HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-11-17, Page 5THURSPTY, NOVEMBER 17, 1949
,,.naxwaum ..
WRIGHT'S SsTporE r Specials
Choice Cream Style Corn
15 oz. 2 for 25c
Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon
%z ib. tins 3 for 1.00
Christmas Baking Needs-
New crop Raisins, lb. 15c
New crop Currants, lb. 150
Cut Mix Peel, pkg, 'De
Cut Mix, Fruit, pkg. 21c
New crop Almonds 17c
New crop Walnuts 24c
Marachino Cherries, 6 oz. 27c
Henley Choice Peaches
ches2Tin 23c
Margene Margarine 1 Ib. 34c
Zest Orange Lemon Grape
Fruit Marmalade, 24 oz. jar 2.90
Lombard Plums, 20 oz. tin
2 Tins 250
Aylmer Fruits for Salads
15 oz, tin 27c
We Deliver
Art. Wright
Phone 77
Are you, going forinal to the Autumn Whirl
If so, let us make your gown complete with a Corsage
Corsages can be made of mums, carnations, roses and
gardenias in colors to go with any .gown
Priced right and made right by
Flowers for all occasions
TOWN TOPICS 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and
! daughter Ruth Ann of Hamilton
! Mr. Ray Pleuf, Montreal, spent with Mn and Mrs, Aug. Hillebrocht
the weekend at the home' of Mr, and for the week end.
' Mrs. J. M. McMillan,, Ruth Ann, infant daughter of Mr.
Miss Alma Finnigan, Reg. N., Ter-' and Mrs. John Mueller of Hamilton
onto, is visiting her parents Mr, and was baptized at the home of her
Mrs, Frank Finnigan.•grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. August
I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills Jr, are Htllehrecht on Sunday with Mr. and
! attending the Royal Winter Fair in
Mrs. Leslie Wietersen and Mr. and
Toroni o this week. Mrs. Lorne Mueller as sponsors,
Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Morrison `Mrs. John C. Diegel spent a week
with her daughter, Mrs. Ed.
spent the weekend in Barrie. Kress-
' spent
and Nlrs, Dave Lemon spent ler and Mr, I? ressler in Stratford:
Friday in. Toronto. i Miss Grace Vock, .who has been
Miss Ethel Storey and Wayne clerk at Tait's general store for the
Ellis spent the weekend in Midland. Past six years,, has resigned,
Mr, Al Cummings . of Toronto !Mrs. M. Schultz and Eric of yipat
spent the weekend at the home of exloo 're.
iMr. Robert Scarlett. Mr, ArlencalledonHofdginsiends, Mrsher. Hodgins
!Miss Janie !Moffatt, Kitchener, Sr, of London with Mr.. and Mrs.
spent the weekend with her parents. Ralph Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz and
Stratford spent the weekend with Gerald and Mr. and Mrs, Aug. Hop -
Mise M. E. Turnbull, penroth with Mr. and Mrs. John
'Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys and Lantz at North Easthope.
daughter Joan, of Windsor, spent' HARLOCK
the weekend with the former's par- I •
ents, Mr. and Mos. Nelson Keys. 1 Messrs. Thomas Colson, of Blyth,
,Messrs Bert Haney, Gavin • Gem- Harry Sturdy, of Auburn, Nelson
mell and Elmore Stephenson re- Lear, James M'cEwing, Arthur Col -
turned home on Saturday from their son, Watson Reid and Wni. Leiper
hunting trip in Algoma. left on Saturday for a two weeks
Mr. Hearth of Barrie is visiting at hunting trip north; we wish them a
the home of his sister, Mrs. S. J. happy holiday and good luck.
Spencer, James Street, ' Mr. James Jamieson is assisting`
Among those from a distance at- his ,sister, Mrs, Arthur Colson, dur-
tending the funeral here last week ing Arthur's holiday.
of the late Harry Cresswell of Cal- We are sorry Mr. Wm. Murphy is
guy were: Mr. H. M. Jackson of poorly and wish him a speedy re-
; Toronto; Mrs, H. H. Hinton, Acton; covey,
! Mr, and Mrs, Murray Fowler of
Toronto; Mrs Jack Carter of Toren i STANLEY
i co; Messrs Henry Fowler and Frank'
Tuesday, Nov. 22
AT 8 P.M.
At Carnegie Library
The public is invited to attend
Due to the new constitution every one will have have the opportunity
to vote at this meeting, The Board is anxious that there is
a good turnout
Alexander took up the offering. The
president, Mrs. Townsend then took
the chair and the treasurer gave the
financial report. Miss Young spoke.
on Christian Stewardship, A ` com-
ommittee was appointed, Mrs. Ivan
Carter, Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs, W.
!Govier, to bring in a slate of officers
for the year 1950. A request for all
mite boxes to be brought in at the
December meeting or left anytime
with Mrs. W. Lyon. A report of the
sectional W.M.S. meeting at Bruce -
field was given by Mrs. Fangrad,
Miss Margaret Tamblyn has been
awarded' the Huron county scholar-
ship of $100 given to the woman
student with the !highest standing
from Huron county attending West-
ern University for the preceding
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Armstrong Mrs.w. Nellie
eekend Watsonwith hspenterdthe her,
Fowler of London; Miss Edna Jow-g hday aught
ett of Port Huron; Mi'. and firs- 'have moved to London and have Miss Fern Watson, London.
Dunbar of Lambeth. taken apartments` with Mr. Thomas Mrs. Gordon Radford is in Clin-
14r. and Mrs, David McLean, YIrs,
Reidfor tate hinter months. ton hospital and underwent an ap-
Bieke 'and George spent the week- Mr. Lloyd Dowson has been taken pcndix operation on Friday morn -
end in Torontolvisiting` at the home to Clinton General Hospital where ing.
j he is receiving treatment. We hope
of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Deeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bristow of for a speedy recovery.
Royal Oak, Mich,; Mrs. A. Cucinrore Mr John A. Armstrong has re-
Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore turned home from St. Joseph Hos-
and Nancy of Exeter were weekend pital, London, we are pleased to say
guests of Mrs. W. Webster. he is much improved in health,
Mrs. Atkinson of Norwood spent BORN—In Clinton General Hos-
the weekend with her mother, Mrs. pital, on Saturday, Nov. 12th, to Mr.
J. J. Merrier. Mr.
Mrs. Bruce McClinchey, a son.
Mrs. J. J. Merrier left on Monday and Mrs. Russell I matt spent
winter with her the weekend with friends in Toronto
to spend the winte
daughter, Mrs. Atkinson, in Norwood Mrs. Gentle Reid is at present in
Mrs. Wm. Keri, Mrs. Jean Mies-
hee Clinton Hospital suffering from sci
ney, and Mr. Roy Kerr were in atica.
Flint over the weekend.
Mr. David Bolton, hitchener, LONDESBORO
spent the weekend at the home of The regular meeting, of the W.M.S.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard was held on Thursday afternoon,
Bolton. ! Nov. 10 with a fair attendance,
Mrs, Leona Pulte and Mrs. Marie Meeting opened with Mrs. L. Web -
McLeod, Detroit, spent a few days ster, leader of group 1, reading the
last week with their father Mr. Thos. Gall to Worship. Hymn 162 was then
Heffernan. I sung. The program in the missionary
iMr. Ab. Cummings, Toronto, visit- , monthly was followed all taking
E. S. Watt & Sons
Wish to .announce the appointment of
As their Dealer for
in stock at all times
Phone 77
Listen in at 6.45, hear the news over CKNX Wingham
every night _
Also obtainable at the
A New Radio
$24.95 TO $129,50
Daly Motors
Ford Monarch Sales and Service
In Stock
Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc
Beaver -Board, Arborite,
Tentest Blocks
Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles,
Cooksville Bricks
Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding, and Roll Roofing
Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts
Lumber, Sash and Doors
Screens made to order
Custom !Millwork
Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd.
"Where ;The" Best Costs No More"
ed over the weekend with friends in part. Mrs, Webster led in prayer,
town. 1 Mrs. Fangrad sang a solo and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar spent
Friday at the Jack Miner wild life
sanctuary at Kingsville, were in De-
troit on Saturday, and visited Mr. and.
Mrs. Wilfred Lavoie of Grosse Pointe,
Mich„ over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Shaw of Cor -
Unna Spent the week end with the.
former's mother, Mrs. Pearl Shaw
and sister Mrs. Glenn Pryce and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Devereaux, Lou-
don, and Miss Mary Devereaux, To-
ronto, spent the week end at the,
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereaux,
Miss Ruth Joynt of Toronto spent
the week end at her home here.
Mr. Kenneth Eaton, Toronto, spent
the week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs, George Eaton.
Mrs. George MacDonald, Stratford,
visited on Saturday at the home of
Ml and Mrs. Ralph McFadden,
Mr, Archie Hubert, Ingersoll, spent
the week end with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. A. Hubert.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar attended
the Black -Love wedding in High Park
Chui•ch, Toronto, and also the recep-
tion held at the Country Club. Bay-
view and Lawrence Ave.
Mrs. Thomas McKay, Galt, visited
for a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Sills.
Mise Joan Walsh visited recently
in Dublin with her sister and brother-
in-law Mrs. J, F. Ryan and Mr. Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs, I3. Dinnin, Guelph,
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. William Wright.
Mrs. E. C. Case is visiting in New
Yorkstate with her daughter and
son -in law, Mrs. Harrison Morse and
Mr. Morse.
Mr. Frank Ryan, London, spent the
week end at his home here.
Mr, Jimmy Devereaux underwent
an appendicitis operation last week in
Soott Memorial Hospital.
Miss Gladys Hopper visited on re-
membrance day with her Sister and
brother-in-law Mrs. F. Nuhn and Mr.
Nuhn in Kitchener.
We held our Remembrance Day
programme on Thursday, Nov. 10 at
the Presbyterian Church, An enjoy-
able programme was held with Mr.
Campbell as our guest. Mr. Camp-
bell's speech was the remembrance of
the soldiers who lost their lives in
the .first and second world wars, :Saute
of the boys of grade six and seven
sang "Olt God of Love, Oh King of
Peace". Room III recited a home-
coming poem "They Have Come
Back". Bill Bennett of room I recit-
ed the poem "This was my Brother".
The Glee Club ended the progranilne
with the three-part singing of God
Save The King.
The teachers were called up to
Clinton School for chest x-rays on
Monday afternoon.
Here comes the sail news folks—
Examinations start this week.
Don't forget the Carol Service to
be held at the Northside United
Church, Friday, Dec. 16. keep this
date open please.
Miss Caroline Mueller eele'brated
her 84bh birthday on Sunday, Nov. I
, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Messerschmidt
and Arlene of Detroit, visited the
former's mother, Mrs. Henry Kleber
Sr. for the weekend.
Mrs. Kleber returned to Detroit
with then to spend the winter
months. '
In Winthrop Hall
Friday, Nov. 18
Music by Shamrock Orchestra
Admission 50c
Dancing 9.30 to 1.30
Old and New Tyme
Johnny Petrie and His
Admission 50e
ESP leillINEMINI1111211111111
Don Robertson and the Ranch
Darning 10 -- 1 A.3;.
In Cardno's Hall
FRIDAY, NOV. 18 -- 9.30 to 1.30
Plus Vocalist
Dress Optional Admission $2.50
••••••10•11•0111•191I•DlI).011021122 IE El
Card of Appreciation
Mr. H. F. Berry wishes to thank his
many customers for their patronage
during the past 26 years, and he hopes
they will support his successor,
Mr. Donald McKay, of Kintail
'Within these gray walls life begins and ends.
Here in this harbour, worn. sea -weary ships.
Drop anchor, as the fading sun descends,
And new -launched vessels start their outbound trips.
The new constitution asks that the third
Tuesday in November be set aside for the
annual meeting of Hospital Boards.
Having reached the end of my year of
tenure as chairman of the Board of the
Scott Memorial Hospital I hereby make
my report and at the same time tender my
As chairman I had published in our local
papers the first complete financial report.
This statement showed the hospital to be
operating at that time with a deficit of
been materially reduced to $4,000.00. has
Tours of the hospital were welcomed and
many local organizations took advantage
of this to see the available facilities, A
Stromberg:Carlson system of communic-
ation was installed, allowing the office to
reach all areas of the hospital without
delay. Instead or the obsolete system of
book-keeping, we now have a modern card
system for tiling the patients' records.
This autumn a food drive was held with
gratifying results. Local buying of neat
and bread has been instituted rather .than
buying out of town as was previously done.
Instead of one matron having the entire
burden twenty-four hours a day, we now
have two assistant -superintendents who
work in shifts to provide first class
Ai; the present time vitally new projects
are raider way. The hospital has a -new
matron who is endeavouring to give the
Patients the best of service. Under her
surveillance the diet kitchen. is being re-
modelled to eliminate noise and facilitate
service, A new incinerator is inthe pro-
cess or being built. The hospital finds it
necessary to purchase a new operating
table as the present table is worn out.
The Deputy Minister of Health asks us
to enact suitable by-laws in accordance
with the requirements of the regulations.
These by-laws should include provisions to
assist in the management of the hospital.
The department asks that the renovation
of the old part of the hospital he under-
taken immediately.
Accounts are the chief worry of any
hospital board. hospitals give public ser-
vice twenty-four hnttrs a day, yet can not
refuse to function because a patient can
not pay. Future chairmen might work out
Some system, of patient analysis to ale in
the prompt payment of bills.
To future chairmen I would suggest eonr-
petitive food drives from McKillop and
Tuckersmith with a vacant store being used
to display the gifts donated. These gifts
aid in lessening the high operating costs.
To future chairmen may I suggest. that
every Board member aid the staff to ftn•-
tlte' the -efficiently of the nursi a ,xrut e
110 \V being given. In. future good nut in.:
courses will ensure a trained nursing el,tfi'
who understand the workings or email
Under the new constitution doctors are
members of the advisory board only mei
have no voting power. This - ael7aratiqu
means that medical boards and ln,spiial
boards must work in closely knit co-
operetiou to keep our hospital up to the
standards demanded by the government.
Hospitalboard appointees must be r:n•e-
fully chosen since the full responsibility -
now rests on their shoulders. The mrcltrai
board must support the local institution
and see that their patients receive the best
of modern care.
To the people of this community I
respectfully submit this report.
The following letter was recently received by Mr. Thomas Jackson;
Dear Mr, Jackson I ani spending tendays with my sister in Victoria. It truly is.
beautiful here, and on the bus and in the shops, the people are friendly.'
I am getting along very well in Kaslo. We have two Doctors who are firmly
behind the Hospital and who break no rules or regulations. The Board of Menag""s
are behind the matron, and I have the grandest staff of nurses, They are alt Ont, io
We have a charming Anglican Church. It is small but very beautiful, but they les.):
the funds to have a resident minister, so we only have service once a day about twice
a month. My best wishes to you. Minuote Grinyer