HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-08, Page 4sang a song of his Own composition „degmemmessommems. REG ENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Thurs. Fri. Sat "CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY" NOW PLAYING with DAN DAILEY and CELESTE HOLM Drama, Comedy and Romance have .been cleverly blended to provide good entertain- ment for the entire cantly Mon, Tues. Wad "THE VELVET TOUCH" with ROSALIND RUSSELL ; CLAIRE TREVOR • A picture filled with Laughter, Glamour, Romance and Suirpense Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. "UNFAITHFULLY yOURS" with REX HARRISON LINDA DARNELL Coming— "TAKE ONE FALSE STEP" with William Powell called "My Prairie Blues". Jack Nethery, Bill Roweliffe, Harry Clubleaders who helped make this DougaB, Bill Turnhull. Russel Knight, a successful year were John Storey, Bill Bremner, G. McDonald. Clayton Gord MdGavin, Russel Bolton, Ross Altdn, Harold Adams; Bob Camp- • Eedy, Jack Graham, Allen ,Bettles, bell, 'and Lloyd iMorrison. SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL RECREATION CENTRE presents Sat. Nile DANCING Cardno's Hall, Seaforth • SATURDAY, DEC. 10TH • To Ross Pearce & his Melody Masters Dancing 9 - 12 Admission 50c PUBLIC SCHOOL We held a special assembly on Fri- day afternoon for the student teach- ers who have been here during the week. Grade 3 sponsored the pro- gram. One of the student teachers warned us that when he gets mad he takes off his glasses and turns red. This happened several times without any response. • * * Last Tuesday and WednesdaY each pupil had his picture taken. The re- sults when returned at the beginning of the week were appealing. Some of the boys and girls were so disgusted with their pictures that they would not show them to anyone. * 5 4, 4, Having some of the mothers make the gowns for the Christmas Carol Service met with wonderful re- sponse. Some of the gowns have been returned already. * * The Christmas Carol Service will be held in the Northside United Church on Friday, Dec. 16, 1949 at 8:30 p.m, Everyone is welcome, On Monday we saw moving pict- ures in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church. Doom III has been learning to dance jigs and other various steps. w5-04.10f410voi4n Christmas Trees CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS • FERNS BAKER'S GREENHOUSE SEAFORTH 51k.10V-2.r4e4V-04 The Huron Temperance Federa- tion does not want the people of Huron to forget that the Canada Temperance Act, which is in 'force in Huron, Perth and Peel counties is the soundest legislation in the interest of temperance and sobrie- ty that has yet been devised, for it prohibits the public sale of in- toxicants, There may.be a measure of leakage under this ban, but that is as nothing eompared with the flood that public sales through many outlets releases ---and it is the flood that does the damage, Advt. 1 THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1949 LONDESBORO The water tanks which have re- cently been Wit in the village for fire prevention have been filled with water and now ready if an emer- gency occurs, Mrs. Wm. Lyon has gone to Ham- ilton to be with her daughter Mrs. J, Morroco and Mvs. C. Myers for. several weeks. Mr. D. Ewan who was in Clinton Hospital for a couple of days has re - Gala Old Fashioned Xmas Dance IN CARDNO'S HALL MONDAY, DEC. 26TH To DON ROBERTSON'S Rake* Boys Watch this paper for further particulars turned home and is slowly recovering from his recent illness. Miss Margaret Tamblyn, London, spent the weekend with. her parents Mr. and Mrs. F.°Taniblyn. Mrs. T. Lawrence has returned after'Spending several days last Week at the home of her daughter, near Ingetto11. ' Mrs. Lillie Webster has been con- fined to the house lately with a very heayy Cold. Mrs. Robt. Xciungblut spent .part of last week at the home of her daug- hter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells, Clinton. ' The White Gift service of the United Church Sunday School will be held on Sunday, Dec. 11, at 10:30 11.- m. in the church and on Friday, Dec, 28rd the Sunday School will have their 'Christmas tree and concert in the Connnunity . The regular meeting of the Hill- side Foram group was held at the school S. S. No. 11 on Monday night with an attendance of 35. After listening to the radio broadcast groups were formed and a 'discussion period followed after which a couple loVii'43-traeatkUraeiMW. of games were played being,followed by euchre. the winners as follows: La- dies most games, Josephine McGreg- or; lone hands. Beatrice Hesselwood; consolation, Shirley Hamilton: Men's most games, Dave Anderson; lone hands. Gordon MeiGregOr; consola- tion, John Riley. Lucky chair, 'Gerd- • on•MoGregor. Lunch wasitserved and the next meeting to be in the school on Monday night.. day night: HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS • A large audience filled the Sea - 2 cirtlf HighSchool auditorium on Thursday night to hear a superb concert under auspices of the De- partment of Education ,concert series • and featuring Maurice Solway's String Qtartet, and iMise Mary Syme concert pianjst Tumultuous applause was accorded the artists by an ap preciative audience and they were brought back again and again for en- • ,r,r1r.:1•1, t.° • • kta,Mr.. FOR THAT CERTAIN •LADY A BEAUTIFUL WALNUT WATERFALL CEDAR CHEST By John Boshart & Sons ' ItAtz_ Outstanding Features in Boshart Chests: 1. Lock Corner Construefion 2. Full length drawer 3. Solid aromatic Tennessee Cedar 4. Sealed for air -tightness with special sealing rubber strip Gorgeous Floor Lamps -- every imaginable style -- bridge lamps, table lanips, tri-lites. all with choice shades in silk or parch- ment! Many have marble base! JUNIOR rARM CLUS (Continued from Page 1) Howick Calf Club: 15 members; Erland Thornton 902; Stuart Strong 896; Glenn McClement 866; Jim Greer 853; George Greer 846. Seaforth Tractor CIO': 13 mem- bers; Ken Petrie-930; Arthur Bolton 923;' John MeGaviii,920; Jim Chap- man '973; Murray. Mills 992. Brussels Baby Beef Calf Club: 7 members, Charlie'Turnbull 917; Le- ona Johnston 906; Dorene McFarlane 880; Flora Turnbull 882; Harold Knight 860. Grey Grain Club:" 14 members; Harold Knight 897; Charlie Turnbull 855; Leona Johnston 853; Helen Johnston 840; Flora Turnbull 829. Dungannon Swine Club: Bob Allan 904; George Turton 902; Ken Petrie 898.; D. A. Hack -well 891; Arnold Walton 888. ,Dungarmon Winter Wheat Club: 11 members, George Turton '849; Arnold Alton 843; Donald R. Murray 798; Pennetli Petrie 776; A. Hackwell 742. • •Special awards handed out were; silver plate donated by Blyth Bank of Commerce was awarded by Mr. McDougall to Bill Taylor for ac- curacy and punctuality in club re- ports. Miss Jean McCann of Exeter received a halter, by Hugh Clutton for her work in the Holstein Club. Mr. Plumsteel, principal of S.H,S.. and Mr. L. B. Morrison spoke about club work as it applies to the agricul- ture taught in. this secondary school. Lunch was served followed by dancing to Collin's Orchestra with the vocal parts taken by Peter Van- denburg. During this dance Peter The Christmas , exams are now completed and school life is getting back to normal, Basketball practices have been started as well as volley- ball. The 1949 basketball season opens directy after Christmas holi- days The fourth and final in' the series of four Department of Education concerts will be held in the auditor- ium on Feb. 2nd. * * * Plans are being made. for a gala Christmas party to be held in the au- ditorium the afternoon that school closes for the holiday season. This reminds us that Christmas is only two and one-half weeks away. " . This year the Students' Council have decided not to go about the usual procedure of the drawing of names for Christmas presents. In- stead of this system. each student has been asked to donate at least twenty-five cents to the Seaforth and District Recreation Memorial Centre. * * er On Thursday afternoon Mr. Phil Allan will speak to the students of S.H.S. Mr. Allan was in the air force during the war, following which he started studying at the University of Alberta. He lost interest in his studies and decided to go on a trip to the Canadian North. With his camera and guided by a half breed, he'travelled 600 miles into the north- lands. He has stated that it is his am- bition to acquaint Canadians with their northlands. 1 tttttt 1111111111111111 iiiiiiiii 111 llllllllll 111111 lllll 111111111.111 llllll II llllllllllll I lllllllllllllll 111 Satin Cushions Occasional pieces that will enhance any home at very moderate cost Make selections now while stocks are complete Small down payment holds any article until Xmas ex Furniture Store Funeral Service PHONE ---DAY 43 NICHT 595 W Excellence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash Feed Division of Exe ,Ilenee Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 . 354 FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock HORSES .2.50 each CATTLE 2.50 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 •..iii--. i 4„ 'VA .....44.0' IP i. • • . .4. ...:,,ir 04; hit& 41i . ,....,,,,,,ii,o,, -,, •••,,,,o,iirei...., ...: . , THE WE BOOK" OF FAMOUS TRAINS.... -41*-41 • Across Canada, travellers are speeding to their destination on trains of the Canadian National, enjoying delicious dining car meals, comfortable sleeping accommodations, rooms and berths, and every travel comfort. Famous trains such as The Continental Limited and The Ocean Limited, enable you to cross Canada from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The International Limited, The Inter -City Limited, The Washingtonian are typifying Canadian National's importance as an International carrier • between Canada and the United States. These and other great trains, together with dependable "locals", cover morethan two million miles each Month and make up the Railway "Blue Book" — the Canadian National Time Table. Only Canadian National serves all len Canadian provinces, and the "Blue Book" is your ride to everywhere in Canada or across the Border, be your journey, for a day, overnight or longer. CANADIAN You enjoy courtesy and ' service , .. you travel in.confort ... you arrive refreshed 'and relaxed when you go Canadian National. NATIONAL RAILWAYS • AIRLII.= is: STEAMSHIPS 0, HOTELS • EXPRESS • TELEGRAPHS .--