HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-01-07, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1932: THE : SEAFORTH NEWS. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. ,L'olok about your commun'i'ty and note the improvements which 'have been made in the pasit year. Da you realize that these im- 'provements were made possible _only through taxes paid by you and your fellow citizens ? When you spend your money, spend it rveith local merchants, their interests are your interests and their prosperity 'contributes to your prosperity. If you buy front a Suipenior .Sto're not only, {lio you patronize a fellow citizen but you get the finest mercer audise. at lo'west prices. Remember this slogan WE SELL THE BEST POR LESS. Items to January 13th. RORIINHOOD RAPID OATS COLUMBIA SILEN: MATCHES RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY Jf 1M HIL•LCREST SIHIORTEINIING,l's "a gdod shortening" SURPRISE SOAP , , .. , , , . FRAY BEN;F'OIS CORNED BEEF . •I ,age. Pkg. 20c per box 7c .40 oz. jar 31 c quality 4,42 2 lbs, ,,.. 1,0 bar's 49c , , , , per tin 17 c 'Weston'" Waxtite Soda B'iscui't ,.:per pkg, 14c Filletts of Ha'ddie .... .... ........ • .' . ....... , ........... per lb. 18c No. 3 Sieve Peas, 9's ' 3 'tins 25c 03ee .Hive Brand Corn Syrup ........ . ,.,,............ , 2' 1'b. tin 17c 6 lb. tin 35c Vends. Cough Syrup ,,per bottle 32c Fey's Cocoa . ,.l• • % lb. tin 23c Royal. York Coffee, "A Coffee you will enjoy" /'s 25e 1's 49c Chateau Cheese, "Spreads or Slices" /'s 17c lOxo Cube's "Nourishing and Invigorating" small tin.•14c large tin 28c Royal York Tea : • 34. lb. 28c ,,,... 1 lb, 55c ............. ,Libby's ;Sauer Kraut, large tin t? tins 25c L'ibby's Dill Pickles large tin 23c Red River Cereal targe pkg, 19c 1'Iacaroni, loose ready cut 2 lbs. 15c Del Maize Corn, 2's per tin 15c 'Green Giant Peas large ,tins 19c GoldenHallowi Dates ..... ........i....... 2 lbs. 19c Pilchardsk per tin 15e 2 ,p kgs. gs, 23c Loose Soap Chips 2 lbs. 25c • Pure Clover Honey 2/ lb. tin 25c /Grape Nets 4%. lb. tin 39c per pkg. 17c Phone 8 Phone 77 Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Cream Cream HIGHEST PRT.CES CO.I, R,f TEOUS SERVICES Deliveour mtbusan.deceive your.c.a_sh in full. , 91iour cream drawer and receive our services. ,,.-•"W will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the �' most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better -"Give us a trial," Creamery open on Wednesdtiyand Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont, C. A. BARBER. 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE. UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma • and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. NORTH McKILLOP. Miss. Annie Kitsttier was visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T'horniton for a few dans. Mr. John Holden is visiting his suns in London at present. Mrs. George Thornton, who has Been underthe diodtor's care, is lin- proving s nicely as be expected.ected. Winter has evade its second appear dice with a.white-blanket of snow but. is -very mild and a snake has been seen on the 12th' concessiion crawling over the snow and seemed to be quite alive so we may not get •winter wea •her` yet for a while. Misses Lois and Marjorie 'Htacdc- weil spent a few ,days with their grand parents in Walton, 5aonarnenit service's were held in Be- thel Cihunclt Suodlay alfternoon con- ducted by Rev. W. F. Smith. Stop the 'Cough.—Coughing is'cau's ad.i by irritation in the respiratory pas- ,ages and •rc the effort to dtsledge Ob- structions that come from] infiamttva- tion of the mucous membrane. Treat- ment with Dr. Thomas' 'EcdeRdtric Oil wilt -ai1'sy the inflammation and in consequence the cough will usually ':top. T•ry it andaytYQ lieshslficd;. ST. COLUMBAN The teachers wh.o were home over the Christmas holidays have all re- turned. to their duties again. Mrs, Frank Nagle of Dietroit is vis- iting her father, Mr. James Evans, who is seriously ill. The weather then favored us with a fine clay on Monday for t'he elec- tions and there was a very large vote. There will be two new faces on the council board this year. RClarenee Malone is confined to his home with a dislocated shoulder. Jambes McQuaid' is laid up with a badly bruised knee and the muscles torn. He will be laid up for a'•coupde; of weeks. CHISELHURST. \firs Annie Taydlor, who has been working in Stratford, has returned home. one. Miss Leona Norris spentSunday at the home of M•r.'and Mw Wns. Par- ker. Mr: Lloyd McLain and Mies Ag- nes Wren spent a few, clays last week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, John Mousseaa spent (New: Year's at the home° of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor Jr.' Mrs. Richardson .and son Tom of Hensel] spent Christmas at theNome of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor Sr.. GODEERWH TOWNISHIIP. 'lFts. Alvin Mc/Allister and Kenneth spent Saturday with , Mrs. Frank ISlnnith, Mrs. Allah, accompanied by Gladys', 1Slteep are spending a week in Hen- na. TOWN` TOPICS .. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarold Decin and son ' I'laroPd .io(f Il tgersvulie and Mr: Art Deem and Miss Enttly Deem of 1Toron'to were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr•s,. William Deem. Mr, Russell IHiays and Miss Beth Anderson of Detroit .", spent Nety Year's with hairs sister, .Mrs, Re'g. Reid, and other fiends in town, Mrs. John Sproat twas''called to De trait, on Wednesday morning owing to illness in the family, Miss .'Eleanor Henderson is improv- ing atter her operation lot appen'die- itis itt Sico'it ?Vie -merle' on Tlhursd'a'y, Mr, IR. A. Dundee spent the week -with his mother, Mrs. W. A. Dundas, in 'Seafonth., Mir. and Mrs, Merton Reid were New Year's visitors -in Hamilton, (Miss Jean, Snaith spent Nelw Year's in Toronto. 'Miss Ria 'Hills, who spent the holt- days at her home here, has returnield° 'to Toronto. Mr. Helmer 'Snell is acting nigihE 'watchman at present owing to the ill- neso of Chief Fee, Mfrs, P. Banbury of Winnipeg 't.r• rived om Tuesday eve'n'ing and is visit- ing her parents, IDr. and. Mrs. 'F. J. (Burrows. Mrs. G'eo, Love of Toronto is spen'ding a couple Of weeks bt Iter' home alt Thornton' Hall. Huron Road, ` Miss Hargan :(h'a's returned, from spending a week ig (London and In gersodl, 'M'iss Giladys MclPhee,spent ' the 'week -end in IStr,atlord after holiday- ing with 'her parents, Mr, and Mrs. \i. MdPlhee. Miss Eva (Fee of Sudbury returned on T.uesdiay alfter belling ,detained for a couple of days owing' to the illness of her father. -Mr. !Fee's ' condition was reported to be much 'better on WATednesd'ay. Mr. -;end Mrs, J. IE. Harhwel'1 of 1Godericli were 'visitors en Wednes- day at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fee. Mrs. uMdElroy Sr. of Me''Klllep is visiting her son, Mr. Johnston 'Mc- Elroy. Mr. and Mrs. iB. Beaton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Green were New Year's visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Green at Kipper Mr. and Mrs. Yoh]] MdAsh and sons Willie and 'Floyd•, of Varna, were guests of '\ins. .Annie Reid on New Year's Day. ' iMr. .and Mrs. A. L. Porteous tonito. spent the past two weeks in !Brant. ford 'walth Mr, and Mrs. Long, re turned on Saturday. Mr. J. Thomson of 'Edinburgh, !Scotland who .has been spending the winter in Toronto, is spending Now Year's 'meek with his coutins, Mr. and Maris Robertson, tlir...and Mrs, Bain of Listowel were week -'end guests of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. J. B, Tyerman. Miss Aldie (Leman of. Hensall spent tite past week with 'Mrs. !Hugh Wright. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hays and Mr. George 'Hays were week -end visitors in'Toronito. Mrs. W. D. Manson of .Egmon'd- ville has a splendid 'amaryllis. It is almost over blooming now, though it is ate Easter 'plant. It is :an excep- tiona'I!ly large one. The flower' stock is 46 inches Tong.' and each ,of the four blooms is 5 inches across, 'The leaves measure 36 inches. 'MisscMarion iSlcarlett of Fort Wil- liam spent Wil-liam<spent the holidays at' the Borne .of her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Scarlett. (Miss !Mabel Turnbull was a Toron to visitor last week. BORN. HIORLiUAINID. In Scott Memorial. IH0s4lital, SSeaforth, on. January 2, 09132, to Mr, and Mrs. George E. Holland, a daughter, BARRY. --In Scott '.Memorial Hos- pi'tal, .on. (Monday, January '4, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Mic'h'ael Barry, of Dublin, a son. MORRIS. Mr. and lMrs. Tihos. ,Grasby, hear r Aubu to 'Air. I . a n - d Mrs.C'Lateuce John- ston aul J ston and Iona, also Chas and Mrs. INiiehobson, Gordon and Velma, spent Saturday at Mr. John •Grasby's. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and El- la spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, P. A. MdArthur- of .Grey. ',Messrs. Nelson and Norman Nich- olson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson, also Mrs., Jo'lisi Grasby attended the 'funeral of the late .Mrs. A.' McNichol o f Mcl il'lop. Mr. and Mrs. Collin Finglan.d. of Walton, Mr,' and Mrs. „Joseph Johns- ton, also Mr. and Mrs. John John- ston •spent' Chrli's!tnt'as aiiternoon at Mr. Clarence Jto:hnstou's. 'Mos. Jas. Phelan and 'children, Mary and Louis,, spent Christmas with the formers. father, Mr, Carbert of Clinton, Mr. Louis Phelan is spending the holidays with his mother and''arot1t ter, Mr, Jas,; Phelan, DEDICATED TO �1 BETTER VISION By THE SAVAUGE EYESIGHT SERVICE Seaforth. IF THE GLASSES YOU ARE WEA'RINIG Are a proper, a comfort- able correction, you are not conscious that you have then on, A very slight al- 'tenabion often changes dis- comfort to comfort. I'E you have cause to Comp -Pain that your present glasses are not comfortable we' might' be able to intlprove your correction. Ready ab your convenience, 'Oonitinued .next week, MANLEY. Canadian Legion Dance and Euchre at Seaforth on January 22nd. Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey has re- turned to Guelph to resume her duties as 'teacher. Misses Maria Murray and Eliza- beth Murray are resuming .their dut- ies as teachers in Logan and Hibbert. The smlolce of the municipal elec- tions have passed away and the fran- chise was used to its full capacity and the roads and wcalthe'r were fine and it is to be hoped the dew 'reeve will practice economy and reduce the high salaries as was advocated at the nom- ,nation until the depression is over. The school meeting was held on We'dnest$ay, Diece'nuber 30Ith and went off quietly. Mr. Peter .Eckert,. who had been trustee for a number of years resigned and Mr, W. Manley and Mr. Joseph Johnston were nom- inated and after the 'vote was token Mr. Wm. Manley had the majority Tor trustee. The financial report was satisfactory, being read and adopted. VARNA. The maty friends of. Mrs. M. El- liott will he .pleased to know that after several weeks' confinement in the house, she has so (far recovered to !be able to be out again. 'Mrs. A. Austin has returned home aFter spending the holiday season with her daughter ie Detroit. The young people held a dance in the hall Tuesday night. The congregation' of -St. John's Church held their annual fowl supper' in the hall Monday night, and' in the neighborhood of 70:guests sat ,down to:a well laden table and after satis- fying the inner man, a short program. was fully enjoyed. W'e are sorry to report Mrs. Smith is suffering from blood poisoning in her hated, We hope for speedy relief. -Miss 'Cook after spending the holi- days with her parents near Godericih, 'has resumed her duties in the school. Mrs, James 'Steep, Hazel and Ber- nice, and little Kenneth MclAllister, visited at Mrs. •.,. C'antplbell's, BRUCEFIELD. Canadian Legion Dance and Euchre at Seaforth on January 22nd. The Young People of B•ruce(fleld United Church met in the basement of the church on Thursday evening to usher in the New Year. T.he service was in charge of Wilson Broadfo.o't. The meeting opened with a Itynnt, "Out of my bondage, sonroiw-• and night," Molly Pepper then read the 'Scripture after which .Leonard B-oyce 1e'd in prayer. A hymn, "He Leiadeth (lie." was sung. The topic was very ably taken by G. Pepper on "Finding a new goal For year 1952, During the next hour several contests were en- joyed by everyone, Refreshments were then served. The _watch night service opened with a hymn, "Abide with Me," Elgin Thompson 'then led in prayer, R. MdNaughton gave a very interesting educational address. W. II -laugh then led in prayer. A hymn, "Standing at the Portal," was then sung and the meeting closed with the MizpNh Benediction, AuIoInsuranoe Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates IS's worth your while to see_ us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sotherlaud GENERAL INSURANCE "— REAL ESCTING, ATE'ETC , CONVEY. AN. Office over Keatistg'.c Drug Store tlte'r gular 0 People's Society ylottday W eveningwat9t �, tit de votional conveno m c t S �\rbe meeting opened With hymn 371. Elgin IThompsonr then read the Scripture atter which W. Haugh led in prayer, (The topic, "Jesus' Teaching About Man," was given by E, Thompson in a very capable manner. A hymn was thea sung,. Mr-. Bremner then took charge of the prayer service which followed.: Mrs. W. J. Stevens, who is spend- ing the winter in the vicinity of Mt, Forest, picked a dandelion in full bloom on Dee. 29th. It was gro'win'g on .a gravelled lane and quite unshel- tered. This speaks well for North Wellington. The marriage of Edith; fourth dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wolfe of Hensall to Norman )laird' of near 1Bruscefield, tool: place recently, at the home of her sister, • Mrs. Rohner and Mr..,Hohner, Go'der'ich. Following the serving of a wedding "supper at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Baird. were entertained by friends, in Exeter. The Misses Annie and Alice Mus- tard visited at the home of their mo- ther, Mrs. Alex. Mustard, last week. Miss Mary McKenzie and Ross and Murray Nicholson spent the week tad alt the home of Mrs. Janet Ross. Mrs. George Stanbury, formerly of Clinton, is seriously .ill at. the home of her daughter, Mrs, John IT. Mc- Ewen. Mr. Alex. Ross of Wingham visited friends in the village last ,week. STAFFA -The home of Mr. and Mrs, John. Leary of Staffs, was the scene of a pretty wedding at •noon on 'Wednes- day, December 30Th, when their eld- est daughter, Miss Vera J., wear unit- ed in marriage with Mr, L. Melburn (Greenwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood, of Mitchell. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. R. N. Stewart. The bride entered the par - bar leaning on the arm of her father and took her place beneath an arca of evergreen, decorated with flower; and from which a large bell was sus- pended. in the centre. She was attir- ed'in a wedding gown of rose biege silk lace and carried a'bou'quet of car- na't'ionsn a d fern. ;Little Miss Florence Southcott of Exeter, cousin of the bride, was flower girl, carrying a bas- ket of sweet •peas. Lahengrin's Brid- al Ohorus was played by Miss Irene Millson, niece of the groom. Follow- ing the ceremony the bridal- party an dguests, which included only the and 'guests, which in'clu'd•ecl only the dining room where dinner was serv- ed, the tables and room being attnac tively' decorated in pink and white The bride was the recipient Of many beautiful presents including a fox fur the gift of the groom, The groom al- so presented the pianist with a hand- some purse and the flower girl with a string of pearls. Mr. and Mrs. Green- wood left in the afternoon by motor for a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and other places. ,Tlhe bride's ,travelling dress was of brown crepe back satin with slippers and ac'cessorie's to match. Mr. and 'Mrs. Greenwood .Wilt reside on the groom's farm two and a half miles south of Mitchell, TUCKERSMITH. ICanadian'Legion Dance and Euchre at Seaforth on January 22nd. Mr. Jas. Cameron accompanied Mr, Wilfred Coleman on a business trip to Toronto Tuesday last. Mies Margaret Forrest, Miss Louise !.Alien, Miss Bertha Farrest and .hiss Laura MIdMs'l1'an, all have returned to their respective schools. 'Miss Mary MdNlaugltton is taking two weeks' vacation on account of illness. Miss Mary E. McKenzie and Mar - ray Nlidholson spent New Year's at the home of Mrs. Janet Ross, Bruce field. Miss Jeeen and Mr. Earl Webster' have returned to their school :near Toronto. The annual' meeting held in .S.S, No. 7, on December 30(thattend- ed was well attend - 0a and Mr. 'Wnlli t a n Carnes -on was re- elected for trustee for another term of three years. The books were aud- ited by Messrs. \Vin, iBlack and Jos- eph Forrest and were found satisfac- tory. Last spring Mr, Joseph For- rest attended the convention in Tor- onto and gave an 'itlteresting report. iMr. and Mrs. Jtto. McLachlan anal 'fancily spent Saturdaywith Mr. and'. 'Mrs. A. McLachlan of 'Cromarty. Mrs. Ivan Forsyth 'hail', cher tonsils 'removed in Exeter on Tuesday.. Mr. Davis Moore has returned to Toronto after spending his holidays with his parents. The recent sleet storm did much damage to the trees and telephone lines. Mr. and Mrs, John E'igie ' Visited with friends` near Elimville on Sun - .Mr. and Iris. Jacl Gordon and Miss • soft ?n�tt�h�and :llhs'}e� Marttu'',m 1 $ 4'ter spet'� M'e - ,i. day w'itl'i STS "!i 7 ev s `Ttb- but. *. IWesit End Ladies' Club mel at the hone of Mrs. 'Fletcher Townsend on Wednesday, the new -odicers taking their places. The Club was in -ell re- presented and after the business part of the meeting and the program over they were served a dainty luncheon. !Mr. A. Broadfoot shipped a car load of cattle to Toronto last Saturday. Re'ports are he struck a good market. Mr. and ,Mrs. Geo. Johnston. and son Gordon spent last S'uetday at Rail- sell Coleman's. ' 'Mr, Cecil ()Ice" paid his sister, Mrs. Brock at 1E'litatville a short visit last Monday. HILLSGREEN. Canadian Legion Dance and Euchre at Seaforth on January 22nd, Mr, and 'bars. W. McAllister of Ed- monton are visiting their relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Ashman and son Douglas, who spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson, have re- turned to their home at Tilson'burg. The schools in this section have op- ened 'again after tite holidays. Miss Lettie Love is teacher in S.S. No. 3, Hay, and Mr. Dinnin i'n S.S. No. 7, Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Consiltt of. Hen- sel" spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, - 'Mr. W. J•arrott and Annie spent New Ye'ar's with Mr. and Mrs. D. Nichol in ,Hens,ail, Mr. and Mrs. John McBride and fa- mily and Mr- and Mrs. Roy McBride " and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Love. Mr. and Mrs. P. Campbell and chil- dren of near Exeter, spent New Years at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love. Misses Jeanette -McAllister and He- len A'nders'on have returned to their duties at High School. Mr. Russell Love of Toronto spent 1Sew Year's day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. M.. and Mrs, Thos. Consitt of Hen - sail sp,tt�a few days with their son,, Mr. nd \ire. Q,tt^sell Consitt, u r. and Mrs. A. o spe t New Year's with their sen, Mr. and Mrs, H. Love. . J. Forrest and family spent Nes• Year's with Mr, and Mrs. G. %ander in Hen.salL he W.M.S, will hold their first eeting of the nen- year at the home of Mrs. W. Turner on Wednesday afternoon, January 13th. Mrs. R. Lowe is spending the holi- 'ays with her daughters on the Lon- don Road near Hensall. STANLEY. :Mr. !Stuart Keys returned to Tor- onto University after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys. 1Mr. Ruskin J. Keys and :Mrs. Keys have returned to East Windsor where he is principal of the school; after vis- iting his parents, Me. and: Mrs. Nel- son Keys. Miss Margaret Tough of Sih'alce- speare is spending the .holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Tough. tMiss Jean Carrie of Hensall is •home fo'r the holidays Mr. J. FlaxRbi-ed, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Allen, all of Zurich, spent Christmas day at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. J. tA. Carries ,Mr, end Mrs, Roy McBride and fa- mily spent Tuesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carrie. Mr, ansi Mr.s. Talbot, Milton am'd !Ilene of Goderich were visiting with friends on the 'Blue, Water Ili h'wa 'and Bronson. Line, Walter Helmer of. .Arkoma spent .the holidays at his -home on the B'ron's'on, t\.r. and Mrs, Fred, Hess and grand children of Hensall visited at the home of Mir. and Mrs. J. A. Carrie on Saturday. Marte1 and Jean Goa - he returned with them, Jean to re- sume sich'obi at (Hensall and Matibel to make, a short visit. The week of prayer is being ob- served in the Varna. Glos'hen and Blake churches this week. The pastor, Rev. E. A. Porker is giving helpful addresses each evening on the subject of :prayer. ,Tihe services are taking. the forth of preparatory services for the contniunion service which will he� held next Sunday, Jan. 10th. tit the municipal election held in Stanley on Monday Win. Douglas was elected Reeve by' a majority of '1150 .over Art Keys, who ha's been reeve for tate past three years. The ffoil4olwing are the councillors for 1932, 'and the norther of: votes p -Called fol • each: Webster Turner 403; Roy moat 323, Fred 'Waitron' 310;' Mervyn tIlanley 285, Mervyn Hanley wnas the 'only survivor from the council of 1931%,'''-''