HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-10, Page 5•
Canadian food products are the finest obtainable -they stand on
their own merits.- No patriotic appeal is necessary to win them
favour in Canadian homes: Superior Chain Stores feature Canadian
products because they know they are the best that money can buy,
and theysare you money. iRemeni'ber`our ,s'logan-
Items for Week ending !March 16.
INGERSOLL (REAM CHEESE, .: , .. , 15c size for 4 1 c
BLUE 'BELL BROOMS special 25 c
FAMILY "BLEND TEA OR COFFEE .. ,...... .1 lb.. ftc
MCLAR'EN;S JELLY POWDERS assorted . .. 4 pkgs 23 c
OXYDOL,"CLEAIN!S EVERYTHING' ,... . .. lge pkg. 21 c
Clark's Pork and Beans, large size per tin 18c.
Sea King Lobsters %'s 19c; 4's 29c
Durham Coria Starch, "The Yellow Package" 'per pkg. 9c
;Silver Gloss Starch l's per pkg: 13c.
Date Cookies "The famous O'Meal Date Cookies"
Lealandper lb. 21c
Sweet Pickles
family jar 39c
O'Cedar Oil 4 oz. bottle 23c
'Keifer ,Pears 24s 2 tins 35c
Large Fillets of Haddie per lb, 15c
Drummer Brand Pastry Flour ... ....Ts ....19c; 24's 55c.
Iroddy "Serve •Hot or Cold" ..... ..,!8 oz. 33c; 1'6 oz ....49c
;Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. 5c; .1'6 oz..... 23c
A. and H. Sal Soda per pkg. 8c,
Tomatoes, large size
3 tins 25c
'Kellogg's All Bran, large per pkg, 19c
K'een's Muster i/4's 25c; /'s 49c
(Fray Ben'tos Corned Beef per tin 15c
Hillcrest Shortening - ' 2 lbs. 21c
'Loose Cocoa per lb. 18c
Tapioca or 'Sago 2 lbs. 19c
(Black Pepper % Ib. 10c
(Kraft Salad Dressing per bottle 23c
'Hi'I'lorest Extract's 3 bo'ttles 25c
Choice Golden Wax Bean's 2 tins 29c
Molasses Swaps 2 lbs. 25c
Egg -,O Ready Mixed Cake Flour 1 pkg. and 1 cake tin 25c
'Five point Marmalade -!Lemon and Orange.. 16 oz. 19c; 40 oz; 39c
'Frozen B. C. Salmon, half or whole fish, her lb.1lc
Comfort Soap 5 cakes an'd 6 glass tumblers, all for 49c
INsw Canadian Cheese 2 lbs. 25c
'13eattntert Cheese, .Roquefort Cheese, Limburger, 'Cheese, Old Cheese
Chocolate Wafers, Ginger Wafers, Butter Wafers, Cheese Wafers
Creamy Crackers, Orisplbread, Holland Rusks, etc.
RossSpro'at J.
Miss N. Pryce Rhone
Buy Seaforth
A Service
Good Quality
Please u by giving us your cream
patronage and wewil'1`try to please
that creates • you by our services and highest
market prices for goodcream.
and a
Dependable Reputation paid for while you wart.
The Seaforth Creamery.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Cream weighed, tested, .graded. 'and
Motor or Horse Equipment
W.,J..WALKER, holder of. Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished
Night or day phone 67
'The following -is •a report df exa'm-
i;tnation held tat S, S. No. 4 Nbrtlt,
V. - John Watson 72, ,Beatrice •
Houston 55.
Sr. AV. --Keith Westlake 56.
jr. ' -Watson72,-
Jr. IV, Stuart Watso Bert
Greer 70, Jean Dunn .168, Antoinette
(Rau 65.
•Jr. IITIL=Charlie Huialcitvg 50, Jen-
nie Honking 44.,
iSr. III.-Gordlou Westlake 82, Billy
Armstrong 8I1, Melvin Greer 73, Wil-
frid Rau 66, Madge Houston 65,
EtI ei Watson 61.
'First --diene Greer 79, Andrew R'au
59, George Honking 56.
(Printer. --,Anthony Rau.
'Best speller-llllene Greer.
Teacher, Vina Herbert.
Mr. W. H.Little spent the weelc-
end at the home of his father, Mr.
Andrew Little.
,Among phase froth out of town who
'e''ttende'd the funeral of Mr. Alex.
Broadfoott, Mill Road, were: Mr. and
Al'r3, Ath. Walker; and Mr, and Mrs.
1Gbrdon Walker, of Bad Axe, 'Mich,;
Ales. Duncan , M;cMidlan,• : Mrs: J'oll n
Watt, Mr. I(eneth' McMillan and Mr.
Russ McTavish, Shakespeare; Mrs,
Alex, Watt and' Mr. Leslie McKay,
!Guelph; :bliss .Louisa Hill, S't, M'arygs;
Mr, and Mrs. W. `Bro'ad:fo'ot and fam-
ily, Stratford; Mrs. Geo. Webber, of
9London; ;'ylr. and Mrs, Oliver iTurn-
!kill, Mr. W. Ireland, Mr. Oliver
Slm'ith, Brussels.
_Miss Beatrice Seip, London, spent
the week, end wi6h'.her parents here,
Miss Louisa FI'i1l, St. Marys, visit'ed
Miss Jean S'ntiith' and other Friend's
here last week.
Miss Lilian Richardson has return-
ed after vis'i'ting friends in Goderic'h.
Miss Nell M'c!DIouga'll' and niece
,Mis's Hellen Stewart, spent the week-
end in Goderich.
'Miss Jeanette F'innnigen anll Miss
it' bel Forrest of Stratford; spent the
week -end :'at• their homes here,
The Public School was ellosed' for
several days this week owing to the
prevalence of colds."
M'is's H'e!len Alment and. Margaret
McKellar of London spent the week-
end in town.
Mrs. Melt/loll/aid of O'wen Sound is
visiting her sister,' Mrs. I. B. K'aihe.
'Little Beverly Beaton Jr. is laid
up with the Hu,
A/Pas'ter Donald Scott, son of Mrs.
H. R.' Sdott, is improving nicely after
undergoing an operlation for appendi-
citis last .week.
Mrs: D. I. Hill and • c'hildren' 'of
Goderich are guests at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Mr. George Bethune, who was in
'Tor'onto For some time, returned last
Miss Mary Kling has been ill with
Mr. Henry Golding Sr, of S'taffia
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding
on Saturday.
The Women's. Lnstitute meeting
was pastp'onejl till Wednesday; March
Far month ending Jan. 31st,
H'ens'all - 'T'otal 430, select bacon
253, butchers 25, heavies 6, lights
an'd feeders 1, .
Walton -Total 319, select bacon 66,
b'alcon 206, butchers 35, heavies 3,
lights and feeders
Huron Co. Locals -'Total 2,277, se-
lect bacon 602, bacon 1,403, butchers
189, heavies 56,- lights and feeders 13.
'Huron SCounty-Total 6, 274, select
bacon 1,666, bacon 3,862, butchers
538, heavies 1.32, lights and feeders 36.
The Home and Slchdol Club will
meet in the public s'c'hool on March
114th at.4 p.m. 'Rev. W. P. Lane will
deliver an interesting address, Miss
Helen M'clKercher of the D'ep't, of
'Home Ec'onomi'cs, will . also speak.
!The usual program will include a solo
by Miss Thompson and selections by
the pupils of Miss Elder's Doom. This
meeting was postponed from Monday
last .owing to the .prevalence of illness.
The death took place at Wallace -
burg' ' of Mrs. Hannah Johnston, wid-
ow of William F. Johnston, at the
home of her son Thoni'as L, Johnston,
She had been ill for some time, and
was 75 years old. 'Mrs. Jlohns'ton was
'born in •.Ils;borne Townslhip, Huron
!County, a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. `Thomas Stacey. For a
m,unm'ber of years she lived at Crom-
arty, where her husband was a car-
riage builder. 'Surviving are one son
and one step -son, Thomas of Wallace:
burg, ''and . William J., of S'oionsay,
also onebrother, John Stacey of
Cromarty, and five sisters: Mrs, S.
H.. I3enderso'n, of Wawanesa, Mrs.
!3lcCul'lr ch of Winnipeg, Mrs, Wm.
Briton of Grand 'View, Mts. John A.
AMLa`ren of Seaforth, and Mrs. Hugh,
Mil'ler of Allberta.' Mrs, Johnston',
was a member of the United Church.
On Sunday- the remains, were
brought by motor to Cromarty where
(the funeral was held at 2.30 o'clock.
Rev. Mr. Rogers officiated. The pal'l-
bearers were Mes'srs. John Scott, Al-
exander McKellar, Win. H'ough'ton,'
(Donald MiclKell!ar, James Laing and
'Stilton Miller. Initerment took place
in Cromarty cemetery. Me, ' Thomas
Leslie 'Johnston and daughter Jetta,
ac'comlpanied the remains from Wal
lacebung, 'Also present at the funeral
were Mr, John McCurdy of Point Ed
ward, Mrs. Noble of Parkhill, Mrs.
Stacey and son Edgar, of St. Marys
vicinity; Mr, and •Mrs. John A. Mc-
Laren,' Seaforth, and a large number
of ,relatives and friends from the sur-
rounding district: The late Mrs.
Johnston went to 4W'allace'burg from
Cromarty about 12 years ago. She
was afflicted in February last year by
a stroke and recently pneutnonia set
in, causing; 'her death.
All there is to see, To see•'.
things as they really are. To
get pleasure from, distant.
'beauties, and to read with-
ant effort.'' laotlting impos-
sible about that, except in
,'rare cases: St might be the
experience of many to this
locality whose .vision is to
some exltent •defective. Let
us see show much we can'
help you.
Continued next 'week.
The following is the report of S.
6. No. 10, M!oKillop, for th's snohtl s
of )ldauar'y and February. Those
marked With an asterisk were absent
for one or more examinations.
'Sr. I+V.-Olive Pryce 67.4, Oliver
Pryce . 63:3, Allan Campbell 56,5.
Sr. IIIII.-,Annie Pethick 78.1, Mur-
iel IDotmage 60.5, ° '
Jr. ILII. - Helen Blanch'a,rd 47.1,
Harvey Dalinage •44.6, *Arthur Mc
Clare 34.1,
Jr. III. -!Ruth ,Pethick 83.4, Betty
Bullard 79:8, Kathleen Slhannon, 78.6,
*Ruth .Cantp'bell''40.1.
Pr. -Gordon Blanchard, very good.
'Perfect spelling for January, Gord-
on Bdanc'hard.
Perfect s'pel'ling for February, An-
nie Pethick.
Peilfe'ct attendance for two months,
Helen Blanchard, Harvey Dolmage,
Ruth Pethick,` Betty Bullard, Gordon
Blatt chard. i
Tillie Storey, Teacher.
Mis's Elia Armstrong spent Sunday
with her parents of Constance.
Mr. and Mos. Hicks and family di
Centralia spent S'und'ay with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Wells.
Miss Alice Fingland is spending a
couple of weeks in Toronto. '
.Mrs, 'White of Drayton is the guest
of her brother, Mr. Tom Millar, 'here.
Miss I'd!a Lyon is assisting Mr. Jas.
Mc'C'ool in the' store in Miss Fing-
land's 'absence.
The death Of Mrs. Geo. Lyon oc-
curred at her daughter's, ,Mrs. Wni.
;Flunking, last Friday. The funeral
was conducted to Union cemetery on
Monday. We extend our deepest
sympathy to Mrs. Hun'ki.ng and'
friends. ,
IWe are pld'ased • to relate Mis's Ar-
n.e'tt, teacher o!f No. 9 S'S,, is very
nu.ch improved after her recent i11-
Mr. Harold Johnston of London
spe.n't the week end with Ids parents
'here. '
Miss Gladys Mountain returned
,None from Loudon recently where
She has been spending a few weeks.
,Early Tuesday morning Dr. Stork
called at the 'home of Mr..Albert Aus-
tin and left a baby girl. •
Mr's, D. D. Roberton left here on
Wednesday for Toronto to stay with
her sister, Miss B•e'rnice Euvnenton,
who is very i11.
'Mrs. J.'W. Anti'str'ong presented her
'husband with a bouncing baby boy
on Feb. 29Th.
Mr. Howard Leary of London spent
the week end with his parents.
(Mrs. R. Lott Of Dryden itas return-
ed to London after spending a week
in this vicinity,.
Mr, 0. W. Reed spent the week end
in Toronto combining business with
Miss Iva Leary spent the weekend
with her sister, Mrs. M. Greenwood,
The Ladies' Aid are sponsoring a
crokinole panty in the hall on Tues -
,day evening, March 16ith•.
Miss Isabel Gray visited' with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gray
for a few days. •
Sichoo'l is closed these days of ar-
Auto-In. ur.
s ance
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the. United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
I''s worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford totake h
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call -Night and,
-Day Service
Phone 152
A. D:Sutherland
Office over Kea'ting's Drug Store
couple of months in 'Toronto,
count of the siekttess ,of the teacher,
Miss Hagg.
Miss Eileen Elliott of Willow Grove
visited her aunt, Mr's,' Al,.W. Norris;
Mr. Horace Sillery and friend of
!Hamilton called on relatives last
Mr, and Mrs, R. Francis and son
of Kirktou spent Sunday with Mr:
and Mrs. M. "; J. Gray,i
Mrs. C. Treffry and Miss Pearl of
London visited with Miss J. and Mr.
E. Treffry on Sunday.
Death of Mrs. T. Kale.. ,A lite long
res'i'dent of this district passed away
on Wednesday at her home in 'McIKi1-
lop, fortified by all the consolations of
her holy religion, in the person of
'Cat'herine O'Reilly, relict of the late
Thomas Kale, in. her 79th year. The
'funeral of Mrs. Thomas Kale, which
was -large'l'y attended, took place Fri-
day morning from her hone to St.,
'Oolumban Church, Mass was celeb-
rates' by Rev. Father Dantzer with
'Rev. Father Eckar't of New York in
the Sanctuary, assisting. The cortege
proceeded to St. Callum/ban cemetery
where the remains were laid to rest
beside 'those of her husband. The
pallbearers were: Owen Hart, Thom-
as Feeney, Joseph Carlin, Peter 0' -
Sullivan, John Nolan, Matthew Pur-
cell. Those from a distance were Jo-
seph 'Klein and two sisters of Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan and fawn
ly of Walton. Mrs. Kale was a dev-
out member of .St Colum'b'an Church
and was a loving mother and a good
Neighbor. 'Thomas Kale, her hus'b'and,
predeceased her 21 years ago. She is
survived by one son, J'ose'ph, on the
homestead, and Mrs. John H'ollan.d,
St. Oolumllban; and firs. James Sloan,
McKillop. Mrs. Neil Klein, a daugh-
ter, died thirteen yeasr ago. She also
las three .sisters living, Mrs. R. Ry-
an and Miss Mary O'Reilly, Seaforth,
and Miss B. O'Reilly, London.
Mr, James • McConnell of Toronto
's visiting at the hone of his •bro'ther-
'n -law, Mr. Peter O'Sullivan.
Mr. Joseph Klein and his sisters.
Minter and Eileen and friend's of De-
troit,' attended the funeral of their
gran'dmo'ther„ Mrs. T. Kale, on Fri-
day and visited relatives here over the
week end, returning home on Sunday.
Mrs, John. Sparks, Hazel Sparks,
Mrs. Willia'nn Sparks, Mrs, W. J.
Tough, of the Bronson line, Stanley,
spent Friday at the home of Mr, and
(Mrs. D. Tough and their daughter
Helen entertained then to a quilting
in the afternoon. They certainly en-
joyed themselves and all went home
pleased with the day's outing.
The many friedns of Miss Mary J.
'McCully of our village will regret to
hear that s'he had the misfortune to
Fall an'd fracture a bone in her leg
last week. She is now in Seaforth
hospital where she will get the best
of care.
Mr. Lawrence Reid of Toronto vis-
ited at Iris hone in the village la's't
Letter of Thanks. -The foll'o'wing
letter was received by Mrs. (Rev.) W.
A. Brenner thanking the United
Church congregation for the bale of
clothing which was .sent to the dried
area in the West a few weeks ago:
Breton P10., Alberta, Feb. 27, 1932.
Mrs. W. A. Bremner,
IBrucefield, Ont.
(Dear Mrs. Bremner,-iTh'anks so
very, very much for the parcel of
clothing I received from your church
o.k. Very few days pass that some-
one does not come in that needs lhelp,
and it has meant so much to us to gat
(these wonderful parcels so that -we
.can help out those people who are in
great need. I can assure you it has
been much appreciated by the people.
1 have received a number of parcels
with no name on them so have been
unable to write and thank thein. May
(Gad bless you abund'ant'ly,
Yours sincerely,
Pastor of Breton United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson are re-
ceiving congratulations. A young son
arrived recently.
Mr. John Workman has been con-
fined to lois room for the past two
weeks, but is improving slowly.
'Mr. 'Wni, M. Diaig celebrates his
seventy-third birthday this week and
is hale and hearty and is a very busy
'Syrup making is the order of the
but 1da not. area syrup year on
Y Y p Y
count of the open winter.
The male choir on Sunday last of
some twenty men was very touch en-
'joyed by all.
Mrs. Geo. Glenn is spending a week
with friends in Detroit.
Mr. and Mr's. Wm. Bell's wedding
reception will be held in Watson's
Hall ' on Thursday evening when a
good time is expec'ted..
The Sacrament of tlie,Lord's Sup-
per will be held art Suttday, March
The Strike of
the Ladies Aid
Presented by the Ladies' Aid
Society Of First Pres'byteziaa
in the .School- Room of the
''Church, on
Curtain rises at 8:15 p. 01.
An amusing Comedy in two
acts, in which some fifteen
members of the society take
20Th at 1,1 a,nt, Preparatory service
will be held on Friday evening, M'arch
118th at 8,15 p.m.
The Yoting People of St. Andrew's.
Church are holding their meeting in
the church on Friday evening,' March.
11th'at 8 p.m, Lantern slides on
"Drams in Darkness" will be shown,
The Garold Mission 'B'aud meets on
Saturday afternoon at 2.'30 p.m.
Death of Robert Betts. --On Satur-
day, March 511, the death took place
in Scott Memorial 'iH'ospital, Seaforth,
of Mr. Robert Betts, in his 72nd
year, following a week's illness. He
was born ,art Fullarton Corners .in 1860,
He !has resided in Winthrop for the
past few years. Surviving are two
sisters, Eliza and Mrs. David Holmes
('Annie), and one brother, George. A
brother, Isaac, predeceased him twelve
years ago. ;Froth his late residence'.
the funeral wvas held on Monday after-
noon, interment being in Brussels
cemetery. The services were conduct-
ed by Rev. W. F. Smith, the pallbear-
ers being Messrs. 'Percy (Little, John
Pryce, George Eaton, A. A. Cuthill,
Wm. Kinney and Joseph Holmes. We
extend our sincere sympathy to the
Mrs. John Armstrong of London
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
F. Bullard,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Chambers moved
,to Benmiller- on Saturday. We wish
them every success in their new home.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
John Bullard is under the doctor's
care. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr, Arehie Camlp'bell spent the
week end with his m'ot'her, Mrs. Jas.
On Friday night the Young People
Of Caven Church presented the play
"Let Mary ,Lou Db It" 'T'he play
Was splendidly acted and held the at-
tention of the audience Throughout.
iT'he scene is the Burt's living room.
Mary Lou, the overworked servant of
her matter, frivolous sister 'Elaine
and noisy brother Bob, is helped along
to happiness by .Dr. Trent, Mrs. Bank
and her son William seem to fit into
the lives of mother and Etain.e. Mavis
Sweet and Joe Hart help along by
musical conrtributions. The cast of
Characters was as follows: Mary Lou,
'Miss Tillie Storey; mother, Mrs. Fer-
gus Bullard, Elaine, Grace Somerville,
'Mos. Blank, Jean Alexander; Bill
!Bank, Arthur Alexander; Joe Hart,
(Harold Bolton; Mavis Sweet, Anona
Dale; Rob, Tom Blanchard; Dr.
'Trent, Neil 'Montgomery; 'M'rs. Hod-
gins, Edith H'illen. During intermis-
s'iots the following program was gi-
ven: selections by orchestra; piano
duet by Cora Strong an,d 'Edith 'Hal-•
len; solo, Mr. .Gibbing -s; solo, Mang-
aret Pethick; reading, Rev. W. F.
Smith; duet by Tillie Storey and. An-
ona Dale.
Winthrop Hall
March Ilth
Good Prizes, and Good Music.
Adntis'sion .35c.
Only Ladies with Lunch Free.
4, 44 44 namatai
St. Patrick's Day
Seaforth Canadian Legion
Thurs., Mar. 17
8 P. M.
Prizes, L'unc'h, Patrick's Orchestra
C. P. Sills, ,Fres ,•,F. ,G. ,Ferguson, Tre
as.; 3, M. McMillan, Sec.