HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-10, Page 8AGE E=GU' 'P HE $EAF6RTH.NEWS. •'a!nt; "urcrs�r�,-ger-,Ew ThilChitkTgNE, WithEvety roo16r„ r:' iatriea$ 1Agifeedc, can You Afford "ro Take a chance" 7 WHEN YOU DON'T ,HAVE TO ? In the old days, every poultry owner "took a chance" on raising 'itrais ds 75 out to. There considered himssn't elf SURE way ay of feeding. If he Today; you dont have to "take a chance." Sn fact, you can't afford to, unless you are keeping chickens "just for fun." We carry `''afeed that takes all the gamble out of chick raising, so far as the feeding is concerned -Purina Chick Startena. Ask any of your neighbors who have fed Startena in past years. So many of our customers have told US about their success with it thatwe are urging EVERY customer to feed it this year. Time and again, we have had reports of customers raising 90 to 95 chicks out of every 100, and of getting the cockerels away weeks earlier than they ever did before -while broiler prices were still high. ehick Feeder FREE We're so certain of the satisfaction Startena will give that 'we are offering a chick feeder FREE with every bag -as long as our supply of feeders lasts. These are the latest improved type of feeder, that keeps chicks from wasting feed while they're eating. And we're selling Startena this year at a lower price than ever before. Look below. Order your supply before the feeders are all gone. Today's Purina Price -3.10 per cwt. with feeder. ThomaDi s ckson SEA'FO:RTH n a'rpPiLat11�RI�1t@ppl16A66 CNICK S RTENA DII/,YFECTAl1 POULTRY 01/SEF WITH Pi/N61A CR: •,o•fEc TJ A IVIJ DISEASE It veil CHOWow so 0 r� • HENSALL. -. Mr. Wm. Slone of London spent the week end at his home. lir. Lorne Scott and family of To- ronto spent the week end with M. and Mrs. G. C. Petty, Miss Pearl Elder of London. ,spent the week end at the 'home of her par- en'ts, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, Miss Doris Harman of Toronto vis- ited over the week end at her hone. Misses Florence Bell and Helen 'Murch of Eiimv'ille s'pent the week with friend's in town. The W. M. S. of the United Church intend' holding a birthday party in the basement of the church on !Tuesday afternoon, March 15th. A good pro- gram is being provided. Hedden-Steepe.--A quiet wedding was solemnized at the 'Presbyterian Manse, Clinton on Wedensd'ay even- ing last when Dorothy Margaret (Steep, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. •Ed' - ,ward Steepe, Clinton, was united in 'iharriage to Frank Alexander Hedden, son of Mrs. C. 1i. Hedden of Olinton, formerly of ,Hensall. The Rev. Chas, E. Dougan officiated. The bride was charmingly gowned in a frock of ,utonette flat crepe and peach georg- ette with a shoulder bouquet of roses. !After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of Mrs. !'Hed- den, after which the young couple left for London and other cities and on their return 'lir. and Mrs. Hedden will. reside in Clinton. The bride travelled in .a dress of brown satin, black bro'ad.cioth coat with wolf trimmings and accessories to match. The W.M:S. of the United Church held their regular meeting on Thurs- day afternoon last with the president having charge of the meeting. (After theopeningexercises the Bible lesson was read by Mrs. MdDonald, The visiting committee reported having (called on 24'shu:t-ins •after which ar- rangements for the birthday parity which is to be held in the b'asenten!t of the church on March 15th in the iforan, of a St. Patrick's social. The program committee • was Mrs. Drys- dale and Mrs. Hess. The study leaf- let was given in four parts by Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs. Oar - life and Miss Flossie Foss. 'The meet- ing closed with a hymn and the miz- pah 'bened'iction. Miss Beryl Pfaff of London spent the week end at her home here. 'Miss Jean Stone has s acce ted a po- sition - sition iin M. A. W. E. Hemphill's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' Cooper spent a day last week visiting Mr, and Mrs; Wesley French of K'ippen, Mr. K. Joynt made a business trip to Toronto the first part' of the week. "Mr. ,'fv1f Taylor spent a day last 'Week visiting friends in Kipper, • Mr•• Jas. Paterson spent a day last e -with friends in Zurich, Services in the United "Church were, well attended' on Sunday last when the Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit. Ia the evening a duet entitled, "'The Garden" was given by Misses Nellie Boyle and Greta Laramie and a solo by Mr. Sam Rennie, "The Good Shepherd, " The many friends of Mr. Harry Hannon will be sorry to hear he is confined to his home with a severe attack of pneumonia. A severe storms 'passed over -the vil- lage starting on Sunday, and' was very cold and stormy on Monday. Quite a number of delinquent poll tax payers were up before Magi'stra'te ]Petty on Friday evening last. Their cases were adjourned until Thursday of this week to enable them to settle. No grants have been made tins winter by our council for relief pur- poses, no one having applied for 're- lief. There has been a great deal of unemployment in the viliage but our citizens have so far been able to helip themselves. Our citizens are to be congratulated on their thrift and in - d ustry. Mr. Chas. Monteith of the Thames Road was a caller .in ,town on Wednes- day last. The Young 'People's League of the United Church head their meeting on Monday evening with a good atten- dance. A good program in dharge of Misses 'Flossie Foss and Irene Doug- las was given consisting of solo,' Mrs. Maude Hedden; instrumental, Greta Lantmie, the topic by' Mr. Geo. Su- therland. Council Meeting. - The regular inonthly meeting of the village coun- cil was held'. on Monday .evening in the council' chambers. .481 members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and, adopted on m:o'tiott of Petty and Robinson. 'Communications were read from the 'following : ,David. Robinson, re his resignation, which was withheld. Dr. A. Moir, re his resignation, anted' on by motion. Department of Pub'li'c Health, filed. 'Municipal. World, filed; auditors' report to Bureau of Munici- pal Affairs, filed. It was '.moved by Miekle and (Petty that Dr. Mloir•s res- ignation be accepted. -Bi'l'ls and ac- counts were read as 'follows: Heasall Spring Show, grant, $253 J. Passmore, hydro, January, $10.25; J. 'Pass+m'ore, Hydro February, $10.41;; G. M. Case, coal, ,fire hall, 16215• G. M. Case •coal, town hall, $'30.10; 'School Board, :cur- rent expense, $1000; J. Passmore, la- bor and supplies, $6.40; J. Fisher, la- bor on streets, $2.60; G. Parker, care- taking ,fire hall, $10; F. W. Hess, ac- count, $25; Municipal' World, supplies, $10.68; Judge T. M. Costello, re Gei- ger appeal, $10.20; Total $lil56J89. Spencer and Petty, that accounts as read' be paid. Carried. Petty and Mickl'e, that Dr. Gerald D. Gayer be appointed medical officer for the vil- lege. Carried- Spencer and Petty, that hylaw-,Naa 5'.ai,tl 6 be given first and eecotid:.reading..;:Carridd. iWLtekia acid Robhis!on, khat Bylaws, 5 `land 6 be;8iveit thick! andfinal read, ing'S Oanrieti A, W E. Hettuphtll, ealibctor; reported $1,06600 arrears of taxes for 1x9311 as on't (tand'ing. S'p'encer and Mickle,;that .5 pelt cent' be added to un'eelle'cted• taxes. and co'lleditor's rP11 be• e,,iten 1 d'I.tn'til nett nteetifig. iOarrted 'Peltty a`>trd Spet{cer, That the courncila'dtjourn' to .the 'call i f the Reeve. Cars;ied.glial A.-PPaterson Glerrk. ' • Reeve Geiger was' in Glode i'ch ou IWeidnesday,;aftending a meeting o'f. the Huron County Ofd, Age Pension B'oa'rd. DUBLIN.' 3/Frs. T. 'M'aloatey speiit the week end with her daughter, Mrs. 'J. Ryan o'fS tratfortl. Miss Gertrude S: iapleltotl is spend- ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. P..'Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans spent, (Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mur Mrs. Wm. Jordan spent 'Thursday evening with her s'i'ster, Mrs. T. Ma - School Report. -The following is the February report of the .Dublin continuation school. Percentages are given. The s ilbjec'ts in 'which stu- dents Bailed' are in brackets after the name Of each. 'Form VIII'.-{H'arry McIver 70, Don- ald Benninger 70, Eileen Eckert 70, Bridget D8laney 70, Elizabeth Carlin 70, Veronica Molyneaux 69, Genevieve 'McCarthy 65 (iiterature), Jack Moly- neaux 64 ('Canadian History), Frank Krauskopf 62 ,(Laltin Grammar), Gor- don Dill '611% (Canadian History), Ir- ene Donnelly 60 (literature) Vincent Eckert, 60 (c'omposition), John O'Reil- ly 5804 ('Canadian history), John Mc- Iver 58% (geometry), Ursula Krau's- ko'pf 58 !(chemistry), John McQuaid 57' QFrenc:h authors), Monica ,Roache 66 (Latin grammar, chemistry), Clare Gormley 5:6,' Rose Me'l'ody 55 '('L'atin gram., Canadian hist.), Agnes Coyne 53'% (Comp., Can history), Dorothy 'Brennan 511'/ (Can. history, geomet- ry), Leota Ryan 5'174 (geometry), Nellie Doyle 51, (lit., comp., Can. his- tory), Dan. McCarthy 48 (lit., 'Cana- dian, history), Wm. Ryan 4:6 (Latin grammar, IFr. authors, Fr. grammar), John Holland 42,'(Fren'c'h, chemistry, geometry, algebra). Form PL -!Frances Delaney 85, Ag- nes O'Connor 68, Peggy O'Connell •6b, El1wyn. Morris 66, Arthur Looby 65, Matilda Dorres'teyn 65, Reta Stapleton 161 Wrench), Dorothy Sta- cey 59 Qphysiography), Bertha Brit- ton 55 QFrenc'h), Cecelia Feeney 55, ,(physiography," grammar). Form I. -Mary Eckert 78, Dorothy Riley 74, John Krauskopf 68, Mary Walsh 63 (IFrencih), Marjorie. Byers 58 (grammar, French), Lloyd Mc- Carthy 53 (grammar, algebra, bot- any, French), Norman O'Connor 52 (grammar, algebra, his'tory, French), Margaret Atkinson 49 (literature, alg- ebra, h'is'tory, French), Marie Feeney 48 (algebra, history, 'botany, French), Michael Walsh 45 (grammar, algebra, Latin, French), Clarence OiReilly 35 :(lh4erature, grammar French), 'James 'Eckert 27 (grammar, algebra, history, Latin). v The following is the February re- port for St, Patrick's School, Dub- lin, Sr. IN. -Mary Molyneaux, Muriel !Looby and Ursula Flanagan ((equal), Leonard Nagle, Jack Benn, Law- rence Dillon, Margaret Dlorres'tyn, Genevieve Feeney. Jr. I.V. - Mary Cinnamo, James Delaney, Kathleen 'Cummings, Al- bert Donnelly, J'osep'h . Dannelly, Ag- nes Rowland. Sr. Ir111. - Jack Jordan, Charles .Krauskopf, James 'Curtin, Teresa Krauskop1, Marcella Dillon, Fergus Stapleton, Jack Flanagan, Joe Dor- sey, 'Camilla Dbnnel'ly. Jr. IE. -Mary Evans, Lucille Mc- Grath, Mary Jordan, 'Mic'hael Feeney, Loreen Looby, Rose Feeney, Dalton Burns, Second Book. -- Louise Flanagan, Margaret Tyers, Helen O'Reilly, Joseph 'Bean, Kathleen Stapleton, James Jordan, Aileen Jordan, Wil- liam Maloney, Margaret Cummings, Gerald Burns,, Angela Donnelly, Ver- onica O'Connor, Earl Nagle Thomas Dorsey. !First Book. - Rose SZiinkhantmer, Mary Woods, Joseph Klinkhammer, Mary Dorsey, Rita D'orrresteyn, ,Ryan Jordan, Francis Dillon, Louis Don nelly Edward Rolnlatnd. (Primary. -Catherine Jordan, Mar- garet Krauskopf, Mary ,Stapleton, Cafharin eersT Y Billy Benn, Helen .Flanagan, Francis .Evans, Joseph Dorres'teyn, Agnes Feeney, Bernice Donnelly, Rita Maloney, Philip K'liaikhammer, Geo. Klink(h.antmer. Mr. Jack McGrath shipped a car load of horses to Quebec on 'Saturday. Miss Veronica McConnell spent the week end with friends in Dublin. Mr, and Mrs, Pat 'Williams visited, with Mr. and Mrs. '':Pa't Jordan on, Sund Missay. Verna Drake, who has been visiting at her hoose, 'has returned to Stratford.• Bazil Kelly : and 141s's Calista spent 'Sunday with. friends in Lesoan'. Miss Florence Kelly retttrted home:. With theta after spen'd'iii'g a• month's v'aca'tion., .It looks as if we are going to gelt iv'inter• a'fiier 'all the -;spring-like weather we have, been getting. Mr. Andrew Datltzer Jr,, returned to -Toronto on Saturday with M'e. Harry Grisrs of ?that city, Mr. Ed. MctGrath of St. Clements visited ,friends in the village over the week end: ivIr, L. Beale returend to his home, after a weeks visit,with - his grand- mofher, Mos. C. Beale. The L'a'dies' !Guild of • St. Mary's Church, Dlulblin, are hold=ing their nton'thly meeting at the h'o'ne of Mrs' !Leslie Moore, Hibbert, this IThursday afternoon at two o'clock, 'All the la- dies are .invited to attend and all the ladies' friends are welcome 'to come and enjoy a pleasant afternoon, at Mrs.; Moore's home. Quite a number in town are laid' 'u+p with the flu. We are pleased to report that Miss Catherine Knauslcoplf is improving in St. Joseph's hospital, London, after her serlou's operation, Want and For Sale Ads 1 time 25c. CARD O'F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Thomas Kale wish to thank their friends and ne'ighlb'ors for the kindness and sym- pathy extended to thein .in their re- cent bereavement. LN M'EMOR'IAM In memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Chas, Elberhart, 'who passed away three years ago, March Lith, 1932. "What would I gi7e to clasp her h'a'nd, Tier happy face to see, To hear her voice and see her smile,' Tlha't meant so much to me; 'Tis sweet to kn'ow we will meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so`well Has just gone on. before. -Sadly missed by her fancily. IN MIEMOIRI•AM In memory of our dear grandino- ther, Mrs. Chas. Eberhant, departed March Plith, 1929. - "That iioving heart, those willing ban ds, At rest from toil and pain; :Sleep on, dear grandam, in heavenly peace, Until we meet again." -Remembered by her granddaugh- tars, Thelma and Dorothy Rlgie. IN MEMORIAM tFORSYTH.-In loving memory of Henry . Forsyth, who passed away, Miardh 141th, 1.931. "As we loved him, so we miss hint, In our memory he is dear." =Sadly missed by Wife and Family TURKEYS FOR SALE. Three young Bronze Turkey Hens.. .OILIPVEIR ANIDIEiRISIOIN, phone 250- 5; 'Seaforth. • 11. FOR SALE Hatching eggs front. . blood tested Barred Plymouth 'Rocks headed by heaviest egg strain cockerel. Order early. Price 75c per setting of 15 eggs. Limited supply. HAR'O'LD CiUD- M101RIE, H'ensail R:R. '1, Ont. 11. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE. Purebred bred -to -'lay Barred Rocks, from high production, blood tested stock. Hen's with an average of over 50%, bred by James S'cott, Sea!fortb, Cockerels bred ' by Gordon Burns, Paris, Ont. These cockerels are from prize w'inning stock, and are quick maturing. Eggs IOc above market price. MILLER ADAMS, Seaforth. OHPCKS FOR SALE. S. C. 'White Leghorn Ch'ic'ks $10 per hundred; (Barred Rocks $12 per hundred; 1B1alck Jersey 'Giants, $113: per hundred. Chicks properly in- cubated in a Jamesway Zncubator. My supply is limited so place your order now; I also have for sale one hot air Prairie State Incu,blator 400 egg size;•. one 'Eabonia 400 egg size hofiter• w two -Wisconsin 250 egg size hot 'water, all in good condition. Will sell cheap 'f for a quick sale,. HARRY KXEHNE, Bornholm, Ont.. rr. 1, Phone 52-23. 15 JERSEY COWS FOR 'SALE. 'For sale, two pure bred Jersey cows ,carrying their second calf, One due on March' 3rd. !The other due out March 25th. A•pply'1 4 miles east of Seaforth on''Higlsway, .lot 5.'FRANIz DILL, Seaforth r.r.' 4. 10 THURSDAY,MA1 CII 10, 1932. •," uaIity • r° series .at Low Gash' Whyte's LARD 4,eg' 3 pounds .r4 !Fresh, )301J0GIlA 21 2.gound tau COTTAGE RIOLL 2 2 pound • Fresh SAUSAGE 2 pound........ 21c Fprest City B'AK. 2 �, ,C'ainpbell's' Tomato PN(G POWDER SOUP 2 tins .2�� c HEAVY RUBBER BOOT'S - - per pair 2e99 You Save When You Buy From' FINNIGA HAWAIIANS M' Swinging into a romantic South Sea setting comes a soft -voiced group or it iwat.an singers in native costume who play Hawaiian music as it is meant to be played.' Steel guitars, ukuleles and rich voice's blend naturally into the prn'_•ent melodies of this inland territory. FOR SALE OR TRENT. For immediate sale on easy terms, Frame iHouse, good' size, on. Jarvis street, two lots, electric lights, town water, etc. Or will be rented. Apply E. L. BOX, Seaforth. RO'R SALE. Several good cows to freshen shortly; also some young cattle; white rocks from Tweddle's 'blood tested stock; also _barred. rocks. Hatching eggs 5c per dozen above market price. T. W. MCMILLAN, r.r. 2, 'Seaforth. Phone 21-24'4. 10. SUGAR CANE SYRUP We have a quantity of Syrup .on hand, best Sugar 'Cane 'Syrup we can buy. We offer it for 20c per gallon. TIHIOIS. DICKSON, Seaforth, Phone 13. 10. FOR SALE One pure bred Holstein cow, corn- ing 4 years, to freshen soon. Rev. W. F. SMITH, phone 239-15. 10 FOR SALE AT G.W.V.A. CLUB ROOIVLS 1 Doherty piano, 1 heavy platfor'm 10x15 ft., 6 large chairs, '90 iron chairs, 1 Standard clock, 1 kitchen cupboard, stove, 2 boilers, enamel sink, etc., 14 card tables, electric fix- ture's; 1 good furnace, 1 heater, clothes rack, mirror, etc,, sanitary closet, 2 small pool tables. Apply CHAS. P. SILLS, Secty. 11 Auction Sale COWS, YOUNG CATTLE, 'SH'EEP, HOGS, POULTRY, HAY, Etc. Auction sale of the following will be held Friday, Mar. 1'i, at 1 o'clock p.m. Lot 6, Con: 4, Tuckeremith, W. M. Sproat's Tile yard. Cows -1 Durham cow (choice) 7 years old with calf six weeks old at foot; 1 black cow 9 years old, milk- ing well and due in July; 1 'roait cow due in August, 8 years old; 1 Dur- ham caw 7 years old, due in April; one cow, 'Durham, 6 years old, due in Ap'rill; 2 cows part Holstein rising 3, second calf due in A'pr•il; 1 heifer fresh 'about one month, 2 years old, calf at 'foot; 4 heifers springing two years old; two fat Durham heif- ers rising two (would either make good 'beef ring meat or good cows); six 'heifers rising one year old; two steers one year old and lat. One young brood saw due in Ap- ril. Sheep- 7 'blacldface ewes with lambs at foot. Pou'Itry-fifty or six- ty rock hens' one year old and about 25 Leghorns. A few tons of hay and we will also offer a ear load of .Agri- cultural Lime in whate'ver quantities you wish Also one Massey -Mardis fertilizer disc drill, 113 discs. Pigs. --'A num'ber of chunks. Terms. --Six months with interest 7% per annum or the\same rate off for cash. Bankable ',approved joint notes. Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer. Will am M. Sproat and Harry Ches- ney, proprietors. F. MdGregor and Jno. Reinke, clerks. ,Let us have the names of your visitors FOR SALE 'Comfortable Cottage situate ea East Gode!rio'h Street, Seaforth, form- erly occupied by Mrs. Clara 'Mr- Cluskey Crowley.' Im:mediate possessions. can be given For further particulars apply to R. S. HAYS, Sealfo'rth, 'Ont. FarmImplements Now is the time to order any new machinery,repairs or parts for the Spring work. See us for Fertilizer Drills, Soil Pulverizers and Cultivators, Cream Separators and complete line of Farm Machinery. Repairs strictly cash. F. T. Shewfelt... Ag'eirt for International Harvester Co. North Mahn St., Sasafor!tli THE Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Co'y. • FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Our Classified Fire Rates, on Farm Buildings of First Class 'Construction are a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will sur- prise you. Special Rates to Partners for Auto Insurance For full particulars, con-'_ sults our local agent. Jlt It Scott• Box 142 Phone 336 SEAFORTH SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per lb, lgc Eggs, per doz. . 13c 20c' :Potatoes, per bag 30c Hogs, per cwt. '.....,....$4.25$4.25 Horses -Cows When you want and animal removed, 'phone us. If hide is on, we make no charge for col - letting. William Stone Sons LIM'DTED. - Phone 21 Ingersoll Phone 215wStratford