HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-11-03, Page 6Pt
Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour
A Serial Story
a# [;tt'i4:eiw ..i .^. T4.7v:?1. ➢
Wet tiraYat l'c ,e
The story thus Car: firginla Ameh
crosses the w•11d, frontier West by tan and
stage In response to a letter frolu Phil
Lawrence, her Ilene,.. who left Washington
to make his fortune In Arizona, At Lam
ansa. Lt. .Jim IA edall investigatet, the
robbery of the stage on which she was
raiding and In which her Dame11 pia and a
money box far Steve Barron, Santa Hoene
gambling czar. were stolen, Be learns at
last that P1111 Lawrence, robbed and ehat-
ed by Barron, enl.ineerd the .robbery, but
he dons not tell {irghdu, Neither does he
tell Barron. but the gambler learns the
truth when he overhears Virginia discuss -
Ing Pili! with Lame Curr,,, dance -hall
girl In love with 1 irginn's Nonce• Barron,
himself in hoe with Lanya louvre with
the intention of killing Phil. Virgins fol-
lows, hopeful of getting to Phil In time to
warn him.
No more than the allotted five
minutes elapsed before Virginia was
mounted on the spirited gray mare
which Jim Randall had loaned her.
The gray, eager to be off, took mine -
tug steps as Virginia held it in and
looked down at Lanya Correy.
The girl's dark eyes were fright-
ened. "It's a dangerous ride." she
"I can't think of that," Virginia
told her. "Phil must be warned."
Lanya looked over her shoulder
and shivered. "I -I'll try to hold
him here," she said, and moved
away toward Steve Barron's place.
The great expanse of desert lay in
every direction, stark lonely, all
sand and cactus, red rocks and
bunch grass. A shimmering wave
of heat haze blurred the distant rim
to the south. Miles beyond the
haze lay Phil Lawrence's ranch
house. And perhaps danger.
Jim Randall's conunand had
marched south that morning. Apach-
es, Mrs. Warden had heard, had
swept up from the Pines and raided
and burned a ranch house within 10
miles of Santa Bonita.
But Virginia had no fear for her-
self as she rode, She could only
think of Phil's danger, of the deadly
threat of Steve Barron's voice.
After the long eight 'miles, she
saw the high red butte to the west
and swung the gray that way. Vir-
ginia felt relief under her breath-
Iessness. Phil's adobe house stood
near that butte.
She saw the dobe, white against
the green of the cottonwoods be -
bind it. The other ranch buildings
loomed gray and bleak near it. The
clatter of hoofs brought a figure
to the dobe's doorway, and from
afar Virginia knew k was Phil.
He cane running as she jerked
the gray to a stop amid a cloud
of sifting dust He caught her as
she slipped from the saddle.
"Phill" Virginia gasped.
There was a bristle of reddish
beard on his cheeks and chin. He
smiled thinly through it -the first
time that she had seen him senile.
"You look as though you had been
riding hard, Virginia. It's too hot
"Phil," she said breathlessly,
"Steve Barron -he has found out
about you!"
His smile fled. "About me?"
"That you are the one who has
been robbing the stages!"
"Ohl I see." His voice was in-
different. Then he was searching
her face. "And you know too," he
"It makes no difference to me,
Phil. I. -I know you can justify
whatever you have done."
He reached out and gripped her
arm. "Thanks," he said. Then:
"He's coning here?
"Yes! Lanya thinks he means to
kill you!"
Sharply, "Lanya P'
She looked him squarely In the
eyes. "I know about her, too, Phil,"
"Yee," he murmured. "Yes, of
"Phil, you roust leave here --at
He nodded slowly, There was n
calm hasteleesness about him that
reminded her of Jim Randall Oh,
he had changed! And the changed
way of him frightened her. She
tried to read his thoughts, but saw
only that his eyes were bright and
"You're going?" she demanded.
"Yes" came his slow answer.
"Yes, I'm going."
Virginia watched him as his nar-
rowed glance drifted out across the
desert. He edged his Zips with a
thin strange smile. Then his glance
came to her,
ISSUE 39 - 1949
. "I'll have to, see you back to
town," he said. "It's dangerous for
you to ride alone. I've seen Apache
signs about"
"I came through safely, Phil. I'll
get back all right."
He met her eyes, And said gently,
"I'll not forget what you did, Vir-
Her impatience was uncontrolla-
ble. "Please, Phil-rfdel"
His glance drifted desertward
again, "He's coming, Virginia. It's
too late to turn tail and run -even
if I wanted to."
* * *
She turned quickly and looked out
across the bright desert. She saw
tardily what Phil had minutes ago
noted. A rider was bearing toward
the ranch, Her lips felt suddenly
dry and cold.
* *
"He's come alone," Phil said,
"It's all right, It had to be some-
Virginia turned tortured eyes on
him• `Phil, you're eager for this,"
she said. "And I know what's in
your mind, Steve Barron stands be-
tween you and Lanya. That's what
you're thinking!"
The rider was very close. He
was slow -walking his big black
now. Phil's eles never left him.
"Virginia, go inside."
Despair swept over her. "Phil-"
She tried the only argument he
would listen to. "If you love that
"Go into the house," he ordered
again; his voice was harsh.- She
dared not disobey it.
(Continued Next Vi'cek)
--- �`e."- �- 11. Mignon non ette
v x'439` v tq, Q ^,tg' 41 m nnh:h Dill
'ens^4'tj J1'f�'ORt,yi 14. i'le'''.a.':If:Irt
titta ct u.ednt-n
r(R,laec44.PUZZL!rm80. t 48. k>7sta to of
_ 20, Hurried lora
a The into C.--� 25. Serf 48, Titlu
4. The
k7, Australut Ian 61. Cl�1"tar eront
tern 53. S kzger
6. Condiment 80. Drink 85, A .2 Io -Saxon
8. Sooteh cakes 31. Affection le r
7. Correlative of . 36. Weakens 68. ]leu
either 37, 7JY 01. Rabylonlan
5. 30383Vated 38, Sings above deity
9. Asidepitch 53. Radium
10. Confederates 39 Second selling - (synth.)
I 2 4 5
1. Cuts
d. ]tooted grass
9, Swiss river
12. Networks.
13. 'Wrinkle
16. Plural ending
10. Sailor's saint
18, Scores
19. Peer Gynt's
21, Weights
23. Ithltl of cheese
34. Small lake
80. Cried
58. 1'Odward to
his pais
59. Meaning
31: Close
33. Continent tab.)'
34.. Concludes
36 k'ail
88. Senior (ab.)
40, Minced oath 2�
42. Cease (neut.)
45. Garment edge
47. Priem
49. princely
Italian fatally
00. 1'ri^du prayer
52 glove
54 Tight brown
55. Rajah's wife:.
07. Open court
59 Concerning
60 Conspirator
01. P1111110
64 Indlao weight
65. Owned
66. Goes ahead
1. Confections
9. Holder uta
h 16 f
13 �--�
�1. IA
10 11
22 �i23
by ':
415 46
55 -I -I 15.6
6017 ( 1
6n 1�1i� a 'r -1 _
153 i:e.: 54
`` " 2 I 63'
Answer elsewhere on this page.
llNDAY SC1100L
Iy Rev. R. Barclay Warren.
The Call of Isaiah, Isaiah 6:1-10.
Golden Text:- Also I heard the
voice of the Lord, saying, Whom
shall I send, and who will go for
us? Then said I, Here am I; send
me. Isa, 6:8,
During tile last quarter we study
"The prophets speak" with selected
passages from Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Isaiah was a plan of great talent,
whose variety of eloquence was
such that it exceeded the average
even after being translated into a
language that did not exist in his
day. It is said tha• Daniel Webster
would read extensively in the Book
of Isaiah to saturate himself with
its spirit of eloquence on the night
before he was to give some epoch-
making speech.
Isaiah gives an account of his
call. The king had died. Uzziah
had raised his country to a high
peak of prosperity. But when he
attempted to usurp the office of a
priest, he was smitten with lep-
rousy. Now Isaiah sat in the temple.
The king was dead. But he saw a
vision of the great King. He saw
Christ in His glory. (See John
12:41). Stirred by the vision of
Christ's holiness -so great that
even the angels covered their faces
Banish That Outdoor Toilet !
Now you can have a modern water toilet at low cost in your farm,
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Hygeosan Septic Toilet gives you new comfort and convenience -
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supply from contamination.
Installation cost is very low. No upkeep expense, We install any-
where in Ontario. Write for complete details on this modern toilet.
Immediate delivery.
2067 Dundas St, W. TORONTO
For constant ' Smoking fi icasesre
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9141 g./a ;•i u40+ Tams
&a oily great to r
with uncomfortable
fullness •
Aro you troubled by distress of female
functional monthly disturbances? Does
this make you auflbr from pain, fool so
nervous, rootless, cranky, week -at ouch
times? Thou do try famous Lydia E.
Plnkham'o Vegetable Compound *o
relieve such oymptomol
Pinkham'n Compound hes proved,re-
mnrkably helpful to women troubled
this way. You oma It to yourself to try it.
Pinkhom'e Compound 1a a very effec.
tive uterine sedative. It has a Brand
soothing effect on one of woman's swat
important organ,.
Lydia Ea Pinkh been?
Taken regularly - Plnkhnm's Com-
pound helps build up resistance against
ouch d1otrees. Also a great stomachic
NOTE, Or you may pouf.. Lydia B.
R'lakkam'° TABLETS with added (roe.
as well as their feet - he saw his
own uncleanness. On the acknowl-
edgement of his dire need God pro-
vided a personal cleansing. Now he
could hear God's voice saying,
"\\'holo shall I send, and who will
go for us?" The two requirements
for delivering God's message are
here seen. The elan must be sent
of God, and the must be willing
to go. Isaiah having experienced
the cleansing of his own nature and
keenly aware of the need of his
people, responded, "Here am I; send
Inc'. The man today who enters
the ministry without a Divine call,
may be able to deliver thoughtful
cultural essays in fine style, but few
people will be brought face to face
with God.
Not all of Isaiah's hearers needed
his message. Many simply closed
their eyes to the truth. It was of
him as of Paul, "For we are the
aroma of Christ to God among
those who are being saved and
among those who are perishing, to
one a fragrance from death to
death, to the other a fragrance from
life to life." Cor. 2:16 (R.S.V.)
.. that keep your
game fa the "rough". Rub in
Minard's to make those muscles
cool, relaxed, ready for the fairway.
For sprains, muscular stiffness,
aches and pains. Greaseless, quick
drying, no unpleasant
largo Economical Oleo
t aRO $ L O E
Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind Of
Relief That Helps Make You Rsrin' To Go
More than half of your digestion is done
below the best -in your 28 feat of bowels.
So when indigestion strikes, try cometh'
that helps digestion in the etomnoh AND
below tho belt.
What you. may Deed is Cortor'o Little Liver
Pills to give needed help to that "forgotten
28 trot" of bowels
oefoboftanno one
ethm n ordmgo
amnions, They help wake up a larger flow
of the 8 main digosbive fuicea In your otomoob
AND bowels -help you digest what you taw
eaten in Nature's own way,
symuflbete!yorhethat you feel em youhead yu
toes. Just be sure you got tbo genuine Carter's
Little Livor Piga from your druggist --85a
HO Vic. C A N T?
By Anne Ashley
Q. What is a substitute for cast-
or oil?
A. Prune juice is a good substi-
tute for castor oil. Soak the prunes
overnight and stew them in the
same water. When tender, pierce
them with a fork to let out the
juice. Do not. sweeten.
Q. How can I remove insects
from vegetables?
A. When washing vegetables, put
a little vinegar or a pinch of borax
in the water. This will bring the
live insects to the surface of the`
water almost immediately.
Q. How can I clean a sponge?
A. Place the sponge in milk, al-
low it to remain for at least 12
hours, then rinse in cold water.
Q. How can I bake better pie
A, Pie crust, in which a half -
teaspoonful of baking powder 11
added to every cup of flour, will be
unusually light and fluffy.
Q. How can I keel Dream from
A. If the sweetness of cream
seems uncertain, stir a pinch of soda
into it, This will prevent it +rom+
curdling even in ho, coffee.
Q. How can I remove paint stains
from clothing?
A. By saturating them with equal
parts of ammonia and spirits of tur-
pentine. Soak the places well, and
then wash with soap suds.
Upside down to prevent peeking.
Ss Near
magic's Mea61113iscuitloaf
/ Mix and sift into bowl, 2 o, once -sifted pastry
flour. (or 1,X a. once -sifted hard -wheat flour) , 4
tap. Magic Baking Powder, 35 tap, salt. Cut in
finely, 4 tbs. shortening. Mix 1 beaten egg end
sufficient milk to make X s. liquid; mix in 1 e.
minced cooked meat, 1 finely -chopped email onion
and 1 chopped dill pickle or X e.. well -drained
pickle relish. Make a well in dry ingredients, pour
in meat mixture and mix lightly with a fork. Turn
into greased loaf pan (43.f' x 83yx) Bake in hot
oven, 450', 80-85 min. Serve with tomato or
brown sauce.
Measure into bowl, 34 cup luke-
warm water, 1 teaspoon granu-
lated sugar; stir until sugar is
dissolved. Sprinkle with 3. en.
velope Flaiachrnmm's Royal Fast
Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10
minutes, THEN stir well. Scald
36 cup milk and stir in 3X cup
granulated sugar, X teaspoon
salt, 3 tablespoons shortening;
cool to lukewarm. Beat in 1 cup
once -sifted bread flour. Add yeast
mixture and 1 beaten egg; beat
well. Work in 2,X cups once -sifted
bread flour. Knead lightly; place
in greased bowl and brush top
with melted butter or shortening.
Cover and set in warm place, free
from draught. Let rise until
doubled in bulk. Punch down
dough and divide into 2 equal
portions; form into smooth balls.
Roll each piece into an oblong and
fit into greased pans about 7" x
11". Grease tops, cover and let rise
until doubled in bulk. Peel, core
and cut 8 apples into thin wedges.
Sprinkle risen dough with h/a cup
granulated auger and lightly ppreps
apple wedges into cake tops, sharp
edges down and close together.
Mix 1 cup granulated sugarand
1X teaspoonsrinkle
over apples. Cover er and et rise
about 34 hour. Bake in moderato
oven, 860°, about 1 hour. Servo
hot, with butter.
New Fast -/feeling
Dry Yea
Needs NO Refrigeration!
Stays fresh and full-strength oo
your pantry shelf for weeks !
Here's all you do:
In a small amount (usually speci-
fied) of lukewarm water, dissolve
thoroughly 1 teaspoon sugar for
each envelope of yeast.
0 Sprinkle with dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes:
THEN stir well. (The water used with the yeast counts as part of
.3A the total liquid called for in your recipe.)
(7/4/Cr oc ®170ms s %iv/ply/
"CHILDREN should be seen but not beard" was
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the youngsters hail with noisy delight that
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ripened wheat end malted barley.
Esay to gat- easy to serve - easy to digest -
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ment both young and old need daily.. , useful
quantities of earboh;'dt•ntes, protein, minerals
and other food os en!!els r' ', ,your grocer for
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