HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-10-13, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1940
a°80,ceoacnreumss.mnuwm.,a„r.uu,r.nw.�ww,,,,�+•.,Y*?a�„s nwin„w+4
Superior -.
(2U1CIS (2 II AI l'1R I)A I i
RED BIRD : MA 1 C1IES L.urgn I 1I1' 111
3.Boxes Ills
48 'oz. 'I'tu 230
20.02. Fills.. -2 for 27c.
KLEENEX -772 Bozos 35c
1, Ib. Tin 25c
SPECIAL, (IOU'il'1!ll]
1 111,—.52e
4 lb. Till. 4;30
J Av1IX:
lit os, Bottle _.-14c
32 IW,. Bodin 240
1 11,-230
.1/2, lb -47c
We Deliver Art. Wright
Phone 77
McKillop Federation of ,
St Peter's Church, Brodhagen
OCT. 27th at 7 p.rn.
Supper - Turkey - Good Program
Please contact your section director
early as supply of tickI to is timing!
A. R. DODDS, Sec.-Treas.
Every Wed. & Saturday
Stratford Casino
Adm. 50c
Closing Dance of the Season—Oct. 15
141(10 AL Trott ;Memorial hospital on 0etdber
12, to Mr. and Mrs, Wililum Roe, ,RR. 1,
Walton, n •rlau(hter
HO"WSON -AG 'Seen Memorint H0601181. on
Orte hrr 7, to Dr, and Mrs. Ross How-
son. Srnforth, ,t son
M11IkiON At SnoOL Memorini. 0osaltn1, on
Uro I r.r lo, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
MIlfa,ri, (,'anion, EWIn sons
Anniversary Services
Turners Church
2 P.M. AND 7.30 P.M.
Rev. G. G. Burton. Moorefield.
former. Pastor. Guest. Speaker.
Spevial Music by the Choir
Home Baking
& Apron Sale
Groups 2 and 3 of the North
Side W. A.
Saturday, Oct. 22
Doors open at 3 p.m.
In Stock
Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc
Beaver -Board, Arborite,
Tentest Blocks
Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles,
Cookeville Bricks
Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding, and Roll Roofing
Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts
Lumber, Sash and Doors
Screens made to order
Custom Millwork -
Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd.
"Where The Best Costs No More"
See and Drive
The New Vanguard
Saloon 4 -door Sedan
we Beautiful! It's Economical, too!
See Them To -day at New Low Prices
Now on Display at
Clinton Motors
C. L. Stanley, Proprietor
Authorized Dealer
h'aa Agar apont floe we„it 1,1x1
al' 111.1. 114111(, 111 aarula.
Wnbl't (1I11.1(1I11.11411, sl.lt at klle hrnno of
141111. Prhltllt 1/11VI l,il.lix (41'. wl11'1' Mr.
1111(1 MPH. 1°110111 111NPI'MLUX J1'. (11' tort
Hope, Mins AIle' 1)(,voreatix and Mi'.
Edward 1>everve ux, Toronto.
101 (ss Vern, Mol( and Miss 'Laura
Mole, visited in Hamilton over the
11011day week end.
114I(15 .iean Turner, Toronto, Spent
the week end tat her home here.
Miss June Shaw, Windsor, spent
the week :end with her parents Mr.
'and Mrs. George Shaw.
Mr, and Mrs. Max Hudson and sous
Wayne and Larry, Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and sons Bruce
and Sten, Tuckel'Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton Diegel, Brodhagen, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. A. Masse, Windsor,
visited over the week end with the
latter's mother Mrs. Ellen Bannon.
Thanksgiving visitors at the home
of Mi'. and Mrs. Peter McIver were
Mr, and Mrs. Scott Coffin, Toronto,
kiss Margaret McIver„ Kitchener. and
Miss Josephine McIver, Stratford.
Miss Ruth Joynt, Toronto, spent the
week end with her parents Mi'..and
Mrs. R. Joyut.
Mr, Bill Curtis, of Lindsay, visited
with friends over the week end.
Mi's. Hannah Casemore has re-
turned to Hamilton after spending
the past week at the liolne of Misses
Laura. and Vera Mole.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham Jr. and
family were week end visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Reilly in
Gull Mrs. Hallam and children art.
remaining to spend 11 few days the,, .
Miss Margaret Willis.(-trr11 E.lst•
hope spent the week 70,4 'with le -,r
parelos TL. and 11r;. 1 N,1,1„,..
C t ,hl Snowdon n and
returned lastweek a fe. 1 -ix
101 elC. t i P With parent, AL.. ale'
Atr 11. 1,N'il :1L I. 11, A(115 0:,11,(:4.
311 80 Barbara Christopher. bunion,
visited, . Thanksgiving in with her
grant,n,oi ner Mr". 1I. Downey.
.TI K".nr.e111 Eaton. Toronto pent
the week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. 0eorge Eaton.
Dr. J '(1eib,urne Kahle. Toronto,
spent Thank giting with his mother.
Mrs. C. C. Keine.
1ir... .Jo , h Eckert and Miss Ger-
aldine Eckert. Wallaceburg, Miss Ann
Eckert, Mount Forest, and 14Ir. Con.
Eckert, Kitchener. spent the week
cad at their home here.
Miss Mary Duneau. London. visited
par-nts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
D : r
on TI'anksgiving.
Mr. George MacDonald, Stratford.
spent Thanksgiving iving with his daughter
and ,,,11.1.-irelaW Mrs. Ralph McFaddin
i McFAliti.
:,r./ Airs. 3I. TV, Stapleton and
J. M. Scott leave this
1-y lar for a visit to Se'ot-
1 �1'- o'I 1,`111 France.
Iytr and Miss Mary
I t, ,a the tt elt end at
Ei, 1 (.-1 ,,1„ ill: the w e k
in Ter, Ili".
i G L A. MacMillan and family
pert 3ion1ay at their cottage at
Mrs. Jack Moore underwent an ap
peadicitt' operation in the hospita.1
(e1 Tuesday morning,
Mr. Bruce Waring. Toronto spent
the week end at the Boswell home.
Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Mchindsey have
t'etulned after spending a week: in
New York.
Mt. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and Ron
spent Thanksgiving in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Haney, Niagara
Falls, Ont.. spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs W. J.
Mr. and i4IrS. Don Eastman spent
Monday in Sarnia.
9/1r. and Mrs. George Parke. Lon-
don, were holiday visitors at the
hone'of the fornmer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. G. Parke.
hlr. Donald Hillis, Toronto, spent
the week end at his home here.
Mr. and ;firs, Roy Kerr visited in
Port Dover on Thanksgiving.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick, Lon-
don, spent the week eud at the hone
of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Fitzpatrick
The women's hospital aid to Scott
Memorial Hospital will hold a mem-
bership drive during the latter part
of October until Nov. 3.
NIr. and Mrs. James Eckert, Ridge.
town, were holiday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. John Eckert.
Mr. Joseph Lerner, Toronto. was a
Thanksgiving guest at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Janmes O'Reilly..
Mrs. Reiss, Detroit, visited over the
week end with' her mother Mrs. James
Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Kitchener,
spent the week end with her par;/nt."
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly,
Miss Elaine Holmes visited in To-
ronto over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNab and son
Paul, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross 11IeNab and Dennis and Janice.
of Stratford were week end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ellah and fatnily
of St. Pauls, and Mr. and Mrs, David
J. Grieve and family, London, spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. John Grieve,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, Toronto,
visited over the holiday week end with
Mr. Thomas Lane.
Mr. 'Neville McMillan, of Toronto,
spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leonhardt, of
Mitchell, were holiday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Matthews.
Mrs, Joseph Rowland spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Melady in Windsor. Mrs. Winnlfred
Rowland, Dublin spent Thanksgiving
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright were
visitors with his parents Mr: and Mrs.
W. A. Wright.
Miss Margaret McLaughlin has re-
turned from two weeks' holidays at
her home in McKillop,
Mr. Albert Harrison has returned
atter spending six weeks' vacation
visiting relatives in the west, going as
far as Seattle and Vancouver, a.ud is
much improved in health.
Mrs, Russell Sproat visited friends
in Toronto last weep.
lh, ludil•s aid of the. Pte ()lei an
('0111'01 will hold a bazaar en Nov. 5.
Mr. and M1:,, J. Adair, Toronto,
WPre 1v1('S. J. J.:Selater over
week end.
Nir. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and
Patricia, of Galt, and Mr. G. Emery,
of Brantford, stein: the holiday at the
home of. Miss Lillian Faulkner.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Peiffer and daugh-
ter of Detroit visited las(week with
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth and
Mrs. Christina Brown. Mrs. Hoggarth
accompanied them home to Detroit'
On 'Tuesday .evening, Oct. 111(1
the Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge held
their regular meeting. The business
of the meeting was the installing of
the officers by Mrs, Ethel Boyes, 0.
D.P. and her installing team con-
sisting of Mrs. Anna Henderson,
Mrs. Fannie Moore, Mrs, Mary Man-
son, Mrs. Mae Free, Mrs, Mae Dor-
ranee, Mrs. Janet Baker, Mrs. Alva
Pullman, Miss Jean Scott and Mrs,
Ella Hunt, musician.
The new officers for the year; N.
G. Mrs. Lillian Grunnnett; V.G. Mrs,
Evelyn McLean; J.P.N.G., Mrs. Ev-
elynWillis; Chaplain, Mrs. Agnes
McClinchey; Pec. Sec. Mrs. Margar-
et Thompson; Finan, Sec., Mrs. Mar-
garet Bennett; Treas., Mrs. Hilda
Hubert; Warden, Mrs. Hazel Me-
Gonigle; Conductor, Mrs. Annie Har-
rison; I.S,G., Miss Nyle Doig; 0,5.0.
Sirs. Fannie Moore P S N.G Mrs,
Mae Dorrance: L.S 1 G , :Niru Mary
Felker F. S.V .G., Mrs, Alva West-
cott; L.S.V.G.. 11rs. Mae Habkirk;
Kippell East Women's Institute
will sponsor a
Euchre ; Dance
in Hensall Town Hall
Friday, Oct. 21
At 8.30 Sharp
Murdoch Orchestra
Asim. 50c.
Ladies bring lunch
11usieian, lips. Helen McClure.
Mrs, Ethel Hayes, D.D.P. was pre-
sented witha leather bag and Nlrs.
Evelyn Willis, J.P.N.G. was present-.
ed with the P.N.G. jewel. The instal-
ling team presented Mrs. Mary Man-
son witl( a.beautifel scarf.
After the closing of Lodge the so-
cial committee with Mrs. J. Hille-
btecht, as convenor, served a deli-
cious lunch and a social half hour
was spent. Visitors from out of town'
were from Stratford and 'Jensen.
The next and regular Lodge meet-
ing will be held-Oct.24th•
Mrs. Alex Paterson, Miss Eva
Stackhouse and Mrs. Abe Zaffe'visit-
ed with relatives and friends in Mon-
treal last week.
Major and Mrs. J. S. Ussher, who
recently visited with the latter's
mother, Mrs, C. Haugh, sailed from
Montreal on the Empress of France
for London, England, last week.
The Misses Ina and Ellen Mae
Scott of London, spent the weekend
with their brothers and families over
the weekend.
Peter Haugh of Toronto spent the
holiday weekend at the home of his
uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mr, and Ml's. Joseph Connelly,
14IcKillop township, wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Grace Josephine, to Mr, Dominic
Patrick Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Murray, also of McKillop
township. The wedding will take
place Saturday, Oct. 29, in St. Co-
lumban Church, St. Columban, at
9:30 o'clock.
The Eastern Star will hold .
Afternoon Tea
Home Baking Sale
Saturday Afternoon, Oct. 15
3 to 6
Also sale Aprons and other
home made articles in the
1.0.OF. Hall
(over Baldwin's Store)
The steel strike in America will paralyze the automobile
manufacturing, here very shortly. And now. with Austin
cars being priced so low through the devaluation of the
British pound, thousands of Austins are being snapped tip
very fast by the buying public, and this Will cause a short-
age to the dealers in a very few days. We expect prices to
advance very shortly and would advise placing your order
immediately before stook is depleted.
Phone or see us at once.
nathan Hugill
Clinton - - Supertest Station
Residence in mornings or evenings 616-34
Phone 784-w
P.S.—One gallon of Prestone free with every new Austin
sold this week
Sunday, Oct. 9 to Saturday, Oct. 15 has
been set aside this year as
r irk vti
All Dwellings, Public Buildings, Stores, Ware
Houses and Factories should be carefully inspected by
their occupants and all conditions likely to cause or
promote spread of fire be removed.
Seaforth has been fortunate, having had very
little loss due to fire in the past year. Let us keep it so.
Please .instruct your children on the danger of fire
Remember: Fire Waste
Can Never e Replaced
Auth. Fite Marshall's Office, Toronto
Fire Chief
Farm Machines
Owing to shortage of winter Storage space W(: Lin' offering
Reduced Prices
On all our large stock of both new and used machines
for a limited time
Save Money
By purchasing your future requirements now from -
romSeaforth Motors
Seal orth
W. T. Teall, Prop.
In Stock
Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc
Beaver -Board, Arborite,
Tentest Blocks
Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles,
Cookeville Bricks
Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding, and Roll Roofing
Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts
Lumber, Sash and Doors
Screens made to order
Custom Millwork -
Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd.
"Where The Best Costs No More"
See and Drive
The New Vanguard
Saloon 4 -door Sedan
we Beautiful! It's Economical, too!
See Them To -day at New Low Prices
Now on Display at
Clinton Motors
C. L. Stanley, Proprietor
Authorized Dealer
h'aa Agar apont floe we„it 1,1x1
al' 111.1. 114111(, 111 aarula.
Wnbl't (1I11.1(1I11.11411, sl.lt at klle hrnno of
141111. Prhltllt 1/11VI l,il.lix (41'. wl11'1' Mr.
1111(1 MPH. 1°110111 111NPI'MLUX J1'. (11' tort
Hope, Mins AIle' 1)(,voreatix and Mi'.
Edward 1>everve ux, Toronto.
101 (ss Vern, Mol( and Miss 'Laura
Mole, visited in Hamilton over the
11011day week end.
114I(15 .iean Turner, Toronto, Spent
the week end tat her home here.
Miss June Shaw, Windsor, spent
the week :end with her parents Mr.
'and Mrs. George Shaw.
Mr, and Mrs. Max Hudson and sous
Wayne and Larry, Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and sons Bruce
and Sten, Tuckel'Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton Diegel, Brodhagen, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. A. Masse, Windsor,
visited over the week end with the
latter's mother Mrs. Ellen Bannon.
Thanksgiving visitors at the home
of Mi'. and Mrs. Peter McIver were
Mr, and Mrs. Scott Coffin, Toronto,
kiss Margaret McIver„ Kitchener. and
Miss Josephine McIver, Stratford.
Miss Ruth Joynt, Toronto, spent the
week end with her parents Mi'..and
Mrs. R. Joyut.
Mr, Bill Curtis, of Lindsay, visited
with friends over the week end.
Mi's. Hannah Casemore has re-
turned to Hamilton after spending
the past week at the liolne of Misses
Laura. and Vera Mole.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham Jr. and
family were week end visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Reilly in
Gull Mrs. Hallam and children art.
remaining to spend 11 few days the,, .
Miss Margaret Willis.(-trr11 E.lst•
hope spent the week 70,4 'with le -,r
parelos TL. and 11r;. 1 N,1,1„,..
C t ,hl Snowdon n and
returned lastweek a fe. 1 -ix
101 elC. t i P With parent, AL.. ale'
Atr 11. 1,N'il :1L I. 11, A(115 0:,11,(:4.
311 80 Barbara Christopher. bunion,
visited, . Thanksgiving in with her
grant,n,oi ner Mr". 1I. Downey.
.TI K".nr.e111 Eaton. Toronto pent
the week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. 0eorge Eaton.
Dr. J '(1eib,urne Kahle. Toronto,
spent Thank giting with his mother.
Mrs. C. C. Keine.
1ir... .Jo , h Eckert and Miss Ger-
aldine Eckert. Wallaceburg, Miss Ann
Eckert, Mount Forest, and 14Ir. Con.
Eckert, Kitchener. spent the week
cad at their home here.
Miss Mary Duneau. London. visited
par-nts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
D : r
on TI'anksgiving.
Mr. George MacDonald, Stratford.
spent Thanksgiving iving with his daughter
and ,,,11.1.-irelaW Mrs. Ralph McFaddin
i McFAliti.
:,r./ Airs. 3I. TV, Stapleton and
J. M. Scott leave this
1-y lar for a visit to Se'ot-
1 �1'- o'I 1,`111 France.
Iytr and Miss Mary
I t, ,a the tt elt end at
Ei, 1 (.-1 ,,1„ ill: the w e k
in Ter, Ili".
i G L A. MacMillan and family
pert 3ion1ay at their cottage at
Mrs. Jack Moore underwent an ap
peadicitt' operation in the hospita.1
(e1 Tuesday morning,
Mr. Bruce Waring. Toronto spent
the week end at the Boswell home.
Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Mchindsey have
t'etulned after spending a week: in
New York.
Mt. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and Ron
spent Thanksgiving in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Haney, Niagara
Falls, Ont.. spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs W. J.
Mr. and i4IrS. Don Eastman spent
Monday in Sarnia.
9/1r. and Mrs. George Parke. Lon-
don, were holiday visitors at the
hone'of the fornmer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. G. Parke.
hlr. Donald Hillis, Toronto, spent
the week end at his home here.
Mr. and ;firs, Roy Kerr visited in
Port Dover on Thanksgiving.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick, Lon-
don, spent the week eud at the hone
of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Fitzpatrick
The women's hospital aid to Scott
Memorial Hospital will hold a mem-
bership drive during the latter part
of October until Nov. 3.
NIr. and Mrs. James Eckert, Ridge.
town, were holiday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. John Eckert.
Mr. Joseph Lerner, Toronto. was a
Thanksgiving guest at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Janmes O'Reilly..
Mrs. Reiss, Detroit, visited over the
week end with' her mother Mrs. James
Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Kitchener,
spent the week end with her par;/nt."
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly,
Miss Elaine Holmes visited in To-
ronto over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNab and son
Paul, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross 11IeNab and Dennis and Janice.
of Stratford were week end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ellah and fatnily
of St. Pauls, and Mr. and Mrs, David
J. Grieve and family, London, spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. John Grieve,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, Toronto,
visited over the holiday week end with
Mr. Thomas Lane.
Mr. 'Neville McMillan, of Toronto,
spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leonhardt, of
Mitchell, were holiday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Matthews.
Mrs, Joseph Rowland spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Melady in Windsor. Mrs. Winnlfred
Rowland, Dublin spent Thanksgiving
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright were
visitors with his parents Mr: and Mrs.
W. A. Wright.
Miss Margaret McLaughlin has re-
turned from two weeks' holidays at
her home in McKillop,
Mr. Albert Harrison has returned
atter spending six weeks' vacation
visiting relatives in the west, going as
far as Seattle and Vancouver, a.ud is
much improved in health.
Mrs, Russell Sproat visited friends
in Toronto last weep.
lh, ludil•s aid of the. Pte ()lei an
('0111'01 will hold a bazaar en Nov. 5.
Mr. and M1:,, J. Adair, Toronto,
WPre 1v1('S. J. J.:Selater over
week end.
Nir. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and
Patricia, of Galt, and Mr. G. Emery,
of Brantford, stein: the holiday at the
home of. Miss Lillian Faulkner.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Peiffer and daugh-
ter of Detroit visited las(week with
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth and
Mrs. Christina Brown. Mrs. Hoggarth
accompanied them home to Detroit'
On 'Tuesday .evening, Oct. 111(1
the Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge held
their regular meeting. The business
of the meeting was the installing of
the officers by Mrs, Ethel Boyes, 0.
D.P. and her installing team con-
sisting of Mrs. Anna Henderson,
Mrs. Fannie Moore, Mrs, Mary Man-
son, Mrs. Mae Free, Mrs, Mae Dor-
ranee, Mrs. Janet Baker, Mrs. Alva
Pullman, Miss Jean Scott and Mrs,
Ella Hunt, musician.
The new officers for the year; N.
G. Mrs. Lillian Grunnnett; V.G. Mrs,
Evelyn McLean; J.P.N.G., Mrs. Ev-
elynWillis; Chaplain, Mrs. Agnes
McClinchey; Pec. Sec. Mrs. Margar-
et Thompson; Finan, Sec., Mrs. Mar-
garet Bennett; Treas., Mrs. Hilda
Hubert; Warden, Mrs. Hazel Me-
Gonigle; Conductor, Mrs. Annie Har-
rison; I.S,G., Miss Nyle Doig; 0,5.0.
Sirs. Fannie Moore P S N.G Mrs,
Mae Dorrance: L.S 1 G , :Niru Mary
Felker F. S.V .G., Mrs, Alva West-
cott; L.S.V.G.. 11rs. Mae Habkirk;
Kippell East Women's Institute
will sponsor a
Euchre ; Dance
in Hensall Town Hall
Friday, Oct. 21
At 8.30 Sharp
Murdoch Orchestra
Asim. 50c.
Ladies bring lunch
11usieian, lips. Helen McClure.
Mrs, Ethel Hayes, D.D.P. was pre-
sented witha leather bag and Nlrs.
Evelyn Willis, J.P.N.G. was present-.
ed with the P.N.G. jewel. The instal-
ling team presented Mrs. Mary Man-
son witl( a.beautifel scarf.
After the closing of Lodge the so-
cial committee with Mrs. J. Hille-
btecht, as convenor, served a deli-
cious lunch and a social half hour
was spent. Visitors from out of town'
were from Stratford and 'Jensen.
The next and regular Lodge meet-
ing will be held-Oct.24th•
Mrs. Alex Paterson, Miss Eva
Stackhouse and Mrs. Abe Zaffe'visit-
ed with relatives and friends in Mon-
treal last week.
Major and Mrs. J. S. Ussher, who
recently visited with the latter's
mother, Mrs, C. Haugh, sailed from
Montreal on the Empress of France
for London, England, last week.
The Misses Ina and Ellen Mae
Scott of London, spent the weekend
with their brothers and families over
the weekend.
Peter Haugh of Toronto spent the
holiday weekend at the home of his
uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mr, and Ml's. Joseph Connelly,
14IcKillop township, wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Grace Josephine, to Mr, Dominic
Patrick Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Murray, also of McKillop
township. The wedding will take
place Saturday, Oct. 29, in St. Co-
lumban Church, St. Columban, at
9:30 o'clock.
The Eastern Star will hold .
Afternoon Tea
Home Baking Sale
Saturday Afternoon, Oct. 15
3 to 6
Also sale Aprons and other
home made articles in the
1.0.OF. Hall
(over Baldwin's Store)
The steel strike in America will paralyze the automobile
manufacturing, here very shortly. And now. with Austin
cars being priced so low through the devaluation of the
British pound, thousands of Austins are being snapped tip
very fast by the buying public, and this Will cause a short-
age to the dealers in a very few days. We expect prices to
advance very shortly and would advise placing your order
immediately before stook is depleted.
Phone or see us at once.
nathan Hugill
Clinton - - Supertest Station
Residence in mornings or evenings 616-34
Phone 784-w
P.S.—One gallon of Prestone free with every new Austin
sold this week
Sunday, Oct. 9 to Saturday, Oct. 15 has
been set aside this year as
r irk vti
All Dwellings, Public Buildings, Stores, Ware
Houses and Factories should be carefully inspected by
their occupants and all conditions likely to cause or
promote spread of fire be removed.
Seaforth has been fortunate, having had very
little loss due to fire in the past year. Let us keep it so.
Please .instruct your children on the danger of fire
Remember: Fire Waste
Can Never e Replaced
Auth. Fite Marshall's Office, Toronto
Fire Chief