HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-01-14, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1932.. tee..,. INIDIVI'DUAIL'ITY. ,Superior Stores are.uolt cut to •a''pattern„Ibutare 'designed to. suit the requirements oil the 'particular districts ,which they .serve, Every manager is alto an olwn'er and a citizen oe the ,00mtnuctity. He is , entirely free to make such ch'an'ges as he deenne necessary for the benefit of his customers, and as a ,progressive ,m,erchant, you will find him conetait'tly sti vi,ug To serve you. One feature, 'however is found in every Superior Store, 'namely,The ,finest merchandise at lowest prices,' Remetelber-our slogian— • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS. .Items for week ending Jan. 20. NATUR'E'S BEST MARIMIA'LA'DIE ...:. . ....... . 40 oz. jar 19c P.'& G. SOAP,..::,... .. • ,,. , , 1'0„han,s, 33 c AY,LMER SOUPS, except 'Chicken ... .... •,.. 2 for 19 c STANDARD PEAS, ICO'RlN ANDTIOIIMATOFIS, Lange (Size................... 3' for 25c McLARENWS JEIiLY POWDIER, with free unould, , .,4 for SIN'GAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE .'.............. 2 tins Unicorn Red ,Cohoe 'Salmon, d's 2 for 29c ,l's 23c Taylor's Peanut Butter, ?C'ro'wn rears .each 25c Family Blend Tea "compare with others alt higher prices” 1's 39c Packet Matches I 12 boxes i:9c Choice Peaches or 'Pears, 'v's'q 2 .tins 33c Ifaddie Fillets per lb. *18c Castile Soap 8 cakes 25c Buckingham 'Tobacco, Fine or Coarse, 8'.s .per pkg. 20c Pure ,Lard, 1's ....... , („.. ... . . . ..... 2 ,lbs. 21c Panshine, "A sanitary cleaner” , 3 tins 25c 'Derby Loaf Cheese . I , , per Ib. 29c. Choice Dried ,Apricots per lb. 20c Aylmer Strawberries; 2'sq. per tin 29c Branston Sauce per bottle 25c Molasses Snlaps,2 lbs. 25c - Mandaiay,Oarmels "a delicious andy" per lib. 19c Fruits for :Salads, 2's , per tin 28c Aylmer Diced Beets or Carrots, 2's'q..........................2 tins 25c Aylmer ;Rasp'berries, 2's Tail ' per tin 29c White Beans "good cookers" 3 lbs. 10c Split 'Peas "for snaking solip" 2 tbs. 05c Kippered Snacks , 4 tins 25c Tomato Juice 3 .tins 25c Choice Blue Rose Rice 3 lbs. 25c Asparagus Cuttings ...........•..,................ per. tin 23c Aylmer Catsup 2 bottles 25e Posts Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c Jersey iGloves, Grey per pair '15c Fresh Frozen :Salmon, ,whole fish lb. 12c Fresh :Herrings doz. 300 Pickled Herrings .... d'oz 30c 25c, 25c. FRIDAY AND S'ATURDA'Y ONLY - 1 lb. Breakfast 'B'acon 1 lb. Liver :Smoked Picnic Hams - 8c 22c lb. 14c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 f Phone 77 Cream Cream HIGHEST PR7.CES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in fall. Call in our cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. C. A. BARBER. eee.,, chair. The February meeting will be held at the hlome of Mrs. Albert Pepper, the roll call to be answered by "a verse of poetry suitable for a Valentine." Mr, Wan. Hyde -of the Lbndon Road south of Hens'all is enjoying a fe,w holidays visiting friends around St. Mary's. .Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke spent last Sunday with his uncle, 'Mr, John Milts and family of the north bound- ary, Hulletf. Wm, McLachlan of Stanley spent last week ,hellping Mr. Tebbutt cur wood. Mrs. Eph, Clarke of Hullett spent the week with her mother, Mrs. Thos, Coleman, who has been con'fi'ned to. her 'room through •illness, but her friends are pleased 40' hear she is 'im- provinand atilt to sit u S p again. ,Miss Ruth Glordba of McKillop. spent several days last week with her friend, Miss Carrie Oke,' 'Mrs. Wm. Black ententained the Ladies' Aid No. 0 of Egnrondyil'le last Tuesday. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE ,. UNDERTAKING" —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and 'license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. TUCKERSMITH: Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend visited- relatives in London last Sat- urday. 1tiss 'Mlargardt Fear is visiting with friends i ».' in Toronto. Mr. Walter Layton returned home from .Clinton hospital last week. At the ...annual meeting of No. 4 school Mr: Roy P.ep'por was elected trustee for neat term, sttcceeding Mr. Newman! Garrett. At No. 6 school, Mr. Jonathan Hat- ghill was re-elected for another term. The January meeting of the Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Fletcher Townsend. Twenity mem- bers 'answered' the roil: call by giving "A Recipe for Happy New Year." This was followed by an instrumental by Mrs, Ernie Crich, readings by Mrs. Howard Crich' and Mns H. John's, and a solo by Mrs. Ray Fear. A con- test entitled "A Musical Romance," was participated in and enjoyed by ell, The meeting closed with com- munity singing, The new president, Mrs, Blolward Oriich, occupied the REB'EKAHIS 'ENTERTAIN The members • orf Edelweiss Rebe- kah Lodge entertained their •husb'ands and friends' after their regular meet- ing on Monday evening, January 11, Miss Jean 'Smith and Mrs. C. Kest'te received the .guests. There were,thir teed ta'b'les of progressive euchre, the winners being: Ladies'. first, Miss Jean S'mi'th; genitlemen's first, Mrs. M. McLeod., and lucky 'ch'aiir, Mr, Wi'l'l Plant. At the close a very dainty, lunch was served by the; social com- mittee ;with MTs. Wes, Free as eon- venor. THE SEAFORThT NEWS, TOWN TOPICS Those from out of town ,who at- tended the funeral 'of the late Mrs. Melville wore Mr, Percy Tyett•tn)an'of Brussels, • Mrs. F. Oster of 'Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, J.,Fielrservice of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs.' J. 'Melville, M'r.: and' Mee, Yes. E. Pairservice; Mr. an'd • Mtls, Robt. Fairsenvice, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Garter Mrs, WM. Fairservice, iVI'r; and Mrs. Geo, Carter, Londesboeo;; Mr, and Mrs. Gee. Wi'ls'on of S'taffia, Mrs. Stewart of Exeter, Mr. and' Mf rs. H. Z'ut'br'igg and Mrs, Harris: df IS'trat;. ford, Miss. Myra• Hutchison, MPS., Clark of Mitchell!, Mr. and`Mrs. War- ren Hutdhi'son and Mr, %and! Mrs, Fran4e Hutelvistin of Shaffa.'' Mr. and Mrs, M. Mc'Kellar and Gordon and Isabel spent the 'week- end at •tile hohine of Mr. and Mr's. E, R. Cra'wfiord iii Sluratfo'rd, Mr. Robert Armstrong . of Detroit arrived on Friday to visit withfriends in• 'this vicinity, visiting Mr. Thos, Staples, .last week. Mrs. Henry Cudlrnore left this week to spend two or three months in Stratford with her niece, Mps. John Nelwconrbe. !Those present from Seaforthat the Stewart went to London on Wed'nes- day 'i'ndluded Mise ' Belle Campbell, Mrs. James Kerr, Mrs. I. B. Klaise, Mrs. Menton. Reid, Mr's. Swan Smith, Mrs. J. C. Greig. 'Messrs. Gerald, Jlames and Charles Stewart went to London on Wedents- day owing to the death of -their gran'dnaofher, Mrs. Fitzgerald. Many friends of Mrs. Hugh Grieve of 'Egniondv'i'lle regret to learn that she has been quite i17 for several weeks, Mrs. Wm, Trethewey who has dome, from. the Western Spates to ,visit her home at 1St. Marys, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cowan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. MoAsh of Varna were visitors in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Dunlop and Lois visited friends in Stratford over the week -end. Miss Pearl Lawrence is visiting her cousin, Mrs. (IDs•.) Humphries, in Ot- tawa, (Miss Jean Smith and Miss Pearl' Grainger spent the week end with Miss Mae Smith. Mr, Richard,,Howard visited bis granddaughter, Mrs. Russell •Leppard over the ,week en,d in ,Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Allem Shade and little son, of Cleveland, Ohio, 'were visiting at William Shade's. REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS. For Month ending Nov. 30th, 11.931'. B'ru'cefield—Total 23; select bacon 5; bacon 15; 'butchers 2; heavies 1. 'Hensall—Tata1 344; select bacon 97; bacon 201; butchers 38; heavies 5; lights and feeders 3. Walton. — Total 207; select bacon 65; bacon 116; butchers 16; heavies S. Huron Co. Locals — Total 2,256; se'le.ct bacon 659; bacon 1411; butch- ers 150; heavies 38; extra heavies 1; lights and feeders 11. 'I -boron .Co. — Total 5.491; select bacon 1,610; 'bacon 3,13117; butchers 489; heavies 11'6; extra heavies 1; lights and feeders 26; EGMONDVILLE. The Neil Shaw Mission Circle held the first meeting of the year on Fri- day, January 'abb. T1;e meeting open- ed. by slinging "Greenland's Icy Moun- tains," followed by the Lord's pray- er. The minutes Of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Betty Ma1cohn: The following officers were appointed at the December meeting: Honorary President, Mrs. Robt MacKenzie; Pt estd'ent, Jean Smith; I'slt vice president, Lillian Ri- chardson; 2nd vice, Margaret. Broad- foot; 3rd vice, Alice 'Throtnpsbn; rec. sec., Betty Malcolm; corr. see, Hel- en Thompson; trsaslirer,' May Wal- lace; prests Secretary, Evaleina Nott; ass'ocia'te helper's secretary, Gladys� Cloilemau; strangers' secretary, Viol'elt Tyndall; pianist, V. Townsend. Miss Lawrence gave a very helpful address at the Th'an'koffering meeting held. Sunday evening, December 11Z4.h, '$6.41 was received'. e vel, ' The treasurer's report showed that the allocation had been reached, The new officers had their duties explained to them, The topic for the evening, "Is Peace our Task," was ably taken by, Jean Smith, Jessie Smith and Gladys Coleman. All en- joyed the solo by Ethel Jackson and the mouth organ selection by L. Ri- chardson. 'The meeting closed with the hymn "We have heard a j'oyfu'l sound," and the Mizpah benediction. They were tli!en joined by the mem- bers of the Young Men's Club and a social half hour was spent. The regular meeting o'f the, EIg- moeidville Young People's .'S'oeie'ty was .held on Monday evening with the, new president, .Alice Thompson, in the c'h'air. The meeting opened with prayer by Vivian Townsend. . The, worship period opened wi'tli respell:. Sive reading. Hymn "Day is dying DEDICATED TO BETTER VISION THE SAVAUGE EYESIGHT SERVICE Seafor.th, TO BE UNABLE TO SEE i AS YOU SHOULD Is to tri' ss rani ofthe e joys of life. It is more, Lt is harnvfull, and, the cause of neany ills. Relief from die., fie'ult seeing comes as the result! .o1 :an exalmination' and a proper equipment of ,glasses. 'Then the wilier Itrioublles in'aturaily vanish. What out instruments show is what you should know about your eyes. Continued next week, in the West," was then sung and Ev- alena Nott led in, prayer. The theme was taken by 'May Wallace and hymn "Breathe on Me, Breath of God," was sung, The Missionary Study was baleen by L. •Richardson. A hymn `We Have Heard a Joyful Sound," was sung. 'The topic, which was sel- ections from 'the Summer School pa- per, was very ably taken by R. Nott. 'The next half hour which was enjoy- eel by everyone was in charge of the social convenor, G. C'olem'an. Refres'h- men'ts were served and the meeting closed' with one verse of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds," and the Mizpah benediction. SUCCESSFUL .CANDIDATES. Mr. Le Verne Morley, A. 'L. C. M., and his pupils are to be .congratulated on the results of a recent examina- tion held by the JL'ouldian College' of Music (BEng.). All three of Mr. Mor- ley's pupils wiio tried the examina- tion passed with the high marks of ninety, eighty -!six and eighty-two, re- spectively. The successful candidates were Miss Gretta C. E. Broad'foot, Miss Violet Tyndall and Miss Grace Lindsay. These three young ladies can now write A. IL, C. M. after their !tames: 'Mr. Morley is only twenty- three years of age and these are the first, pupils he has prepared far this advanced examination. An interest- ing comment on his work was niade by the examiner who is quoted offic- ially as saying: "I found these three the most promising of the pupils I have examined." We add our emigre tulations and wish Mr. Morley con- tinued success with his work. CONSTANCE. Mr. John ,Riley and son Clifford. of Brussels spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. i ! s. Robert Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of near Clinton spent Sunday at the .home of Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Riley. A large crowd attended the dance which was held in the Farre'slter% hall last Friday night, Don't forget that teere will be another a week from this Friday night, Miss Kathleen Logan of Blyth spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Leo Stephenson. • Mr. George Lawes visited friends in Clinton over the .weelc end. ELI'MVILLE Messrs. Robt. Ratve iffe and Harry Halford of Clinton visited at Mr. Har- ry Cotes last Tuesday. Mr. acid Mrs. George Jaques and Mrs. Maud Heywood of Exeter vi's'it - cd at Mr. Rich, Johns' last Monday.. Miss Marjorie Hunker of London visited at her home last Sun'd'ay, Mr. Henry Heru and Mrs. H. ICyle of Zion visited at the h'on'e of Mr. Chas. Johns last Wednesday: Mr. and Mrs.'Onville Cann and son Arnold of Thames Road visited at lir. John Herd'naanns last Sunday. BORN. PAIREiE.—f i Stanley, on January 9, 11932, to lIr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke, a son. AutoInsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates. It's worth your while to, see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot,afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and DayPhone, Serv152ice A. ' D. SutherIaiiii ,GENERAL INSURANCE — j2EAL . ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store MANLEY, 'Council met last Monday at the Carnegie Library, Seaforth, and got right dawn to business, After taking the oath of 'office they appointed the officials with acu't salary which is the beginning of economy and the 'sub- ject ;should be stressed at the meeting of the county council and start econ- omy where it will count more, than with those lolw salaried officials in the townships. she , ps. If they were added to- gether it would only be about 25 cents per 10,0 acres, but it is worth while to set the example for all other governing powers to fall in line, as the Provincial government has already done. bt might be wise if thegover - . inenk would pass an order -in -council to comip,el, banks to give loans to lien and women of good standing without having government bonds for security for as a rule those men with go`vernn- neat bonds don't need loans,_ The only way out 0,f this depression is to help the basic industry. By the way, we are told' that' the a-utomobile in- dustry is going to floui'rsh in 1932 as there were only 2;000,000 cars sold in 1931 but there are prospeots of selli'n'g 3,000,1000 in 0932. I,f that is to come true there will have to be prosperity to the producer or the sales will fall' short for the want of funds. WINTHROP. The W.IM;S. and Ladies' Aid of !Cavan United Church held their regu- lar monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jlan. 6, at the here of Mrs. Andrew (Patrick The roll call,' answered by a New Year Thought, showed a good attendance. ,The president, Mrs. Pat- rick, took charge of the business part of the meeting, which was opened by singing of a New Year's hymn,, fel- lowed by .prayer, M;s. R. Beattie 'then read a short paper on Temp'er- an'ce Mrs. Bullard a story on Tith- ing, bath of whith were much en- joyed. After the usual routine. busi- ness, plans were made far 'the hold- ing of a Valentine (Social next month. Captains for the mite boxes were also appointed; Mrs. J. Hogg for the north section and Mrs. A. A. Cuthill for the south. Rev. Mr. Smith presented the resolution, prepared by the W. C. T. 'U, 'which asks that the government do something .to prevent the enorm- ous wastage occasioned by the spend- ing of money on liquors in .this time of ecomonic depression, 'Mr, D. Mac- Farlane presided during the devo- tional period, which opened with the singing of Hymn 695. , Voluntary prayer was offered by Mrs. R. Mac- Farlane and the Scripture lesson from tPsaim 90 was read by Mrs. A. Ross. An instrumental by E'd'ith Millen and a chorus by a number of the ladies were much enjoyed. Sentence prayers were offered by Mrs. J. Boyd and iMrs. W. Boyd, The topic, read by Mrs. Hdllen, was an introduction to the new study, book on 'Korea. The program for this mce'tin.g was pre- pared by Circle No. 1. HARLOCK Messrs. John and Guy Leiper and Mr. Thos. Knox spent Thursday ev- ening alt ,the home of Mr. I. Rapson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald vis- ited last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and. child- ren, Mr. ands Mrs. Chas. Parsons were guests one day last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Edward • Reid of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of near Walton visited on Sunday at the home of their grand'mo'ther, Mrs. John Leiper. Messrs. Harold and Bert Beacom and Miss .Kathleen. vis'i'ted at .the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings last, Wednesday evening. Mr..Earl Grey of Oriflia and friends from A'shlfield visited last Friday at the hone of Mr. I Rapson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knox spent Friday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. I. Rapson. The January meeting of the Ladies' Aid wae held on. Wednesday after- noon of last week at. the 'home of Mrs. Chas. Parsons. Mrs. Bert Allen assisted. c . There was a good attend- ance and the afternoon was spent. in quilting- A very'interesting paper by Mrs. Neilans was given. The Fe- bruary meeting is exnec'heil to he at the home of Mrs. T. Neilans, Miss Mae S'mit'h assisting, the paper to be' given by Mrs. Nor'm'an 'Shepherd. BRUCEFIELD. The regular meeting Of the Bruce - field Young People's Society was held on Monday evening with Marie El- liott the Missionary convenor in charge. The meeting. o'pened with 'a hymn "Just As T am," Grace Addison then read the `Scripture and Mr. Bremner :Ied in prayer, •Hytnn ;"1 love to tell the story," was then sung. 'The topic was taken 'from our study book 'Korea, the Land of Dawn," by DoT TN :OPERA "'HO 1� U13„ Friday Evening Jalluary ,ARTH'U'R RAADrIlO-p1RICHE!STI2A' . Wfngham Tickets— 75c per eoupie. Extra lad S' ee,e. althea Broadfoot. The president, iFtred Boyce them took charge and the busi- ness alas discussed, A very interest- ing gam e of ' Question Baseball foll- owed. The meeting closed with a hymn, "Whosoever Heareth," and the Mizpah benediction. Another of the old residents of this district passed away/ last week to her • resit in the person o'f Mrs, George Sta_nlbury formerly', M'iss Mary Landis borough, second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Robert ,Latnde'borougk: of Tuckenstnitth, and was ,born 54 years ago on the farm now occupied by Mr. Terryberry. She was ntarrie'd to her late husband, ,Mr. George Stan- bury in the year 1675 and lived on their farm on the London Road for forty years or more, where, her daughter and son-in-law .and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, now re- side. Sixteen years ago Mr, and Mrs: Stanbury mov'ed to Clinton. where she continued to reside after the death of her husband, which occurred albout 'four years ago, _until a few months ago when he health began to fail and has since been living with her daughter, Mrs, John H. McEwen of Stanley, where she passed away Wed_ nes'day, January 6th. Deathcame like sleep to a tired child or like the _ going .out of a lamp when ,the oil fails. She had many warm friend's in Olin - ton, for to know her was to love her, She was :a consistent member of Wes ley IWd'llis Un'ifie'd .Church and a con- stant attendant of Rev. J. E. Hogg's Bible Class which she much enjoyed. She is survived by her two daughters, Mrs, John H, MdTwen and Mrs. W. J. Falconer, and nine grandchildren and .one great grandchild and two brothers, Mr. J. F. Lan'd!ebdt.eu'gh of Peace River district and Wen. C., of Port Credit, and. three sisters, Mrs. Jas. McQueen ofj Brucefield; Mrs. G. E. 'Clark, of Dakota and Miss Annie Landsb'arough of Clinton. Interment was made in Clinton cemetery Janu- ary 8th. "Faith h st ' lives but all its efforts fail, To trace her heavenward flight, No eye can pierce within the veil, W'hicit hides that world of fight. This much and this is all we know, They are supremely blest, Have done with sin ,and care and woe, And with their Savfdur nest" Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs, Brack re- ceived word last week of the sudden passing Of thei'r sister, Mrs..Biggar, of Owen Sound. The sympathy of their many friends is extended to them, They attended her funeral which was held last Thursday, :Janu ary 9th. • Mrs. ICamcke of Toronto visited her father, Mr. C. Reid, last week, who is ill itt Sedfottlt Hospital. 'His "'many friends will be glad to hear that he`fs, recovering. Mr. W. C. .Uandsb'orough motored from his home in Port Credit and at- tended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. G. Btan'bury, The regular Meeting of the Ladies' As'socia'tion of the Bruce'field United Church was held on Thursday after- noon at the manse with the president, Mrs. H. A.iket/head,'iin the chair. The treasurer gave a fine report 'sh'o'wing that 1931 had been a successful and prosperous year. The meeting open- ed with singing 605 after which Mrs. H. Zapblfe read the Scripture and Mrs. D. Tough led in prayer. Mrs. A. Zaph'fe gave a splendid paper on Love, while the roll .call was answered by a verse on "Love" by about forty members. A social half a E hour was spent while the hostesses for the af- termor, Mrs. Bremner, Mrs, T. Baird, Mrs, J. Addison and. Mrs, Zaphfe, served' a splendid lunch, IWlhen a mother detec=ts from the writhings and fretting of a child that worms are troubling it, she can .pro-, cure no better remedy than .Miller's Worm Powders, 'which` are. guaran- teed r 'to'totally :expel worsts frons the system. They may cause vomiting but this need 'cause . n'b' ani ety, 'be cause it is but a'•tnenifesta'tion of ,their thorough work. ,No worms canlong n g• exist inhere these Powders are rused• "Pe'a's your son's college ,educati'o'n proved of 'arty real value,7! "Yes, 'indeed; ;its enti.t•ejy TPured; mother o'f 'br'aggin'g nb'otk