HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-01-07, Page 6PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros " tPes ee se, siers"
et;S Y'
John Uri Lloyd
Tory; ail.�1 she say say yes, and ttx
Inr Cupe.
"Lawd, 'Lawcl, ._Mate, dat wah al -
fit]. hard times. Carpe take his shoes
off, and tiptoe in de room, and kneel
down by de bed and cry like a baby,
and say very gentle -like Fe' de
+Lawd honey, Cupe ain't td blame for
de trouble, case he ware Morse ob de
.evil what come of marrying oxide last
clay 'al) de yeah.' !Anel she say, berry
Weak -like: 'Taint dat, !Cupe; yo' alis
am yinnerceitt. What I wan't to say
ani bout tings wot comesheah-
o'ftah.' 'D'en she say: `Cupe, When I
ant gou'e,dis little yinnereent babe
Won't 'hab no ntuddah aid de Lawd
only knows 'what kind ob a faladah,'
'Cupe he keep still and make - no
ansah, fo' ,what could he say? and he
only cry and cry,, Den missus say:
'Cupe, nehtbah yio' lobe dis chile; neb-
bah; promise me dat, Cupe.' And
iCu'pelay: Tor de Lewd, missus, I
prones . Den nlisius say: 'Cupe, yo'
is,•a tirrgger, and all niggers can't do
what dey ;wants to, but you is not a
'field nigger, you is 'a family, nigger,
and you will nebbah be sold, nebbah.
And nebbah must yo' lobe dis chile,
eieceptitsg it ant for de good ob de
chile.' Attd' I swear bolo' de.ILawd to
dnissus dat nebbah de weddah ,shall be
too hot, nebbah too tole, to keep
Cupe from doing 'his duty to de new
'blos'nt. And den she reach out her
hand, monstrous weak -like, and ole
Cupe smuddah it wid kisses, and keep
a kiss'n, or he couldn't talk, atesi he
hadn't muffin else to do."
iA wail carte from the crouching
dorm on the hearth. A wail that
spoke as word:s could not have done
of the impression Cupe's story was
making on the solitary witness Of
•that night's experience. Old Cupe
stopped. his discourse and this time
waited patiently until the last sound
died away, then resumed as if there
had been no interruption.
"And den de doctah, he say: 'Cupe,
lay de 'hand back, Cupe;' and de doc-
tah go softly to de doah' and call
Aunt Dinah, who had gone out to
cry, and he say to Dinah: 'Take de
chile, Dinah; you am now de mammy'
and den he sntoove de cubbahleds and
Cupe say how easy -like missies go to
sleep when she git de trouble off her
mind, and de doctah say: "Yes, Cupe,
nebbah to wake,' and den ole Cupe'
look close at de face and see da't de
deah young misses wah dead. Her
street spirit had gone to glory while
ale Cupe kiss de hand ob de missus
what wah.
"And Cupe moan and cry and de
doctah come any say, monstrous sor-
rowful: 'Doan you know, Cupe, dat
she am happy now ? Dah aint no
swear words, data aint no tab'n, dah
aim no coon dawgs yelping all night
where she .ani now.' Cupe say: `Taint'
that, Marse Doctah; case she am gone
to glory, de LaNd knows she am hap-
py now; taint dart—but de evil sign:
'What evil sign ' say the Doctah, and
Cupe say: 'Trou'ble, pile on top ob
trouble; for de dean misses is done
gone to glory and Cope• had de hand
kiss'n it like es it wah alibe. No
tussah sign could be, God help the
chile, Morse Dectahl Gad help de
;blas'ml' And de doctah couldn't no
moah ansah sech argyment dan de
preachah kin, He say, says he: 'Nig-
ger signs air nigger signs.'
"Now _Manse honey,' Cupe said,
suddenly addressing the Corn Bug,
"Marse honey, hab Cupe not done
what he promised yeah dean' mud-
dah? flab he ebah lei' yo'? Hab he
not stuck closer to you dare a tick
sleeping behind a dawg's ear? ,H'ab
de weddah ebah been too hot er too
cole for Cupe to serve you ? Hub yo'
ebah gott any sarse words back when
you cuss ole 'Cupe? IMarse, you know
dat ef yoei had, done what Cupe
wanted, you would hab been well
edye'cate' and .a fine gern'd dike
Marse Mande' am. You knows dat
ole Cupe trot aftah you from de day
you wah a chile until what you air
now, and hab begged an'd prayed dat
you lissen to 'Cupe when you go on
de wile track." •
"Yes," conceded the Corn Bug;
"yes, Cupe, you hey been a good
°'Nall'h at for Cape t lie now,
Marse? What for Cupe say tiegs dat
am not so? Lis'sen, Morse; homey; de
day before ole Marse wah killed Cupe
wahn..(iii ob de de danger in de air.
Morse he laff, at first, but Cupe say
to him, es he say to you 'What for
should Cupe lie?' When role Marse
heah dot argyment he lissen like and
say to Cupe, 'Cupe, life am, might
onsartin.' Nigger sign er no nigger
sign, life ani• on'sartin, and I guess
Cupe, I might es .well es not tells you
some tings to do in case yoah udda'h
nigger signs am right; not stat I be-
lieve in tings yo' . talk about; for,'
says ole Morse, stays he, `'liggers am,
'stishus.' Den' he go on, kin.dah talk-
ing to hisself: 'Idowsunieb'bah, nig-
gers ani not fools. Sides,' say ole
Manse, ,'you is true to yoah' friends,
Cupe, and dot's moah fan I can say
for de white people what sit on de
scat and play lceards 'iofi•gside hie.'
iSo he git solluni' like, and say, says
he: 'Cupe, if yoah nigger sign con-
sahnih' Inc comes true, and dey hab
a,r dah
coarse true e Ii atings heahoftah..you ,stttiip'ax wh'at'll sprize you.".
Cupe,' 'Mars ay, .`1 itab been a fool,'i
`Cope, and ii`Inowsit and don't keer
to quit, case et iii^ pleasant -like now
to be a foo' But you hob stuck to
me and tale chile, and de time may
come when, you will want to be free.
And den he .took a petp(ih out ob his
pocket and say, says lie: `nese heah
papahs ant all 'cording to law, and
when you show cleni, you is a free
"Cups he take de papah, and try to
thank kiln, 'but de Morse ga on wid
de talk and wouldn't let hint - say
uuffin, `Keep yoah motif shet and
do'an gib me no back talk,' ;he say,
'Dalt ant jes one ting for you to do,
and dot air to stick to de .chile.'
" "Deed I wile .Marse, I done
promise de missus dat de night de
angels conte,'
" 'Stick to de chile, Cupe,' he say,
And den de Marse stop talking ',and
walls off.
"So much for your pap, an'd now
for your gran'pap and nny pap.
"Go on," said the Corn Bug.
'Wall, you knows es well es Cupe,
dot ole Marse yoah pap, wah killed
in Bloody Hollah, and he wha tole by
Cupe dat he would be killed likes he
as -as, jes es -Cupe tole you about dis
boy coming tonight and de ,gearl com-
ing de day dat she did. ,come How-
suntebbah, dot doan consahn you jes
now. 'What 11 gwine to say consa•hns
ole Marse father, de 'fightin' Colonel;
he was your grandpap, and my pap
was his nigger .jes cs Cupcaire your To be continued.
nigger. ,And .what pass between ole
Colonel, your grandpap, and lily pap,
your father never know'd, cause the Persistent Asthma. A most distress -
sign was not right and Cupe 'couldn't ing characteristic of this debilitating
speak widout de 'sign; 'but now de disease, is +the persistence with which
sign p'dicted ant heah, and Cupe recurring attacks come to sap away
gwine tole you about what you Iieb- strength and leave the sufferer in a
bah '•spected in all your been clays. state of almost continual exhaustion. Dental
"Ole parse's father (your grand- No wiser precaution can be taken than
pap) say to Cape's father (my pap) that of keeping at hand a supply of
long years ago: 'All dese lands be- Dr. J. D. Ke'llogg's Asthma Remedy, , J. A. ILLTN'N, Successes lie
longs .to me; all ober behind de big famous as the most potent remedy for Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of ldaztfe-.
woods is mine; all dis part ob dis eradicating' the disease from the ten- western University, Chicago, llf,
country is mine.' Den he took pap to, der air passages, conflate Royal College of Dental.Sia
his iron trunk which he brought fromgeons, Toronto..' Office over Sae
Me eiky where he was fi• htin' alongT u r r i D hardware, Main St.,Seaforth. Ke
wid Morse Butler, who lib' in CahfiTHE lcry+i�tli1 '11 Co,151.
son -de chist de noe nb to Militia! Firs Insurance o
soul 'cep de,o•Ide Marse had 'seen into `�g1P L6
before, and he open it an say, says
he: 'Dere heah papahs am deeds for
all de lands you can see -if you clique
de highest tree ori de plantation. Now,
says he, 'if dis 'heah son ob mine doan
tuhn out good—and he doan promise
much, and La'wd knows •S haunt donee
much nced'h to Make him good—you
keep dese impales till he dies; den gib
'eel' to your boy, ,Cupe; and tole him
what to do wid on. He am a family
nigger and won't be sold. But ef my
chile act like a man, you can gib hint
dose papahs and all dis money.' Wid
dathe papa pileob
showed gol', sech
es I eeb'bali 'spectcd to see in ,all my
Bohm days;"
'You're lyin', Cupe, you know you
lie," said the Corn Bug, ' 1 hev seen
inside yer iron chest, and there aint no
papers nor gold in et neither."
"Nebbah do you mind de chist,
Masse; nebbah you mind about de
gol'. You don't git none ob dat; it
goes to de chillun what sleep in
',Bloody Hollah, case de sign say so.
Now you knaers, honey," Cupe con-
tinued, "you knows -llarse honey, dat
you lt+ebbah halebeen settled steady,
so dat Cupe could do what ole Marse r A ,DOLLAR?S 'WORTH
act. De bottle am your mastah, and
it wah de mastah ob youh pap and
yoah grandpap, so Cupe !nab jes kep.
the papers as my pap kept dem; and
de money and de papahs hab been
waiting for de •sign, and now de sign
am heah,"
"Whatsign, you black fool, what
sign?" asked the Corn Bug, with an
eagerness which showed that he was
more interested in thestory than he
cared to admit, ,
"De sign what folks that don't be-,
lieve insigns nebbah see," Cupe re-
plied; "but dese two chilun 'was mix-
ed up in de sign; Cupe lia'b done tole
'(Continued from last week.) dis nigger_ehab done; an' what fo'
should Cupe fool yo', Ma'se- Now
"W'net ole it Tell, me what yo' white man an' nigger, must not try t`
saw." circumbent 'Prov'dence; an' de time
"I cant," a replied with a shudderam conte for 'Cupe to act, case . Cupe
"Where 'tea' yo?" am clone gwine t' tale you sunap'ax'
"In 'Bloody Hollow" now what no man ebah. knoiw excep-
The look of . incredulity passed ting" Cupe and de dead folks what
Ifroi)t his face; he cane at once to my caint talk t' de likes ob yo'. 'Listen t'
side, raised me 'from the floor, led me ;Cape's story, Ma'se.
. to his own chair, and seated 'me 53' ''Ole Ma'se, your pap, wah a "wild
the side of the little girl. chile. Night time come, he wah rac'n
"Cupe,"' he called out,—"Cupe, Yo' over do country cotch'n coons, d'anc'e
lazy ,nigger, git up; the 'boy 't yo' shindigs, gwine ter, places where he
told me 'about es here." nebbah ought to had been, actin' up
There was a noise overhead, and in ways dat ole Cupe deaai care 1'
then through a -:hole in the ceiling nee niemberlect, an' loan intend to mem-
peered two legs, and 'Cupe began the berleet. Wall, fine morning in de
descent of the ladder which led to time ob de year when de 'simmers
rhe cubby hole of the attic. wah jest getting soft an' de possum
What fo' yo' call 'Cupe, Ma'se " was getting fat and de corn was been'
"The boy, 'Curie, the boy 't ye said chocked, ole Mase come home an'
evould come from 1Bloody Holler. say to Cupe: 'Cupe, lay in de back
Here es the boy," logs and git de mansion in order; for
The 'white -beaded negro manifested on the last day of the year there'll
no surprise. be a rvrcddin' and yo' ,niggers'll hab
"I done tole yo' so, pa'se," eh a missus.' 'Fo' de Lawd, dis trigger
said reflectively; "I knowed he wah w^a'h' s'prized. He was not acquaint
com'n'; de signs .nebbah lie, lfa'se; ted wid all de signs den, else he
de figgah in de fah, de hoodoo tracks would have seen the evil coming."
in de ashes, de times dis nigger caw A low chant, melody without
an' heard when de chicken crowed las', words, negro melody that h'armonis-
night fe' midnight, tings what de ed strangely with Cupe's pathetic ex -
white man, doan know nuffin' bout. presssion, arose from the lips of the
pirated to de movin ah de opal'., :tit se, shadow -clad old crone. Evidently
-•..-seee.eisegtepredicted ¢lied• Ole Ma''se, her mied was vibrating in unison
yeah pa_ "s eep in 'Bloody Hollah t with Cupe's words, and until the
dem he died as (Cupe said he wort d: chant died away old Cupe stood sil-
de gearl sleep in Bloody Hollah t t' ent. Then he resumed:—
nosy .de boy am heals. De end ob , "Hawsutnebbah, Cupe knowed some
spell ant nearly come." tings, and he say to aide Marse,
"What air yo' tadkin' about, yo 'parse, doan bring trouble on yeah.
•black scoundrel " muttered the "Corn ,mead: Ole lfarse answer: 'You black
Bog." rascal, why cain't one man marry es
"Neb'bah yo' mind, Ma'se, fah ain't w•'1.1 es 'nuddah?' `Taint dat, Morse,
no use in borrowin' trouble; nebbah IC pe say: 'de marrying is all right,
yo' min', 'Ma'se; de spell will end fa' ase deood Book 'wouldn't sayso. It
yo' when de yeah ends, an' den yo am de time, :Ne•bbale marry on de las'
an' 'ole Cupe must part." day ob de yeah, lesson yo' want troll -
"Talk sense, Cupe, talk sense; T •ble. It am a slap in de face ab ?re-
told yo' to come down out ov your, vidence 'llarse, Wait one day longer,
loft, not 'because I want any ov your Morse; all de niggers'll tole yo' trou-
i goblin nonses, nor any ov your nig- ble come lessen yo' lessen to 'vice.'
ger signs, but tie up the scratches " 'What a nigger kndw'bout Pro
"on this youngster's :feet; can't yo' videuce? Damn yoah nigger non -
see he es tired an' sore an' scared sense!' say ole Morse.
nearly 'ter death Move, yo' black "An' sure enough, when de last day
rascal, move!" ob de yeah come, he did marry Mus-
' Old Cope, muttering to himself, sus Alice, yeah`mud'der, one ale de
obeyed; -he washed and bound up my sw•eetes' creatures. 'Laved! Lawd l
lacerated feet, having first annovnted chile, but she wah a'honey. But all de
/�. ' them with a sweet -scented soothing niggers shake der heads, and slip
' ointment••made of 'the resin of the away de wcd'n night, an' sten' round
sw-gum a' gloomy -like, and' whisper fdemsels,
`'Noweet for hrse.is supper," ' said the and sure muff nigger sign. conte out
"Corn Bug." `'Stir yourself, Dinah!" right; and de end ob dat mistake ain't
Then I noticed another form gather conic yet. Neb'ber' more did Masseitself, as if it were created from the grab any luck, One night de barn
{ shadows. From the edge of 'the hearth burn; next winter six of de ,best neg-
where, motionless, she ,had been gers done run off to Ganerdy dem
huddled, an old black 'negro crone fool niggers. Den old Marse glts
arose and silently 'busied herself ar-
cross and takes powerful strong to
s ranging any supper, which proved to his cups, and night afttill night dot
be simple enough, but very sweet to sweet young missus (would ,hale to
i'', the taste, sleep in, her big roam. wid' Aunt Dinah
When the task was done and the on de flo' by de bed, and ole Cupe
dishes had 'been removed, she slunk on de flo' by de doah outside in de
`',tc1: to sliedews,;and in the edge .hail,. And missus would' cry herself
f the light-'flittin.gs, where the seen to sleep, and in de mahn'n when ole
°j:nd the unseen: blended, crouched 'Marsa come 'home stearin' and
`again on the niearth, clasped her cross, she, honey deah, would fro her
her ankle drawing hands around s d w
g arms around his neck 'an'—oill wall,
them close to her ,body, and rested Maras, what's de ne of "memlbering.
her chin on her knees Part of her eberyting?"
form was viivible in the firelight, part "De honey deah, de honey deah1"
wash+blotted out; and thus she crouch-' moaned Dinah; "bress de sweet
ed motionless, silently eyeing .me, chile."
When I had finished the 'steal, Cupe ".Sleet yeah mouf, Dinah; dis am
t. again began talking to the "Corn no trine foal blebbering niggers,"
' 'Bug.", Cupe rudely said; and then continued:
"So at las' 'one stormy night ole
"Ma'se, yo' must lis'n to what "Cupe Marse gel on horseback and ride off
says, 'cause he means yo well. DSs,!,to de ta'b's, :anal fat night yo' come
were a•little tot; he hab raised you, 6"
honey. He mebb;ah 'left you, chile. 'liter de .world, Morse honey. Bross
When, udtiah niggers deserted de de soul ob your deah angel mndd'ah.
i When de'nigger what go for olds
plantation, Cupe stood by yp', an' yo'...Worse .find him, be wag la in'
knows dat every +bre•ssed word he keards at de tab'tt and he cuss and
ebah tole yo' wah G!od's. truff, Now swear case de nigger say mists wane'
lis'n, Ma'se; he ' preachah nebbah him quick, and neli!bah se step would
` spoke nso'ah serous dan 'Cupe do now, he move till mah'n'n come; and, jes'-
De signs predicted am conte.Cupe before olds 'Mersa 'step in. de deal,deal,de
'.hab kept t' hisself .what ole Ma'se tole
him in de ole mansion house dat barn
angels carry de sweet missus out ob
Id'own aftah Ma'se was killed, an' now de t'ndah• She lib only a• few hours
aftah she see de face oh her baby
de time am come fo' yo' t' know What chile Viarse. De doctah know she
(Cupe hab t' tell you You- calls et couldn't last, and he ax her ef shenigger signs, but lis'n, lla'se, Who
hab any word to say be€ore'shc. o' to
ISILICk closer .t' yo' all dose yeabs d'an', g
The Lost Deed.
7,. 19x:2...
IIIc closed and locked the door, DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physkikttt
then untied the curtain string and
and Surgeon. Late of London Eiieoa
lowered the ppeen -paper curtains, and pita],' London, England, Spesiat
next dieted the ladder that Thad seed
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
him des'cenci telling .me to follow nose and throat. Office and 'red -
him. ' He opened the covered of ;an den'ee behead Dominion'B'ank Office: chest, and, after fumbling inside Phone No, 5; Residence Phone MC
it, asked me' to look into, its depths,•
,The bottom was covered with'a layer DR. F, J. B+I11R1ROIW3, Seafa.
of bright gold' colas; of which 'Cape Office and residence, Gaderioh afcseate,
book a few pieces and then secured a. east of the United Church. Clocuna,re
largo folded pipe: yellowed with for the County of Huron. Telepkecag
age, covered with led seals of wax No. 4.6.'
and tied with dull ribbon that
once perhaps had been of some bright DR. C. M!AiOKAY.—C. ' ec&s s
colo'!: Together we dCapevdad ed honor graduate of Trin'ity"Univet- p+
the room below, where Cape sdtdwed a•nd .gold medallist of Trin�iey Mclicell
the paper and the gold to his master. College; member of the College a
IThe Corn Bug stared in amaze- Plhysicians and Surgeons of Oalisfa.
nicht, and was reaching for the moray
,when Cupe stopped him.
"You can't touch de gold, Morse, DIR. F. 5, R. FOlR1SITER-Eye, Ewe
de gold ant not for you," Nose and Throat. Graduate iri'•+dit-•
"Give me the paper," the meet cine, University of Toronto ' A,
impusively de'mand'ed. Late Assistant New York Opp
"1-leah ,am de ,ducametrts, Morse, de mic and Aural Institute, Moor
paper what ole Colonel, your grand- Eye, and Golden Square throat wools
papsay ter mypap would gib tals, London, England. At Cesilicree
you all de lands you can see from de ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd 3vIondeejsu,
top of the ole Hickory." each month, from ,11 a.m. te• 1
The white matt took the pe -per,
turned it about, eyed it curiously,
and then handed' it back to Cupe, He
could not read, '
DR. W. C. SiTROAT,--Graderaie: air
Faculty of , Medicine, University sir
Western Ontarid, ^,London. ; Hunker
of College of Physicians and Sae
polls of Ontari.b.- Office in rear of
Aberhart's drug' store, Scediiet&
Phone 90. Hours 1,30-4 p.m., Bei:
-9 p.m. Other hours by appoiatr'erte.
Officers— John 'Bemhew•ies, 'B'rod-
hagen, ,President; las, Connolly, 'God-
erich, Vice -Pres. ID ,F F. 'McGregor,
Seaforth No. 4, Sec.-'Treas.
Directors—iGeo, R. McCartney, Sea -
DR. F. J. BECI31ELY, grmfirats:
Royal College of Dental Surgencir,,
Toronto, Office over W. R Serfttli..e
grocery, - Main St., Seaforth. 'tE.aaese
office 185'W, residence
forth No. 3; Alex, Broadfoot, Sea -
forth Lemma
No. 3; James Evan's, (Seaforth Auctioneer for the.. County of 'Mane -
No, 15; IRobk, Ferris, Blyth No. 1; Jas. !Arrangements can be made'for S
S'holdice, W'a'iter No. 4; John LPepper, Date at The Seaforth News. Ci g+�
Brucegeld; William Knox, Londes- moderate and satisfaction gureet**p
Agents—Jas. Watt, (Blyth No. 1; W.
E.'Hiochley, 1Seafot)tll; J. A. Murray, WAdSON AND i E 1'
Seaforth 'b o. 3, w; • J: - Yeo; •' $;limon° a
-No..3; .R. 'G. Jarmuth, Bornholm. �y 2EAI: x.15
Auditors — Jas. Kerr, :Seaforth;
Thos. Moylan, Seafort'h'No: 5. AND INSURANCE AG&1a-7e„
Parties desirous to effect insurance (Succssors to James 'Wetsaeh
or "transact other business, will be MAW ST., SEAPORTS, t3S51E
promptly attended to by applications
to any .of the above named officers ad- All kinds of Insurance risks PS^' -
dressed to their respective post ed at lowest rates in Firs: -Clash
offices. Companies.
.•o-.•. .-.-r.r-.•.-.-.
you this day, Marse, when the sun was
shining, dat his heals boy would coins
when de 'bat flap, and ,de owl hoot to-
night, and dat Bloody Hollah would
mix itself again in tie coxisahns oh dis
"Yes," the Corn Bug 'reluctantly
"Now 1•issen," eomtinue'el the negro.
"Doan tempt Providence, Marse; dah
air tings de preachah dean know;
tings dat tea'Nhch's can't read' out ob
books; tings an ole nigger knows bet-
tah dan book -harmed folks, Dah air
tings white men can't teach a nigger;
'case nigger sense aint altogeddah
same es white man's sense; and doh
air tings a nagger can't splain tie hone
and whah'foh ob to white folks, 'case
white folks sense aint 'z'actly like nig-
ger sense. Kin de dawg splain how
he coteh de trail of de coon? Need'h
am all niggers de same. S'pose Cupe.
should try to s'ho'w dere' half . white
.niggers, poo' mean trash, what / my
grav'dpap lain from iris ole mammy,
who dot sense wid iter out obde' hot
Gol'coast country, what could Cupe
do? Nuffin. Might as well try to
teach white 'folks es sech niggers. Ya,
ya, ya," lie chuckled. "Now, sit still,
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