HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-02-18, Page 8f
tIIr,, Eldred Smith, who is -attending
(University at Londonwas . stricken
'with'' a severe att'ac'k of appendicitis
last week, .Dr. Collyer was immed-
iately called' to London where an op:
eration was -performed. Eldred et the
date of writing, is doing well.
The Oddltul,lowss of the Mensal!
Lodge No, 223, held a very pleasant
evening on Friday Inc -t when their
wives andinvited friends were enter-
tained. Progressive euchre was int-
' duiged in and the prize winners were
John Al. Glenn and 'Mrs. Wilson Car-
Miss Martha Carlile " of 'London
spent the week end at her home here,
Air. T. C. Joyn't has made consid-
erable improvements to the interior
of his drygoods store.
'Mrs Tiros, Dickson spent the past
tfew weeks with her daughter, Mrs,
IGeo. Grein of the London Road,
The Young People •of the United
!Church held their regular 'fleeting on
,Monday evening with Mr. Claude
IBlotves having charge. An interest-
ing' feature of the evening was a de-
bate on "That Capital Punishmentt
should be Abolished." The affirmat-
ive side was taken by Misses Marion.
Sinclair and Floreu'ce McDonald; the
negative side being: takeu by plisses
Marion Sinclair and Florence Mc-
-Donald and the negative side by
Raye Patterson and Lorne Elder and
She judges were Misses Emily Mor-
rison, Katie Scott and Mildred Sinn -
lie. The negative side won after
which contests and games were in-
dulged in.
Services in the United Church were
well attended on Sunday last with the
Rev. Arthur Sinclair having charge
of the services. In the evening h:r,
Sinclair's subject was "Beauty,' and
the Beast," and a solo was given by
iDr. Ivan' Smillie and a duet by Mn.
and Mrs. Henry Piffle.
The interior of the :Masonic hall
has been much improved by having it
papered and re -painted, It now pres-
ents a very fine appearance.
The, World's Day of Prayer was
observed in the Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Friday last with a Large at-
tendance from both the United and
Presbyterian Churches. Owing to the
absence of the president, the meeting
Was presided over by Mrs. R. Y. Mc-
Laren, Mrs, McLaren read the open-
ing exercises after which prayers were
given 'bya number of the ladies of
the Carmel Presbyterian Church and
a solo by Mrs. J. W. Bonthron, The
remainder of the program was given
by the' ladies of the United Church
over which Mrs. Charles 'McDonnell
presided. An instrumental duet was
given by Misses Flossie Foss and El-
eanor Fisher, after which a number of
prayers were given by the ladies and
a paper on "Wars" was read by Mrs.
A. Sinclair. The meeting closed with
a hymn and prayer.
Mr. Wm. Siinvpson of Detroit spent
the week end with relatives here.
Mrs. Thos, Hudson is visiting for
a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs,
!Earl _Mitchell of Usborne,
Mrs, 9Dr.) Reid, who has been vis-
iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward' Sheffer, returned to her
home in Port Huron on Friday.,
Mrs, Alex, McMurtrie visited with
friends in London on Wednesday of
last week.
'Mr, Jerry Penfield rendered a very
pleasing solo entitled, "The Church by
the Side of the Road," on Sunday ev-
ening last in the Carmel .Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Chardes'Jinks and Mrs
Manley Jinks visited last week with
friends in Moncton,
Miss Mary; Buchanan, R.N., of St.
Thomas visited last week with her
parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Alex. Buchan-
IO.ur local onion dealers are now
making contracts for this year's crop.
The price to the grower will 'be three
cents a pound, fhe lowest price ever
paid in the district for growing onion
Mr. Conrad S'ieman has purchased
the fittt'y acre farm on the London
road from Mr, Donald Parke. We
understand Mr. and Mrs. Parke will
move into the village to reside.
Howard Love, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Love, was taken to the Clin-
ton hospital 'on Saturday and was
operatedon for append'ici'tis and is
now doing nicely at the h'osp'ital.
The auditors' repont for the village
is• now out and shows the village in a
splendid condition financially. Each
department shows a surplus for. the
year. The current account of the vil-
lage shows a surplus, of $29.1'7 over
the liabilities of 1931. The hydro ac-
count showed a surplus of $1800.61!
over the expenses'and have also a
ings bane account of 63715.30 making
a bank balance for
the hydro of $5,-
51.5.91. 'The school shows a surtplus,
of 1$89.02 and the public library a 'bank.
balance of $1017.98. The atal- assets
of the village are valued at $711;91212.2,0
While the note and debenture debt is
$316;594!85. There is a sinking fund
to the credit of the concrete Road of
$5180.12, The 1932 payment on the
, cement road is $4795.412. This will;
be the last levy on the cement road;
Feibrunry, 11906
Injured in Collision.
'Word teas received here last Thurs-
day that Mrs. A, D. Ctardnio, who was
returning to her home in Darlingford
Mau., had been injured in a collision
which occurred on the C!P.'R. ate'ar
Fort William. The list of injured
also contained the name of Mrs. R.
;Barbour, of Snowflake, Man, who is
a sister-in-law of Mrs. 'George Ches-
ney, Goderich street. We are pleased
to state that the injuries were not
serious and that the ladies were ,able
to proceed on their journey with a
very short delay.
Purchases braying Business.
The Morrow Bros. have disposed of
their drayiog business to M•r. Thomas
rIlabkirk, of 'tills town.
'Leaves for Manitoba.
Mr. Joseph Pinney, who has bean
in the ern:pl•oy of the Seaforth .foundry
for a number of years, left on Tues-
day for Souris, Man,
Completes Training.
'Miss Edith Neelin returned home�
on M'oi'day •night. Miss Neelin has
completed a most su'cces'sful training
in the 'Watertotwn Hospital, N.Y.
Death of Capt. Ruff.
'We take the-foll'awing obituary no-
tice from the Galt Reporter, =which
refers to a brother of Mrs. IL Bullard
of this town; 'Toe ie'mmunity, will
regret to hear of the demise of Cap-
tain Wm. A. Ruff, which occurred
suddenly at his residence in Galt, Mr.
Ruff was a resident o'f Galt for thirty
years, and was 'held in, universal es-
teem and respect: Ile was a native
of Kent county,iIEngland, and enter-
ed the British navy when a„youth and
served gal'l'anntly at Sebastopol among
other engagements during his term
in the navy. nHe carne to Canada for-
ty years ago and settled in Galt where
he was in the employ of the hldGreg
or Gourlay Co. for 30 years.”
Receives Handsome Bequest.
One of our worthy to'wnsmen in the
person of Mr. A. G. Ault has received
the good news that a cousin of his
'living in Scotland has been so gener-
ous to leave him the (small) sunt of
£33,000 or $1160,000. We understand
it is the 'result of a deed of kindness
that, Mr. Ault did for his relative
some years ago. We congratulate
lir. Ault on his . windfall and hope
that he may be long spared to enjoy
Debate and Concert.
A big crowd turned out on Wed-
nesday evening to hear the debate
and concert given in the Separate
S'cho'ol under the auspices of the
Holy -Name Society of St. James'
Church. The concert was the best
yet given' by the 'Society and was very
enj'oya'ble. The subject of debate was:
"Resolved that man has done more
for the (human race than woman,"
The affirmative was taken by Mr. Jas,
Purcell, assisted .'by Messrs. John
Purcell, Jas. McQuaid, J. O'Keefe;
'while the ladies' side Of .the case was
presetned by Mr. Jas. Munroe, assist-
ed by Messrs.. John Broderick, J. F.
!Daly, and Miss Prendergast. The .de
bate was very interesting. No deci-
sion was given. Rev. Father North-
graves made a fine speech an'd also
'RevcFat'her Hanlon. After a few
words from the president, Mr. P Ed-
ward 'Lennon, a most enjoyable even-
ing's entertainment was brought to a
close by all singing "God Save the
Mr. J. Snider has removed into his
new store and in now ready for busi—
ness—Boyce & McConnell have pur-
ehased a new threshing outfit. The
thresher has a grain and 'stra'w blow-
er, also a self feeder.—Dr. Rogers,
our village p'hys'ician, reports consid-
erable sickness in 'the community.--
ommunity.-Wiltliam Berry is seov✓ exercising his
fast 'horse "Electric. B" getting it In
shape for the conning season, as also
is Mr. John McIntosh with his trot-
ter.—The farm sale of Mr. John,
Chapman was largely attended. Mr.
Chapman is going west this spring.—
pring;tMr. Deihl of this village passed away
on Sunday, Feb. 18th, aged 84 years,
Deceased leaves a wife and family of
three sons and two daughters. -
East Huron Teachers.
The following is a list .of school
teachers taken from D. .Rob!b's, (Pub-
lic School Inspector) report: Sea -
forth: Wm, Moffatt, M. Mackay, J.
Ballantyne, E. Phillips, J. Bethune,.
Mrs. Coulter. Hallett: Ida Carnish,
A'rrnabel McElwan, Clinton, Arthur
t e town
as the I33met
a n
P tol
141795.43 41 �
415 w ill
be taken:
care of
mit of
the sinking fund. .There is about
$1200 of outstanding 1931 taxes and
about $200 more to pay of 19130. The
tax rate for 1931 was 36 mill's and
should show a siight''.de'crease for
1t932. Atter the lash levy on the ca-
mera road is :collected this year Hen -
stall should then have the lowest tax
rate in Huron and will be a very de-
sirable place farpeople to come into
ti 111rs'tei Constance;' Effie Hunter,
Addison F, Jahns, Londesboro; ,Mina
A?Iurdie, Tlariodk; Elizabeth Cltid'ley,
'Clifford Pugh, Londeslboro; Mary
Ayleswonib, Auburn;,Edna Copp,
ILon clevvbleeo; Oscar Rogers, Ultra
Sclttet l� +
I t uburn; Etta Petrie,
uerhill; Margaret Bielby, Blyth.
\4cI iIiop;
Josephine Lane, Heicn
IMc\ltllsit, Lizzie S. Lawrence, Sea -
forth; ]'wai=l Anderson, Beechwood;
Melvin Heys, Winthrop; Christopher
White, Lead'bwry; 'William J. Fuller,
tBeechiwood1 .Mary Windsor, Wal'ton;.
'Celinsa Durand, Winthrop; Cora
VVdtite, Lead'huryj Matilda 'Iiiew'Ier,
ISea'forth. Tuckersntith: Isabella -Alt-
cheson, Ilensall; Thos. N. Forsyth,
]K'ip'per; Andrew Scott, Se !forth;
Jennie Grant, Clinton; Robort J.
Alealty, Egntondvilie; Russel E.
j1.Iartry, ;Seaforth; George W. 13o1-
man, Egli -10114.611e; 'Thos. G. Shill
nglaw E-gntondville; Isalbella H.
Waugh, 1lensall.`
...Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Regele, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter 'McLaughlin and illi.
and Mrs, Edward C. Regele and dau-
ghter Shirley, spent Sunday afternoon
and evening with Miss Pearl Benne
Miss Annie Kistner is taking a
course in hair dressing at Hodgins
•IBeauty Parlor, Kitchener,
Mie are sorry to say Mr. John Houl-
den fell and hurt his leg. We hope
to see hlni around again soon.
':Miss Jessie Miller of Grey is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. William Boyd, for
a fere days,
Mrs...James 'Gillespie and. .family
.wi's'h to thank their friends and' neigh-
hors dor kindness and sympathy'
shown during their recent sad ber-
eavement; also the quartette and
'those who sent floral tributes or
loaned cars.
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the friends and neighbors
for many acts of kindness in our re-
cent bereavement and also for the
loan of cars.
—The Family of the late Mrs. John
'ctivor, '
The James Nolan family and the
Williams Anderson family wish to ex-
press their sincere thanks to the many
friends and neighbors for alt the kind-
ness shown them in their recent sad
bereavement and for the loan of cars
and the spiritual bouquets. They also.
wish to express their appreciation of
the kindness and zeal of the 'hospital
staff to their sister, especially to her
own nurse, Miss Love, and Dr. Ross.
'One pure bred Holstein cow,com-
ing forward. A'pp'ly Rev, W. F.
Smith, Phone 239 r 15,
Two caws to freshen soon, for sale,
JOHN McINIAY, Phone 236 r 25. 7
One Chatham wagon, almost new,
one set doable harness, practically as
good as -new. Apply to WILLIAM
IHIEI9IFERNtteN, Lot 12, Con. 3, M•c-
0{Iilll09. 7.
Gents' truss fork C:C,'M : bicycle,
cheap for quick sale; 8 young pigs;
second-hand DeLlav'al cream -separat-
or; young Ayrshire cow; also some
year-old heifers. Apply to Harald
Peuhate}Baylfield. D
'Farmer's outfit, big team rising
'five, well brake in, Pencheron ,general.
purpose colt rising three, also a 3-h,p.
engine, nearly new, guaranteed right,
Bily'tlt, Ont.
Of Farm Stock and Implements,—
Fred W. ,Ahrens, auctioneer, has re-
ceived inst'ruc'tions from the Execu-
tors, to sell by public auction at :Lot
25, 'Con. 8, Township of Logan, 114
mile East of ,Brodhagen,. on Tuesday,
February 23rd, 19,32, the following.
Horses—Team of grey geldings, 7
'and 8 years old, weighing about 1600
lbs., s'orel gelding 9 years old; driving
horse, 10 years old; ,Agricultural filly
rising 2 years old.
.Cattle—Durharn cow 3 years old
due May 25'th; two Durham cows, 4
years old fresh with calves by their
sides, Holstein ,cow, 7 years old, fresh
with calf by her side; Holstein cow,'
3a ears old d due May
5th Holstein 'stem
8 years old, due May 28th; Holstein
cow, 8 years old due May 10th; 4 hei-
fers rising 2 years old; steer, rising 2
years old; 5 heifers and steers rising
1 year old,
!Hogs -Y'orks'hire sow, shred Dec-
ember 271th; 2 Yorkshire sows, just
bred; 3 chunks weighing 1130 lbs.; 5
shoats, 2 months old. Hens-A:bout
150 hens :and ,pttllelts.
T'mtplements--Deering binder ,7 -ft.
'cut; Deering mower 6 It cut' Deering,
seed drill, 13 disc; Deering cultivator;
i\iassey•tHarris 'manure spreader, near-
ly new; ItIassey-it-I oris 10 ft. dtttdsp
rake; Elmira hay loader; disc harrow,
set 3 -section harrows; C'ocl shuttrid-
pow, single furrow; Cockshuft
gang ,plow, Massey-IIlarris wanking
plow, one g. wagon with gravel box;
track wagon, 2 hay.. rakes, cutter; rub-
ber tire buggy, root in -tiger, fanning
mill, cutting box, 'slay car, hayfork,.
hay fork trope, set of slings, cream
separator, trailer,
Harness=Se't team 'harness, About
'15 bags of potatoes. Doherty range,
good as new, and a quantity, of furtti-
ttt e, forks, shovels, hoes, spades, and
a host of other articles too numerous
to mention, usually found about a
farm. Sale to commence at` 12,20
P.m. sharp.
Terms of ,Sale. -All sums ,of $10 and
under, cash; over that ' amodnt 12
months' credit will he given on furni-
shio'g approved joint- notes with bona
a property
owners as security or
discount of 6 per cent, straight off for
cash on credit amounts..
No reserve as everything is going to
be sold to wind up the estate of the
fate John Gloor. Auc'tioneer's decision
final in case of all disputes. Edwin J.
tGloor, Norman J. Kistner, Executors;
Thos. Connolly; Clerk; Fred W. Ah-
rdns, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
The Executors of the Estate of
Catherine M. Fortune, late of the
Town of Seaforth, Widow, deceased,
have instructed George H. Elliott,
auctioneer, to sell by public auction
on 'Monday, February 29th, 1932, at
2 p.m. sharp, on the premises, the
fallowing desirable property: situate,
dying and being in the Town of Sea -
forth, in the County of Huron and
being composed, of part 'Farm lot
Nuntlber Twenty-five, having front-
age on Goderich 'Street of Ninety
links by a depth of Two hundred and
twenty links and commencing at the
South Easterly angle ,o'f Lot Twenty-
three .in 'George Sparling's survey of
part of the said Town of Seaforth and
running/Easterly. On said lot is er-
ected a one storey frame dwelling
containing four rooms and kitchen in
fair shape of repair, just recently
shingled, and a small !shed,
At the same time and ,place, the fol-
lowing' chattels will be sold 'by pub-
lic auction,: 1 walnut .mohair covered
couch, 6 cane bottom chairs, 1 rock-
ing chair, 2 small tables,, '1 dresser,' d
large carpet,. 1, piece oilcloth, 2 beds,
2 new mattresses, 3 feather ticks, 1
straw tick, 1 set springs, 1 toilet set,
1 stand, 1 piece carpet, 1 Wantzer
sewing .machine, 1 trunk, 1 club bag,
1 kitchen stove, 1 piece kitchen linto-
leutsa, 1 kitchen chair, 1 rocking chair,
new; 1 glass cupboard, 1 clock, 1 ex-
tension table, 4 -boards, 1 washin'g ma-
chine, new; 1 wash tub, and board, 2
beaches, 1 cupboard, .2!:/s •cords wood,
154. ton's coaly dishes, pictures and.
other 'goods top numerous to men-
Terms on (Property—.Ten per cent.
of purchase price on day of sale; bal-
ance within thirsty days.
Terms 'of Ohattels—'Cash.
For further particulars and condi-
tions of sale apply to
JIOIHIN J. tHUiGIGI.AIRD, Seaforth, Ont.
• Solicitor for the Executors,
Dated 'February 10th, 1932.
Auction Sale
!The Executor .of the estate of
William Storey, late of the Township
of McKillop, int the County. of Ifuron,
Farmer deceased, has instructed
George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, to
offer ' for sale by public auction on
Saturday, the 27th day of February,
1032, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M.
at the
Ontario, the following parcel o'f land:
All and singular that certain parcel or
tract of land or premises, situate,
lying and being in the Township
of Mell1'ih1'olp, in the County of Huron,
and Province of Ontario and being
composed of the -West hall of Lot
Number Thirty in the ISixltlt .Conces-
sion of the said: Township of Me-
TFJRM,S OF SALE. -10% of the
purchase :money on the date of sale
and the balance .within 'Thirty days,
For further particulars and condi-
tions of sale, apply to
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
Dated this 4th day of February, 1932,`
Clinton, Ontario.
Cash Pilces
AYILM'ER TOMATO JUICE ...., ..,.. , ......:.. ,4 tins 25c
CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN` ............. . .. 4 `tins 25c
3 tins SAIJIVIOIN 25c
Our special blend Tea per pound 390
2 Plcgs. SELOX a.. 21c
All Wool MEN' UNDERWEAR, each I '1,00
GRANULATED SUGAR, per .cwt . ... . . . ... . ....... . 5.29
Four Reasons
Why youshould.
Single Comb White Leghorns
Warred Plymouth Rocks
in 1932
n =Because our plant is an Ontario Breeding Station. All birds
are Banded and Blood Tested by an 0.B.S.Inspector.
We are trapnesting under Record of Performance and we are
inspected at monthly intervals by a qualified inspector.
Our hatchery is under Hatchery Approval Policy. This means
a strict inspection of all hatchery operations, sanitation, size'.
and shape of eggs, weight of chicks, etc.
We are producing these extra quality chicks at ordinary chick
prices. This is the kind of poultry that,pays. 5% discount nu
all orders booked before March lst.
- PHONE 137 r 3
Seaforth, Ontario.
Visitors Welcome.
Two good' agricultural 'fillies, 3
years old; one "good 'cow coming in
soon; second hand grain crusher. Ap-
ply to AILIEX WALLACE, Phone.
133 r 15, Lot 10, Con. 5, Tuckersrith,
For sale, Lot 20 and half of Dot 21,
Concession 1, Mc&idlop, situated 1'A
miles from Seaforth on No. 8 High-
way. On the premises are a bank 'barn
38x144, two storey brick house with
every modern convenience; 45 acres
ploughed% This is one of the choice
farms in MclKillo'p and will be sold
as one farm or the 100 acres and 50
acres separately, on reasonable terms.
For further particulars apply to WIL-
LIAM DEV,EREAUX, Seaforth, or
phone 1.1 on 144.
Good pasture farm of one hundred
aures oh Con. 11, Lot 21, Stanley tp.,
running water all the year. There is
20 acres ready for spring crop and 25.
of hay but would snake good pasture.
There is al 20x50 barn. Rolling land
with good natntral drainage. Owing to
til health this place will be sold reas-
Fuld grows Chinchilla Rabbit's, 3
pairs and one trio, at $L00 each.
Worth three times the !above price,
fur prime and just like silk, when
tanned ready to make up. Skin just
like chamois leather. This low price
per rabbit is to make room. MIAIRISH-
AILIL, tR, ,SIMItT:TI, Huron St., IS'eaforth
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
The annual meeting of .the anem'bers
of the MctKillop Mutual Fire Insur-
ance 'Company will be •held in the
!Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday,
February 22nd, at 2 p.m. The busi-
ness of the meeting will be tb receive'
the annual statement and auditors'
report, the election of three directors
and two auditors, and other business
Which mightst
to the Company. The retiring Direc-
tors are: James Connolly, Wilda=
'Knox, Robert Ferris, who are eligible
for re-election.
John Bennewies,
D. F. McGregor,
Hardie Power Sprayer outfit, cedar
posts, also M. -H. bean cultivator and
puller, A. ROIBIEIRITISION:, R,12.1,
Varna, Ont.,
Comfortable Cottage situate am
East Goderioh Street, 'Seaforth, form-
erly occupied by Mrs. Clara 'lle=
Olusleey Crawley.
]Immediate pos'ses'sion can be gives'.
For further particulars apply to R. S.
HAYS,- Sealfofth, 'Ont.
300 acres choice clay .loans. 3lust. ,
be sold to -settle estate, MRS. ROIBT'"''t
OTJARRKIE, Phone 6 on 245.
Wawanesa Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Canada's Largest Mutual
Insurance Co!y.
Our Classified Fire Rates
on Farm Buildings of .First
Class Construction are a-
mazingly low.
Windstorm Rates will sur-
prise ,you.
Special Rates to Farmers
for Auto Insurance
For full particulars, con-
sult our local agent.
Box ^142•
Phone 336 SEAFORTH
Ratter, per lb,
Eggs, ,per doz. .............. 1 21Be
Potatoes, per bag , .,.. , , ,...._. 30c
(Hogs, .per cwt , ..:..:.$4-$4.58
Horses- Cows
When 'you want,,,• an'animal
removed, 'phone us. If hide 5s
on, we make 'no charge for col-
William Stone Sons