HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-29, Page 6ekf:'f1ii the ear mho)! fcohlres
wit ich have crept, over Wee reeve,
foto the sports dodge -and there
are plenty of such—in oter opinion,
Just about the most senseless is
thin "All Star" thing. We arty this,
N130, in fill realization that we,
personally, have been guilty on one
or two occasions of going Over-
board with our own version of an
''.All Time, All Star" sotnething'
ra other- But not, praise be, more
tihan once or twice, - -
* *
If we are not more mistaken then
usual, the "All Star" gimmick wag
originally started, quite a handful
of seasons ago, by Walter Camp,
the old Yale, And as about ninety
per .cent of football in the IJ.S.A.
back in those days was played by,
Harvard, Princeton and Yale, Mr.
Camp's picks probably carried a
certain asnount of authority, seeing
ti hat they were all athletes he had
either closely observed in action,
Orr. personally cached.
In fact. we believe that one of
his earlier All American eleven;
had about eight Yale's in its make-
up—which is the sort of selecting
no modern coach or sports writer
would have the nerve to indulge in
nowadays, no matter how dearly
he a ould love to do so,
Fe, reeedays the choosing of
All ,nierican football teams—
we'll kii(li} leave baseball. basket-
ball geld other sports out of the
metres although they're almost as
bed -the= developed to retch pro-
portioes that even sports writer&,
1101.loly solemn and humorless
irk! t r:- it rule. are beginning to
lou,; aver it as bog slightly ridicu-
Big Deal—In one of the biggest player deals since the war, the New York Giants and Boston
]graves swapped six players. The Braves' keystone combination,•- shortstop Alvin Dark and
second baseman Eddie Stanky (left to right at left), went to the New Yorker in exchange for
ehortstop Buddy Kerr, pitcher Sam Webb,and sluggers Willard Marshall and Sid Gordon.
Marshall and Gordon are shown, left to right, at right. No cash was involved.
We have no idea of just how
many of these All American line-
ups are annually selected, published
and broadcast; and if you have any
real regard for your oxygen intake,
you won't try holding your breath
till we run and find out.
y * * .
But the three most 'important
and highly publicized are those
bearing the stamp of the Associated
Press, the United Press and Col-
lier's Weekly. (We really should
have said 'four', seeing that the
United people picked a defensive
as well as an offensive eleven, in
honor of the "two decker" sys-
tem now being widely used south
of the border)
* * *
Now all these teams were picked
experts, you may be sure of that—
top-ranking experts who read cords
and cords of blow-by-blow past
performance reports, and scanned
miles and miles of taken -on -the -
spot moving picture films before
announcing to an anxiously wait-
ing world their momentous deci-
* * *
Well, in view of all the care,
preparation and high-class grey
matter employed, you might think
there would be some sort of un-
animity in those ;elections,
1t looks se though it will
be Jae' --odds and ends. pinked up
h.eic tkee, there, and saved with the
;dee of working thein into the col-
umn biter. And as I write thin, the
old sear has just another 10 days
to limp, so it couldn't be much
"later than that, could it. ,Anyway,
I - ove that in the hash, sante of
you will +Sad a few ehrnkr of real
"Grl:cr.ing' potatoes l)elore plant-
ing is frequently done for this home
Minden. Maybe you've tried it, and
wondered 3.4 it would be a good
Shing to do for more extensive spnd
grow 'pg
Wed, two years' experimenting
tet the Dominion Experimental Sta-
tion at Haerow, Ont, show that
w11tie green -sprouted seed produced
ten earlier yield than seed taken
Orem sold storage and planted df-
redly en the field, h was no earlier.
than seed whidh had Net been held
its a warm room for two weeks
prior it planting.
* * *
In green -sprouting glia seed, it
kir rleeesaary to place the potatoes
1e a laver in a warm light building.
fl greenhottae is an ideal place, but
few firma have facilities available
/or tint process, especially if the
grower is producing many acres of
pow( es.
* to
The results have shown that
wanting the seed before planting
leave just. as good, if not better,
early ,yiclde than green -sprouting.
All thee is necessary in this ease
le to move the geed potatoes from
she storage about two weeks before
planting and place them in a build-
ing which is heated (50'-60" would
eco), leis is frequently don to
frtellitnte cutting the Amid. Tile
warming starts the growth process
f fsrl while little evidence of eproute
fii seen, growth starts more rapidly.
• * *
The paragraphs which follow are
']tints about various handy and toil -
owing gadgets sent in from farm -
else near and far. I'm printing them
s is," with no money -back guar-
tentee that all or any of them will
* * *
3 ba ae installed a cellar window
:{melt In each of my gliding hese
boors. When the sliding door
()lobed. !)hie still allows plenty d
eight to come through the doorway.
* * *
A'n eeey paeans of hanging s veal
or hog at butchering time Is to lean
h1 ladder against the eaves of a
eililing, bottom of ladder well out,
10 give r0.50 to work, end a block
IMO tort lc en nne,of the rungs to -
'weed the Inp of the ladder. The
6ldrlrr. iaiilt so hold a 200 -pound
man safely, can carve the a tight of
a eta' or hog very easily this way.
* • * *
When offing rivets with waeeers,
1 find a discarded safety -razor han-
dle very dandy for setting the
crasher on rho rivet.
In wintry, one often hes trouble
with the lid of the car trunk freez-
ing shut with sleet and snow. '1'o
prevent this, I put a good coat of
paste wax on the shier seal.
* *
To hold down a buzz saw' with-
out staking it, I bolt a plank across
the Iwo parallel bases. and then ran
a longer plank at right angles from
that to the tractor wheels, so that,
by running the front wheels of the
tractor tip 01510 Ibis plank. the
weight of the tractor cart ,told the
rig down. I have fount that this
works very well.
When ovcrllauliitg ally l,it're of
machinery, I put the parrs SEA as
*crews and 1111531 bolts in a soap
shaker, rinse in gasoline or kero-
sene, and spread on a nen epeper to
* 1t
To encourage little pigs to eat
grain early, l have arranged chains
to hold the trough covers open
about 4". A length of light chain
ie fastened as shown to the trap
door. Even pigs no more than two
weeks old learn to feed on grain
with this aid. They soon learn to
lift the doors whenever they want
If my oil -burning tank heater
falls to draw and function properly
when it is started, I insert the hose
from an ordinary the pump down
the draft tubes, and give the pump
e few quick etrokets. This not only
starts the heater off, but also very
quickly clears ao0t out of the pipes,
& * *
I put my torch lighter and torch
wrench on a piece of light ehtain,
one on each end and a hook or elip
ha the middle of the chain, When
welding, I clip the chain on my
belt and the lighter end wrench are
a,lwaya handy. This eaves time
locking for them when they have
been mislaid while being used on
r, Job,
* * a
In cold weather, barn windows
relay frost over, To provide an area
rhrough which I can see, I have
atisek an automobile frose shield on
each window where needed,.
13y hooking a ,Pitot light" to m,y
back-up light switch, I am 1,111,
when I forget to turn off My
up lights. This saves drltetee
around with the back-up lights on.
It may also save the possibility of
being stopped for driving with
white lights on the back of the ear.
mightn't you? You'd think that,
with possibly a couple of excep-
tions at most, those mythical line-
ups would be pretty ` much the
acme, wouldn't you?
* * at
Not to keep you too long in sus-
pense just one player—just one
solitary individual --was named ,on
all four of those teams, or even
on three of them. Yet twelve
months or less from now those
Very same experts, or a. reasonable
facsimile, will be making just the
same sort of selections with just
as great solemnity—and nittch the
same millions of fans will be an-
xiously awaiting their word, and
accepting it as Gospel.
Of course we know that you are
probably saying to yourself that
what we are writing about is a
strictly American custom, and that
we Canadians are not quite so
naive and gullible. Well, maybe not
yet—but give us time, brother, just
give us time, for we're on our, way.
y *
Still, custom is a hard thing to
break; and at this tune of the year
it ie customary to pick out—if not
an A11 Star Team—at least to pur
the finger on some of the outstand-
ing athletes. or a fele of the most
naensorable happenings in the great
as orld ofsport.
e *
Well, we're. going to be brief,
and merely mention two. There was
that chap -Lear, we think his name
was, or something of the kitd—
connected with the Calgary Stant-
petters Football Team. After the
Montreal Alttucttes had beaten his
tenni, he gave an exhibition of
sportstnan`hip which would be a
Tine example for your growing boy
not fallow. All he blasted for his
tennis defeat were the lousy offi-
ciate, the ion*y playing field, and
the lousy Canadian code of rules:
1Tint trc would award the accolade
the eppnintineet of kir, Vernon
A. 'al, Kemp, ('.13.E., as the com-
missioner of the St. John Anthu-
fence for the Province of Ontario,
has just been announced by George
H. Craig, president of the t)nario
Council of the St. John Ambulance.
Mr. Kemp. who served with the
Royal Canadian 'Mounted Police for
e5 years, retired in 1945 with the
rank of assistant commissioner and
at the time of his retirement, was
in command of the Criminal In-
vestigation Department of the"en-
tire force. In 1943, he was attached
to the War Office to study methods
of counter -sabotage and roaster•
espionage in the United Kingdom.
During the Royal tour in 1739
he was responsible for all seen the
measures and performed the same
function at the Quebec 00nferen. e
during 1943 and 1944. In 194(1, he
was created a commander of the
9rder of the British Empire by His
Majesty the King,
Mr, Kemp, who has been associ-
ated with the work of 5t. John
Ambulance since 1921, has recently
retired as personnel manager of
3 oblaws Groceterfa Company, Ltd.
of G.G.W. for 1949—the initials
standing for ,Good Game Winner,
* * *
The other standout happening in
Canadian sport? It was Conn
Smythe's "get off that lard or get
off my teain" outburst in late No-
vember. Sheer genius, that was,
getting the Maple Leafs=as We
have said before—whole volumes
of interest -creating publicity at a
time when that particular TOM-
modity was scarce and of poor
quality, So to Conn Smythe goes
the acclamation, not for the first
trine, as Master Showman of Can-
adian Sport. And if you think
Showmanship isn't en important
part of sport, a glance at eonbpara-
tive box-office takings in the big
league might nsake you change
your opinion.
Nails That Scream
Slow Up Thieves
Nails that scream are being used
to protect merchandise from dock
thieves, who lately have been more
active than ever. The nails, ape-
cially invented to help the police
In their war against the thieves,
are coated with cement' and set up
a shrill warning as soon as any one
starts to rip open a packing case
by palling thenails out, The warn-
ing can be heard up to 25 yards
Theft and pilfering—whether by
professional thieves or dock and
ship employees—are now rated as
one of the highest causes of ship-
ping losses.
Hundreds of millions of dollars'
worth of goods are plundered from
ships, dock warehouses, wharfside
food depots, railway ears and fac-
tories every year. But dock and
police authorities are fighting back
and there have been many Convic-
tions. Big attempts are being made
to break up the gangs of dock
thieves who haunt the waterfronts.
Whisky Round His Waist
A careful watch must be kept for
black sheep among the dodcers
themselves. One man in England
was found wearing a pillow slip
Pressed against his stomach like a
poultice. In the -slip, which had
three specially made compartments,
police found stolen sugar, rice and
'1 hen there was the thin man who
always wore outsize clothes. It was
discovered that he was carrying a
dozen tins of fruit or salmon or
six bottles of whisky belted to his
-waist every tinge he came ashore,
l'olice found an elaborate home-
made harness under the raincoat of
a docker whorl they stopped and
searched as he was going home. It
was strapped round his body and
had pouches which held bottle, of
export whisky stolen from ships.
Another decker almost resembled
s mummy when slsrched, Round
itis entire body, front necit to
ankles, were rolls of sill!:. It was
found that he had left off his snit
and underclothing to make roost
for the silk, The only clothes he
wore were a raincoat. - 6ron`;ers,
eltoes and socks,
A marriage in 1?ami-ylval/M—the
couple are Mr. and :firs. Gardodci,
of Conshohocken -- meant some.
strange relation,llips. The bride
married her sister's slepsoa, with
this result:
The bride's sister became her
stepmother -in-law; t h e bride's
brothers-in-law. As for the bride-
groom's father, became her father-
in-law; her sister's two children, the
bride's nephews, became her
hrothers-in law. As for the bridge-
groom, his stepmother is now also
his sister-in-law, his father is his
hrother-in-law and his two half-
brrithers are his nephews.
. Classified Advertising.
iWQpFPRA,�•BLE 'pteedy bushman with moot: coin.
pfete tlihe of household neoeoettioe from the
tot fragrant cosmetics • to the moat hslpfhl
Seem °Iemwrp or notlehes. There 1s an ex
etupive territory for you in your tatty or in
raw rural' area. You 00e 'ore to succeed
rite our 11atit-collipg lutea, Write !Odor for
:tree details. PAM—LEX, 1600 Delorlmter,
TO SELL Baby Chloko In this .district on a
good eommiselon baffle. These ohlcka ape
guaranteed from good .high -Producing blood -
tooted stock. Poole Hatchery, Foorster Bros..
Boole, Ontalle, Phone, s7 R 25 Milverton.
BABY *101451,*
iSO14'1, XI= your prodte around, Your profits
are governedbythe number of Top Quailty
Pullets, you Put 1n your laying holies Dile Sum-
mer and Fall and the number 05 broilers or
roasters you marltet. Don't kink- these po-
tential profits around by riskingchicks of
interior- quality. Tan Notch Chicks are all
from Goyernment Approved Pullorumtested
breeders. Also Turkey Posits. Laying and
Ready to Lay pullets. .Breeding cookorels, Top
Notch Ch1ek Sales, Guelph, Ontario.
FOR PROFITS on the Q.T. Read on. what's
the Q -T? Thato easy: Q Omuta for Quallts'
and the of course le for Twaddle, famous for
quality chicito and turkeys for over 25 years,
Andbuying the Q -T way is' a Miro Way to bring
In steady Poultry raining Pronto this year,
It', not an Idle statement. Send for our cats.
Josue and read the results our customers had
with Tweddle Q.T. Chlo]ts. All cklolto from
Government Approved Pullorum tested ` breed-
er.. A -great -many R.0,9. Sired. Also broiler
chinks. Tnrkeye, Laying and Ready to Lay
pullets. Ereeding Coskorele, Approved and
R.O.P.. Send for early delivery pricellot,.
Tweddle (Mick Hatcheiled Limited. Fergus,
BABY OIXICIOS froth blood reeled high egg
producing stook. Livability guaranteed.
Mixed 115,00 per 100, Pullets ;28 to '$90. Ten
ser cent aft for orders 600 and over. Goddard
Ohlek Hatchery, Britannia Iieights, Ontario,
AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of lnven-
tIone and full Information sent tree. The
Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. - 278
Bank Street. Ottawa.
HAND YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. We are
glad to anawer your questions. Department
RT, Parker's Dye Werke Limited. 791 Yooge
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
REGISTERED Jeremy Bull, "Edgelea Lucky
Jester" 114971, First Champion western
Ontario. 8800.00, Bred Jersey Ileiters, owner
discontinuing. M. Bourns, Osgoode, Ont,
DID Y011 KNOW that Hillhend Panne, -'York,
Ontario, have several reasonably priced dual
Purpose Shorthorns, males and females, from
recorded dame? rimulroes given prompt at-
800. ACRES, Good bIaok loam, 190 sores tilled.
Two goad haulms. bath ten one. Two good
barna, water bowie In one. Other buildings.
Hydra. telephone. On Puce Road, Maidstone
Towhohip. Apply to owner, Dan MacRae,
• N0. 1, Essex, Phone Pleasant Park 7R 4.
FIRE HOSE WAGONS—Used, made of 2-inoh
eanar0 iron, 2 wheels, 40" dia., with 23¢
iron rim, can be adaptedto many uses on the
farm. $26 each. Alm large 0tocks of new
linos 8ro inose, extingui,hero, nozzles and dre-
lighting equipment. Dent. W., Salvage Dis-
posal Corp, Ltd., 311' Youvine Square, Mont-
real, Qae. Est. 1927.
0A10 DESK LETTER TRAYS—Used. 10"x18"
for home and office use. 81,26 each. Dept.
w., Salvage Disposal Corp. Ltd., 811 Yoeville
Bevan, Montreal, Que.' Lisp 1927.
MILL ENDS --Rayon Crepe—long lengthe—
newest abadee. Sleek, navy, )vine, brown,
green and smoke crystal. 41.30 per yard.
Cheque ormoney order moataccompany order.
Sample Swatches on request, Salvage Dievosal
Corp. Ltd„ Dept. W„ 311 •Youvllle Square,
Montreal, Cue. Est, 1927,
FIRE PUMPS (Hand) used—Capacity 6 gats.
liquid, Sprays approxlmoely 60 feet. Can be
used also ae an Insecticide spray for shrubs,
trees, etc, $8 each. Dept. W., Salvago Dlsvosal
Corp. .Ltd.. 011 Yotly1110 Square. Mnntredl,
Que. Sot, 1$27,
SOLID heavy tinnea mak pan, Ailed 40 lbs.
golden light amber honey (no buckwheat),
;BM each, 2 pails $11. Ontario Honey Pro-
ducer* Co.ovorativo, 6 Decries Street. Toronto.
RIFLES: .300 Lee Enfield military 10 'hot bolt
actin repeaters. Good condition and tine
for remodelling. 127.60 each. Limited 019,15.
w ill chip 0.0.1). Capitol EOuinmeni Comnnny,
.2098 St. Catherine St, m., Montreal, One.
FORD 'Praetors. .New nor! until. Fordson
Mafor'rreetara, 194" new Chas:de—cars—
trunks. 11. Chapman. 241111rrook, Out.
DOZES Uubeshkn-ecorf Olde off? rheum
IIALU-BAND holds It Arm. Glemoreue.
New. $1.00. Delnii* flee. YOrnelea Gardiner,
100D E. 141st Ft., Cleveland 10. 01110, 1155,:
8PLEND1D TAM Newly -Built and enl tidied
Chow Pactory at Selby, Ontario. Owner de-
ceased, Oflere wanted. John Season, Napa500.
w1ELDE1S--100 amp. U.C. dlr-cooled gener-
ators, Mali or tow speed. 041; welders coin.
Mete,. $166. Write for folders. Carl 'Shoe-
. makers. Gowanstown.
EIGHT Pocket Editions, 51.09. -.Three Maga-
:Anita 20, You• choice, 130 NM 'Hast.
Windt or. Ont.
1947 Commeroisl Jeep — thnteen hoe.ywul
miles. 10n1f top, heater, would trudo On Fort)
tractor. 20e gallon Snrsmetor sprayer. trailer
typo power lake -off. 450 tb pressure, tour -row
boom. high crop clearance. Lettol' Coletmm.
Blenheim, net,
r0R- 6*LE
7e10IAF5SI''11N YARN—madtl oflone Virgin wcot
-extra worm long wearing—suitable icor
.eeoIse y1 affh sweaters ,and other woollen gar-`
Menta 2-84:111y white, grey, royal blue, noddy'
*nen ,s a1.3et, mpµroon, yellow, brown, heather,
Meek, fawn, wl rte and may twist, 81,98 lb.
10. lbs„ or oven, $1,80 1b.- delivered, Northing&
;tweeter patter0no 250 each, 411100; deer, bear,-
Indian. design, curling. Childs; deer, bear, deg.,
and squhu'el,-dancer,. Indian deotgn, knitting
needles 2510 pall', Mary Maxim, Box 120 (11ft4n,
tdanttoba. .
OIaDER :now for your White Holland Potato,
Mead breasted types All breeders blood
tasted and: government approved, Shoreline
rnrltey *ono,. Harrow, Int
W.A1e91E17: Experienced typist; also inexnert-
lowed *Piet. Good wages Mild. Givefull
partlentare, Box 03, 121 -18th Street, New
Parteenne, obtain farm labourers ler spring.
Experienced studied or practical farm labour,
fam111ee and single will be available for .you
when needed. OontaOt Latvian Relief Aaeoda-
11on, 520 Ray at, Roost 1004, Toronto, Ont.
MARRIED COUPLE without young. children
wanted for country house near Hamllton,
Separate house provided. Woman required to
work part time. Man must have ezperlensb
with tiding -horses. State alma, 5100 800, 81.
155 -19th St., New Toronto, 000.
THREE tee or six 4's Golden Clever, 84, 3..t014
amber, three 8'11, 89.60, McMurray Aptarten,
Thorndale, Ontario,
DIXON'S REMEDY — For Neuritic
and Rheumatic Pains. Thousands sada-
.935 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.15 Express Prepaid
SIIFFEi1ERS from Rheumatic Or Arthritic
Maine: If you 0annot get relict; wrftet - o&&
850, *irnnecona, Manitoba.
8anieh the torment of dry pseemn melee
and weeping akin tooublee. Poe1'e Eczema.
Salve will not disappoint you,
tains'. scaling, burning eczema, Rohe, ring.
worm, plmplea and athlete's foot, mw'111 reenond
reedlly to this etalnlese. n0orleno ointment.
regardleop of hew stubborn orbopef:so th*
PR16D ;1.00 PER JAR
Bent Poet Free on Remit of Price
&69 Queen St E., Corner nr 'Logan
. great Opportunity Learn
Ple sant dignified Profession, good wades
ij 9*0Rnde aueaeeaful Marvel groduntee
America's greatest system. Illustrated vete,
logo° free. Write or Call
360 Bloor St. w'., Toronto
Bram:lien, 44 King St, 'Hamilton
k 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa..
WHY not employ spare time aleasnnny profit
ably making socks, rugs, etc., for nelebbours
and trade. Ask for free coloured Pamphlet
with medal offer' on Verdun Homo Knitting
Machine, reed looms for ruse. knitters,
Worsted want moll endo for knitters, etc., kW -
cot prices, Triton Canadian Co., Hos 1074.
Plane d'Armea, Montreal.
START Sour own business, Earn b10 nroflts,
Seif-a¢.dre00ed, 0tam90d envelope twinge de,
toile. Henry 10 aluud,"810 E. 18001 Street.
BI'ome 69. New York.
FDTIUEfl6TONHAUOB & Company .Patent
9olfoftore Established 1810 260 Ray Street,
Urinate 5n01001 of information on request.
grow gray hair? write ter my Free
oiler: Box 3r9, Transnona. Manitoba,
A BOO'S of 700 Classified Houeeheid Hints, of
great value to every one in the -family.
41.00. Postpaid. Wtlliamo Publloatlono. Box
197-T7L, Toronto 1, Ont,
(-AN 1018 TOP TIM?
1`]370 renes. we have oue,e*sfnl ratesmen
alit° AND 11{IRC
A urea in 'onlmle:tons and LOnaae4 to
1—We teach t•ou how. Exia=ience is un.
2 --Our national and International ndvortieln;
In newspapers, rnaauxlnes, ,adlu broad -
oasts helps 100,
3—Rapid advancement to the right person.
If yam are over e8 years of age write Bats
No. 60, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto. Include.
Your name, address and phone. 00105er.
WHIlrl. 00,110nd Terkcy Baily r 1,180114 Waldo*.
Pnrticnhus or) illustrated tenni K. P. Ho
ander. 701 rh•nrl 110Idiom . Hmttre:;i, Quoboo..
AT'r1 N 11 '0 horst uid eaidc mauve, rind deal-
r, - 1161 0111: 5 501141,1 cmantitles
et hrc ,1i utile heft, For 1 ill llro writs
to rt,.x 6., ]--... 11th At., Net, r.s ::t,:. mint.
Highland, King—For his silky coat, his proud hearing and hit
well -Molt chassis, "Dragoon II," aristocratic lligl}laird steer,.
won first prize in his class at a Lontion stock show.
�``-- -0 MOVWN;
n `..N": Jrn-are
117 Arthur Pesi11t ,r
000 reeeine WI4er. L,
5(40 la..,atlr lr'SA '
GEM, PLA010 r0 000E"-
2JY5Ct,T+f ' .