HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-10, Page 477417 NFVP; PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY,' MARCH 10, 1932, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros.; Publishers AN OLD /FASHIONED i Tea Meeting Will be held in Duff's United Church, Walton FRID'A:Y EVEI+PIN'G March lith Tea wi11 he served in the base- ment from 6 to 8 p. m. A PROGRAM :By local talent will be presented in the auditorium `Adults 2'5c. Children. 15c WALTON. The Harmony Goniniunity Club were entertained on Wednesday ev- ening by Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- ' Donald. The earlypart of the ev- ening was spent in progressive euchre, and after lunch, dancing was indulged in. Music was furnished by :Messrs. Nolan, Barwick, Lydiatt and '(Kirkby. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Turnbull at- -tended the funeral of the late Mr. Alex, Broad'Foot of 'Brucefield on Wednesday last. BLYTH. Women's Institute. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's In- •stittte was held in :Memorial hall can I'hiersday, March 3rd, with a splendid .attendance of members and visitors. The president, Mrs, R. Richmond, pre - :sided during the business part of the -meeting. The secretary stated that $25.00 had been paid to the presidenit of Memorial Community Hall board. A letter re summer series was read Irene the Clinton branch to accept our invitation for the summer speaker sent out by the department of Agri - :culture for West Huron to be held alt Blyth, including Clinton and Londes- 'boro. It was also decided to invite .our district presideant, Mrs. Robert Davidson, to our April meeting, The topic, "Flowers," was taken by Mrs. Jas. McGill, .the Iris being one of her :choice varieties. A hearty vote of ap- preciation was tendered Mrs. McGill for her splendid talk. A mudh appre- ciated quartette entitled, "Sweet and Low," was given ,byMrs. Thos. Laid- law, 'Mrs. D. Laidlaw, MTS. Jas. Scott land Margaret Johnston. A very fine ieada"ug, "The East Hymn," by Mrs, L. Scrimgeour, also a reading, "That 'Little Paring Knife," by Mrs. Robert Newcombe. Roll call was answered by jokes and problems which was both interesting and humorous. Meet- ing closed by singing the N1ationei Anthem. Group No.,11 served a very dainty lunch. Mrs. H. MrlElroy, Mrs. R. Richmond, Mrs. Thos. Laid- law, Mrs. Albert Taylor. WJM,S.—iA joint meeting of the 'Women's Association and W.M.S. of 'the Queen Street United Church was 'held at the home of Mrs. Charles Grasby on Tuesday, _March 1st. -Mrs. J. W. Mills presided for the W.A. meeting, opened by singing hymn 23 after -'which the Lord's prayer was -repeated in, unison. The treasurer's -report showed $100 paid over to of- ificial board of the church. Mrs. J. W. Mills was appointed a representative 'from the W.A.''an the Board. The -meeting was brought to a close by singing hymn 284. Mrs. L. Hilburn. -presided for the program part of the 1W.M.S. reading the "Devotional Leaf- let, "Thomas, the Man. of Moods." Mrs. A. !B. Carr offered prayer. Duet, "'The Old' Rugged Cross," was well •rendered by Mrs. E. L. ,Anderson and. /Mrs. 'R. D. ,Philp, !the Auxiliary join- ing in elk chorus. The study, book, tolrapter'2, Korea, (Land of the Dawn, 'xas dealt with by Mrs, Alberta Ben- der. Hymn 265 was then sung, read- ing on temperance, "Liquor Enslaves" eras given by Mrs. J. ,Petts. Gleanings brim the 'Huron .Presbyterial execu- •itive meeting held at Clinton Feb. Il evas given by Mrs. R. iWightman, the -president, Mrs. 7. Colclough then took' -the chair for the business part of .tate meeting. Roll call was ans- wered by the name of one of our mis- sionaries, now serving in China. Miss Sybil R. CGourtice, returned mission, ary from japan, is to be the guest speaker at our Easter meeting en eeoril 5th. The supply secretary, Mrs. -11. $.. Johnston, stated the allocation for ;1932 to be second hand clothing ,andegtril'es, the !committee to assist ap- pointed being Mrs. John Ferguson 'and 'Mrs. 'Jas. Deeds. During the col- lection "Ninety and 'Nine," was play- ed softly on the gramophone, after 'which hymn 91 was sung. Mrs. Slat- er lapsed, with prayer. The gronp {,;corunittee served e 10 cent tea, host •ces, Mrs..' C.,Grasby, committee, Mrs. R. Wightman„\Mrs. W. H. McElroy, Mrs. Fawcett,, Mrs, R. Sanderson, Mr, Wilkinson. Miss Alice Gillespie who has been n an extended visit to. her sister,, Come in and See r New and Used Cars I Am Agent For Durant Cars & Rugby Trucks Massey=llarris Machinery • and Repairs JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. 'itrs Sheffield, St. Catherines, return- ed hone on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Miller and son Clarence werevisitors with 'Mrs, \fil- ter's mother, Mrs. J. Colclough, on Sunday. Mrs, Wm. •t'i1oods of Walton spent the week 'end with her sister, Mrs, H. M. Patterson. • HARLOCK The Ladies' Aid of Burns' United 'Ghuimh held their February meeting at the' home of Mrs, Thoe. Neilans, with -Miss May Smith ' assisting. There was quite a number of the ladies of the Winthrop Aid as guests and a' very pleasant afternoon was spent; ;Aires.- Norman Shepherd gave an in- teresting paper an the Life of 'Tenny- son. The March meeting was held on Thursday 'of last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton with Mrs. George M+cVittie assisting. A very pleasant afternoon was spent in quilting. Mrs. A. W. Beacom gave an interesting paper 'ort some of the reasons why women have difficulty in keeping up with their work. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Koos visited last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. The storm has put No. 23 circuit out of order to -day, March 8th. Mr. Robert Ferris returned home Wednesday night of lash week after having a very pfeasatn visit with friends and old neighbors in Clinton. Mrs. A. W. Beacom and Harold and Mrs. Emmerson, an aunt of the former's from Minnesota, who has been visiting for some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom, visited in Grey part of lase week. Master Archie. Watt visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parsons, Thursday and Friday of last week. Miss Lydia Reid, tea'citer, visited -one evening last week at the home o'f Mr. and Mrs, Norman Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. I Rapson, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson, spent last Friday evenings at the home of Mr. and 1Mrs..W. IGibbings, Mrse James W'at•t of Myth visited part of last week at the home of her son, Leo and bits. Watt, returning home oe Friday. Mr, and .Mrs. Simon McVittie re- cently had a visit with their daugh- ter, Mrs. and Mr. James Scott, also Other friends. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Rob - mit Dodds of-MFKfllop, spent the week end at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Kellend' Mc- Vittie. 'Mr. Wm. Leiper of Stratford Nor - met agent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. James Leiper. Mr. Tiros. Knox visited in Grey on Sunday at the home of 38r. and Mrs. Wen. Knox. -lar. and Mrs. Robert Dodds and Miss Dodds of AleKtillap and Mr. and. Mrs. I. Rapson visited Saturday ev- ening at the home 'of Mrs. John Smith. Mr. William Ferris returned to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris' after spend- ing a few days with Clinton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Bewley 01 near Walton, visited last Wednesday at the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Ferris. VARNA. At the time of writing we are pleased to report Mrs. Clark is 'im- proving from her recent illness. The sudden change in the weather has changed the minds of our spring birds. A reception was held in the hall 'Wednesd'ay night in honor of Mr. and, ;Mrs. Harald Dowson, when the young couple were tendered a miscellan- eous shower. 'We wish the young cottple bon voyage through life. :Several from -our vicinity attended the Badminton dance in Bayfield Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mss. Wm. Reid 'entertain- ed a few oftheir friends Friday night. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty enter- tained a few of their friends Friday evening. Miss Welsh of Ripley spent a few, days last week wit@ ber sister, ;, for additional charm unhesitatingly r IG. H."Beatttyr Ichoose Persian Balm, Mr. and Mrs. Aldwindele and sons spe'n!t Wednesday evening at the home of Beatty Bros. IWe hope you have not forgotten the 'St. Patrick's celebration irn• the II -Tall on the 17th in aid of the Varna Library. There will be a showing of diamonds, a beating ofhearts, sling- ing of clubs and shuffling of spades,. and fiddles to, encourage the boys and the girls, so some along and enjoy the refreshments served by the Lib- rary Board. Bring "Mhrandy," the gentleman at the door will kindly let you both in for half a dollar. Every- body welcome en these conditions. As we' mentioned before, 25c will ad- mit one, but just think ofi it, 50c ad- mits two. d-mits'two. Gagne starts at 8 o'clock '(sharp). WEST BRODHAGEN. Mrs. Wm, Koehler is on the sick list but is improving nicely. Mr. Henry Koehler and Norman lBennewies are making their rounds circling wood for the farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Deorr of Gads - hill, who spent a week with their son, Jerry Deorr, left on Saturday last for ,home. 'John A. Eckart is kept busy in his chopping mill every Tuesday and Friday and is doing good work. bit. and Mrs..G'ordon Regele of the 14th con., Mr. :Clifford and Miss Nora Hoegy of Grey, called at Wm. Koeh- ler's on Sunday afternoon last. Mr. Charlie Regele was successful in renting four grass farms' for the Canada Company for the coning sea- son. Mrs. Jerry Deere 'had a quilting bee last week when the neighbor ladies all turned out for to assist and finish- ed tiro quilts. MANLEY. Rev. J. M. Eckart from Hawthorne, N.Y., spent last week with his broth- ers and sisters in the vicinity and has left for Waterloo, Ont., to give a two week's mission before he leaves for 'his home in N.Y. The spring-like weather was sud- denly checked by the March blizzard which has raged for four days and still is going strong and Jack Frost has for the first time this winter tried out the weak spots- by peeping through them and it will likelyclean up the flu by disinfecting the damp weather which has prevailed the mast of the winter. EGMONDVILLE The Peppy Pals Mission Band held their regular work meeting on March 5th in the vestry of the church. The meeting was brought to order by (Ruth Smith playing quiet music after which the president, Betty Smith, read the cali to worship, "We give thee thanks, thy name we sing, Al- mighty father heavenly king.” Hymn 44:6 was then .sung, after which Lilian Richardson led in prayer. The offer- ing was taken, which amounted to '20c, hymn 44 was sung. Then we started our work meeting. The girls changed their name from. "Little Helpers" to Peppy Pals. The meet- ing- was closed by a word of prayer from Liiiam Richardson. BORN. McDON•ALD. __In Scott , Memorial H:ospitai, on Sunday, March 6, 1932, to Mr. and, Mrs. Alex. MelDonadd, of Seaforth, a daughter. ARMSTRONG.—an Londes'boro,, en February 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, a son. tSIIB'THORPE.-In Blyth on March 1, 193?, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S'ibtlrorpe, a son. Persian Balm invests every woman with subtle charm. Delicately frag- rant, Cooling and healing. Dispels all roughness or chalfing. Makes skin delightfully soft -textured. Every wo- man should use .this peerless toilet re- quisite. Daintiness—beauty — refine- , meat -Persian Balm achieves these in every instance. Softens and whitens 1fhe hands. Promotes clear and youth- loveliness. All women who care ance IN OPERA HOUSE DUBLIN THURSDAY' EVENING arch 17 TONY PARRS BAND Tickets .75 cents per couple. Extra lady 25 'cents. TUCKERSMITH. Council Minutes. ---The Council met on .Saturday, Feb, 271thi with all members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, ih'c- Messrs, IF. 'R, 1-tainilton and Rob't. ICay-1B'rown, that W. J. Finnigan be 'Norris, of 'Cromarty, have launched Paid ' $45.40 for supplies for unenvploy out in,the 'Shorthorn line, having pur- ed. 'Broth-Md&ay,- that the Audi- 'chaised . the imported bull ,'Le'o'pold' tors' Reports of the To!wns•hip of Val. 52, 'from Mr. 'Ro'o't. Miller o' !Tuckersmith and the Tuckers'mith IS!touffville This 'fine'animal was int 'Telephone System be adopted, and ported last 'September f`ro'm 'Alford '' 00 printed. Clarkejaht s, that the A!bendeenishire, Scotland. Collector be given an extension of Farm Transactions. time until the March' meeting foe the return of the Roll. IclKay'Glark, that etohn 'Clark, who bought the farm the 'Seaforth, 'Clinton and. H;ensall Pairs be given each a grant of $25.00. Jloitnns,Olark, that the following ac- counts be paid—Edwin Chesney, au- ditor telephone, $22:50; Hugh, McMil- lan, auditor telephone, $22.50.; Brown McKay, that By -Law No. 3-1932, to borrow $25,000.00 front the Canadian Bank of Commerce, be passed. Brown ;McKay, that the fo'll'owing accounts be paid: D. F. MdGregor, insurance, $3; D. F. McGregor, insurance, $3; 7. G. S•hillinglarw, salary acct., $100; !Charlotte Robinson, taxes, $13150; A. iD. Sutherland, insurance, $28; W. Mc_ Beath, salary, $1137.50; W. M'dBeath, that., , $1,92; Hugh Walker, rebate taxes, $10:95; Clinton Nems -Record, printing, $7.00; J. B. Mustard, post- age, $10; The Expos("tor, printing, $20; Bell 'Teleplhone Co„ L.D.mes- sages, $141,60; Hugh McMillan, aud- iting Tap., $22.50; 'Edwin Chesney, auditing, Tp., $22,50; R E. _Manning, D.C. fees, $6,93.-iD. F. McGregor; Clerk, Mrs. George 'Chambers of Cromarty was a visitor last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wright of Eg- mondville. 1r. and Mrs. Chas. McKay visited on Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. Roland Kennedy. 'Me. Rae MidGeoch of Toronto is visiting friends near Seaforth. Syrup making is the order of the day. Quite a number in this vicinity are laid up with an atftack of flu. Miss Bambara Simpson of Staffa spent the week end with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Simpson. A number of the people of this neighborhood are laid up with severe colds. Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend and Mr. and /Mrs. Ray Fear visited relatives in London on, Tuesday of las'( week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball of De- troit are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Fred Pepper visited relatives in :London and Exeter last week. The March meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies' Club was held at the home of 'Mrs. V. Terryberry. There were twenty members and five visit ors present. The roll call was ans- wered by an Irish joke, and many am- using ones were given. Anter the bus- iness of the day was transacted' a short program was given consisting of community singing, and a very hu- morous Irish reading by Mrs. Im Johns, also readings by Mrs. G. Crich and Mrs. F. :Walters. The ladies spent some time quilting 'before the tea hour, The April meeting of the Club will be held at the home of Mrs, G, McGregor. The roll call is to be "My Pet Proverb." TRY TOWN TOPICS CSilleSpieS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Enters Flax Business: Mr, D. 'Urquhart of Hensel! Chas de- ci.de'd !to launch into :the flaax business,. (Ile expects to put out about 300 acres of 'seed. Purchases Horse, Mr2I arry Zapfe of the town line, 'S,tiotley, this week sold a heavy horse to Mr. Cameron, of Tucl-er- smith,,,foi-which he received a good price, Retiring .to Heniail. John JohnstonI!, of the 4th con. of 'Hay, has sold this 100 _acre -farm to :qtr, IF. IDlaters 'for which the .received $4,70Q. Mr. Johnston and 'family will retire to !Hensali, Breeding Shorthorns. HILLSGREEN. The Young People are putting on a St, Patrick's Social in the church on Monday evening, March Nth. A programme and'lan'tern slides will be given, also a dainty l'unc'h. Ald4ns- sion 25c and 115c. Everyone welcome.. Dhe W.M.S. will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephen- son on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Thos. Omelet of Hensel! spent a few days recently with his son, Mr. R. Consist. Miss Ruth Richardson has returned to her 'home after spending a few days with friends in. Varna. 'Several farmers have tapped for syrup and say the run was good. This storm will helpit to run better,, we hope. Quitting bees are now the order of the day in this :vicinity. Mir. and Mrs. N. Reid df Varna spent Sunday at the home o8 Mr; and Mrs. H. Turner. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c. Cleaners .& Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT ORDE'R Phone 196w. We call anddeliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop, o'f Robt. Coutts, lot 30, con. 11, Grey, has since sold it to •Wen. 'E,ll'acott, of 'Elms township, •the price being '$4,600 Since that Mr. Clark has purchased Brom Donald McCallum lot 7, con. 15, Grey, paying '$4,1250 for it. Mr; Coutts has moved to his recently .purchased farm in M'dKrllop, and Mr. McCalluin may go west with the big contingent .From 'here. 'Mr. Clark is getting to be a great real estate dealer. Dies fn Stanley. It is our sad' duty to chronicle the death . of James Campbell, of Stanley, 'who succumbed on Sunday, March 4Vh, to that fatal disease, pneumonia. IThe funeral which took place on Tuesday was a' large one and was conducted by the Varna Orange lodge, assisted by brelthreu from Bay (field, !Goshen and Goderich township, Leave for the West. The following were ticketed to the west and other points this week: Dong ald' C. Campbell and little son, t'o Mortlach, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rands, of .Hullett, to Sinbalttta, Sask.; .Horace 'Townsend and family and Donald Ferguson of Tuckers'm'ith to ;Park River, (North Dakota; Mrs, .Dr, :Newkirk, to Bay City; Mr. and ,Mrs. George Smale of Chiselhurst, to Hal- brite, 'Sask.; Thomas Carter of Tuck ersmith to Rapid City, Man..; Thomas (Love of McKillop, to Saskatoon, Sask.; Miss Edgar, of Seaforth, to Killarney, Man.; 'Walter Griinol'dby, of McKillop, to Stxadhdona, Alta:; George Hewett to Fillmore, Sask.; /James R. 'Scott of Ro eboro, to Wole sley, Sask.; J'o'hn Wyatt and family of'Hullett to New •Liskeard; New On- tario. Also the following who evere visiting friend's in Ontario from ehe West had their return tickets validat ed for return this week: D. tMoDon,- aid to .Milestone, Sask.; William and Jessie Carter to Rapid City, !Robert Rennie to Roleau and D. T. 1MdColl to Brandon, !\Mrs, Robert Grieve and little girl to Lander. Brother Is Ordained. At the 11 o'clock service at St, Paul's 'ProJCathedref,` Springfield, 'Ohio, on Sunday last, Rev. Robert James Belt, the curate of St. Paul's, was ordained into Vhe priesthood, Mr. Belt is a native of Canada, was reared and completed a part of his .education in Detroit, -Mich. He graduated from bhe Detroit Law School, being a mem- ber of the Michigan bar, Later he went to Chicago, where he entered the Western Theological _seminary, He is a young men of great zeal and wholly given over to the work he has chosen. Appointed Manager. eee CONSTANCE.. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter enter- tained -a. few of at'heir neighbors and friends last Friday evening. (Everybody enljoyed themselves at the dance; that was held in the For- rester's Hall lama Friday night, so that there will be another Friday night of this <week. Do not fail to come. Miss Viola Morrison spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Thomas Pol- l'a:rd. Mr. George Riley 'has been in poor health for the last couple/ of weeks and has been under the doctor's care. Mr. Dave Tudor of Michigan visit- ') ed his brother, Mr. Duncan Tudor, • y last week. t %Ia•s' Jos. Riley is at present visit in'g her sister, Mrs. Tom. Riley of Clinton, who returned from ,Clinton Hospital \Monday of this week. BAYFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Harding had as their guests Sunday,and Monday, gr. and Mrs. Louis 'Jacobs and two children f Benmi'ller. Mr. Gordon Vans!tone and Miss Greta Steele of Goderich are visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Harding. Mise Jean Woods of Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, was home for part of S'aturday ,and- Sunday. Mrs. Prentice of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, _Mr. and 'Mrs. W,m. J. 'Stinson. Jamas R'ouaft, wiho has been in London for the past month, returned home last week. Miss Atiut Dewar is visiting in To- ronto. Mr. Attthur E. Cantelon of. War (Road, Minnesota, was recently a vis- itor with Mr. and Mrs. John Jowett. Mr. Cantelon is Grand High Priest of the :Grand Chapter .Royal Arch Me- sons of War Road and .attended the meeting of the :Cha'p'ter at Hamilton at which: were High Priests frotn New York, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa and other States. From 'here Mr. !Cantelon proceeded to Vancouver. 'Ate euchre and,, dance put on, by the Badminiton Clu'b on Friday even- ing last, March 4th, was quite a suc- cess. Several were present from Go- derioh, Varna and other places. The winners at euchre were Mrs. Meakins, Mrs. Johns, Cecil Connell, Melvin Davison. Music for dancing was supplied by Dr. A. New'ton,Brady, .Milton Pollock, James Lindsay, vio- lins; 'George Lititle, drums and traps; Miss Gene Connor of Goderich, pf- afro, r'fo HULLETT. Mr. Cowan of the 13Th con., who has been quite ill for several weeks, we are glad to state is improving. Miss Mary Wood of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wood, of the 13th con. Miss S. Sampson of • Palmerston recently spent some time at the hone of Mr. W. Hunking. Mr. T. Pickett •af Londesb'oro visit- ed the home of Mr.. G. Cowan Mon- day. Mass Stevens of near Harlock, who has been spending some time 'with Seaforth relatives, has returned. Mr. C. Rudde'll, of the 10th con- cession Who has been in very poor health for the past ,several months and during that Itinte has been confined to. the house, we are pleased to state is so far improved that he could' motor to Mr. and Mrs. D. Ro'berton's home last'Thursday and spend the day. Mr. J. Johnston and family of the 6th concession, have moved to Sum- tnerhilland are residing in his new dwelling that he had built last sum - meta • Mr. K. Radford 'of the 10th conces- sion has been quite ,ill for the past two weeks and has not beenable to re - Me. E, Mole has been ettgaged as surae his studies at the CCJI. We manager of the electric light plant are sorry to say he is not improving here, Me. McGee having gone to Tor- as well es his school pals 'would like onto, to see him. Purchases Farm. 'Mr. A. Forbes of town has purch- ased the fine farm of Mr. John Mc- Millan at Roxlborough. Mr, 'blciMil- lan will ;retire from farm life and may become a resident of Seaforth. Leases Business. 11r, (Colin Smith Hudson, son of Mr. Hudson, Egneondville, and who his been employed at Hensel! for three years past with Mr. W. J. Mil- ler, has leased the paint ,shop and bus- iness of the latter and' is now in charge. Curlers Dine. 'Mr. 'Wm. 1v'ciDougall, winner of the turkey donated by Mr. J'ames Dick for competition among the local curl- ers, entertained his intimate curling friends on Monday evening, his tro- phy being the central figure of the tasty spread. The W;M:S. b:f the United Church meet at the home of Mrs,' Watson of the loth concession Wednesday. 'Miss Snell of The 10th concession and Miss Sprung of the 1.l'th conces- sion, expect to leave for London next weelc where they have been ,accepted' at the Ontario Hospital to train as :nurses. Our good wishes go with then. • Messrs. Percy and Will Manning of the lith concession have purchased the Ewen house alyd are .having - it torn clown and. mb'ving it to their farm. Worms cause freefuliess and rob the infant -ofsleep, the •great hour. isher. 'Mother IGeaves' Worth Ex- terminator will clear the stomach and intestines and restore healthfulness. 'Want and For Sale Ads, 1 time 25c, ti,