HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-08, Page 1The Seaforth Ne
'WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 72, No. 491
$1 a year
Mrs. James F. Scott was hostess to I,.
the Seaforth W.I. for their Christ-
mas meeting on Tuesday evening
with forty members and guests pres-
ent, The president, Mrs. Hillebrecht,
,opened the meeting. The secretary,
Mrs, Apex. Pepper, read the minute's 1
and treasurer's report was given. by
lairs. John MacLean. It was decided
to donate $10 to Children's War Me-
morial Hospital in London. Arrange
meats were made to visit the county
home on Dec. 8th.
Mrs. William Leeming offered her
home for the January meeting as
Mrs. Gordon McDonald would be un-
able to hold it at her house.
As this will be the work meeting
-• quilts will be made for cots in Chil-
dren's War Memorial Hospital. Mrs.
A. Crozier and Mrs. R. McLachlan
were appointed to purchase mater-
ial. These quilts must measure 45 x
60 inches and anyone having pieces
of light. colored flanelette please
bring them to the Janameeting. Mrs.
Alex. Pepper and Mrs. G. Papple
will make covers for the card tables.
The program consisted of a solo
by Kr. James T. Scott; duet Ander-
son .Scott and Jaynes T. Scott, read-
' ing, Mrs. G. Papple; solos by Walker'
Hart; ball juggling by Helen Midde-
gaai; trio by Anderson •Scott, James
T. Scott and Walker Hart, accomp-
anied by Tames M. Scott.
Mr, James M. Scott showed mov-
ing pictures of his trip to Europe.
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman moved a vote
of thanks to Mr. Scott for his won-
derful films,' and also to the hostess
and all who took part. During lunch
hour violin and piano music by Mr.
and Mrs.Collins was enjoyed.
The World's Finest
Northside United Church
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult
Bible Classes.
11 a.m•, Worship, Sermon subject
"The narrow way of Life". The Sac-
rament of Baptism will, be administ-
er:'ed at this service.
7 p.m,, Worship, Sermon Subject
"Power to do the Impossible".
A cordial 'welcome to all services.
Egmondvillb. United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B. A., B. D.
10 a.m., Sunday School..
11 a.m., "Spiritual Depression".
7 p.m:, "The Blessings of Reli-
By a majority of Ave votes, Wa J.
Dale won, the election for reeve over
Ira. Rapson lin IIullett on Monday,
1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 Tot'.
Dale 111 38 40'65, 1t'. 23 37 325
Rapson 27 27 28 74 34 73-57 320
The December meeting of the
General Society of the Woman's As-
sociation of Northside United Church
took the form of a Christmas party
and was held in the schoolroom on
Tuesday evening, Dee. 6 with an at-
tendance of over 80, The lst vice
pies., Mrs. J. M. Scott, -was in the
Chair, in the absence of the presi-
dent, Mrs. Morrison.
The meeting *as opened by sing-
ing several Christmas Carols after
which the Lord's Prayer was repeated
in unison. Greetings were extended
to Rev. and Mrs. D. A. McMillan as
this was the first meeting of the So-
ciety since their coming to our
church. The business of the meeting
was then conducted. The minutes of
the June meeting were read and ap-
proved. The treasurer's report was
very gratifying, the society having
raised well over $1000 this year. The
group reports were then given, Dirs.
Orville Dale reporting for group 1.
Mrs. Porteous for group 2, Mrs.
'Christie for group 3 and Miss Ethel
Storey for group 4, gave splendid re-
ports of a very successful year.
Each group had various ways of
raising money. The visiting commit-
tee reported 170 home and 40 hospit-
al calls. lvIr. 'McMillan then took
charge of the meeting and after a
few remarks called on Mrs. Ellisto
give the report of the nominating
committee. The slate of officers for
1950 was accepted as presented.
Mrs. Westeott then conducted the de-
votional part of the meeting, opening
it w,ith,a poem. The scripture lesson,
the Christmas Story was told by Mrs.
Close. Another carol was sung and
Mrs• !McMillan led in prayer. Mrs. J.
M. Scott then told of her recent trip
to Scotland; England and France
which was very interesting.
The following are the otfrcei's for
Hon. Pres., lvH•s. D. A. McMillan;,
Past pies., Mrs, L. Morrison; pros„
Mrs. a NI. Scott; -1st vice, Mrs. N.
Knight; Said vice, Mrs. J. E. Silcox;
rec. sec., Miss Ethel Storey; cor. sec.,
Mrs. E. H. Close; trews„ Mrs. J. A.
Westcott; asst. treas., Miss Laura
Mole; press sec., Mrs. J• 0. Turnbull;
dev, :coni., Mrs, Westcott, Mrs. Stor-
ey ; parsonage, 'Mrs. F. Storey, Mrs.
Lorne Dale, Mrs, Ross Murdie; flower
& decorating, Mrs. Grace. Hoggartli,
Miss Winnie Savauge, Miss Maud
Hartry; visitation and social welfare,
Mrs. Ross Savauge, Mrs. J. Finlayson,
Mrs. J. Consitt, Mrs. A. Porteous, and
Mrs. G. Bt•ightrall; kitchen, Mrs. le
Finnigan, Mrs,' Orval Dale and two to
be added. Social, Mrs. E. C. Chamber.
lain, Mies Ethel Beattie, Mrs. 5, Garn-
hant and Mrs. Al Jones; pianist, Mrs.
B. F. Christie, asst., Mrs. C. Broad -
foot; auditors, Mrs. J. Stevens and
Miss R. Fennell; representative to
official board, Mrs, J. M. Scott.
McKillop'Unitied Church
Rev. J. R• Peters, B.A.
The reopening service of Cavan
United Church, Winthrop, will be
held on Sunday, Dec. 18th at 3 p.ni.
Rev. Mr. MacMillan of Seaforth will
be guest speaker. All former mem-
bers and friends are cordially invited
to visit us and see our ,beautifully .re-
decorated auditorium.
W/C R. F. Miller. AFC of Ottawa
and -Marshall 'Sask., has been ap-
pointed Commanding Officer of
RCAF station, .Clinton, Ont. W/C
Miller who has been stationed at Air.
Force Headquarters,Ottawa, for the
past two years, replaces W/C' A. C.
Hull, DFC, who has been transferred
to AFHQ,.'Ottawa. The change takes
place early in January.
The Seaforth and District Minist-
erial Association will meet at United
Church Parsonage on Tuesday. Dec.
13th at 10:00 a•m.. All surroutiding
and visiting clergymen are cordially
The address will 'be given by Rev.
A. W. ,Gardiner.
,C. W. L.
The Catholic Women's League held
their monthly meeting in St. James'
'School Hall on Tuesday evening. The
president, Mohs. Thos. Sills, opened
the meeting with prayer. Plans were
made to provide Xmas treats to the
shut-ins, Sisters of Service and the
school children.
Pte. Kenneth R. Hogg of Seaforth
was injured at Rivers, Manitoba, on
Dec. tat when a military glider
crashed on the frozen ground as it
carne in for a landing. The smash-up
occurred at the. Canadian Joint Air
Training Centre operated at Rivers.
The glider was nosing down 2017 :a
landing when it piled up•
Officials at the military centre
said the glider had released its brake -
arrestor. a parachute which checks
speed of the craft's descent, and the
crash came a moment later.
A glider of this type involved in
the crash is capable of carrying two
pilots and 13 passengers. Officials
said that those injured included one
air force man and nine army men.
Pte. Hogg was among three most ser-
iously injured.
Rivers is about 150, miles west of
Winnipeg and slightly northwest of
Brandon. Service personnel are given
instruction in all phases of air mat-
ters—parachuting. air transport, air
support ,and air supply.
Officials said cause of the mid-
morning crash was not known. A
court of inquiry, under the authority
of the RCAF was 'convened to investi-
gate the training -flight' accident,
Kenneth is expected home by
Christmas. His grandfather, Mr. Theo
Holland lives in Seaforth, also his
grandmother, Mrs. 'Jos. Hogg, and a
sister, and brother, Doreen and Clay-
ton. He has been m the services for
about three years.
Mr. and' Mrs. Leon Jeffrey visited.
their son Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jef-
frey and family in'Goderich one day.
The many friends of Mr. Maxium
nDennome were Sorry to hear he has
been very sick from the result of a
fall: His speedy recovery is hoped
for soon. He was taken to Clinton
Hospital by ambulamee for x-ray
which showed.no bones were broken.
Mrs. Lloyd Guenther of Dashwood
visited at the home of leer parents
Mr• and Mrs. D.''Oesch.
Miss Emma Dinsmore visited her
cousins, Mrs. Drysdale and Miss
Johnston at Zurich one day recently.
Mrs. Clarence Park is holding the
December Women's Missionaryin
her home' on Thursday afternoon.
December 8 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Roy
McBricle's group being in charge of
the meeting.
Mrs. Ydung,is ,spending a few
days at Goderaeh owing to her sist-
er's illness and recent operation in
Clinton Hospital.
The Christina's Fair and tea held
in St. James' School. hall, Saturday.
Dec. 3rd. by the Catholic Women's
League, was most successful with the
proceeds amounting to over $400_ In
charge of the proceedings was Mrs.
a'om Sills, President of the League.
The hall was very attractive, being'
decorated with Christmas colors, a
crib scene, a Christmas tree and bas-
ket of 'chrysanthemums. • The tea
table was centred with a very artistic
Christmas scene, tall red tapers at
either end. The draw on the home-
made Christmas cake was made by
Rev. Father Hussey, the winner be-
ing, Mrs. John Nigh, Tuckersmith,
Miss Drope, Superintendent of Scott
Memorial Hospital made the draw
for the turkey, tl1ae whiner being
little George Kemt8dy of. Egmond-
vine• At the close of the afternoon's
event, Mrs. J. Neville drew the ticket
for the $10.00 •Zotes Fluid Perman-
ent Wave. the winner being Mrs.
James Willis, Seaforth. Christmas
carols were enjoyed by all during
the course of the afternoon.
The juhior farmclubsheld their
achievement night at the Seaforth
High School on. Friday nights George
Gear, agriculture representative for
Bruce County; was the guest speak-
er'. Mr. Gear spoke on the develop-
ment of club work in the County of
Bruce. In the past few years agricul-
ture has been greatly assisted 'by
strong . agriculture departments in
our high schools, an example of this:
being the department in the Seaforth
High School, said the speaker. Mr.
Gear also asserted that club work is
one of. the .best methods of teaching,
farm 'boys and -girls farm .life- and
methods of attaining better products.
Miss,Jean Scott, of the Horne Eco-
nomics branch of the Department of
Agriculture. reported that 91 girls
bad competed in garden clubs and
that their achievement day had been
held earlier because of the immense
sizeof the club.
The program included a guitar se-
lection by Peter Vandenberg, a mon-
ologue by Dorothy :McGuire, a' solo
by Harry Hern assistedon the piano
by his mother, and a violin selection
by Mr. Win. Collins. Robin and Rose-
mary Dobson, presented a ballet num-
ber with Mrs. Collins at the piano.
Robin Dobson received. the silver
medal in London at the Civic Revue
for his fine performance. He was the
first boy in several years to 'be
awarded this medal.
The presentations of awards then
followed with eleven clubs: being pre-
sent. In the Seaforth Baby Beef Club
16 members completed their work
with the standings of the top five
being; Kenneth: Campbell 944; Eric
Anderson 922; Bill Nigh 904; Cath-
erine Campbell 903 and Douglas
Keyes 894.
Blyth. Baby Beef Club: Bill Tay-
lor 963; Fred Buchanan 935; Jack
Nether•y 924; Ela Nethery 917; Del-
la Powell 879.
Huron Holstein Calf Club; 18.
members, J. F. Van Egmond 942,
Jack Van Egmoid 938; George. Tin-
ton 919; Maurice 1•Iallahan 918;.
Dougall Clutton 906.
Exeter Baby Beef Calf Club: 7
members„ Robert Here 920, Murray'
Dawson 860; Tom Easton 847; John
Pym 825; Peggy Rowcliffe 807.
(Coutinried on page 4)
NIr. and Mrs. James Finlayson cel-
ebrated their golden weddintg,anni-
versary on Tuesday, Dec. 6th• They
were united in marriage' fifty years
ago at the`home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Win, Alexander in
the township of, McKillop, by the
Rev. Peter Musgrove. They took up
residence on the Finlayson. home-
stead of the 4th con. of the Township
of Tuckersmith where they resided
until two years ago when they retired
to Egmonlville, They have a family
of three son, William, Toronto;
Lorne of Tuckersmith; Arthur on the
home farm; also two daughters, Mrs -
Wesley Hayter (Margaret) Webber-
ville (Mich.) and Jessie, Pont Credit,
Ont. They have 12 grandsons ' and
three granddaughters.
A surprise turkey dinner with all
the trimmings was held for Mr. and
Mrs. Finlayson at thehome of their.
son Arthur on Saturday evening
when all the .members of the family
gathered to honour them on the
happy occasion. While seated at the
table a :long-distance telephone call
*as received by Mr. and Mrs. Finlay-
son from their son-in-law, Mr. Wes-
ley Hayter, Webberville, Mich., con-
gratulating them as lie was unable to
be present.
Yellow streamers decorated the
dining room with a large white bell
in the centre. The table was very at-
tractive in yellow and white centred
with a three -tiered cake decorated in
gold, Banked by gold mums. There
were 33'., :guests present. A basket of
flowers was also sent by the Kippen
East W. T. of which Mrs. Finlayson
was a former member. The W.M.S.
of Kippen United. Church sent a
beautiful copper radio lamp. The
fancily presented to airs. Finlayson a
gold wrist watch and to Mr. Finlay-
son a leather coat and hat. Mr. and
Mrs. Finlayson are both in excellent
health and are quite active. The best
wishes of their many friends are ex-
tended to them on their fiftieth an-
Mr.' and Mrs, Finlayson were at
home to their friends on Tuesday
Dec. 6th, Mis. John Finlayson poured
tea and 3/1155 Jean Alexander served.
On Tuesday afternoon the annual
meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary
of St. Thomas' Church was held in
the parish hall with a very good at-
The meeting opened with the
hymn "The Love of Christ Con-
straineth . Miss 'Galbraith read ' the
scripture from Titus, chap. 2 and 3.
The President, Miss Relines, followed
with the litany for November and the
members' and Lord's Prayer in uni-
son. Reports
ni-son..Reports were received. The of-
fering was dedicated. All annual re-
ports from the secretary and treas-
urer and the social were very en-
couraging. Miss Holmes, the retiring
president, thanked the members for
their co-operation and help during
the year.
The Rev. T. Dale Jones then took
the chair for the election of officers.
He also thanked the members for the
missionary work being done. The of-
ficers are: Hon. Pres., iMis. L. E.
Van T4gmond; Hon. Vice Pres., Miss
Emily Cresswell, Miss Florence
Cresswell, Mrs Arnold Case, Mrs.
Charles Holmes; Pres.. Mrs, T. Dale
Jones; :1st Vice Pres., Mrs. George
MoGavin, 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Be-
thune; Sec'y, Dorothy Parke, Treas.,
Mrs. 'R. G. Parke; Cortes. Sec., Mrs.
Southgate and Mrs Higgins; quilts,
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. MeGnvin; So-
cial Service, Mrs. Reid; Living Mes-
sage, Mrs, Netzke; Pianist, •Mrs, Hig-
gins; Representative to the Board of
Management. Miss 'Holmes, alterna-
tive, 'Miss Galbraith. Mrs. Jones then
took the chair foi' the remainder of
the meeting and she thanked the
ladies for electing her president and
for what they bad done since she had
come to Seaforth.
The next meeting will be Tuesday,
Jae. 3rd at 2:30 in the parish hall.
The Rev. T. Dale Jones closed the
meeting with the Benediction, after-
wards a cup of tea was served fol-
lowed by a social hour.
The Kippen East Institute held a
very .enjoyable evening in the Legion
rooms in Hensel] on Friday evening.
iThe;'turkey banquet was seined at 7
o'clock to all members and families.
After supper a toast to the King was
proposed by Miss Margaret MacKay.
to Canada by Mrs. William Kyle; to
the Institute, Mrs. Glen MacLean;
Mrs. John Sinclair to the men, who
so willingly help the ladies at their
eucbres and dances. Mouth organ se-
lection by four pupils of Mr. Arthur
Finlayson; John McGregor, Marilyn
and Lawrence Eyre arid John Jacobi.
Moving pictures were shown by a
member of the Radar School, Clinton,
which were much enjoyed. The first
picture was. "Let there be Light", on
the 50th anniversary of the W. I.
which was held at Guelph two years
ago. Euchre followed and crokinole
for the children.
Prizes for euchre were: Ladies
first, Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple, Kippen;
consolation, Mrs. Maher Riley; gents
first, Mr. Ernest Whitehouse; conso-
lation, Mr. Wilmer Broadfoot.
About 44 members of Kippen and
Seaforth Institute chartered a bus to
the Royal Winter Fair on Nov. 17th.
The bus left Kippen at 6;15 and ar-
rived at the Coliseum at 10. Some of
'the members stayed at the Fair while
others went up to shop in the' big
stores, to return later to the Fair
There were many interesting exhibits
of livestock and we also took in the
grandstand performance.
Everyone enjoyed the day and
hope we can go again at some future
Mr. Ronald Caldwell has returned
home after spending the past summer
sailing on the Great Lakes.
Miss Virginia McClinchey is in
Clinton Hospital where she under-
went an operation for appendicitis
and hermany friends hope for a
speedy recovery.
Mr. Wm. Ivison has gone to Tor-
onto where he intends bo spend the
winter with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Fowler of
Toronto spent the weekend with their
many friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and
Joyce spent Sunday with relatives at
Congratulations to Mr. Win. Dale
on his election as Reeve of Hullett
in .Monday's election.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor and
family spent Sunday at Clifford.
Mr. Brigham of Elmwood is visit-
ing his daughter, Mrs. Borden Brawn
and expects to stay forthe winter.
With work progressing so exceed-
ingly well, tragedy and accident
struck swiftly, to cast a certain
amount of gloom at our local enter-
priser Monday morning: while com-
pleting the roof structure Mr. J, R.
Bannon, aconstruction worker for
the Company building ,the Centre,
slipped and fell- from the peak to the
frozen ground below. It seems mir-
aculous that Mr. Bannon was not
killed outright but compound frac-
ractures of the ,legs will make hini an
invalid for months to come. The
Committee in charge sincerely re-
gret.this misfortune..
Tuesday morning while at work
Mr. James King suffered a heart at-
tack and passed away in a few mom-
ents. His sunny disposition and ex-
cellent working qualities are a dis-
tinct loss to our project. The Building
Committee extends its deepest sym-
pathies to the bereaved wife and
Despite such tragedies the work
must and will go on. . A working party
on Tuesday did yeoman work getting
the floor in shape for pipe installa-
tion. The feather party to be held
this Wednesday should help consider-
ably towards defraying the costs in-
curred. With the co-operation shown
so far, especially by the Seaforth
Public we trust to have selected a
success slogan "Let us finish the
Edelweis !Rebekah Lodge will hold
its regular meeting in the Orange
Hall on Tuesday, December 13th att..
8 p.m. Members .are requested
please bring gifts for the penny sale
to be held after Lodge.
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
held their regular meeting on Dec. 3
in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at which
the following business was transact-
ed. Tax Collector's Bond of $5,000
was renewed with the Dominion of
Canada General Insurance Co. and
premium of $37.50 was ordered paid
their agent, M. A. Reid.
Hydro Electric Power Commission
was paid $72.05, being balance due
on assessment of $104.05, for indir-
ect benefit.
The Treasurer was instructed to
pay for damage to crops, etc., on the
Charters, McCullie. Buchanan, Dill
Drains and to notify interested part-
ies that cash payments would be ac-
cepted up to Dec. 15, 1949, on the
said drains.
The Assessor, James A. Hay, re-
turned the Assessment Roll for 1950.
This Assessment was made under the in charge of the meetin with Mrs.
new plan of assessing being used over g
the whole Cowity of Huron and while n Thornwil and Mrsg. elR. Hu11e Mrs.
assessments in practically all cases � Y g
are considerably higher than previ- different parts. Christmas carols
curly this does not necessarily mean wore sung with Mrs• Stanley Hiller
that taxes will be higher, as a result taking the solo part in the carol.
of such increase nn assessment. Angels from the realms of Glory"
Council will hold a Court of Revision and all members joining in the re -
on the said Roll on Wednesday, De- fi'ain. The offering was received and
ceniber 21st, 1949, at 2 p.m., in the dedicated. Mrs. Leslie Bolton brought
Town Ball, Seaforth. an interesting Christmas story to the
Town of Seaforth was paid $30.00. members. Mrs. Earl Mills gave a
rent, and $25.00 Division Court Fees, .reading on Christmas Stetvaidehip_
Carol No. 50 "As with lade men
and $50.00 for Fireman's run to Eg -.gladness ss
inondvlle- of old'` concluded the devotional
Accounts passed were as follows: part of the meeting.
Roads, $1427.30; Relief, $125.60; Mrs. Chas. Boyd presided for the
Fox Bounty, $10.00; Ausa'ble Censer- business pant of the meeting. 'The
vation, $72.05; Salaries and Allow—,minutes of last meeting• were read
antes, $125.00; Postage, Tax Notices and adopted. The roll call was an -
$24.00; General Postage, $5.00; Pout- swered by 16 members• The slate of
try Valuator Fees, $4.50; Lights, officers for the coming year were in -
$220.00; Tile. Drain, $363.60; Insur- stalled by Rev. Peters.
W.M.S., Pres., Mrs. Leonard Leem-
ang: Vice Pres., Mrs. Earl Mills; Sec.
Treas., Mrs. Leslie Bolton; pianist,
Mrs. Stanley Hallen- Christian Stew-
ardship Sec., Mrs, L Bolton; Litera-
ture and Missionary Monthly Sec.,
Ethel ,Dennis.
W. A. Pres., Mrs, Charlie Boyd;
Viceice Pres., Mrs• Wm. Dennis; Sec,,
Mrs, Roy Wilfong; Treas., Mrs. Nor-
val Stimore; 'Manse. Committee. Mrs..
Alex Dennis, 'Mrs. Joe Thorn—
ton; Friendship Committee, Tennie
Dennis and Mrs. N. Stimore.
The January meeting to be at the
hone of Mts. Charlie Boyd. Reports
of the year's work for both societies
was very encouraging. The meeting
closed with a carol and P'ev. Peters
pronouncing the benediction.
°md o
Five lovely patterns —
From left to right:
Coronation, Lady Hamilton,
Evening Star, Morning Star,
Services start at .. $44.75
Jewellery, Watches, Fine China
Expert Watch Repairing
The annual business meeting of
the Ladies' Guild of St. Marys
Church was held at the home of Mrs.in
W. Stewart on Thursday. Mrs.
Rock, the president, presided over.
the usual business with Rev. T. Dale
Jones taking the devotional period,
afterwards conducting the election,
of officers which are: Mrs. Andrew
Whetham, president; Mrs. John Diehl
vice-president; Mrs. Albert Rock,
Sec.-Treas.. and organist other com-
mittees remaining the same. A vote
of thanks for her very efficient work
during the past two years. A very
successful year was had, Mr. Jones
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert McCormick
and family. Detroit, with Mr, and
Mrs, Jos, Krauskopf.
Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf with her
daughters in Toronto.
Misses Helen and Margaret Flana-
gan. Kitchener, with their parents,
9VIr, and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan.
The Wonnen's Hospital Aid will be
held on Tuesday, Dec,. 13th at 8:15,
in the Nurses Residence.
nce Preens $37.50; Rent, $25.00;
Law Costs, 530.00; Fire protection,
$50.00; Drains, $908.25.
Council adjourned to meet Decem-
ber 15th, 1949 at 1 p.m.
Former McKillop resident dies in
California. (Taken from Humboldt
Times, Eureka, Calif.)
Death came on October 9 to Robt.
Duffy, pioneer businessman of Eur-
eka, who resided at 137 Eighth St.
He died at his hone after an illness
of several months. He was 86 year's
of age. Ma Duffy was born in Tor-
onto, Canada, and came to Eureka in
1886 when be founded his tobacco
and wholesale distribution firm. He
continuously conducted his business
until illness overtook hint last Janu-
ary. He was known as the oldest
distributor of this kind in the United
States from point of view of service.
Mr. Duffy was extremely active in
local, civic and fraternal organiza-
tions. He was a member of the
Columbus, of VMI.
Knights of. Cola , , and
of the Eureka Rotary. At the latter
he held a record of 21 years of 7.00
per cent attendance. He is survived
by his wife Jennie L. Duffy of Eure-
ka; his children, ,Francis and Harold
Duffy, both of Eureka; Mrs, Helen
Condon of Phoenix; Mrs. Mary Mun-
ther of Arcata. and Katherine Duffy
of Eureka; his sisters. Mrs. Sarah.
Coyne of Detroit, and Ella Duffy of
Seaforth, Ont.. and a brother. William
Duffy of Dublin, Ont., and seven
grandchildren and numerous- nieces.
and nephews.
Rosary will be recited at the family
resideice can Monday night at 8:15.
Solemn high mass will be celebrated
Tuesday at 9:45 a.m. in St, Bern-
ard's Church with interment to fol-
low at St. Bernard's cemetery. Fun-
eral arrangements are under the dir-
ection of the Pierce Mortuary.
The December meeting of the W.
A. and W. at S. of Bethel was held
at the home of Mrs. L. Leemina. The
theme of the Christmas meeting
"Our faitb in Jesus Christ'. Quiet
Christmas' music played by the pian-
ist, Miss, Alex, Dennis. opened the
meeting. Mrs. Leonard Leeming was
George Kennedy, the small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy. held
the lucky ticket for the turkey drawn
for at the St. James' Church bazaar,
Seaforth,. on Saturday, and the Xmas
cake went to Mrs, Jack Nigh.
At the Color Dynamics entertain-
ment presented in the Cardno's Hall,
Dec. lst, Mrs. C. Simpson was winner
of the toaster presented by the
Crown, Hardware,
Gloom was east over the village
when it was learned that Mr. James
King suffered a fatal 'heart attack
while at work at the Community
Centre. 'The sympathy of the people
is extended to Mrs. King and family
in their bereavement.
The Kippen East Women's Insti-
tute will bold their meeting at the.
home of Mrs. Wm. Kyle on Wednes-
day afternoon, Dec, 14 at 2:15. Roll
call to 'be answered by the happiest
Christmas I have ever lcnown. Luneb
committee, Mrs. S. Slavin; Mrs. R.
Broadfoot, >VIi c A. McGregor, Miss
0. Tnemeer. Cookies and shortbread.
Mrs. Little, airs. W. IiacLean, Mrs.
Whitehouse. Ice cream, Mrs. ;Glenn
MacLean, Mrs. A. Finlayson, Mrs. A.
Varlet' and Mrs. J. Sinclair. A good
Christmas program is planned.
Mr. John Beattie was called to
Toronto on Thursday Awing to the
death of his nephew.