HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-10-20, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS filar I ,tie Kennedy Fraser, `Erislcag so several boys were seen catrYilik
lave lel+', test tubes filled with clear liquids
The first of e series ca tour De "Toetata and Teague in D minor" and they were shaking theta vigor-
of Education cpucmts ryas. h-, Trach-Tausig was beautifnliy ren- ously, At first we thought that may-
held the auditorium on Thursday need ',r Hiss Mary MacDonald. be they were ready to Higha fire with
i n e talented O her second appearance, Miss -test tubes of water,
evening. g
ih tale t 1 artists who
Alice Churchman played Mendelssohn's*
performed were 1Vliss Mary "Allegretto Not Troppo Allegro On Wednesday the bays
and g'ir'ls
Rogers, a soprano, who won the is Motto Vivace" from the E minor Athletic Society was chosen. o The
Scholarship in the Ifawanis aftera hearty applause following were . nominated: P esi-
Eaton S p Concerto and . e
Mask Festival in 1947. She has air she encored with Schubert's ``Ave dent, Pat il'Iunav, Govd. McKrttdsey,
geared several""Singing
onSt she radio Marie" 'Jim 'Chapman; Vice -President, Bert
Joopaifle Ch vehman, 17 Miss Miss 'Rogers vetur'ned with Thorp' . Shaw, Irwin Johnston, Michael Beeh-
Josephine w o is a elan, 17 -yeti -old , son's „Velvet Shoes", Richard Hage- ely, Jim McKindsey; See T.reas;,
yroli l C who iso member of the ac's "Aunt Miranda" and from Eric MacMillan, Merton Hackwell;
Riehl Cnservatory Symphony' Or- , ma r
heard over Tsclrnil;otvslty's 'Joan of Arc', "Adieu Fgrm I2 enreseutatives; grade XI,
el M and has been. tz Fouts". As an encore Miss Rogers Gerald Dresser; Eric MacMillan;
DC,S:C, broadcasts; and Miss Mary Mac- sail "Ouvre ton Cours", by Bizet. grade X. Doug. Keyes, George Sills,
and winner :" lyric ships al g
pianist three lyric
is pea o, Following "Wine, Women and Ken Willis, Keith MacDonald; grade
P a' Baltimore, also Song", <from the waltz of Johannes IX, Sandy McMillan, Bud Zeigler,
Peabody Instituteb atappeared
dr , Strauss, Miss Mary MacDonald play -i Bill Broome and Murray Dale.ais
performed. She has on the ed and sang as, an encore, "LDn 'The election was then hc ld,SoThis as
esiestandtng t allann Artists
za" written by Rossini. This number, the'19 tBoys' e tion: Pres.,ety Jim
Series" on the O.B.C., and while t as at her previous_ concert in Sen- chosen by the el c Bert Shaw;
New York she played nor This forth, received •tremendous' applause. Chaptiian; vice-pres„
Metropolitan M .•Opeal singers.n This The baritone,. Arthur Sclater, sang •sec.-treas., Eric MacMillan.
was Mise 1t 5 11,S. M second i ald as his final numbers, "The Fisher- Form Representatives, grade
pearancepn Miss IYepartneld n of England" from Phillips' Re- Bill Stephenson (acc); gradeX,
eared in 1947 in A ar Ur Sclater,
men - and from: Gilbert and•Sulli- Gerald Dressel (arc.); grade
concert .a twas baritone
Sclater, belasIaid, aMc-
Mikado he sang the rollieldng i D ,lig•. Keyes, grade IX, Sandy Mc -
p very talentedebaaitone who book song of Ko -Ko, "I've got a little list" i Millen• Qt ; is as follows;
part in the C.B.C.an Gilbert and sSoloist
o ser and "The Mikado's Song". After the The Mary girls'
sol ietys, vice-pees.,afollows;
les C. and is Church.riof the applause died clown he' rendered Pres., •
Metropolitan a-
hne' was o eb"Tit-Willow", the song sung by Ko- belle Spiers, sec., Norma Leeming;
This concert was opened of S.H.S.M. about a bird in the Gilbert-SUIIi treas., Bernice Dialing. as 'fol -
'w Plntroduc, principal of ofovan `Mikado. � Form Repeesentati es are
who introduced 1of Education of conclusion the artists ap- , lows: grade IX, Beth Boyd; grade
ion. Department of oo1recommended
endedmusic av the
needed pcared on stage and were once again XA, Alice WZIsolBarbai�aENicholson;
ea mists very highlygand as t thetwo hundred people I Cartney; Phyllis
d e'reeted. by
Me -
the audience for
asked the in the audience with another tremen- XII, Joyce Glanville; XIII, y1
audience thea heartiest support dous applause. 1 Boyes.
at all concerts. *. * 5 I These societies will' commence lin-
Arthur withMaterLopened ofle pro- The students4 of Seaforth 'High mediately to collect the Taehle is
gramme "Lord God'alma," School will be seeing another Shake- fees which help pay for P. ] P
"Tai from Mendelssohn'simaarErangeijah; spearian film "Hamlet". This filar meat for boys and girls. e
"1 w,yve Austin; of Chino d stars Laurence Olivier, who also p,p- . S,H.S. are going
ed by and an old ballad
., West" by Sanderson, pealed in `Bing Henry V"which we The rugby team or "Dake Cue.
second artist on the program ;.tit lest year. Tecbtes laiof athis
ftetnooP> r obeSt.
Zi'iai[Ysiimmo�r'0gutne Friday,
ith pSt.
was lovely Miss JOsePhine Church- lent film :a W wale will get
•i ;,laved. a Spanish Gypsy ''-tol'c'1' teeth at the Regent Theatre. flat•>I. Collegiate institute lit the Flats
n whoin St. Marys. lila
Beuerman to Thamesford ort Stinday'
to visit Mr, and alts. Pe' Leusrman.�
Mr, . John Arbuckle is receiving
treatment at Westminster Hpspitai,
Ml's. Sophie Mueller is visiting her
sister Mrs. 1&1 Wesenbel'g and family,
Mr: and Mrs. John Steiss of alarms',
Manitoba; visited Mrs, Sophie Ben-
Mrs, Adapt Kismet• has been 111 and
is at the home of her' son Fred
Mrs.' Wilfred Sullridg.
Mr. and. , �
Gloria and Patricia of Sebringville
and Mrs. Ida Brunnei'•of Sebringville
with Mr, and all's. Wm. Diegel:
Mr. and Mrs, Sohn G. Hinz visited
friends at Ipperwash on MondaY.
Mt'. and Mrs. Frank Robinson and
family of. Fullerton with Mt. and
Mrs. Edward- Byers on SundaY
Rev. Fr. Weniple, London,, con-
ducted a retreat for the young peo-
ple of St. Patrick's parish. The re-
treat opened ,Friday' at 4:30 and
closed with Roly Hour on Sundayat
4 o'clock. d
On Friday evening a large crow
gabheeed in the, parish hall to honor
Mr. and Mrs. Gratton Dwyer, newly-
ew y
weds. An address was read by Ca-
therine Woods and a purse of money
•presented by Joe Delaney. Lunch
was was
2 urnished served.
Ttbe Delaie for ney-McQuaid
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flanagan attend-
ed the wedding of their niece in
troit oil Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Costello and
son Jack in Thorold. l tham
IVIr. and Mrs. Andrew Wl e.
in Thorold.
'I Cirtta"' ce Iireisler: 1,
t' t Week" mean, u'ul"r war at three o'clock.
n?u x t "Fire r0v n to t
if its D
Wtr air r,l' avian ,Dire VIP drills for the studentele leu sgarortil o cheerS.H.S. tohvictory.
Gipsy lance, n•;e":a,id a clung c as, and heeler .period,: for those who
he there t
Gypsy .lance In Montt I.a Czati - in -l; out of the rooms first and ling-, The 'heeling section will be Patricia
]tt. e ti,,op a?ire• uiered n very nd return as the last per -1 liensger. Shirley McPhee Barhatel of the church.
r ed o atano, t'+'detMl an 13th ei ._T itd a t of tbeen Honor Hensall Agent
_a,�.t. ,,oprano, ,.•,,,, •.,,,,. This heroine: a habit with some.. Lean, Marie Armstrong, Wilma M1'le Case, station .agent at
- fire Lean, Betty O'Keefe. Elizabeth Shall- lir. A. I+• retiring sifter 31
toll Carol Cheenee. Lorna and eleasele who is 1 g T was
'tl tl C N 12.
zk dei, .An ie. 'et
Gene with his famous horse "Champion" brings Western thrills to 14[osico
Double. leature.Mme;Tties. "11•OUti,FACES WEST" with Joel McCrea, Frances. Dee
AND "HERE. COMES TROUBLE" with William Tracy and Beverley Lloyd,
every Nest Thurs. Fri. 'Sat. "THE. BABE RUTH STORY" YYiltIem Bendtx, Claire Trevor
Be sure to we what the King of Swat did for the Yankees. A hearttugging story
Matinee 1.110 p.m., pri s .50 '$c '.70' Evening -1 show only, 3 p,m. — 51.00
"HAMLET" with Laurence Olivier and Jean Simmons.
Every once Jit a whiled picture entries along that makes -all others cheap and tawdry
when comparisons are de. This film is "'HAMLET ammistakebly., stamped' with
genius - superb in eve respect ._
the program. Mr. Grant McDonald
of 'Exeter, rendered a pleasing solo
entitled "Mother MaCree" accomp-
anied by Mr. John L. Nicol. A vocal
duett entitled "My Hero was rend-
ered by Miss Jean McDonald and
Grant McDonald. The hymn "0.
Come Thou Great Jehovah" was.
sung and the scripture, Psalm 100
WAS read by Mrs. MacLaren, after
which Rev. Ferguson, led in prayer.
Miss Jean McDonald, favored with
another solo fiord Thou my Hand".,
Rev. P. A. Ferguson introduced the
Rev. Douglas .Stewart of Kincardine,
who was the guest speaker for 'the,
5' ening. Rev. Stewart gave a very
impressive address expressing the
vital need of a Christian awakening
within ourselves, or else missions will
become extinct. Mrs. Bell expressed.
sincere thanks to Rev. Stewart, the•
soloists, the pianist and all taking
part. The offering was received and
the program c0ne1uded with a vocal
duett entitled "Come, Holy Spirit"
by Miss Jean and Grant McDonald.
The ' Benediction was pronounced by
Rev. Stewart.
Hansell Holds School Concert
A concert- ip, conjunction with
Hensall Comniti ity Agricultural
Fair was held under' the.chairman-
ship of Reeve A. W. Kerslake. Pu-
pils of Hensall public School, S.S. 1
and 5 Tuckersmith, S.S. 10 Hay, Sr
S. 7, Hibbert took part in' the varied
program of music, recitations,:publie
speaking'-. climaxed with a spelling
match, directed, by G. G. Gardiner,
Goderich Public School Inspector•:
Following are the prize winners; Re
citations second grade, Connie Cor-
bett, S.S. 10 Hay; David Noakes,
Billie Shadick, Hensall. Vocal, 10
and under, Graham Farquhar, Wayne
Forrest, Neil'Forrest, Hensall, . Jean
Henderson, Margaret Moir, Joyce
Veber, Hensall; recitations 3rd and
4th grades, Gwen Spencer, Beth
Goddard, Hensall, Evelyne Hyde, S.
S. 10, Hay; vocal duet, Ken Parker,
Jim Bell, S.S. 1, Tuckersmith, Mari-
lyn Mousseau, Eudora Hyde, Hensall;
The Baby Band of the Hensall
United Church will Bold them an-
nual birthday party, Thursday, Oct.
27th at 3 p.111. in the 'school room
,•e•truIs 1!Ai!,•lull nuntu,•r u; "�"i t) , 1 i 1.1 mmtaing Wne1i the
The La--; with the delicate Au": , 71 students in the chemistry
Irish folk .song tout a Seoteh filet, ' ree te"ig t tudent to the the their
"I know where I'm Going" and a t
FIeb.rdian folk song arranged by +•xirrrtinent while going outside and
tify with the New
1" nsiel"P the tppeara11Ce of yoUr siiades--ale tlir.;. fresh
and new -looking? Are they ..hurray and faded" Luck over
our stock of the latest styled shades
Paper, Cloth and Oil Shades
Box Furniture Store—Funeral crake
Marion Laudenbach,a years service an iStratford when 88 rail -
The St. Marys boys will Mayhonored at
return game wan. Seaforth next Fri-
attended the gathering,
day, October nth, at Limns park. Sea- Officials attending were I. Messer,
forth. The game will commence at Toronto, President of the Order of
Sea -
three o'clock sharp. theRailroad Telegraphers, G. H.
i e * * 5 Milne, Kitchener, A. L. Baynham,
The students received `good' news Stratfordand 0. C. Ingle, Waterloo.
en Tuesday. That 'good' news was the Auxiliary Holds Banquet
gest set of examinations will emu- The Arnold Circle Evening Aux -
mance on Noveuther 24th and will con iliary held their annual thank-offer-
tinThis earlyldatetll is1loarsday, Dec 1. ing allow the tea- Church ton Monday evening in the t�whenof ha
chers time to mark the paper's• return large
epre husbands lof ettjoyeclm members
these papers 5115 get the 1 after which the elic-
tl report verde end p
to the students,imus banquet,
c s. dent, Heirs. Glenn Bell, presided over
The 5,34,5. Cunuueaeemellt is to be
held on Frida', November 18th at 8.15
pan. hi the auditorium.. l
s: * *
NIGHT 5p5tt- PHONE ---DAY 43
In 'Cardno's Hall
22 Games h;:r 50c
thy Nite
:auspices of Branch 156 Canadian Legion
as aAPINu
.\ !dewie match is to be held ate
,5I1,s. sometime soon. This nuttt•h
will ramllrriee of contestants from
trtrie 1 sehotes in this vicinity. So lit'
following st incl' 'tate answermt
111 ell Ill n e triMU '^ H Pahnc rs•
Mitchell. Clinton. Other ,i'hool'
o b•r cnntaeleci yet aur G.nl:•ricit. Ex -1
d tt
ulurt'ham j
Tide tnr+rh tial t.tke Waite. earth oft
the s.hool one will comprise one
class only. Tins will be the tremor
* „ * +'
A rumor is floating through 1110
school about the members tit Grade
X1. This rumor is t0 the effect that
these st.udeilts will be taken to the
Royal Winter Fair 11 TOr01110 conte
time early iu November.
Franklin Edward, infant sem i of Mr.
and Mrs. George Jarmuth was bap-
tized at St. Peters Lutheran church
an Sunday morning with 1111'. and
Mrs, Floyd Wessman and ivll', slid
Mrs. Frank Eiclniteir as sponsors.
Also Patricia Louise, intuit daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bauer. The
spoltsors were Mr. and Mrs. Alles and.
Mlr. and Mee. Aug. Bauer.
toil and ribs. Ed Smitla and Mr, and
Mrs Albert Querengesser and iltr.
and Mrs. Wm. I,. Querengesser at-
tended the wedding of their nephew,
Kenneth Querengesser, to bliss Mar-
Mr. Land ing at Mrs. Augusto on 13illebi'echt
visited their daughter ears. John
Mueller and Wilily at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs Clifford Woodward of
Toronto, and Mi•. and Donald Stauck,
Warren and Janet of Kitchener, with
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Querengesser on
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Tait and Doro-
thy attended the wedding on Saturday
of Miss Belli Tait to Mr. Joe Germ -
mow at Stratford, Dorothy being one
of the attendants,
Mr. Oscar Diegel and son Jininty of
Kitchener spent the week end with
Mr, and Mee. Henry L. Diegel
Mr, and Mrs. 13111 Holmes of LOS -
Son and Mr. Rudolph Thiel of Rather
Glen 'with Mr. and Mrs. Jelin G. Hinz
o11 Sunday. •
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Bennewies for the week
end were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kraus
and. son Raymond of Rnthveu. 'Mr.
and 'elm Ernest Hartji, Sharon and
Joyce and Mrs, Fred Scherbarth and
Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scher
berth of Detr'eit. '
Me. and Mrs. Ford Diokison attend-
ed the wedding of the former's bro-
ther on Saturday at Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and
Audrey of Giattworth spent Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Diegel and
Mrs, Wm, Meyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel ac-
companied Mr, and Mrs. Norval El-
liott of Stan, to Loudon on Sunday
to visit their grandson Donald Elliott
who is confined to Hospital, there
after being kicked on the jaw by a
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford, Audrey
and Wayne, London, anis. Robert
Rock, Waterloo, with Mr, and Mrs.
Edwin Rock,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beuerman and
Roger Pryce accompanied Mrs. Dan
Car Specials This Week
1939 Chev, coach with heater, radio and slipcovers. A real snappy car,
like new
1938 Studebaker Sedau. heater, radio. and a dandy motor
1942 Dodge Pickup 1/8 ten with stock rack, & new factory built Dotage
1929 Deluxe Chevrolet Sedan. new tires, perfect motor, and good
New Austin. Pickups, Panels & Station Wagons --
immediate delivery at attractive prices.
You can depend on any of above goods as we will stand
behind them
Jon than Hugil.I
Clinton - - Supertest Station
Phony 754-w Residence in mornings or evenings 51.6-34
trio, Ken Parker, Jim Bell, Wallace
Maxwell, S.S. 1, Tuckersmith. Pub-
lic speaking, grade , •Grahatn Far-
quhar. Musical instrumental, Jean
Lavender, Hensall, Shirley Coleman,
•S.S. 10, Hay, Shirley Bell, SdS. 10
Hay; Public speaking, grades 7 and
8, Alice Armstrong, S.S. 2; Tucker-
smith; Ruth :Soldas, Jean Lavender,
Hensall; spelling match, Alice Arm-
strong, S.S. 2, Tuckersmith, Maly
Elson, S.S. 1, Tuckersmith, Ruth
Soldan, Hensall.
The regular October meeting of the,
Hensall village council was held In
the council chamber with all mem-
bers present. Minutes of the previous
meeting were • read and adopted.
F. Harburn reported re the garbage
collection as being impossible hunted -
lately, also tee the drain on Ring
street east: Hoy and Tudor', that the
Clerk get in touch with the county
engineer T. R. Patterson re the ditch
on Ring St. East, Carried.
J. A. Paterson, tax collector, re-
ported as having reoeived, $12,435,43
.0 19411 taxes to date.
Tudor' and Parke, that tem Clerk
Prepare a by-law appointing Sohn
Traquair as motor mechanic of the
lire brigade. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to charge
the Hensall Hydro Commission Inc
the use of the town tractor, 3 hours.
at $1.90 per horn'.
Hoy and Tudor, that the Clerk eon -
tact Exeter and Zurich fire brigade
as to making an agreement on, a mut-
ual aid basis in case of a bad fire.
Parke a.nd. Jones, that bylaw 17-1949
re Fire Brigade rules and regulettous
be given second reading, Carried.
:Fedor and Jones. that we instruct
the constable to enforce bylaw pro-
hibitiug the riding of bicycles on the
sidewalks. Carried.
Bilis and accounts passed as fol-
lows: A. Spencer R Sous, material,
$72,21; Hensall Hydro Commission,
for, the hall, $10.71; Hensall Hydro
Commission, for w.w., $33.05; A.
Spencer & Sous. material w.m.. $3.48;
Brown's Hradware, material w.w.
ti 1.75
These Bonds may be bought for cash, on a monthly
savings plan, or on other suitable terms.
Denominations; $50, $$100, $500, $1,000.
Interest> 23/4%.
Individual purchases may be made up to $1,000.
These Bonds can be cashed any time at face.
value (plus accrued interest) at this Bank. There
is no service charge.
'Fury rot .&Joao& Stamp. & d
at44e#eitaad tlr Vt
The Bank will make delivery of all Bonds on 17th October, or
as soon thereafter as full payment for thein is made.