HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-11-03, Page 8isserresto a. critrechtt cteTt. MEN'S QUALITY Inter Coats 35 e+z* x,14 TO 55 Famous Kenwood Coats, popular alpacamas, new vel- ours, fleeces, and all wool coatings. Expertly tailored in comfort- able slip-on or smart fitted models. Featured In brown, Oxford, navy, teal, fawn, beige, and grey. Size 34 to 46 35.00 to 55,00 YOUTHS SIZES 24.50 WARRENDALE White Broadcloth Shirts Better start a little Christmas shopping on these shirts at this low price, Sanforized shrunk, fused collar, full size make and neatly sewn Size 14 to 16% Specially priced 2.98 it Bros. -4PAMM13222h 76116313•1111131011931639 SED MACHINES 12-20 Wallis Tractor on steel 2 -furrow 6 A. M. H. Plow 3 -furrow Fleury Plow PRICED TO SELL s Seal rth W. T. Teal], Prop. PHONE 141 SEAFORTH s s William M. Hart TOP QUALITY COAL 21-i1' 8,-aforth CARLOAD OF CANE MOLASSES And a Carload of SEMI SOLID • BUTTERMILK Seaforth Farmers Co-op. PHONE 9 HENSALL The Monthly Evening Auxiliary I, seting will be held at home of Mrs. L. Chapman on . Tuesday evening November 151h, Mrs, ,I. Corbett will assist the hostas:+. The devotional will he presented by Mrs. W. Tones; the Mis- ovary item by Mr,, K.• Buchan - a1, and the study chapter by Gladys Luker, A11 members are requested to be present in order that full ar- rangements may he made in connec- tion with the bazaar to be held in the schoolroom of the United Church on Saturday afternoon, November 19th at 3 p.m. - - See the Fancy work and knitted good's, aprons, home baking, produce, .anriI, novelties, tea will •be served. TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS CARD OF THANKS Arthur Smale wishesto thank all those who remembered him while ho was a patient in 'Scott .Memorial hospital LOST Lost In Seaforth on Monday, a ladles black kid glove for the lefthand. Pinder please. have at 'rhe News- office. FOR SALE York sow, second litter due in ,about two weeks. Phone 664 r 12 FOR SALE 21 lags, threemonths' old. C. P. VAN MIL, Seaforth - - Church, Monday evening, Nov. 14 at S;15 pan. under `auspices of the Wohelo Class. Included in the pro- gram will lbea one ant play. Every- one welcome. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd ,Smith and Sean of Ridgetown, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigsby and Donna of Blen- heim spent the weekend. with Mrs. Rigby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art McQueen. The schoolroom of the United Church, on Thursday afternoon last, beautifully decorated with bask- ets of mums and Hallowe'en em- blems was the setting for a delight- ful affair when the W.M.S. enter- tained the members of the baby band and their mothers. Mrs. R. A. Brook was in the chair. A varied program was presented consisting of a piano solo by Charles Mickle; recitations by Gregory Spencer, Mary Scane, Jerry Drysdale, Andy McLean, Bruce Horton, Bonny Nichols; vocal duett, Charles and Bobby Mickle. The story, "Hallowe'en Magic" was pre- sented by Mrs. Howard Scane, cos- tumed as a witch, she was assisted by Mary Scane, Cathy Scane, Bobbi Mickle, Jerry Drysdale, in character costulne. The graduation class grad- uating from the baby band into the Mission Band included Gregory Spencer, Andy McLean, Larry Jones, Jerry Drysdale, Bobby Mickle, Bruce Horton, Peggy Goddard, Billy Doakes, Carolyn Smillie, Bonny Nic- hols. Miss Florence Welsh accom- panied at the piano during the exer- cises. Each child was presented with a favour, a cardboard pumpkin filled with candy. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt play- ed soft music preceding the meeting and also accompanied for the hymns. Members of the W.M.S. served re- freshments, and serving were Mrs. Robert Cook, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Mrs. Donald Joynt, and Mrs. Walter Spencer. The decorating committee were Mrs. R. J. Drysdale and Mrs. Dave Kyle. Superintendent of the Baby Band is Mrs, R. J. Drysdale, asst. Mrs. D. Kyle. Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. W. Good- win will act as hostesses for the re- gular Monthlyg oftheHetl- meeting Hen - sail Institute .which takes place in the Legion rooms on Wednesday night, Nov. 9th. The special guests are the "Grandmothers". Roll call: My grandmother's name and birth- place. Prize given for grandmother with most grandchildren. An out- standing program will be presented consisting of the address by Mrs. R. Simpson; the demonstration by Mrs. ' d and motto byMrs. A. Drysdale saran Y E. Munn, also other features. A large attendance is urged. Members are requested to bring their own cups and spoons. Vtfeekend visitors with Mrs. Ca- tharine Redden included IV r. and Mrs. Verne Hedden and family, Mrs. ?:lex Shorthouse and Gweyn, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Heddel,Messrs Orville and Lloyd Hedden, St. Catharines; 91r. and Mrs. Harold .Redden and Boishie of Dresden, Mi'. and Mrs. A. L. Case returned biome from i pleasant notal' trip to Hamilton, Toronto and Guelph. Ml. and Mrs. I' Smallecombe sr. and family of Guelph, spent the weekend with the former's parents,1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallecombe. The I:O.O:F. and Amber Rebekah Lodge held a moot successful hal- ' lowe'en Frolic in the Town hall on Friday evening. The auditorium and stage were artistically decorated for the occasion. Prize winners were as follows. Best dressed couple 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tinney; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle. Ladies' char- acter costume lst, Mrs. T. Chutor, 2nd, Mrs.G. Block, Zurich; 'Men's character 1st, Thomas Meyer, Zur- ich, 2nd, Edison MacLean, Iiippen. Ladies' comic lst, Mrs. W. Shale, Hensall, ',nd Miss Dorothy McMillan and Mrs, 3, Peebles. Mens' comic 1st, Mr. Carl Decker, Zurich, 2nd, Jack Peebles, Hensall. The Judges were Mr's. Russel Broderick, Miss Florence Welsh and P. I-1. Middleton. Music was furnished by Murdoch's orchest- ra and the lunch booth was operated by members of the LO.O.F. and Am- ber Rebekah Lodge. Tr, and Mrs. Glenn Bell visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Bell in London. Mrs. Lorne MeNaughton and Mrs. Beit Riley spent the weekend with, relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar spent the weekend with members of their family in Toronto. A variety program of local and outside talent will he held in the basement of the Hensall United ST. COLUMBAN Chrysanthemums in pink, white and mauve shades adorned the altar of St. Columban Roman Catholic Church, St. Co]umban, Saturday morning at 9:80 o'clock when Grace Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Connelly, McKillop township, became the bride of Mr. Dominic Patrick Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, also of McKillop township. Rev. F. J. O'Drowski offi- ciated at the double ring ceremony at 9:80 o'clock. Mrs. Vincent Lane, Mc- Killop township, presided at the or- gan, and Mrs. Thomas Kale, Sea- forth, sang an "Ave Maria," and `'0n This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother," Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lovely gown of white bridal satin, buttoned down the back, featuring a stand-up collar with bead trimming, and long tight sleeves ending in lily points. The skit extended into a train. Her em- broidered veil was held in place by a coronet headdress encrusted with rhinestones, and she carried a bou- quet of red American Beauty roses with satin streamers. The maid of honor, Miss Rita Connelly, London, and the bridesmaid, Miss Marie Con- nelly, sisters of the bride, wore taf- feta gowns in aquamarine and orchid shades, respectively. The gowns were fashioned with nylon yokes and ber- tha necklines, edged with lace, The long full skirts were in bustle -back effect.They wore large lace picture hats and long mittens, harmonizing with their gowns. Their .flowers were bouquets of bronze -toned roses. The flower girl, Rosemary Murray, niece of the bridegroom, was in a. pastel green frock with poke bonnet to match her frock. She carried a nose- gay of mixed flowers. Billy Murray, nephew of the bridegroom, was ring bearer, wearing a navy jacket and white trousers. Mr. Frank Murray was hest man for his brother, and the usher were Mr, Thomas Murray ancl Mr. Michael Connelly. The bride's mother wore a wine suit, .ac- cented with navy accessories, and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Mur- ray, mother of the bridegroom, was dressed in gray with wine accessor- ies, and wore a corsage of red carna- tions. Following the wedding dinner at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, for guests from Stratford, Mitchell, London, and Kitchener, The home was decorated with pink and white streamers and hells. For a wedding trip to London and Toronto, the bride donned a brown tailored gabardine suit, On their return Mr. and Mrs. Murray will reside on the bridegroom's farm, McKillop township. arty ,1ifYsa THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 At Finnigans ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES It's later than you think: Prepare now for winter, In stock, Putty, Stove Pipes, Glass (all sizes), Ga1v. Pails, Paint, Stove Cement • kerowax (liquid)..,s•,Tin 39c • 9.-1 quality Currants, 2 lbs. 25c Special Wax (50114)..Tins 29c White Raisins, choice, 11b. 25c O'Cedar Glass Wax, till .. 490 Choice Potatoes, 75 Ib... 1.49 0 The Easiest Money you make is what you save in buying W. J. FINNIGAN & SON LOST. T -B ,tested red yearling steer arom,d 500 lis, small horns. Phone -collect 'ROBERT VIVIAN, Dublin central 4818 FOR SALE 39 Ford, equipped with heater and radio. Phone 686r18 Seaforth FOR SALE Quebec heater, used 2 years, in good con- dition. FRANIK BOWMAN, phone 401.23 Dublin central FOR SALE Apples for sale. Come to the orchard and pick them. Also apples on the ground for cider. Will take orders for apple butter and apple icily, Phone 8441.41, SAM STOREY WANTED TO BUY Some young cattle around 400 Ills wanted. Apply at The News FOR SALE 1047 Pontine Coach in eXcellent"Mechanical cotdilion.-and good appearance. Under seat heater. Must sell.: Priced reasonable. Phone Clinton 101-w NOTICE Would the party win took buffalo robe mut of a drive sited west of Seifnrth on Highway return the same at once to avoid further action. WANTED Old or disabled horses. W. C. COVEN - LOCK. Seefnrth. Phone 171 -' FOR SALE Modern houses on monthly payments to reliable parties. Immediate possession. Phone 494-w Seaforth FOR SALE 2 Collie pups, good heelers. Phone 37x0 Dublin. WILFRED O'ROURKE FOR SALE English Melton shorty overcoat, almost new, size #86. Thirty-five dollar value for 35,00. THOMPSON'S SHOE REPAIR, opp Library FOR SALE Pigs—A bunch of chunks. Apply to DOUG- LAS FRASER, 166 con. Grey two. Phone FOR SALE 20x8, Brussels 2 registered Hereford bulla, 18 & 11 mon05e. Sired by Pine Echo Boon] Stormily 5th. Nerd under accreditation, passed first test with no reactors. Fully guaranteed If kept in con clition. Apply BERT BEACOM, Rk. 1, Blyth. Phone 22x4 HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR Opp. Library New Stock Sterling Work Shoes 7 different .Styles & Prices to choose from including Arch Support Shoes Full line of Gutta Percba Rubber Boots Mitchell Cider $z1. Apple Butter Mill Will operate every day, start- ing Oct. 1 until Nov. 25. FRED HENNICK & SON For appointment phone 181 Mitchell FOR SALE 20 Roe Leghorn x Red pullets, priced reasonably; also 1 dual purpose Shorthorn caw due to fresben anon. ANDREW CR02IE16, RR. 2, Seaforth 667122 FOR SALE A few young Tamworth boars for sale. LORNE HULLEY, Walton RR. 2 Phone 840r32 Seaforth THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office- Dept., fficeDept„ Ottawa _ FOR SALE in Settforth a large brick house, with income; bath, slate roof, reasonable. Phone 301.2 Dublin FOR SALE One girl's blue Kenwood Blanket Cloth coat. Sire 19X. In A-1 condition. Can be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS, Seaforth Auction Sale OF 80 HEREFORD wES'rBRN CATTLE, T -B tested. Will be held al, Harold Jackson's farm, half mile east of Seaforth, on Monday, November 7th at 1 pan. 30 steers ranging from 600 to 1000 lbs; 25 heifers ranging from 500 to 700 lbs. 25 spring calves; 2 wagon horses; 1 Western saddle and bridle, like new. Terms cash, C. H. DOW, Proprietor Harold Jackson Auctioneer Auction Sale 01 FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD Effects, At Lot 27, Con. .8, Ilibbcrt 3 miles west of Stalin, on Saturday, Nov- ember 5th at 1 pre. 2 fain wagons. wagon boa seed drill, inhrow disc harrow, 2 -walking plows, Deer- ing mower, cutter, . light wagon, sleighs, road cart, fanning mill, cutting box, speed jack, -1,000-Ib scales, seu8Tler, bag truck, house door, hay fork, sling ropes & chain, whipplotrees, ncekyokes, chains and other articles. 1927 Whippet car in good condition. Poultry-100rock pullets, laying, 2 chicken shelters & poultry equipment, Poultry fence. 5 netting. 5 sq, pine veranda posts. Horse collars, set double harness (with breeching), set single harness, wheel barrow,: 16 ft. straw blower pipe. Household Effects—Kitchen range (good), spool leg extension table, 6 kitchen chairs, number of rocking chairs, kitchen cabinet, couch, glass cupboard, number of small tables, odd attire & occasional chairs, Me- ttle 0, stair carpet. floor carpets, 3 furnished bedrooms, chests of drawers, spring mat- tress, trunks and bedding, cherry round tnlsle, lamps, spool whatnot, spool beds, quilt boxes, toilet sets, flower pots, dishes, sealers, garden tools, lawn mower, child's go-cart, child's wagon, cottgoleum rug 9'09' Terms cash JAMES HILL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer John Butson, Clerk Auction Sale OF FARM PROPERTY, LIVE STOCK and Hnttaehold Effects. At Lot 12, Con.. t, . Hint Two•. 1 mile south of TTillsgreen on Tar Ln,, oic Thur day, Nov. In, at 12 o'clock. HORSES M trhed temp brown fillies, CATTLE -ren elsole' Durham and Here ford ernes, due to freshen from Sammy to A5011. Ono 10 500 Hereford hull. three baby beeves, three summer r t.. 7 i1 torted. Pros --1 York hogs almost ready for nia0- lret. 8 pigs tenweeks old. Poultry --131 hv- livid pullets, laying Tray and Grain A quantity of oats, 40 ton mixed hey. FARM MACHINERY... -M -H binder; 10-20 M=0 tractor, !n gond condition; 0 furrow internstinnnl plow; spring teeth cultivator: M -D oil bath mower, new M-1) drop heed hay loader; silky rebel M -D fertiliser drill, 13 hoe; Tudhope Ancloson manure spreader, gond; 2 walking Plows; four section -har- rows; 3 drum steel yeller; set of arm scales; fanning mill; DeLavel cream 00110ra10r; a geed Sul her tired wagon with sliding �, hat rackc1 set of farm sleighs; bag truck; } p motor and pump ionic; M -I3 bean seuliler; two wheeled trailer ; cutter 1 set of breeching. harness, single harness; number of hose Toilers; forks, shovels, whifilgtrees, chains, hayfork sling ropes, sling chains, ole. 1946 Mercury Sedan in .good condition, Colony amuse 10x12 and other poultry eget. Household Effects—A full line of household effects Including an 0 ft. Westinghouse hi - hew) ; 4 plate Moffatt electric range. new; R o ;tinghaase washing machine, like new, kitchen eahinet.; other kitchen fund - lute.: mantel radia; Singer sewing =whine; Nheaerfteld Now Williams upright Plane :tritium: :tritium s fa; extension table; rockers, small trades; 4 complete bedroom 'suites, spring & mettress51' quilt boxes, trunks. bedding, cloelcs, two. Milts 0x12, scatter mats, floor etteerings. pictures, r Targe mirrors, sealers, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. FARMS, -The farm consists of 100 acres, Lot 12, ran, 7, ITay Twp, 14, mile south of 1llisrroen.. On the premises is a 1t;.etory brad` house, large Lank barn with straw tied, drive shed, hydro throughout buildings; clay hour ; 8 acres fall wheat sown ; farm in excellent state of cultivation, good water supply Also n fifty acre farm, North 14 Let 11, adjoining the 100 acre farm ; frame bare• all land North 1.1 Alla . Lot 15, fifty acres grass farm; on the Babylon line 0f Stanley Twp. <xerllent grass with windmill, good water 0l1pply These farm,. will all be sold in separate Parcels. subject to reserve bid Tom, en chattels Bash; property, °';; down. balance in 60 days, • ESTATE OF LATE PRAM{ ITAGAN Harold Ja<sksen, Auctioneer E; P, Chesney. C1nrk FOR SALE Pianos, furniture; 4 new pintos, large stuck used refinished pianos; 00 & 25 *tele re- frigerators. Trade in your old piano. S.F. SCI•IUETT & SONS, Mildmay Furniture Store. Mildmay. Free delivery FOR SALE Sprayed Apples for sale. Spys, Kings, loldietc. Ploa Cintn613-24,FREI) McCLYMONT WANTED Secretary -Treasurer For Huron County Federation of Agricul- ture. Duties to commence early in December. Apply by tender to ROY,W. V. fie.-Trcasuter, Box 3111 Clinton, not Ino hun November 20th. NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL BOX I ttuurat AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W The next meeting of the Huron County Council will bo held In the Council Cham- bers, Court. House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, November 16th,. at 2,00 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business re<ruiring the attention or Council should be In the hands of the Coun- ty Clerk not later than Saturolay, November r»Ch, 1949. N. W. MILLEn,... County Clerk Codetieh,Ontario Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists Municipality of Hibbert Township Perth County Notice is hereby given that I have com- plied with section three of the Voters' Lists Amendment Act, 1937, and that I have postedup atmy office, Lot 28, Cot. 13, Hibbert Township, en the 25111 clay of Oct- ober, 1910, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Perliantent and Municipal Elections mod. thst such list It there, for inspection, And T hereby roll neon all voter's to take imo,, Iiato proceodhnge to have 110,0' errors or 101.01000 corrected according 10 law. The lestclay for appeal being the Toth day of N,rembor. 1949. TII05. I). WREN Clerk of the Twp. of Ililbert NOTICE Township of Tuckersinith T"ilckerunith Council meeting will be held at s o'clock, Saturday, Nov. 0 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of insurance rinks effect ed at lowest rates in hirst-Claes,. Companies. FOR SALE Brick house, 8 Pe. bathroom, furnace,. double garage, situated s/w corner of. WRsua & - Centro Sta. 'A lovely home. Prompt pos- session. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROHER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 324 Township of Hibbert Court of Revision Noticeis hereby given that the Court. of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Iliblert far the year 1910 will be held in the Township Hall, Stat8e, on Monday, Nov, 70h4 1949, at two 'p.m. Dated at -Cromarty Oct. 15th, 1949 THOS. D. WREN Clerk of the Twp' of 13ibbert, Cromarty. RR. #1 Highest Cash Prices for 1 Dead Stock 1' HORSES..2,50 each CATTLE 2.60 each ► HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 1• d MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooredeld'e Eye, and Gold"e0 Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third WeBneaday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A,M.D. Internist. P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m,, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday ant Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance arta desirable. VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main' St. Seaforth Phone 106 The McKillop Mutual FireInsurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFOIITH, ONT. Officers.—P" ideal, 0. W. Leonhardt, Bred- hagen; Vice Rree., Hugh Alexander, Walton; of Sec.-Treas. &Martat; . e1. M. A. Read Seaford. r'tt' Frank Seaforth • Dlreclors—Robt. Archibald, 5 e McGregor, Clinton' S. H. Whitmore,Seaforth R3; Cris Leonlmrdt, Bornhol; E. J. Trewarthn, Clinton; Sohn L. Malone, Seaforth t J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1 ; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Harvey, Fuller, Goderich RR2 Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucetleld; R. F. McKercher, Dublin'; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen 1 George A. Watt, Blyth Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other busineso, will be promptly attended to by appllcationo to any of t0 above named officers addressed to their respective post offices aD USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Vise -President Milton McCurdy, R. R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H, Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin B. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitbhell Thomas Scott. Cromarty Secretory -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., 839AFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, kc,. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK 30. Me00NNELL H, GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 FOR SALE Six room brick dwelling on West William 51 with garage. 100 acres near Walton, buildings with n11 modern conveniences.. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acresof land Pasture farm near Varna with 60-60 scree of improved land. Good water. supply Good farm 100 acres, 2',i miles north of Seaforth. Early Possession. 0reek Ponca through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William at. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. RNID, Seaforth Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTII SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed ce list. 6idin samplesaln sealed 20s; 24 oamploe 05100 Mail Order Dept. T-744, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. BARNS CLEANED And whitewashed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. 104000ure. Work clone to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44 r 6. FT0E1) HARBURN