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The Seaforth News, 1949-12-29, Page 8
THE .SEAFORTH NEWS HAPPY NEW YEAR To our thousands of custom- ers, whose continued and gen- erous patronage has made 1949 among the best in our history And to our loyal staff, for their untiring efforts, throughout the year, . To one and all, we extend• the season's greetings with a sin- cere wish for a happy and prosperous 1950. • HAPPY NEW YEAR Stewart Bros. i "General Insurance" Fire, Automobile and other Casualty Insurance— Special attention given to 'Farm. Fire Windstorm and Automobile Insurance as written by the Wawanesa Mutual in the Farmers Interests Inquiries solicited J. H. Scott Don Brightrall Phone 336 , Phone 299 KIPPEN Passing of Jacky Ferguson— A shadow of gloom was cast over this community on Wednesday last when it was learned of the sudden passing of John William (Jacky) Ferguson, youngest son of Mr. and tlfrs. Wilmer Ferguson, aged two years and nine months. On the Thursday previous the Iittle fellow was playing as usual and on the Friday he was not so well and on orders of Dr. Goddard be was ad- mitted to War Memorial Hospital in. London. On ,Saturday the parents were told the was another victim of the dreaded leukemia. Despite the fact the new wonder drug ACTH was used, Jackie failed to react and passed away on Wednesday after- noon at 2 p.m. He leaves to mourn his passing his sorrowing parents, one brother, Donald aged 3 years, his grandmother, Mrs. Warren Schilbe, Kippen, and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, of the Thames Road. A private funeral ser- vice was held from his late residence on the and con. of Tuckersmith, fol- lowed by a public sorvice in St. An- drew's 'United Church on Friday af- ternoon, conducted by Rev. A. Hin- ton. Hyams. "Nearer My God to NEW G=am YEAR ; =J 9%)'PGS 1950 William M. Hart PHONE 593-W Seaforth MORE POWER BATTERIES We have Batteries in stock to fit most cars (including 1949) as low as $10.35 with your old Battery. You save 14,95 on some bat- teries with a guarantee of 3 years and 1.50 extra allow- ance for your old Battery. Installed at no extra cost SAVE SAFELY Canadian Tire Corp. ASSOCIATE STORE Dublin, Ont, Smith Eros., Prop. PHONE 73 Thee" and "Safe in the Arms of Je- sus" were sung. The pallbearers were cousins, Lloyd Ferguson, Maur- ice Finkbeiner, Ray Ducharme, Earl Schilbe. The fiowerbearers were cou- sins, Dorothy. Marlene, Billy and Harold Jaques and Marjory Hod- gert and neighbors, Nelson McClin- chey, Bob Caldwell, Gerald Smith, Grant McGregor, Ken McLellan. In- terment was matte in Exeter cern- etery. S.S. Concert Big Success— The Sunday school of St. And- rew's United -Church held their an- nual Christmas concert on Monday, Dec. 19th. The seating capacity was exhausted and several had to stand for the well organized program, as follows: Weicome song, Carol McMurtrie, Carol Faber. Catherine Anderson, Eileen McLean, Marilyn Anderson, Marie Jarrott; chorus by the S.S„ "Pure as the Snowdrift." Duet by Ann and 'Marie Sinclair; piano duet, Marie Jarrott, Catherine Anderson; recitation. Harold Parsons; drill, by tiny •tots; recitations, Sharon Mc- Bride, Margaret Elgie, Billy Work- man, Jack Ohipchase. David Cooper; piano duet, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and 'Jack Caldwell. One of the most col- orful items on the program was the Bubble Song by the junior girls, in different colors, singing "I'In Forever Blowing Bubbles," while four of the girls blew prettily colored bubbles in the air. Nelson McClinchey and Margaret Jean Broadfoot sang a duet, "My Two Front Teeth." a piano number by Marion Thomson. The Christmas pageant was presented by inn and Marie:_ Sinclair and Nelson McClin- ahey. Mr. Hinton expressed thanks. to all for their .untiring efforts in leaking the concert a success and to the audience for their presentee, without whom no concert could be a success. The juniors presented a fire drill. duet by Ann and Marie Sinclair. A short two -act play was presented by Norma Deitz, Isabel Caldwell, Joyce and Edna Broadfoot, Mona Caldwell, Ruth Alexander and Wayne McBride. The minstrel show being broadcast over Kippen's radio newest station 1 o stat on OILKO on- s sorecl by Ripper Hosie Rempedies, added .a good many laughs. Ronnie Anderson gave a recitation. The en- tire school gave the closing chorus, "Here Comes Santa Claus". Santa presented gifts and candy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Workman. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Smith of Guelph. spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Jarrott. We are sorry to report Mr.' Charles Alexander is at present in Victoria Hospital, London, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Love of Caro, Mich., spent Xmas with Mr. R. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dal- rymple I11r and Mrs. Archie Parsons anti sons spent Xmas With Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden at Denfield, and Mi. and Mrs. R. Parsons, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and Gail Ann, spent Shnas with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horsey, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. David Ryckman,Miss L1lIian Rycknoan. MIS. M. Seymor, of Pollock, S. Dakota. TJ,S,A. are visit- ing the Parsons relatives in this community. One of the iniquities of the Ontario liquor act is that it open- ed up women's beverage rooms. Moreover there are women in in- creasing numbers who so forget their womanly dignity as to pat- ronize these drinking places. This is the new and more revolting de- gradation that the Ontario liquor act has created. The Canada Tem- perance Act saves Huron County from this degradation.--iAdvt. GREETINGS e WATSON & REID ivi. A. REID, Proprietor 0,c/'91/1.1;c:'S -r b 1950 1 SEAFORTH Sc TO $1.00 STORE Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices gt FOR SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Phone 9 Seaforth "HAPPY NEW YEAR" H. E. SMITH Prudential Insurance Representative Seatorth Phone 122 i iii„ 1'llllf4 d7lciu 411', , 1950 Happy New Year AUSTIN MATHESON Electrical Contractor Phone 340wSeaforth �oneew4WOP$th ex 795 0 P s I EIY , EAR Y SEAFORTH SUPPLY FUEL LTD. Phone 47 -W4 504 -VrOgi * ,-x • Happy New Year from DICK'S GROCERY Gordon Dick, Prop. Phone 91 Seaforth v,r W. J. FINNIGAN & SON vsossissimmi Happy New Year E. e. CHAMBERLAIN REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Phone 334 Seaforth SEASON'S GREETINGS SHINEN'S DRY GOODS READY-TO-WEAR Seaforth "SEASON'S GREETINGS PHILLIP'S FRUIT STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Phone 03 Seaforth 'til' ` ©b'2 ` Q "HAPPY NEW YEAR" McGONIGLE GROCERY PHONE 166 SEAFORTH HAPPY AVfW kFq Box Furniture Store - Funeral Service LOGAN Logan Township Council met on Dec. 14 at 1 p.m., all members be- ing present, Reeve presided. minutes read, adopted and signed, corre- spondence read. Council endorsed the recommendation made by the Board of Health to continue with immuniz- ation 'authorizing the IM.O.H. to em- ploy necessary Nurse assistance in doing the work. Treasurer author- ized to pay orders on Treas. for pub- lic, Separate, Continuation and High School. total of $27,492.38. CountY requisition for $25,929.24. There were no appeals on Jacob Drain, In- itiating Municipality being Ellice Township. 13111 No. 486 was given. the necessary readings and filially passed. 1 yea} levy. Surplus on Watt Drain, Gollnitz Drain, Josling Drain and Woods Ext, No. 2 were ordered paid and Bills passed in accordance therewith '(pro rata) to original assessments. total of $4,328.35 • cc ants Roads accounts were 'ordered paid, General and drains accounts total of $3,994.96 were ordered paid. Council adjourned to Dec, 15, 1 p.m. and met with all members present. Minutes read, adopted and signed, correspondence read. Election ex- pense ordered paid. M. J. Linton was again appointed High School Trustee for years 1950-51,. clerk to prepare bill for salve Engineers report on Ahrens Drain was introduced and adopted. Bill No. 492. Ahrens Drain was read, and provisionally adopted as read, Court of Revision set for Jan. 3rd. Engineers report on Drum- mond 'Drain will be read Jan. 3rd, being a drain petitioned for by Perth County, con, 8-9. east of highway 23. Roads expenditures ordered paid total being $82.61; General expend- itures and drains total of $2,264.34; Schools, $27,492.88; County, $25,- 929,24. CARD OF THANKS Mrs Emma Williams wishes to thank the staff of Scott Memorial hospital for their kindness to her during her illnessin the hospital, also for cards, fruits, from neigh- bors and friends, Dr. .McMaster and Dr. Brady, and Rev, Mr, McMillan CARD OF THANKS Ma and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson and Don- ald wish to express their sincere thinks for the many kindnesses extended to them dm, htg their recent bereavement; also for the floral tributes, the loan of cars and to Rev. A. Hinton and Dr. Goddard CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Hugill tvishto exin'ess their appreciation for flowers and gifts from their marry friends on the occasion of their olden wedding. SUPER LAST IC TIRES All sizes of FIRST LINE Pas- senger tires & tubes in: stock including 600 x 16 snow & mud 670 x 16 low Pressure Double trade in allowance on these tires with up to 51/2 years guarantee on road haz- ards, mounted on your car at no extra cost SAVE SAFELY Canadian Tire Corp. ASSOCIATE STORE Dublin, Ont. Smith Bros., Prop. PRONE 78 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1949 ANDBUSMORMAIMINIO THE SEAFORTII. NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers utborioed as Second t:lese mail, Post Office Dost,, Ottawa SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spy, Greening, Baldwin, Bellflower, King, etc. Phone Clinton 611-24. FRED McCLY-. MONT, Varna FOR SALE Shorthorn lulls up to serviceable age, sited by a son of Marlborough Obligation. Phone 447r21 Seaforth, STEWART DALE NOTICE Tenders for caretaker for 1030 will be re- ceived by See,-Treas., up Di) Jan. 3rd, 1000. Tenders for 10 cords of hard wood I4" long to be delivered by May tat, 1010. Tenders, to he in See. -Tress. hands by Jan. Std, HOMO. JOIHN CAMPBELL, Sec,-Treas., SS No. 10, Mcli:illop BOX E ant?rat 'i ruire AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for ail occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596 W Wanted Full time Secretnryt Treasul•ar and Field - man for Huron County Federation of Agri- culture. Duties to commence January 20d. Apply by tender not later than Derembs, 30th to W. V. ROY, Secretary -Treasurer, Box 310, Clinton, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR, F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 Seaforth OR. F. J, R. FORSTER 8110, Ear, Nona and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant -New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooreiield's Dye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday. in each month from 2 to 4 13.2/1.-53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 In the Estate of PEARL MILLER All persons having claims against. the Estate of Pearl Miller, late of the Township of }ribbon in the County of Perth. Married Woman, deceased, who died err the 20th day of Fcbt•unry, 3049, afro hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of January, 11150, after which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Mb day of De- cember, 1040 McCDNNET,L C HAYS, Seaforth, Out, Solicitors for the Estate SALES AND SERVICE nlu NEwIE5 APPLIANCE SERVICE Lynn Range. Oil Burner and Fawcett Torrid Oil Space heaters. Electrical wiring contracts. Picone 600-w, Jarvis St„ Seaton:/ APARTMENT TO RENT Apartment to rent. Possession immedi- ately. SAM CUDMORE. Phone 667-3 Seaforth NOTICE COURT OF REVISION Tho Council of the Township of Stanley will hold the Court of Revision on the 1050 Assessment Roll, on THURSDAY, JANUARY ' 1650 in the Township ball, Varna Court will he held 10 a.m. to 12 moon on the Dayfteld Roil and from t 11.01. to 5, on the Stanley Roll. FRED S. WATSON, Clerk Auction Sate COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL 26 Pure heeds 25 Grades til Head area tested. No marten: Blood tested. Many vaccinated Selling at the farm, 11mile west of 61,tlfn, 5 miles south of Dub1Gt, In mileswest of of Mitchell, Perth County, on Thursday.. Jan. 5,t11, nt 1 p.m. The following: Herd Sire—Dewdrop Pith Finder Rnight, It show loll 1 years old. 80 pure- heed cows and heifers. 25 high class grades rows and heifers. In cows fresh 26 cows mrd heifers duo in Jan. & Feb 16 heifers due in Sept, & 00t. This is a teniform herd, all young and in good condition. ,n .w m' and cos If bnteresred nn milkers inn 1 e springers, do not miss this sale. Selling without reserve. Termscash For catalogues write Wallace Pedigree Co Strome CLIFTON F. MILLER, Proprietor W. C. 11AVIDSON on Pedigrees W. E. - NAIRN, -Auctioneer FOR SALE Six roots brick dwelling on West William St., with garage. 100 acres near Walton, buildings with all modern conveniences. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acres et land Pasture farm near Varna with 60-60 acre, of improved land. Good water supply Good farm 100 acre., 26 miles north of Seaforth. Early possession. Greek passed through farm. Modern Irick duplex on West William - et. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth .. O r -.Jr s r r.0 r. Highest Cash r P ices for Dead Stock HORSES -2,50 each • a CATTLE 2.50 each 4 HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and ' condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DA'1.0.110 •& :t 9MP:ANY F CANADA;(:LIMIYED JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M,D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6..W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC' H. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, MA, Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable. VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBU'LL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 106 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in ],First -Class Companies. FOR SALE Brick house, S Pc. bathroom, furnace. double garage, situated sjw corner of Wilson & Centro Sts. A lovely home. Prompt pos- session, E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE —. SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—Preside,tt, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod, hagen; Vice Pres., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec. -Tress, & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaford/ Directors—Robt. Archibald, Soaforth; Frank MCGregor, Clinton; S, H. Whitmore, Seaforth 12R3; Chrle Leonhmrdt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Soaforjh; 3. Il. McEwing, Blyth 8111; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Iiarvey Puller, Goderlch RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper. BruceReld0 R. F, McKercher, Dublin • J. F. Prudes,. Broditagen 1 George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance •+. transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of th shove named officers addressed to that: respective post offices, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Need Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Milton MoCurdy,roR R 1, Klrkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colouhonn, Science Hill William A, Hamilton, Cromarty T, G. Baits tyne Woodburn Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty SecretaryTreasarer Arthur Fraser, Exeter 0. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 66 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATHIC ID $ My Crown H. GLENN HAYS, County Craven Attorney SEAFORTI3, ONT. Telephone 174 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth. Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for Your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. Staffen's Plumbing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers ib. Aero "Duo -Jet" Pump and Water Systems for deep and shallow wells Aero "Silver Flame Automatic Off Burners FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c' 24 samples 01.00. Mali. Order Dept, T-74, . Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont.