HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-31, Page 4g'34'GE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers WALTON. Mr. George 'Barrows of Pierson, Mane who leas heel'' spending the Winter with his mother, Mrs. J. Bar - 'Taws, and other relatives, has arrived safely, at his home in the West. Mr. Kenneth Jackson, who spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs G. W. Jackson, bas re- turned to the'O.AC., at Guelph. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. TUCKERSMITH. The S'ch'ool Report for S. S. No. 9, Tuickersmnth far March is as follows: IH'onours 75%; Pass 60%. Jr. DV,✓Robert M:eiLauhlau 72. Sr. 1181.-Bo:b'by Gemmell 68, Glen Houston 63, Kate Dalrymple '55. Jr. I0lt.-!Billy Pctryell 70, Jack Mac- kay 66, Will Hodgert 45. Class III.--1Frances Elgie 85, Helen Houston 717, Doris Mackay 67. Glass L-1B'ruce If+odgert 61. Primer Class -Jack Powell (Very 'Good), Frank Ryan ('Good). Number. on Roll, 13• Average Att- itendance, 12. Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. Report of Easter examiftation's for '.S. S. No. 2, tTuckerstnith, An. aster- ?-isk 'before a pupil's name indicates ,one or more exam'ina'tions missed. 'Sr. IDV. -Gladys McKenzie 81, Norma Hevener 70, Ruth Watson '66, Bruce MadGregor'58. .Sr. 'IIt81,-Theda 'Watson 74, 'Edna Mae Dayman 70, Olive 'Smith 67 2, Dorothy ,Deitz 67 Ronald l adGre - -or 66, !Doreen 'Cooper 60, 'Bernard McLean '57, Mona Smith '53. Jr.11111.-Edison •McLean 12, Arthur Field 52, Mildred. Deitz '(absent), Sr. 11I.-Ka'thleen 'MacGregor 77, Don Cooper 64, (Donald Cayman 62, 41B'laache Watson 60, 'Grace Schilbe and -Robert !Field 53 (ties), 'Wen - meth McKenzie 50, 'Ray Cooper '47. Jr. 'IT, Esther Day Tian 76, Gwen- •dolyn -Cooper 75, 'Billie !Sproat 74, Kathleen 'Schilbe .64, Marjorie Smith 60,1Wiliie "Whitcombe 51. Jr. 'I: Jeaa Sohilbe and Jack Deitz (ties). Promoted from Sr. Pr.•to Jr. "L -Joe •McKenzie, Boddie Cooper. Sr. ,Pr. -+Eldred Moffat, 'Ronald 'Cald well. Jr. !Pr.-ildabelle !Watson. Best spellers for February were: Gladys McKenzie, Edna +D'ayman, Theta -Watson, tDonald tDayman, Esther 'Dayman. 'Best' spellers for 'March were: Gladys McKenzie, Doreen 'Cooper, 'Donald 'Dayman, Esther Day- -man and .B•illie'Sproat. Dorothy ;Deitz 'had greatest number of days with perfect Arithmetic in 'February and ':Edna Dayman in 'March. Number on •roll' 36. Average attendance for Feb- 'ruary 34.4. Jean E. McKenzie, Teacher. WINTHROP. The Ladies' Aid meeting will be 'held at the home of Mrs. Irwin Tre- -wartlia on Wednesday, April 6th. A very large crowd attended bhe euchre and dance in the hall'on Tues- day night. The euchre .prizes were won as follows: Ladies' 1s't, Mrs, Mel- vin Clarke; lone hands, Miss Rita 'C'amp'bell; men's, first, Austin Do'l- 'nnage, lone hands, Jim Hogg. Mrs. Geo. (Eaton and iMiss Thelma IHeist spent Tuesday .with Mr. and. tilts. Foster Bennett, ,Huron Road, Mr. Neil Montgomery spent Wed- nt.esday with friends in. IBeigreve. Mr. Tim Eaton spent Sunday in 'Stratford. The Winthrop 'hockey team visited 'Brussels and won by a score of Win- throp 5, Brussels 4. A euchre and dance will be held in the hall on Friday, April 8th. ' 'Misses Lydia Reid and Bessie Hil- len are spending the week in Toron- to, attending the O.E.A. BLYTH. 'Miss H'aze'l Pelts of London visited ,over the holidays with her parents, "ilr. and Mrs. John. Petts, .Miss !Bertha ` Brogden of. London 'visited with her sisters, Mrs, W'il'liam Lyon . and Mrs. D. Floady, aver the 'hol:iday,, Miss Jean Rath of Toronto is spending the holidays with 'her fath- er, Mr, Wni, Rath. Mr. R. Woods of. Stratford is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cartwright. Miss Annie Maines of Toronto spent over Easter' with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. john Maines. Mr. Lyle Robinson Of (Humber- stone, Miss Lois Robinson of ,Strat- eierd Normal and •S'tewant Robinson of Gestarich, were visitors with their par- ents, R. H. and Mrs. Robinson. Miss'H'aze'1 Petts of London 'sp'ent. over the week end with her parenrts, Mr. acid Mrs. J. W. Petts. Mies' A. M. :Maines of Toronto spent some days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs• J. Maines. ,Miss 'Bertha Brogden o'f London Visited her ,sister, Mesdames +Floody and 'Lyon over the holiday. `f ittle 'Fratecis 'Jiohns'ton is visiting Clare and Irene .Brutisdon, Clinton;. She was 'accompanied by her father, 'Mr. Harry Johnston.' Miss Muriel Wilford of Whitby -Ladies' ".College, spend her holidaysi Come in and See r New -and Used Cars I Am Agent For Durant Cars & Rugby Trucks Massey=Harris Machinery JOHNVand [R�e`ppiLLO�`airs i' (� fl AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS' All Repairs and Labor Cash. ]Cleave 85%. jr. 11V.-At'a Steckle 74, Kenneth Etre 64, Mabel Hubner 51. Sr.IId.-Bertram Oarnie 84, Robt. Turner 66, Mary Snowden 50, Len- ard Etue 39,' Jr. IN. -Violet Turner 81, Buelab Ducharme 65; Jimmy 'Cleave 65. IIlI.-;De1'ores IDuchat',me 70, Vel- ma 'Martin e'lma'Martin 66, 'Earl !Eine 60. 1st---Emuta'Martin 66, •Pt. -.Dona Ducharme, No, on IRoII-57. Mrs. R. F. S'cotchmer, Teacher, with 'her grandmother, ,'Irs. A, B. Carr. A cantata, "The Challenge of the Cross," was presented at the Queen Street United ,Church on Sunday ev- ening, those taking part being, ;Mrs. E. L. Anderson, Mrs. C. E. Toil, Mrs. E. Pollard, 'Ada Stackhouse, Gladys Fawcett, Ethel Taylor, Ruby Gibson and the choir. 'Those who attended the funeral of the late James D. Moody on Wed- nesday of last week from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. William Moo- dy and Mr. 'H'oward Volker of Kitch- ener; Mrs. John Macfie of London, r Mr. Ross +Rolhison of \et+=boyo. Mr. Reg. Argent of Welland teach- ing staff, is spending .his holidays with his parents, Fred and Mrs. Argent. Miss Elizabeth Mills was- successful in passing with honors the teacher's written examination in connection with the Toronto Conservatory' of Music, tried at the mid -winter exams at the Institute of Musical Art, 'Lon- don. This exam has been set in re- cent years by the Conservatory and deals with the physiological and psychological modern methods of teaching from the child to the atoll. Miss Mills has been studying with Mr. A. W. Anderton, Clinton. LONDESBORO. The 'following from Toronto spent Easter at their homes here: Misses Esther and -.Mary Jamieson, Gertrude Roberton, Myrtle Grainger and Irene Carter. Miss Jean Mains and .lire. Troop of 'Chicago spent Easter with their mo- ther here. .Mrs. Troop will remain for a couple of weeks but Miss Mains returned to the city Sunday evening. 'llTe are pleased to report Mrs. W. 'Brunsdon is much improved after her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs, W. Tamblynand fa- mily spent the week end with the for- reer's' mother here. A great many of our villagers have the Ru but at present none are ser- ious. Miss Mary Wood of London spent the week end with her parents here. Miss Verde Watson of G'oderich was home for Easter. Miss•Ansett returned from bhe Go- derich hospital much improved in health last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. E. Stevens and chil- dren spent Monday with the former's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. John Nott. Miss Brigham of Windsor is spend- ing this week at her 'home. Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Sarnia were guests at the manse on Sunday, Mrs. M'dBrien of 'Seaforth is visit- ing with, her sister, :Mrs. H'arbey. Matting bees and flu are the order of the day in our burg. Miss Barr returned horn from Bay- field on Friday last after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. King, Mrs. John Fingland is spending this week with Goderioh friends. VARNA. The many friends of Mrs. Clark will be sorry to know she is still in bed and not improving as we would like to see, Mr, G. Pilgrim of Palmerston spent the holiday's with his father, Mr. C. Ptlgrim. {Seeeral•in our vicinityare suffering sug with a severe cold, Sapsuckers are busy these days and report a good run. .Miss M. Reid of Baylfield spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. F. Weekes. The' many friends and acquaint- ances o'f Mr. and Mrs. Roy D'owson congregated in the hall on Monday night and after tripping the light fantas'tic toe, the young couple were called to the front w'h'ile Mr. William Marshall read a fitting address, while they were presented with a pair of wicker chairs. We wish the young couple bon voyage through life. Messrs. Epps and Sons are kept. busy clearing the highways o'f snow. Mrs. McConnell has returned home after enjoying :a 'trip to Bermuda. 'Mr. M. Elliott. made a shipment of live stack to Toronto, S'a'turday. The Library euchre and dance held on the 17th was very well attended considering the amount of sicknesis +throughout the country, 'Mrs: Z'a'p,he of Brucefield won the Ladies' Prize, and Mr. J, Coultis, Varma,,,,wen Abe Gents' prize, Proceeds amounted' • to• .$24, STANLEY. :Mr. and Mrs, Ruskin Keys of East Windsor and Mr. Stewart Keys of Toronto spent Easter at the home of their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson Keys, of Babylon line. Miss Grace Robinson and Miss He- len Anderson of Clinton Collegiate are spending the Easter holidays at their respective homes. Mr. Mervin Keys of London Uni- versity and Man I{eys of Seaforth 'high school are spending the holidays at their home on Babylon. The Y.P.'.S..of Goshen and Blake will hold their regular meeting at the ,Blake church on Friday night. A special feature of the program will be a debate, subject, "Co-operation vs: Competition." Mr. Lloyd Scotchmer, who took a truckload of live stock to Toronto on Monday of last week was snowbound there for over a day. He arrived home safely on Wednesday evening. Miss Margaret Tough is spending teeter week with her parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tough. Miss Olive Brock of Hensel], is spending the week with her friend, Miss Jean Carate. The wintry snow of the past three weeks is yielding rapidly to the warm March snn. The Spring binds are returning unusually early. The great blue heron, a warm weather bird, has been here for several days, while rhe supple form of the ground hog can be seen scampering warily from hole to hole. Young People Meet The regular meeting of Goshen aad Blake Young People's Society took the form of a St. Patrick'e socia: on Friday even- ing, !Larch 18th, when about 45 young people were delightfully entertained by Rev. and Mrs. Poulter, The manse was beautifully decorated in Irish co- lours of green and white with Stream- ers, shamrocks and harps, which add- ed much to the enjoyment of the ev- ening. The meeting was opened by singing the hymn "Come, Let us sing of a wonderful love." Prayer was then offered by Mr. Poulter. Another hymn was sung, "•O'li Master, Let Me Walk with Thee," followed by com- munity singing, led by the president, IMr V,r,ill Robinson. The program cdmmittee, Miss Margaret Douglas, convener, Alberta Finley, : Margaret Rubinson and Bill Clarke, had charge of the games and contests for the ev- ening. Lunch was enjoyed by all pre- sent. Miss :Margaret Robin's'on spent the week end"with her friend, Miss Marg- aret Chuter, of Varna. Mrs, Alex. McConnell of Varnaand her sister, Miss Esler, have returned to Varna after a pleasant trip to Ber- muda. Mr, Edgar Snaith is spending a few weeks with his aunt, Iles. Hindes, of hear Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Len Talbot of Bay- field, spent Sunday with Mr, and MTs. W. J. Dawson. On Friday evening a service was held in Goshen United Church, the theme being in keeping with the day. The Goshen W.M.S. held their reg- ular Monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thos, Robinson on Tuesday. !$lake branch of the Women's Mis- sionary Society held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John 'McBride on Wednesday afternoon of last week, Des'p'ite the condition of the roads a good attendance was re- corded, Miss Alberta Finlay, Presi- dent, conducted 'the .meeting. - 'The meeting' was opened by singing, : fol- lowed by prayer. The, Scripture lesson was then read, after which the roll was. called and routine business; transacted. Mrs. Roy. Lamont and Mrs. John McBride read a chapter of the Study Brook on Korea, after which Mrs. Pouiter led in prayer. The meet- ing was brought to a olose by a brief' song service and repeating' the Lord's- .Prayer in unison. After the meeting a dainty lunch ; was served by Mrs. MdBride. Mr. and Mrs. R. W; Delgaty, of IBaydield, were the guests of Mr. anti Mrs. J. A. Carne on Wed'nesd'ay last. 'There was a goodly attendance of the Rieke Young People's. Society et the Si. Patrick's Social held last Fri day evening at the parsonage, Varna, ;January and February evidently for- got to function normally, . but March', is running true to form. 1 The following is a report of the. examinations held at S. S. No. 4 (South). . V. - 'Mary Campbell 86%, Anna • McKILLOP. • Following is the report of the Eas- ter exauun'attoes for S.S. No. 6, Mc- Killop: Sr. IRT-Maudie Sparking 78% Evelyn Hoegy 76%; 'Jr. 'IV. -Vera Duffy 68%, Helen Elliott 67%, Glen Pryce 53%. Sr. PIiI.-!Leslie Pryce, 71%, *'Gerald OlHara 55%. Jr. VIII. Rita Duffy 71%, Mary Pryce' 63%,' !Everett Beermann 61%, Ma'rie.H'oegy and ' Beatrice Pryce 60% (equal), *Rita Ryan 5S%, Hazel Sperling 56%. Sr. LI.-IWiibur Hloegy 77%, Audrey Beurnvann 62%. (Promoted to Jr. PIIL) Bob1Duffy 46%. Jr. E. (Promoted to ,Sr. IIID Louis H'oegy 72%, *Leo .Ryan 70%, Gordan Beur- .mana 58%, Billy Little 57%, Alvin 'Beurntatnt 55%. L (!Promoted to Jr. PI)^Iren:e Oonnolly al%a. Pr,. Jean Pryce, Rita Sloane and Melvin Bette - mann (equal). Anotia Dale, Teacher. Report for S. S. No. 16, ilTdKillop, 'February and March. !Sr. I'V.-El'iz'abeth Howes 66%. Jr. IV.-' Francis Coleman 72%. Sr. hPI.-(Walter MacMillan 80%. Sr, P,L-Gladys Broome 83%. L - Spencer Broome 85%p, Rosa- mond Appleby 81%, Mildred Aitehe- son 81%. Pr. -Keith Harrison 82%, George Hart 80%, Gordons M'dGill 7S%, .Mar- ion Appleby 77%. Promoted from First class to Jun- ior Second -,Spencer Broome, Mildred 'Mecheson, Rosamond Appleby. 'Promoted front Printer to First class -Keith Harrison, George Hart, •Gordon McGill, Marion Appleby. (Perfect attendan'ce during month:- Gladys onthrGladys 'Broome, Spencer Broome, Walter MacMillan, ' George Hart,. Keith Harrison, S. M. Richmond, Teacher. The fol'loowing is the 'school re- 'p'ort front Christmas to Easter of S. S. No. '8, 'McKillop. Names in order of merit. Fifth 'C'l'ass. -Edgar 'Elligson, Mary Murray, 'Fergus McKay, Raymond Murray. Junior Fourth, - I -tarry Regele, !A'delittc ,Siemon, Clement !McKay, Oscar Elligson, Mervin Manley. Senior Third. --Iris 'Kleber, 'Mildred e ennewies, Vincent 'Murray, Dan Manley, Harry .'Bennewies, Harvey Koehler, Joseph Eckert. !Junior Third. - 'Bernice 'Manley, Vera Leon'hardt, ,Dominic Murray, !Gerald 'M'dKay, 'Aaron K'fstner and 'Olesta Jlohnsun '(equal),''Carl Siemon, Mervin Dietz, Sylvester J'ohns'on. Second 'Class, - Morley Koehler, Della Eggert and 'Ray'mon'd' Kleber (equal), Annie Eckert, 'Joseph John- son, Robert IB'auermann. First Claes.-Stephen McKay, El- mer Kleber, Margaret Eckert, Dor- othy Sohenb'orth and +Cyril Johnson (equal), Harold 'Dietz, 'Thotnas Mur- ray, Stephen Manley.. Primers. -Alvin lEiti•gsou, Florence tLeonlhabdt, Lea Johnson. No. on roll 42. Teacher, )Helen 'Delaney. The fallowing'is' the report of S.S. No. 7, M'clKiilop, for the Easter ex- • atninations : Sen. IV. -!Dorothy Hall 88%, Mar- garet Turvey 83%, Boyd Driscoll 85%, Jimmie Balfour 76%. Sen. BBL -Kathleen Leeming 71%, 'I-8arold Hudie 68%a. 'Sen. I2, -Willie Leeming 70%. Sen. 1. -!Alma Somerville 85%. The highest' number of stars during the months February and March for Spelling were: •ISen, IV. --Dorothy Hall; 'Sen. IIIII.--Kathleen Leeming; Gen. I'L- lW'iltie Leem'i'n•g; Sen. I. - Anna Somerville. • 'Cora F. Strong, Teacher. ST. COLUMBAN. The following is the report of the Easter examinations of the Junior Grades for U.S.S.S. No. 3, . Hibberd and M'clOil'lop. The names are its or- der of merit, Entrance Class: Irene McQuaid, Thomas Melady, Benedict R. Hol- land. lechsent during exams- al'a 0'. 'Sullivan, Lillian M'iles. Junior IiV.•-Edward Roach, Jack Cronin, Fergus Me'lady. Absent dur- ing exams-Ai'bert Hart, Margaret Murphy, Jose'ph OtReilly, Senior L1111. - Louis O'Reilly, Wil- fred McQuaid, Isabel Roach. Absent -'Mary Hart. Junior II1Q, - Jack Roach, Patrick Cleary, Lenore Rttstin, Conrad Hol fend, Francis O'Reilly, Ralph Mur- phy, • .Second Glass. - +Elizabeth Roach Patrick O'IS'u'/ti:van, Gloria Holland Petrick M'cGra!th, Mary O'K'eillee THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1932. illes Modern Method of Cleaning , 'Gives Yeu Sanitary Garment Cleaning YOUR GARMENTS ARE RETURNED TO YOU ODORLESS, AND TH'OR'OUGHLY CLEANED, NOT JUST TOUCHED UP. Our charges for cleaning are low, quality considered. Every. order for cleaning is done under our Guarantee. ..I'f -for any reason it is not satisfactory, we will refund your money. It is not the guarantee, iso much as the quality of cleaning that makes the guarantee possible. LADIES' RICE ,LIST- o MEN'S PRICE LIST - Dusted & Pressed .50. .50 50 Guaranteed Cleaning Dusted & Guaranteed Cleaning & Pressing Pressed 'Pressing Suits 1.25 .50 Suits .. . 1.25 Coats 1.25 .500 )Coats, spring, ,1.00 Dresses, cloth 1.00 .50 Coats, heavy ..1.25 Dresses, silk1,25 Caps .. . 25 Hats, Felt....35 Hats . .50 Sweaters . Sweaters .... .50 .50 Slippers .25 Ties 15c; 6 for 75c illespie's Cleaners.... Dyers,.t.Tailors SEAFORTH RHONE 196 )CHARGES PAID ONE WAY ON MAIL ORDERS WE CALL FOR AND ° DELIVER JUST PHONE Mildred Murphy, Mary Murray. Ab- sent -'Joseph Hart, Angeline Ruston. Part II. -James Roach, Doris Rus- ton, Mary Doyle. Primary. -!Loretto Roach, Eleanor McGrath, Patrick Hart, Jim Cleary, Arthur Murphy, ' Basil O'Reilly, 'Agnes O'Sullivan, Margaret OiS st- livan. Dies in London. -_The funeral of Miss Anna Fortune was held here on !Saturday. She had passed away in London on Friday tnorning in her 7185h year, having been born in Tuck- ersmith Towns'h'ip, where she spent her early years. Some years ago she went toLondon to reside. Deceased was the youngest of the family, four 'brothers, 'William, Luke, John .and R2obent, and three sisters, Mrs. T. !Devereaux, Mrs. M. Dorsey and Mrs. J. Downey; all of this district, having predeceased her. The funeral took Plage Saturday afternoon to St. Col - =ban cemetery .and was largely at- .tended by neighbors and. friends. Miss M. Fortune was a visitor at M. Down'ey's over Easter. -Mrs. J. Bruxerspent a few days in St. Colunvban last week. The fol'lo'wing teachers are home •for the Raster holidays: lAstme Dal- ton, Margaret M'dGrath, James Lane of B'ratttford, Edith Miles of Guelph, 'Mildred and ,Gertrude McGrath of Waterloo, Agnes McGrath of Bam- burg; Helene IFlanmery of Linwood; 'Th'omas McQuaid and Charles Ma- lone of Windsor; Lucy Burke of London. Mary McGrath and Rose McQuaid of Toronto . spent Easter at their. homes here. Mrs. F. -j. McQuaid of Stratford has returned to her home after.spend- ing , the past oou'ple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs: James McQuaid.` • Miss Hannah Downey o'f Saginaw, was 'here over the week end attending the funeral of her brother, Neil Dew ney, who was buried here on Satur- day last: Miss Mary Hart spent Saturday in Stratford. Mr, James McQuaid is wearing a smile. '"I't's a girl." Miss Angela' gena Eckert of Seafor'tlt spent Easter with her grand parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connor oif Hibbert. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Feeney and Mr. ward= Mrs. Dan Cronin were Goderioh visitors last week.. STAFFA Miss Marzette Sadler of Whalen is spending She Easter holidays with Iter parents. 'The Y. 'P. of the United Church attended the Easter Rally of Perth Presbytery in Stratford on Monday night .Messrs, 'Janice Norris, Clarence Norris and Fraser Oliver .of Toronto and Hamilton Universities returned. to their studies alter spending the Easter holiday with friends and rela- tives. 'Rev. Mr. Parker of Heu,sall held Good Friday,_, services,,.. in Graced Church. CONSTANCE. Riley -Cook. -,A quiet wedding was solemnized in 1St. Paul's Anglican Church at Clinton on Wednesday, March 23rd, when Miss •Mary 'Cook of Goderich township was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Riley of Con- stance, The ceremony was performed by the Rev, Mr, McGowan at four o'clock in the afternoon. The bride was attired in a gown o'f new blue georgette, with slippers, hose and purse of blonde. Mrs, Martha Ell- wood, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid„ while Mr. Thomas Riley of Clinton, supported the groom. Din- ner was served at six o'clock at the home . o'f the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook of Goderich town- ship. , Only the immediate relatives were present. The bride's table was decorated in pink and white and the bride's bouquet, The happy couple will reside in Constance with the best wishes of the community. 1.-‘ Mr. attd Mrs. John 'Riley and Mips Winnifred Riley of Brussels spent the week end et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grimoidby. There will be an old time dance in the Forrester's hall on April 8th, Do not forget the date so all come and enjoy yourse'lfses. Mrs. James McFarlane of Goderich township is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, A few friends_gabhered' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Grimoldby on Wednesday evening of last week to celebrate the seventy-second birth- day of Mrs. Grimobd:by's father, Mr. Benj. Riley of Constance. The even- ing was spent in progressive euchre. The winners for the best prizes were Mr. John Mann and Mrs. Thomas Pollard, while the cotssolation prizes were mon by Mr. Harold Coakley and, Mrs. George Riley, M'r, Epheiaru Clarke is in To$onto this week attending the sessions of the O.'EA, EGMONDVILLE. The Peppy Pals' Mission Band held their last regular meeting on Saturday, Manoh 26th in the basement of the church. The meeting was brought to order with .qu'iet music by the pianist after whiieh the president, Betty 'Smith, read the call to worship, "He hears each S'on'g of praise and listens when we Pray," after which ;hymn 40 was sung. Laura Stewart then read the 2t3rd psalm, During the business per- iod it was decided to have a thankoff ering this Spring, We then sang hymn 436, after which Grace Wallace read the girls an` interesting story, '"A B'oy'who Wondered and Found Out." The study period on Japan was then. taken by Lilia'u Ri:ehardson. We then' sang, "Jesus Wants the for a Sun- beam," and, the meeting closed by, all. repeating the Lord's prayer. DIED. HUFF'MAN, '- In. Seaforth o u !Wednnes'day, March 30tih, 1932, Hugh Robert Hsffman, aged 37 years. ,The funeral (private) will be held, fromthe residence of his. father, Mr. (Henry Huffman, Gouinl'ock street,, Friday, April 1st, 1,