HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-10-27, Page 8FOR MEN AND Boys' wool lined,. mouton Kollar station wagon coat as sketched. Sand only 14.95 a Quilted satin insulated lined station wagon coat, Sand only 24.50 •. Kiddies sizes in Parkas - Brown and Navy only. Quilted Tined fur trimmed parka. Size 2 to 8 9.50 a Boys Quilted insulation lined Parkas - Plaid trimmed fur Parka, sand & brown. Size 8 to 16.. 12.95 e Boys Plaid Trench Coats 14 95 DYS MEN'S RED WOOL LINED 16.95 PARKA COATS MEN'S QUILTED INSULATION LINED 17.95 PARKA COATS MEN'S ALL WOOL PLAID LINED 19.50 PARKA COATS MEN'S SHEEP SKIN LINED 24.50 PARKA COATS DEACON'S AEROCORD 29.50 PARKA COATS MEN'S QUILTED INSULATION STATION WAGON COATS21.95 MEN'S SHEEP LINED STATION WAGON COATS,. 24.50 MEN'S "COCOON" PILE LINED STATION- WAGON COATS27.50 QUILTED SATIN INSULATED BEDFORD CORD STATION WAGON COATS37.50 STE ART BROS. stamiaMMIIMI TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL Mr. Jack Ryan of Parkhill is re- lieving at the C.N.R. clepbt here un- til the 'appointment of an agent is made. Mrs. Catharine Devlin is visiting with' her son and daughter -in --law, Mr. and 'Mrs, Roy Cook in Toronto., Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Bob- bie and Bill of Detroit spent the weekend with the foriner's mother, Mrs: L. .Simpson. Miss Betty Mickle was a. weekend .guest with the Misses Bernice Jinks and Eleanor Cook in London, . The Hensall Chamber of Com- merce are.holding their annual frolic in the Hensall Community Arena on Friday, Nov. 13th when $200 worth of prizes will ,be given to the holders of the lucky tickets. Tickets,are on sale at all business piaces.,.Pizes on display in the LO.O.F. lower hall. Rev. P. A. Ferguson was called to Hamilton on Sunday owing to the serious illness of his father there. Messrs. Bill ,Mickle and Campbell Kreuger of Zurich accompanied by friends attended the Western -Var- sity Rugby game in London, on ,Sat urd, Statioayn Agent Appointed To Hensall Mr. George Angel of Acton re- ceived the appointment as C.N.R.. Agent at the Hensall ,depot, Mr. Angel has worked with the company for the past 33 years. Mr. and .Mrs. H. W. Neeb of Tavi- stock spent a few days this week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and family. Miss Winnie Gray spent the week- end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray at Mitchell. Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto has been holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Farquhar. Bride -Elect Honored Mrs. Don Gooding, Parkhill, was i hostess at -the home of her parents, xr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ,Munn, on Tues- day evening when a number of neighbours and friends gathered in honor of Miss Evelyn Taylor, bride - elect. Contests and a social hour was followed by the presentation of many useful miscellaneous gifts, for which Miss Taylor expressed sincere thanks. Refreshments were served. The' Lodge are sponsoring a Hallowe'en Masquerade in the Town hall, Hensall, on Friday even- ing, Ott. 2Sth'Geod prizes will be awarded. Music for the dance .by Murdock's Orchestra. Lunch booth in the hall under the sponsorship of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster of London spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sang- ster and members .of the family. At the November meeting Mr. J. Corbett will have charge of the de- votional, Mr. E. •Corbett and )Mr. Bill Coleman, the program, Mr. Blackwell, the topic, and Miss Gray, the lunch convenor. Miss Edna Walsh will, in.,future, purchase boxes for sick members. Gladys Luker re- viewed the life of Sarah, after which a pleasing piano selection was given by 'Miss Edna Walsh. An interesting article entitled "You" was read by Mr. Blackwell. The hymn "Lead Kindly Light" and the mizpah bene- diction followed. Mr. Howard Brook directed several entertaining games. A dainty lunch was then served un- der the convenorehip of Miss Edna Petske. Mrs. Kyle voiced thanks to all taking part, also stressed the en- couraging attendance. At Finnigaps -- ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES It's later than you think; Prepare now for winter. In stock, Putty, Stove Pipes, Glass (all sizes), Galy. Pails, Paint, Stove Cement Ael'owex'(liquid) Till 39c quality Currants, 2 lbs. 25c Special Wax (solid),. Tins 291 White Raisins, choice, 1Ib. 25c. O'Cedar Glass Wax, tin .. '49c Choice Potatoes, 75 lb... 1.49' The Easiest Money you make is what you save in buying THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 W. J. FINNIGAN & SON mismossoussigmemormissiv Card of, Thanks Mrs, Henry Hayman wishes to express. heartfelt thanksto the friends andneighbors for their manyants of kindness and sym- pathy in.. her rrecent. bereavement, and also for the cards and -gifts received in hospital, also to the W.A. and Odd Fellows of Bruce- field Lodge for flowers and cards US ACHINES 12-20 Wallis Tractor on steel 2 -furrow 6 A. M. H. Plow 3 -furrow Fleury Plow PRICED TO SELL Se forth M tors W. T. Teall, Prop. PHONE 141 SEAFORTH Card of Thanks The family of the late Mr. Amos Heys wish to thank their many friends and neighbors and relatives for the many kind- nesses shown. them in their recent sad be- reavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, those who so kindly .loaned their care, also to those who acted as pallbearers and flower bHeai�erem for officiatinecial gaat sthe ceremony,to Rev. aniss d the organist In Memoriam STEWART-In loving memory or a deer, mother, Amy Alberta .Stewart, -who passed away three years ago, October 24, 1946 Calm and peaceful she is .sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain. We who loved her sadly miss her, But trust in Gail to meet again. -Lovingly remembered by son Itenneth, Clarissa and faintly msagszner- M. Hart TOP QUALITY COAL UN ',UAW Nt; A car of the famous Brazeau Briquettes here this week. HOT. trouble-free and cheaper Office. PHONE 593.W Seaforth LAWSON'S RADIO SERVICE Twenty years' experience on all models Batteries delivered free At Box Furniture Thurs. & Sat. New & Used Radios Call 841.23 Seaforth CARLOAD OF ' CANE MOLASSES And a Carload of SEMI - SOLID BUTTERMILK Seaforth Farmers Co-op. PHONE 9 Auction Sale OF CATTLE. Strathroy,Sat., Oct. 29. 150 tested mixed stock cattle including choice load of stock calves. Trucks to deliver. A. G. McALPINE, Auctioneer Do You Know -A girl who is planning to be married 7 a We have a Free Gift for her We believe that every bride -to -he should see and hear about our modern cooking method that retains the natural flavor in the food. Our lovely gift (4.50 value) is given Free for the privilege of showing her the newly styled"Wear-Ever" Water- less cooking utensils, that are not. to. be seen in any store. There is no obligation to buy. Only girls that have not yet seen our equipment ase eligible for the gift. Bend or Phone names. to your nearest distributor Huron County D. Campbell, Godeich... Ph. 956M L. Cherry, Brussels.,.,., Phone 81 N. K. Wanless, ,.Met. 349W London {`WEAR - EVER" Waterless Aluminum SALES & SERVICE, 32 Foxbar Rd., ' London, Ont., Phone Met 849wv. NOT SOLD IN STORES Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS: also reed and Grain. At Lot 11, Con. 10, Stanley Township, 5 miles north of Zurich on Goshen Line, on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 1 p.m. IMPLEMENTS - McCor'mickDeerIng side rake (like new) ; MH binder, 7 ft. cut (good) ; Cockshutt 13 -hoe fertilizer drill (good)-: ?- drum steel roller; 2 -wheel trailer & stock rack; top buggy; cutter; farm wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack (flat) ; Deering mower, 6 ft.; M-13 drop head hay loner; riding plow; walking Plow ; 14 -plate disc harrow; spring tooth I cultivator; 4 section harrows; set farm sleighs; pig crate; wagon box with stock' rack; Iran fence posts; atone boat; Clinton fanning mill; farm scales; 2 iron. kttlee; gravel box; 2 post hole augers; 2 steel water troughs 6 & 8 ft.; cedar posts; sling rope, chain,s,neekyokes, andhhost of other articles. oGras, f new bFrosand t wise;�1ks. set of double blocks, rd. HORSES -Team of matched brown horses 9 & 10 years old; 2-yeanold gelding, Perch- eron. Harness -1 set of team harness; 1 sat of single harness; number of horse collars. Grein & Hay -15 tons of mixed Hay; 500 bus. of Cartier oats. 8 bu. of Timothy seed; 2 bu. Red Clover.. PIGS -38 York chunks. Quantity tcash uanitLumber and Plank. LLOYD DOWSONyrrP Auctioneer Harold Jackson, A,,o - E. P. Chesney, Clerk HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR Opp. Library New Stock Sterling Work Shoes 7 different Styles & Prices to choose from including Arch "Support Shoes Full line of Gutta Perches Rubber Boots THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as Second Ciao mail,. Post Office Dept., Ottawa BOX uutgraI mire AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention' Hospital Bed' Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY . I'4AIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect, ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. FOR SALE Brick house, 8 Pc. bathroom, furnace. double garage, situated s/w corner of . Wilsoa & Centre Sts. A lovely home.. Prompt WO- 'onion, ow'oneion, E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 Mitchell Cider & Apple Butter Mill Will operate every day, start- ing Oct: 1 until Nov. 25. FRED HENNICK &'SON For appointment phone 181 Mitchell WANTED Secretary -Treasurer Fol' Huron. County Federation of Agricul- ture. Duties to -commence early in December. Apply by tender to W. V. ROY, Sec. -Treasurer, Boa 319, Clinton. HULLETT The Farm Forums on the 8th and 9th of Hallett got away to a good start at a gathering held on Monday night at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Haggett with an attendance of 37 adults and seven children. After listening to the radio broadcast a meeting was held at which it was decided to have Mrs. Bert Hoggart hold her office as :secretary. Two press secretaries were appointed. It was decided best for each family to take a little lunch to each meeting. On account of hallowe'en frolics the next meeting is to be held on Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson. All who can do so are requested to listen to the 'Monday night broadcast and so be better prepared to take part in the discussion. Progressive euchre was played with the following prize winners Men's lone hands, John Riley, most games,' John Riley, con- solation, James Jamieson; ladies lone hands, Mrs. George Carter; most games, Mrs. Jack Hesselwood; con- solation, Mrs. Keith Hesselwood. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McKenzie of Lucknow visited Tuesday with Mrs. William Carter. FOR SALE A roll top oak office desk; 'office seat swivel chair; email size upright piano. This furniture is in excellent condition. HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Ere, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Asaiatant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,. Moorefield'. Eye, and. Golden Square throat hcapitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third' Wednesday In each month from 2 to 4 -p.m. -SS Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 FOR SALE 2 registered Hereford bulls, 13 & 11 months. Sired by Fine Echo Focal Stanway 6th. Herd under accreditation, passed first test with no reactors. Fully guaranteed if kept in con- dition. Apply BERT BEACOM, RR. 1, Blyth. Phone 22x4 FOR SALE Kitchen range In good condition, good baker and good heater, steel lined fire box. Phone 668r41 Seaforth. MRS. JAMES W EBSTER FOR SALE Four 2 -year-old Holstein heifers, vaccin- ated three 10 -months old Holstein heifers. DON' ALD BUCHANAN, 250-25 Seaforth • Auction Sale OF FARM MACHINERY S, Hibbert Two., Effects. At Lot 27, Con. 3milesber waest ofp 1taffa, on Saturday, Nov - m 2 farmwagons, wagon box, seed drill, inthrow disc harrow, 2 waking plows, Deer- ing mower, cutter, light wagon, sleighs, road mart, fanning mill cutting box, speed Mak, 1,000-1b scales scuffler, bag house door, hay fork, sting ropes & chain, whlppletrees, neekyokea - chains and other articles. 1927 Whippet car in good condition. Poultry -100. rock pullets, laying 2 chicken shelters & poultry equipment. Poultry fence & netting. 6 sq. pine veranda posts.. Horse collars, set double harness (with breeching), set single harness, wheel barrow, 15 ft. straw blower pipe. Household Effects -Kitchen range (good), spool leg extension table, 6 kitchen chairs. number ofrocking chairs, kitchen cabinet, couch, glass cupboard, number of small tables, add chairs & occasional chairs, pic- tures, stair carpet, floor carpets, 3 furnished bedrooms, chests of drawers, spring mat- tress, trunks and bedding, cherry round table, lamps, spool whatnot, spool beds, n t boxes, toilet sets, flower .pots, dishes; sealers, garden tools, lawn mower, child's go-cart, child'swagon, eongoleum rug :9'x9' Farms cash JAMES HILL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer John Butson, Clerk BAYFIELD STIRLING -COLE A. quiet wedding took place in Trinity Church, Bayfield, on Satur- day. Oct. 22, when Anna Maxine. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 011, ver Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, was united in marriage to Grant Hunter Stir- ling, son of Mr. and :Mrs. James Stir- ling, R.R. 2, Bayfield. Rev. Ls, Verne Morgan officiated. The bride wore a becoming teal blue gabardine suit with navy accessories and ;4t cor- sage of pink roses. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Miss Ethel Cole, wearing a powder blue wool suit with black accessories and cor- sage of pink roses. Douglas Stirling, brother of the bridegroom, Was best man. For the reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Cole re- ceived the guests dressed in wine crepe. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother, wearing a crepe dress in aqua blue shade. After the reception the couple left on a short wedding trip. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Goderich township. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. William Chessel, Mitchell,. with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, Alf Ross, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Ross, with Mrs. Gordon Ilayter, Pontiac, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Glanville are home from a trip to the U.S. Mrs. Les. Butson is attending Wo- men's Institute area convention in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKellar,. Wayne, Ken McKellar, and Dalton Miller in 'Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Leslie and Harvey Hambly at the Masonic tour in Detroit last weekend. FOR SALE Findlay Quebec heater, medium size, i good condition. Phone 59W Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth FOR SALE 2 storm windows, size 32 5/8 x 5059. Phone 67,M Seaforth Auction Sale OP FARM PROPERTY. LIVE STOCK and Household Effemile touth of Hillagreu0n on Parr Twp„ e Line, on'Thursday, Nov. 10, at 12 o'clock. HORSESMatchedteam brown fillies. CATTLE -Seven choice Durham and 15 ford cows, due to freshen from January 10 April One young Hereford bull, three baby beeves. three summer. salves. T -R tested.. PICS --1 York hogs almostready for mar- ket. 8 pigs ten weeks old. Poultry -135 hy- brid pullets, laying Hay and Grain - A ,luantity of opts. 40 tan mixed hey. FARM MACHINERY -M -H binder; 10-20 M -D tractor, in good condition ; 3 furrow International plow; spring tooth cultivator; M-11 oil bath -mower; new M -D drop head hay loader; sulky rake; M -D fertilizer drill, 13 hoe; Tudhopo Anderson manure spreader, good; 2 walking plows; four section har- .rmvs;,8.drum steel roller; set of arta scales; fanning mill; Delaval cream separator; a goodrubber tired wagon with sliding flat rack; set of farm sleighs; bag truck; t/,hn motor and pump jack; M -H bean Scuitfer; two wheeled trailer ; cutter ; set of breeching harness, single harness; number of horse collars; forks, shovels; whIffletrees, chains, hayfork sling ropes,sling chains, etc. 1046 Mercury Sedanin good condition.. Colony house 1.0x12 and other poultry opt. Household Effeeta-A full line of household effects including an 8 ft. Westinghouse fii- gidaire (new); 4 plate Moffatt electric range. new: Westinghouse washing machine, like new, kite -hen cabinet; other kitchen furni- ture; mantel' radio; Singer sewing machine; chesterfield; New williams uptight piano; antique sofa; extension 'table; rockers, small tables; 4 complete bedroom suites, spring & mattresses; quilt boxes, trunks, bedding, clocks, two ruga 0x12, scatter mats, boor coverings, .pictures, 3 large mirrors, sealers, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. FARMS -The farm consists of .100. noes, Lot 12, can. 7, Hay Twp, 1/ mile south. of Hillsgreen. On the premises is a 114ot)v brick hoose, large bank barn with straw shed, drive shed, hydro throughout buildings; clay loam; 8 acres fall wheat sown; faun in. excellent state of cultivation, good water supply Also a fifty acre farm, North 59 Lot 13, adjoining the 100 acre farm ; frame barn, ell laid tillable. Also North 54,, farm; on the BabylLetmn li1ne5. ofifftyStanlewareys grass excellent grass with windmill, goad water supply These farms will all be sold in separate parcels, subject to reserve bid Terms 0n chattels cash; property, 200/ down, balance in 60 days. ESTATE OP LATE PRANK H'AGAN Twp.; HE. orP. o)Chonnd Jackee, yn, ClerkAuctioneer FOR SALE Small Daisy churn, nearly new. FRANK MALONEY, Georgestreet SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday ant Saturday only, 7.9 P.M. Appointments made in advance are desirable. FOR SALE Dark red Durham heifer to freshenend. of December. JOHN P BELL, Seaforth RR. 2. Phone 847 r 4 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TORNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 HELP WANTED Girl or woman wanted for Tight house- work Immediately, in Dublin. All conveni- ences, no small children. Apply at The News. FOR SALE Two young Tamworth sows due in a month. GEORGE HOGGART, Londesboro. Phone 850r21 Seaforth central FOR SALE Man's fall coat, size 38, in good condition. Apply at SCOINS CLEANERS The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Ogicere-Pr.aidc,.h C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- lumen;. Vico Bro., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sea. -Tress, & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaton* Directors -Robs, Archibald, Seaforth Frank IloOregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seafo tb 5113;. Chris Loonhardt. Bornholm: E. 1. Trewartha. Clinton; John L, Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth RR1' Hugh Alexander. Walton; Harvey .Puller, Goderich RR2 Agents -John E. Pepper, Broeeaold; R. F. McXercher, Dublin; J. F. Preeter, Brodhagenl George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous So effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of Dr above named officers addressed to their respective poet offices FOR SALE A Durham bow to freshen in two weeks. AUSTIN DEXTER, phone 14-850 Seaforth McKILLOP Mrs. Wm. Hoegy is slightly im- proving now though she, will still be confined to the hospital for another week or so. FOR SALE A girl's brown three-piece snowsuit, size 12 years, like new, Also two .pairs boy's Oxfords, sizes ((4 & 6. Phone $41r5 Seaforth FOR SALE T-13 tested registered Durham hull, 14 months oitl, Apply STANLEY JACKSON, phone Seaforth 663x:5 FOR SALE Pianos, furniture; 4 new piano. (osis mock used retni:.hed pimnua l 60 & 25 eyrie re- frigerators. 'made in your old piano. J.F. SCIiUETT & SONS, Mildmay.0; Furniture Store . Mildmay. Free delivery FOR SALE on March L.S. x N.H. pullets. ]Dying, W. J. F. BELL, Ifipi.en, 9l02 Hensel) FOR SALE Sprayed Apples for sale. Says, Rings, s. Phonen Clinton) 611.24.etc. FREDroMeCLYMONT Township of Hibbert Court of Revision Notice is 'hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hibbert for the year 1950 will be held in the Township Hall, Staffa, on Monday, Nov. 7th, 1949, at two p.m. Dated at THOS. D.OeWREN t. 15th, 1949 Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert, Cromarty, RR. #1 Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock HORSES..2.50 each CATTLE 2.50 each HOGS .60 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DARLiNG & COMPANY. Of-CANADAr LIMITED USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter. Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R 1, Mitchell Video -President Milton MtCoady. 11.R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Brewer Martin Foenel. Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun. Belenee SWB William A. Hamilton, Cromartg Agents T. G. Ballantyne. Woodbine Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott. Cromarty Secretor-Trea■orer Arthur' Fraser, Exeter G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pltal Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK B. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, County Crown Attorney S3A3ORTH, ONT. Telephone 174. FOR SALE Six room brick dwelling on West William St., with garage. 100acres neat Walton, buildings with all modern .conveniences. A frame double dwelling on Centre street with two acres of land Pasture farm near Varna with 50-60 acres of improved land. Good water supply Good farm 100 item', 259 miles north of Seaforth. Early possession. Creek passes through farm. Modern brick ,duplex on yyyVeat William et. Modern dwelling on Loulsa St., Seaforth. M.- A. REID. Seaforth Seaforth Monument Works T. 'PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAPORTS SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience.. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time or phone 41 3, Exeter. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 sample! 250; 24 samplea $1.00. Mali - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Oo., Box 91, Iiamilton. Ont. BARNS CLEANED And whitewashed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. preemie. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44r9. -FRED MARITIME