HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-02-04, Page 10 'Mark, ' 0 heal•! how thin arnd clear, rind thinner, ,cle'aret, farther going! O sweet and far from cliff and scar' ],e horn's of Milani faintly blowing -1 Onr echoes roll: from soul] to sour]; HURONeaforth 'COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER. 'And grow for ever and for ever. Blow, bugle,'blow, set the wild] echoes flying, And iiiaewer, echoes, answer, dying, dying,. dying. 'Lord Tennyson WHOLE SERIES, VOL.' 54, No. 5. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1932. Phone' 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all . hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympla" Confectionery and Restaurant Demonstralion of Pure Foods BY CROSSE & BL ,ACKWELL ON. SAT., FEB. 6 Plenty of good things to sample en- tirely FREE. TIHIIIS I!S YOUR PN- VLTATI'O'N TO COME. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce .... ,.3 for 25c Tomato Catsup ...,21c per bottle Tomato Juice 10c per can Spaghetti . ........2 for 25c Branston Pickle 23c Marmalade 21c Pickles, all kinds 23c Sure3yl th'ese are SUB'MIAIRIIINiE . a IP R!FUE1S for AIIIRPLANE QUA- ILITY. STIANDIARD TOMATOES squats or 2's size 50 SOAP 'FLAKES .......,.3 lbs. 25c CRISP CRACKLING SODA BIS- ....... ..2 IS-..........2 lbs. 25c BROKEN BISCUITS.—...3 libs. 25c 15 TiONS GREAT STAR FLOUR sold without complaint of a single sack is •good recommendation; in ]hundredweights' only, at ...$2.50 DAIRY BUTTER.—We are 'over- stocked and will sell at 14c to 18c as to quantity. cy A Phone Phor Phood 166 F. D, HUTCHISON COAL QUALITY-StRVICE Y PHOt1E E. L. BOX 4a w . SOME'RVILLE' :RETIRES. The;Toromto Glolbe of Saturday makes the following reference to the retirement of Mr. William' Somer- ville, forinet well known Seaforth man: "An old and highly esteemed employee of the Canadian National Telegraphs, William. Somerville, .re- tires today at 1 o'clock. M'r. Somer- ville has .spent forty-four years in the senviee;"'thirty;nwlo" years at Seaforth, ,:as joint agent for . the G.N.W. 'Tele- Oraplrs, Ciaiaadian. Express, and also gas Grand • Trunk Ticket Agent, and the remaining years as branch mana- ger of the , Victoria street branch of the National Telegraphs, ' Mr. and Mrs. S'onnerville are going south far the balance of the winter, and, on their 1+tturn expect to settle in Woodstock. d newille take with Ifenraithe very bers. st wishes .of heir many friends andemployees of the Canadian National` Tel'egraphs. CO:OK-H'AMILTOIN The marriage took place at St. Janes' Anglican Church, Dundalk, of Miss Irene Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew 'Hanvilton,' to Ma. Finlay Cook, Collingwood,Ont, on Monday, ;January 25ith. The 1>ride, who is well known : in 1Seafort'h, as a icce of Mrs. Jtames (Sproat,-Egm,on'd- ?e. Until' about a year ago Mr. tIam,ltotr was C.i', R: agent at 1Hen- fryn. .. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church,—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 'Sunday, Feb. 7.th.' 11 a.m. -Public Worship. Sacra- ment of the VLord'is Supper. 2.30_pani--Su•nd'ay School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. --Public Worship, Subject, "Tao Easily Persuaded," Fourth in senies on (Life and Times of Jacob. NORTHSLDE W. M. S. M'E'ET AT THE PARSONAGE. A happy gathering melt at the home of Mrs. W. P. Lane, Thursday after 'noon, it being the social work meet- ing of the United Church 'W,uMhS, There was a splendid attendance;, 621 ladies being present, although we missed several who are at present confined to their homes on account of illness. The committee in charge, under the convenors* of Mrs. James Beattie, who presided, gave an ex- ceptionally good program. Two readings, by Mrs. C. Glow and Mrs. F. D. Huteh'iSon, a duet by Mrs. A. F. 'Cluff and Miss' Bessie Cluff, ac- companied by Miss Helen Lane; the prayer' service was led by Mrs. W. P. Lane, Mrs. Hinohley and Mrs. James Beattie. A social half hour was en- joyed and a most delicious lunch was served by Group No. 1, with Mrs. A. MdGavin captain, The offering amounted to $113.20. We hope to hold our next social work meeting in March. WO'MAJN'S AUX'IILIARY The Weman's Auxiliary of St. Tlro mac' Church held their ,monthly de- votional and bulginess meeting on Tuesday at 3 pm. at the residence of Mrs. Charles -Holmes, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Vary gmond, in the c'h'air, opened the meeting with Bible reading by Mrs. Holmes. Rev. J. F. Myers led in prayer. Hymn 566 was sung after the roll can. The secretary read, the minutes of the last meeting, the diff- erent reports were read and adopted; a letter was read from Canon !Middle- ton, Cardsiton, Alberta, stating they had received •our bale for the Indian .bay. 'All bu'sines's co'm'pleted, the meeting closed by all repeating the member's prayer. Mr. Myers pro- nounced the benediction; lunch was served by the, social committee a collection was given which amounted to seven dollars. A very hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Holmes for the use of her home and kindness to the W,IA. The letter from St. Paul's Resident- ial School, Blood 'Reserve, Cardston, Alberta, was as follows: Ian. 11.bht, 1932, MTs. R. G. Parke, Seaforth, Ont. Dear Mrs. Parke, --a have to ex- press thank for the , bale • received containing Eddie Soap's assignment op I can assure you that thepresent in- dicated was received with much sat- isfaction. 'The coat and cap were also much appreciated. Our Christmas festivities are now over and preparations are being made for the Twentieth Annual .Olid Ba'ys' Reunion, Which takes 'place on Jan. 24-25. The Christmas concert was one of outstanding success and greatly ap- preciated'' by a Fangs audience. 'The Christmas tree is ,always ,made poss— ible by the many gifts received from Huron and were it not for the contin- ued interest which you younself and other ,members of the 'W.A. Make in our work the toys and presents would be of a negligible 'quantity, .The Watch Night service this year seemed to eclipse all others. Tihe church was packed a'ndthe number of communicants greatly exceed'e'd that of former yearns. Many new pupils have recently been admitted and, more I expect s h'ortly. ' I'Vlth best wishes to yyourself. and. fellow-worlcers, Yours sincerely, S. H. "Middleton, Principal, "Facile To Ask for a Prohibitory Law" HO'PELE'SS TO OPPOSE OVER- WHELMING SE!NTII1V4ENT IN FAVOR OF LIQ•UOR CONT- ROL ACT JUST NOW —BUT TIME HAS COME FOR A 'STRFIN JIO,US CAMPAIGN OF TEMPERANCE EDUCATION. Exeter, Ontario, January 29, ,1932 Editor, "The Seaforth News" RSeafooth, Ont, 'Dear Sir,-lLasrt evening a copy of the "Seaforth News" came to me con- taining a press report of a speech I'. made at a Progressive meeting inDel- aware. It contained a number of. comments as well. 'Perhaps I ,should have amplified ' my statement regarding my attitude to - ,ward's the Ontario Temperance Act for the sake Rof some niemibers of the Press. I am quite sure the audience did not misunderstand me, nor did it infer that I had gone back an prohi- bition. Dealing with the question of (Liquor Law's it is my contention ' that the effect of the liquor Control Act and its a'd'vocates has been to increase drinking and -drunkenness. Another effect is that prohibition .sentiment has do a large measure been destroyed among young people. Since the in-' ception .of the Liquor 'Control Act the general feeling towards temperance has been that of retrogression It will take time to gain what has been lost Wet propaganda, wet sentiment and wet conditions have produced a state of affairs that in my judgment it would he futile to ask for a prohibit- ory law just now. But on the other -hand the evil results of legal and 11 - legal sales are piling up and an oppor- tune tune has come for a strenuous cannpaign-for, ,'temperance education, rfdr total abstinence and with a view to prohibitory measures, If such a campaign is carried on the time might not be long when a law similar to the ,O.T,A. could' be enacted and with bet- ter provisions be satisfactorily en- forced. .No, I have not gone back on (proh'i +bi'tion. I still believe the solultioar of the liquor probledi is by prohibitory measures. I agree .with C. A. Robeitt- son, M:L.A..North Huron, that the O.T.A. is the better law. But white we have a worse law its the ILjC:A. we should; as S stated at Delaware, limit as far as it lie's in our power the sale of strong drink. This is in ac- cord .veibh the p'etition being circulated by the Women's Christian 'Temper- ance Union for the curtailment oif the sale of alcoholic beverages in so ,far as it lies in the power of the Provincial Go'vern'ment, The stand I took at Delaware was exactly the same as I had taken in the House last session and nobody ques- tioned my attitude to prohibitionor the O.w..A. Personally, I have not abandoned pro'hii'bition, not even for the time be- ing, as stated by the London Free Press, but will continuer to work for it as I have done in the past. W. G. MEDD, South Hu Y. P. L. The Young People's Society of North (Side -United Clhurchheld their regular ,meeting on Tuesday -evening) February,' 2nd, wiith IMI'r. Sam 'Scott in charge. The meeting was opened by singing hymen '48 after which Mr. Lane fled in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. George Welsh after, which the ,minute's of the prev- ious meeting were read and'• adopted, After singing hymn' 1150` Mr. Savauge ably 'delivered an instructive qed in- sp'irinlg address on f'The Teac'hin'g of Christ," Miss Ruth Thompson favour- ed us with a .well rendered solo entit- led, "The name sof Jesus," accompan- ied on piano by Miss A. Goveniock, After singing hymn '55 the MRii-pal benediction was r'epea'ted in unison. The meeting closed with an intteresit- ihg game, HURON aim,. BOYS' ANNUAL AT HOME ITih'e 32nd Annual, At-IHonre and Re -union was held in the Arcadian Court on Friday evening last, and notwithstanding the disagreeable state _ of the weather, the attendance was the largest in the history of the association. A large 'contingen't 'from the -`towns of the old County drove down by auto and took in the 'Big Sh'o'w" Mayor Craig and his wife came diowo from Barrie .and aug- 'nieirted the crowd, Luigi Romanelli's orchestra sup- plied the music for the dancing and suitable solos were rendered' °for the rad'io by Miss Rivile King and Mrs Dr Ferguson. Large numbers' indulged, in euchre and bridge in the gallery, the prize Winners in euchre being: Gents -1st, MT. 5. Saul; 2nd, Ms. J. R. Cousley; ladies 1st, Miss Mable rson ; 2nd, Mrs. M. Scarlet, Under the supervision of CFiCIA the proceedings were broadcast from 10,30 to 11.30. t rctongst those present were the following; Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Van•stone, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, McLaren and. Miss Mills, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flgady and Miss Floody, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McCreath, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MacVicar, Mr.. and Mrs. L. M.' Pringle, Dr. and Mos. H. J: H.odigin's and Mrs. D'sLacey, Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Ferguson and. Miss Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin; Mr. and MTs. D, Thompson and Miss Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Young, Rev. R. C. McDiarmdd, MT. and Mrs. S. M. Wickens, Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and the Misses Campbell, Mr. and, Mrs. A. E. Forbes and the Misses Forbes, Me. R. C. King and ' Miss King, Mr. H. I. Morrish and the lfisses Morrish, Mr. R. S. Sheppard, Mr. J A.' Cameron, Mr. G. A. New- ton and the Misses Newton, Miss J. Turner (Seaforth), Miss Sadie Walk- er, Miss Clara MldGowan (Blyth), Miss Ilannie Paterson, Miss L. E. Knox, Miss E. Farrow, Miss L. Far- row, Mrs. I. H. Brown, Mrs. Minnie Irtwin; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Saul, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Rumball, Dr. and Mars. B. Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. G. Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. G. R, Robinson, Me. J. H. Langton and Mrs. E. Langton, Mr,t„and Mrs. D. 'Crawford and Miss Crawford, Aid. and Mrs. W. Duck- worth, ,Aid. and Mrs. G. C. Elgie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Leask, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Waters, Dr. J. P. Fleming anid Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearson, Mrs. J. Glen and Miss Glen, Mrs._ A. Becker and Miss Becker, Mr. R, A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Stuan Robertson, Mo. Russell Brown, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Dane, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3, Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. K,ilty, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lowery, Mr. and Mrs, Athol M'cQu'arrie, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. H, D. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. ' Geo. Stogdill, Mr. and Mrs. F. Nendick, .Mrs. W. Netvconrbe CN. Battlefprd, Sask.), Miss Elva 'L'avis, Miss Mary Gorle, Miss M. Ii, Ramsay, Miss B. Camipibell, ,Miss F. Beaumyr, Miss Fannie Paterson, Miss R. Cameron, Mrs. Dr. Milne ('Blyth), Mrs. T. R. Taylor, Mrs. Geo. Good, Mrs. Sam Good, Mrs. H. J. Kerr, Mrs. M. Black Mrs. T. Dempster, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fennell, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sloan, M'r, and Mrs. G. A. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cole, Mr. and MTs. 5. D. Grey, Mr. and Mos. J. R. Forbes (Waterford), Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Masson, Mr,' and Mrs. T. J. Duff, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Cracknell, 5'M•r. and Mrs. Harry Salkeld (lGode- rich), Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs: W. G. McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs, M. Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Stick, Mr. and. Mrs. T, Mus- tard, Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie (Sea- ford -0; ,Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Donaldson, Mr, and Mrs. R. Hutcheson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan (1Sealorth), Mayor and Mrs. J. F. Daly (Seaforth), Mr, and. Mrs. W. A. Dover, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brooks, Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Gains burry, Mr. and Mrs., C. MdAl'lister, Mr. and Mrs. W. NafteF "The Star", Goderich; Mr, and MIrs, Stark and Mrs. Stark sr., Mr. .and Mrs. H. R. Kitty; Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Hough, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid, Dr. F. T. Bryans and the Misses Bryans, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,Prioudfoot, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy, Mo. and Mrs. las.' clnrfs+t, Mr.,and Mrs. W. Minnett, Mr, anis' Mrs. B. V. Elliott, Mr. and Mas J. E. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craigie (Goderich), Mr, and Mrs. L. H, Hall, Mr. and Mrs. W. E..Mci1= veen and .the Misses'M'dlfveen ('Police. Magistrate, Oakville), Mr, and Mrs. R 1i. Archibald , (Oakville), Mayor and Mrs, C. C. Lee (Goderich), Mr. and Mrs. E,' M. Lee, Mr, and Mrs,. R. E. McKinney, Mr, and Mrs. A, McCarroll, Mayor and' Mrs. 3, F. Craig' °Barrie), Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ferguson, Mr,. and Mrs, A. C. Spot - ton, Mn-, and Mrs, F:• McLean,' Mr. Valentine's Day. HAS so many associations still clinging to it and so many pretty customs ,still clinging to it that we can hardly let the occasion pass unnoticed. +On this day kindly little messages are exch'an'ged and ,gifts given which go far in the making, and preserving ,of friendships. To help in making 'Valentine's Day a happy day along this line we have added to our regalar large and varied line of gift goods V'ALENTI'NE GREETING CARDS in great variety . and beauty of design, and at ail .the popular prices. 5c to 25c However we ,would suggest that 'Valentine's 'Day is a very appropriate day on which to make the gift of a Savatige Diamond Ring, 'These we have in the (finest of quality and newest designs plus' the very 'beat of values ,at from $25.00 and upward. We would suggest that you look then over at this Store before Va'lentine's 'D'ay. You have the added pleasure of making your selection privately in our Diamond Room. Fred. S. Savauge JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Gift Shop Phones 194 Res. 10 and Mrs. M. McKnight, Mr. and _Mrs. W. W. Schdales, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Knighit, Mr. and Mrs. J. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pipe, Mr. end Mrs. F. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. O'Halloran, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hainiey, Mr. a'nd Mrs. N. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. B. Winton, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. P. Maybee, Mr.. and .Mrs. D. T. Pren- tice, Mr. and. Mrs. G. A. _Mills, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maxwell, Miss P. Gid - ley, Miss I. Craighead, iviiss M. Beat- on, Miss L. Beaton, Miss Jean Woods Miss Ruth Jackson, Miss Alma Mac- Kay, Miss F. Fry, Miss Ella Beck, Miss Lydia'Beck, Miss 0. . McKee, Miss T. Dale, Miss A. Messer, Miss E. Reid, Miss H. Wrey, -Miss li11. Carrell, Mrs's E. Hamilton, Miss G. Crich, 'Miss M. Turnbull, Miss M. Stewart, Miss Ruth Ball, Miss Annie Hamilton, Miss Myra Stinson, Miss J. Drysdale, Miss D'orie Payne (L'akefie'ld) Miss. Lilian Welker (Bur- lington), Mr. M. D. M'eTaggart, Mr. W. J. Chesney, Mr. H. M. Messer, Mfr. W. Dale, Mr. R. Turnbull, Mr. W. A. Crich, Mr. A. Hewitt, Mr. Tom Jackson, Mr. Ray Carter, Mr. E. Webster, Mr. W. Donahoe, Mr. Earl S'tew'art (Hamilton), Mr. G. A. Habkirk (Seaforth),. Mr. W. J. Bell (Seafo'rth), Mr.' W. J. Chesney, . Mr. H.- M. Jackson, Mr. Bail Stark, Mr. W. M. McLaren, Mr. B. C. Robin- son, o in -son, Mr. Jahn P'ars'ons (Goderich), Mr. Jas. Parsons (Goderich) Me. W. J. Turnbull, Mr. L. R. Bender, Mr, T. Cowan, MPs, A. Hession, Ivir. H. Shep- herd, Robt. Holmes, M. Middleton (Pt. Credit), P. W. Wheatley, Wan. Pdwell, MTs. J. S. Wrey, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. G.'Hessey, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. M+oBryen, Mrs. E. C. Doll ('Buffalo), Mrs. Alex. Laird, Mrs. D. Robertslon and Miss Robertson, Mrs. G. L. Par- sons (Godenich), Mrs. IG. F. Rogers and Miss' Rogers, Mrs. M. Weller, Mrs. Sihelsweil, ' Mrs. Edna ' Wells (Boston); Mrs. Jas. Hunter, Mrs, Chesney, Mrs, H. Oke. Notes. "Swing them around and do -se -de" was the slogan at the old time 'dances. Luigi R'onratielli has a great or- chestra and the .Huron ,Old Boys know it. Mayor J. F. Daly of Seaforth is a real sport and is an able representa- tive of the staunch Mold town, He talk- ed to the "mike” like a sixteen -year- old.: (Miss Jean Woods,,gold 'medallislt of the Toronto General Hospital, was at the head of BeyRfield'•s contingent:' She is the daughter of the "Bayfield p ostmas'ter. There weree good' delegatiots from both Godeylell ' and' Seaforth„. ,Mr; Naftel of the Goderich "Star'-•wa5 .a welcome visitor, I-le:will now have a good idea of how we do things in Toronto. , Police Magistrate Mcllveen of Oakville was early on the job, accom- panied by Mrs. Mcalveen and two daughters. Mr. A. C. Smith, - formerly of the, Wingham "Advance," was quaran- tined in his home, with his family, acrd unable to be present. ',Naylor C. C. Lee of Goderich and Mrs. Lee motored down from 'Gode- rich and enjoyed the event im- mensely. Mayor J. Craig of Barrie, and &los- Craig were present and enjoyed' immensely. The mayor is se Godee rich old boy. Miss Sadie Walker, - "live wire" As— sistant Secretary, led the Exeter con- tingent. RRoibeitt Holmes, ex-M.P. for West Huron, and ex -editor of the "Clinton New Era," was in his •glory, and be stayed to the end of tine program. Mrs. Wm. Newcombe, . of Nertli' Battleford, Sask., was present with' her daughter, Mrs. H. D. Morris, and' took in all the program. Site• was formerly Miss Mary Brown of Blyth.., !Pedagogues, high and public, were well represented, some 27 being in. attendance. ;Doctors' and denti- sts counted up •tb• 12 its the audience: ti President FlarayStowe bad a smile as big as the side of a house, and Mrs. S'to,wei. went hint one ]better, Mrs. G. C. Young - had charge of the Bridge players, while Mr. Stowe sup- ervised the Euchre players. Secretary Floody sold 120 tickets: "Nothing succeeds like etsccess,"' is his motto. • Mrs. Edna Wells came up from.. Boston, Mass., to attend the event. She was formerly :Edna Irwiip of G'otrie.. Treasurer D. D. Wilson w'as a busy Man. The riglut man in the right place. "See the Conquering Hurons Come" was the fitting remark made by a newspaper man as the big crowd' surged in the hall. IHonorary President iiFcLaren says' that this event cannot bebeaten ';in Canada. It is hinped that Tan Principal i Tamblyn will bringvocational his cat' rortat'school bops into the At-Tionre