HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-22, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS GIFTS FOR "MOM" • WE'RE READY FOR YOU "L ST MUTE SHOPPERS" We've increased our staff — we've burned up the telephone wires getting lines to fill up the ranges for the "Last Minute" shoppers. We'll not disappoint you Consult This Handy Suggestion List Now ! BLANKETS LUNCH CLOTHS TOWELS BED SPREADS BEDDING LINGERIE PURSES HOSE GLOVES UNDIES ti DRESSES HOUSE COATS COATS SCARVES HANKIES SWEATERS BLOUSES Etc. GIFTS FOR "POP" • SHIRTS PAJAMAS NECKWEAR HOSE SCARVES BELTS BRACES JEWELRY WALLETS GLOVES WOOL GLOVES HOUSE COATS DRESSING GOWNS SPORTS SHIRTS PARKAS JACKETS LUGGAGE GIFTS FOR GIFTS FOR "SIS,, •�7 SCARFS GLOVES SWEATERS HANKIES SLiPS PANTIES NYLONS ANKLETS SKIRTS SLACKS BLOUSES HOUSE COATS SKi SUITS DOLLS PURSES MITTS JEWELRY Etc. "SONNY" 0 PAJAMAS SHIRTS TIES SWEATERS HOCKEY SETS BELTS HANKIES PARKAS SKI CAPS GLOVES MITTS HOSE GOLF SOX BREECHES CORDUROY OVERALLS JODPHURS May we take this opportunity to extend to you and all those near and dear to you, a very sincere "Merry Christmas" • STEWART BROS. SEASON'S SMARTEST EXQUISITE PENDANT $5.63 EARNINGS $3 50 31 OF OLD YtIORLD BEAUTY r The antique charm of genuine hand -carved Italian Cameos in exquisitely modern settings .. choose From many lovely pieces. SAVAUGES' ?SEAFORTH, ONT. BAYFIELD 3'lueh credit is due to Mrs. Roy Scotchmer who directed the splendid pageant, presented in the United Church last Sunday evening, also for the large choir whom she assem- bled, who sang the Xmas carols so beautifully. The stage lights, con- trolled by Chas. Scotchmer added much to the changing scenes of the pageant, and, Rev. P. Renner's splendid Xmas message held the crowd spell bound, and made the whole event very sacred. —and to all of you we ex- tend our wishes for a Merry Christmas — and a year • ahead chock full of good health, happiness and prosperity! G. A. SILLS & SONS HARDWARE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1949 "In a spirit of sincere appreciation ,of our friendly relationship, we `extend season's greetings and good wishes for your health and happiness throughout the coming year" W. J. FINNIGAN & SON SEAFORTH 5c TO $1.00 STORE Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices "Merry Christmas" H. E. SMITH Prudential Insurance Representative Seaforth Phone 122 O.48:40.4744, 5 -fp ,84O.44QO-4iiia To all a MERRY CHRISTMAS s William M. Hart Wanted Full time Secretary -Treasures and Field - man for Huron County Federation of Agri- culture, Duties to commence January 2nd. Apply by tender not later than December 30th to W. V. ROY, Secretory -Treasurer, Box 310, Clinton, Ontario CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the earls, flowers, and fruit sent to me while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Also the nurses in the hospital and Dr. Goddard and 1)r. Oke VIRGINIA Mc0LINCT•TEY CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Albert Harrison wishes to thank all her friends for the cards, flowers and fruit sent to her in bee time of sickness, also the nurses in the hospital and Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady, Rev. Campbell and the WMS of McKillop, the Rebekahs and the LORA CARD OF THANKS The family and Robt. McFadsenn wish to express their appreciation of the many kindnesses extended to them during their re- cent bereavement in the passing of Mrs. Shaw LOST A black leather wallet, containing a sum of money in small bills, also outs license, trailer license and driver's permit. Reward Apply at News Office FOR SALE Six choice pigs rends to wean. HAROLD PENHALE, phone 08r12 Bayfeld NOTICE Notice to Ratepayers — Tho Annual School Meeting of S.S. No. 3 Hullett is to be held in the School House on Wed.,Dee. 28, 1949. Meeting to .commence at thed hour of 1.30 p.m. C. V. DALE, Sec.-Treas. FOR SALE Barn for sale. Timber frame (42x60) with steel roof. HERB KIRKBY, Walton FOR SALE Tamworth boars, serviceable age,- GEORGE HOGGART, Londesboro. 850r21 Seaforth WANTED Pair of girl's skates with shoes, size 3. Phone 35203 Seaforth FOR SALE Two purebred Shorthorn hulls, serviceable age, from T-13 free herd. OLIVER WRIGHT, phone 947r2 Seaforth FOR SALE Seven pigs 6 weelca old, York, Tam. Phone Hensnll 24 on 97. R. E. ROBINSON, Zurich WANTED Paint Sobs. Amply to PHILLTP WILLIS, phone 25 Seaforth NOMINATION MEET! NG Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candi- dates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for the year 1950, will be hold in Watson's Hall, Kipper, on Monday, December 26, 1049, between the hours of 2 and Spm And if nee:wanly. an election to fill the above .named offices or anyof them, will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd. 1950 at the following places and by the follow- ing officers; PSD No. 1, King's House: 0100, Harry Chesney: PC, Harold Finnigan PSI) No, 2, SS No. 81 DR0, Roy Mn0eoch; PC, Edward Brawn PSD No, 3, SS No, 4: DRO, W. P. Rohr belt,; PC. Bert Garrett PSD No, 4, $S No, 3: DRO, Norris Sillery ; PC, John Broadfoot. PSD No, i, SS No, 1: DRO, M. Trsquair PC, Glenn Bell PSD No. 0, SS No. 9: DRO, W. S. Broadfoot; PC, Ivan Forsyth Palls shall be open front nine o'clock in the forenoon till five o'clock in the afternoon E. P. CIIESNEY, Returning Officer "MERRY CHRISTMAS" SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Phone 9 Scaforti1 1 SUPER LASTIC TIRES All sizes of FIRST LINE Pas- senger tires & tubes in stock including 600 x 16 snow & mud 870 x 16 low pressure Double trade in allowance on these tires with up to 6x✓2 years guarantee on road haz- ards, mounted on your car at no extra cost SAVE SAFELY Canadian Tire Corp. ASSOCIATE STORE Dublin, Ont. Smith Bros., Prop. PHONE 73 Merry Christmas AUSTIN MATHESON Electrical Contractor Phone 340w Seaforth THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized ao Second ()less mail, Post. Oates Dept„ Ottawa Merry Christmas SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. Phone 47 "MERRY CHRISTMAS" E. C. CHAMBERLAIN REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Phone 334 Seaforth SHINEN'S DRY GOODS READY-TO-WEAR Seaforth PHILLIP'S FRUIT STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Phone 63 Seaforth "MERRY CHRISTMAS" McGONIGLE GROCERY PHONE 166 SEAFORTH Merry Christmas from DICK'S GROCERY Gordon Dick, Prop, Phone 91 Seaforth _,,+ TiLETII }• GREETINGS WATSON & REID M. A. REID, Proprietor BOX 11tCirai AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop A meeting of the electors of the :Township of McKillop will be .held at Winthrop_ Hall on Monday, Dee. 21, 1949, for the purpose of nominating a Reeve and four Councillor's. Nominations will be received from thehour of one o'clock to 1,00 o'cloek in the afternoons. In the event of more persons being nomin- ated than 'aro required to All the office, an election will be held on Monday, ,Tau. 2, 1930. Polls will be' open from 9 a.m. Until .1 p.m: at the -following places: No. 1, Jas. Carlin's .house, lot 10, corn. 0, Sas, Nolan DRO, Wil- Rant Maloney, PC; No. 2, Wilmer Seed's house lot 25, con, 4, Jame. B. Hogg, DRO, Alex Kerr, PO No. 3, Jos. Smith's house, Lot 11 S. 18 con Elmet Dennis DRO, Ste- phen Murray. PC; Poll Ne 4, .School house #7, eon.. 12, lot 23, John Campbell, DRO, Ross Driscoll, PC J. NI. ECKERT, Returning Officer FOR SALE A good I•Iereford calf. Apply to FRANK MALONEY, George St., Seaforth NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PEARL MILLER .4.11 persons having claims against - the Estate of Pearl Miller, late of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, Married Woman,' deceased, who died on the 20th day of February, 1049, arehereby notified to send in fall .particulars of their claims to the undersignedon or before the 5th day of Januay, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims thou received. DATED at Seaforth, this 9011 day of De- cember, 1949 McCONNELL & HAYS, Selrforth, ant, Solicitors for the Estate Staffen's Plumbing & Heating.. Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers in Aero "Duo -Jet" Pump and Water Systems for deep and shallow wells Aei•o "Silver Flame Automatic Oil Burners NOTICE The annual meeting of S.S. No. 10 Mc Khios, will be held on Wed.. Dec, 28, 1940 at the hour of 2 o'clocic in the afternoon. Tenders for caretaker for 1050 will be re- ceived. by Sec.-Treas.. up till Jan. 3rd, 1950. Tender's for 10 cords of hard wood 14" long to be delivered by May 1st. 1950. Tenders to he in ries-Treas. hands by Jan. 3rd, 1960: JOHN CAMPBELL, Sec.-Treas., SS No, 10, MaKntel) NOTICE COURT OF REVISION The Town of Seaforth will hold n Court of Revision on the 1050 Assessment Roll WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28TH At 8.15 1.,21. in the Town Hall All appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk prior to Dee. 20th D. I•I.. WILSON, Clerk NOTICE All books must be returned to the Seaforth Public Library on or before Doc. 24th. ,.,,,ea;sr GRETTA THOMPSON, Librarian - SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spy, Greening, Baldwin, Bellflower, King, etc, Phone Clinton 618-24, FRED MMCLY MONT, Varna FOR SALE Two ladies' suits, -size 12 or 14, in good condition, reasonable. Phonn 241-1 Seaforth FOR SALE Shorthorn bulls up to serviceable age, aired by a son of Marlborough Obligation. Phone 847x21 Soafo;th. STEWART DARE FOR SALE Hyglente Supplies (rubber Roods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 samples' 51.00, Mali - Odder Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. CASH FOR -DEAD ANIMALS ,,COWS $2.5Oeach HORSES $2.50each HOGS OVER 260 • lbs. ea. — 60c cwt. According to size and condition - Phone collect SEAFORTH - 655 r 2 MITCHELL - 219 INGERSOLL - 21 iilliam Stone Sons;'L INGERSOLL,.ONTARIO ' - ,r -0•-• ' y 0, Highest Cash Prices fors', Dead Stock HORSES -2.50 each CATTLE 2.50 each HOGS .50 per cwt. &cording to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DA,',LfHG & t01116PANY F'•CANt A,' I[INILTED