 8 oz. ...,35c; S6 oz. OOc Aylmer Catsup "real Totna'to flavour" per bottle 12r/c dngersoll +Cream or Pimento Cheese 2 pkgs. 25c lIdeal !Silver Cream ...................... .,,.,.,,,.,.„per bottle 25c 1Bovril 1 oz, 23c; 2 oz. 39c 'Lealand Fine Cut Sweet Pickles 'family jar 39c Superior; Baking Powder .....-... 8. oz. .. ,..15c; .16 oz. 23c MeLaren's Jelly Powders, assorted 4 pkgs. 25c Silver Gloss Starch l's 13c Aylmer Lombard Plums, 2's per tin 10c 'Cowan's Velvets per lb, 29c Pimentos Ws3 fo.r 25c; %'e 13c 2 in 1 Shoe Palish per tin 12c Plain or Iodized Salt 2 cartons 19c Post's Minute Tapioca 2 pkgs. 25c Asparagus Cuttings per tin ,23c Choice Quebec Golden Wax Beans 2 tins 27c Sunera per pkg. 23c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS ' A Service that creates • Confidence and a Dependable Reputation p P • Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by . our services and highest, market prices for good crehm. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BAR'B'ER, Prop. EGMDNDVILLE. The Neil' Shaw Mission Circle 'held their Easter Phankoffering meeting Monday evening, The meeting open- ed by Violet Tyndall leading in pray e The president then spoke a few words of welcome to the W.M.S. members. "Christ the Lord is Risen" -oras sung amu' all joined in responsive Reading. Pearl 'Grainger sang a beau- tiful solo: 31'ts, ..iayton, the YJW. and Circle secretary brought an inspiring message.. She spoke on the great -ad- venture of 1iviteg a good 'life, A duet Sy Laura and Mary Stewart was en- joyed.. Mars, MacLean gave a Scot- tish reading in her 'inimitable manner.. {Helen and Alice Thompson sang a ,duet and Lillian Richardson gave a mouth organ selection. "O God of Bethel" was sting and the meeting eiosed with the Mizpah'benediction. The Boys' Club held their regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday. Norman MacLean- .presided. There were 11 'tYoys present, Continuing the 'Fbe'arth Fire Stories Which have proved so'in. terestin'g, Mr. Malcolm told the story et.Calin and, Albel: A game was play- ed and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, HILLSGREEN. ,Mr, Joliet Jy'arqudt'ar returned to his home after spenlditrg, the Easter holi- days at the Mouse of his grandparents, Mr. ancl' Mrs. J. Cochrane: Miss Diolly Fllagan has been out,'' nursing Mr, and Misr Cleveland ' t l" ,joynt in I3lensall for a few days. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times SOc !Misses Jeanette 1PdAl1'iste'r of Hen - salt high sch'oo'l and Helen Ander- son of Clinton high school, returned bo their duties after spending the (Elaslter •holidays at theirhomes here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglas and Miss Edna Cocheane of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs. David N'icicol-and d'augh'ter (Hensel! spent a few' days with' Miss Annie Jarrott. ,Mr. and Mrs. AO Reichert spent a day in. London recently. We are ,pleased t so many out again after being up with the flu and bad colds, Miss Edna 'Cochrane, 'P.1N,, of Tor- onto, hos taken a case at one o'f' the 'hospit'als in Goderich, Mr. W. Jarrott and daughtter Annie spent 'Sunday evening at the home of 'Mr. David Nickol in Hensaill. • (The W:.MS. met on Wednesday af- Iternootl, April 13th at the hone of Mrs, R:albt, Stephenson.' Mr. Fisher has hired with Mr. Frank Hagan for the glimmer months. IMr, Alfred Coleman has hired with ,Mr. Gtordon Love for the summer moults. ;Mr, Clarence Brenner has hired with . Mr. Alfred ' Reichert for'the ; stmtmer months. The -farmers areb taking ak nate busy local Spring shows which a ming off in our dotal towns this t.. Fred o see laid in i 8 re. co 100'11'1 School re -opened again on' Monday after t'he Easter Irolidays, 1:1:;1;. Mr. Robert Pinkue.y had a narrow escape last Thursday from more ser- ious inljury when a young horse he was breaking in, was frightened by a truck. The sulky kaiak s'omethiug and upset,with the driver, who .sus- tained a broken ,thumb and a cut ear in the fall but was :fortunate in not being otherwise hurt. Mrs, Mary Stelwart is visiting her daughter, Mrs, !Lawson at Con- stance, Mrs. Aitdheson Sir•, who has beets staying with -her since the death at her brother, the Yate William Wil- san, has returned to her home at Roxboro, Mrs. Joseph 'Grp i tett and two Ch'ild'ren were visitorsduring last week at the home of her parents .at IRlinoardine. Miss Ja'sephien (Edge has returned from Hamilton. -Mrs. Thus, McQuaid, Goderich st., has recovered from her recent illness. 'Mr. Archibald Smith of Cantlachie is staying' with his uncle, Mr. Archie Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron and fam- ily of Toronto, called at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. 'John Pinkney.- Miss inkney:Huss Florence Fowler, who . has been ill, is convalescing at her hone here. Mrs, Jahn Date 'Sr. of Clinton was a guest on Monday with' Miss Jean Turner. • Miss M. 3. Ross of Pont Huron re- turned on Saturday after spending the holiday week w^itlh Mr, and' Mrs. Menton. Reid. Miss Verna Ad'am's of Part Col- borne returned an Friday after spend- ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Adams. Mrs. Jessie Brown visited friends in Brarreford and Hickson last week, 11r. J. V. Ryan,, 'Ohief of Police of Seaforth, has just returned from a trip to the 'Ontario II'ospita at Oril- iia, leaving taken a patient to that in- stitution where he was highly com- plimented on the way he presented his charge:. Mr. John McLellan' Sperling st., is very ill at ,present. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hays were in Taranto for several days aver the week -end. Mr. (George Bethune is con'fined,'.to his hiome with illness, Miss Mona Silos of Landon is spen:diing several days in town. Russell !Wallace!wtho has been residing on the Garth r farm blwn:ed by Mr. Keith 'Weebs'ter,-left on T,hurs- dlay for London where he will utid.er- go 'medical treatment. ..Mr, Wand Mrs. P. E. 'Marckl'aau, who were ill with flu .during the past week, are recovering nicely. 'Mr, John Olianke is 'spending a nmanth •with his daughter, Mrs. P. E. .lti'ackla'm and Mr. Ma'cklam. Me. Clarke recently an:oved •front'Listowe'1 to Dun'das,, ,Mr. W. E. Reynolds 'was' presented with an electric clock . and radio by friends in,S'trabford on ,Saturday auigh't. ?Major Colin ?Cam;pbeil of Taranto will •conduct special services at the Salvation Army Citadel, April 1Otth. 111 a.m, "A Great Resit.” 7 p.m., "Ho'w can we know the right way." Miss Gretta Ross la Weston spent. a few days. this week with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. R. R.'!Ross, while recuperating from, her reeen't 'illness. Mr. Peter Baker alf.'Cratsbrook caul- ed on Seaforth friends this week. Mr, 'S. S. Cooper,-imayor of 'Clin- to:n, passed away on 'Tuesday.. Thursday, Mar. 2'4, being their tenth wedding anniversary, "a number of friends and neighbors gathered at Site h'o'me of Mr. and ;M'r's.' William Old- field to extend best ' wishes to then' and also to Mr. arid. Mrs. Wibli'ann Kruse since' it•as w thea'1'r - tl 1 t fifth Y anniversary. Many lovely gifts were' received by .both couples, Mrs. Wm. Smith of Walton called at the Koine 'of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Sh'oldice on ;Tuesday, Mr. Wm. Littlejohn of Galt spent a few` dlays with Mr. an'd Mrs. W. H. DEDICATED TO BETTER VISION THE SAVAUGE EYESIGHT SBRVT,CE Seaforth, THE 'EF'FPCIENT PERSON (Cannot be 'harasse'd by headaches, or an unstable nervous system, nor by in- ability to concentrate. And` these ttsu'allycome from errors of vision-ttticom- fortab'le vision,. It is thus -that glasses that restore comfort help the individual to help himself, Learn here the condition of yotft• eyes. Continued next week The Home and School Club are holding a Sale of .Home Cooking in the Toggery S'h'op, ,Seaforth Saturday aft,, April 9 Ali those interested in the Horne and School Club kind. ly donate cooking. Shold'ioe and other 'friends. Mr, (Coaper from rear Clinton raved on Wednesday to one of Mr, Sprats farms in Tuckersmith, • LADY BOWLERS. The Lad'ies': Lawn Bowling Chub held their• annual meeting Wednes- day afteroon, March 30th in the Car- negie Library room. 'The various re- ports were read. The full slate of of- ficers was re-elected. A membership converter was added to the executive. The officers •are, .president, Mrs,. Jas, Devereaux; trees, Mrs. Huggard, secretary, Mrs. F. R. Beattie; 1st vice, Mrs. D. Shanahan, 2nd vice, Mrs. Harry !Stewart; tournament . capt., Mrs. A. Close; convener of social committee, Mrs. DeiLacey, convener membership coin., Mrs, J. Beattie, convener of prize cont„ Mrs. 'H: J. Gibson. BORN. HOUSTON. — In Scott Memorial dllo'spital, on Monday, April 4th, '1932, to Mr. and 1Mrs. A. Houston, Tuck- ersmith, a daughter. STANLEY. Mr. Wilber Blair, who has (been in ttibi Boat bhe'paat month, called at home on Sunday last, ,Master Tom and Kathleen Scotch - mer spent their. Easter holidays with their uncle, Mr, E. A. Townshend of Gbderich too+ns!hip. Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. Snowden were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf West- lake on Sunday last. 'At the official meeting of. the Var- na pastoral charge held on Wednes- day of last week a unanimous invita- tion' was given to the ,pastor, Rev. E. A. Poulter to remain; another year, also a resolution expressing the thanks and appreciation "of the board for his services which he has given so faithfully and so willingly to ex- tend the work of - the M'as'ter, Mr. Poulter replied, accepting the invitation and expressed his apprec- iation of the action of the Board, and the harmony and good -Twill that was manifested. Mrs. Jas. McClinchey lea's returned home after spending about, two weeks with Mrs, Shoemaker of Exeter. 1Mr, and Mrs. Wes Hayter of Flint called on the 'forrner's parents, Mt. and Mrs. Benny Hayter last week, Mr. W. J. D'owson is laid up at present ,but we hope he will soon be atb•le to be around again. • ';Our young people are ,preparing 'a play, "The V'ill'age Lawyer," which will '• be given in the latter part of *prit. Watch for further notice. Mr. H: 'D. Steckle shipped a :car- loiad of fat cattle to Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Steclae accom- panied Mr.. and Mrs, Elmer Klopp of Let us protect you anywhere in. Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing yourinsurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D . SuthorIaod GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ET, C. Office over Keating's Drug Store couple of months in 'Toronto. Zurich on a motor trip to 'Waterio to visit friend's aver the week<etild, The 'Voting Peop'le's Society o ;Blake attd Glos'hen held their weekly meeting at Blake Church on Friday evening last, Miss. Margaret Tough taking the topic:The outstanding feature of the programme was a de- bate, "Retsiolved' that Co-opetlatiot Dla'lace C'on err A t, tt n 10 p o usi les B t s. The decision was given in favor of the affirmative. Mi'ss Margaret Tough has returned to Shakespeare to resume her duties as.. teacher there, Miss Jean Carrie and Miss Olive Brock returned to Hensall o:tt Sun- day evening to take up their studies itt high sohooi. Mr. Russel Sparks had the misfor- tune to sprain his ankle badly last week and has been confined to the house ever sin'ee. The following is the .report of S. S. No. 7, 'S't'anley, for the month of Mardi. (Sr. IFV.-,Wdlmer Turner 74,8. Jr. W.—Allan Love 69.6, Billie Reid 62.5. ISr. "IIII, ,Jolene Stephenson 77,5, John MoClinchey 61.5. Jr. IIIA: -Margaret Reichert 58.5. Sr. III.—'Margaret Love 89.6, Ruth MidAll'ister 762,.Elmore McClin'chey 687, Emma MdClinehey 60.11. Lir. 1L—''Clifford M1cClinc'hey 62.2. I. dvan Stephenson 78, Gordon Johnston 75.4. 1 IPrfiner Jonet Love, 13o'bbie Reid, Karl Reichert. (Number on roll 116. Average at- tentnan'ce 16,13.. Victar Dinnin, Teacher. Mrs. Robert MdGregor. o' I to her school in 'Hamilton after spending the holidays with her par f eats, Mr. and Mrs, Will Black. The n 'any 'friends' of Mrs,'Will • Black are pleased to sec 'her out again 'after her illness. 'Mr, (John Martin and Miss Belle and Mr. (Clayton Martin spent last Co-operation Smrntayt with Mr. .attd Mrs. Lewis Welt( ubt. Mr. 'Jas. Chainbers has engaged wltlt Russell 'Coleman 'for the sum- mer, Master Jlack'Carnochan, ;sap of Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas..Carirochan who fell off a chair and broke his arm about two .. weeks ago, is rdoing tti�cely and will soon be o.k. again, Mrs. IR, 'FI, Lyon and children d spent a ",few clays last week with "(her aunt, Mr. and 'Mrs, Cecil Oke, Mrs, C. MdBnien,'Mrs. Eph. Clarke of Hallett and Mrs, Cecil Oke of the 2nd coneess'ion, LIR;S„ spent one day last week with -Mrs. Will Land's- ba•ough. Mr, 'Allister !Broa'dfoat is confined. to his.room with an attack of the Mt. W:..11. 'Deis and his son John C Doig, lawyer in the Fisher Build- ing, Detroit, spent a short time, here on Monday on their return from 'To- ronto where they :spent Easter with relatives and ]Friends. Att Oxford ewe an the farm of W. M. 'Doig recently gave birth to twin .anrbs, and 'twelve days thereafter gave birth to another lamb. All three are alive, strong, healthy: and doing • well, Mr. and Mrs. :Seaman of Kitchener are visiting at the hoarse of Mr. and BRUCEFIELD. 'Funeral of the Late Harry Snider. —The funeral of the late Harry Snid- er, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Snider of Brucefield, took place an Monday afternoon last to Baird's cemetery. The service at the 'home and at the place of burial was con- ducted by bhe. Rev, Mr. Dugan, min- ister of Clinton Presbyterian Church, assisted by the Rev. W. A. Bremner of Bru'ccfi.eld United Church, Messrs. Edward MdLeod, William Scott, El- gin Thompson and Lindsay Eyre act- ed as pall bearers, while four school- m'a'tes, Harry Collins, ,Archie Mus- tard, Carlyle Cornish and ,Robert Ald- tvittkle were the bearers of the flow- ers. As tokens of sympathy flowers were sent by the following: Sunday S'choot class Brucelfield United Church, scholars Of the day school, the choir and Marian Keith Circle of St. Andrew's United. Church, London, the 'congregation and choir of 'Clin- ton Presbyterian Church, the choir of Kincardine Presbyterian Church, the •Mebnopol'itan Stores, London, the -sup- erintendent and nurses of S:cott Me- morial Hospital, Seaforth, as well as other Friends. The male quartette of 'Clinton Presbyterian Meech led :in the singing of the hyitius in the ser- vice at the home.: Surviving are the farther and mother, three sisters and one brother. The sense of loss which is felt by the entire comniunily was amply manifested by the large num- ber present at the service. Mus. '0Rev.) W. Bremner spent the week end with 'friends in St, Thomas and 'Flint, (Mich. a ,Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Harry Snider on 'Monday were the following, Mrs. QDr.)D'ott Broaclbridge of De- troit and Misr Beth Forrest and Mr. Forrest'alt Clinton. ' Master 'flames 'Burdge who was un- der the doctor's care last week, is im- toving. 'Miss ,A• sisie McNrattgleton who spent he Easter holidays with ,her parents, eturnod to .London. Normal on Mon- ey, Mrs. T.'iDayman' wed Esther re- urned Monday after spending a week with friends in London, '11'1'iss 'Erma Broa.d'fo'ot, graduate of Macdonald •College, IGuelp'h, ;left on aturday .for 'Hamilton (General 'Hos- ital, where she will take up pupil work for the alma two months. 'MTs. L. Forrest, returned .to her lame in the village last week after pending two weeks 'with ;her aunt. 'Mrs. 'W. C. Uarcdsborough Of Port Credit who still continues seriously 11, her many friends in !BrttceJfield and icinity,will regret •to hear. .MTs. A. T. Scott who wa's in an uto accident 'least week in London, is till confined to her 1'00111. Her :many riends -hope to soon her arotmd again s she had no bones broken. Mir. and Mrs. J. ,Rat'tettbury and amily of Burlington spent their Eas•r r holidays at the 'tome oT the form- tt's parents, Mr. amid Mrs. (W.!Ra'tten- ury, Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider and family awe the sympathy of -their many rlenidls in the loss oT their son and rather •Flarry; whose death occur - ed last Saturday in Scott Memorial o(spital, 'Seaforth; 'Mhere he was est d ate 'on for a' end'icitis th ' pre - ion's e re pp ions !Saturday. TUCKERSMITH. Mr. 'Clayt'on Martin, teacher at 'Englehart spenit file holidays with 'friends, returning on Saturday. Miss ,Margaret 731ac'k has returned Mrs, R. McDlonaid hay returne haute after visiting (her daughter, Mr W. C. Green. Mrs, John Hay, who spent th winter with her son James, is visi ing her daughter, Mrs. Annie Cole man of Tuckersmith. 'Mrs. John McLachlan spent th week end with her parents in Sea forth and Miss Jean MoLachla spent the week end at her home i Tuckersmith. • • Quitea number of the young folk attended the Staffa- dance last wee attd all report a good time. A number of farmers are taking in the spring show this week, .Minutes.—The Council of the 'Fawn ship of Tuckersmith met in the town hall, (Seaforth, on Saturday,: Mar, 26 all members present. :l'totions,—Mc Kay -Brown, -That the minutes of last meeting be adopted. Brown McKay.—That by-law- No; 4. 1932, to estimate and provide for road ex- penditure for 1932 the sum of $9,000, be ,passed and a copy sent to the Dept. of 1Highways. Brown-johns.— That rown-1Jo'hns:That Geo. N. Turner, treasurer, is hereby authorized' for and in the name of the Township of Tuckersmith, to draw, accept sign and make all bilis of exchange, promissory notes, che- ques and orders for the payment of money, to pay and receive all moneys, and to give acquittance for the same, attd, generally for and, in the name and on " be'half of tie ,said Totwnship of Tuckersmith to transact with the Do- minion Blank any business hetray think fit. McKay -Brown, -,--That 3{'c - Lean Bros. be paid $87.'35 fon printing and advertising. MclKay-Brown. — TThat Bylalw No, 5, 11932, to borrow $16,000 +from the Dlontiuion Bank, ' for Telephone purposes be ,passed. Brown afdK'ay,—That the Clerk procure .a copy of the Municipal 'Act for use of the Council. folios -Clark. -That W. J. Tinatigan be paid $49.53 for supplies for indigents. John's-McKay.—Than the time 'for the Collector to return the Roll be extended to the 1st day of May, ;and all taxes •renvaining un- paid on that date be subject to a fur- ther penalty of 5%, being in all 8% and that the 'Treasurer return certain properties to the 'Countty Treasurer for collection before April 8th. Brown +MeK1ay.—lRe com,mun'icatiou from, Hibbert Council in regard to appor- tion'men't o!f 'Hibbert-Tuckersmith boundary, this ,Council ' appoiint the Reeve and Road Supt. to meet any members of the Hibbert Council" at a time and place agreed u.pon. Brown-' MdK'ay.-T'hat T. G. Shillittglaw be paid 410:00' for superintending the •buildierg and erecting the new cable line from 1Heusall north on the Lon- don road, and all 'work in connection 1lteretrith. Bro(tvn-'Johns.—That the' following accounts be passed: J. J. Huggard, affidavits, $1; ,J. C. Reinke, balance .salary, $50; R. Dalrymnple, pay list No. 2, $35,22 S. W. Archi- bald, erg. feels Shepherd Creek Dr., $3137; Mun. World , Ltd., supplies, $9.19; J. Fin•gland, collecting Mullett, $3.57; F. 'Treffiry, reb. taxes. $12.50; W. 1PCBeat'h, 'freight. $5.415; Mrs. k. Feeney, reb, tax. lot 2;7, 'eon, 113, lH•ib., $15; Standard Underground Cable Co., material,- $23175.91; Workman's Compensation 13d., insurance, $14; Dom. Road Math. 'Co,, blue print's, $4; Can.' Tel. & Supply Co., material, $13.37; Strotnlberg Carlson Tel. Co,, material, .$1.13'115.0'4; $ell, Tel. Co.. L. D. messages, $76.70; W. Mc,Beath, Wages, $137.50; Johtie Mokay,-=That the Council adjourn, to meet on the last Saturday' of April, --D, F, Mc, ?segos, Clerk,