HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-11-17, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS WEEK END SPECIALS 1 AT STEWART BROS. 5.00 BARGAIN RACK This ,rack contains knitted suits, reg. 10.95. Teen age suits that sold for 10,00. Odd plaid •sport jackets reg- ular to 12.95. Any one to be sold for the ridiculous price of.,. 5.00 REGULAR TO 14.95 GIRLS 3 PIECE • SNOW SUITS Threepiece blanket cloth snow suits ' In two-tone shades of wine, green and red,' These sold last season at 14.95. We're clearing the range out at the very low price of 5.00 STANDARD QUALITY $1.00 LINE, WOMEN'S SNUGCIES & SHIRTS White or tearose shades of quality waffle stitch undies for winter wear. Regular stock $1.00 line to clear at i>emr 75 saussactseivasstarrarssaaarestaratuasaisasss Anay.ssa_as CLEARING SALE! MAN -TAILORED SHIRTS "New Yorker" „ and Tooke man - tailored shirts for women and misses. Broken size ranges of shirts that sold from 2.50 to 4.50. To clear at......... 1,95 NEW PLASTICIZED Paper Drapes Gay floral patterns en as- sorted light grounds,' Plasti- cized paper drapes. ready to hang. They're good looking and thrifty priced at REGULAR TO 45,00 UNTRIMMED WINTER COATS From regular stock un- trimmed winter coats, in- cluding a few Braeburn Kenwood coats, Shades are black, grey, blue, wine and brown, to clear at moscommmemmu William M. Hart TOP QUALITY COAL Unloading a car of Nut and a car of Stove this week Office PHONE 593-W Seaforth THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Last week thousands of women gathered in Massey Hall, Toronto, to protest against the iniquities that are rampant under the Ontar- io Liquor Act. It is a sign that the tide is rising -the tide of resent- ment against a traffic that is dem- oralizing this province. It is a sign too that Premier Frost must take drastic action to redeem his posi- tion, The Huron Temperance Fed- eration demands a policy that 18 in the interests of Temperance. (Advt.) TUCKERSMITH Now on Sale -Tribute to a Tree. Proceeds for Community Center, price tile, at Beattie Bros 5c to 91.00 Store The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tucker - smith school Area was held in No. 4 School on the evening of Nov. 8th with all the members present and Jas. McIntosh presiding. The minutes of last meeting were read and con-. firmed. Correspondence was pre- sented and dealt with as follows: from Mrs. Lillian Grummett request- ing repayment to her of superannua- tion fees deducted from her salary as supply teacher. Messrs McIntosh and McLean were appointed to inter- view Mrs. Grummett after consulta- tion wih Mr. Trott. Waterloo Music Co, acknowledgment of order for Rhythm Band instruments, filed. W. P. Roberts acknowledgment of invi- tation to the Board meeting and his acceptance of the same, filed. Mr. W. P. Roberts was present at the meeting and on invitation briefly ad- dressed the Board. G. G. Gardiner, I.P.S. announce- ment of Convention of Township School Area Trustees 111 Memorial Hall, 0.A.C., Guelph, on Nov. 23rd at 9:30 a.m. The Board made plans for as many as possible of the Board 'to attend. Ontario Teachers' Federa- tion re revised salary schedule, filed. The Board, after discussion decided to change the large gateway atNo. 0 25.00 BROS. "My Grandmother's name and birth place," Another interesting feature Was the motto "Let us grow lovely growing old' as given by Mrs A kt. Munn. Mrs Munn also voiced thanks to the ladies for the "bank book received by Margaret Lynn. Many items of business were brought up. As a result of the Institute "Com- munity" night in the Town hall, Nov. 4th, the Sec'y reported giving to the community building fund, the amount of $200.00 (expenses paid). This makes the total contribution of 663,55 given to this particular pro- ject. Mrs. Beer voted thanks to Mrs. Parke, Mrs. A. D. McEwen and all responsible for the successful affair, also to the men who gave such 'help- ful assistance. The Merchants are to be congratulated on their splendid support in donating prizes, etc. On motions of Mrs. A. D. McEwan and Mrs. Smallecombe it was decid- ed to operate the chamber of Com in connec ion wi 1e scree 1 booth t th tl frolic on Nov. 18th, all proceeds for Community Bldg. Fund. The follow- ing ladies volunteered to give their services, Mrs. H. W. Horton, Mrs. W. Pepper, 'Mrs. Beer, Mrs. A, Mousseau, Mrs. J. Paterson, Miss Gray, Mrs. R. MaoLaren, Mrs. Parke, Miss Luker, Mrs. Schwalm,' Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Smallecornbe. It was moved by Mrs. Goodwin, seconded by Mrs, Edwards, that the donation of $25.00 voted to the Le- gion be used for the purchase of cups and saucers, for use in the Le- gion rooms. The group favours holding.a ser- ies of euchres and dances, starting possibly on Jan. 13th. Proceeds for Institute endeavors. It was moved by Mrs. Drysdale, seconded by Mrs. Parke, that the Institute go ahead with further plans. Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Parke were named to secure FOR SALE Limited qua,tlty of Drumheller Deep Seam orchestras and make other arrange - meats re the Same. Alberta Coal. Also Chestnut Conl for sale. It se- Phone 36r13 Dublin. KRAUKOPF BROS. was moved by Miss Ellis School from the Kippen Road to the 8.th Col. road, west of east line fence and are requesting the County THURSDTY, NOVEMBER 17, 1940 At Finnigans WiNTER POTATOES • In stock choice cooking Potatoes, These Potatoes are graded and are sold on a money -back guarantee. Stock up now, 75 lbs. 1.69. Remember we deliver 0 WEEK -END SPECIALS 0 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs... 29c Glace 'Cherries, ib .,..,..., 65c Choice Quality Prunes, 1 7b. 23c Choice Dates, lb , . , , • • 25e Best Quality Rice, 2 lbs... 29c , Seeded Raisins, lb. 250 "Attention Ladies: In stook, 'Wool and Part Wool Hose" W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John. Little' and Mr. and nk their fiends rands wish, neighbors for their ,many kind- nesses and expessiogs of sympathy and those who assisted inany way; also Dr. Meldaster and Dr. Brady CARD OF THANKS • I wish to express my thanks for cards and treats I received when I was sick. MRO, L. MAKIN'S CARD -OF THANKS I. wish to thank all my friends and neigh- bors for the flowers, cards and treats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. MRS. AGNES CONSIST' LOST Two head-. of cattle, about 500 nes. One red with white head, the other is red. If you have seen either of these animals, please phone 848081, Seaforth, D. L. McNIOHOL, RR, 1, Walton, WANTED Housekeeper for midde aged couple in Sea - forth. Duties light, all conveniences. Phone 299 or write P.O. - Box 819, Seaforth conded by Mrs. 'Geiger, that the WANTED Huron County Hospitalization Plan Olafson. ler wanted a tedd Yea Johns & ileac sales, now in effect be approved and spon- Ezee Flow fertilizer Spreaders; Freeman sored by the Hensall Institute, car- ydrannc loaders; lost hole diggers, & etc. ried. Apply MEL MIUNT, RR. 4, Brantford The prize, a silk scarf, for the WANTED grand- ran h most havingthe er Sr gentleman. •a dnloth ler e t 1 11o fpr etc lY g children was claimed by Mrs J. ABjnrdrt The New'a office caraml, At this time Mrs. R. Middleton favored with an interesting reading "Mrs. Aries at the telephone". Mrs. 0Sherry and Mrs, Chapman will be hostesses at the December meeting. The rob call will feature a donation to the Sick Children's Hospital. Mrs. Blackwell will give the motto: Mrs. C. Smillie, the demonstration; Mrs. Cross, the address; Miss Welsh will have charge of the Xmas Carols. The London Area Convention held Oct. 25th, 26th and 27th was ablY reported by Mrs. G. Armstrong, who attended the sessions as a delegate. Mrs. Armstrong recounted worth- while comments on the various out- standing speakers. A trousseau in grandmother's day was then displayed by Mrs, M. Drys- dale, who vividly described each item. In keeping with the theme "His- torical Research" Mrs.:R. Simpson, the guest speaker most interestingly presented the topic "Let's laugh at men's Fashions." Mrs. H. Horton expressed appreciation to all, after which the National anthem was sung. At the close delicious refreshments were served by the social committee. Regular meeting of the Village Council held November Sth at 8 pan. all c' Chamber with in the Council members present except Councillor W. Parke. Minutes of the last regu- lar and special meeting read. Jones and Tudor, that the minutes .be ad- opted as read, carried, F. 'Harburn reported re the streets as being looked after. J. A. Paterson reported re the tax arrears. Correspondence Road Committee to make the neves- read as follows; Workmen's Co1n- pensation Board, Judge T. M, Cost - Different provision. ello, Village of Exeter, Police Vil- schoolDadministration matatio pertaining to loge of Zurich, Department of Pub- atme length were discussed lie Welfare, Monteith and Monteith was some t prized and the Treasurer Bills and Accounts read as fol- tracting Co..zfo to pay Levis Con lows; Prov. Treas., 'Insulin $1.85; ndNo.for gravel placedeat No. Canadian Legion, Hensall Branch, 1 and 2 Schoolsd, Board the de- wreaths $16,00; C. Johnson, supplies, count is contribute The u also de- F. D. $8.70; C. Johnston, supplies, toiled to cents per enrolled an amount equal Rr, yin. $5.90; F. G. Bonthron, un- to 15 cents per pupil and employment stamps $6.76; J. Pass- more, salary, W. W. $41.66; F. Har- burn, salary, $123.72; F. G. Bon- thron, postage, 45.00; 0. Twitchell, gas, oil, tire, tube, $29.05; County of Huron 'Hospitalization, Mitchell $37.50; Bell Telephone, $3.45; Hy- dro Commission, hydro, WM. $25.- 49; 5. 49; Hydro Commission, hydro and t pn y Ri h d who has 21 in number. those of pre school age to each school to purchase Christmas treats. Accounts as follows were approved. and ordered paid. H.E.P.O, Exeter Hydro acct. S.S. No, 1, $9.08; Caus. tic Sanitation Ltd., pumping two tanks, $20.00; Jack Hood Sohool sup- plies, $35.76; Clinton News Re- cord ad Sec. wtd., $4.20; Mrs. Bert water hall $23.61, total 6327.69, Haney on acct. caretaking . No. 5, Tudor and Jonesthat the bills 450.00; Mrs. Jean McDonald, supply and accounts as read, be paid, car - teaching, $8.46. 'The meeting adjourned to meet in No, 8 School atter Dec. 15th on an evening set by the chairman. . S. H. Whitmore, Sec,-Treas. BAYFFELD Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of Mount Clemens, Mich., and Miss Lola Elliott of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mrs. M. Elliott. Mr. and 'Mrs. James Scott and Katie are moving to Toronto this week where they will spend the win- ter months. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth left on Monday for Kitchener where they will spend the winter, Miss Beverley York of Lucan spent the weekend at her home in the village. Messrs. T. H. Mack, Jack Fraser, of Bayfield, and Wm. Stothers of Emhro left on Monday for a hunt- ing trip to Manitoul=.n Island. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond of Dearborn, Mich., were weekend guests at the Albion Hotel. H:ENSALL "Grandmothers" were the special guests of the Hensail Institute mem- bers at the monthly meeting held in the Legion rooms on Wednesday night, November Oth when a large attendance was present, Mrs. F, Beer presided while Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin were cana- 1 hie hostesses on the occasion. Fol - ,lowing the use of the Ode and the I Creed, the Lord's Prayer was re - I peated, minutes read, collection tak- en. The roll call was answered thus, ried. W. E. Pfaff appealed re drain- age matters at the east end of King Street the Reeve to take this up with the County Engineer in Goder-. Jell Nov. 9th. Tudor and Jones, that we now adjourn, 9:42 p.m., carried. A delightful program was present- ed in the Sunday school room of the Hensall United Church, on Mon- day onday evening, Nov. 14th under .the auspices of the Wohelo Class. Pro- ceeds will be directed to the M. and M. Fund. Arrangements were in charge of the program committee, Mr. Blackwell, Miss Dorothy Mc- Naughton, Mrs. D. Kyle, President, and Howard Brook, Rev. R. A. Brook ably presided for the following en- joyable numbers. Vocal solos, The Lord's Prayer, The Blind Plough man, A Little Bit of Heaven, Alice Blue Gown. Miss Jean McDonald of Exeter, accompanied by Miss Luker, FOR SALE 1 acres of land with small house 12x'16. hues and hon -horse 10x71, drivinfi shed 16x20. Will sell the buildings without the land. Located on part Lot 8, tion. 2, Ma - Killen. JAMES HART - ' LONDESBORO Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Jamieson. Miss Olive Moon of Toronto visit- ed her parents, My. and Mrs. Geo. Moon. Mi'. Alec, Ross of near Calgary, formerly of Londesboro,• spent the weekend at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moon. He enjoyed very much to visit the site of his old home, the old butter factory which was on the Allan Shad dick farm. Mrs. Geo. Moon and Miss OIive, and Mr. Ross of Alberta, spent the weekend in Brussels. Auction Sale The undersigned has instructed H. Jackson. onto yell at his farmov123m;31e east of Seaforth, Wednesday, N. 70 hand of cattle consisting of 90 roc. and T -B tested Holstein heifers ranging from 050 to son lbs. 20 Hereford and Durham heifers. 700 lbs. 20 Hereford and Durham steers, 750 lbs. Terms cash. SCOTT DAVIDSON, Proprietor H. •Jackson, Auctioneer 2 DAY Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & Idousehold Effects, - Will be held et Lot 21, Con. 14, Mullett Twp., 1 mile east & 1 mile south or Blyth. Both sales at 1 P.M. THURS., NOV. 24.36 head of Beef Catttle & full line of Farm Machinery, Pout - OV, & Grain. SAT., NOV. 30- Complete line of house EaeM%, including rr'igidnire, electric stove, (both like new) ; washer, niOdern and antique furniture, dishes, etc. GEORGE SLOAN, Proprietor - Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E.. Chesney, Clerk Auction Sale OF Hov9'H FURNITURE. At thee SGLD Frrrm, Ribbert Two., 1 mile.s west of Stalin, r 3 miles east or red tavern school. On Friday November 15, at 1 p.m. Davenport; number of rockers & small tables. Dining room table & 5 chairs, Walnut bed springs & mattress. 2 spool beds & springs, 2 dressers & stands. 1 heaut> reat. mattress; 1 singer seting machine: 3 heating stoves; glass cupboard; radio. Moclt, Tud- hope electric range; heavy wiring; 2 kitchen tables & kitchen chair; Princess Pat range (white enamel),. (new); kitchen cabinet; Beattyelectric washer (like new) ; 2 flour ams; 150 lbs of flour. Electric table limps dishes, kitchen uten- sils, crocks, sealers, 2 robes. Lady's muskrat.. coat. 2 men's noon teats. Linoleum floor coverings, carpets, Terns cash WM, PATRICK, Staffs, Proprietor Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR Opp. Library Rubber Boots & Sock Savers • Four Buckle Rubber Goloshes Skates sharpened & straightened ' and Sterling Work Shoes WANTED Wanted to take in. laundry. Phone 136 J, Seaforth TRIBUTE TO 'A TREE A'• booklet bearing the above title published by John Beattie and sponsored by the Sea - forth Lawn Bowling Club is now on sale. Proceeds go to the Seaforth Memorial Cen- tre. A suitable Christmas gift for shut-ins. relatives or friends Copies may be purchased at the Beattie Bios, 5c to 91.00 store. Price 50 cents The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers Authorized as Second Glass mail, Past Office Dept., Ottawa BOX 'Nut -tend, 'i ru r LOST On Saturday In the vicinity of Seaforth a tail light and license plate. No• 76T5. Finder please .phone. Blyth 23-4 collect.. WESLEY ROE Auction Sale IN THE SKATING RINK, . SEAFORTIM, on Saturday, Nov. 19th at. 1.30 p.m. The Household Effects of the late Sues' Munroe. 12x15 Axminster; fernery rockers, book shelves, sewing machine, White; 1 fool stool.; small tables; wall mirror; 2 pr. drapes; goal silk damask; 40 inches, 0 ft. 4 ins. 2 pr. of Homespun. 42 inches, 0 ft. 4 ins.. 1 Congoleum. 944 congoleum axe ; linol- eum 050; 1 bedstead, le, springs & mattress; full size springs & mattress; dresser, wash- stand, hassock, medicine cabinet, odd chairs, oilbmuer, .-Quebec range, buffet table & chairs; bake table; kitchen cabinet;. electric rangette, Sunshine; ironing boned, electric Iron, washing machine, easy gyrator ; clothes dryer, folding. 1987 Plymouth conch in A-1 condition. 5 used house doors; 16 -used house windows Terms cash HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Miss Agnes Leiper ' of Toronto Pent the weekend at the home of. her mother Mrs. Annie Leiper. The Farm Forum of S.S. No. 11 met in the school house Monday night and spent an enjoyable even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell spent Sunday at the hone of Mrs. Robt. Caldwell. Tom has .gone North to hunt. Mrs. Caldwell is staying with Mrs. Robt. Caldwell, Miss Mary Caldwell of London visited with Mrs, Robt. Caldwell over the weekend. FOR SALE' Quebec heater, used 2 years, in good con- dition. PRANK BOWMAN, phone 401'23 Dublin central H U LLETT Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley, Sea - forth, and Mr. Jack Matheson, Tor- onto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Riley, Ronald Riley visited on Friday with John and Douglas McGregor, Kippen, Mrs• Charles Riley and Mrs. A. S. Riley, Seaforth, and Mrs. MoG1•egor, Kippen, spent Friday in London. BORN FOR SALE Kelvinator refrigerator, recently over- hauled, in real good condition. Apply PEARL. WAY 71J Seaforth FOR SALE Ohevr'olet sedan 1034 model. WALTER BROADFOOT,' phone, Brussels 19,•16 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed ,Blowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First-class Companies. FOR SALE Brick house, 8 Pc. bathroom, furnace, double garage, situated s/w corner of Wilson & Centre Sts, A lovely. home. Prompt :pos- wsion.. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M,D, Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday an. Saturday. only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable.' FOR RENT For rent. in Seaforth, kitchen and large bed sitting room apt, ground floor. Immediate Possession. Apply at The News FOR SALE 30 Tamworth chunks. about 40 lbs; also 2 purebred Tamworth sows; one young bound, good runner, -LESLIE PEPPER, P.R. 4 Walton. Phone 848x22 HENDERSON-At Scott Memorial Hospital, MI November 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Henderson, Seaforth RR. 6, a son BENNTOER--At St, Joseph's Hnpiitnl, MoMrs.00 Friday,Nov 11111to Mr, and rs. SylvestrBennlger (Stella John- son), S 900 FOR SALE Goad Durham calf, week old also dressed. geese and turkeys for Xmas, milk. ted. GEO, COLCLOUGH, Clinton '805031 FOR SALE Six little pigs 7 weeks. old. EI) BOYES, Brumfield. Phone 02522. Clinton FOR SALE Mahogmry host bed, like new, with springs; also some used brick, a cloth rug, 2 sines. well pump with pipe. 1 pump, 2 dressers, 2 iron kettles. CLARENCE REEVES, Side St. ' FOR SALE McCley Royal Escort ranee, 3 years old ; 1 coal heater; 1 set bell springs; 1 dresser; 1 bicycle; 1 piano ease organ, JIM CAM- ERON, Walton. FOR SALE Small mill heater in good shape, 85. Phone 494w FOR SALE A string bunch or pigs, a gond Hereford heifer, bred; a bright young dog; tinkers for any purpose. from registered stock No. D211267. A. R. DODDS, phone 833014 WANTED Old or 'disabled horses. W. C. COVEN- LOCK, Seaforth. Phone 171 FOR SALE Modern houses on monthly payments to reliable parties. Immediate possession. Phone 494-w Seaforth CLERK'S NOTICE Of the First Pasting of the 'Voters' List, 1949 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Notice is hereby given that I have com- plied with Seotlon '7 of the' Voters' List Act and that I have posted up - nt my office et Seaforth, on the 30,1 day of November, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality nt Municipal Elections, and that such list remains those for inspection. And I: hereby call upon all vote to .take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to lase, the last day for appeal being the 241h day of November, 1949. D. H. WILSON, Olerk TENDERS WANTED VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 106' The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers•-Preside.rt, C. W. Leonhardt. Brod- hagen ; Vice Pres„ Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, 'Seaforth Directors-Robt. Archibald, Seaforth ; Frank McGregor,Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth RR3 ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. McEwing, Biyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderioh RR2 Agents -John E. Pepper. Brumfield; R. F. MoKorcher, Dublin ; J. F. ?ruder, Brodhaged l George A. Watt, Blyth Patties desirousto effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of th above named officers addressed to their respective pout.. offices. Township of Tuckersniith Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to 8 P.M.,, Nov. 19, 1949, for supplying and operating trucks, and' :snow- plowing equipment for snowplowing township.. roads in the winter of 1949-1950. V -type plows and hydraulically.. onernted equipment to he used. Two trucks to be hired. Contractor to supply all help required. Tenders to state a rate per hour. Tenders to be sealed, plainly marked "Tender" and delivered or mailed to reach the Clerk not later than '8 P.M., Nov. 18, 1540. E. P. CHESNEY Clerk Twp, of Tuekeramlth Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock HORSES -2.80 each. CATTLE 2.60 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 a: DARLING & COMPANY or CANADIV,, LIMITED USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario r••^ •c President Angus Sinclair, R R. 1, 'Mitchell Vise -President Milton McCurdy, R. R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney,; Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun.. Science Hill William A. Hamilton,Cromarty. Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitbhell Thomas' Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICE D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 FOR SALE Six room brick dwelling on ,West William St., with garage. 100acres near Walton, buildings with all modern conveniences.. ' A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acres of land - Pasture farm near Varna with 50-60 acres of improved land. Good water ;supply Good farm 100 acres,. 2% miles north of Seaforth. Early. possession. Creek passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William st. Modern dwelling on Louisa St.. Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth. -Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS. are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. • See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber, goods) mailed - Ilut, 0 �samplin essn25c 1 24 sn sealed mpleenvelope$1,00. price Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. BARNS CLEANED And whitewashed following T.B. testa Brand new sprayer 01,140121e of 1000 lbs. Pressure. Werk done to inspector's satisfaction, Phone Dublin. 44 r 9. FRED HARBURN