HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-10-20, Page 8rT•a•r Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock 4 HORSES^.2.50 each 4 CATTLE 2,50 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 THE SEAFORTH NEWS amio Heads win this fall .. win compliments galore. See our new hats now in superb felts and velvets magnificently, fe- mininely adorned with brightly hued fea- thers, shaped en- chantingly to your new short coiffure.. Beret -type hats with an interest- note of bright coq feathers. Adorable wool and fur felt pill box with a quiver of quills, Soft crushable felt berets swathed in sophisticated veiling. Felt chapeaux poised for action, feather adorned. In Memoriam COLEMAN—In loving memory -'of the late Mrs. George Coleman,. who - died en Oet. 22, 194$. She has not died who left us For the better land of day, She would not so bereave ue, ' She's only just away. - And right behind life's curtain Beyond all grief and pain There- will be "a -happier dawning When we shall meet again. —Ever remembered by her Family a French velours by "DuBarry" of Suzanne e -Lady Elegant" Hats ... by Country Club e Lovely "Joan Dale" models. • "Lady Astor" creations Priced to please you at • 5.95 to 12.95 STEWART BROS. HENSALL The monthly meeting of the Hen sail Institute was held in the Legion rooms on Wednesday night Oct. 12 with ,the President, Mrs. F. Beer in the chair. The theme of "Health and Social Welfare" was carried through- out the meeting. Mrs. R. Elgie and Miss Greta' Lammie being responsible for the splendid arrangements. The opening exercises consisted of the Ocie, the creed and the Lord's pray- er. Donatiols of tea towels, disdh cloths, soap chips and playing cards for use in the Legion rooms were received. The roll call used was 1'MY weight and what it should be". A highlight was the instruction talk given by Miss Nora Cunningham R. N„ of Clinton, supervisor of Nurses Health Unit and its vast services of- fered to the district're-the preven- tion of disease and the :promotion of health. Minutes read, 'collection tak- en. The business was then dealt with. First mentioned was the London Area Convention to be held 'in Hotel London, Oct. 25th 26th and 2.7th. Mrs. Kerslake is the delegate. Mrs. Beer, Mrs. A. D. McEwan, Mrs. Orr, Miss Consitt plan to attend some of the sessions. Second, the President disclosed that she had received a nice letter o:f" thanks from Mrs. Dolson, referring to the layette articles and other gifts receivedfrom the group. Any donations• of wearing apparel for a 2 year old boy may be given to Miss Luker or Mrs. Horton as soon. as possible. Third, ' The President mentioned the importance of paying Blue Gross fees which -will soon be due. 4th, the date of the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto is Nov. 15th to Nov. 28rd. For the benefit of Zur- ich, Grand Bend and Hensall ladies, the President ,stated that plans are in progress to chatter a bus for this tour, at an approximate 'cost of $1155.00 for 44 persons. Mrs. Beer asked for the list of members wish- ing to attend. 5th, money . making ideas were discussed on motions of. Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Corbett. Mrs. Parke and Mrs. Beer were named a committee to make "arrange- ments for a community night, all proceeds to aid the community build- ing objective. This affair would con- sist of a varied form of entertain- ment, Merchants would be asked to donateprizes In case' this -cannot be arranged the, committee is to slake plans for a euchre and dance. Fuller particulars will be known at the next meeting: During the course of the evening Miss Gladys Luker called on Mrs. Glenn Bell to forward to Mrs. A. E. Munn, ,a bank book and,an address in honor of her in- fant daughter, Margaret Lynn. A dramatization of "Jericho Dow's Family Album" was given by various members in old fashioned costume, while Mrs. Lorne Chapman read the commentary. Those taking. part were Mrs. Logan, Mrs, Walker Carlisle, Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs, Schwalm Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Mrs, Blackwell, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Elgie and Miss Jennie Buchanan. The November meeting is termed "Historical Research" and ,gland mothers are special guests. Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. Goodwin will be host- esses. A humorous reading "The Insti- tute" was given by Mrs. A. W. Kers- lake. Mrs. Beer extended a vote of thanks after which the National An- them was sung. Lunch was served and a delightful social hour spent with an excellent attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer of Lu - can spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer. Mrs. R. M. Kirby and Miss Ro- berta Kirby of St' Thomas visited during the past week with Mrs. Flora Consitt. Ml'. and Mrs. James Morris and family of Goderich visited -recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. li. L. Mickle and family were recent visitors -with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, T. Mickle in Ridgetown. USED MACHINES 12-20 Wallis Tractor on steel 2 -furrow 6 A. M. H. PIow 3 -furrow Fleury Plow PRICED TO SELL 0 W. T. Teall, Prop. PHONE 141 SEAFORTH LA S N' S RADIO SERVICE Twenty years' experience on all models • Batteries delivered free At. Box Furniture Thurs., & Sat. New & Usecl Radios Call 841-23 Seaforth CARLOAD OF CANE . MOLASSES And a Carload of SEMI - SOLID BUTTERMILK Seaforth Farmers Co-op. PHONE 9 CROMARTY The Young People's Society of Cromarty Presbyterian -Church held the annual meeting Thursday even- ing in the basement of the Church, A Weiner roast was enjoyed, and At Finnigans THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1949 THE SEAFORTH NEWS..::.: Snowdon Bros., Publisher Authorized as Secohd Class mail,: Post Olflee ' Dept., Ottawa GREAT WORDS " Man is,neither master of his life nor of his tate: he 0011 his fellow Tuan hie efforts to diminish humeri suffering; offer to God his indomitable faith in the growth of liberty Victor a Specials - Specials Specia-Is Maxwell House Coffee . , 69e Red Rose Tea, 'lb. , .. . 99c Red Rose Coffee 65c Mother' Parker Tea 990 Club House tin 69c Tender Leaf Tea 99c Scotch Mints r lb . .... 19c Weston Toffee 1 ib.........19c but offer to he can but Hugo W. J. FINNIGAN .& ,SON Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOOK A IMPLEMENTS; also Feed and Grain. At Lot 11, Con. 10, Stanley Township, 5 miles north of Zurich 00 Goshen. Line, on Wednesday, Nor. 2, at 1 p.m. - IMPLEMENTS McCarmickDeeing side .rake (like new) ; MH binder, 7 0t. cut (good) ; Cockshutt 13 -hoe fertiliser drill (good) ; 2 - drum steel roller ; 2 -wheel trailer. & stock lack; top baggy; cutter; farm wagon; 19 -ft. hay rack (flat) Deering mower, 0 ft. ; M -H drop head hay 'loader; riding plow ; walking plow.; 14 -plate disc harrow , spring tooth Cultivator; 4 section harrows; set farts sleighs; pig crate; wagon box with stock rank; iron fence posts; stone boat; Clinton. finning mill; farm scales;• 2 iron kettles; troughs 6 box '&2 8 oft. ist nocedar posts; le augers; ssling el rater ape, chain, ate.; forks, shovels, chains, whipple- trees, neckyokes, and host of other articles. Grain begs and sacks. Sulky rake; 40 act: of new Frost wire; 1 set of double blocks. HORSES—Team of matched brown horses 9 & 10 ears old; -5-year-old gelding, Pereh- eran. Harness -1 set of temp harness; 1 set of single harness; number of horse collars. Grain & Hay -15 tons of mixed Hay; 500 bus. of. Cartier oats. 8 3m. o£' Timothy seed; 2 bu. Red Clover. PIGS -1.8 York chunks. Quantity of Lumber and Plank. Terms cash - LLOYD DOWSON. Proprietor - Herold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Do You Know —Agirl who is planning to be married 1. e We have a Free, Gift for her We believe that every bride -le -ba shank] see and hear about our Modern cooking method that retains the natural flavor In the food. Our lovely. gift. (4.50value) is giver Free for the privilege' of showing her the "newly "styled "Wear -Ever" Water- less cooking utensils; that are not to be seen in any store. There is no obligation to buy. Only girls that have not yet .seen our equipment are eligible for the gift. Send or Phone nares to your nearest distributor Huron County D. Campbell, Goderich... Ph. 05609 L, Cherry, Brussels...... Phone 31 N. K. Wanless, ...Met.- 349W London "WEAR - EVER" Waterless Aluminum SALES & SERVICE, 32 Foxbar London,Ont.: Phone Met 340w. NOT SOLD IN STORES Community Auction Sale Please note. time, Saturday night, Oct.- 22, et .7,30 p.m. in Seaforth Rink Girls'- bicycle.. (good) ; organ, studio couch, Colemangas lamp, Simmons bed, springs & mattress, wooden bed, springs & mattress, dresser, cherry. whatnot, -oak kitchen cup- board, Quebec. heater &"pipes; 2 burner electric plate, large clothes hamper, 2 con - ;relearn rugs - Jx12, hall runner, 3 pr. rayon silk glass curtains; lawn mower; oak dining room suite; enamel coal & wood range in good condition. Westinghouse 4 burner electric stove walnut hall tree; electric. wail brackets electric light fixture (like new); cook, stove, Princess Pat (like new) extension table; grand washing machine; rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, smoking stand.. 2 shovels. Aladdin 'floor• lamp. Coleman table. lamp, 1 cot, 2 mattresses. Also Furniture of Mary Casey - Terms cash HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer FOR SALE Registered York hog 15 months. old.. Four good Yorlr sows third litter, coming due middle or November. GEORGE 1t100N, Londesburo - FOR SALE Kitchen range in good condition. good ;baker and good heater,steel lined fire box. Phone .6534.41 Seaforth. MRS. JAMES WEBSTER LOST Black key ease containing 3 keys.. Finder please lours at News (Mike FOR SALE 1930 Plymouth sedan in good shape. Pion 682,0 Seaforth - - - FOR SALE Calf for sale. Phone 067r38. FRANK REYNOLDS FOR SALE Pianos, fm•niture ; 4 new pianos. large Mock used refinished pianos; 60 & 25 cycle re- frigerators. Trade in your old pi:uno. 0CEUETT & SONS, Mildmny Furniture Star, Mildmay. Free. delivery FOR SALE Young Durham cattle rising wo, J. to rsPit& heito fers. Apply I•Iensel' 0702 games were played. The following officers were elected: president, Donald Scott; vice-president, Philip Seines; secretary-terasurer, Eldon Allen; pianist, Mrs, Ernest Allen; convenor of social committee, Hazel Hamilton. . At the regular meeting of the Y. P. S. Sunday evening, a story was contributed by Hazel Hamilton; Don- ald Scott, Robert Laing, and Eldon Allen sang a trio number; and Rev, G. M. Young had charge of the topic, introducing and outlining the new study book. Mr, and Mrs, William Hamilton and Hazel Hamilton attended anni- versary services at Cavan Presbyter- ian Church, Exeter, and also visited Miss Lillian Ballantyne and Mrs. Will Sillery. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish, Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. - Betty McKellar is employed in Mitchell. Mrs. Ferg McKellar and Gam in Seaforth with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lomond and Isobel, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey hone after a trip to Northern 'Ontario. John Scott had an auction sale Monday of his household effects, having sold his house and lot to Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR Opp. Library New Stock Sterling Work Shoes " 7 • diffei'eilt Styles & Prices to choose from including Arch - Support Shoes Full line of Gutta Percha ' Rubber Boots FOR SALE 1 hetes brown pin-striped suit 'sire 13. .1 ladies grey suit size 16. - 1 grey wool dress airs 16, 1 powder blue crepe dress size 18, dist clewed and in good contrition. ' Can be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS FOR SALE , Small hand mode( electric'- vacuum cleaner. no attachments. Phone 652r14 FOR SALE T-13 tested registered Durham bull, 15 months old. Apply. STANLEY JACKSON. phone Seaforth B53re - FOR SALE About 115 Red, Rook pullets. starting' to lay.. Phone 27r5, )3(Yth. GEORGE DUBS, Londesboro EXCETJ:FINT GARDEN TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS, ETC. To be removed in two weeks Apply ED LANE Phone 126-J Mitchell Cider & Apple Butter Mill Will operate every day, . start- ing Oct, 1 until Nov. 25. FRED HENNICK & SON For appointment phone 181 Mitchell - BOX Eunrrat rruirr AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 - .Night 595 W , Watson & Reid INSURANCE, AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, ` All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. FOR. SALE Brick- house, 8 Pe: bathroom, 'furnace, double garage, situated a/w corner of Wilson & Centre Sta. A lovely home. Prompt poa- aeaalon.. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER, SEAFORTH Phones: Res.'220 `Office 334 FOR SALE MoClary: Royal Charm kitchen range, with warming" closet and time clock, and reservoir.. Oen be seen at Crown Hardware FOR SALE 100 yeaold Rock hens, laying, 1.2 chunks. of pigs, THOMAS BURNS, Mitchell RR. 4 FOR SALE Steel garage, 16516, at Meliillop manse.. Winthrop, by tender, highest or any tender not Oct. necessarily 1 Apply to tWILLISI DUNDAS,nn Sea- bforth WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission. Band'' of Cavan 'Church will meet in the. Sunday School room on Saturday, October 22nd at 2 o'clock. • Guests . with .Mr. and. Mrs. John McClure, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown and Hazel, Lobo; Mr. and FOR SALE 4.W.- Mar BELL, Kipp n, 01r1H. 2 Hensel] ins, FOR SALE Quanti1V. THOMPSOof N, RR 'Northernood 2 Seaforth -0335 J. 31 . Mrs. John Broadfoot and family, Tncicersmith; Mr, and Mrs, Grant Taylor, Staffa. • Mias Elizabeth Taylor, - Staffa, spent the weekend with her grand- parents, M;'. and Mrs. John McClure. FOR SALE Connell Coot—for Fireplaces. WM. M. HART; phone 593w, FOR SALE Westinghouse battery mantle radio, 4 tubes, in good shape, rotsonablc. Apply to CLE- MENT KRAUSKOPF, phone : 40r11 Dublin FOR SALE 32 DeSoto coupe with rumble seen.. Four good tires. EDWARD 7.'I:ENN.Y, Market St. Atone 2983' Seaforth ESTRAYED A heifer strayed to Lot 1, Con. 1 Tucker- smrth, around first of August. Owner can Have same by paying expenses. Phone 602112 Seaforth. ,JOHN NIGH FOR SALE Sprayed Apples for sole. Sits Kings, GreeniPhonenClinton1�613-21.ttAlso . eider FRED M0ChYMONT WILLIAM M. HART TOP QUALITY MARTIN W.STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic. and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square .throat. hospitals, London,=Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 Office Phone 593-W Seaforth NUT COAL NOW ON TRACK novinArtowwwwwwwwwinnot &ARLi4N,G &COMPANY 4irii 1it'aITA�"LIMITED SEAFORTH CLINIC D. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D. Internist. P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily,. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday ant Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made, in advance are desirable.' 'p, HURRY.: HURRY If you want to be a happy owner of an. Austin car 300 Austin Cars have been sold in this district during the last 30 days Why?—Because during the last 18 .months they have proven themselves to do the job as smartly and stand up behind it all, equal with any car on the road .selling at $2,000. And when you get 40 miles'to the gallon on gasoline, your savings on 15,000 miles will pay for your trade hi on. a new Austin. Qonse in and let us give you a dernonstl'gl.ion nog—it costs you nothing: But DON'T LEAVE IT ANY LONGDR, as we will soon be caught' up to the•factory output and then orders will pile up on the Waiting lista See Jonathan Hugill SUPERTEST STATION, CLINTON Phone 784-W Residence after hours 616-34 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth i 4800001113116. 1 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone. • 105 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers--Proaide,rt, 0. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hugen; Vice Pares., Hugh Alexander, Walton; Sec.-Treas. & Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth+ Directors—Root. Aiohibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth - R122; Chris Leonhard, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton John L. Malone, Seaforth 7. H. Marring, Blyth RM.; Hugh Alexander, Walton.; Harvey Fuller, Goderich RI22 Agents—John D. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F, McKe'cheq-Dublin ; 3, F. Prueter, Bredhageu ; George A. Watt, Blyth - - Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact' other business, will be promptly. attended .to by applioationa- to any of th abovenamed officera ,.addressed to their respective pest offices- . -. .. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell -. • Vise -President Milton McCurdy, R. R. 1, Eirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne. -Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell.. Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer . Arthur Fraser, Exeter G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Alvin -W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 178 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK10. McOONNELL H. GLENN HAYS. County Crown Attorney - SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 - FOR SALE Six room brick chveiling on West Williorn St., with garage. 100 .acres near Walton, buildings with all modern conveniences. A frame double dwelling on Centre street .. with two acres of land Pasture farm. near Varna with 50-60 acres,. of improved land. Good water supply Good farm 100 acres, 22A mild north of Seaforth. Early possession.... Creek passes through farm. Modern brick duplex on West William'st. Modest dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. M. A. 11E10, Seaforth . e • Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE , & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS areopeneach TUESDAY for, your convenience. ' See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other tinie,.or phone 41. J,- Exeter. 9. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber , goods) mailed postpaid 111 plain sealed envelope with 'price list, 0 samples 25c; 24 samples 91.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont: - - - BARNS CLEANED. And whitewashed following T.B. teat. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 Tbs. pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44 r 9. FRED HAR73URN '