The Seaforth News, 1932-02-11, Page 8PAGE E; GHT. THE SEA,rOETH NEWS.. 4•; 'THURSDAY• FEBRUARY :11j 1932 -Il;NS 1,1, ' -; tae „anaiaal Congrc'gatlorral meeting of the United Church was held on *edrtesday=_evening'with a large at tendanee, t1 good interest was s'ho'wn'', in 'all the reports and a'ctivi'ties and: good pr'ogr@'s's and advancement for blue past year. The pastor, Rev. ATOM Sinclair, acting as chairman, calving on.first the secretary, A. W. Tkemphi.l, and'.. treasurer, Mark Drysdale, for the main reports and then all the meads of the different so'c- ieties and organizations of the laurch, Ail the officers and committees of the past year .were re-elected, At the close of the 'business, /Rev, and,: Mrs. Sin- dab- were presented with a beautiful 'bouquet of flowers, The presentation was made by Mrs. Edgar ,McQueen and the address read by Mir. Henry Horton, to which Mr, Sinclair made a very fitting reply. At the close of the meeting a dainty 'lun'ch iwa's serv- ed by the 'League :after which a hearty vote of ^thanks was tendered to the i leader, organistand. minister, choir lea e , other officials of the church. Miss .Beryl Pfaff of 'London spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. (D7.) Reid of Port Rowan is visiting for a few days with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. rEdward Sheffer, The W.M.S. o'f the United Church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon last with a good attendance present and the president having charge of the meeting. After the opening and devotional exercises a duet was given by Mrs, Drysdale and 'Mrs. Geo. 'Hess, after which the devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. W. Carlile. The study was introduc- ed by the president and was taken from chapter V. of "Korea," the story being continued by Mrs. Elder, Mrs. Coles, Miss Foss and Mrs. Agnes Mc- Donald and the meeting closed with prayer. The Young People of the United Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening with Miss Doreen Farquhar presiding and with Misses Irene Douglas and Flossie Foss hav- ing charge of the program. After the opening exercises a reading was given by Miss Mildred Scruton followed by a solo by Mrs. Maude Hedden and an instrumental duet by Misses Gladys Passmore and Grace .Brock. A read- ing was given dyy Mrs. ,Huntley after which the meeting closed 'tvith a hymn and the mizpah benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 1MdNei1 and Mrs: Win. Higgins of Clinton called on Iliensail friends on Saturday. Mr, 'Charles 'Rhodes of Toledo, Ohio, visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Miss Margaret Slavin was taken to the Scott Memorial 'Ho's'pital, Sea - forth, for a slight operation last week and was able to return home on Sat- urday. Mrs, 'Fred rBonthron gave a birth- day party to a number of her elderly lady friends on Monday afternoon. Quite a number were present and had a very enjoyable time. A new time dance will be 'held in the town hall on Friday evening, Feb.' 12th. The music will be furnished by Mr. 'Scott Welsh and his melody boys. Services in the United /Church were well attended on '.Sunday last, the oc- casion being Ladies' Day, when some thirty-six voices led in the service of song and Rev. Arthur Sinclair occup- ied the pulpit. Special music was gi- ven by the choir and in the morning a ',Met was given by 'Miss Florence Welsh and Mrs. Sinclair and in the evening a solo by Mrs. -Mr.) Reid of Po'rt'Rowan and a duet by Mrs. Drys- dale and Mrs, Hess. Mr. Sinclair's subject was "Woman's Lntuition." The many friends There of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. 'Henry will be sorry to hear of the death of their daughter, Marguerite '(Mss. Robert 'Wright) which occurred! ,suddenly at their home in Cass City, Mich,, on Tues- day last. She was rborm at Marquis, Sask.,twenty years ago :and after dis- posing of :their farm at. Marquis, her parents moved to •Oass City, 'Mich„ where they conducted a grocery store and were frequent 'visitors here with Hensall 'friends. She was married two years ago to Mr. Wright and her early death is greatly deplored. Be- sides her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her loss her father and _mother, one sister Frances and one brother .Delbert. The funeral took place from her home in Cass City on Thursday afternoon. Amongst those .attending the funeral from this district were Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott of 'Cromarty, Quite a lot -of wood is being mark- eted in the village at present but very few loges are coming in. The Welfare Youth (Club of the 'Carmel. Presbyterian .Church held their regular meeting eeting on Ildonday ev-, ening with Miss 'Mabel Workman having charge of the ,meeting. 'After the opening exercises the roll call and business were taken followed by the Scripture' reading by Irene Daters. The meeting closed with singing a hgiitn arid.. contests and games were iril4111,F d nit• '-" IZ2 kzlhd Mrs. Roy McLaren, ac- colrsi iined'iby Mr. Wm. L. MdUaren visited at the home of Mr. and •Mrs.. To N Tak'Ic;S 'TWENTY-FIVE :YEARS AGO • Front the `fr.Londesboro Settlement 'Messrs, ,'W. Manning, W. Cocker - pine and : Jas. Haggart, who left Hui - lett twenty-seven years ago, and with number of others front ,the same township : settled near Pilot Mound, Manitoba, forming what is lenown as the "Los desboro 'Sett'lement,' spent; several weeks vi'sitin'g in this vicinity among bid friends. They were the first settlers inthat pant bf Manitoiia and fqr years it was uphill work, but gradually they overcame all difficul- ties and are now all well-to-do. Sneak Thieves 'Busy. While the C.i0.F. concert was go- ing on Tuesday night at Varna, sneak thieves were busy among the farmers of the, Parr line. ` From one farmer they took :s lot of pork and some pre- serves, from another some bags of wheat and from two others a bag of clover seed each. The thieves also visited several other barns around. Lt is a pity such rascals could not be brought to justice. Getting Timber Ready. Munn Bros., McIKnl'lop, have sawn and prepared framing timber for the Messrs, Gordon, Scarlett and 'Simp- son, who are all preparing to build, Resigns Position. Mr. John Ainsley has tendered his resignation as county engineer to take effect, June 15, 1906. Mr, Ainsley has filled this position most efficiently for many years- and has done much for the county that will prove of a per- manent character. The council] will advertise for a suitable person to fill the position, Visitors from the West. Mr. J. McDole and laughter of Swan Lake, Man., have been visitors in this district during the past two months. While here they visited Mr, William Rinn and other friends' in Hallett and Blanchard townships. Mr. McD'ole is one of those Who has pros- pered in the west. He conducts a butcher business at Swan Lake and makes extensive shipments to Winni- peg. During his visit he shipped a car load of horses to Swan Lake amongst the lot being a fine trotting horse from Carrie and Rintoul• of .Wingham for which he paid a good sum. Attends Old Boys Reunion. Miss Stobie went to Toronto this week to attend the spring millinery openings and will combine business with pleasure, attending the Huron Old Boys' At Home on the 116th. Moving to Beechwood. Mr. and Mrs. Shine have rented their house in Seaforth and have gone to reside in their country home near Beechwood, where the good wishes of their many friends go with them. Mr. Shine is not going to farm, as his farm is all seeded to grass. He still keeps his coal and wood busine's's in town, which brings him to town al- most daily, where his many friends will be pleased to see him. Ticketed During the Week. 'W. 'Samenvflle, G.T.R. town agent, ticketed the following this week: Miss Nettie Soole, o Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKenzie, to Hart - nay, Man.; Miss Belle Soole, to De- troit; Miss A. McKinley, to North Bay; W. Lindsay and family, to New Liskeard, Now Ontario; Hugh T. Grieve of Leadbury, to Fargo, N. Da- kota; C. Birnie, the Aberdeen baker, to Calgary. He leaves on Monday next. Death of Miss I'Ienderson, On Friday of last week death claimed another Victim in the person of Miss Mary Henderson, second daughter of Mr. Wm. 'Henderson, sr., of MelK•ill'op. :She lived. on the old 'farm with her father and brother, for Alfred Hunkin of 'Farquhar on Fri- day last. Mr. Hugh MaEwan has purchased a new Car. The A.Y.IPJA, of the :St. Paul's Anglican Church held a very pleasant eventing on 'Monday last when the Clinton Young 'People were enter- tained, •A 'splendid .program was giv- en by the 'Clinton young people ,and at the close of the program: a dainty lunch was served by the Iilendall A. YJP.A. 'Services in the Carmel Presbyter- ian Church were well atBended on Sunday last, with the pastor, Rev. J. MldI•Iroy, 'having charge of /both ser- vices. ,In the evening a pleasant finale quintette was given by Messrs. 12, Mei..area, Verne Hed.4len, tJas. 'Ben- gough, J1as. Mustard and Oiiville Tay- lor. In the St. Pauls Anglican Church the rector, 7R'ev. Mr. Parker, occupied the 'pulpit and in fire Matotnrng holy, communion was Observed. vhom• s'he ]sept house, Tisa °Hender- son was of a ehCorful dispositagn, and her' untimeily demise has .:been a 'sev- ere 'stroke to her aged (Lather. *r. Geo, E. Henderson and Mr. Wm. Henderson of tnwu, 'are 'b'rodhers• ?of the: deceased and Mrs, Win.' Adams, North Main et, is a siSte.' Death of Mrs. H. P, Kennedy. The death occurred onTuesday ev- ening last pf Mrs, 'H. P. Kennedy,; aft old resident of this tolwgi,:;Aibout four months: ago she suffered' a par'alytiC stroke 'from which she .succumbed. The /deceased carne to .Seaforth tiwen- ty-{five years ego from Mitchell and with her httlsband occupied the /Grip Hotel, where they lived for a number of years atter which /they retired to Egmondvtile where they have since continued to live. Her aged husband and one daughter, Mrs. Clarke, of: Toronto, are the only memibers of the family who survive, one. son and two daughters having; died some time, ago, Mrs: Kennedy e was a devoted member Y iter e of the •'Presbyterian Church. The re- mains were interred in the Maitland Blank cemetery. Extending interests to the West. N. Cumming of Blyth has gone to Manitoba ix the interest' of the Eureka cement block machine,manufactured by Messrs, McNally .&' 'flamer, of Blyth. Mr. Cuming will make .his headquarters in Brandon. CONSTANCE. Mrs. Jean Britton spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs, J. D. IHinch- ley, of Seaforth. Mrs. Wheatley returned on 'Friday after having spent a .week with her daughters, Blanche and Elva, in Tor- onto. Mrs. Will Carnochan returned Fri- day' after 'hat=ing spent a week with friends at Brantford and Toronto. Mrs. George Carter entertained a few of her friends on 'Tuesday night. A social evening held under the au- spices of the Ladies Aid' on Friday evening last was a 'decided success. Every .number on the program was of, a high order and well received. A debate was 'given by the YJP:S., re- solvedthat Women Have More In- fluence in the World than Men. A day of prayer Will he Observed by the ,W.MaS. on 'Friday, Feb. 12th. Mrs. Clarence Clar1e returned to Listowel on. Monday alter spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. R'o'bert Clarice. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams entertained a few of their friends Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch ent- ertained a few of their friend's on Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. John and Nellie Adams o'f Londesboro visited their sister, Mrs. Joseph •Yunglut of Constance' on Sun- day; also Mr. Norman, Griffiths and Clifford Adams of Lon'd'esb'oro. HILLSGREEN, Mr. Stanley .Moore left to spend a few weeks .with his uncle in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 1W. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cons'itt spent a day in London. Ivir. and Mrs. P. Campbell and chil- dren of Hay township spent Sunday at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. H. Love. Mrs. Frank 'Farquhar and s'on John o'f Hensall spent the week end with their parents, MVlr. and Mrs. J. Co- chrane. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Loive and ,little Helen.spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Albeit Keys and family near Exeter, •Mrs, Alf Smith and 'daughter Mar- ian of Crediton are spending a few days with her .parents, Mr, and 'M'rs. J. Richardson. Ur. J'o'e Forrest Of Seaforth is There' this week getting his 'clover seed threshed. The W.M.S. will be 'held at the home of Mrs. Ross Love on Friday afternoon, February 112th. A special programme. -on the Day of Prayer is being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. A. Love of Hensall visited their son, Gordon, who has been confined to his room far sever- al weeks, but is able to be up awhile now. Mr. D. 1F. Anderson attended the Presbyterial meeting 'held. in Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr's. W. (Harney of Exe- ter visited friends there recently. We are glad to know. that Mr. and Mrs. Horney are coming back to our com- munity to live again. NORTH MiKILLOP. Bethel Young People's le's Society.met In the chinch on Monday evening. The meeting was .in charge of the vice president, Clarence Diundas. The lesson was taken' by Clarence 'Dun- das and, prayer by Edwin Crozier. 1,ft. Leslie Bolton ablydealt with the topic. "On the Threshold of Beyond," Next Mon'da'y evening the young people are holding a pie social, every- body welcome. Each lady is expected to bring a pie. A good program is being pcepared: CI#$oHILILA RA'BBIT'S FOR • SA1LE ' Full prowut-•Chinchilla Rabbits 3, Pairs and one ''trio, at $l,00 each. ' Worth three ;times the /above price, fur Prune and just like' silk, ',when= tanned ready to make 'Ili). Skin 'just like chalno'i1s leather. This low price Per rabbit is to make room. MIAIRISII AILL IR. SMitrIX, Huron St„ IS'eaafortli 8, e. uct on 'Sale OR > DEBbbRAB'LE HOOUS'E : AND'. LOT AND CONTENTS, OF 'SAME IN' . THETOWN O3F SEAFORTH The Executors of the Estate. of Catherine M. Fortune, r late of 'the Town of S'ealforfh, ' Wido'w, deceased, have instructed George H. ' Elliott, auctioneer, to sell by public auction on 'Monday,` February 291h., 1932, at ri . i hon on 2 p s the premises, the P,P 5 , following desirable property: situate, lying and b'eing 'in the Town of Sea - forth, ' in the County of Huron and being composed of part ,Far'nt, lot Numlber Twenty-tfive, having 'front- age on Goderic'h Street of Ninety linlesby a depth of Tiwo hundred and twenty links and -commencing at the South Easterly angle orf Lot Twenty- three in George Sperlin'g's survey' of part of the ,said Town ,o'f Seaforth and: running Easterly. On said lot is er- ected <a one storey frame dwelling containing four rooms and kitchen in fair shape of repair, just recently shingled, and a small .shed. At the Same time and place, the fol- lowing chattels will be sold by pub- lic auction: 1 walnut mohair covered couch, 6 cane bottom chairs; 1 rock- ing chair, 2 small tables, '1 -dresser, 1 large carpet, 1 piece oilcloth, 2 beds, 2 new mattresses, 3 feather ticks, 1 straw tick, 1 set springs, 1 toilet set, 1 stand, 1 piece carpet, 1 Wantzer sewing machine, 1 trunk, 1 club bag, 1 kitchen 'stove, 1 piece kitchen lino- leum, d kitchen chair, 1 rocking chair, new; 1 glass cupboard, 1 clock; 1 ex- tension table, 4 boards, 1 washing ma- chine, new; 1 wash tub, and board, 2 benches, 1 cupboard, 2% cords wood, 1'% tons coaly dishes, pictures and other goods too, numerous to men- tion. Terris on IPropenty__ Ten per cent• of purchase price on day of sale; bal- ance within thirty drays. Terms 'of Chattels-' 'Cash. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to JjOIBIN J. iHrUIGIGIAIRD, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Dated .February 10th, 1932. Executor's Auction Sale —of— CHOICE of—CHIOIICE FARM IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF McKILLOP .The Executor . of the estate of William Storey, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Fanner , deceased, , .has instructed George H, Elliott, Auctioneer, to offer for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 217th day of February, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. at the CIOIMMETCbAL IBOTEIL, ,Seaforth, Ontario, the following parcel of land: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of 'land or premises, situate, lying and being tat t'he Tolwn'shtp of MpKnl'1'op, in the County of Huron, and, Province of Ontario and. being composed of the 'West half of . Lot Number Thirty in the ISixth,•Conces- sion of the said Township of Mc- Killop, TERMS O1F StALR.-10%a of the purchase ,money on the date of sale and the balance ,within Thirty days, For furrither particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to JOHN J. HUGIGARD, • Seaforth, Ontario, h 'olicitor for Executor. the E xecuto . Dated this 4th day of February, 1932. GEORGE H. ELLIOTT, Clinton, Ontario. Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. For sale, Lot 20 and half of, Lot 21, Concession .'1, McKillop, -situated" 194 miles from Seaforth on No. 8 High- way. On the premises are a.b'anrk harm 38x111:4, two storey brick house With every modern convenience; 45 acres ploughed. This is one of the choice farms in M1clKillolp and will be sold as one farm or the 100 acres and 50 acres separately, on reasonable terms, For further Particular s apply to WIL. IIIAM DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, or phone 11 on 144. FOR 'SALE 'Good' pasture farm of :one hundred acres on Con. 1;1, Lot 21, Stanley tp., running water all the year. There is 20 acres ready for spring crop and 25 of hay but would make good pa's'ture. There is a 20x50 barn. Rolling land with godd natulrad drainage. Owing to ill health this place with be sold reas- onable; CHAS, RIATiHWELL. AYDM'ER TOMATO' JUICE .4 tins 25q... {0H1ODCE QUAL' t.PUbIPR N .,., . '4 tms 25d 3 tins SALMON. 25c Our special blend Teaou er' pound; 2 Pkgs. SE'LOX P P n , 210 3 bars .FEIJS .N1A11,4'144. S1OAP ....... .... . . 21c All Wool MEN' UNDERWEAR, each GRANULATED SUGAR, per cwt. , , 5.29 Four Reasons Why you should buy Single Comb White Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks in 1932 1' 'Because our plant is an Ontario Breeding Station. AU birds r are Banded and Blood Tested by an .0.B.S. Inspector. 2 We are trapnesting under Record of Performance and we are ■ inspected at monthly intervals by a qualified inspector. '$ Our hatchery is under Hatchery Approval Policy. This .means *Ps a strict inspection of all hatchery operations, sanitation, size and shape of eggs, weight of chicks, etc. 4 We are producing these extra quality chicks at ordinary chic ■ prices. This is the kind of poultry that pays. 5% discount as all orders booked before March 1st. Sunnyvalo Pouliry Farm ANDREW.A., MOOR'E, Prop. Visitors Welcome. PHONE 137 r 3 ,Seaforth, Ontario, FOR SALE I FOR SALE Comfortable Cottage situate • a: East Goderich Street, Seaforth, forte. erly occupied by Mrs. Clara 'I[tt Cluskey Crowley. Immediate pos'sess'ion. can be gives, For further particulars apply•to E. S. HAYS, Seatorih, Ont. Two good. agricultural ,fillies, 3 years old; ,one. good cow coming in soon; second hand grain crusher. Ap-. ply to AMEX WALLACE, Phone 1133 r 15, Lot 10, Con. 5, Tuckersmith. AUCTION SALE Of Fanrn Stock and tInvplennents.— George 1-h Elliott has been ins'tructe'd to sell by public auction on Thursday, February .lith, at 1 p.m., at .the prem- ises, Lot 26, concession 13, McIGl'l'op, the foildwing: (Horses -1' aged horse, 1 horse 12 years old, 1 horse 6 years old, 1 mare 11 years old, 1 driving horse, work or drive, 10 years old, 1 gelding ris- ing 2 years old. - lOattle—One cow rising 7 years old to calve in May, 2 cows rising 6 years old to calve about 24th of February, 2 cows 5 years old to calve about 1st week in May, 1 Polled Angus ball 3 years old, 3 heifers rising 2 years, 4 Spring calves, 1 Holstein heifer 5 weeles old. 'Pigs -ll: chunks about 10 weeks old, 3 chunks about 13 weeks old, 2 thoroughbred 'sows in pig, 8 and 5 weeks. Invpnements-_1 Massey-iHar- ris binder 6-11. cut and knives, 1 Mas- sey -Harris mower, ^ 6 -'ft. cut with knives, 1 wagon and hay rack with sliding rack, 1 set sleighs, 1 rubber tired buggy nearly new, 1 .cutter near- ly new, 1 root pulper, 1 Bain hay loader, 1 manure spreader, Massey- Harris cultivator, 1 seed drill, 2 plows, 1 set irarndws, 2 scufflers, 2 geese, 1 gander, about 2715 .bushels', of heavy chop, about 5 tons of timothy hay, and a lot of other articles that are Used on a farm. As proprietor is in, poor heal't'h everything will be sold, Property -Farm to b'e sold or rented contains 118 .acres, fenced and drain- ed, and in good state of cultivation; 371/ acres in. pasture, 25 acres in: hay and timothy 'and the rest plowed for spring crop; ' two never -flailing wells andwindmill; bank barn 60x170 with stone foundfation and stabling under- neath; frame 'house with cellar, 1134 storey; also shed for buggy, cutter or :tar. Hydro : power -passes the property.' Termns orf Sale.—Hay, chop and all su' mus 'of $10 and under, cash;: over that amount six months' credit with interest at 6 per cent„ or a dis- count of 6 per . cent. off on credit amounts. joint land owners as secur itty. Terms on Farm -Ten per cent. down; balance in 30 -days or maty have loan at 5 4%,' If not sold will. be reviled for term of years. John Balfour, Proprietor; G'eo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times .50c, FARM 'FOR SALE 300 acres 'choice clay loam. Mast be sold to settle estate. 1GI1RS, 140IW . CLARKIE, Phone 6 .on 243. THE Wawanesa • Mutual Fire insurance: Co' Canada's Largest Mutua3. Insurance Co'y. FIRE, WIND and. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Our Classified Fire Rates on Farm Buildings of First Class Construction are a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will sur- prise you. Special Rates to Farmers for Auto Insurance For full particulars, con- sult our local agent. J. H. Scott Box '142 Phone 336 SWARTH SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per ib, Eggs, per doz. lilt 121 ISe Potatoes, per„. bag _ ,,., - ,2 Hogs, per cwt. ,...,..,,.....;$4.3 Horsos-Cows If you Want an animal removed 'and cannot 'phone, drop ue a pew' card promptly. No charge made if hides are on. William Stone Sons LIMITED. - INGERSOL1L, ONTARIO.