HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-02-18, Page 4H S1AFORTH� EWS.
Snowdon :Bros., Publishers.
Women' Meet, at T)u Church—,
e1riEp 'aWomen's Association and Miss-
ionary. Society of Duff's United
Church, Walton, held its regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. Neal on
Wednesday,, 1,, e'hruary 101h, there be-
ing a.go'od attendance, Mrs Gordon
M'clGavin presided at the missionary
part. After' Mrs. ((Rev.) Cumming
offered prayer, Mrs. J, Bennett read
Scripture lesson, Mrs. W. E. ,Rad-
ford had charge of devotional, period.
The Mission Study on "Better Health
in Korea," was taken. by Mrs. C.
Fingland. It was carried that we ask
Mrs, Forster of L'ondesboro to speak
at our • Easter. Tlran'koffering regular
meeting to be held in .the church in
April. After , singing hyoui 255 Mrs..
IBryaris closed the meeting ;;with
prayer, Mrs. Kirkby presided at the
Women's Association meeting. After
hymn 4188 was sung, prayer was of-
fend by Mrs. Leonard Leeming, Mrs.
Drager acted as secretary in absence
of Mrs.Gardiner. Mrs., Kirkby, Mrs.
Rev. 'Cunning and Mrs. Neal were
appointed to choose kind of program
to be given in church in the near fut-
ure, their decision to be carried out
say program committee appointed at
January meeting. After singing hymn
3li1, Mrs. Kirkby closed 'the meeting
with prayer. A dainty lunch was
served at close of meeting.
World Day of Prayer.—The World
Day of Prayer was held in the Angli-
can Church, Walton, and was well at-
tended by women of all religious de-
nomination, and th program
arranged by the Inter -board commit-
tee of the ,Women's Missionary Soc-
iety'o'f Canada was followed in its en-
tirety. Miss Stewart, the church or-
ganist, played softly as the congrega-
tion gathered and when the meeting
opened a ,period of silence was observ-
ed, save for the soft strains of music
from the organ. The meeting was
led by Mrs. (Rev.) Curring, president
of the W,M.IS, and Mrs. W. J. Hum-
phries, president of the W.A., who
repeated the prayers printed in the
program and led in the responsive
readings. Prayers were offered by
Mrs. D. Sohier, Mrs, F. Scarlett, Mrs.
E. Bryans, Miss Kearney, Marguerite
Bolger, Mrs, H. Kirkby, 'Mrs. Joseph
Bennett, Mrs. P. McTaggart, Mrs. A.
'MCCall and Mrs, D. McCallum. Mrs,
!C. Fingland rendered a solo entitled,
"There is No Love like His Love,"
and Mrs. ('Rev,) Cunning gave a talk
on Miss Helen Tupper. During the
offertory Miss Stewart played soft
'music. The service throughout was
very impressive and cannot but have
a beneficent influence throughout the
The World Day of Prayer was held
in St. Andrew's United Church, on
Friday, February 12th with Airs, W.
C. Laidlaw as leader the following
churches were represented, Old St.
Andrew's Presbyterian, Anglican,
Queen Street and St. Andrew's Unit-
ed. Scripture lesson 46:10, "Be Still
and know that I am. God," Psalm 95,
1-2, "0 Come Let Us. Sing Unto the
(Lord," Matthew. 7-7, "Ask and it shall
be given you, seek and ye shall find,
knock and it 'shall be opened uu'to
you," followed by responsive reading
an'd silent prayer: and meditation
prayer by leader, followed by Lord's'
prayer in unison, Prayers of inter-
cession for peace and far the better-
ment of World Condition's were offer-
ed. Quartette, "In the Secret of H'is
Presence," was taken by .firs. D.
IFloody, Airs. W. H. Lyon, Airs. H.
McElroy, Miss M. Cole. A reading
was given by Miss J. Woodcock, f'ol'-
lowed 'by offering. Prayers were of-
'fered with especial reference to the
,more troubled countries at present
time by Old St• Andrew's Presbyter-
ian and Queen St. United. Hymn,
"Spirit of God Descend upon My
Heart" followed by prayer by Mrs,
2. V. Pocock for His Majesty the
King, the Empire, Canada, the Peace
and Disarmament Conference, by
Mfrs. E. L Anderson, foll'owed by
Visited prayers. Closing hymn, 'Jesus
Shall Reign Where'er the Sun," Dis-
missal prayer in unison.
Mrs Fawcett spent some days at
aA nun her from here attended the
funeral of the late firs, J. R. Cutt on'
Saturday at Goderich.
Annual Meeting.—The annual con-
gregational meeting of Queen Street
United Church, Blyth, was held on
"'Wednesday evening and a large .num-
'her sat down to a hot dinner ,provided
by the Women's Association. The
,junior orchestra, directed by Dr. C.
Toll, played during the dinner hour.
t9t ,7.30 the gathering was called to
order for devotional exercises and the
transaction- of business. Rev. E L.
Anderson was called to the chair, and
7W, 'H.' Lyon to the secretary's desk.
"The three retiring elders, Robert
liVightman, William Bryant and Wil-
ltam Howatt, were re-elected for an-
',tsther term. Four of the retiring stew.
ards ,H, .Hoover, Robert Wallace, Al-
beet.:Taylor;and 'Wank Bell were re-
eleeted' for_andthen term and two vac-
Durant 'Cars
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owe '
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, 1 -
ncion thecommittee of stewards t
Irides s e
were filled by Whe B. Wilkinson and
S. Kechnie. The financial -returns
were all of a gratifying stature, show -y
ingthat all allocations head: been met
Treasurer's sttaements showed the
following receipts: Current revenue
account, $2,1507.46; missionary and
maintenance fund, $1,226:14; Wo-
men's Association $3179.24; Women's
y y $341.48; Your
AL'issionar Society,g
(Peo'ple's Society, $11+0,41;' Sunday
sc'ho'ol, $7125.*.0; Mission Band, $100. -
98; Baby Band, $8,130; charities, $250;
grand' foetal, $5;649:6.0. Church atter-
dance throughout the year was very
gratifying and an increase of h5 mem-
hers registered. Sunday school and
young peoples societies flourished.
!William Scott McKay, 53 graduate
of the Ontario College of Pharmecy,
died on Tuesday last in Pasadena,
C'aliforn'ia, Formerly a resident of
Shelburne, Ont., and a member of its
champion lacrosse team in 1900, he
graduated in 11902, and shortly after
went to 'California. He was a Mason
and a Shriner. Surviving are his vv.-
dow and two children; three sisters,
Mrs. H. L. Large and Miss Alma Me-
'Kay, Cran'brodk, B.C., and Mrs. G.
H. Brett, Toronto, and three broth-
ers, T. Y. McKay Shelburne; J. D.
McT{ay Niagara Falls N.Y. and R. M.
McKay Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
and Iona spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. John Grasby.
Mr. Leslie Fear spent Friday and
Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Fear
at Mimico.
.Mrs. Wm, Cunningham visited Mrs.
(Nelson Nicholson on Monday.
Mrs, Jahn McNichol spent the
week with her father, Mr. Samuel
Storey of McKillop.
:Mr. John' Mills spent a few days in
Toronto last week,
Misses Louise and Elizabeth Mills
spent last week in London as guests
of 'Mrs. C. McGregor, Wortley road.
tal the' past month, is spending a few
days with Mrs. MacGregor and Ross..
The regular anon'thly ,meeting of the
W.M.S. and World's Day' of Prayer
'was held, in the Sunday School' .room
on Friday last when a goodly num-
her were present. The president,
Mrs. Lindsay, ook the chair. Atter
singing hymn, "Sweet House -of Pray-.
Pray -
et," there followed a few minutes' sil-
ent prayer,for homes 'that had been
bereaved during the year, followed
'with 'prayer by the president, Mrs..
/Lindsay. The business was then dis-
cussed. Mrs. W. Britton read a let -
ter from Fred Slotnan Of 'the school
car, Ca'preol, thanking the ladies for
Christ -
the boxy of presents sent at C'hrfs!t-
mos and also giving a short sketch
of their work. Mrs. Robt. Lawson
read a leaflet on "Matthew the Man
of Business." Mrs. Geo. Carter gave
a very interestingtalk on the fi's't
chapter of the new study book "'Ka-
rea the Land of the Dawn." Then,
followed the program for the World
'Day of Prayer, the following led in
for the -different countries,'
Mrs. Wm. Britton, Mrs. Rogerson,.
Mrs. Roy Lawson, Mrs. Robert Law-
son and Mrs. Snell. The meeting
closed by all repeating the Lord's
Mr. Elgin McKinley and family
spent Sunday with Mrs. McKinley's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole -
man of Egmondville.
'Mrs. Jean McKinley visited at the
horse of her brother, Mr. Wilson
Campbell of Seaforth.
Miss Beatrice Gascho of Zurich
spent the week -end with her friend,
Miss Grace Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Lamont visited
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell ' of
Varna on Friday evening.
The Day of Prayer was observed in
the United Church, Varna, last Fri -
day. There was a good attendance.
A very successful -Valentine social
was held at the parsonage, Varna, on
(Friday evening when about 70 of the
young people of Goshen, Blake and
Varna were present. First the usual
weekly program of the Y. 'P. S. was
given, followed by a social evening
of music and games, after • which
lunch was served.
'Mr. Harvey and Mr. Clarence
JHo:hner were the guests of Mr. Fred
'Watson one night last week`
'Mr. Roy S'co'tchmer motored to
Goderich on Monday last, •
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
JOhn McClure is on the sick list this
A fair crowd attended the •old time
dance in the hall last Friday night.
Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Foster Bennett.
The many friends of Miss Florence
Ryan are sorry to hear that she is
conlfined to. Victoria Hospital, Land-
on, with diphtheria. We wish her ai
speedy' recovery.
We are sorry to hear that Joseph
:Haycock is also its Vctoria Hospital
for treatment on an operation he had
some time ago.
Mr. Craven, ,who snakes his home
with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Little
of the '13th concession, was taken
suddenly ill last week and is under
the doctor's care. . He does not im-
prove as well as his ' many friends
would like to see h•im,
'Mr. E. Grey of the teaching staff,
Palmerston, spent the week end • at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Won. Grey.
Mr. Leo Stephenson went to To-
ronto on Tuesday of this week and
intends returning on Wednesday.
Miss Margaret Love, R. N., who
has been nursing in Seaforth hospi-
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PSi Relbert, F'airser•vi'ce
ntet+katlte'd a gdodl'y',number of theit
friends last. Thurs'clay-evening Thgy
rePort.•hay'ing spent a ,ntos't; enloyab1e
Mrs•t Shaddick of the 14th. con'ces-
suon, who' spent some 'tim'e caring for
her, uncle, 'Mr. Bein!brldge,;;of Morris, '
during hies illtmess, has retul'ned loge. •w
The, W'M!Sr Of'Londesboro United
Church held their regular" meeting at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank
Tatnblyn' "an the :13th concession ow
Wednesday afternoon with ;a,good at
' endance.: A very profitable time was
Mr, and Mt'S• [Thomas 'SnaWdert en- TRS'
tertainsd a few of their• ineighbors and
friends' on Satttrtlay night least its hon-
or o0atheir' wediding anniversary,
Mr. r.Wtltlans '`Connie was the guest
of Mr. George Campbell one night
last week.
Mr. : Dion McKenzie of 'Goderich : tp.
as the guest of Mr, Colin Camp'bell
one day last week. •
+3fr. Arthur 7'acks'oh. olf Flint, Mich,
visited on Sunday at his home here.
,Mr. and Mrs;` Thompson Scott 'and
'fancily' off Detroit visited the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Abe. For-
Miss. For-
_ .:Hogga+rt o+f Blyth is
(visiting her friend, Miss Dora • Dal-
rymple. •
Wood cutting and dancing seems
to be the order of the day,
Miss Lizzie Forsythe is,
with tier nephew, Mr.' Harry - Ches-
Mrs, Stevens :oaf ilarlock is at pres-
ent visiting alt the home Of her son in
(Mr.and !Mrs. MacDonald of the 1dt•h
concession visited. at the home of Mir.
and Mrs. A. Wells 'last Thursday.
Mr. , and Mrs, J. Rapson of near
IHlarlock attended the funeral,. of the
'ormer's, cousin in 'Goderich Friday.
Mrs:.W. Lyons, of the gravel road,
who enjoyed an extensive visit with
Toronto relatives, returned home on
'IvIrs.filottshauer, of the, ravel road
visited the home of Mrs: Tamblym lash
hMr,'dayFra'nk Wood and son Edwin
Who some time ago sold a cattle
beast for a very handsome suns to a
wealthy herdsman near Chicago, and
they are receiving great credit for
another one they have which many
'believe would take a prize from; the
other. That. speaks well ' for Mr
IWood and his son Edwin.
'Miss Gladys' Mountain of the 11th
concession has returned after spend-
ing some time with London friends
Mr. and Mrs. Cowan' of the 113th
concession recently visited the latter's
sister, Mrs. Pic'ket't of Londesiboro.
Mrs. Percy Manning of . the 11th
concession, has as her guest, Mrs
Howatt of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Eggert and
children spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Deorr.
'This is a very mild winter an'd 110
snow but 50 years ago this winter it
was nearly the sauce only colder
There was no snow, so that there• Was
not enough snow to get saw logs out
of the swa'm'p till February, then we
had 'a terribly heavy rain that the
swamp was all flooded. It then turn-
ed very cold and froze so hard that
t'he ice ',carried team and sleigh. The
correspondent loaded his sleigh an
the wagon to the s'wam'p to get some
cedar posts to the roadside for the
farmers' to load on their wagons, for
there was not enough snow on the
`road for sleighing.
' 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
Charlie Regele were Mr. and Mrs
Ed. Regele and daughter Shirley,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H'oeg-y and chil-
dren, Mr. and Mrs: 'Henry Koehler.
Mr. Regele is improving slowly after
his sickness and is a!ble to go out
Messrs, Henry and Win. Koehler
attended a sale near Walton and re-
port .prices very low for most of the
articles. Phe farmers •have no stoney.
iLas+t week there was n party from
Dublin and one (rata's the Sth and 10
concession out for a rabbit drive.
They were not out long and got 22
Death of Mrs. M. Whitmore. — !A
ihighly respected resident Of Tucker-
-smith passed away at 11 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Feb. Wllth in the -person of
9Me'lissa Shannon, relict of the late
Michael Whitmore, at the home of
her son, 'Sam., 3rd con'cess'ion, H. IR.
S. Mrs '%Whitmore had been ailing
'nor some time, and at 11 o'clock that
morning suffered an internal hemorr-
hage and passed away twelve hours
latter. Decea'se'd who wa's a daughter
of Simon :Shannon and Catherine
NVI'litam's, was born in the State of
'New. York of ,Irish parentage, on Au-
gust 30t!h, 1059, Her father died white
slhe was quite young and with her
mother carte to Landon and later to
East .Wawanosth where she lived until
her 'marriage to Mic'h'ael Whitmore
on Dec. l41th, 1884, and carne to -live
on the 3rd concession of Tuckersntith,
;London Road Survey, and afterwards
on Sauble Line, Hay, later in Hibbert
Towns.hip came and ate 113 years ago to
the 3rd concession H. R. "S Tucker -
smith. Deteased was a member of
Turner's. United Church, Her hus-
band predeceased her '.five years ago,
Feb, 1St 1927. .Surviving_ are one
son and one daughter,-'S'amuel H, of
Tuckers'mith, and Elsie (Ma's. 'Wm.
Whitmore) of Newtonbrook, North
York county; also two sisters, Mrs.
R, A. Roberton .(Annie) ' andMiss
'Phoebe Shannon of Clinton. Arrange-
ments are not complete, but t'he fun-
eral will; be held on Saturday after-
noon, -from the residence of her son,
Mr. S'a'muel H. Whitmore,. to Mait-
land Bank Cemetery, Rev. F. G. Far -
rill officiating. Deepest sympathy is
extenfriends.ded' to the'bereiaved rel'a'tives and
Anniversary.,lOn St. "Valentine's
(Day, Feb. 14th, Mr. and Mrs. George
M. Strong, on the of t
g, t Kipper Road, ob-
served the fortieth anniversary `Of
their wedding. A large circle of
f'i'ends and acquainlfauces exiend con-
Mr. Win - Taylor shipped finer
Mr. and Mrs. John Argo of Toron-
to spent Sunday with the batter's par-
ents, Mr. and, Mrs. A. McConnell.
!Mrs. MdConne'll accompanied them
to Toronto, en route for the West
'Indies cohere in company with her
sister, Miss ,Ester of Minneapolis, they
purpose to spend the rest of the win-
Mr. M. Elliott made a shipment of.
live stock to Toronto Saturday.
'Mr. A. Roberton has purchased
the farm west of the 'village for the
sum of $2,•200. Mr. ,Robertson gets
intanediate possession.
Miss Jean •Mossop spent a fewdays'
last week with her uncle, Mr. Jack
Watson, Sau'b'le Line.
We me pleased to report Mrs. G. H.
Beatty is 'much improved and will
soon be out again.
'Mrs. Welsh of Ripley is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. G. H. Beatty.,
World Day of Prayer was observed
in the United Church Friday and was
well represented by the neighboring
churches, Mrs. Poulter taking the
lead. Mrs.,McOlymont presided at the
organ. ' Mrs. Paull gave a very in-
structive talk.
Wedding bells are ringing in our
There will be service in St. John's
'Church each Thursday night at 8
The regular meeting of the Hibbert
council was held at Staffa township
hall on Monday, Feb. 8th, all mem-
bers present, the reeve presiding. On
motion of Frank ,Allen and William
Kay the minutes of the previous
meeting were adopted and signed.
The auditor's report was submitted
and having been' considered and found
satisfactory, was ,adopted and the
,Clerk instructed to have 200 copies
printed for distribution amongst the
ratepayers. Bylaw 'No. 380 for pay-
ing back surplus fundslon the. Gard-
iner Drainwas finally passed. Bylaw
No. 381, re 'Slhepperd, Creek Drain re-
ceived its first reading and was prov-
isionallyadopted, Court of revision
for appeals against the a's'sessments
on Shep'perd Creek 'Drain will be held
at Staffa on Monday, March 14th at
1 p.m. Several communicationscomunications were
read by. the clerk and satisfactorily
disposed af. Resolutions were passed
authorizing A. A. C'otquhoun to as-
sume all duties as treasurer, also ap-
pointing Martin Feeney 'hs tax cc/flee-
ter for 1932 and authorizing him to
collect ail outstanding taxes. Coun-
cillors Frank Allen and William Kay
were appointed delegates to the Good
Roads Convention in Toronto and
also with the Reeve to meet the Min-
ister of Highways. with regard to the
subsidy which has been withheld.Orders for approxim'a'tely $32.0 were
issued. The meeting adjourned until
'Monday, March 14th,' at 10 a.m.—
Mrs. K'a'thleen Feeney, Clerk.
Miss Nellie Taylor of Seaforth Spent
the week end at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor.
Mn.'Thomas Harris is under the
doctor's care at present.
Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Verner and
little ,daughter Eleanor spent Sunday
at the le
!Tonle' of 'Mr, and d Mrs. WilliamVeneer.
Mr Harold Parker and Miss Dom_
othy Corbett•and Mr, and Mrs. Frank
'Fender spent Saturday `evening at the
home of Mn. and Mrs. WilliamPark-
Mr: Robert Cole is confined in bed
with: illness.
Mr. and Mrs. 'George -,Eyre are -vis-
iting friend's at Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. George T., Wren
spent .Monday ,with friends at Monk
ton,Ali•. T. Brintnell is under the doe-
itor's;eare at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith and
Mn,'and Mrs. Tom Butts spent one
evening last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R'iclilard Taylor, Sr.
Sheep Marketing -Course,-.-A two -
,Sheep Markelting :course is being
ppe a c'a held in the community hall, Landes -
load of cattle front Kipped, to Toren- boyo, on Thursday and Friday, Felb-
to on Saturday, ruarjy'.2Slth and 26th, The speakers
s l'..*
iDle p e
Cleaners &Ders
call anddeliver
Phone 196w, �We d
V. J'..Gil}eslpie. Prop.
are. -Messrs. Telfer, Howard and Ire-
ton ' of the ' DominionLive Stock
branch and all the irntportant phases
Of succes'slful Sheep praising will be
dealt with. Lecltures, are from 1.30
Ito 4,00 p.m. Thursday afternoon and
from 10.00 to 12.00 am. and L30 to
4.00 p.m. an Friday. Ilt is in the int-
erest of all sheep owners its the dis-
trict to be in attendance at this two-
dlay cotlrse:
Mn. Fred' Eckert has had `tris car
repaired, after the mi+shalp on the'high
iwiay near. Shakespeare 'last week and
it seem's to be atone the worse ;off it.
'The many. 'friends of Mr. Fergus
,Horan are . pleased to learn he is ,Im-
,p'roving rapidly.
The road's are again hs good shape
after the thaw and there were pros-
pects of ice this season till the weath-
erman said milder.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell have re-
turned ed home from ,a very pleasant
honeymoon trip which they spent in
Toronto and points east.
Miss Gs -ace Cooper of ,London spent
the week end with her parents in the
Mn.Mand Mrs. Jas. Mc'Olytnont were
called to Detroit an Friday last ow-
ing to the sudden death of their dau-
ghter-in-law, Mrs. Vern. McClymont.
M'rs..R. T. Elgie has been confined
to her room for the past week with a
severe cold.
Mr. Daniel Bell of Boston is spend-
ing a month with his brothers and
sister in this community.
Mr, and Mrs, John Henderson
spent the week end with friends in
Toronto, combining business with
The ladies choir on Sunday last in
St. Andrew's was a real treat.
Several from this district attended
t'he funeral of the late Mrs. MOGeoch
at Egmondville on Monday last.
Mr. Frank Golding and son of
Stratford called on the former's par-
ents ou Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Golding who celebrated their 65th
wedd'ing anniversary on that day.
Miss Florence Cooper has .return-
ed to her hone in Seaforth after
spending several weeks with her sis-
ter, Mrs. F. A, Ham;bley.
The Crockinole Party sponsored
by the Ladies' Aid recently was a
huge success. The winners were lad-
ies' first, Miss Marjorie Kleinifeldt;
gents' first, Mr. Haivey Ham'bley, af-
ter which a short program was giv-
en. Lunch was served by the ladies
at the close. -
Tite Y.P.S. are holding their oratori-
cal contest on Sunday evening at 7:30
in connection with their Y. P. meet-
ing. Come out and encourage, the
young people along.
.The Women's Institute will meet
on. -Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 24.
IRoll call, "What Country' I' wish to
See and Why." Exhibit, Something
New made from ' Something Old.
'Lunch. Everyone trade welcome.
Mrs. R. McGill is nursing Mrs. J.
Stacey, ,Cromarty, who is confined to
her bed.
The Y. P. IS. 'net on Sunday ev-
ening with Miss Audrey Dinnin in
Charge. The 'Scripture lesson was
read by the president. Mr. Bob Viv-
ian took the topic for the evening on
the life of ,Edgar Wallace, also a
short sketoh of the origin of Valen-
tine's. Mr. Stewart had charge of the
IBi'ble contest,. A contest is running
and these meetings which are held
every Sunday evening are very inter-
Mrs, Alex. Jamieson
visited d Fl fends
on the II•uron road last week.*
Mr. George Knight of London vis-
ited friends in the village and: cont -4`.
niutiity last week.
There was a good attendance at the
World's Day of Prayer servicewhich
was held last Friday. A, large choir
under the 'leadership' of Miss Jean
:Murdoch; provided the lnnsic' fon the
The regular meeting of the.W.'M.'S.
was held in the school rooiii of the
church with ' Mrs. Bremner, in the
chair. The meeting opened with sing-
ing a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Brem-
ner read a letter from Rev. Mn. Pike,
Of Ed'monton, thanking the ladies of
Biucefield for the three bales of cloth-
ing which w'ch wore seat to him recently.
He said the need was very great and
would be until the next 'harvest, The
president introduced the study: for :the
day, .KKore'an Schools: Mrs, 'Baugh,
Miss Bowey, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Miss
Jean Murdoch and 'Mrs, McQueen al-
so taking part..