HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-29, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1949 THE SEAFitORTH NEWS WRIGHT 'SSuperior Sp ecials STORE We Deliver Phone 77 BORN MURRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 26th, to Mr, and Mrs, Vincent Murray, RIs. 6 Seafoobh, a son (Stephen Jahn) How To Live To Be 100 Philosopher John • Dewey at 90, • playwriter George Bernard Shaw at 98, baseball's Connie Mack at 87, plus others, are looking forward to their one hundredth birthdays and then some! What is .the secret of their longevity? 'Bead "How. to Live to be 100", wibh this Sunday's (Jan- uary 1) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks • Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts. • Lumber, Sash and Doors.. Storm Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforlh Supply & Fuel ltd, "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SL'AFORTH Help Prevent FIRES In the excitement of Christmas parties, safety from fire may be forgotten. But only a momentary forgetfulness will allow a disastrous fire to "start. No victim of fire ever thought that fire would conte in the manner or at the time it occurred. Safety suggestions are based on actual experi- ence whichshow how fire accidents happened and the precautions that could have prevented them Most fires occur from special Christmas lighting; par- ticularly candles. Any open flame lighting should be ar- ranged in fixed suitable holders well away from. flammable decorations, Christmas trees, window curtains and table cloths. Constant watch by adults should be maintained over them while lighted. Electric lighting circuits designed for tree illuminations should be examined for defects and proper size fuses For candlelight services, only fixed holders for candles should be permitted, and these located well removed from decorations and from where the public will pass. Much to be preferred are fixed electrical systems with specially designed electrical candles. The dangers from carrying or holding lighted candles by the public taking part in the services are much too great ever to be allowed. Flash- lights have been satisfactorily adapted for members of the choir or for services requiring moving lights D'ORLEON SILLS, Fire Chief i TOWN TOPICS (laying with her mother. Mr. and Mrs, .Stewart KeYes and family,' London, spent Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmere and y Gale of 'Orillia, spent the . holiday the homes of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Oke and Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore. Mr. James .Turnbull visited on Christmas with his mother Mrs. Alex Turnbull, .sisters Marguerite and An- nie and brother Robert Wesley Tarn - bull; at Exeter. Rev, and Mrs. Williams, Detroit, spent Christmas with.. Mr. and: Mrs. M. McKellar. Miss Lois Finnigan, Tor'on'to, spent Christnas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Finnigan. Miss Bella Watson, Hamilton, visit- ed over the holiday with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.: R. Watson. Miss Adrienne Bannon and Mr. Jens ry Bannon visited for a few days this week with' Mr. and Mrs, A, Masse in Windsor. Mrs. J. F. Daly, Miss Alice Daly and Mr. Edward Daly spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. John Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Keyes and daughter, of brittle, spent Christmas at the home of itis parents Mr. and Mrs: Nelson Keyes, Egmondville, Miss Rita Duncan, Windsor, and Miss Mary Duncan, London, visited over the holiday Week end with their parents, Mr. and'Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Miss Dorothy Smith, Hamilton, and Mr, Bud Smith, London, were Christ- mas visitors at the home of Mt. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Miss Jean McMaster, Hamilton, spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. McMaster. Mr. Neville McMilien, Toronto, spent Christmas With his parents,- Me, and Mrs. J: M. McMillan. ' Mr. and Mrs. \Vin, Reid, Toronto, spent'" Christmas with Mrs. Reld,'s brother, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, at the Egmondt'ille manse. Included in e family Christmas gathering at the house of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson were their daugh- ters Bliss Jean Watson, R.N. of St Michael's hospital; Toronto, and 'Miss Mayne Watson, I3.N., Who spent 6 *tabs this slimmer in Montreal where she was taking a special course. Mr. Rap Boussey spent a few clays last week at his home in Windsor. Mrs, F. `Devereaux, Toronto, visited over the week end with relatives in town. NIrs. Jos. Eckert and Miss Gerald- ine Eckert, Wallaceburg, and Miss Anne. Eckert, Mt. Forest,. spent the weekend at their home here. Miss Doris Ruston, London, visited at Christmas with iter parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Reston. Miss Mary Margaret Cleary, Lon- don, is spending the Christmas holi- days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary, M1' and Mr•s, Reg Little and Nin- ny, St: Catherines, spent Christmas afi the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Little. Mrs. Gordon Hays and Palsy. De- troit, are visiting at the ]tome of Mr., and Mr's, C. P. Sills, Mr. Walter Boswell, London, is spending the Christmas holidays with his patents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bus- well. Miss \i'ilma. Hay, Toronto. is' )roll (laying at her house here, Mrs. Bertha O'Connell has returned house after being a. patient in Senn Memorial Hospital for the past week. with Itis parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nel- son Keyes.. in Egnhondville. Mr. and Mrs: Bryson McQuirter and family of Midland, spent Xmas at the home of Mrs, Frank Storey. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis and fam- ily spent •Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elsby and Mrs. John Ellis at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCowan of 'Midland, spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin :Hiller, McKillop. Those spending Chris'trnas at their homes in town are: 'Mr. Ken Keat- ing. Mr. Al Miss Mary Ryan. Mr. Jos. Laudenbach, iNI•r. Walter Boswell, Miss Josephine and Miss Teresa McIver and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coffin, Miss Mary Hagan, Mr. Francis Huisser, Miss Peggy Willis. Miss Margaret 'Grieve, Miss Jessie Finlayson, Don and Bill Munn; Pat .Savauge, Doris Ferguson, Miss Dor- othy and Mr. Bud Smith, Mr. Mor- ley Wright. Mr.. Ron Savauge, Miss Marion Scarlett, 'Miss (Mary Margar- et Cleary, Miss ,Tune Shaw, Mr, Ar- chie Hubert, • Mn and (Mrs. Leo Crentin spent Christmas in Stratford. Miss Maude 'Hat'try. spent Xmas. in Stratford, • Mr, Anderson Scott is spending Christmas and New Year at Guelph. Mrs. Etta Eyre, Dorothy and Lloyd, of Sarnia, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright. Miss Janet Pethick, Toronto, is spending the 'holidays with .Mrs. Thelma Brugger. Mr, Dudley Milton of Montreal is visiting int 'town. Miss Joanne McMillan is visiting in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred Lenton and baby .Ruth. front Woodstock; and Mr, and 'Mrs. Orval Lemont and children of London, spent Christmas] with ;1'Ir, and Mrs. Dave Lemon, Master David Lemon, London, is• spending his Cltristinas holidays with his grandparents Mrs. Dave Lemon attended the Charis Christmas . dinner in ':Kitchen- er on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Gibson White and family of London, and Miss Merger- et WhiteWhite. of Toronto, spent Christ- mas with their mother. Mr's. M. Mr, and Mrs, Elinor Cameron. Har- old 'Nicholson and Mrs. Arthur Nichol- son end Barbara Jean Nicholson are in Midland attending the wedding of Allan Nicholson and Miss' Helen Van Camp. Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the Christmas holiday in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Garniss-cele- brated their ft'ty-first wedding anniv- ersary this week. Mr: and Mrs. J. A. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garniss and Gail • of London, Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Carniss or Hamilton and Mrs, Margaret Bal- let -dyne of Brussels were Christmas visitors at the horse of Mr. and Mrs., Chas, H. Garniss. Christmas visitors at the 1 of Mayor and Mrs, J. E. Keating sere Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover, Windsor, and Mr. Kenneth Keating, ode Hall, Toronto. Miss Margaret Case spent few days this week in Acton w' rela- tives, Miss Margaret Grieve, Dresden,and Miss Bessie Grieve, C:hath are holidaying with their par and Mrs. Thomas. Grieve, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coffin, Toronto, Miss Margaret McIver, Kitchener, Miss Terry McIver, Petrolie, lass Josephine Mclver•, Stratforc vere Christmas visitors at tate 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver. Mr. and Mrs, Alex McNabb tent Christmas in Toronto with 1 son Mr. ,Tack McNabb, who was ntly injured in a car accident. Mr. and Mrs. ,I. A. Waste and Miss Blanche Westcott spent few days in Toronto this week w heir dattghtet' and son-in-law Ml's, vans and Mr. Evans. 'Mr. and Mrs: John Hotham and family spent Christmas at t orate of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Reilly alt, Miss Laura McMillan, Tot is spending the Christmas holidayswith her mother Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Mr. Kenneth Eaton, Toronto,visited over• the week end with his Parente Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Eaton , fart - 11y and Mr. and Mrs Tint Et and family and Mr. and Mrs, Foster en - nett and family and Mr, Mel Merriam spent Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Peter McCowan. Holiday guests at the horn Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McFaddhn w Mrs, Ronald Ely, Toronto, Mr. and . G. MacDonald, Stratford, and and Me% Arnold Stansell, Aylmer, Mrs. Camilla Ryan, Loring, Miss Mary Ryan, London, and M Allan Ryan Hamilton, spent Christi with Mrs, Thomas O'Loughlin, Mr. Donald Nlunn and Bill Munn, London, are holidaying with their parents Dr, and Mrs. ann. Miss June Shaw, Windsor', end- ing the Christmas hollclays- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11., Shaw. Christmas visitors with and Mrs. Isaac NICGavin, East liars st., were Mr. and Mrs, John Langan, Toronto, Mn'. and Mrs. Lloyd uily of Brantford and Mr. George McCully of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. A. Eckert, don, and Mr. and Mrs. James Eckert:, of Bracebridge, were.Christmas guests at the keine of Mr. and Mr J. NI, Eckert. Mr. Joseph Dunn, London,pent. Christmas at the home of. . N. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Flyiin; don, were week end guests at the a of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close, Miss Margaret White, Tor and Mr, and Mrs. Gibson White faru- ily, London, spent Christmasthe 'home of Mrs. White. tome tg tt \Tina Osgo a with t ant, encs itehe and 1 1, t Mime rb al heir race ort t. a lilt i 1.18 Ir. the 10 G 'onto vis and Eaton ter B Merl and e o f aro Mrs Mr. tg, N Mr. A Christmas Mr, tg J. M is sp wilt Mr. 1\111 Ton cher Mrs. J s Mrs Lon 1100 onto, and at Miss Shirley McPhee is spending a few holidays with friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. John Flanaery were in Guelph on Monday attending the Dolan -Flannery wedding. Miss Carol Ann Flannery was a flower -girl at the Wedding. Mr, Donald Scott, Osgoode Hall, To- , cont), spent -Christmas, at his home here. Miss Rids Hills, Toronto, is 11o1i- HULLETT On Tuesday evening a reception for Mr. and Mrs, 'Gordon NlacGregor was held in Londesboro hall, cards and dancing were enjoyed and the newly-weds presented with a gift. (N$, and Mrs. Love, Miss Shirley Douglas, spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Dolmage, On Wednesday evening Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Dolmage entertained their Dolmage relatives. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid entertained .lIt, and Mrs. Leslie Reid and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson and fancily of Tuckersmith, KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie anti child- ren of Witlghant spent the holiday with Mr. and ell's. R. McBride. HENSALL Nor. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, highgly esteemed residents of Hen - sell, observed their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday and were at home to their friends and neighbors in the afternoon and evening. Their marriage was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents in Hensall by the late Rev. J. S. Henderson, and they recall their wedding day as be- ing very b igiht winter day with Plentyof snow on the ground. The attendants were the bride's sister, Miss 'Mattie Ellis, of Hensall, and the groom's brother, Garnet Smallacombe, ofGuelph, Mrs, Small- acombe was the former Isabella Ellis, daughter of the late bit'. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis, born in Goderich and name to Hensall with her par- ents when 12 years of age, is active in church work and in the various organizations of the village. Mr. Smallacombe was born in Ex- eter, son of the late Mr. and Mr's. William Smallacombe and came to Hensall with his parents when a year and a half old. in 1878. tivo years before the railway went through in 1875. Re is the oldest person in Hensall in the matter of residence, DUBLIN Rev. Father Frank Moylan Ottawa, with his father, 'Mr, F. Moy- lan and Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan. Mr..and Mrs. F. Reynolds. Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Carrot and family, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Carlin, Mir. and ,Mrs, Karl Steinbach and children. London, and Mr, Jos. Flan- agan Jr. Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flanagan. Mr, and Mrs. T. Culltot, Strat- ford with Mr, and Mrs. T. Purcell. Miss Marie Krauskopf. London, with her mother. Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf. Misses Margaret 'and Barbara IIolland with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Holland, 14Ir. and Mrs. Gerald Feeney, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney, Miss Joan Burdette, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Mt'. and Mrs, George Gettler, Stratford, with her mother, Mrs. M. Looby. COMMUNICATION Editor The Seaforth Newt :7—At the Tuckersmith nominations Mr. Wilber Keyes asked Mr. McGregor what decision the Board arrived at their meeting following the investi- gation regarding the present over- crowding of S.S. No. 7 school. Mr. McGregor knew of no such meeting and asked Mr. Whitmore, Sec. of the School Area, if there ltad been one, and an affirmative reply was given. To ,relieve the situation, Mr. McIntosh stated he could best an- swer the question and he referred to the possibility of children' leaving Seaforth 'school over night to' come, Dance! In Winthrop Hall Thursday, Jana 5 JACKSON'S ORCHESTRA 9.30 to 1.30 Admission 50c to No. 7, and to the Board paying as high as 180 for pupils going to out- side schools. Then Mr, McGregor asked Mr, Keyes if this explanation were sat- isfactory, to which he replied his question had been evaded. RATEPAYER Sodality Dance Dublin Parish Hall Monday, Jan. 2 featuring Ted Keane Adm. 60c. Dancing 10 to 1 New Year's Night DANCE! SUNDAY MIDNIGHT' 12.01 A.M. Looby's Hall, Dublin Ross Pearce and his Popular Band Bats horns & novelties Dancing 12.01 a.m. --- ? TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH 1 solicit your support for Reeve for 1950. I have had ten years' experience in the Council and if elected will work in the interests of the Township and the County. Compliments of the season HAROLD JACKSON TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH Your vote and influence for my re-election as Reeve will be appreciated. Eleven years of experience. Will continue to serve you to the best of my ability if elected. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season ART NICHOLSON TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH Having been nominated for the office of Reeve of the Township if elected 1 will conduct the affairs of the Township to the best of my ability and will stand for sound economical administration GORDON A. RICHARDSON accosourramairestsveenlenermennioascsaarraaeCzentaaSta To the Ratepayers of Tuckersmith As I am standing for council for Tuckersmith in tht- election on Monday, 1 wish to ask for your support. 11' elected will do my best for the township. Wishing you the compliments of the season, Yours sincerely,. ANDREW CROZIER TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH l have been nominated for Councillor for Tuckersmith and wilt appreciate your support in the election on Monday. Being elected, I would endeavor to administer the affairs of the Township to the best of my ability. Season's Greetings D. A. MOFFAT NOTICE To the Electors of the Twp. of Tuckersmith I have served on the council for two !•oar,, l wish it, ask for your loyal support in the election for l0 ,ii. Wishing you all the compliments Of the season, Sincerely WM. ROGERSON a TO THE ELECTORS 9F TUCKERSMITH Having been nominated again for Council, your sup- port will be appreciated in the election on Monday ROY BELL TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH I solicit .your support for Council for 1950, and if elected will work in the best interests of the ratepayers. Compliments of the season RAY MacKINNON