HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-31, Page 8Thisfhiskreeder, WithEvsry IO06oF PatinaStotiegFeeds. an You Afford Li TO Take a Chance" 'WHEN YOU D!O/N'T HAVE TO ? In the old days, every poultry owner "took a chance" on raising chicks. He had to. There wasn't any°S'U'RE way of feeding. If' he raised. 75 out of 100, he considered. himself lucky" "iday, you don't have to "take a chance." Sn fact, you can't afford to, unless you are keeping chickens "just for fun." 'We carry a feed that takes 'all the e e out of chicki raising, so far g�as the smg, feeding is concerned -Purina Chick Startena. Ask any of your neighbors, who have fed Startena in past years So many of our customers have told US about their success with it that we are urging EVERY customer to feed it this year. Time and again, we have had reports of customers raising 90 to 95 chicks nidi of every 100, and of getting the cockerels away weeks earlier than they ever did before -while broiler prices were still high. • Chick Feeder FREE We're so certain of the satisfaction Startena will give that we are offering a chick feeder FREE with every bag -as long as our supply of feederra lasts. These are thelatest improved type of feeder, that keeps chins from wasting feed while they're eating. And we're selling Startena this year at a lower price than ever before. Look below. Order your supply before the feeders are all gone. Today's Purina Price -3.10 per cwt. with feeder. '1' Thomas Dickson SEAFO.RTH £v/fl CT.44(( POULT•2Y,YOUrr ti'/TH PUR•/A;: ME -SO -FIX TO PRc-11E47 0/FE915 HENSALL, Miss Margaret iMcLaren. of 'London spent the week end at her home here, Mr. (Lester Fisher 'of !Windsor was a holiday visitor at his home. Mr. Edgar ,Stewart of !London vis- ited over the holiday at the Thome 'of Mr. and Mrs. David (Foss, The many friends of Mr. Edgar McQueen 'will be sorry to hear he is confined to his ,home with a severe attack :of sciatica. Miss Beryl Pfaff of ILondon is spending the holiday at her 'home. Miss Jean Campbell and brother Ikehit, of Toronto, are vieitiitg at th home of (Mrs. Thos. Murdock, Easter services were observed i our local churches on (Sunday 1'as and special music and sermons were given for the occasion. At Y unemMr.byMissMabelAtgivenRenniewasRev.theandwas.givenofintendsmovethelogs.Itbushdead.ahere.his a thebeingMr. lastwas " , timid .cattle bong shipped. The many friends of Mrs. Norman 'Cook will be sorry to hear she is Con - h fined to her room through illness. Mr, Harold !S'cru'ton of (Port Db-verspent the week end with his mother here. Mr. Harold :Shepherd of !London spent the holidap---with his father John 'S'hepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming of Lucan spent a few days this week visiting with friend's in 'town. tIvrr. ` and Mrs. George Hess spent %he week endwith relatives .at De- , I trait. e M'i'sses Mary 'Mc'Itaig and Lulu Lindenlfie'id visited friends in town n on•4Sunday, • • t Mr, and Mrs, Wm. ,Morton .of De- troit were week end visitors with rel - e1 atives here. 'M'iss Nellie Carmichael df Exeter and 'Miss :McCurdy of !Hibbert .spent a day last week at the theme of Mr. and Mrs.:D'onald McKinnon. Miss Mae Aberhart spent the week end at her home in Ses'forth. Miss Beryl !Drummond is visiting friends fu Toronto this week. IThe Welfare Youth 'Club of the Carmel ,Presbyterian ',Church held their regular meeting on Monday 'ev- ening. After the opening exercises the Bible lesson 'was read by .Muriel :Hoskin, followed by- a paper on Dr. tMargaret Strong, by Mrs. 'R'oy Mc- Laren, after which a selection was gi- ven by Messrs. Melvin Moir on the banjo and Fred. Daters on the violin, accom'p'anied by Miss Blanche .Mus- tard on the piano. A paper on the Grticilfinion was read by ,Mrs. R, Y. IMcJLaren and a very ple'asin'g solo was rendered by 'Miss Annie •Huiser ,accompanied by Dorothy Daters on the guitar, =after which the meeting closed with the 'Mizpah benediction and a social hour was spent in games and contests. HARLOCK Miss Lydia (Reid is upending the Easter vacation in Toronto attending the teachers' convention. Miss Marjorie Mc'Ewing who was. home with the flu, returned to her work in. iSeaforth Wednesday of la's't week. Master James McHwing spent Sat- urday with ,his cousin, Master W'at- son Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parsons ' and Miss Ent attended the fune'r'al t11 Mrs, ;Pars'ons' father, the late Mr. N'oble Adams, on •Tuesday, of fast week. Sin- cere sympathy is ex+leoded to all the friend's. Mr. Wm. Leiper is spending the (Easter H'olid'ays at the Home df his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Leiper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson spent last 'Thursday evening at the home o'f' Mr. and mfrs, Thos. Knox.' 'Miss Amy Parsons was--sitkmost of lash wek'ivith tad at- tilt, but We THE SEAFORTH NEWS . are pleased to know she is better Miss Mary Reid of Parkhill is spetlding the Easter!holid'ays.`With 1s brothers,. Messrs, Angus and':, David Sincere sylnpathy i;s extended to family also all the other friends of late f Mr, 'Williafn W;elis- of the concession, whose funeral took p ,Monday of this week' 'Mr. Those !Knox spent a tfew, this week atthe home of his son, and Mr's. 'Wan, Knox ,of Grey:. Mr. Robert (Ferris attended, the 'surance meeting' in Sea'forth one last week.' < Mr. Harold 'Beacom srentt part last week attending to the Work his • brother-tin-'lla'w, mfr. J'osep'h L near Londe'sboro, who was slick the ,flu,,but`is better again. (Intended for 1a'st week.) Airs. A.1 W. Beacom and her a Mrs: Emnterslon, returned hone day of last week after spending couple,of ,weeks in Grey, owing to sic'knes s and death ofh t e fare t nt'ather, the 'tate Mrs. Pearson ,cere sympathy is extended to t Beacons and family, also other frien (M'i'ss Edythe Bea'co'n, who has b home sick with the flu last week, turned to school in Clinton on M day. Mr. JamesWattof Blyth visited the home at his son,' George and .M 'Watt a few days the first part ,off 1 week and at the Roane of his son and. Mrs. Watt a couple of days • flatter part of the week. IMtaster Watson Reid started b to school this week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Knox of Gr and Mrs. Jennie and Ernest Km Visited on Sunday at the h'o'me of M and Mrs. Thos. (coax. :Mrs. Wm. Rogerson and Kenne relturned to their home oe'ar Brae 'field last Thursday after s'pen'di nearly a couple of weeks at the ho o'f the foriner's parents, Mr. and M David 'Reid. +Mr. Bert Beacom was in Clint Monday barbering for Mr. Hern, was off work for a few days. Mr. Wm. Ferris left on Wednesda of last week for his.home near Hoyte Altta, He had a. very pleasant thr months 'visit with his parents, Mr. a Mrs. Robert Ferris and brother, Reec also With all his other friends and of flint neighbors. - Quite a number o'f families in thi neighborhood have been very sic with the flu, but we are pleased t hear they are all on the mend. Mrs. Thos. Knox spent a few day the first of this week in Clinton o'win to Miss Lily being sick. BRUCEFIELD, The April meeting of the Women's A's'sociation will be held at the hone of Mrs. David Tough on Wedne'sd'ay, /April d't'h. The topic, "Pauline Jo•hn- stony" will be taken. by Mrs. Walter Moffat. All the ladies of the congre- gation are invited to attend, Mr. R. McKenzie is h'o'lding an auction sale, Wed'nesd'ay April 6, of h'ouseh'old' effects. Mr. McKenzie and family intend leaving for Detroit shortly. Miss Kathleen )Elliott is visiting friend's in Bayfield. Miss Gladys Addison attended the Arts Ball held in Hotel London on Thursday eelening.of last • week, Mrs. A. T. Scott visited friends in 'London last week. Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Brenner vis- ited friends in London and 151. Tho- mas last week. Mr. T. IH. Wheeler, who has been quite illi and under the doctor's, care all last week, is now in a fair way to, recovery, his many friends will'be 'glad to hear. Master Harry Snider was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Se'aforth, last ISaturday and operated on for appendicitis; the last word was that he is improving nicely. Mr. Lorne Lawson of Toronto and flte the 14th dace . sys Mr. in- daY of of yon with tint, , Fri- a the er's S Vlrs ds,ecu re- on - alt rs. act Leo the sok ey lox r. the ng me rs, on who y r,. ee an Mrs. Busby of Chatham visited at the home of their sister, Mrs, J. Dav- idson of Tuckersniith, last week. Visitors who spent Easter in our village: Mr. )Ald'ie Mustard, of Tor- on'to; M'is's Eleanor Snider, of Kin- cardine; Miss IreneSnider, Mr. Alex. Addison, of London; Mr. Webb, of Lu'cknow; Miss Emma McID'onald of Goderich, Mrs. Alex. McKenzie • returned to her' 1home in the Tillage last week af- ter spending three ,mon'th's with friends in Sault Ste: 'Marie, Philadel- phia, Washington and other points. ,Shc was accompanied Chrome by her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and ''Mrs, R. Townsend 'af Cleveland. ' KIPPEN: The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be held on Sunday, April' 3, at 11 a.m. Pre'p'aratory service will be 'held on Friday night at 8 .p.m. IThe W!M1S. meets on Wedn'e'sday, April 60h at the manse. The • Gauldi M'is'sion Band held their Brasier 'hhrankoffer.ng an Friday evening last. Lantern slides on the life of Christ by Wm. Halt were, shown: ,The Young People are Planning on having their anniversary on May 155h, v1r, George Maynard, who has s'pen't several months at Mr. Albeit Harvey's, started for the West again ISuitday'Moritlfng• We all Wish George i5 fmewilm THURSDAY,. MARCH. 31, 1932, a safe and pleasianit journey,'b Mt and Mrs, Herb, Glazier are visiting at the thome of M. and Mrs, Thos. Butt• Miss MildredWork' en spen't a day in London rece'nttly. Mr. , Etnerson S'tnilith has beonifff,laid off for a few days with a bad cold, ibins W. Hayter spent a few days milder the parental roof. ,Muss 'Crate Cootper has •been laid up with the flu. , Mr. Rolliert Elgie Jr, spent a few days last' week at the home of his sister, Mrs, Homer -Hu'n't. Miss Anne MdNaughitonwhohas been attending Normal alt London, is. home for the holiday, Mr, Dance.Norris of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of his par, eitt5, Mr. and lfrs. Joann Norris. Mrs. Thos Dlayanait and daughter Rather are visiting friends in , Lon- don this week, Mr, Robert McJNhugltiton, ` teacher in Talbot . Slt, Sichool, • Londion, is spend'i'ng the week at his home in Tu .Iter s lith • A great manly in this coanmunity. have been and are laid up 'wi'th severe cold's and oonlfineld to :their rooms. 'Miss 'Etta Jiarro'tt of Toronto is Spending the Easter vacation with her P• areuts in the vtldage Mr. (Lloyd Workman of Oshawa is visiting with his parents and o't'her friends in these' parts. Mr. 'Gilbert Jarrott, Clarence Mc- Lean and Harvey ,MtcIC4y'ntont orf Landoll .'spent the .week, end in the burg. Mr. John "Workmau twilit has been confined to his room for the past month, is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. (Wm. Ivison spent!, Easter with friends in. Peterborough. Mr. Wm. Harney is busy ,preparing; to erect a new theta to`replace the one 'destroyed by fire lately. Mr. Robert Parsons is laid up with a severe attack of blood 'poisoning in his .arae.. Onion Production. 'Oniori' growers in Southwestern Ontario fengoyed a fairly success!ful year in 1951, but they fear that 'with the low prices in other line's of farm produce, there may be too many go- ing into onions. An, effort will be made by the co-operative association to limit the acreage this year. It is painted out that last year the Erieau _marches were again cultivated and that con's'iderable acreage was add'e'd for that reason, Weather counteract- ed the expected, increase, however; and the co-operative was able to :place such surplus as was at hand, A. market glut is feared this year if the inexperienced' grower' should at- tempt onion production. • 123 Red (Clover Entries. What is reported to be a world's record entry of red clover seed, ever ex'hibite'd at any exhibition or fair, was the achievement Of the Ot- tawa Valley (Seed Growers' Associa- tion, according to George R. Plater - son • of the Ontario Marketing Board. At the annual seed fair held by this organization in iHawkeslbury, March 16 to 18, one (hundred and twenty- three individual lots of red clover were placed on; display in two 'classes. 'There were 48 entries in the certified class, and 75 in, the open class. 'That the quality of ' red clover ,produced in the Ottawa Val'le'y is second to none, might be realized from the fact that, on o'Afi.ciai analysis, over forty of the total entries revealed ab- solute 'freedom from '.weed seeds and over eighty per cent. graded No. 1, Much of the success enjoyed by the growers in this district its cer- eal's as well as, rel clover, has been due to the establishment of well- managed, seed cleaning plants. Asthma Doesn't Wear Off Alone, Do not make the mistake of waiting for asthma to wear away by itself., While you are waiting the disease is surely gathering d -stronger' foothold. and you live in danger of stronger and yet stronger attacks. Dr: J. D. tKellogg's. Asthma Remedy taken ear- ly, will prevent incipient condition from becoming chronic antd saves hours of awful. suffering. CARD OF THANKS • Mrs. W. D. II'o'ag and famtilyw'is'h to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for kindnesses shown them dur- ing their recent sad bere'avemen't, FOR RENT 50 acres pasture land, ,N% lot 10, Dos. 2, Hli'bbedt, good pasture, with never failing spring creek. Rent rea- sonable. Apply to P: •DITILL, Dublin. 1.5 FOR SALE ;Four young cows, to freshen in Ap- ril.' Apply jto WM. ILIVIIINGISTO'N, Phone 247 r 34, Sea'foriyh. 13. SPECI'A'L PRI'OES 'Special prices on Sunworthy Wall- paper April 2nd to 9th, 20c, 25c, 30c, 36,c .per rolls. GIRIAtVIFJS' VVIALI.IP'A- PE!RST;OIRE, Seaforth.., W'AN.TED Wanted bo :buy; a gander. M'R'S. J(OIS: ii IALIOINIEY, IRR. 5, Sea'forth, or phone 40 r 22, Dublin. 1;3 Want and For Sale 'Ads 1 time 25c air ItAS4RY RLOUR 4 24 1'bs, fort. 9 c FREISHI, PORK C a SAT IOAIGE, ,per lb. a�44, MEN'S WiOiRK SHIRTS Gdod Quality MEWS HEAVY, RUBBER BIOIOT'S, per pr, 3 00 Sephoy MANITOBA FLOUR 9'8 pounds' , , ..:2435 RED ROSiE & LLP- ," TO!NIS TEA, lb.. , vtdr,, Bull Dog OVER AL'LS, 1 er` pair. , 1.49 HEAVY WOOL, SOCKS Men's, .PARA 4 Oath w J. FINNft Reinolds&Canteion Announce the Opening of British American STivico Statioo, Barago We respectfully solicit your patronage at our Service Station and Garage, which will open for business -on Monday, April 4th. Moderate charges, prompt service. Gas, Oils, Coal Oil.' Fender Repairs and Wedding a Specialty GODERICHST'R'EET-EA'ST, SEAFORTH. PHONE 27 WORK WANTED I JamesSimmons,Seaforth RJR: 2, desires work by the day or year. Phone 6 on 233. 15. CLOVER SEED FOR SALE !Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover 'Seed for sale. Phone 40r14, Dub-li'n, Lot 6, Con. 4, McMillan; NIICHIOOLAS, J. K RAUls'KIaPIF, Dublin, R'R. 1. 15, AUCThO'N SALE Of Hou'sehroid Effects at Brttcefield on Wednesday, April 6th, at 1:30 sharp, consislting of the followings Velour cheslter!field suite, living room table, Axminster rug 8'%x101/2; Axminster rug 3x6, day bed, phono- graph and records, radio, bed outlfit complete, dresser, breakfast set of table and 4 chains, electric table lamp, Cdlentait gas'oldne lents,ki'tche'n range, ice box, baby's high chair, baby bed, hand washing m'aoh.ine al- most mew. Complete set dishes ('Mart'ha Wash- ington), fruit jars, child's wagons, kiddie car, pictures, 5 ft. cross cut saw, tables, dishes, pots, pans .inti other articles too numerous to item bion. Alslo 1926 model Essex Coach, in good condition. Terms -Cash. • IR. M'clKen'aie, Proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Auction Sale FARM ,STOOK, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS I11'i5': G H. Elliott, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the under- signed to sell by public auction at North half .Lot '5, Concession 4, 'Mc- Killop, on 'FRI'DA'Y, APRIL lst, 1932 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the &allowing: 'Hlorses-1l bay mare, 7 years old, sound and right; -1 bay gelding, id years old, sound, Cows -1 'black cow, 10 years. old, Supposed to calve on June 27th; 11 'Hereford cow, due .April 12tth; 1 Her- eford heifer due April 271h; 1 ,bl'atck he'i'fer, Inc'April 07th; 1 yearling steer, 1 heifer calf. 'Pigs, ---,1 good York sow, due April 30th. Hen's -About 35 Rhode Island' Reds, all one year old. About 10 tons hay; a quan'tity of yellow bllos- edm clover. Harness -+One good set heavy team harness, backhand; :half set p•Ibugh harness; 1 set single harness. Machinery. -One ' good wagon, cut- ter, steel -tired buggy, barrows; drill, gravel box, hay rack, stock rack, democrat with ,stock'rack;''wheelbar- row; eveners; crow bar, forks, Shov- els, shot gun, tools, woo'd. ' 'Furniture.: - 1 Happy 'Thought cook stove, '1 good sideboard; 2 white iron 'bed's with mattresses and springs, -1 dresser rand stand, half dozen kit- chen chairs, 1 ro'cker,'1 couch, some dishes -and fruit, .a host of abet articles too numerous to mention. ,Sale terms are strictly cash.. Louis O'Rourke, R.R. 1, Dublin, Proprietor; Get. N. • Elliott, :Auction- eer. THE Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Co'y. FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Our Classified Fire Rates on Farm Buildings of First Class 'Construction are a- mazingly' low. Windstorm Rates will sur- prise you. Special Rates to Farmers for Auto Insurance For full particulars, con- sult our local agent. J H. Scott Box '142 Phone 336 SE'AFARTI1 GRASS FARMS TO RENT 50 acres, Eyi lot ,,4, con. 3, Tuck-' ersmith, Huron Rd. Survey, also 166 acres, bot 04, on 3rd`concession, Hib- 'bent Two, Grass farm. Apply ' to 111OIHIN J: DALTON', Dublin, Phone 9,17 Dublin Central, PAPER BANGING All ,work guaranteed. Prices reefs- arable, ' ,For your next job see A. 'CAIJVIEIRT, George St., 2 bitscks east of Library, 14 CHICKS FOR SALE. S. IC. White Leghorn Chicks $1D per hundred; (Barred /Rocks $12 per, hundred; rBiack jersey IG'iiants, $16 per hundred. Chicks 1properly 'in- cubated in a Jamesway ''Incubator. My supply is limited so plate your order now. 'I also > have for sale one hot air Prairie State Incubator 40l5 egg tsize; ,one ‘'En'4onia 400 egg size', hot water; two Wisconsin 250. egg size hot water, all in gond condition. Will sell cheap for a quick sale. HARRY KIEHNE, Bornholm, OisL r.r. 1, Phone 52-23, 15 FOR SALE. Comfortable Cottage situate ;on EasIt God5raeh Street, 'Se'a'f>ort'h Forin erly occupied by 'lyIrs. -Clara • 'hd Cllusloey 'Celowley. IIm'medfa'te Possession can f be gives. For further parlticu'lars ap'Pay to IL S. HAY'S; Sebk'orth, :Ont. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per Iib 2¢c Eggs, per doz. Tc-lle Potatoes, per bag 3¢c' Bogs, per cwt,