HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-12-01, Page 1he Seaf
The annual .meeting of the Sea -
forth L.(l.L. No. 793 was held in
their half on Monday, Nov. 28th.
There was a fine attendance of mem-
bers present with several visitors
from Clinton Lodge among whom
was the District Master, Thomas
Beeves and B. Taylor, P.D.M. and
others. The District Master was on
his official visit and was introduced.
to the Lodge by Hon. P.G.M. Wm.
The District Lodge as, a body will
meet with the:Seaforth Lodge on'
Monday, December 12th to confer
the Royal Blue Degree.
The election of officers was eon,,,
ducted by the District Master and
the installation by Winn. Murray,
which resulted as follows:— Immedi-
ate P.M., Win. P. Miller; W.M. John
'Oldfield; D -NI. Jas. Parkins; Chap-
lain H. E. Lawrence; Rec. Secretary..
Gar. McCli}!they; Fin. Sec.,. Wm.
Murray; Treas., David McLean; Mar-
shal, Ed Boyce; Lecturers, Mel. Dale
and Jas. Raeho; Committeemen, Jack
McClinchey, Wm. ' Kelley, Harold
Cory,. Wm. Oldfield and Andy Dun-
lop, and the Sick and Visiting Com-
mittee are the W.M., the D.M. and
the Rec. Secretary. .
Following the installation, several
addresses were delivered by the Dis-
r`tidct Master, the Past District, Master
and the Principal Officers elect. The
'Lodge closed in harmony with "God
save the King".
The World'-. Finest
E. L. B O X
Northside United Church
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister
10 a.rn., Sunday School and Adult
Bible Classes.
11. a.m., Worship. Layniens' Ser-
vice. Guest speaker,. Mr. Vodden, St.
11:30 a.m., Junior 'Congregation.
7 p.tn,, Worship. Sermon Subject
"The Foolishness of • Preaching."
December 11, a.m., The Sacrament
of Baptism will be administered.
Annual Christmas program, Wed.
evening Dec. 14th..
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B. A., 13. D.
10 a.m,, Sunday School.. .
11 a.m., "Loyalty to Christ". The
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
7 pm., "Currents in Life".
Preparatory Service, Friday, De-
cember 2nd, at 8 p.m., ",Self Exam
. ination".
All members of the council were
returned by acclamation at the an-
nual nomination
nnual,nonination meeting held in the
town hall on Monday night. The nom-
inations were as. follows:
' For Mayor: J, E. Keating, by G,
R. Johnston and W. T. Teal],
For. Reeve: Frank S. Sills, by J. E.
Keating- and N. •Scoins.
Fon Council: Wallace Ross, by
John W, Pullman and R. H. Sproat;
Dr. McMaster, by Albert. Baker and
N. Scoins; James A, Stewart, by J.
E. Keating and F. Sills; B. F. Christ-
ie, by W. T. Teall and G. R. John-
ston; Norman Scoins; by P. Sills and.
J. E. Keating; E..R. Close, by F.
Sills and N. Scoins.
For School Trustee: North ward,
Fred Willis, by Ray Holmes and John
Bach; East Ward, Rev. T. D. Jones,
by M. '.McKellar and Dr. Brady;
South Ward, J. A. Westcott, by Clif-
ford Brgaclfoot and Atstin E. Mathe-
For Public Utility Commission: E.
L. Box, by Dr. McMaster and John
Crich; K. M. Campbell by J. A. Stew-
art and J. E Keating
By Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock
all members of Council had qualified,
also Public School trustees. Mr. Ken-
neth Campbell qualified for P.U.C.
At the close of nominations a rate-
payers meeting was held with Town
:Clerk, D. H. Wilson, as chairman.
Mayor Keating spoke briefly, out-
lining the year's work. Reeve 'Sills,
as chairman of the relief and hospit-
alization connnittee, said things were'
about normal. ' In regard to county
Matters he said the county takes in
about $600,000 and spends 'about
$400,000 on :reads.:'The health unit
had been established this year, esti-
mated cost one mill, of which half is
rebatedby, the Province.
Dr. McMaster. as chairman of the
finance and park committees said
our assessment will be up some next
year under the equalized assessment
plan, but should not affect individual
taxes much. Relief is about 3500
higher than 1943, reflecting a trend
of the times possibly. The cost of
police will be over 55300 next year,
an increase from. $3700.. He raised
the question, does Seaforth need two
men, and wondered if something
might be worked out along that line.
He explained that 40 per cent of the
money collected in town taxes goes
to other people than the council, to.
schools and the county. The popula-
tion of the town is up a little, anti the
crying need is forr more housing. He
hoped the lots at the west end would
be marked out next year 'so that
houses could be built there. Dr.' Mc-
Master referred to the town having a
larger overdraft than last year.
Town treasurer, Wilson, said this was
due to the fact that Seafotth finances
the Seaforth . High School District
Board and their grants have been de-
layed. When that is paid the over-
draft will be wiped out.
Wallace Ross, chairman of the
property committee, told of the work
accomplished. He said he had been.
opposed to the county assessment
plan and also to the manner in which
the Main Street sidewalk had been
resurfaced. The town has a surplus
of $40,000 on hand, he said.
Councillor Christie, chairman of
the fire and water committee, said
that up till ten days ago the fire loss
for the year had not exceeded $250,
The Baldwin fire had raised the
figure to well over 312,000.
On Saturday morning, November
5th, the altar of St. Peter's Church,
Toronto, was decorated with white
chrysanthemums for the marriage
of George Ambrose Coyne, son of
Mrs. Michael and the late Michael
Coyne of Staffa to' Anna Catherine
Elizabeth Atkinson, R.N., daughter
of Mr. and IMrs. Joseph ' Atkinson,
Dublin. Rev. Father R McNabb of-
ficiated. The bride was gowned in
blue wool crepe with' matching bat,
maroon accessories and a corsage of
pink and white 'mums. She was at-
tended ,by her sister, Mary Atkinson
o f, Torontto. who wore a dress of ruby
crepe, grey hat and ruby accessories.
The, groomsman was Frank 'Coyne,
Staffa, brother of the groom. The
ushers were Frank Doyle and; Joe
After a wedding breakfast at the
Windsor Arms Hotel, Mr. and Mrs.
Coyne left on a wedding trip through
Northern Ontario, Eastern Canada
and then to Dublin. They will reside
in Toronto.
Dear Mr. Beattie:— I have receiv-
ed your'' book of poems and have read
each and every one of them. with a
great deal of pleasure. I have walked
by the tree you write about a great
many times'as you know, and I
think it is one of the most beautiful
trees I have ever seen.
I am always proud to tell anyone
that I came from, Seaforth as I don't
believe there ever was a town with
such wonderful sports and.sports-
men, and I am very proud to have
the opportunity of helping, if only
in a small way, to build a Community
Centre there. 3 am 'enclosing my
small contribhtion and sincerely hope
that it will be of' help to Seafosth's
bowling club in their support, of the
new community centre.
,With my kindest regards and wish-
ing you the best of health for many
years to conte, I am, yours truly, A.
G. Twiss (commonly known as Spot)
of .Regina.
At the annual meeting of the Hur-
on County Federation of Agriculture
at Clinton on. Tuesday, the following
officers were elected;
President, Charles R. Coultes,
Belgraye; past president, W. R.
Lobb, Clinton; first vice-president,
111. S. McKereher, Dublin; second:
vice-president, Wilfred Shortreed,
Walton. The secretary -treasurer will
be appointed shortly,
81 a year
Seaforth District High School com-
mer}i:ement exercises were held Fri-`
day evening before a capacity crowd
in the auditorium. Mr. C. A. Barber,
chairman of the High School District
Board, presided, and Principal L. P.
Plumsteel, B.A., welcomed the visit-
ors. Mn. J. A. Slattery, in the ab-
sence of Mr, E. B. Goodie, presented
the intermediate certificates to forty-
six students. Eighteen students re-
ceived graduation diplomas from Mr.
Russel Bolton, The honour gradua-
tion diplomas were presented to Jo-
sephine McIver, Earl. McSpadden,
Ronald Sills, Donald Smith and John
Wallace, •
Mr. J. Bryans gave the athletic
awards to Beth Boyd, girls' junior
champion; Mary Lou Sills, girls' In-
termediate champion; Isabelle Speir,
senior champion; Boys' athletic
awards were presented by Mr. C.
M. Smith to Robert Traquair, senior;
Eric MacMillan, • intermediate; and
Douglas Stewart, while Mr. H. Cole-
man presented the Duncan cup to
highest scoring girl, Beth Boyd; the
Barber cup to highest scoring inter-
mediate 'boy, Eric MacMillan, and the
Ballantyne cup to highest junior boy,
Douglas Stewart. .
'Gordon McKindsey received the
Strathcona award from Mr. L. Oliver
for the best shot in school.
John Whyte received Agriculture
award on behalf of S.D.H.S.. This
cup is awarded' to school accumulat-
ing most points in Seaforth Fall Fair
H. S. Poultry Section. The cup do-
nated by Mn. W. L. Whyte was also.
presented by him.
Mr. E. C. Chamberlain, president
of Seaforth Lions Club, presented the
Lions Club award to Mabel Campbell
and Ronald Sills. •
The Academic awards -were distri-
buted by Mr. G. McGavin, to Grade
XIII, 1st John Wallace, 2nd Jose-
phine Mclvor• Grade XII, 1st ?,Iona
Caldwell, 2nd' June Snell; Grade NT,
1st Joan Wheatley, 2nd Mary Lou
Sills;, Grade X, 1st Bernice Dillon
2nd Marilyn Hillis; Grade IX, Eileen
McCartney, 2nd Beulah Bradburn,
Miss Mabel Turnbull, member of
Alumni Association, presented the
Alumni Memorial Scholarship, value'
$25 to John Wallace,
The Carter Scholarship for Huron,
value $60. was presented by Mr. 0.
Anderson to John Wallace.
The Dominion Provincial Univer-
sity Scholarship with a $400 value
was awarded to John Wallace and
the Grade XIII Scholarship with
$100 value were awarded to Yvonne
Bolton, Mona Caldwell, Isabell Speir
and Doreen McFarlane. These were
presented by Mr. J. E. Silcox.
Mr. L. 13. •Morrison presented the
Huron. County Bursary to John Wal-
lace. The bursary has one hundred
dollar value.
Miss J. McIntyre presented the Ki-
wanis Proficiency award to Robert
McLennan. This award is given by
the West Toronto Kiwanis Club for
Academic' Proficiency in Middle
School at Humberside Collegiate In-
stitute and was awarded to Bob while
he was a.member of the student body
of that particular school
Thd valedictory address was given
by John Wallace who at present is
attending Western University.
These exercises were followed by
selection from the opera' "H. M. Pin-
afore" or "The lass that loved a
Sailor", written by Gilbert and Sulli-
This opera was directed by Miss
Rena' Fennell and Mrs, J. C. Stevens.
The casts included the Rt. Hon. Sir
Joseph Porter, KC:B., Ronald Sills;
Capt. Corcora, commanding 'H.M:S.
Pinafore. Arthur Bolton; Ralph
Rachsbamn, an able seaman, Donald
Dale; Bill Bobstay, boatswain, David
Bradshaw, Dick Deadeye, an able sea-
man, Michael Bechely; Josephine, the
captain's daughter, Charleen Collett,
while Beth Boyd played the part of
Mrs. Cuffs, better known as Butter-
The Glee Club' chorus consisted of
twenty crew members and sixty sis-
ters, cousins and aunts of Sir Joseph
Pianists were Mavis Oliver and
Jean Snell, while James Chapman
was stage manager. The scenery was.
made by the students under the su-
pervision of Mr. 3. E. Silcox and Mr.
James Slattery. The costumes for the
crew were ogtained from H.M.C.S.
Provost in London.
This opera was greatly enjoyed by
those present and prolonged applause
greeted the chorus and cast as they
sang their encore' and grande finale
•.•James A. Stewart, member of
the street committee, gave a report
on behalf or Councillor Close, who
was absent. $7349.00 had been spent
by the ,committee as "follows: streets
$1208.00; oiling $3000.00; snowplow-
ing 497.00; drains 31497.00. The
net cost was. $4349.00 as there was a
carryover of $3000 for oiling from
1948. He estimated there would be a
government grant of 32000 -towards
street expenditures. Arrangements
havebeen made for snowplowing on
sameterms as last,year, but owing to
engine trouble the plow had not: been
ableto out. on Sunday of this week.
The had been a lot of talk about
resurfacing Main street sidewalk, but
the committee had done the very
best they could.
Councillor Norman 'Scoins also
spot 'briefly and Mr. Kenneth Camp-
"boll member of- the P:U:C. outlined
the work of the Commission in the
year.A new truck was purchased
the summer. Preparations are being
madefor the changeover. to 60 cycles.
period of general discussion fol-
low `during which Mr. Stiner want-
ed know if a detailed list of all
assessments in town could be pub-
lished. He was informed that the
assessment roll and town 'records are
always open to ratepayers.
Brady introduced discussion of
establishing two open-air rings for
the younger children, one at the pub-
lic hool'and the other at the sep-
arateschool. The meeting went on
record as favoring the idea. •
•. W. T. Teall brought up the
question of garbage collection, con-
tending that Seaforth is the only
town in Huron County without some
formof regular garbage collection.
Members of ,Council said the mat-
ter had been investigated and it was
found the cost would be at -least five
nail instead of the estimated two
mill mentioned when the people
wereasked for an opinion two years
ago The council did not feel justified,
in all taxpayerrs..with this
expense. .Strong arguments were ad-
vanced both for and against garbage
collection. '
N *
To -night, Thursday, December 1, is
the night of the third Department of
Education concert. The concert fea-
tures the piano styling of .Miss Mary
Synes, a very talented concert pian-
ist, and the Solway Men's String
Quartet from Toronto, Ontario. Tick-
ets are obtainable at the door or
from any S:H.:S. student at a nom
inal charge.
A small Deposit reserves any
Cif! ,selection till Christmas /
For that special "someb'odj"
choose ecru while you can'selece
the best at value prices. Here's.
worthy gift quality and gnara Ueed
Jewellery Watches Fine China Expert Watch Repairing
The nomination meeting for the
selecting of candidates for Reeve,
Councillors, School Trustees and P.
73.0. was held in the Town hall, Hen-
sall, on Friday evening with the fol-
lowing results. Reeve, A. W. Kers-
lake (acct) ; Council: Lorne Luker
(ace.)' to fill vacancy made by resig-
nation of Councillor Jack Tudor.
Harry Hoy', 'Norman Jones, Win.
Parke (accts.). School Board, Cecil
Johnston, Peter L. McNaughton, A.
L. Case. P,U,C., one year term, Wal-
ter Spencer; two year term. Thos.
'Cur assembly was held in our main
hall. on Friday, Nov. 18 with Miss
Elder's room entertaining, singing
"Brother John" in French. We sang
several songs beginning with 0
Canada, and ending our program
with The Ring. Next Friday we are
having an assembly at the regular
time and 'Mrs. Ellis' class will put on
the programme.
This week we have student teach-
ers from the :Stratford Normal'
School; Mr, Francis Huisser teaching
grades 7-8, 'Miss Josephine McIver
The Amber Rebekah Lodge #349
and T.0.0.F. Lodge are sponsoring a
euchre and dance in the Town hall,
Hensall, on Friday, Dec. 2nd. Lunch
booth in hall, Murdoch's Orchestra
for dance.
Tie annual Christmas concert of
the Hensall Public School will be
held in the .Town hall, Hensall. on
Tuesday evening, Dec. 20th.
The death occurred of Angus Mc-
Kinnon, well known Tuckersmith re-
sident, on Monday night at Stratford
Hospital where he underwent an op-
eration early last week and suffered
a relapse on Friday. He was in his
85th year and was born on the 10th
con. T. uckersniith where he had lived
all his life. His wife, the former
Lucy Lane, also of Tuckersncith, pre-
deceased him on Feb, 28th •of this
year. He is survived by one brother,
Alex., of Casseltoii, N, :Dakota, the
last surviving member of a family of
eleven; also a nephew, Rae McKin-
non; resided with hint. The funeral
will be held Thursday, Dec. 1st, at
9:15 a,m., from the Cleary Funeral
Parlors to *St. Seines' Church, Sea -
forth, Rev. Fr. Hussey officiating,'
W. 1.
The December .meeting of the Sea -
forth Women's Institute will be held
at the home of Mrs. James F. Scott
on Tuesday evening, Dec, 6, at 8 p.m.
sharp. The roll call will be answered
by 'bringing, a gift for a child, and
members are asked to please keep
this in mind. Mr. J. M. Scott will
show pictures of his recent trip to
Europe, Those asked to bring lunch
are: sandwiches, Miss Thelma Elgie,
Mrs. James McIntosh, Mrs. John
Hillebrecht, Mrs. Elmer Cameron,
Mrs. Earl Papple and Mrs. Cecil Oke;
tarts, Mrs. Alex. Pepper, Mrs. James
McNairn, Mrs. Gordon McDonald,
Mrs. John McLean and Mrs. Mac
Scott. The members will visit the
County Home on Wednesday after-
noon, Dec. 7th, and are asked ..to
please leave their donations of -cookies
and homemade sandy, also any emp-
ty chocolate boxes they may have, at
the home of Miss Mabel Cameron
not later than Saturday, Dec, 3rd,
Means of transportation to the Coen-
ty Horne will be decided at the Dec.
6th meeting and anyone unable to
come to the meeting may call Mrs.
Wm. Leeming for information. All
members are asked to please remem-
ber their donations of cookies and
candies whether they plan to snake
this visit or not.
Interment will take place in St:
Seines' Cemetery, the pallbearers be.:
ing J. M. MdMillan, Jos. Dorsey, Leo.
Hagan, Cecil Pullman, Hugh McMil-
lan, Archie Hoggarth.
The parents' night was held in the
Continuation School here on Thurs-
day with a large crowd of parents
and friends present. The. pupils' work
was on display in the different class-
rooms. A short program, with Joseph
!Malone as chairman, opened with the
Frenchversion of 0 Canada, lack
Murray gave a reacting on the hist-
ory of Dublin followed by a play
"The Bishop's Candlesticks" by grade
nine pupils, The presentation of
awards for the essay contest was
made by Rev. Dr. F+foulkes, to Al-
phonsine Meagher, Alice Ryan and
Dorothy Dillon. The field day awards
were presented by Martin Feeney, a;
member of the school board. Winners
boy's individual events, Allan But-
ters and Jerome Murray; girl's,
Leona Givlin and Beatrice Murray.
Members of the winning ball teams.
were given athletic crests. The girls'
captain was Beatrice Murray and the
Louis Lane. After.
boys' captain, Lo isthe
program it was moved by James Mc-
Quaid and Patrick Ryan, that a par-
ent teacher association :he organized;
Louis Dillon, James. Nolan, and Mar-
tin Feeney were named the execu-
tive committee.
teaching grades 6-7, Miss Mary Ha-
gan teaching grade 3 and ,ivtiss Lor-
raine Rowland teaching grade 1.
Ladies!!! Mr. Eastman and Mr.
Mulford have invented a gadget to
stop the candles from dripping on
your hats at the Candle -light Service
on December 16.
R, *
We hear that the Glee Club mem-
bers will be adorned in new gowns
for the Christmas season and we
would be pleased if some of the
mothers volunteer to help with the
sewing of the gowns.
Our exams are still on the go.
Thank goodness we just have two
What was that noise in the hall
the other day
Oh! That was bir. Mulford our.
dancing teacher.
Hadn't you heard? Why, he has
undertaken to teach us to do the old
fashioned folk' dance. Some of the
boys and girls pretended to be shy
and wouldn't choose a partner, ,so
Mr. Mulford had to do the choosing.
We think they will soon get over
The Kippen East Women:, Insti-
tute are "holding a banquet for all
the members and; their families in
the Legion rooms in Hensall on Fri-
day evening, Dec. 2nd, supper at
6:30 sharp, followed by a good pro-
We are sorry to report little Mar-
garet Edgar was operated on in Clin-
ton Public Hospital last week for ap-
pendicitis. We wish her a speedy re-
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons visit-
ed recently with the latter's sister
and brother-in-law Mr, and Mrs, J.
Carter at Morrisville.
Quite a number of Stanley resi-
dents attended the Federation of Ag-
riculture banquet in Varna United
Church on Thtirsday evening last..
The School Section No. 2, Tucker -
smith are holding their Christmas
entertainment on Tuesday evening,
Dec. 20th at 3:13 p.m.
'The Sunday. School pupils of St.
Andrews United Church are prepar-
ing for their Xmas entertainment
which is to be held Monday evening.
Dec. 19th.
:Miss Mabel Whiteman %pent Mon-
day in London.
Rev. C. W. Down of Exeter spoke
in St. Andrew's United Church here
on Sunday last while Rev. A. Hinton
took both services at James St.
United Church in Exeter.
The W.11M.S meeting of the Kippeu
Church will be held next Wednesday
afternoon, Dec. 7. at 2:30 at the
home of Mrs. Ed. McBride. This will
be the special Christmas meeting.
Ray McGregor, son of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McGregor, of Minion,
died Nov. 29 in Windsor following a
long illness, in his 12th year.
Surviving are his parents and two
brothers, James and Grant, both et
home. Private funeral service will be
held Wednesday at 2:30 from his
parent's home, with 'Rev. Mr. Hin-
ton, of St. Andrew's United Church,
Kippen, officiating. Burial will be in
Hensall Union Cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Hawley spent
a few days in Stratford this week.
Many friends of Mr William John-
ston will be sorry to know he is ill at.
his hone in McKillop
The W.M.S. and W.A of Caven,
Winthrop, will hold their annual
meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 'nth at
2 -p.m. in the schoolroom of the
church. The officers for 1950 will be
installed at this meeting. The guest
speaker will be Moe. Robt. McKerch-
er. Will all the secretaries please
have their reports ready for this
Don't forget the Christmas con-
cert at S. S. No. 12, McKillop, De-
cember 14. Program starts at 8180.
Come one, come all.
Another social get-together was
held at S.S. No. 12, Nov. 24th. Pro-
gressive euchre was played the first
part of the evening with honors go-
ing to 'Mrs Robt. McClure, first for
ladies: Mr. Harry .Rapson for men.
Lone hands, Mrs. Byerinan, consola-
tion, Ivan McNab. Lunch was served
after which a couple hours of danc-
ing was enjoyed by young and old.
A Christmas entertainment will be
held 111 School Section No, 2, Mc-
Killop, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
A good program of music and recita-
Reeve—John McNab, Clifford
Deputy Reeve - Bert Johnston,
'George McDonald.
Council -Percy Ward, Kenneth
McParland, .William Bishop ',(accls,).
Public ,;School Board —'David
Hardie, Harry Bolger, Kenneth Mc-
Lean 1(accls.).