HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-24, Page 8TillSOzEIS
A 7`1AF
FE". -DEV.
2 3,00r WASTE
Neons'' t.'( A•s' HltlCN''FEED
A5 01E.• DID 4411TH
TtjE Ol t7' -FSEDxb�
I Lmproved=type ChickgFeederF
Bag of Purina Chick Startena
Here's the biggest bargain we ever offered. Purina Chick Startena
at the lowest price we ever, quoted, and A FEEDER FREE WITH
EVERY BAG. (As long as our supply of feeders lasts.)
Latest -style improved feeders that prevent chicks wasting feed.
Will save pounds of feed in a season.
Startena raises a bigger percentage.of chicks and grows them
faster than any other starting feed we ever sold. Gets the (broilers
away before they "eat their heads off," and gives the pullets a start
that brings them into lay a full month earlier than the average-witlh.
plenty of size to stand heavy production.
That means a better price for broilers too -getting them away,
early -and an extra month of pullet laying before Christmas.
Don't take our word for it. Ask any of your neighbors who has
fed Startena. We'll wager nine out of ten will tell you the same thing.
But don't wait too long -or our FREE FEEDERS may be all gone.
Sanitary brooder houses ward off disease. Disinfect with Purina
Cre-so-fec. Purify the chicks' drinking water with Purina Chlorena
Thomas Dickson
Miss Nellie Carmichael of Exeter,
spent the week end with friends here.
Misses Etta and Marie B'ell under-
went an operation 'for the removal Of
their tonsils an Saturday at Dr. Coll-
Mrs, T. D. Wren is able to be out
again after her recent illness.
The many friends of Mrs. Alice
iJoy'ut will be sorry to hear she was
stricken with a severe attack of pleur-
Miss Olive Harris spent the week
end with friends •here.
Mrs. David McLean returned home
last week after a pleasant extended
visit with relatives in Red Deer, Alta.
also Chicago and St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Solcian of Ham-
ilton are visiting with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sold -
Mr. Fred tB'on'thron is able to be
out again after his recent illness.
Services in the United Church were
well attended on Sunday last, The
occasion was Palm Sunday. Rev.
Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit
and in the evening Mrs. Maude Hed-
den rendered a very pleasing solo. I'n
the Carmel Presbyterian Ohurch, Rev.
!Bernard Rhodes of Exeter had charge
'ing was given by Miss Mattie Ellis,.
A very pleasing guitar solo was ren-
dered by Mrs. Russell 13roderick, fol-
1'dwed by a solo by Dr. Smillie, after
which an instrumental wa's given by
Misses Grace Brock and Gladys
Passmore and an interesting drama,
"Why we never married," by four-
teen young people, fo'ilowed by a vio-
lin solo by Dr. I. Smillie. At the close
of the evening a dainty lunch was
Death of Mrs. George Wren. -The
death occurred very suddenly on Sat-
urday morning last of Mrs, George
T. Wren, in her 69th year at her late
'home on N. Richmond Street, after'
several weeks illness. Mrs. Wren was
in good he'alth up to a few weeks ago
when she was stricken with pneum-
onia and from which she failed to ral-
ly. Her maiden name was Eliza
Fitzgerald, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs, John Fitzgerald' of 'Chisel-
'hurst, and was born on the old Fitz-
gerald farm at Ch'iselhurst 169 years
ago. Besides her bereavedhusband
she leaves to mourn her loss one sis-
ter, Mrs. John Chambers, of Chisel-
.hurs't and one brother, George of the
(West. The funeral took place on
Monday afternoon last, interment in
the McTaggart cemetery, and the
Rey, Arthur Sinclair having charge
of the services and delivered very ane
of the services,
addresses at both services.
Mr. Milne Rennie of Seaforth called
Mrs. Herman Dayntwas confiu- on friends in town on Monday.Monday.- t
ed to her room, the latter part of last Mr's. Hennessy of London spent 's
week. teh week end with Mr, and Mrs. Gar -
Miss Irene Hoggarth is visiting for
several weeks with her sister in Tor-
' I
Moved !to E Mc'Kitfop.
Mr. Duncan. ,ble'Cowan, who has
:been a residett't Of, 'S'tattlley township
for a number of 'years, has Moved 2 to
,the farm that he recently ptlrch'ased
in MGKildop,
Buys Shearing Machine.
1\2r, Joint MadFiarl'ane, of ,Maple
stockfarm, Stanley, lies pnrcha'sed' ' a
machine'for shearing sheep. Itis the
(first of -the kind in the district,
Leaves for London.
Mr. \'h E. Hamilton, one of the
,best known residen'ts of Blyth, ; has
taken a position with a London real
estate firm and will leaveshortly to
live In that city.
Receives Good 'Figure.
Mr. John Chesney- of Hallett re-
cently ,purchased: from T. J. Berry the
well known °horseman of Henasalil, a
fine draught stare, 'five years old, for
Which he paid- the sum of $240.'
Hensen Business Sold.
'The general store business in Hen-
sel awned by Mr. Wm, Bawd:e'n a'md
conducted by S. Hamden and Wan.
Cook, las been purchased by Messrs
Thos. Boyle and Wm. Wilson of Ex-
Gasoline Barrel Explodes.
A peculiar accident happened in
Hensall at the Nome of Mr. Jahn
Clark. - He had recently purchased
an empty gasoline barrel which he in-
tended using as a rant" barrel but,
strange to say, the' barrel exploded
and as his housekeeper was standing
near, site was unfortunate in receiving
injuries which resulted in her arm be-
ing broken.
Has Applied for Patent.
Mr. Win. B. McLean of iHensall has
invented and applied for letters patent
in Canada and the United States',' an
adjustable heat con'veyin'g, heat re-
gulating, ventilating, dust and fire
proof stove pipe thimble. It has been
tested and is a thorough success, is
'fire proof and will have a tendency to
lessen the cost of insurance, and can
be kept absolutel'y clean without any
New Bank Opens.
There was a branch of the Western
:Bank opened in Dublin this week and
they are doing a rushing business.
In the West.
The 'following communications
were received at the office o'f The
'News yesterday from readers in the
W'es't: A large party of l'ocaters left
!Edmonton on, March 22nd, for the
west to the Rocky Mountains,
A:niong the parity were five Huron
boys, A. McIPltale, D. Stevens, E. P.
(Paterson, T. Neis, D. R. Fisher. This
is a trip which few obtain. "The party
will be away nine or ten mon'ths.
-tF,rotn Salmon Arm, B.C.: On
T'hursd'ay night, March 15.th, I was
burnt out, five minutes after we cou'l'd
not enter the house. We saved the
furniture downstairs, but lost our
clothing and bedding, To Make mat-
ters worse .the insurance expired' a
short tine previous and I had not got,
it renewed, -Yours truly, L. R. Rav-
en, Saluron Arm, B.C.
-On Friday .last word was receiv-
ed here that Mr. Thos, McDonald,
son of Mrs. Mc!Dbnald, of the 2nd
concession of Mc]Killop, had died
from -the effects of .pneumonia, in
Milestone, Assa. It was just nine
Clays since Mr, MclDbnald left here,
having sAii e t the winter mouths visit-
ng at his home in this district. Be -
ides his aged mother he has a sister
Mrs Jlosep!h Morrison, formerly of
vldKfllop, noiw of Milestone, and Mr.
D. MdD'on'ald also of Milestone, who
is well known by Seaforth people.
Death of Capt. J. S. Roberts,
!ht is our sad duty to again chron-
icle the death of another of :Sea!forth''s
well known merchants in the person
of Mr. J. S. Roberts. In Mr, Roberts
Se'afortlt has lost a citizen highly res-
pected and one for whom his 'many
acquaintances ,had always .a good word
to say. The late John Sydney Rob-
erts was born at Roden �('no'w called
Sterling) in H?as'tings county, in 1646.
He received his early education there
and when 17 years old he enlisted
,with the N.Y. cavalry of the United
States army and served with that reg-
iment until the conclusion of the Civ-
il War. On .returning to Canada he
joined the (Hamburg Volunteers' und-
er command of Capt. Goodman (now
:of Parkhill) for the su,p'pressiont of
the Fenian Raid . He has always • ta-
ken an interest in military nt'atter.s
as on his conning to 'Se'afonth he join-
ed the ,Seafortlt Company of the 33rd
Regiment and rose to rank of Capt.,
retiring, only a few -years ago. He
(first commenced the drug business in
Mitchell where he was apprenticed to
Mr. J. W. Cull. He removed to Sea' -
forth in 1873 buying out the lhisine'ss
of Mr, J. 'Seatler, front that time to
the time of his last illness he was ac-
tively engaged in the business.
:Mrs, George Smale returned home
'last week . after spending several
weeks with friends in Port Stanley.
'Miss Mattie Ellis has been confined
to her 'home with the flu,
Miss Jean Bonthron of Guelph is
spending a few days at :her home,
(Easter Sunday will be observed in BAYFIELD.
our local churches 'on Sunday next.
Special sermons and music will be The Young People's Department
given for the occasion. of St. Andrew's United Ohurch met
Messrs. Neision Blatchford and on Thursday evening the 10th. The
Chas. Jinks are on the sick fist this Devotional period was followed by a
week. ,business discussion. Albert Woods.
:There is considerable ill'ness in the and Murray Grainger were selected
district although niostly from severe as the debaters to .represent the So -
colds and the -flu. eiety. The Topic "What can the
The Wohela Class of the United reading of, poetry do -for me" was
Church Sunday school herd a St. Pat- given by I's'abeel Kirk. After some
rick social on Friday evening l'as't Community singing the meeting ,was
with a good crolwd present. A good, closed with a hymn and benediction.
program was provided and Mr. Jack :On Saturday, 'March 12th, at the
Corbett presided. After the opening manse the. marriage of Mr. Dalton
exercises a solo was given by Mr. Elwin Schultz to Miss Weil (Hooper
Sam Rennie followed by' la playlet, (Harding was performed py Rev. R.
entitled, "Alt Affection of the Heart." M. Gale.- alley were attended by Mr.
after which as instrumental was given Reg Schultz and Mrs. David Stoddart,
by Mr, Lorne Elder. Following a 'both'.'of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs.
reading by Miss Mildred Smillie, en- :Schultz wdid make their home in Bay -
titled "The'' Colon'el's Exiperienice," a field for the present: We extend con -
solo vvas given by Mrs. Maude Hed- gratulationts,
den, followed by a violin solo by Miss
rGreta Lensmie, after which a read -
net Case.
Large crowds attended the Ohau-
t'auquas here this week, despite the
great amount of colds and flu epide-
mic. On Mbnd,ay evening the pro-
gram opened.
Mr. Albert Spencer, is confined to
his home through illness.
Let us have the names of your visitors
'Mr. Audrey ( Knox returned hone.
(S'aturday after spending a few days in
(Greywith his brother, William and
Mrs. Knox.
Mrs. Wm. ;Rogerson and little Ken-
neth of near Brucefield visited at the,
home of the former•'s parents part of
last aitrd`ithis week. While Koine she
took the ' flu but is getting better. Her
mother, Mrs. David Reid is at :Pres-
ent sick with the fid.
Miss Marjorie 'MoEw'ing who has a
.position with Lawyer Hays in Sea-
:forth came: home Saturday with the
flu, but we are -glad to hear she is gest,
ting better,
Miss Edythe Beacom is home from
Co'l'legiate in Clinton with cold or flu.
We hope she ,will s'ooutrlbe able to gest
back to school.
Master (Eddie Bell of Clinton Col-
legiate, was home sick part .of last
Harlock school has been closed for
nearly a week as the teacher, Liss.
(Lydia Reid was sick with cold and flu
but is better again.
Quite a number -of the 'families in
the neighbor'h'ood have been. ('aid up
with Cold and flu, but are getting bet-
The Beacom 'family and Mr. aied
Mrs. Joseph Lyon at'ten'ded the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Pearson of Grey
on "Saturday fast.
'M'r. Thos, Knox is at present laid
up with sore back.
Mr, and Mrs. Simon. MoVittie ani
'tvllr. and Mrs,'MoTa'ggart of near Wal-
ton motored 'home from Toronto last
Mr. Wm, Rogerson of near Bruce-
ifield visited on. Sunday at the hone of
Mr. and !MTS. David Reid.
Messrs. 'Willia'rn and Reece Ferris
visited one everting last week at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Knox.
The Misses Doris and Helen Lear
are visiting ,:their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Simon MciVittie, this week.
APr. and Mrs. Joseph Bewley of near
Walton spent Tuesday at the h,osne of
the latter•s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Ferris.
Winter is here in her very mo's't
becoming attire and has not yet hinted
how long she may stay, but just the
sante we rather enjoy a "one horse
sleigh" -ride with the o'l'd time chimes.
'An epidemic .of 'weddings has brok-
en out in our community and there's
no telling when or where it may stop.
The Lenten service which h'as been
conducted each Tuesday night, in St.
John's Church, at 8 o'clock, will com-
mence at 7.10 Thursday night
(Owing to the severe snow storms
sugar ,making has to .haft for a time.
Report of No, 14 Stanley for lFeb-
ruary and March:
Sr. I'V,-(Elsner lHlayter 66, Margaret
Jones 65, Wilmer Jones 59, 1Wesley
Jones 58, Alex. MclBeafh 57.
Jr. IIV.-+Audrey Cochrane 69, Har-
vey Hayter 68, Harold Jones 68, Aub-
rey Farquhar 56,
Jr. IIIc. -Mary Farquhar 64, K.a'th
leen Jones 61, Marion ;Kerslake 57,
George Clifton absent.
Sr, I1.1. -(Eric Switzer 59.
Jr, UI -Ernie Talbott and Mervin
IH!ayter '70, Donald Switzer 65, Ken-
neth McKenzie 55.
Jr, i -Lois Ra'thwell, Eileen Hay
'ter, Jean Speir.
IPr,-tMi'dred . Jones, Donald 'Ale
:Kenzie, Alvin Kerslake.
INo. on roll 24. Average attendance'
for February 21.48.
.P. C ?enfold, Teacher.
A 'Household Medicine. -They that
are acquainted :with the sterling pro-
perties of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric O'i1
in the treatment of many ailments
'would not, be without it in the house.
It is truly a household medicine and
as it is effective in dealing with litany
ordinafy complaints it an inexpen-
sive"•med'icine. 'So, Iceep., it at hand,
as the call for it may conte most tin -
Want -and For Sale Ads, '3 times 50c.
THURS'DAY,''MARCH 24, 1932
Breakfast Bacton by the piece 13e
Bade Bacon, 'by the piece ldc
Cottage Rolls,.( by the ,piete 13c
Fresh S tis sec per pound „ 130
Eggs , per doz lOc
Pink .S'ahnon,-per tin, 8c,
Peas, per till' 8c
Oorn, per tui . 8c
large fin, dad.' ....... ......................... 8c
Odod Wheat, per bus.. , 65c
Men's 'Work Shirts, good weight .. , .. , . i . ... . , .„ „ „ ...., „ , . „ , 69c . .. . . 69c
Cash Prices Only,
10 York pigs, 7 weeks old, :in first
class shape, also' 30 pure 'bred Black
Jersey . Giant pullets. 'Apply ' to
JIN10. B. HYDE -Lot 8,. Con. 2, Stan-
ley, Phoute 1i1 on 86, IHensai'1.
'50 acres, E'% la 24, con. 3, Tuc'k-
ersmith, ;Huron Rid. Survey, also 100
]acres, lost 24, .on 3rd concession, Hib-
'bent Tw.p. Grass farm. Apply to
JOHN 3. ; DIAILIPOIN, Dublin, Phone
917, D'ublin;Cetrtrai,'
' AN work' guaranteed. Prices reas-
onable, ,For your next job see
A, 'CALV1EIR1T, George St., 2 ;blocks
east of Library. 14 I.
A quairtity of seed barley, also a
quantity Of oats. JOHN WALSH,
r.r. 1 Dublin, Phone 40-120, Dub-
lin. 1.2.
(Practical housekeeper wanted for
small fanil'y with no children. 'Light
nursing. Apply to The News Office.
-'S. lC. White Leghorn Chicks $10
per hundred; (Barred Rocks $12 per
hundred; ,Black Jersey :Gilants, $1.3
per hundred, Chicks (properly in-
cubated in a Jamesway 'Incubator.
My supply is limited so place your
order now, II also have for sale one
hot air Prairie State Incublator 400
egg 'size, one•Ea-touia 400 egg size.
hot water; two Wisconsin 250 egg
size hot 'water, all in good condition.
Will sell cheap for a quick sale.
HARRY 'KIEHNE, Bornholm, Ont.
r.r. 1, Phone 52-23. 15
Of Furniture and Household Ef-
fects. --Fred W. Ahrens, . auctioneer,
has ,received instructions from the
undersigned proprietor to sell by pub-
lic auction at the Lutheran Parsonage,
'Brodha'geu, on .Tuesday, March 29th,
commenting at one obclo'ck sharp,
the following: Mc'Clary range, near-
ly .new, with pipes; kitchen stove,
Quebec heater, sideboard, with mir-
ror, large writing desk with back
shelves; 2 large book .shelves, 3 iron
bedsteads, with springs and ma't-
trestses; wooden beds'te'ad, child's
cradle, coal oil shove, wiltlt oven; kit-
chen ca'bine't, %vith flour boxes; small
'ki'tc'hen table, wood boxes, arch for
lawn, Eureka one -wheel- garden culti-
vator, lawn mower, 4 hotbed windows,
sprayer,' about 15 feet rubber ]rose, 2
rubber chains for car, parcel carrier,
buggy seat, 2 hay forks, 'bicycle, 5
gal. coal oil can, about 100 jars, 4 coal;
oil lamps, coal .old heater, electric
washinig machitne. About 30 good
ycut g henr Y g s a quantity of mixed grain,
about 1 ton hard coal, lawn swing,
pruning shears, a quantity of potatoes,
ra'co'on fur coat, lady's fur lined co'a't,
black fttr capes, pair fur mitts, a
host of o't'her articles too nulnerous,
to ,mention usually found about a
house. Terms cash: Avetioneer's de-
cision' •final in case of all disputes. No
reserve as everything must be sold as
the proprietor is moving alway, Rev.
Johit Alberti Prop.; Fred 'W. Ahrens,
,Hatching eggs from blood -testa&
Barred Plymouth 'Rocks, headed, filie
heaviest _egg strain cockerel. techs
early, Price 750 Per setting of 15 eggs:,
Limited 'supply. HAROLD CUD-
MIOIRE, Hensel R.R. 1, ;Out. IL -
'Com'fortable Cottage situate ea
East.'Gode'rioh Street, Sea'fortlt, forth
erly occupied r by Mrs. Clara 'itis
Ciuskey Crowley.
Immediate pos'se'ssion: can be givens.
For further particulars apply •to- BL S.
HAYS, Stealth, -Ont.
Wawanesa Mutual
Fire Insurance Ce.
Canada's Largest Mutual.
Insurance Co'y.
Our Classified Fire Rates
on Farm Buildings of First
Class Construction are a-
mazingly low.
Windstorm Rates will sur-
prise you.
Special Rates to Farmers
for Auto Insurance
For full particulars, con-
sult our local agent.
J. H. Scott
Box. 142
Phone 336 SEAFORTE
'1 Doherty piano, 1 heavy platform
10)015 ft., 6 large chairs, 90 ken.
chairs, 1 Standard clock, 1 kitchen,
cupboard, stove, 2 boilers, rnasre'
sink, etc„ 14 card tables, electric fix-
tures, 1 good furnace, 1 heater, clefiee
rack, mirror, etc., sanitary closet, 2
small pool tables. Apply CHAS. E..
(SILLS, Sety. TT
Butter, per lb....... .... .....- illfic
Eggs, per doz. • 13th
;Potatoes, per bag ......... 3
Hogs, per cwt.
When ' you want an animal
removed, 'phone us. If: hide is
on, we make no charge for col-
William Stone Sous
Phone 21 - _ •IngeraolNl
Phone 215w -Stratford'
"Old Crusty takes the Air ":
Presented at Chauteuaoa,
Reserved Seats for the, Chautauqua on sale at •Aberhart's