HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-17, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1932 THE SEAFQRTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE IFIOOD FOR THOUGHT. A national authority on Food values states that variety is an essential featureof any wells planned, healthy meal. Your Superior Store carries a complete range of the choicest foods at attractively low prices. 'Ph!one your orders early for these week -end specials, Remember our slogan- , WE SELL THE BEST FOR LE'S'S. Items for week ending March23rd. .SUNLIGHT SOAP "a pure yellow soap" 10 bars 49c c QUICK QUAKER OATS, "thinner flakes, partly 20 c conked 'Ige, pkg. OLD HOMESTEAD No. 3 SIEVE PEAS, "Tender and Sweet" 3' ties 2 ,CALIFORNIA SANTA CLA-RA PRUNES S c "An Economical Dessert" 3 lbs, eda EAGLE CONDENSED MILK "makes healthy babies" R+., d �+ ELECTRIC BULBS, 25.40 or 60 Watt tin • each 9 c Derby Loaf 'Cheese . , ...:... , . , .... per lb. 25c Manyd'owers Toilet Soap "the cold cream soap" 3 cakes 17c Unicorn. Red Cohoe Salmon, s 2 tins 29c; 1's......23c C'arntatiou Evaporated Milk, small....3 tins ..19c; ..1ge, 2 tins 25c 'Chocolate Bars, any kind ................................. 6 for 25c S. O. S. Cleaning Pads ......small 114c; large ..........23c Chloride of Line Targe 10c Glacier Sardines "Canada's Best" per, tin 10c 'Magic .Raking Powder,...:,. 8 oz. .,..,..23c; 1'6 oz. ..36c Interlake Toilet Paper . 3 rolls 25c tW'hite Cross Toilet Paper 2 rolls 25c Oxo. Cubes small • 13c; large 25c ,IRoyal'York Tea. .4's, 28c; l's S5c ?Royal York Coffee "for -those who want°the best" 1%'s. .,,. 25c; l's 47c Borden's Chocolate Malted _Milk, ...;5 oz.....29c; 16 oz. 49c 'Venos'Cough Syrup "effective and harmless" aper bottle 32c '.Superior Pocket Matches 1'2 boxes 19c Silva and Brasso small ..15c; large ....23c Kirk's Hardwater .Soap. 4 lge. cakes 25c 'Na'ture's Best or Aylmer Tomato Juice 3 tins 25c Shredded Wheat, Post Bran, Rice .Krispies 2 pkgs. 25c .Blueberries per tin 15c Crosse & Blackwell Catsup per bottle 19c Gum D'ro'ps per 18. 19c Bifti Ox Tail. Soup per tin 14c Natures Best Crab Apple Jelly 40 z. jar 33c Reckitt'sBBa'th Cubes ., per pkg. 5c Vaurlla and Lemon Extracts in 8 oz. Glass Pitchers 25c Favorite Cocoa in 1 Pb. tins, Gig value 33c *Peanut Butter in 2 Ib. glass barrels each 33c FREE ON MARCH 17TH ONILY. 1 Irish Clay Pipe to Every Customer. Call in. Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a • Dependable Reputation 1 8 YEARS • • • Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you-byfour services and highest market prices for good- cream. Creatn weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. D. H. McInnes ehiropractor Of Wingham, will he at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons D,seaaes of all kinds success- tully treated. Electricity used. BORN. CHUTER.—In ',Stanley Township, on Wednesday,' March 2nd, 1932. to Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilfred Clutter, a 'daughter. • BAK111R.—Tn Grlace Hospital, Toron to, on March 5, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Baker (formerly' of 1Blyth); a daugh>t'er (:Margaret Joan), . MAKES FIRST TRIP The highway snowplow made .its first trip of the wither on Thursday afternoon last as did also the town plows. Going has been pretty heavy at tines for motor traffic but never completely blocked. A commercial traveller told The News on Tuesday that he had spent seven hours bet- ween Kincardine and Goderich, hav- ing to use the shovel frequently, TUCKERS'MIITH •WINS CUP. In the two final games of the Mc- Millan Cup series, the total scores were Tuckersanith 3 and E'gmondville 2, . The game Saturday, night was Tuckensmith EgivondviUle. — 1. The game Tuesday night was Tutck- ersinith 1 Egmondville — 1. Tuckersinith wins the cup, Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is es- pecially recommended for spider, or. infection of cow's teat. Invaluable also n cases of spavins, curbs and splints. PLAYED AT GALT. A team consisting aof Roy" Mc- iGeocb goal; Jim Doig and Little, defence; Gordon Reynolds, centre; Bob Archi'b'ald 1 w.; Wilfred Cote- man, t.w. and Wilson Wright, Neil` Montgomery and Feig. Bullard. play- ed in Galt on Thursday, in the Henry Cup series, against Jerseyville, the latter winning by 64. TOWN TOPICS; ''11te many frri-ends of \ir. Charles Stewart are p'le'ased to see hintout again after being conlfine6 to his hone the past three months. Mrs, David Ross returned on Tues- day after spending the winter in Stratford. .Mr. J, A, We'stcott is able, to be out this week after being ill with the flu a few days Iasi week during which time his store was closed,. "Mr. Percy Macicl'ant has been con fined to bed with the fla this week. Miss Belle McCully of , Stratford called on friends in Seaforth and Clin ton on Monday, Mrs. Harold Best of Toronto spent the weele end at the home o'f, her too:. ther, Mrs; William Gillespie, Janee's street, • Mr. Charles Ross of Toronto is spending a few days with his mother, (Mrs, David Ross. Mr. Roses, who is a former member of the Toronto Po- lice force, :is with the Woman Lake 'G'oldlfields,'Developinent Co. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mr. William Wilson la's't Friday were Mrs. Irving Sutherland of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Glazier of Stratford Miss Jessie Wilson, of Kitchener, and Messrs. Ol- iver and Wilbur Turnbull of Grey township,, Mr. 'H; .I3'owes is still confined to his bed, after his recent operation, A very successful play was given on Monday evening by the Ladies' Aid of First .Presbyterian 'C'hurch $45 be- ing realized, The ladies have been requested to repeat the play in the near future. The residence of the late William \Vilpoo, on Market street opposite the furniture factory, will be offered for sale under the terms of his will. The executors are Mr. W. R. Smith of Seaforth and Mr. Turnbull of Brussels. - Mr. James McConnell of Toronto, who is spending a few days with :\Lr. and Mrs. Sullivan at :St. Columban, was a visitor in town on Tuesday, He is a former ,Hibbert resident, having lived on the farm of Mr. Peter 'Mc- 'Ivler. The Ladies' Guild of 'St. Thonnas' Church postponed their regular monthly meeting front Tuesday, ;March 15t'h, to a later date owing to the illness of members. (lir. W. I. Black of Londotr spent Sunday with his mother, 'Mrs. George (Black, Mr. Will Stevens, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Stevens, leaves on Monday to take over 'Stanley Sibthorpe's ser- vice station in Blyth, which he will. operate this summer. Mr. William Elgie celebrated his eighty-first birthday on Monday; '✓larch 14th. . Mrs. E. Combe, Victoria street,-re- cen'tly celebrated her eighty-fourth birthday. A•cc'ording to word from Camp 1111 No. 9, Kenora, received last week, the Seaforth then expected the work at their caanp would he completed and that they would leave for home on 'Tuesday the 15th. There was also a possibility of their working at an- other camp until 'the end of the month. The 'Godericln then returned home several weeks, ago. Mr.. Har- old (Hart who was in Dryden hospital as a result of an accident, was able to be at work again last week. A quantity of 3 -foot •ceinent tile have been moved during the week along the large ,West End Drain north of the railway track, which is at pre- sent open and will be covered in this summer. 'Little Miss Dorothy Taman while playing at the E rnondville school on .Wednesday at noon, unfortun'ate'ly suffered a broken leg. ' She was given immediate attention and is recover- ing nicely. 'Donald Scott, his made splendid recovery and was removedto : his home on Wednesday.' Mr. Sam Hanna and • Mr. Henry Hoggarth drove by cutter to 5taffa on Tuesday afternoon and a'ttende'd. the funeral of a cousin of the latter, tie late Richard Hoggarth of Cro- marty. `DEDICATED TO BETTER VISION THE SAVAUGE EYESIGIIT' SERVICE Seaforth. IF YOUR SEEING IS DIF'FICU'LT. Dim, uncertain, or done With an effort talking about it, or complaining, will not help a ,particle: You must IDC something. All that means is consult someone equipped to right these •wr'onigs, Impossible for -us to help you until you de- cide you want to be ,helped. Continued next week, Mr. Wni, Manson has been laid up this week, having had th.e misfortune to be kicked by a horse an Sunday. Hehad recovered sufficienitly to - be able to be out again on Thursday, ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Smith ` of Cobourg arrived Saturday and are spending a few days this week with the Eortitee.s father, Mrs. Smith of Sarnia cathe this week to visit her brother, Mr. Archie Ferguson, who has not been improv- ing since he suffered a slight stroke several weeks ago. 3ilrs. William Westcott is quite ill at her home on High street this week, requiring the services of a nurse. -Mrs, Robert Boyd, who has been ill for some weeks, is recovering, al- though unable to be. downstairs yet. Mr. George Seip is confined to his home with an attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fowler of the Huron High -way spent the week- end at the home of Mr. Archie Fer- guson. Mrs. E. Boyce of Bru'cefieldis visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fowler, Huron Road. Mr. Noble Adams celebrated his 89th birthday on Thursday, :March lb at the bonne of his son, Mr. Miller j Adams, MoKi'llop. • Mr.. Adams was 'born a short distance from Seaforth. NEW BOOK'S IN LIBRARY .'New books .which ,have been recent- ly received at the Saforth Public Li- brary: Fiction (Name of Book Author The Door 'Rinehart Green Mansions (Hu'ds'on IShad'dws on the Rock Cather iKittdied Flame Pedler' House of Dreams Come True, Pedler 'Sixth Journey . - Rosman •A \Paid in Waiting G'alsworthy The Story of Julian Ertz IA Jade •of Destiny Farnol Amateur Gentleman ,Farnol 'The Silver .Wedding .... Dell (Bull Moose (Cullum The Trail` of the Ring's Men, Denham On the Spot .. . .,Wallace Mian at the Carlton Wallace The ,Road Back`,......;,. Reina'rque The Listening Post ..... Richmond Whispering • Leaves Ph'ildip 'Finch's Fortune • De la Roche The Rock and the River .. Connor The Red Ranger 'Cody A 'Tangled Web Montgomery 111 I Were You Wodchouse The Silver Scaite Mystery ... Wynne Undertow Sutherland The Murder at ;Hazel -,Moor.. Christie 'Deputy at Snow Mountain, Marshall Broome Stages .. . Diane Singer of the. Wilderness ... Mavery IB'elle Mere . .... . . ........ Norris Mud Lark ... Stringer IFlalleve'r; of the Inland Seas, Durwood` ,Scaranrouche, the King Maker, Sabatini Non -Fiction Folk -tales of all Nations Lee II!west men t 'McKague New Russia's Primer , Marshall Makers of Chemistry I-Iolmyar:d :Treasure 'Seeking in Store Rooms of the Past Joynes The Handyman's Handbook, (Schaffer The Culture of Flowers Moore n I Id Time Concert will be given by .the Sunday School in North Side Church, Wed. Mar. 23 11'he Concert will consist of 'Choruses, Readings, Pantomimes, 'Tableaux, Drills, 'Vocal and instrumental Music, and will be of the nature that has delighted vast audiences in the past on Good Friday evenings. The talent will be entirely local, with new and pleasing • fea- tures introduced. You wil'I be repaid for keeping Wed. Mar. 23, open for this `concert, Tine -8 o'clock sharp. Admission, adults 25c. Children 15e You will enjoy the evening ,if spent with us. Open House , Deacon Mexico ....:. . ........... Chase JShirtail and Pigtail -Schroder The Fugitive in the Jungle, ' Mattenlclodt An Arctic Rodeo Streeter Juven Mary IJou .......... Bald in Judy Baldwin Rella of Ingleside Montgomery Pollyanna Porter Pollyanna Grows Up 'Porter Emily .61 New ilioon ... Montgomery Entity Climbs -Montgomery 'Emily's Quest Montgomery BRUCEFIELD. A/,tjoiot meeting of the U.IF.O. and U1FV;O. Clubs will be held at the home of Miss Munro:, Wednesday, March 23rd, at 2:30 pm, Taylor-Robins—A very pretty wed- ding took place at ,high •nokn on Wednesday, March the 16th,' at the hlonte of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robins of Brucerfield, when their eld- est daughter, Hildia `Lydia Beatrice, was united in marriage to Mr. Har- old John Taylor, eldest sou of Mr. IFrauk Taylor of Exeter, and the late Mrs. Taylor, The ceremony was per - ,formed by. Rev. W. A. Bremner of iBrucefield, in the presence of about thirty : guests. The bride entered the drawing 'own on the arm of her uncle, Mr. IWilliann Robins,- to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Jean Murdoch, and took her place beneath an arch of evergreens over which a large ball was suspended. The bride was very ,becoming in a dress of white satin, wearing her mother's wedding vei'1 embroidered with orange blos- soms. She carried a beautiful bouquet of roses with valley lilies. The bridesmaid was her sister, Miss Mildred Robins, . dressed in green crepe and carrying a bouquet of daf- fodils. The flower girl was another sister, Miss Elsie Robins, dressed in rose taffeta and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Janes Taylor. 'The rooms were prettily decorated in pink and: white. Following the ceremony a very dainty wedding din- ner was served. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents, The groom's gift to the brides- maid 'was a necklace, to the grooms- man a .fountain pen, to the flower giitl a signet ring and to the pianist a salad dish. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left in the -af- ternoon amid a shower of confetti and good wishes on a motor trip to (Sarnia and Detroit. 'The bride travel- led itr a green dress with hat and coat to match. On their return they will reside, on the groom's farm on the St. Mary's road east of Exeter. The quarterly birthday meeting of the W,MSS. was held in the school- room of the church with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Bremner took the de- votional part, Mrs. D. Tough read a paper on Stewardship, Mrs.; T. B. Baird read a letter which she had re- ceived, from Miss Gretta Mustard, from Gypsumville, telling about her work out there. Mrs, Addison then took the chair and opened the study for the day, Korea Youth and a New 'Day, assisted by Mrs. T. B. Blaird, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Mrs. R. Scott and Mrs. A. McQueen, after which the meeting was brought to a close by singing 255 and prayer.After the meeting a delicious lunch was served. Mrs. W. J. Stevens, who has spent the winter with friends in Mount For- est and, Listowel, returned home on Saturday. (The Ladies' . Association of the IBrucdfield United Church, held a very interesting meeting on Thursday af- ternoon at the home of Miss M. E. Swan. After the opening hymn, iylrs. rJamieson read the Scripture lesson, followed by the ,Lord's prayer in uni- son. A vocal duet, "Believe Me if all Those En'de'aring Young Charms," was contributed by Miss. Jean Mur- doch and' Mins. Alton Johnston, after. which Mrs. R'attenbuty gave a fine paper on St. Patrick. ,The roll call was responded to by a town in Ire- land, A social hour was then spent w'hfle The hostesses for the afternoon, Mrs. F. Aikenhead, Mrs. R. Allen and Mrs. 73. F. Berry, served a dainty lunch. Hard Time Social. --The Women of Brucefield Association just wish you to hear of their p'roclatmatien, how on March • the eighteen, for cents ten and !five,- a hard time social with tea, held in our church, don't you see, for you and for me, this Fun its to be, but in old clothes and patches come dressed, or for fines you will surely be pressed, the time to be seen is at eight1fi'llteen. Mr. A. Smith and 3sdrs.+Ales. Mow- bray of Btuevale were visitors at the home of H. Berry this week. STANLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Percy 'Johnston and sat, Miss Johnston and lir. D. J. (Stephenson, spent a few days with friends in Port Huron and Marlette, Mich. Home Cooknig Salenl5cijea a d The Ladies' Aid Society of First (Presbyterian Church are having a Hone Cooking Saie on Saturday, March 26th In the Toggery Shop, Seaforth. Sale opens at 3 o'clock A 25c Supper will be served from 4 to 7 o'clock.' EV'ERIBIODY INVITED. The Young People of Goshen and Blake, intend holding a St. Patrick social at .the home of Rev, and Mrs. Poulter, Varma, on Friday evening, March 1St h, Mr. Frank Boyce, who has not been enjoying good health, is at present eking tre'atmen't at Byron hospital London. We hope that he will be restored to his usual health. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle of K'ippen visited with friend's on Gosh- en line on Sunday. Mr. Bruce Armstrong of Tucker - smith spent a few days with his con - in, Mr. Elmore Stephenson. The following is the report of S.S. No. S, Stanley, for the months of Jan- uary and February: Sr: IV—Isabel Robinson 76,4%, Dorothy .Armstrong 61.1%. Jr. IV. --Elva ilicClinchey' 61%, Ha- zel Hayter 52.5%. Jr. III.—,Lotus McClinchey 64.3%, Russel 'Oe''ech 62%. Sr. II.—Mary MCClinchey 59.1%. Jr. Ih—Jean McClinchey 40.3%. II.—Mae Smith 80%, Kathleen 'Gesell 69,2%. lSr. Primer—Anson McKinley 505, Hughie 1MdBride 503. Jr. Prissier.--lIlla Boyce, iNuinber on roll 13. Hazel 12. Smillie, Teacher. ' An old resident of Drysdale passed away at the home of her daughter, 'n Caro, Mich., on Sunday, March 6, 'n the person of Elizabeth Drysdale. She was united in marriage to Wm. Kirk, of Fairgrove, Mich., who pre- deceased -iter a few years :ago, She was born 'March 6, 1852. The deceas- ed was the last surviving member of the family of RobertandMrs. Drys- dale. . She is survived by a family of two sons and three daughters: Mrs. 'Claude Ran Ile, Flint, !Mich.; Mrs. Wm. (Pike, Fairgrove, . Mich.; Mrs. 'Frank Campbell, Caro, 'Mich., and Ro- •bertand Jim,' of Fairgrove, Mich. 1Lr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale, Mrs. Wm. Maclaren, Mrs. C. Haugh, Mrs. G. Howard, Mrs. F. W. (Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Geo..He;ss attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Wali. Kirk. Mr. Robert Penhaie was the guest of lir. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden on iSund'ay 'last. • Mr. Joe Wilds has been appointed road commissioner on 'the north end: of road 13. 'lir, Fred Heard of Stratford spent the week end with his. mother, Mrs. Will Heard, of Stanley township. Mr. and (Mrs. ,Win. Turnbull of Grand Bend visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Westlake one day recently, Misses Eleanor and Kathleen Scotchtner were the guest of 'their aunt, Mrs: Heard, on Sunday last. Miss Nina Heard of Clinton spent • the week end under the parental roof. Miss Irene ,Scotchnter was unable• to, attend Clinton Collegiate this week on account of a had cold'. Mrs. 'Milton Steep and son Gordon visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. IJ. Tough on Thursday of last week. _'Miss Jean Carnie, who spent a few days at her home here, returned to •Hensall on Sabbath afternoon. Mrs. J. A.'Carnie received the news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. W. Kirk, Caro, Michigan, Mr. J. Bristow and his sister, Miss Bristow, of Seaforth, are visiting with their sister, Mrs, S, .Hohner. Auto Insorance Let uprotect o extyou anywhere where ' P m Y Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and' at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Kea'ting's Drug Store couple of months in Toronto,