HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-03-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.,
7 -11415,i -ME Is~
A Pifmr�,
l Improvedtype Chick Feeder
FO' Vwith Every
Bag of Purina Chick. Startena
Here's the biggest bargain we ever offered. Purina Chick Startena
at the lowest price we ever quoted, and A FEEDER FREE WTTH
EVERY BAG. (As long as our supply of feeders lasts,)
Latest -style improved feeders that prevent chicks wasting feed.
Will save pounds of feed in a season.
Startena raises a bigger percentage of chicks and grows them
faster than any other starting feed we ever sold. Gets the ''broilers
away .before they "eat their heads off," and gives the pullets a start
that brings them into lay a full month earlier than the averagewit1ni
plenty of size to stand heavy production.
That meansa better price for broilers too—getting these away
early—and an extra month of pullet laying before Christihas.
Don't take our word for it. Ask any of your neighbors who had
fed Startena. We'll wager nine out of ten will tell you the same thing,
But don't wait too long—or our FREE FEEDERS may be all getle,
Sanitary brooder houses ward off disease. Disinfect with Purina
Cre-so-fee, Purify the chicks' drinking water with Purina Chlorena
Ada. Today's Purina Price -3.l0 per cwt. with feeder.
Thomas Dickson
Mrs. Craig of Blyth is visiting at
the" home of her father, Mr. Alex.
Mrs. Jahn Fisher of Blyth is visit-
ing at the home of her father, Mr.
Alex. Smith.
Mrs. Jbhn Fisher is spending a few
days visating friends in Toronto.
Miss Alma Scruton of London
spent the week end at her home,
Miss Eleanor Machan, R.N., of
Clinton, visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. D'on'ald MdKinnon.
Mrs. Margaret Vair of Toronto is
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs, Robert Bonthron,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case visited
friends in London on Saturday.
Mr. Wm. Simpson, accompanied by
his mother and sister, spent the week
end with Mrs, Robt. Bonthron,
Mr. and Mfrs. Roy McLaren, ac-
companied by Miss Gladys Luker
visited friends in London on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Colling-
wood spent the week end with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
`:Miss Made Bell of London visited
last week with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Wiliiam Bali.
Mr. Alex. Sparks, who has been
visiting for the past ,few month's with
his sons in Detroit, has returned
The firemen's euchre and dance in
the town hall on Friday evening last
was well attended. Goad music was
provided by numerous local talent,
the prizes for euchre being as fol-
lows: for ladies, Mrs..' W. Deitz, for
gentlemen, Mr. Edward Sheffer and
the lucky number for the, lunchbas-
ket won by M's's Hazel Smillie.
Mis Ruby MdLaren is visiting for
a few days with her 'sister, Mrs. Alf.
Hus'kin'g of Farquhar:•
Services in the United Church were
well attended on Sunday last. The
Rev. Arthur Sinclair had charge of
the services. In the evening a duet
was given by Mrs. Alf Clark and Mrs.
A. Sinclair and a quartette by Mrs.
T. S'hernitt, Mrs. Geo. Hess, and the
Messrs, W. O. Goodwin and Sam
Dr. Ivan Smillie is spending a few
days this week with friends and rela-
tives in Toronto.
The Welfare Youths Club of the
Carmel Presbyterian Church held
their regular meeting on Monday ev-
After. the
g Openingis
the .B'i'ble lesson was read by Mrs.
Roy MdLaren, after which the roll
call was read and answered by names
of famous poets. The minutes of the.
last meeting and the business were
discussed foll'o'wed by a violin duet by
Messrs. Fred Daters and Jim. Ben -
gough, accompanied. by Miss Irene
Daters on the piano. A solo was gi-
ven by Anlnie' Raiser and the topic,
"The Beginning of F'ore'ign Missions"
by Mrs. Edwards, after which a duet
was given by Misses Irene Daters
and Mabel Workman, followed by a
solo by Dorothy Daters and the meet-
ing closed with a 'hymn and the Miz-
pa'h benediction.
The many ,fniend,s here of Mr, By-
ron Hicks were shocked to hear of his
death which occurred at the Lucan
Railway crossing on Friday afternoon
last. Mr. Hicks shipped stock from
the IHensall railway station every
Saturday and ,,was one of the best
known stock men in the south end of
the county.
Mrs. Jbhn 'Murdoch very pleasantly
entertained a number of friends on
M'on'day evening,
Mrs. 'Samuel Beavers called on
friends in tqwn Thursday.
The many friends of Mr. Charles
McDonnell will be sorry to hear he is
confined to his home through illness.
Mr. and Mrs. William Con'sis't spent
a day last week visiting friends in
Mr, Jas. Ballantyne, reeveof UIs.
borne, was in Toronto fast week at-
tending the Good Roads convention,
.l'ir, and Mrs. John Pollock have
returned for a month's visit with their
son at 'London.
Sunday last, February 28th, was the
birthday anniversary of the following
of our prominent citizens: Hugh R.
McKay, Louis MdLeod•, Mrs. A.
Newton Brady, Mrs. Walter West-
lake We extend congratwdatmons.
The members of the Senior Guild
of Trinity !Ohurch are preparing' for
another Tea to be held on Th'urs'day,
'Iarch 17tth at the home of Mrs. H.
R. Mc'Klay.
Mr. and Mrs. (Harry 'B'aker and
babe and Mr, and (Mrs. Vietor Burt
and three 'children of London were
here Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. C. !Berry of ,London
visited the latter's mother, !Mrs. M.
Fields (Sunday. '
The fishe'rmfent were very busy
last week putting up ice. The quality
was not as good as usual this season,
Mr, Harold IScotc!hmer of Guelph
Agricultura'l 'C'ollege was home for
the week -end.
A friendly game of Badminton was
played at the 'Town. 'Hall Thursday
evening the 25th
ult. between Clin-
r _
ton and 'Baylfield, the score dieing as
Dr. Newton Brady, Mrs.rNewton.
Brady 1'5=15) Norrna Cook, J. C.
Gaudier, 11-10.
Marion 'Davison, E. 'Patohell 15-15;
ary Hovey, Stuart 'Cook 124.
Clayton 'Weston, Helen Seeds 15-15,
Miss Rutnball, (Rob IGandier 3;6.
Milton 'Pollock, Mr's. M'cBwan, 15-
15; "Harriet Gandier, Joe Giddier
4,12, FOR SALE
J. Pease, Westlake 15-15;
Cools, 2!rs, Seeley 17-10.
Susie Westlake, Chas. Wallis 1,
1S-3; Mrs. Cook, Mr. 'Seeley,'15-'8,.1
Men's D'o ebdes—
hr. Newton Brady, Pat. Piatchell
15-11-15; C, 'Cook, DT, Gandier 4-
Clayton Weston, Don �7�Ic',I�enzie
15; Joe Gaudier, 'Bob Gaudier 4.
Milton Pollock, ,Les, .Elliott' 15; C.
Cook, 'W See1ey 2.
b ounen's Doubles—
Marion Davison, Mrs. Newton
dy 1S 17; Mary Hovey, Miss Rums
bald 5-15. •
Illelen Seeds, Mrs 'Ic'Ewan . 18
Vo tea Cook, Miss Gaudier 15.
Susie Westlake, Mrs. Westlake 6;
Mrs. Seeley, ,Airs: Cook 15.
Lucy '•Wloo'ds, Mrs. Paull 10; •Miss
Biggar't, 'Miss McTaggart 35,
The Young People's department df
St. Andrews Un'i'ted Church at their
regular meeting 'Thursday evening of
last week 'had a debate on the subject,
Resolved, That wealth Inas done more
for the upbuilld'daitg of character, than
poverty. The affirmative was Taken
by Mw. J. W'aison and 2eLiss Marg-
aret :Ferguson; and the -negative by
Messrs. Brown 'Slte'want and Elgin
Parker, The judges were Mrs. R.
Sco'tchnter, 'Miss Annie ,Dewar, Mr.
James Sterling who decided the affirm-
ative the winners by two points. The
deba'te was very interesting,
C. ".Cwo ;purebred Bronze gobblers. Ap-
ply to J4IRJNtEISIT A'D!AM!S, R.'P.. I,
1- Clinton, or phone 241 r 22, Sea'fort'h.
5, 9
Mr. Harold Broderick returned to
his home after spending a few days
with his sister in Exeter.
Mr. Orville Smith is taking treat-
ments in the hospital in .London for
the interest of his health. We hope he
may be helped and have his good
health back again.
Mrs. Jas. Love spent a felw days
with friends near Kippeu recently.
Mr, and Mrs. W.' Turner and son,
Mr. Ralph, an'd Mr. and Mrs, R. Con-
sitt attended the funeral of the infan
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur
her at 'Clinton on Monday.
The Young People are planning
St. Patrick Social to be held on Mar
14th in the church.
The W.M.S. will be held next Wed
nesd'ay, March 9th,
Mr. and Mrs. W, Horsey and Irma
moved from Exeter last week and are
getting nicely settled on the farm
again. INc welcome them back.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Robert Parsons is doing nicely after
being under medical care with 0 nurse,
Mr. Mervyn Keys, who is attend -
ding University at London, spent the
week end at the home df his p'arenits,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Ben Keys, ,Babylon I•ine.
Mr, Wm. Hayter is moving from
the farm on the 3rd concession of
Stanley to the farm on Babylon line,
which he has leased from Ed. J. Ste-
phenson for a terns of 5 years.
A very happy event, which occurs
only once in four years, ,was a pleas-
ant birthday party held in honor of
Miss Grace Robinson, who on Mon -
clay, Feb. 29th, celebrated the anniv-
ersary of her birthday,
!Mrs, 'Root. 'Greer, Bayfield road, .is
in very poor health and 'there is very
slight hope for her recovery.
iMr,' Wm. Dtm'calf, who spent the
past three months around these parts,
left on Saturday for Fingal where he
intends spending the summer.
Stanley towns.hip _council had their
niont'hly meeting in. Varna town hall
on Tuesday last,
Mr. Wilber Blair spentthe past
week visiting friend in London.
The following is the report o'f . S.S.
No. 7, Stanley, for the month of Feb-
Sr. hV.--W,ilmer Turner 60.
Jr. IV,—IB'ilife Reid 71, Allan Love
Sr.IiIIL-John` M'cClinchey 62, Ju-
lene Stephenson 55.
Jr III'I.—Margaret Reichert 56.
Sr I'I,-Margaret Love 81, Ruth
McAllister 78, Elmore Meoianchey
63, Emma McClinc'lney 43.
Jr. DL— Clifford McClim'ch•ey 68.
I. Pvan• , Steiphents'on 88, Gordon
Johnston 85
1Pritlner—'Jean Love, Bobby Reid,
Karl Reichert.
!Number on roll 16, average attend-
ance 15:4.
Victor Dinnin, Teacher.
The folldwing is a report of school
section No. 13, Stanley, for the
months of January and February.
Those .marked with an asterisk missed
one or more examinations:
:Sr. IV. J'olhn Keys 66%.
Jr. FV.—Bo'b Peck 63%.
Sr. IIIiI. Clare McBride 74.2%,
Dorothy Peck 68,9%".
Jr, IDIII.--ISybi1 Keys 80%, G'orclon
Keys 67,7%•
(III,—'hjIack Peck 7'5%, Horace Bra-
therton 60%a.,
I, --Arnold Keys, very good, Bruce
Keys, fair.
Pr,-4f8arold Peck, good, , Walter
Brattherton, fair.
tNu'niber on roll 12, average atten
dance 11.1,
Grace I. Mason, Teacher,
a -latching egg s from hood -:tested
Barret! Plymouth 'Rocks headed by
heaviesegg sir ti' cocicrei. Order
early. Price 75c pet setting of 15 eggs.
Limited supply. HtAIROLD CU:D-
0205212, H'ens'alI RR. 1, Ont. 11.
A gander. Apply to 13'6 r 24, Sea-
'Purebred bred -to -lay Barred Rocks,
from high production, brood tested
stock. Hens with an averageof over
50%, bred by James Scott, Sea'f'ort'h.
Cockerels bred by Gordan Burns,
Paris, Ont. These cockerels are from
prize wincing stock, an'd are quiclt.
Maturing. Eggs 10c above market
price. MILLER ADAMS, Seaforth.
S. C. White Leghorn Chicks $10
per hundred; lBarrcd' 'Racks $12 per
hundred; IBilatck Jersey 'tGilants, $113
per hundred, 'C'hi'cks Iproiperly in-
cubated in a Jamesway Incubator.
My supply is limited so -plate your
order now. I also have for sale one
hot air Prairie State Incublator 400
egg 'size; one 'Ea'ton'ia 400 egg size
hot water; two Wisiconsin 250 egg
size hot water, all in good 'condition.
Will sell cheap for a guick sale.
HARRY KIEHN.E, Bornholm, 'Ont,.
r.r. 1, Phone 52-2'3. 15
From high -prod'u'cing two-year-old
Barred Rocks and .males from 'one of
Ontario's leading poultry farms. Hens
have had outdoor exercise all winter.
BART, LIAIWISIOdf, Clinton, R.R. 1,
Phone 241 r 12, Seaforth. 9
For sale, two pure, bred Jersey cows
carrying their second calf. One due
on March 3rd. The other due ;on
March 25th. Apply 1'/ miles east of
Seaforth on Highway, lot .5. F1RANK
D'ILLL, Seaforth r,r, 4. 1p
For immediate sale on easy terns,
France House, good size, on Jarvis
street, two lots, electric lights, town
water, etc. Or will be rented, Apply
E. L. BOX, Seaforth,
Several good cows to freshen
shortly; also some young cattle;
white' rocks from Tweddle's blood-
tested stock; also barred' rocks.
Hatching eggs 5c per dozen above
market price. T. W. MCMILLAN,
r.r. 2, 'Seaforth. ,Phone 21-244. 10.
'We have .a quantity of Syrup on
hand, best Sugar Cane Syri.9 we can
buy. We offer it for 20c per gallon.
THOS. DICKSON, Seaforth. Phone
13.. 10.
Chicks for sale, one. week old. J.
C. MdNAY, Seaforth RJR. 2, Phone
Hardie Power Sprayer outfit, cedar
posts, also M. -IH. bean 'cultivator and
puller. A. ROIBIEIRT:SON, R.R.1,
Varna, Ont,-.
One pure bred Holstein caw, com-
ing 4 years, to freshen soon, Rev. W.
F. SMITH, phone 239-15. 10
Gents' truss fork C.'C,'M bicycle,
cheap for quick sale; 8 young pigs;
second-hand D'elLavlal create separat-
or; young Ayrshire cow; also. some
year-old heifers, Allpply to Harold
Petnhale, B'aytfieId. 9
Good pasture :farm of one hundred
acres on Con. 11, Lot 21, Stanley tp.,
running water ail the year. There is
20 acres ready for spring crap and 25
of hay but would 'make good pa's'ture.
There is a 20x50 barn, Roll'in'g land
with goold natural( drainage. Owing to
ill health this place will be sold reas
onable, CHAS. 1bA'T''HIWELL.
Farm Implements
Now is the time to order any
new machinery, repairs or parts
for the Spring work.
Seeus for Fertilizer Drills,
(Soil Pulverizers and Cultivators,
Cream Separators and complete
line of Farm Machinery.
Repairs strictly cash.
• F. T. Shewfelt
Agent for Internatioanal planvester Co.
1North Main St., Seaforth
100 sant
Whyte's IaAIRD
3 -Pounds 20t
Havelock Man.
FLOUR, per cwt.21'65
''cavy b'r 2'"9
BBaots, fiRitrstbegnalityl .
Bull Dag t 49
'Overalls ., e
Forest, City BAK. q
Sepoy Man,',
F.LO'UR per cwt.tsp(a
Pbex B'lanke'ts large oak
size. Pair a
Palm Orlve Soap
4 elates 2•
It will save you money wiheti you buy in Egnn'ondville:'
. I. FI N•I• AN
Four Reasons`
Why you should buy
Single Comb White Leghor.ns
Barred Plymouth Rocks
in 1932
Because our plant is an Ontario Breeding Station. All 'birds
are Banded and Blood Tested by an •0.B.S..Inspector.
We are trapnesting under Record of Performance and we are
inspected at monthly intervals- by a qualified inspector.
Our hatchery is under Hatchery Approval Policy. This means
a strict inspection of all hatchery operations, sanitation, size
and shape of eggs, weight of chicks, etc.
We are producing these extra quality chicks at ordinary chick
prices. This is the kind of poultry that pays, 5% discount on
all orders booked before March 1st
Sunnyvale Poultry Farm
Visitors Welcome,
PHONE '137 -r
Seaforth, Ontario.
Township of McKillop
All taxes in the Township of Mc-
Killop not paid on or before 7th day
of March; 1932, will be handed to the
bailiff for collection, .All ratepayers
in arrears Of taxes please govern
themselves a'ocordingly.
By, order.
Mcll<illop, February 24th, 1932.
Mrs. Jennie 'V. Cowan wishes' to
thank her neighbors and friends, also
the Odd Fellows' Lodge for kindness
and sympathy shown her during the
illness and death of her husband, Mr,
W. W. Cowan,
Auction Sale
Auction sale elf the following will
be held Friday, Mar. 11, at 1 o'clock
p.m. !Lot 6, Con. 4, Tuckers§nils, W.
M. Sproat's Tile Yard,
Cows -1 Durhaml cow (choice) 7
years old with call six weeks old at
foot; 1 black cow 9 years old, h'i'k-
ing well and due in July; 1 roan cow
due in August, 8 years old; 1 Dur-
ham cow 7 years old, due in April;
one cow, ,Durlrain, 6 years old, due in
Ap'rill; 2 cows part Holstein rising
3, second ,calf due in April; , 1
heifer fresh 'about one month, 2 years
old, calf at foot; 4 heifers springing
two years old; two fat Dui -hail -1 heif-
ers rising two (would either ,make
good beef ring meat or good cows);
six 'hei'fers rising one year old; two
steers one year old and fat.
.One young brood sow due in Ap-
ril. Sheep' -7 'blacldfatce ewes with
lambs at foot Pou'ltry—IFi'fty".or six-
ty rock hens one year old and about
25 Leghorns, A few tons of hay 'and
we will also offer a car load cif Agri-
cultural ' Lime in '
q res
you wish. 'Also one Massey -Harris
fertilizer disc drill, 113 discs,
Terms: --Six months with 'interest
7% per annum or the same rate off
for cash, Bankable approved joint
notes. Geo, 11. Elliott, auctioneer.
William M. Sproat and Harry Ches-
ney, proprietors. F, MoGre'go'r and
Jtno, Reinke, clerks.
Let us have the names of your visitors
'Com'fort'able Cottage situate ea
',East Gode'rioh Street, Seaforth, form-
erly occupied by Mrs, Clara 'fit
Oluskey Crowley.
Immediate possession can be givens.
For further particulars apply to R. S.
HAYS, 'Seaforth, Ont.
300 acres choice clay :loam. 3fus'k
be sold to settle estate, MRS, .RG3
CLiARK1E, Phone 6.;on 24'5.
Wawanesa Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Canada's Largest iMutua2
Insurance Co'y,
Our Classified Fire Rates'
on Farm Buildings of 'First
Class 'Construction are a-
mazingly low.
Windstorm Rates will sur-
prise you.
Special Rates to Farmers
for Auto Insurance
For full particulars, con-
sult our local agent.
J. H. Scott
Phone 336 Box '14SEO'RTH
Butter, .per Ib, ............. ..._ 1Sc
Eggs,;lper doz. ...,- 13c-2186
Potatoes, per bag . , ...c
Hogs, per cwt, ... .'4.23-$1-
When you want an animal.
removed, 'phone us. If hide is
on, we"make no charge for cot'
lee ting,
William . Stone Sons
Phone '21 - - Ingersoll
Phone 215w -Stratford