HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-02-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. ' THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRU•ARY. 4, 1932: HENSALL. Mrs,, Yungblut of Waterloo is spending a few days ,visiting with her daughter, '',Mrs, J s. IBouthran. Ivfr, ;and Mrs. N. Ogden of (Exeter, were pleasant visitors with ,friends in toruli on 'Wednesday hi da last. - l y 1 !Airs. IPebblar of Hanover is visit- ing eiith her sister, !Mrs. J. 'W. lBon- throu and other relatives. Mts. 'Pelb-. brat- was a 'former ,IDensall girl and her many IIIensal'l lfrien•ds are glad to see her. Mrs, IRobt. 'Higgins, 'wlho was taken to the Scott Memorial illospdtal two weeks ago for an operation •for ap- pendicitis has so far recovered that She was able to return home on Fri- day last. Mrs. TIL guts has been in very poor health for several years and her friends have been very aux- ions about her during the two weeks she was in the hospital, but she iseenvs to be making a good recovery. Mr. and 'Mrs. !Bertram North and daughter 'Audrey have returned 'home to Woodstock after a ,visit 'with 'rela- tives here. 'Misses Martha and Merle Cathie of London spent the week end at their home 'here. Mr. and Mrs. John' G. Scott of .Cro- marty visited at .the home of Mt. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen on Friday fast. Miss Margaret 'MdLaren, of !London as visiting for a few days at her home here. Mrs. John Murdock spent a day recently with friends in 'Exeter, Mr. Eldred Smith of London is vis- iting for a few days at his home here, A very pleasant evening was spent la St. Paul's Anglican Church on Monday evening When the A,Y.P:A. entertained the young people of the Trivitt Memorial 'Church, Exeter. The Exeter Young People provided a splendid program and at the close a dainty lunch was served by the A.Y. P.A. of the .Hensall Church and a very en'joyab'le time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Appleton and daughter Jean of Exeter were recent visitors .with ifrieed's in town. At the January meeting of the Hu- ron County Council 'Reeve Geiger was appointed a member of the 'Huron County Old Age Pension (Board and. will have charge: of the work in the South endof the county. Messrs. Ro- bert Higgins and John Cameron of Lucknow .will be the county auditors. 1Libtle Gloria Twitchell, who was seriously hurt a couple of weeks ago by'falling 'down a ladder on' a cement floor, is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ISweitzer and children of Detroit have returned home after a few days' visit with rel- atives elatives 'here, Mrs. Sweitzer being ,called home owing to the ,seriousillness of her another, Mrs. Rdbert'Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beaver of Exeter spent a few days visiting relatives in town. The Young People of the 'Carmel Presbyterian Church. 'held a very pleasant evening on Monday when the Young People of Coven 'Presbyterian Church, Exeter, were entertained. A very enjoyable program was given by the Exeter league and Rev, Mr. Rhodes acted las chairman. The pro- gram was as follows: concertina solo by Mr. John Dalrymple; solo, Miss Hamilton, "Those Auburn Tresses Tied with Blue," guitar duet, by the Misses Frayne and McInnes; a play, entitled, getting ready for a visit," piano solo, Miss Ooates; reading, Master 'Camp'bell; a play, "The 'Train To-Monrow," after •whinh Miss Strang took charge of the /meeting when eon - tests and games were indulged in and at the close df the evening a dainty lunch was senvede by the 1Hensall Welfare Youth C'lu'b, Rev. M. B. Parker ewchanged pul- pits on Sunday even:iw:g with Rev. Mr, 'Paull of Bayfield. .Council ;Meeting....-. The regular .monthly meeting of the village coun- cil was held on !Monday evening with all the mem!b.ers present and Reeve Geiger lin -the chair. The minu'te's of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed on •motion of "Mickle and Robin- son. James Priest, was, present and complained that his tax notice was not correct, the clerk explained the notice to him. Mr. Victor (B'o'a, the fire chief, having left the village the: firemen recom'men'ded that Robert Cameron be appointed ,chief and that Lloyd Passmore be the mechanic at the same salary as "Mr, Boa; this was agreed to. 'Al con!munication was read from .the Salvation ,Argy at Lan- don asking for +a grant for their work,' was, read' .and ordered filed; also from. the Provincial weed inspector and one pertaining to the milk bylaw an'd a milk !bylaw to submit to the council The auditors were present with their report which. Mr. Huggins read. He went into the townfind 'ces extensive.. I n ve ly, dealth with the debenture debt and also made a'n•umber :of recommends- •tion's. 'It' was moved by M'ickle, se con.doed by ,Rob'inson that the Audi= tors report be ,aocep'ted,their recon- mendations be acted, upon and the auditors. be 'paid -Motion carried. A number of accounts were presented and ordered paid ion notion of Petty and !Spencer, Councillors M•ickle and Robinson were appointed ' to the !Road acid' Strnet conisht e w dtidt coon Petty and B:igi?elgVfle(i'litt.be groperty committee. A letter was received from Dr. Mair, the medical health, of, icer, about his resignation ;which was asked for at the last meeting. The opluion of Hire council is that as the doctor has scold his practise e 'h r ie e and is not .liv,itig in 'the municipality he should resign' and a 'l'oca'l doctor be appointed. The ,clerk was instructed to again ''write the doctor and also get the consent 01 the Provincial Health Board to make the change. The coun- cil will hold a special meeting on 'Phi - day evening, Feb, 11th, to go, over the assessment roll, with The assessor. Several 'of the milk dealers of the vil- lage were present and some disieussion took place as to the now milk bylaw but nothing was done. The collec tor',s roll was ex'tend'ed to Mar. 1st, after which a penalty of 5% will be. added. The clerk reported that there was between $11200 and $1300 of out- standing taxes, 1931 and about ;$200 of 1930. The council then adjourned: EXETER. The annual meeting of S'ou'bh• Hur- on County Lodge of Loyal Orange- men was held in Exeter on Tuesday afternoon, Feb.' 2nd. County Master Norman Miller of Clinton was in the chair. The first item of business wa's the appointment of a striking com- mittee consisting of Past County 'Masters W. Falconer, l3. B. Ra'bhwell, and H. Powe. The commi't'tees named are as follows: !Finance -.'Wer. Bro, Garnet Cor- nish, convenor; correspondence, W. Bro. W. H. H!eilyer, convener; cre- dentials, W. Bro. M. 'J. Sch!oenhahs, convener; expulsions and suspensions, J. B. Rothwell, convener. The county Master's address contained much in- structive material as well as encour- agement for future activities. Reports of committees followed. The county recording secretary, finance secretary and treasurer's reports all showed splendid progress being made. The reports were adopted as read. The report of the - credentials committee 1ms exceedingly gratifying. I't was shown that the meeting was .the best in point of attendance yet held, every lodge in the eounty being represent- ed. The report was adopted. The fi- nance committee's repent showed the finances to be in good shape, every lodge being paid up.. The report of Suspensions and expulsions committee was adopted as read. The report on returns showed about same strength as of last' year. The 'committee on ,cor- respondenlce relport contained some important resolutions. First a note of appreciation ,was extended to Rt. IWor, Bro. White for service in connection with 'the insurance dept. It was very strongly recommended that the Or- ange .Sentinel be more extensively subscribed to and' read by the breth- ren throughout the county. It was also recommended that all primary, district and county lodges give their support to the Orange and True Blue home at Richmond Hili.. It wa's strongly recommended that as litany lodges as can 'possibly arrange to do so, should send delega'te's to the Pro- vincial Grand Lodge in London on March •9-1O, County Master Miller was highly complimented • for the ex- cellence of his address. The next item of business taken up was the selection of a glace for the 12th' of July celebration. The county town was the unanimous' choice and a wire sent to the 'North Huron County ,Lodge in session at Wingham advising them of their choice and sol- iciting the co-operation of North Hu- ron by joining with the south to. make the cele'bra'tion at Godenfch a marked success. The election of of- ficers then took place, resulting as follows: County Immediate Past Miaster, INorntfaeo Miller, , Clinton; Cunty Master, Wor. Bro. E. Faulk- ner, Crediton; County Deputy Mas- ter, G. Lamport, Exeter; Olalapiiain, Wor. Biro. Dignan, Exeter; .Rec.' Sec., Mervin Hanley, Clinton; Fina'nciall secretary, M. J. S01oeah0s, Clinton; treasurer, George Davis, Woodham; lat lecturer, J.' McLeod, Bbyifield; 2nd Lecturer,, Bros. Kirkland, Exetet; County Marshall, Elsner Webeter, Vlarna. The next county annual meet- ing wll'1 be held, at Exeter the first Tuesday in February, T985. CONSTANCE. Mr. Joihn Itivichiey of !Stratford is Spending a week with eki ifriendai around the vi'll'age. A+Nter the Mild whiter tine show' storm oh-. 'Sunday was gtsite':$ sur-. prilse. Mrs. 'Roib'e!rt IGiimoldsy spent .a', few 'lay's last' week with 'her sister,' Mrs. Jahn Who has been sicki in 'b'ed There will *be a dance in the 'For rester's -Hall Friday evening. ' Mr; and 'Mrs. /Leo S/tephensoh vis -1 lted friends in Biyhb on Sunday. CROMA1tT''ir Don't forget the.'dance to be held; in Walker's 'Hall, Co: matey, oh Fri -1 day evening, 'Feb. '"5th. • Ladies bring' lunch, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Death of. James Kehoe, lu last issue we mentioned the 'ser- ious illness of :Mr. James Kehoe, of this town, little thinking at the Itinie that we would be called ` uponso soon to chronicle his death, which sad ev- ent took place at, his residence en Thursday'afternoon of last weelc, after a .brief illness of only iive days. The bale James Kehoe was born in the tdwn olf New Ross, County Westford, Irela'nd, in the year 1'8134, came to Can- ada, in 1'8;418, and. first settled in Mon- treal, where he resided for a number of years. He then came west as far as Toronto, where he resided for a number of years. He then took up land in the township of Tecumseh, in thecounty of Siiiieoe, where he re- sided four or five years, when ,he came to Huron comity,settling on the farm on the town line of Tuekersnrith and ,Hlib!bert which at that time was all bush, and by industry and' thrift such as the old pioneersexhibited, he soon. coeaveeted it into a well tilled farm„He continued to reside there until Inc.mov- ed to Seaforth sante fourteen years ago. He leaves a widow and fancily of nine children. Seaforth Carnival. The first fanny dress carnival of the season was held' in the new Palace rink on Friday evening last when nearly one: hundred skaters appeared on the ice in carnival costume. The gallery was well filled wiith spectators and the Seaforth :band which was in attendance, played appropriate music which was very much enjoyed by the spectators as well as the skaters.' Mrs. Wnt. Ireland and Messrs. McDougall and Robb 'were appointed' judges for the occ'as'ion and the foll'owin'g is a list of the winners of the ,prizes•: Char- acter dress, let, Miss H. Phillips; 2nd, •Mr. P. Lennon, Comic dress, lstt, Mr. C. Crich; 2nd, Mr. D. Stewart. Best lady skater in costume, Miss AI. Mac- kay. Best gentleman skater in cos- tume, Mr. Chas. Clark. Best perform- er on skates Mr. R. Winter, Boys' fan- ny dress, 1st, Master W. Gibson; 20d, Master S. Hays. Lady cdm'in'g long- est distance to carnival, Miss Barbara MaCullach, Mitchell, Londesboro. Mr. George Johnston Of this village, attained the four score years on the 31st of January. He was born in the county Fermanagh, Ireland, in the year '1'826. He is hale and hearty and looks good for ,another score. Stanley Township. Mr. G. R. Keys of Stanley township was in 'Brantford recently and accept- ed an engagement with bhe Canadian Order of Foresters to act as assis't'ant organizer. He; has been assigned to the district which extends' from N'or- thenuberiand' county to. . the Que'be'c Inc.a 1Andther of the old pioneers of Stanley township passed Over to the greatmajority tai Monday. Archie ;McNeil was well icno'wn over all this section forhis honesty, integrity and sturdy'Scotch piety wnd sincerity. He was the last sunvivor of two: families' who lived on, the same farm, nearly all df whom remained single throegh life, 'congenial in social and religious' habits, they t'hou'ght it :the happier mode of living. •Archie was the last survivor olf the old people, everyone of whom attained to a good old age. •TRhe deceased was 83 and he fo'l'lowed closely on' his friend and companions, George MclNair, who reached 93 years anid who died on the lath. T,hese.two names will long be remembered in Stanley for the sterling worth which they represented, Bayfield. A few days ago w'h'ile Mr. Little, driver of the Bayfield and' Seaflorth stage, was in Varna PO., . ,the horses started off with the stage. `Mr. Little. .pursued them for some distance, but ,finally had to procure a house and rig ,to enable him to catch thein at Bruce - field in time for the morning m'ai'i, Sock Social. A "Sack Social" will he held on Fe bruary 15th, oontmen cin'g at 8 o'clock p.m., at the residence,of Mr. C. White, Leadlbdry. A select programme will be provided, after which refreshments will- he served. Everyone'' wilt be welcome and an evening's amusement rs 'assured. The Weather, iWe have been .having' Klondike. weather this week,but it iis cert i a n] Y much better to have squa'l'ls now than' in Alpril. Hockey. Seaifo'rlh de'feate'd Hetlsall at Hen - sell on' Th'urs'day night 6-5. 'Sebfortlh. lineup: Goal, Westcott; point, Laurie; point .Laurie; cover, Spraggue; rover, Kale; ;centre, Reeves; right wing, Stoddard; left wing, Smithers.-'Pt's' all over 'but the diet t3teg=nn$ G'ode- 'rich Is doing that. The concluding games in Group No. 8 took place 'on Tuesday evening, ILoudon's soldier!s LI o!egdown before Clinton 8 to 4, and Goderi'ch winaiug over Seaforth '8 tot, London's defeat and G'oderich's vic- torygives the district to the latter. T'he iiiLherto victorious l ond'onti. hockey team mci their 'Waterloo at Godericli on Fai'day evening when the Sailors gave the referee writer's cramp 'mark ng crown the goals. . The score was 17-1.; i i DUBLIN. The annual inecting of the share- holders of the 3Ec'I{ilio Logan and e s1, Heibb'ert Telephone Comipany was held in .•Du'blin at L. 3, iLooby's opera hall forthe el'e'ction Of officers and the ,geeia. al routine of business. This company was estahlislaed twenty- four years ago by' issuing c'harter, stock to the extent of $13,850.00, the company was limited to two hundred dollars. The directors sold stock alt $10.100 per snare antle they subscribed that way. $15,1850:00. Every sh'are- hold'er who subscribed for stock gave their note for the stock . they sub- sanibed for the directors; on the face value of these notes money was bor- rowed to construct and equip the tea eph'on'e system. At' the end of five years, through the capabilities of the directors in !financing the affairs of the telephone • conupa'ny the Share- holders were given back their notes free of any charge. The ,shareholders are receiving- a dividend of ten ger cent. The company was ready for a dividend ten years ago, (but a sleet storm completely demolished the ,line, leaving a pale here and there intact. To plate the line in working order it coat lin the tttighborhaod Of 'x.000. The phone charge is $12.00 per phone, paid half yearly; at the present time the number of phones installed Is 520. Vire .have a surplus of $1.1,512.00. The' equipment account is valued at $45,000. This goes to show that the directors used good jitdgntent in the efllicient manner in bringing this tel- eplione, system to its prelsent prosper- ous condition financially. The 'Rail- way Board suggested that we were running our telephone company on a very close margin by only charging $12.00 per phone, but irrespective of what the Railway Board recommend- ed, our directions have accomplished it one hundred per cent. on the $12:00' rate, per phone. A 'dividend of ten pee,cent. was paid the . last seven years. The directors for 1932 are James Scott, Cromarty; A. A. Col- quhoun, secretary, Stara; Joseph Worden, Staffa; Robert ',Butchlii, D•u'blin; John Blenn•e'wies, president, Brodhagen; J. J. Holland, St. C'olum- ban; John Murray, Walton. The d'e- pression has not visited our 'telephone company; Some say thatwhen wheat strikes the dollar mark that .the depression "will turn the corner; some say shorter hours ,and more pay, and, some say longer 'hours and less pay; some say dell! more oil wells. I say. anyone who can invent a 'scheme to change world times deserves a crown. Sin'ce the organization of this tele- phone •company every director that tools a seat at the telephone board has given their bb'os't in a very efficient and capable manner, wthich justifies the splendid condition ?that this telephone company is 'enjoying at the present time,=Mike OlLoughlin, Dublin, Ont. :Mr. 'Joseph 'MoOoatnell of Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Dave McConnell. iMiss Carrie K'rauskopf Of Detroit is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jaenes Kraulskopf, Mrs. Dave 'McConnell has returned home after visiting friends in Detroit. An old and respected resident of Hibhent to'wn'ship, in the person ,of Mrs. Jiohnt MclIver, died on Tuesday night at the home of -her daughter, Mrs. Patrick,' Jordan. 'Mr. Hugh Benninger of ITessot spent the week end at htis home here. ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs. 'Judges Montrose of Detroit have returned to their home after attending the funeral of the lat- ter's father, Mr. James ,Evans, Mrs. P. Gibbons and 5211 J'oseph of Winglhan1 'spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney. Dir, ,Robert Evans and Prank Evans have returned to their home in •Ilowa after .a'ttend'ing the funsral of their brother, Mr. Janes Evans, Another of 'the old pioneers has passed away in the peesson of Mrs. John McIver, who died. on Wednes- day morning at the home of her eau terMrs. Pat Jordan. 'The fun- eral will be on Friday morning. Miss ,Antpa Atkinson ofi Toronto at- tended the funeral of her grand father, Mr. Janes Evans last week. Want and .For Sale Ads, 3 '.times' 50e. FARM E0,12 SALE '300, acres choice clay loam. Must be sole to settle estate. MRS, RIOIBT, C'LARKtE, Phone ;.6 on 245, easar 1932 Ca h Prices CRA'C KED EGGS ..... . . .......i.... .....:...per doz. 10c SICHINEDD:E'R LARD... ••. ...... . ........:, ...aperpound 9c LUCKNOW FLOUR „ ........... . . ...... . ...per cwt. 2.49 GRANULATED SUGAR , per cwt: 5.29 QUAKER' OATS, per place 21c 4 Tins CHOICE QUALITY PUMIPK'IN .. 25c EL will pay you to buy from J.W. FINNIGAN CARD OF THAINXS Mr. II-ienry Little ' and family wish to ;thank. their 'frien'd's and neighbors for their kind eicpreslsioits of sym- pathy during their sad bereavement and, for the loan of cans. =VIr, (Henry Little and Family. CAIRO '00? THANKS 'Brothers, nieces and nephews de- sire to express their appreciation !for the kindness and' sylm'paVity shown them ,dining the illness and death af Mns. Catherine' Fortune, also for the. spiritual bouquets and for 'those who loaned cars.. CLEARING AUCTION SALE .Of Farm Stock, I.mplemenfts, Feed. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, 'has receiv- ed instructions to sell by publifc auc- tion on Lot 2i2, Thames Road,, % mile West of Russelbdaie, on. Tuesday, Fe- bruary 9th, 1932, the following. (Horses_ 101 team of good week horses. .0attle-3 fses'h caws, Holsteins; 6 caws, dpringers, Holsteins; 2 heifers, 2 years Old, Holsteins; 5 heifers ria ing 2 years old, Holsteins. ,Sheep -4 breeding ewes. Fow1-23 y ung hens, 3 ducks. Feed -5 tons of choice hay. llutuplemen'bs-12•a'ssey-Harris mow- er; hay rack, gas engine and pump jack, set of scale's, fanning mill; cream separator; ,Bain wagon, cultiva- tor, packer, seed drill, set of iron har- rows, walking plow, gang plow, -top buggy, °u'tter, McLaughlin Gar, mane ure .spreader, 1 set of sleighs, gravel 'box, 2 sets of harness, forks, shovels, hoes, and a horst of small • articles use- ful on a farm. Po'sitively no reserve. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock slharp., Ternes--All sums of $10.00 and un- der, cash; over that amount, 8 months credit will• be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes with interest at 5 per cent. straight. Bona fide property owners as .security. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer; Mrs. Miary 01. ,Roy, Prop- rietress. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and a!miplements. George H. Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction on Thursday, February lilth, at 1 p.m., at the prem- ises, Lot 26, concession 13„ M'c,Killop, the fol'idwin!g: (Horses -l' aged horse, 1 horse '12 years odd, 1 horse,6 years old, 1 mare 11 years old, 1 driving horse, work' or drive, '10 years old, 1. gelding ris- ing 2 years old. Cattle -One cow rising 7 years old to calve in May,2 caws rising 6 years, old to calve about 24th of February, 2 cows 5 years' old to calve about 1st week in May, 1 Polled Angus bull 3 years old, 3 heifers rising 2 years, 4' spring < calves, 1 -loisitein heifer. 5 weeks old. - (Pigs -1{1 chunks about 10 ' weeks old, 3 .chunks about 113 weeks old,' 2 thoroughbred saws in pig, 8 and 5 weeks. Implements -4 Massey-1Har pis.binder'6-f 1. cut and knives, 1 Mas -i seyel-Tarnis grower, .d;flt. cut with knives, 1 wagon and hay reek witib sliding rack, 1 sit sleighs, 1 rubber tired buggy nearly new, 1 cutter near- ly new, 1 foot .pulper, 1 Bain hay. loader, 1 manure spreader, Massey- Harris cul'ti'vator, 1 seed drill, 2 plows, 1 set 'harnoiws, 2 scufflers, •2 geese, 1 gander, about 275 •bus!hels aft heavy chop, about 5 tons of 'timothy' hay, and a lot of other articles that are used on a farm. As proprietor is in poor health eve'ryth'ing will be sold.' Property -Farm to be sold or rented contains 118 acres, fenced and drain- ed, and in go'o'd state of cultivation; 37% acres in pastture, 25 acres in hay and . timothy and the rest plowed for sirinig. crop; two never-faliling wells and wi,ndinidl; bank barn 60x170 with' s'tone foundation and sta'bl'in'g under- neath; frame 'house with, cellar, 1'% storey; also ,sired for .buggy, cutter or car. Hydroo Power Pa asesthe properity. Terms of Sale. -Hay, chop) and all suns of $10 and under, cash;; over that amount six months' credit with interest at 6 per cent., or a dis- count of 6 per cent, off oncredit' amounts. Joint land ,owners as secgr-i itty. Terns on Farni'-'Ten per cent, dawn; balance in 30 days or may have `loan at 5514%. _ Id not sold will be rented for term af years. John' Balfour, Proprietor; Geo, H. Ellietf, Auctioneer, THE Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Co'y, FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Our Classified Fire Rates on Farm Buildings of First Class 'Construction are a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will sur- prise you. Special Rates to Farmers for Auto 3nsurance .For full particulars, con- , atilt our local agent. J 11. Sc 0`t Box 1142 Phone 336 , SEAIFO'RTH FOR SALE Two good' agricultural ,fillies, 3, years old; one' good 'co'wcoming inn S0011; second hand grain crusher. Ap- ply to AILIEX WALLACE, Phone- 101 hone10'3 r'13, ,Lot 10, Con. 5, Tuckersmith. FARM FOR SALE. For sale, Lot 20 and hall of Lot 21. Concession 1, McKillop, situated 1/ miles from Seaforth on No. 8 High- way. On the premises are a bank barn 38x1114, two storey brick house with, every modern convenience; 45 acres. ploughed'. This is one of the choice farms in Mc dllop and will be sold as one farm or, the 100 :acres and 50' acres separately, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to WIL- IJIAM DEVEREAUX, Seaforth; or phone hl on 144. FOR s'ALE Good: pasture farm af one • hundred' acres on Con. 1;1, Lot 21, Stanley tp;,. running water all the year. There is• 20 acres ready for spring crop and 25' of hay but ,would make good pasture There is a 20x510 been, R'alling land; with good natulralladrainags. Owing to, ill health this place will, be sold reas- onable, CHAS. . RIATIHIWFJLL. FOR SALE iComfortable Cottage situate on East Godenich Street, Seaforth, form- erly occupied by Mrs. Clara 'Me- Oluskey, Crowley. Isn.mediate possession. can be given. For further particulars apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. WANTED TO BORROW !Wanted to borrow $400, first mor,(- gage, at 6% interest on property in- sured at $2100. Apply at News Of- fice. 5. t NOTICE. Having •purchased a pure bred( Yorkshire boar ,train the Hamilton. Stock Fame Cromarty, will bo; open for publicservice at J'no. A, Eck- ert's, Lot 4, 'Con, 9, McKillop. Terms $1 cash. Privilege to return if neves sary. Fred Eckert, Proprietor. 5. SEAFORT'H MARKETS. Eggs, per dos,,.,.. , . , .....8e-1i4c Butter, per lb l8t Potatoes, per 'hag. 30c Hogs, per cwt. ..._$412,5-$4.75 orsosCows If you want an animal removed and cannot 'phone, drop us a post card promptly, 'No charge made if hides are on. WilliamStone tone S On$ LIMITT'ED, INGERSOLL, ON2TARIO.