HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-02-25, Page 5THU'RSDA'Y, FEBRUARY 25,, 1932 allminieninmormnimmommialmr YOUR SAFEGUARD There is no place in which more care should be exercised than in the purchase of food products. When you buy from a Superior Stare you are safeguarded by the knowledge and integrity of an experienlced grocer.. His shelves contain only nter.chandi'se' of undoubted quality and his prices are right, Yo'ti can shop with conifideuce at any Super- ior Store. Remember our slogan: • WE SELL THE BEST FOR 'LES!S. Items for Week ending March. 2nd. ,,,,,, 1'541pc ^ . , ...: 40 oz, lar in 8c per tin`8 c per bottle 39c per ib. s c BISCUIT... per lh.15 c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE "good to the last drop" , ORANGE MARMALADE , ,,..... , ,, CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP , , , , , ILEALAND SWEET PICKLES, family size PURE LARD PERRIN'S CHOCOLATE iMIALLOW ERESH FROZEN SALMON, Half or Whole Fish FRESH FROZEN HERRINGS ,... per doz. 25 c !Borden's Evaporated Milk, large....2 tiris 25ci small ....3 tin 19c Benson's Corn Starch per pkg. 12c Cascade Pink Salmon Corn, Peas, Tomatoess,;Iarge tins 3 for 25c Toilet Tissue, Huron or Veryt!hfng 3 rolls 10c Oxo Gubes, Small 14c; . large..... 28c ilaory Soap, medium cake 3 cakes 25c 1PffeLarena• Olives, -..plain 20`oz.....23c; ;Stuffed, 9 oz.......25c legllliner Brand Filletts Haddie medium per Ib. 18c lM'agic Baking Powder ..,.. 23 ...5 oz. 16 oz. ...36c 1Lawrason's 'Sn'o'wlfiake Ammonia :.2 pkgs. 15c Lawras'on's Flus!110 per tin 23c Hawes' Floor Wax 1's 43x;. Pints 55c iBrill'o, "cleans and polfshe's with one operation"' ....2 pkgs.. ..25c Premium, Tea. , 1 lb. pkg. 59c ('wit'h Free Cups and ,Saucers, Tea P'l'ates, Creams Sugars and Vases) Ingersoll Cream or Pimento Cheese . .. 2 pkgs. 25c Venos 'Cough Syrup per bottle 32c Shell Brand Castile Soap per bar 23c California Prunes 40 x 50 ...... .......... • , ...... , . 2 lb. pkg. 23c Shrimps per tin 23c Tuna Fish ... .. t r Ig's....d8; A's....29c 'Marshall's Kippered Herring 1's .............. ...per tin 23c "plain or ih Tomato" Libby's Sauer Kraut ................................. ......2 tins 25c 'Libby's ,D'ill Pickles per tin 23c Singapore Sliced Pineapple , 9 tins 25c Hallo'wi Dates . 3 lbs. 25c Ngw Can'ad'ian Cheese 2 labs. 25c per lb. 1 OC l's 12c Roquefort, tLinrburgee, Crealin Chateau and Beaumert Cheese Ohris'tie's-iButter'W'afers, Cheese Wafers, Cream Crackers, Chocolate .iGinger.and ,Sugar Wafers, Pure Clover Honey in- tins 5'•s 40c; 10's 75c Ross J Sproat MissNT N. Pryce Phone 77. Phone 8 AMID i Cream Cream ilIGHEST FILMES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont, C. A. BARBER. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license.' Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. THE HARBOR •PILOTS The average .landsman has only a vague idea of t'he •working existence Med by the hardy group of 24 men Naito serving as pilots for B'o'ston Bay, keep shipping moving in and oat of the harbor day after clay, year in and year out, if the weather is stormy, cold, foggy or otherwise. Two pilot bloats, either the Liberty or 'Pilot, ,work alternate ,weeks in 1B!os_ ton harbor, and as steamers ending a voyage trona Europe, South America, the Orient, fan .away .Australais, and Other . p'ar'ts ,olf the would approaeh ,B'o'ston ,Lightsihi'p, •standing 'senitin'el- like in outer 'B'oston Hanb'o•, the sight aE a• pilot boat jogging about in the rioiuii'ty of the lightship is the frisk to greet t'he 'incoming mariner, uy,h'o al- ways wel'c'omes a view of the blue and white flag flying at.'the.top of the pil- ot boat's main masithead by day, and t'he red and white masthead lights shown at ,night. (When the steamer's lookout spots the pilot 'boat, he relays word back to the ,bridge.. If the Vs!hip is a regular visitor she merely waits fora pilot to come aboard, but in the case of a stranger to the port a pilot jack is raised as a signal "' that a pilot is wan Md. .The pilot boat is then manoeuvred to within a Squatter Of a mile of the ship, a small boat is pat overboard and two oarsmen row the pilot to his ,temporary comnnand. In the case of an outbound steamer the pilot is picked up by .a small boat and' con- veyed back to the waiting ,pilot beat, 'The pilot, above all, is a seaman with Proven courage, resourcefulness and ability to navigate, After return- ing from the barber he goes home .for his respite and then, under the rota- tion system, repo/sits back to the shore quarters, where he again waits his turn to go out, killing time by re'ad- ing, talking, playing cards, :listen'in'g to radio broadcasts, este. • A ,piliot's berth wo'ul'd not appear to bparticularly e i abtrac•bive, .b Ott usually there is a long waiting lisp for the positions, desipit'e hardships included in the life of a pilot, ,especially in win, ter 'months. 'Most of the ap,pgititteeib THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE TOWN TOPICS The many friends of Mr. W. 3. Sillery of E'gmon'dville are sorry to know be has been confined to bed the past week !The many friends of Mins Mary L. Henderson are pleased to know that she has recovered nicely from the ef- leets of an 'accident recently when she fractured her arm. Mr. and 'Mrs.' F. D. Hutchison at- tendeld the funeral of Mrs, A. -J Babb at Mitchell on Sunday. Mrs, J. B. Tyermau is visiting her aunt and unicle at Leamington for a few weeks. Mr. Alex, Vivian, Mr. Cameron' Vi vian, Mrs. Thos. Holliday and Mrs. Chas. Stilllwelly of Stratford, were in town on Tuesday owing to the death af Mr. W. W. Cowan. Mr, George Hays returned home from Detroit after an extended visit ill bhe city, He was <accotnpanied by his brother, Gordon, who returned last Monday . to resume his duties with the Union Trust Co,, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. MoAsh and two sons of Varna were guests on Sunday of. Mrs. W, L. Keys. Mr. Will Faulkner of Brantford spent the week -end in town, Mr. A. W. Moore, James street, at- tended the agents' convention of the MdCol1-Proiitemnait!c Oil Co. in To- ron'tou this week, returning on Wed nesday. 'The Venus family proved this week from the Town Hall to the house across from the recreation groun'd's on South ,Main street. It is reported that very few animals have been butchered by the farmers of this district for home consumption this winter because the weather has been too mild to keep meat. • Mr, Thos. McAdam. of Mount For est is visiting in town. - Miss Minnie Mackay, Miss Wilson, R.N. and Mrs, A. D. ,Ststherland'were in Toronto for a few days, returning on Wednesday. Miss Mary Jackson left for Mil- verton t i1verton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and fa'nnily end Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Herlmiston, all of Port Colborne, last week -end visited Mrs, IW. R. -Smith who has not been well Mrs. T. Flynn who was the guest of her 'sister, Mrs, E. H. Close, re- turned to London on Monday. Mr. Elmer Fowler and Miss Flor- ence Fowler intend moving shortly from the Beattie Apartments to their farm near Bluev'ale.: • Miss Cooper* returned to Seaforth` on Friday after visiting at the home of her sister in Staffa since New Year's, 'Miss Bernice Dorrance of Whitby spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. Dorrance. Mr. Gibson White of London' spent the week -end in town. Miss Isabel Forrest, of Stratford Normal, spent the week -end here, Mr. John Cluff of Buffalo spent several days at his home. Mr. John McLellan who has been ill was able to .be out again this week. Mr, H. B ,Edge and Miss Joseph- ine Edge are spending the week -end in Toronto attending the marriage df Mr. E. W. Edge whioh will he per- formed on Sunday evening by Rev, H. Brown, 'of Toronto, formerly of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Peitihi'ck of Listowel were visitors in town with friends on Sunday. Mrs. Hector Hays and son Stanley of Stratford are spending a few days in town. BORN. MdDOUGIAiJL,-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb..l7th,1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall, oaf Cro- marty, a daughter, stillborn. F11'TZPA'TRIIiaK.-+In Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday, February 20th 1932 to Mr. and Mi's, Peter Fitzpatrick, of Dublin, a sots. EGMONDVILLE. In the acknowledgment of the bale sent to Vanguard, Sask. the Bruce - field contribution should .,have ,been credited to the Brucefield U.F.W.O. ELI'MVILLE Mrs. Thos, Hodgert and son Rus- sell of near 'Seaforth spent the week end at Mr. Bruce Co'oper's. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Pine are all smiles—id's a baby giro, Mrs, Rich, Jahns and Miss Bessie visited in Exeter with relatives over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones and Miss May Jones were . Sunday visitors in bhe _neighborhood.. serve for years until` dearth or compul- sory'retirentent at the age of 68 sep- arates them, .from the service.' 'Captains 'Fred W. Ahlquist and James • H. Reed have ' been, gu'idin'g ships in and out of Boston Harbor for 35 years: Every foreign ship es required to use a pilot, and the owners pay a' fee based on bhe tonnage of the boat jtatt'dlied. The, pilot service is main- tained by this fend, iEDICATED TO BETTER VISION By THE S,AVAUGE EYESIGHT SERVICE Seaforth. DO YOU ENJOY THE MOV'IE'S ? Or do .they to some ex tent distress you ? Some eyes A R E bothered by them. We have a message af cheer. Visit ns. Tell us about the difficulty, and we will explain how a special lens prevents this annoy- ance. Not conspicuous, and including corrections of er- rors of vision. Very satis- factory. Conbiisued next week. STANLEY. Mrs. Chris. Buechler is at present in Scott Memorial IIospital, Seaforth, having undergone tan operation for appendicitis. Miss Jessie Tough is at present visiting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Manson, • Mr, and Mrs, Tom Westlake and Gordon .called on Mr. and Mrs, J .A. Carnie on Monday of this week. • W. M. IS. Meeting. '- The regular monthly meeting of the Blake Wo- men's Mis'sion'ary Society was held at the home of Miss Allberta Finlay on Friday afternoon, Feb. 19, Miss Alberta Finlay presiding. The meet-, ing was opened with 'hymn 493, fol- lowed 'by responsive reading. Misses Edith and Emima MdBride then fav- oured us with a delightful duet. This being the Day of Prayer, prayer was offered for China, Japan, Korea and Russia by Miss Mary Johnston, For the near East, India and. Africa by Mrs. R. N. Douglas; For Europe, North and South Almerica by Mrs, Wm, Carnie and, for His Majesty the. Ring, the Empire, Canada, the Peace and Disarmament Conference by .Miss \Mary Johnston, Hymn 262 was :then sung 'fo'llo'wed by the Roll Call and business period. Hymn 249 was sung and lairs. Poulter closed with prayer, after which .Miss Alberta Finlay serv- ed the ladies a dainty lunch, 1Mr, and Mrs. Austin Sturdy and family of Goderldh' town'shi'p spent Sunday with Mrs. Sturdy's mother, Mrs. Keys of Babylon linea Mr. George. Armstrong Sr., of Eg-' anondville ' is spending a couple of weeks with his daughter, Mrs. David J• Stephenson.: '",a1r. Lloyd Scotchmer took a truck load of live stock to Toronto on Monday. 1'Ir. George Coleman made a ship- ment of live stock to Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr. and. Mrs, Len Talbot of near Baylfield, ,,visited with Mr, and' Mrs. Geo, Anderson, Parr line, on Sunday. The annual congregationial meeting of the Goshen United Church was held on Monday afternoon, Rev. E. A. Poulter, the pastor, occupying the 'ch'air. The reports of the various de- partments of the church work' were given and a good interest is being Shown in carrying on the work of the Master in this community. TUCKERSMITH. ::The regular weekly meeting of the Young People's Society oaf Turner's Church was held on Tuesday evening, There was a good attendance.- The president was in charge. ` Alter the worship period, Mr. Newdnan' Garrett gave an interesting address on "Rural For treatment of caked bags in cows, or garget, Use 'Douglas' Egyp- tion Lininten•t—the quick, sure rem- edy. Saves :tine and expense. Pre- vents 'blemished stock Want anct For Sale Ads, 3 tunes 500, Auto -Insurance Let us protect you anywhere, in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's' worth your 'while to see us before placing your, insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims .promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 . D. utherland ENERAL INSURANCE — EAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office. ()Vex.IZehfi'n!g's Drrig4:Store Improvement, followed, by a spirited and in'tereisiting discussi'on' af;, rural problems in which a goodly number tools part. The meeting next week will be held' on Monday evening, Feb. 29th, which will be in the nature of a social evening. iMrs::'Williaut Whitmore and family of Newtoirbroo'k are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Sam Wlsitnore, .hawing conte to attend the funeral of her mother, and remained for a few days. Miss Anna Watson has returned home from the :hospital after an op- eration for appendicitis, Her many friends hope she will soon be out again. Mr. 7lames !Cameron fs confined to bed with inflammatory rheumatism, for the past month. Mr. Albert Cardiff of Ethel has been visiting at ,Geo. ,McC•artne'y'•s a few days fast week, Mrs. John Turner of Clinton 'spend Sunday with 'h'er daughter, 'Mrs. Ed- gar 'Allan. Mrs. Broadfoot 'Sr, is confined to her room with a .bad cold, Hope soon to 'hear ,of her recovery. The Misses 'Forrest favored their friends with a par'ty Friday night. Mr. Thos. Hudson of Marlette, Mich„ and Mr. Wilson Carlile of Hensall spent a day recently with Mr. Thos. •Ooletnan, Messrs. Will Fo'•tehringham anal Harold Armstrong are engaged 'cnt- ting wood at Mir. 'Andrew :Kirlc's, Margaret and Allister Broadfoot are laid up with the cold which is very general these days. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Percy Cole spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'Tdblbutt. Mr. Edgar Allan is on the sick List, Ladies' Aid N'o. 1 .Egmon'dville held their iF'ebruary meeting last 'Tuesday at Mrs. Sam. IWthitmare's 'with : a very good attendance, The roll call was answered ;by repeating a verse out of the Bible and in the absence of the president, the vice-president led the meeting. ' Mrs. Ed. Allan read the !Scripture lesson, and after the meeting the hostess served a dainty lun'dh. Mrs. 'Beecroft and children of Dun- gannon 'spent a' day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. CONSTANCE. 'Mr. George Nickel di Orillia spent last week with, Fred Yungblut of Constance. Mr. Frank Riley,motored with friends to London on Sunday ,after- noon. Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes McFarlane are spending a few days with Mrs. Mc- Farlane's .parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo, Riley. Mr. leo Stephenson spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colciough are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of near Clinton. Mrs. 'Joseph Riley returned hone on Sunday after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Tom Riley of Clin- ton. A Leap Year Social evening is be- ing held on Friday evening the 26th, in the basement of the church, under the auspices Of the Ladies' Associa- tion. Come and enjoy yourself, Mrs. Ed. Britton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Ivy. Mend- erson, of McKillop. 'Miss Viola Morrison spent the week end at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Eph- riam Clarke. Mrs. P. Lindsay is spenldi•ng a few days in Seaforth, visiting Mr. and Mars. J. Wilson and friends.11Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Clarke enter- tained a few of their friends on Fri- day evening last. Miss Grace Finch of Clinton spent the week end with her friend, Miss Phyllis Medd. 1Mrs. Alex. Leitch Ts visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Johnson, of Clin- ton. . HARLOCK Mrs. Daniel Stevens returned home Saturday from a visit at the home of her son, Mr. Ernie 'Steven; of Sea - forth. 'Mr. and Mrs.' Frank McGregor and Gordon visited at the gnomef 1': o .ii. and Mrs. Thos. Neilans one everting fast week Mr, and Mrs. Warren Gibbings and Mr. and Mrs. I. Rapson visited one evening last week at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Beacom._ Most of the homes on the 12th and 13th as far as from Mr. Bern Allen's to Mr. Peter .M'dDonald's were rep- resented at the party at the 'home of Mr.. and Mrs_ Archie Young on Fri- day evening last. There was a big party and a first class time. Miss Olive Knox visited on Sunday at the home Mr. and 'Mrs. .R W. Me- Ewing. We wish to extend sympat'hy to the Londesboroe p op4e and com- munity in the loss.` of the Community; :roll; Iiondesh'oro, on Monday of this week. .firs. Thos. Appleby and c'hildren: vfsntei Ff ti4D1 ' 1ST ;;dtaraprr's Just what you have beenl'waiting for -Clara Rothwell Anderson's latest play Let Mary Lou Do It presented by the Young People of Cavan Church, WINTHROP CHURCH Fri Mar Admission 25c and 15.c mother, Mrs, Jennie Knox, on Sun- day, taking Miss Olive 'tome with theist for a few days. Mr. Arthur Foreman of near At- wood visited at the home .. of Mrs: Jennie Knox, Mr. Thins. Knox, Mr. I. Rapson and Mr. W. H. Knox the latter part of last week and Monday of bhis, returning home the begin- ning of the week. On Saturday in can -many with Mr. Thos. Knox he visited at the home of 'Mrs. 'Win. Knox and Miss Lily :Knox, Clinton, and on Satuird'ay evening in company with lir, and Mrs. T. Rapson visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Si- mon Mc'Vittie anrd on Sunday at the homes of Mrs. R. H. Knox, Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. David Laidlaw, :Morris. Mrs. Thos, Colson was part of last week and this week at the home of her 'brother, Mr. Wm, Bowes of Blyth, who is at present very pearly. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Daniel 3,11c1Donald of Brussels is very low on Tuesday. Masters Archie and Donald Watt visited at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mc- Vittie over the week -end and Master Jimmie visited same the first few days of this week. _Mr, Reece Ferris and Mr. Wm. Ferris of Alberta, visited one even- ing last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Rapson, Mr. Albert Knox of Macklin, Sadie, left for home last Saturday after ' a visit of nearly two months with his mother and sister in Clinton and oth- er friends around Harlack and Lon- desboro, ' BRUCEFIELD. Miss Annie Mustard of London is spending -a few weeks at the home oaf her mother in the village. Mrs. Robinson of Detroit was the guest of her niece; Mrs. Bruce Berry, last week. Miss Dorothy Broadfoot sang a solo in then' U ited Church last Sun - .day morning, entitled,' "Have 'Thine Oiwn Way, Lord," which was much appreciated by the congregation. \Mrs. Janet Ross visited friends in London this week. The many friends of 7i•. and Mrs. John Watson will be glad to hear that their little daughter Anna, who was operated on far appendi'citips in Sea - forth hospital, was able to return home last week and is now improv- ing nicely. Mr. Geo.' Knight has secured a po- sition in Mr. J. B. Mustand's office in the village. We welcome him back to Brucefield. The regular meeting of the Young People's Society was .held Monday • evening with Dorothy 'Broadfoot, the Citizenship convener, in the chair. The meeting' opened by singing the hymn "Blessed Assurance; Jesus is Mine," Walter Snarey led in pray-. er. The ,Scripture lessonwhich' was found in :Luise 3: 3-6; Hebrews 12: 11-13, was read by Mary ,Mc'Naiigh- ton, The hymn "There shall be Showers of Blessing" •nee then sung. The topic .on "A Program for Rural Improvement" 'was given by Doro- thy Broadfoot. Bible Baseball which was taken from Acts '14, 15 and 16th chapter was won by Fred Boype's. side. The social part of the meeting took the form of a spelling match. After singing 'hymn, "I ant so glad that our Father in Heaven'.' the soc- iety closed its meeting by repeating the M'izpalt benediction. Blood Tested Chicks Hatchery and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proval policy. The testing of the blood sample's was done- by Capital Laboratories, Ottawa, ' 'The bred -to - lay qualities af' our birds are kept up- to-date by the purchase of male birds from high record R,iO.IP. bens owned by some of the most successful breed- ers in the country. \Ve expect to hatch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and. 500 Leghorns per week. Please order' about one 'month before you avant the chicks if you can. ' D,on't think too much aboutprice; or a are will v l use you right. Come and see us, or phone 97 r 4, Hensel!. We will be glad to talk things over with you. Feed, stoves, and other supplies kept on hand. J. ELGIN McI LNLEY, ZURICH