HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-22, Page 6&tugs' His Customers -Taking a tip from the cilli-ialitlulted
barber shop With its shelf of personal shaving mugs, restaurant
operator Norman Massing .keeps a supply of "personalized
coffee cups'' for his regular customers. Each cup hears the
name or nickname of one of the regulars. Massing is seen
servinL a personal cup to office worker Rose Marie Nutini.
When Will "Mule
Train" Finally Balk
Just al•r.ut t:c :.•lx that radio sta-
tion lir 1 c;, t'ecame felt up
with at t , . ,;oar song the public
cola- 4y, with it. So it is with
\t <br t sing western
s .1; 'O ley has loosed
u1 t,
limit Jf en-
d r sc0 radio-
earit..r every rri'ord-
11,1 .. he a.a.l cdr
of z' a se;,, rti•)z Or
l 1': ft 0' -. e
;sten ti
,spy. Con
;, , r I. . 133 13(.. t71
t'I t:
gram 1 ,t, ,, in-
1 in..14• !1 4 ,..t e r-! tut, t t'
It. 1 11
t t
11;;;;;;;;;; 11,331. I Ai; 1 1 - @
p• ill3 -.3.1,111. ,3;i3.
aIt ;1
'1i , .I t,
4) '1 1 i ':`;I., •,41,,e,..,
1 ,
vis.. Other Papers
.,I. ,, „
Pull Boners Too
A piper had played' a selection on
his bagpipes at a gathering, not all
Scotsmen. He was rewarded with
good applause. The chairman sug-
gested an encore. A voice in the
audience called, "How abolivAnnie
The piper looked surprised and
pleased, and said, 'Again:"
� Astxe,rC
Something new is liable, to be
added to thealready lengthy list of
sports alibis. These, 'of course, in-
clude such gems as the horse that
would have been a cinch if the track
hadn't Mined sloppy; the baseball
outfielder would have caught the fly
ball in his athletic supporter if, the
sun hadn't dazzled him; thegolfer
who would have holed out in one
putt; instead of five, if it hadn't
been for a worm cast; the football
team that would have won handily
except for the horrible condition of
field; and dozens more you can
probably readily call to mind,
* * *
But this new one—and we can
hardly wait to see which club use's
it first—relates to hockey. As you
no doubt know, the "greatest city
out earth" is threatened with a water
shortage, in fact is hardly better off
in that regard than some places the
New Yorkers would scornfully refer
to as "hick towns".
* * *
So now, according to dispatches,
the New York Rangers of the Na-
tional Hockey League are hoping to
save some 150,000 gallons of the
city's drinking water by thawing
the rink after each game, and stor-
ing the fluid for re -use throughout
the season.
* * *
So, as we started to say earlier,
we can hardly wait to see which of
the other teams, after dropping a
tough game in the metropolis, outs
with the alibi "we would of won easy
if that stale ice the Rangers use
hadn't of slowed us dawn to a walk."
* * *
From a sports writer's standpoint
it seems rather a pity that the
ONLY TWO—BUT HOMELESS --Milk from Canadaz ravreaches
eu this
child through the United Nations InternationaChi Children's Emergency Fund
fUNICEF), The United Nations has appealed to Canada and a score of other
Countries to help the sick and hungry children now living in former theatxes
of war. The postal
OTTAWA" is accepting cing
food Eori
e x million hungry gry children.
" 4 $ All in Fun
@ u u1- totcht. to til l-tt loot -1may he the l'estpuliry Ili
h o z lilt 441,1 114;4 ,te @t.ng run, but many People--
eople--N e , -4a , 1 h'ead the fietttincl [ 1 :: ,tit'.1,.—Ilion
.Mrs. to 11.illev ' Jrtt,h•r., i„n;In,.1 i Sentinel.
yr t --.le uaide.
1. ttlilns, Racey Corsage
airs, R. R. preseuted the officer
'°sk Turk Broda For Some, Ella
French Snits?
She Will
Wear 'Elm.
Ella Raines
owns half a
dozen French
bathing suite,
and says she'll
wear them in
as noon as
she gains
ave pounds.
\-iiss Raines
wore the
1.3)121 in Europe,
irica and even
in England.
•he predicts
I 1 ollywood
'11 get used
In them
with a lige bouquet of ponies for
the ori'asion.—Caldwell Tribune,
Who Doesn't?
Please excuse my absence from
class on Thursday and Friday. I had
science trouble in my head,”—
Mebane Times,
Real Savings on Women's \\1 ear:
Special Pastel Slip, Lice Trimmed,
only 5°1,59,_ -Baraboo News -Repub-
The club secretary hurried over
when he saw a visiting golfer ad-
dressing the ball a few feet in front
of the tree.
"I'm sorry, sir," he interrupted,
"but in this club we play either from
the tee or behind it, Never," he em-
phasized with a shudder, "in front
of it."
The golfer's only mote was to re-
address his ball
"I must insist," urged the secre-
The golfer straightened up and
looked hard at his interrupter, "1
happen," he said with dignity, "to be
playing ani 4ei anti shot."
1 lC
Gotham water emergency didn't
occur a year or so earlier. Then we
could all have pointed out that the
Rangers couldsave even moreof
the aqua -more -or -less -pure by not
using any at -'all, because they
could ,probably play just as good
hockey without ice. But seeing that;
as of this writing, the New Yorkers
aren't doing so badly—or. perhaps
it's that four of the other five aren't
going so hot—a golden opportunity
for typriwniter floggers is lost.
"The Kiss of Death" in Sports-
-as you are probably aware and as
we have no doubt explained before-
comes'when one of the huge -circula-
tion magazines publishes: a feature
articleregardin4, some athlete or
-teat,,, i)nniediately prior tosuch
team or athlete indulging in some
"crooshul" struggle:
fi 5 'k
It is rather remarkable, at that,
how often such an arlicle will seem
to act as a hex; or in more Oxonian
English, put a whammy on the sub-
ject. (You have only to recall The
Saturday Evening Post's piece
about what Jersey Joe Walcott was
going to do to Joe Louis just before
their second fight; or, for that mat-
ter, a dozen others we ,tight men-
* * *
In Colliers a week or so ago Dan
Parker, the most consistently amus-
ing of all the Continent's sports
cobblers for our money, did a swell
article entitled "They Whistle While
They Work", in which he dealt With
the amazing antics of the top (pro-
fessional) basketball referees.
e * *
And quite a show those babies
put on, and no mistake. In fact to
our mind their grand -standing an-
tics, coupled with their incessant
whistle -tooting, had no little to do
with sickening the Toronto public
with pro basketball in the late and
unlamented attempt to popularize
it there.
Anyway, hardly had the issue
containing Parker's screed hit the
newsstands when the old "Kiss of
Death" went into action. Maurice
Podoloff, supreme commissioner of
the National Basketball Association,
issued -an edict. And this edict, a1
though it saves the aforesaid ref-
erees from the ever-present danger
of apoplexy and busted arteries, is
going to cramp them to about the
same extent as—well, as Gene Autry
or Roy Rogers would be handi-
capped if they were forced to act
without the ' -1r horses.
* tb ,r
"No longe., - ,,,,eerier puts
it, "will a Pat l+ennetly be free to
wax eloquent, to turn a magnificent
purple as he shrills 'Hackingl tint
shot.' No Longer will diminutive Phil
Fox mince accusingly up to a be-
sneakered criminal and thrusting a
roguish finger beneath his ,nose, call
a halt to allow the one sinned
against to take his rightful place at
thefree throw tl[ tV title NO1 will
Il'eC tVi 1
Eddie Boyle bring (10111 n the fury of
the populace ashy prolonged panto-
mime, 11e achieves what a less gifted
individual might do tcith a cilnpi'
blow of the whistle."
The lads can still call fouls to
their hearts' content. But_. accord-
ing to the , fiat of Commissioner
Polodoff, ";notions of the body,
which have been n td increasingly
and which in some caste belutlg
more properly to the stage, are to
be abandoned inunediately, The only
speaking to he done by an 0011i11
when a foul is committed is Balling
out the number of the piny tr in.
Solite will try and claim that such,
a move was long overdue, and com-
ing anyway. But most will lay the
blame on Dan Parker, and his "Kiss
of Death", And, Oh, Daniell how
could you? How dare you so fetter
the genius of some of the hammiest
actors we have seen since the ten -
twenty -thirty melodrama went to
its long rest? It was cruel, of you,
almost fiendish, Personally—well,
we feel as though we could almost
bear to sit through another pro-
fessional basketball game again—
something we thought could never
happen since we disgustedly walked
out on the last one after the tr..t
ten minutes.
ISSUE 52 — 1949
...Classified Advertising ®®
tenoanESSIVPILY BETTER—G470 you Quality
you need for aonsietent profits. High Quality
Produoltl sell. brat, The. importance pl High
Quality growl: ao competition 'increases. Hun-
dreds of egg nrpducord. poultry growera, the
country over, have found Ton Notch 'Quality
what buyers look for, Our 1960 chicks are
the best yet. Send forprioelist and oatalogle,
Also Turkeys and laying pullets, Weiler Ohloke,
Top Notch Chick Sales. Guelph.. Ontario.
PILOFITABLE at0adybuolness with most own -
Mete line of houaebdld necessllloa from the
most fragrant cosmetics to tho most. helpful
Hoot cleaners or polishes. There la an ex-
olusive: territory Mr you In your olty or In
Your rural area,- You .are aura to succeed
with our fast -selling lines, Write today for
free details. FAMILEX: .1600 Lielorhnfer,
DEALERS wanted to talre. orders For "ebioh,
for one of Canada's oldest established Gov-
o1'nment Approved.Hatoherdos---Rnwioigh; Wat-
kins and Nursery salesmen, 'feed men, 100p1e-
anent dealers andfarmers'. makeexcellent deal-
ers. Apply Box 12, 122 Eighteenth Street,
New 'Toronto.
TO 51:11,'1, mow Chicks in this dletl;liot on a
good commission basic. These casks are
guaranteed n'om good high -producing blood -
tested Mock. Poole Hatchery, lroerator Bros.,
Poole, Ontario, Phone 87 R 24 6Ilicertnn.
ifA11 Y't'1I
SOUND BREEDING.. .. The baste- hetet in
Poultry profits. Sound breeding plus good
managementmakesup the complete formula
for Poultry'...Proat. Without good breeding the
beet of management w111 fall to produce profit-
able 're0ulle. Many of 004' chicks . this year
will be R.O.P. Shred.. Send fol' early booking
nrlcellst. Also Turkeys, Broiler Cbielts, Laying
and Ready -to -lay pullets. Breeding Oooker,ls,
Free Catalogue. Tweddle , Chhdi Hatcheries
Llnlltud, Fergus,- Ontario,
LAYING andready to lay pullets for im-
mediate delivery. Pure breeds and crass
breeds, also breeding 000104vel5. Tweddle Chid!
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
RAID' CBIOS BUYERS _ By e•derimt your
1960 baby ehlek0 now you guarantee yomr-
solf delivery date and also obtain an early
order 'discount All bree,lcre are government
banded and pullorum.tested Wrlto for our
1960 catalogue and price list 0nnktnn Poultry
Parma, 64onittol6 Ontario.
AN OFFEN to every Inventor -List M lnven
Bons and full information dent tree The
Ramsay 00 Reglsterol Potent - Attnrneye. 279
Ranh Street Ottawa
;HAVE YO11 anything needs dyeing or clean-
Ins' Write to us for Information, We are
glad to answer your questions Department
11. Parker'a Dye Works Limited. 791 vonge
Street, Toronto, Ontario
=MANGE for buolne0s-100 acro fully
enuipped tobacco faros. Modern buildings
miles west of Della, No. 3 Highway, 830,000,
Wiltlam xowolehuk, R,R. 3, Dellil, Ontario.
ROOISTERED jersey Bull, "Edgelea Lucky
Jester" 114071, First Champion Western
Ontario, 8200.00. Brod Jersey Heifers. owner
discontinuing. M. Bourla, Oegoode, Ont.
DM YOU KNOW that-Hill50ad Farms, York,
Ontario, have several reasonably priced dual
Purpose Shorthorn, males and females. from
rded dams'' Inquiries given prompt at-
200 ACRES, Good black loam. 390 acres titled.
Two good houses, bath 111, one. Two good
barna, water bowls in One. Other buildings.
Hydro, telephone. On Pure Road, Maidstone
Townablp, A1213, to owner, Dan AfacRae,
A.R. No. 3, Danes, Phone Pleasant Park 7 R 4,
FIRE HOSE WAGONS—Used, made of 2-1nch
Mare iron. 2 wheels, 40" dia., with 2tg"
Iron rim, can be adapted to many 00ea on the
farm, 826 eaell. Also large :docks of new
linea fire hose, extingaishoro, nozzles and fire-
fighting equipment. Dept. W., Salvage Die-
noea! Corp. Ltd.. 313 Youvtllo Square, Mont-
real, Que, Est. 1927,
for home and office use. $1.22 each, Dept.
W.. Salvage Disposal Corp. Ltd., 311 Youville
Square, Montreal, Que. IOst. 1027.
MILL, ENDS --Rayon crone—long lengths—
newest ahadea. black, navy, wine, brown,
green and ,motto crystal. 81.30 per nib.
Cheque or money order nest accompany order,
Sample Swatches on request, Salvage Disposal
Corp. Ltd., Dept. w., 311 Youvlllo Square,
Montreal, Quo _ F,at. 1927.
FIRE PUMPS flrand) used—Capaetty 6 gats.
mime. sprays aperoxlmeely 00 feet. Can be
used also an an insecticide anrny for shrubs,
trees. etc. 81 each. Dept, R'., Salvage Disposal
Corp. Ltd 311 Y utnl ;Munro, -Mon:real.
Que. Eat 1927.
LADn0v t FI T' •t [I I 0 r0 n the 11 0': 31
rotors 1n felt. forty dtfterent patterns. Free
:wive Inst nondl•rnfta Norvir,.. 150 Emcreon
Hamilton. Ontario
12[.1,11) louter linnet 00113 110)1, 11110,1 443 160,
I,Mdru 11. h amber hon, -y (no 100'Ilwimn tl,
51.15 each, 2 pans 811, Ontario Huy Pro.
darn, Vo...porotivo, 6' 71x1 Ica Ct, i I ,ill ,
PPM.: 1 1 t md.m Buff. )i, N ate 7 nal, 1
t0.'se r tui •,an.le[ s 10 - u n. t: nyug,, ducks:
blaek r 6 Mirk lois l l eh 1 to nous 1' L
melseu. R.11. 4. St. Mary's. Ontario.
)Til 4414\"1- hiC utnF. tl i ill Irinan..dn—
n. on; Anthem Ilene, .81,00; Cnldi'n.
•' 1,; Pure Mallard 0)'•k 29 a, trino an
1 e 4•
d flromi. Kingantlli, On:
1 rli1 d,;1:;61 Bountiful ll', okra ppm'b•s. lloe-
1Nn,,.t 7 hum, rhr' ytu'rl fie,. 576.00
ea.h w ...I.e..) itr:. non1,hon, nnurhor-
vidb', „
HOMESPUN YARN—made of long Virginwool
—extra warm—long wearing—suitable- for
gooks—alwash sweaters and other woollen gar-
ments. 2.0 -4 -ply, white; grey. royal blue, paddy
green ,aoarlet, maroon, yellow, brown heather,
black, fawn, while and grey twist, 81,08 1b.,
10 lbs, or ,0Ver, 31,80 Ib delivered, Northland
020020or patterns 260 each, Adults; dear, bear,
Indian design, circling, Chlld01 door, bear, dog
andsquirrel, dancer, Indian design, knitting
ne0d10025c pair. Mary. blaxhn, Box 120 Siflon,
TEN Chanters 1301141d ' 010 Divine Curtain: -
Greatest revelatlan of modern times. Limited
supply, Son 1 only 32.00, Postpaid. Mahatma.
Bender, 609 N. Ashland, Chicago 22, T11,
RI1`LES A'1' WROLESAIei!3 I'R101OS,'.
.803 Bridal Lee Enfield converted sporting
models; High-power precision repeaters bad.
nut stock; Lightweight; 10 -shot.. Excellent coo-
dation—fully guaranteed or money refunded,
037.20 each. Will 031.011 C.O.D. write today
Sportsmen's Wholesale Supply, 2028 5t. Cath.
odn0 St. WV:,Montreal 26, Que...
ready for ClIrlstntap, 2 nlefth'0. cid 15171051
LAVER, Cookeville, Ontario.
CO,YII'LETE lines of sporting node. Inuuirleo
Invited. . Quebec Distributors & Dealers, Box
2284, Piave d Armes, Montreal.
1947 Commercial Teel — thirteen theuaand
mile,: Iialf top, heater, would trade an Ford'
tractor. 200 gaiion Spram0144- 0prayer, trailer
type power talc -off, 450 ib prepa)re, four -row
boom, high -crop clearance. LeRoy Coleman,
Blenheim, Ont.. -..
TRY ITI - Every Sufferer of Rheu-
matic Pains or Neuritis should try
Dixon's Remedy.
355 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
SUFFERERS from atheumatl0 or Arthritic.
pains: If you oannot'.get =relief. mite • 00
929,-Transoona, 'Manitoba.
Banish the torment, et dry 0000100 rasher
and Weeping •att„n-t-roub)ea' Ppat'e Decent.
Salve will not dlauppulnt you
tchlns- acailnp burning eczema ache ring
worm,pimples and athlete's tont. will roc pond
readily to this stainless. ndprlese olnlmem
regardless of haw stubborn or bopeie•sa 11)00
PR10E 81.00 NIOh JAR
Sent Post Free on 000005(1 of .Price
88it Quern St E.. Corner of Logan
Groat opportunity Learn.
Pleasant dignified prafeasiun, good w0g00
thousands succoseful Marvel graduates
America's greatest system. Illustrated Bata
rogue tree. Write or Cull
360 Blom St W . 1'orunta
Branched, 44 King St Ilamliton
& 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
WHY not employ spare time pleasantly profit-
ably making socks, rugs. ate., fur neigld'"uto
and trade. Ask for free coloured pantnlda
with special offer on Verdun Homo Knitting
Machine. Used looms for ruga. knitters,
worsted wool mill ends for knittero, etc.. low.
eat prices, Triton Canadian Co., Box 1674.
Place d'Armes�Montreal.
Sslleltors Este hitnhen 1990 360 Iia6 Sl reef
l'ernnto Rookies of Information on 305ueat
WHY grow gray hair? Write for. my Free
Polder. Box 320, 9'ronscona, Manitob:a.
A BOOK of 700 Ciaas[ded Houoeholtl Hints, of
great value to every one In the fatally.
81.00 Pestpald, W[Illuns Pnhllrntinno, Boy
187 -WL Tiarni'a 1. 010
f';SS 101 illi' 'VIII:,: _
THE roar'nn All have attenuant/Al salmmmen
- 't ;tui• -
8100 AND 3IO3tI1
A w k 111 ,OISIMirtdoliti and b.,uns..s le
1—We teach uu how. Experh.ma0 in un-
ner ssat4
2—Our national . and intern: tl ntl adv.-rtting
In nl•1l Nl ".rr, magazines, radio tr ,,d-
'0. Ao hulas 1l,
3—ltnl1 h:. n, u,. ut to tb• richt moan,..
Tf you aro .1,1• 33 years of 3,00 writ,. Ire:
No, 50, 1 1:Ih Stre,t, New Toronto. [windy
yam• nn, . ;pfd, 14101 pilot',
111Nrb:)) .ry
IIR(iL V 1 Y 401',',TED, 354004, u4, 1,.00 '3f
f 1 Slot
titt i It 11 t
sl .0 141,,, ;Ix[•r.
It r110 R t 45 11 1 1 1 onto
WHITE 11 ll, l 1 t 11..1Y
Purlieu!), rs on ill,, ti.rt,.l f id• r. k. 1'. Holl-
ander. -7 , Brod molding. ,Yt.me,',i. '00.l..,•,
The truest thins ever aid:throw
gardens isthat t 4i1@",!(I, 1''''''1''
a job forever.
Atoms Battle Disease -1)r, \lax'13jndig of \lnni;,i, i „ :iv,
and his ossistant, 11il(1egund 1landke, demon,trate treatment of
the lungs by the "atonic ball;' slaking Ilse of atomic radiation
in the battle against diseases. Dr. 13indig s "Vibrato-.\tuinat,,;"
is reported a big step forward. in atonlie rlcd?c int.
�"'-t � rtl
hay CC�k1e's`:
u ARE, IT'5
/dIi a
yyiti�:�:-,C.. A
P,eptrii`*1. * pts s `
by flat
Wt.LI-,JUST As You