The Seaforth News, 1932-01-14, Page 8riends
Adele Ort and ^Mrs: ren-
iubop-, were, $ede�tt v4snt""°
ne o'f blr: and,Mrs Ja+s
is "•Seeds rs 'iv fih her relatives • and.
rie„n'ds 'at $tnathnoy.
1M-. F4pyd' Srrsith •oil'Londiost spent
tete week;: end• at )tis home here.
¥ins Jean Carripbell has return d
toher hpme ]lt :1 orontp after 'a very
np'eaSeitt,'visrt at.'the b'orite of heir
,grandmother leis. Thos. i umd'ock.
Msns,Sheffer is visiting with rel-
etives en'd friends in London.
anid MTs, ,Roy MdL,aren visited
nvneh friernds at Rnsseldale •our 'Susid'ay
Vtodeb W'hitesides of Godelr-
Fiines and
d n Sister, "sten Mrs. E.
chi ds
d>tfle daughter o1 Clinton visited with
lMiss Helen Smith on Friday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Love have
returned hone after a few days pleas-
ant visit with their sou, Mr. and Mrs.
:.1H. Love of :Hillsgreen..
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harmer of
Southampton ° were .pleasant visitors
last week at the' 'hone of Mfr, and
,'Mrs, D. W, Foss. u••
,The euchre and dance which was
put on by the Hensall firemen on Fri-
day evening last was a decided' suc-
cess, some fifty tables being used' by
the large crolwd present. Euchre was
played in the early part of the even-
ing after which dancing was enjoyed
an'd the music was furnished by local
„ talent and was excellent. Mr. Robert
'Cameron did the calling off in his
usual a'b'le manner.
The aW.M.S. of the United Church
held its monthly meeting on Thurs-
day last; with a good attendance pre-
sent, with the president, Mrs. C. A.
McDonnell in the chair. The meet-
ing was opened with a hymn follow-
ed by the Bible lesson, after which
prayer was given by Mrs. McDonald:
A letter of appreciation was received
from Mrs. W. Henry, thanking the
ladies of the W;MLS. for beautiful
flowers which she received during her
recent illness. A devotional leaflet
was read by Mrs. Anna McDonald,
which was much enjoyed. The study
on Korea was taken in three parts by
Mrs. J. W. Peck, Mrs. C. Cook and
Mrs. Wilson Carlile. The meeting
closed with a hymn and prayer.
The 'Lad'ies' Aid of the United
'Church held their meeting on Thurs-
day rest when elec't'ion of officers took
place, which is as follows: President,
Mrs, S. Merner; bice president, Mrs.
L. R. Cofes; secretary, Mrs. C. Cook,
treasurer, Mrs. C. Ballantyne, The
ladies intend holding a sale of home
made cooking in the basement of the
'Church in the near future.
Mrs. Robert 'Love of Hillsgreen is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Jno.
Mr, and Mrs. McMichael, Mrs.
Joynt and daughter, Miss Joynt, of
Wingharn, visited for a day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jloynrt,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson have re-
turned to 'Toronto after visiting with
relatives and friends in Hensall and
A number of panes of glass has
been broken lately in Geiger & 'Sons
flax mill by boys shooting and throw-
ing stones. ,Constable Hudson has ta-
ken the matter up and has secured
the naines of these boys who are be-
lieved' to be guilty of the act.
The friends of Mr. Alex. Buchanan
will be sorry to hear he has been con -
'fined to his bed for the past two
yeeks. His many friends hope to
rsoon hear he is able to be around
Council Meeting. -The first meet-
ing of ;the new council for the year
took place Monday at noon as re-
Iquired by statute. Reeve Geiger and
?Coun'cilfbrs Mickle, Petty, Spencer
and Robinson took their oath of of-
•frce:rand were sworn in. It was mov-
ed by Petty, seconded by Robinson,
that the regular meetings of the
: council beheld held on the first Monday
df the month at 8 p.m, Carried. Mov-
ed by Mickle and seconded: by Spen-
cer,, thsat' we adjourn till 8 o'clock.
:Carried.." The council met again at
8 o,clock with all the members pres-
ent. 'T'he minutes of teh last' Dec-
+'em+ber meeting, also of the nomina-
tion and election proceedings were
read, by the Clerk and adopted. A
atintber :o+f communications were
read, The' 'Sick'- Children's HospiBal
of Tor'oeto asked; for a grant, ale the
C'hildren's f-1 spitall at London. The
,eontmeinication from the`Gbod Roads
'1's'sociation, an'd from the Muni'cip'al
•,Cl'e'rks Association were ordered filed.
A number of accounts were_.presented
rod .ordered paid on motion' of Mliclnle
rid 1pende,r. A discussion took place
iS' td .a ;redue'tion of salaries of the
fferent',town officials and it was
reed on a re,dti'c+tdon of ten per cent.
y'Lw >No 1, was then given its
if, .second and' third reading, ap:
ntinig the dngerent .officials for the
t and>then. salaries Jas. A. Pat -
ort, •Clerk, $90:00, C. 'Cook, Treas- Let us. have the names of your visitors
,'54, A'WI,E. ',Hemphill. c'ol-
ISonn patch -tar,,
4D `I3udison, ,aildat4r, $13
0eie 1d`udoen, eon's'table, $36;00,
rs Gee, Hudson caretaker o£ tihe
n hull, $17r$;I H
' Geo:udson, nInosa
r "eV the .town hall .and:' punt; ;$45
Nees,ou' Bllatcltford, sau'ltary •inspector
also weed in'apecltor, $140 and 20c an
Alice Joynt and Rev, :Mr;
Parker; was a'p.p.ointed to the' library
board and the iVl edice ,Health Officer,
the Reeve and Sanitary Iaispecltor to
be the., Health Bolaxd, Goin HHi,ds'on
'Was, appointed :pound keeper. $s-
law .No, 2 ,was, then given its several
readings setting the first 'Monday pf
the month at $' p.m, a§' the time of
the regular meeting, Byl'a'ws 3 and 4
were gassed giving the reeve and the
treasurer power to borrow such syncs
of money as needed to carry on the
busine's's of the town for, the year'and
the sc'ho'o'1. Mr. Hemphill gave a re-
port of the taxes still due, some $11200.
The report of Dr. Campbell ort the
condition of the cows, that supply]
the milk to the village was read,' It
made interesting reading and a bylaw
will be prepared prohibiting the sale
of milk in the village from cows that
are not blood tested.: The council ad-
journed to meet again the first Mon-
day in
The statutory meeting Of MIKi'llop
Towns'hi'p Council was held in the
Carnegie Library, Seaforth„ on Moss -
day, January 1:1th with all members
present, Reeve Campbell and Coun-
cillors Alexander, Dorraoce, OtRiourke
and Regele. Bylaw No. 1, appoint-
ing the following officials for 1932 was
passed: Clerk, Jahn McNay; treasur-
er, ,Bruce Medd; collector, George
McKee; assessor, Jas. O?Sul.livan; au-
ditors, Thos. Moylan, Alex. Dennis;
Board of Health, Dr. F. J. Burrows,
MsO.iH;; John Balfour, sanitary in-
spector, John Murray and the Clerk;
school attendance officer, Jno. Mc-
Nay; drainage inspector, Chas, Reg-
e'le; weed inspector, Alex. Cuthill. The
following motions were carried: Reg-
elsilYorranee, that the Road Superin-
tendent's statement of $63.05 be paid.
Alexander-O'rRovrke, that general ex-
penses account of $48124 be paid.
Dorran'ce-Alexander, that for winter
work teams be paid for at the rate of
30c per hour and 15c for nien and
that patrolmen be notllfied according-
ly. Re'gele-Dorrance, that the petition
of James Sloan asking that his prop-
erty, lots N'% 10 and N% ri, con. 7,.
be transferred from Sep. U.S.S. No. 1
to S.S. No. 6, be received and that
said change be made. ,OtRourke-lDar-
ranee, that the communication con-
onto ning recommend'ed resolutions
from officials of a committee appoint-
ed in a meeting held in. Renfrew be
considered and the reconim'ended re-
solutions he endorsed by this council
and that the clerk send copies of re-
solution fo parties mentioned in the
communication: (1) That the 20 per
cent. contribution paid by the county
for work on Provincial 'Highways be
removed; (2) That the municipalities
be entirely freed from, the contribu-
tions toward Old Age pensions; and
that there be a rigid censorship of the
Old Age pensions roil; (3) That sub-
stantial s-eductions be made in the sal-
aries of government officials and civil
servants. Alexander-iRegele, that sal-
aries of councillors for 1932 be:
Reeve, $112:50; councillors, each
$67J50. Dorrance-O'Rourke, that the
council do now adjourn to meet ,at the
Carnegie Hall on Monday, February
let, 1032, alt one o'clock p.m.
Mr. M. Elliott made a shipment of
live stock tb Toronto Saturday.
'Messrs Logan,, M.cOlymbrit, Weekes
and Beatty Bros. made a shipment of
live stock to Toronto in charge of
Mr. L. Forrest Monday:
The many changes of weather have
made as many changes of colds.
'Miss Stamp of London spent . a
week with her father.
The m
emlbers of the new 1932 coun-
cil met in the hall Monday. While
some changes have been made in the
staff, full details have not yet
been learned.
Mr.,T. Warner, who has been en-
gaged with Mr. Weekes for the past
year, left Monday for Toron't'o. We
wish him' success.
IMr. Cecil Wiley motored to De-
troit to spend the week end with
Persian 'Balm preserves and enhances
women's natural heritage of beauty.
For sheer feminine loveliness it is un-
rivalled. Tones and rejuvenates the
skin, and 'makes it exquisite in texture.
Delightful to use, Smooth and velvety,
it imparts a youthful charm to every
complexion, Indispensable to all
dainty ,women.Especially recom-
mended to ;make Band's swift and white.
Delicately fragrant. 'Preserves and en-
hances the loveliest complexions.'
1ST: TO ,
New•, Telephones,
A' gang of 'telep:bone alien 'have.ben
here 'this week putting long distante
bele 'hone equipments in the 'Greig
'Clothing Company neiv store No. 92,
John Rankin's office No. 71 and the
skating rink -Na 69. New desk tele-
phones have been' placed' in the Dom-
inion Ba'nlc, Bank of, Commerce and
tete :Seaforth 114'1101g Co.` offices for
the private use of the managers. This,
gives them an equipment equal to any..
city, office.
The hitherto invincible •Gaderich,
hockey team are scheduled to play at,
ISeafortlt shortly and it is just ques-
tionable if they are not due far a fall
and that they will do it gracefully in
dSeadorth's new big rink. The locals
are fast rounding into to sh'ap and win
or lose for Seaforth, the game will
be one worth seeing.
'The game between the Clinton' and
ISeaforth checker cdub,' which was
dated for Thursday evening will be
'Flayed on Friday . evening in the
council chamber. Much interest is ta-
ken in the handicap match far the
Walton trophy. 'Spectators will be
made • welco'me.
'The death occurred on Friday last
of Mrs. Barbour at the residence of
her daughter, Mrs. George ;Chesney,
Goderich street: Soave weeks ago
she suffered from a paralytic stroke
which proved fatal. The remains
were taken to Baird's 'cemetery' on
Sunday last,
Council Meeting.
The town: council held a special
meeting last Thursday evening for
the discussion of the Canada Furni-
ture 'Co.'s proposition, Niothing defin-
ite was arrived at and another me''lt-
ing will be held this Thursday in con-
nection with the 'same matter. The
,;following appointmen't's .were made:
L. L. McFall], auditor; Stephen
'Lamb, member of Board of Health;
Dr. IRoss, Medical Health Officer;
D. D. Wilson, member of Collegiate
Institute (Beard,
Oil Syndicate.
'It is reported that oil has 'been dis-
covered in the township of Wawan-
osh and a syndicate has been formed
which has leased 1200 acres of land
in the vicinity of the supposed oil
territory. A sample •of the oil, ana-
lysed at Toronto, has been .declared
to be a goad specimen; and it is said
arrangements are being made to start
boring at once.
Purchases Farm.
'Mr. Henry Bennewies has purchased
the farm of 31r. (Henry S'timore its
McKillop. The place contains 1100
acres and the purchase price is
$6,000. ;It is good land with. fair
buildings, 'This gives Mr. Benne-
wies 300 acres of good land all in a
Died in McKillop.
IThe death occurred of Mrs. Gray,
relict of the late William Gray, at the
home of her son-in-law, Mr. James
.Bell, on Jan. 7th, 1906. The deceased
was born in County iCaven, Ireland,
M 1825, and came to Canada in 1640.
Received Injuries.
'The many friends of Mr. Alex. 'Ross
Jr., will regret to hear that he met
with a very serious accident about
two weeks ago at New Liskeard.
While moving an engine it upset and
fell on him. His spine was badly hurt
and at present his condition is criti-
Accident fn Tuckersmith,
On Tuesday as Mr. Mahaffey and
daughter of! ,Stanley were on their
way to Seaforth they had a mishap
which delayed them some time. As
the •sleighing on the road was very
bad they''tried -tete ditch which, was
rather icy, causing the horse to fall,
breaking both shafts of the .cutter.
The neighbors carne to their assis-
tanct .and offered .them a buggy to
cam l
ete their 1
_ h'c
h is beset
for the present rough roads.
It is reported 'that Dr. Irving has
disposed of his practice and residence
to 'Dr. Menzie, who comes from the
east -•The monotony of scitool .life
was broken on Friday last when a
team of footballers from No. 6, Grey,
arrived to try conclusions with OUT
boys4 They were fine husky fellows
and, had 'their share of .the honors of
the .game, but were unfortunate in.
losing by one goal just at the close.
Alex, Chrislto'p'.her refereed the game,
with' his usual impart'iali'ty and lo-
John Carmichael, w,ho has been a
resident of Hensall for the past 25
years, passed away Wednesday, Jan,
10. IHe has been engineer" at the
flax mill and salt works far the past
25 years. He was a quiet, industrious
man, liked and resipected by all; -!Mr;
Andrew 'Arenistrong,• who sold his
farm on the Bronson' line, has pur-
e'basesl Mr. -John„ R'oblb'•s barn] In
Tuckersmsth 'for $7,000
erty is si good one,
Wan Prizes
Mr. 'F.t•, Willis•exhibited his
White Rocks at Detroit .las't week
and an. four' entries won -fpar prizes
including one first,
Cljild Recovering,
1The little child . of ivLr, VJililisin
X'urdie, who 'Willa so badly :burnt, is.
recovering much better, than ; was at
first thought .possible,
'The funeral of the late, iters. Bur-
gess took piace on. Friday last from
the home, of her daughter, Mrs. James
Ross. hnitermenit in the Egnion•ville
rpl]'e' n
+QOISIENS.-¢n ever loving mem'or'y
of Mary E. .Goven'lock 'Olsen, be-
lov'e'd wife off Rev. T. Wesley Cosen's,
of 12t Rarest and dearly Y lo
ea 1 vel mo-
ther e of Rev. C. W, De Witt: Coroner,
M.A., BID., of Stratford, who entered
into life eternal . January '116th, 1931.
What a Woman should be ` as wife,
mother and Christian worker.- she
`The nightteous shall be in ever-,
lasting '•remembrance."
-DeWitt joins his father in this tri-
Mr. and :Mrs. John ID. .MeBea'th
,and son, Alex. wish to thank , the
friends and neighbors for the many
kind expressions of sympathy during
their recent sad bereavement and to
school section No. 14, Stanley, for the
'beautiftil sheaf.
10 cords of dry h'ard'wood, 16 inches
long, Apply to BEN RIIILIRY, Phone
1'1 on 250..
10 cords of green body hardwood,
at least two-thirds maple, .delivered at
S.'S, No. 6, Tuckersnrith, Tenders
to be in by Feb. 1st.
3. IR.IR. 3, Seafonth.
The annual meeting of the !Seaford-)
A'gricul'tural Society will be held in
the Carnegie Library on Friday, Jana.
uary 1,5th, at 1:30 o'clack. Business:
Receiving financial report for 1931
and election of officers and directors
for 1932. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended everybody to attend.
W'M, S. ,BIRlO'ADIF'OIOIT, President.
DR. 'HJARBORIN, Sec.-Treas,
The Huron County Council will
meet in the County Council Cham-
bers, Court House, ,Gaderich, on
Tuesday, the 261th day of January,
1932, at two o'clock in the afternbo,n.
;Accounts or notice's of petitions or
deputations should be sent the Clerk
on or before ,the Saturday previous to
ensure attention.
Municipal Clerks are asked to for-
ward certificates of election by mail,
as soon as possible after first meeting
of their Councils.
Geo. W. Holman,
County Clerk.
Go,derich, Jan,. 14Ith, 19132.
Stated ,tenders will be •receive.d by
the undersigned for the position Of
Janitor for the Constance United
Church, on or before the let of Feb-
ruary, 1932, by the undersigned,
f..owesit or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted. Duties to commence
February Ps't.
2 Londeshoro,
Assistant Constable
Applications will be received at the
Clerk's office up to January 20th,
1932, for bite position of 'assistant
60 per snonth.
Hours on duty 7 o'clock p.m. to 6
o'clock a,m. Duties to commence Fe-
bruary 1, 1932. By order.
Town. Clerk.
Seaforth, Jlany: 12, 1932.'
The annual meeting of the 'Huron
Wend and. Weather Mutual Insuranlce
Co. 'will be held at the Commercial
Hotel, Hensall, on Wednesday, Jlanu
ary 217ith, at 2 p.m., for receiving the
auditor's report and the director's re-
port, electioln of .officers for the year
1032 or any other business.
C. MOiNITIEJIIT7H, dSecre'tary.
:Good pasture farm of one hundred
acres on Con. 1:1, Lot 21, Stanley tp.,
running water all the year, There is
25 acres ready for spring crop and 25
of hay but would make good'pas'ttre,
There is a 20x50 b'atin, Rolling land;
with .go'old natural 'drainage. Owing bo'
ill "health this place will be sold reas-
:URSDAY,' JANUARY 14, 1932..
GRA'N'ULATED ,SUGAR ,. , ... , ..., . .+.. 5.29'cwt,
Lucknow Manitoba,Flour 2.49 cwt,
BtIL'L DOG' OVERALLS t . , .....:' .. , ....'•j :.. 1.44' pair,
IBEX BLANKETS, large size ... .......... . ....1.89 pair
MEN'S HEAVY ALL WOOLSOCKS , , . , ,4 pairs 99c ;
T't Will Pay You to Pay ,Cash.
W. J. FI l�I l I
,per gg
r d'oz
Election Cards .
Foa,toes, per ,bag. , .:30c
Butter, "per 1b. ,....,..,,,: 20c
Hogs, per• cwt. .... , ...44.50-$5,00;
To the Electors of the Township of
(Ladies and Genitlenten,-I wish to
express my appreciation far the splen-
did support .given in elec'ting,tne .Reeve
of MOK,iI'lop •for 19312,
rI have ins'ta'lled a battery charger
for car and radio bab'teries. Price 50c
for ,charging. Also have ' a 2 -amp,
changer for sale. 1120 STIEiPIHIE'N-
SOuN, Constance.
The annual meeting of Seaforth
Horticultural Society will be held in
Carnegie Library, Friday, Jan. P5,
1932, at 7 p.m, sharp, All members
and officers are requested to be pre-
sent. The election of officers and
other business will be taken up.
WM, HARTIRY, President.
. t
For sale, Lot 20 :and half of Lot 21,
Concession 1, McKillop, situated 13/4
utiles from 'Seaforth on No, 8 High-
way. On the'prennises are a bank 'barn
38x1148, two storey brick house with
every, modern convenience; 45 acres
ploughed. This is one of the choice
farms in • M!clKillop and will be sold
as one farm of the 100 acres and 50
acres separately, on reasonable terms.
For further particulars apply to WIL-
LIAM D,EV,EREAUX, Seaforth, or
phone 11 on, 144.
Essex Coach 1921' model, motor
ovenh'auled. Moving to U.S., $75.00.,
R..MACKEINIZff'E, Brucefield:.::12:
Rodin to rent cheap. Apply to the
Jackson Studio, Seeforlth.
'Comfortable Cottage situate an
East Goderiph Street, Seaforth, form-
erly occupied by 'Mrs. Clara 'M'c-
Oluskey Crowley.
Immediate possession: can be given.
For further particulars apply to? R. S.
HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
You can get a nice one at a big,
bargain, 650 lbs. capacity,, just used
slightly, at one-third of the new price
if you act quick. Call in at Geo. Fer-
guson's Hardware for demonstration
today. 1,
Tenders will be received for 10,
cords 01"1,4 -inch wood for .S.S. No. 10,
McKillop. Tender by 'letter only.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. Tenders close Jan. ZOth.
•1, Seaforth. •
Two good Durham cows, 6 and 7
years old, due to freshen second week
of January, Apply RUSSELL CIOLRi-
MIAiN, 'R.iR, 3, Seaforth, E'dabne 1'50r4L
Oraer Bab NOW!
$1.00 Discount for orders received before January 15th.
Blood -tested, Government approved, BARRED ROCK'S, WHITE
ROCK'S, 'WHITE LEGHO,RNS. Price Lists Ready. i
J. E. McKinley, Zurich
of Stock & Implements
Tuesday, Jan. 19th
1 white co.w
1 waggon
1 roller
•1 cultivator
1 sleigh
1' hay rake
• 1+ binder
1 binder
1 aged bay horse
1 sorrel 'horse
, 1 heifer
, 2 pigs;
1 sett double harness
1 single sett
4 , corn cultivator
'13. section harrow
7 fanning mill
1 smaller
1 walking plow
1' McIConmack mowers,
1, cutter,
5 tans hay,
50 bus. of grain
1 wa'ggost
1 'buggy
R . Stevenson
Oscar Reed