HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-29, Page 6)‘ °SA 1. hay othe ITS 'FRAGRANCE 1S SEALED IN VACUUM, AU -"0,a,. - WEST OF THE SUN A Serial Story by JOSEPH IB CHADW CK elsO-,:-'es n: 41' K 111 41f The story thus ram Virginia Ames Drosses the wild, frontier Rest by roll and stage In rammer ' 14 a letter from Phu. Lawrence, her nonce, who lett Washington to make a his fortune in Arizona At Lura nose. 14, Jim Randall Investigates the robbery of the stage on which she sem tiding and In quiet her cameo nen and e n:o ey box for Steve Darren. Sonia penile gambling emir. Iter,' stolen. De learns nt last that Phil Le wrenee, robbed and chat. ed by Barron a ,gbeerd the robbery, but he does not tell Virginia t,,la Neither does he tell Harron, but the gambler learns the truth when he overbears Virginia discuss. Ing Phil with Lanya Correa', dame -hail girl In love with Virtana a Rance. Barron, himself in love with Lamm. leaves with tkr intention of killing Phil. Virgins tel. lows, iteurb l of getting to Plvll in time to worn him CHAPTER X. The sounds of Steve Barron's horse thudded sharply, then stopped. From far hack in the shadowy room, Virginia watched through the open doorway. Barron sat loosely in the saddle, 30 feet from Phil, his face dark and savage. His voice rang out: "Lanya gave you away, Lawrence. I came at once," "I was warned," Phil replied flat- ly. "I was waiting." "You should have known 1 wouldn't let you get away With rob- bing me." "it hurts, eh. When the thief is robbed." Barron's hands lay crossed on his saddle horn, "Just what do you mean by that?" Phil's voice was sharp. "Your Mexican and Indian vaqueros rustl- ed my cattle. And not only mine but stock belonging to every other small rancher in the valley!" "You know a lot, Lawrence," "I've been spying or, you for months, Barron. And I know too about your deal with Natchi-" IIIs voice broke off. and he was suddenly crouched low and darting sideways. The roar of his unhol- atered gun burst as an echo to Barron's shot. It had happened so quickly that Virginia had not been able to follow the play; she only knew that Phil lay now flat in the dust. She gave a frightened cry and ran out into the sunglare. She saw Steve Barron still sitting Small cuddle toys. Each toy is made of two identical pieces trim- med with ears or wings. Odds and ends are all you need to make these toys for baby. Pat- tern 695 has transfer pattern;, com- plete directions for 4 toys. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot he accept- ed) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, your NAME and ADDRESS. ISSUE 40 - 1949 loosely in tate saddle, his smoking gun in his hand. The weapon was towering again, its muzzle finding Phil's fallen, body. Virginia reached Phil and dropped to her knees be- side him, Barron's voice lashed out. "Move aside!" She held herself low as a shield. "Nol" she cried hysterically, He was silent for so- long that she raised herself to look at him. He had holstered his gun. He was swaying in the saddle, his right hand clamped against his right side where a crimson patch had sudden- ly come to his shirt. The wound drew his face into tight lines. Then, groping for the reins, he turned his horse and rode slowly out into the desert. Virginia watched his sway- ing, drooping figure until it grew small. Phil's movement drew her eyes to him. He was lifting himself up, both hands placed against the ground. His face was set hard with pain.. "Phil!" "It's all right." he said "He got me -in the leg. i lay still so he wouldn't fire on me a-:::+' Site helped him to his feet, let hint lean against her as he limped painfully to the house, He sank onto a hunk i e * f "Virginia.' he said gently, "I'm sorry I let you in for this." "Its all right, Phil," she told him The next hour was a bewildered nlemtn'y afterward. Virginia was only vaguely aware that she had boiled water, washed and bandag- ed the cruel wound above Phil's left knee. She was dazed by the sharking violence. She was alarmed by Phil's suffering eyes. She sat by him and held his hand. He looked very weak. Perspiration stood in glistening beads on his forehead She wiped it away with a cool, wet cloth. He slid not talk at all but stared dully at the ceiling. He lay very still for what seemed hours. She realized finally that his eyes were closed. His breathing ryas short and quick. She was Startled more to find him asleep. Lanya Currey came in the half- light of dusk. She had ridden alone across those eight miles of danger- ous country; a heavy skirt, a man- nish shirt. dne.sion boots, and a som brero, She crossed at once to Phil and bent over him. She removed her hat and her dark hair fell in soft waves to her neck. She lay a gen- tle hand on his forehead. Virginia felt sudden jealousy as she watched. "He has a fever," Lanya said soft- ly. "It's had then?" "I don't know," Virginia said heavily. "I know so little -I'm so helpless about such things." (Continued next Week) Worth a Whistle -Cabbies nearly tumbled out of their hacks when they spotted a girl strolling along a boulevard clad only in a transparent plastic suit -with a, swim suit underneath Eighteen -year-old Janet Martyr was modelling the outfit - know nas "rayducer"-designed to help folks reduce by melting fat off. Only question is why should Janet want to alter- even one of those- curves? T. LE TALKS elane Andrews. With cooler weather upon us once again, more of us will feel like doing some "serious" baking - the sort we are inclined to dodge during the sweltering heat, So this week we start off with a cake recipe which I feel sure you'll find "right down the alley" of all your cake -loving family and friends, As stated, it can be baked either as a single or a double -layer affair and topped off with any of your favorite frostings. Create Velvet Cake l,q cups sifted cake flour 31 cup sugar 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder 4i tcaspnon salt is, cup Mazola Salad Oil 11 cup water 2 egg yolks 1 tea.4poon ran lea TA tea':poan Lannon extract 3-4 teaspoon cream of tartar 2 egg whites Mix and sift first four ingredi- ents. Make a well and add Mazola Salad 1111 water, egg yolks and fla- vourings. L'eat until smooth. Add cream of tartar to egg whites: beat pan, loosen sides of cake with spatula. This cake may be baked in two ungreased 8 -inch layer calce pans (375° F) 25 minutes. Cool as di- rented above. * French cooks are famous for among other things - their onion soup:; and small wonder because, properly made, it's a really delicious dish. Just the thing to stat off a meal one of these days when the wind has a nip to it. You'll find it easy to stake, too, if you follow this recipe for Tasty Onion Soup 2 cups onion, finely chopped. 3 cups rich beef broth 1 tablespoon butter Toasted bread Cheese :Method: Simmer together the d'u^ped onion and beef broth until oni--n is quite tender and add the taole'p,+on of butter. Add water if needed and season to tas.e. Just before serving •drop 11 4 to 6 sl'ces of toasted bread, diced, and sprinkle with grated until whites form very stiff peaks. Gently fold first mixture into egg whites until well blended. Fold, do not stir. Turn hatter into ungreased 8 -inch square pan. Bake in moder- ate oven (350° F) 40 to 45 minutes, Remove cake from oven; let stand on rack until cold. To remove front CROSSWORD PUZZLE Ac mt- ss 6, Vino support 1. Small person 7. Unfasten 7 Northern 3, Speak child - :reload lolly 13 Waken 9. Tin (symb,) 14 ♦ umber 10, Chen,' apart. 16 Ment 16 • -shelled 11, Short Jacket nig= 15. Negative prefix 19, Large knife 20. Pall In drops 21. Conclude 22. 'woolen cloth 24. bxist 25, Of that object 23, Tr, N. official 2B. Harpoon 32, Remember 34. Scotch pantry 35. Deserves 35. Wild ahem, 37. Prepare for e galt.drive 28, e'rench wine 29. Profits 41. Surround , Sof t tnnishro 44 40. PacltitY 50. Straight 61. Short los' 63. Upbraid 55, htxpreasiona of contempt 54, Cuts of meat DOWN 1. Door rues 7. Pests 3, 11tp (hout 4, Red (b erald rye S. Telectrl en' nn It ts, enntstone 34. teak sup,ert 3G. Proverbs 17, 'cry to per- 39, Ruminants suede 40. Barrel 91000 21. Length 41, _Heavy nails maasuree - 4u Erre 24. Mimic 43. Antlered 26, Anger animal 26. Supper 40.Vocal solo 27. Cook eggs 46, -Dormer S9. Reach 30. leh cardoas 47. T amela sheep 31. /female ruff 62. Football 83.14o matter Pesitton (ab.) b fi4, And (Latino 1 ii 3 4 5 6 �/•, 7 8 q 1011 12 13..A.:,1 14 15 IB 19 Iii f1 20 21 ,..:64:44 5 26 27 F,., f 8 '''7cf:.....i,4 32 'S yy f l 4k+y s 6 ati 0 37 4:71.. . 4 , i.`fe P•illiV 61 5331 2 Answer elsewhere on this pare, cheese -the nippy sort, preferably. Serves 4. Apple recipes are always welcome to most cooks, and especially so when that most all-round useful of all fruits - and I'll stick by that statement hi spite of alt contrary opinions - seems to be in fairly plentiful supply in many parts of Canada, And although you'll see the word !'breakfast" in the title,' you by no means have to serve this at the first meal of the day. It's ' grand most any time, especially as a dessert, wth cream, either plain or whipped. Apple Breakfast Cake 3 large apples, chopped' % teaspoon cinnamon N. teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups flour 32 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 or 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup milk i✓ cup sugar 1 beaten egg Method: Place dots of butter In the bottom of 'an 8 -inch ,square baking pan. Add the chopped apples, cinnamon and nutmeg, Now sift together your flour, salt and baking powder, and cut in the shortening until the mixture resemblescoarse crumbs. Add the milk, mix until blended and add the sugar and beaten egg. Spread this batter over the apple mixtureand hake for -25 minutes at 400 degrees, Supposed to serve six - but f know of 4 who can make a "clean-up" of the whole thing. New Gadgets and Inventions You'll Probably Be Seeing Shuffleboard Set Junior -sized shuffleboard set, made entirely of plastic, can be used for both indoor and outdoor play. Eight disks are red and blue, 4 in, diameter, four shovels each 38 in, long. Colors said to be perman- ently chip -proof, can't be worn ofl by abrasion or outdoor exposure. * * -_* Toaster New fully automatic toaster fea- tures patented air-cooling, patented trip :release, completely silent ther- mostatic control and heavy chrome plate at competitive price, Mopping Aid; A manufacturer is distributing a dust trap for floor mops, which allows the mop to be shaken indoors. Made of plastic, the trap fits over the head of the mop while its load of dust is being trans- ferred to wastebasket or newspaper. Upside down to prevent peeking, Cheap Accordion: A chromat'c accordion made of Bakelite styrene plastic. The manufacturer says the instrument has the main features of expensive accordions, with a low mass-productionprice, + * . Building Set: A child's building set which consists of a grooved - board base in which varicolored pieces are placed to fortn houses, garages, fences, etc. 4111 G & $ POTATO PICKER Th. Modern Way of Harvesting Potato* Write for information regarding the new G. & 3. Vine Shredder GRAY.SNYDER LTD. rrre,LS u10 *R ONTARIO Lowest -Cost Dependable HEAT t that Money Can Buy! Ay ' F Start 44; a Firo But Once a Year! Enjoy an abundance of clean, healthful beat at lowest cost and greater convenience with a WARM MORNING Coal Heat- = Amazing patented interior construction causes coal to burn slowly - saves fuel. Holds 100 lbs. of coal. Heats all day and night without refueling; holds fire several days on closed draft. Automatic Draft Regulator. Re- quites less attention than most furnaces. .Burns All Kinds or nota Una soft coal, coke, briquets, or wood. Your home Is ` WARM every MORNING reeardieseof deo weather. The only beater of Deland in the world. More than nmilllon Muse, Ask your dealer. Write for free (older: Manufactured and Distributed by BOON-STRACNAN COAL CO. Ltd. Dominion Square Bldg, Montreal 2, One. Montreal Trust Bidg. Toronto. Ont. And the RELIEF is LASTING Nobody knows the cause of rheuma- tism but we do know there's one thing to case the paints s it's IN6TANTINE. And when you take INSTANTINR the relief is prolonged because INBTANTINE contains notone, but three proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients work together to bring you not only fast relief but more prolonged relief: Take INSTANTrwE for fast headache relief too . . . or for the pains of neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and pains that often accompany a cold. Bot Intestine today and always keep It handy 12 -Tablet Tin 25}l Economical 46 -Tablet Battle 69 cfiiERE C:E Recipe Measure into bowl, X cup lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with envelope Fleischinann'a Royal Fast Rising Dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, TMEN stir well. Scald , 34 cup milk and stir in 34 cup granulated sugar, 55 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons shortening; cool to lukewarm.. Beat in 1 cup once -sifted bread flour. Add yeast mixture and 1 beaten egg; beat well. Work 8, .2„ cups once -sifted bread flour. Raced lightly; place in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter . or shortening. Cover and, cot. fn worm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and divide. into 2 equal portions form into smooth balls, Roll .each piece into an oblong and fit into greased (:reuse tops, cover i er and let rise until doubled in bulk. Pierce tops with fork' and brush with 2 tablespoons melted butter or shortening. Combine 35 cup brown sugar (tightly pressed down) X cup flour, Na cup fine dry cake or bread crumbs and 1 teaspoon cinnamon; rub in 4 tablespoons butter or short- ening. Sprinkle crumble on top of cakes. Let rise about 35 hour. Bake in hot oven, 400°, about 20 minutes. Serve hot, with butter. e New Fast -Acting Dry Yeast Needs NO Refrigeration! Stays fresh and full-strength on your pantry shelf for weeks! Here's all you do: 1ma small amount (usually specified) of lukewarm water, dis- solve thoroughly l teaspoon sugar for each envelope of yeast. Sprinkle with dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes. THEN stir wail. (The water used with the yeast counts as port of the trial liquid called for in your recipe.) bit* s monttf. st0,4,(y./