HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-29, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1949 THE SEAFORTH NEWS saas9.r WRIGHT'S SsporE r Specials LIBBYS TOMATO JUICE 20 oz tins 2 for 21c —PORK 'AND BEANS 20 oz tins 2 for 25c AYLMER PUMPKIN Choice Quality 2 —28 oz tins 23c SNOW CAP TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 23c SODA BISCUITS Plain or Salted 1 lb box 28c BLUE WATER TUNA FISH Saturday Special 7oz tin 27c ICING FILLED COOKIES 1 lb 29c SOCKEYE SALMON lb tin 43c YORK CANNED BOLOGNA 12 oz tin .30c MAPLE LEAF FLAKES Large size pkg. 83c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 Opening Dance Looby's Hall, Dublin FRIDAY, SEPT. 30TH EARL HEYWOOD & His CKNX Barn Dance Gang Dancing 10 to 1 a.m. DANCE at Ontario's Most Beautiful Ballroom Every Wed. & Saturday Holiday Dance — Oct. 10 Stratford Casino Coining Wed., Oct. 5 The Thames Valley Ranch Boys — Modern and Old Time Band Adm. 50c Closing Dance of the Season—Oct. 15 .1,11111 NOTICE The course on the preparation of School: Lunches sponsored by Sea - forth Women's Institute Will he held on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 6 & 7, in First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, from 1.30 to 4 pan. Demon- stration by Miss Broadfoot of the Women's Institute Branch & Home Economics Service of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. A cordial invitation is extended to all. (Please note change of place.) TOWN TOPICS Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth were Mr. and Mrs."Ryckman of Exeter, Mrs, S. Saran's of I-leheall, Mrs. E. Mackay, Exeter. IDr. and Mrs, H. Hodgins, Toronto,; are visiting at the Koine of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Mr. Edward Devereaux, Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mis: Flank Devereatix. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and Mr. Jack Wright spent the week end with friends in Toronto. • Mr, and Mr's, RObt. Devereaux and Miss Helen Devereaux, London. spent. the 'week end - at the hone of itIr. and Mrs. J. L. Devereaux: Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan and Gordon, pf Detroit, and Miss Bessie Carnochan of Ottawa, were here attending the funeral of the lute S. A. Comedian. Mr. and Mrs. Kon Coombs have re- turned home after spending a few holidays in Detroit. Mrs Henry McIver visited her brother 301. Joseph Lynch, who is a patient in SO. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Slattery spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Fox in Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys have re- turned after a week's visit with their son in \Vindser. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Franke, Flint, visit- ed over the week end at the home of the latter's mother Mrs. J. Chesney. Dr. and Mrs. Friel Stewart and son, Windsor, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Charles Stewart. Dor. George Hays has returned home after spending his holidays in Brace - bridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKmdsey spent the week end in PetrolIa. Mr. Jack Cleary left on Sunday for Chatham where he will go in partner- ship in the undertaking business.. Mrs. Orville Dale. Mrs. Kenneth Atteotioo Farmers WE have CORNELL DAWBULL SEED WHEAT cleaned•;and treated. W.e also have WIN'1'LtR SEED BARLEY. This Barley is good.grain for those growing grain for stock feed. W. G. THOMSON Stewart and Amey attended the frons seau tea given by Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Freeman in Hulett last week in honor of their younger daughter Verna Joyce. BORN I-IIT.,1)I+OB73AND—At Scott Memorial Hoshitel, on Sept. 22, to Mr, and Mrs. Albert }Lildebnanit, Soaforth, a son ' NIGH—At Memorial Hospital, Sent. 21, toMr.and Mrs. gh,$eeoh, a eon MoLEAN --At Scott Memorial Hospital, 00 Sops, 2491, to Mr, .and Mrs. A.. Y. Mc- Lean, Setiforth, a son PHLLIPS—At - Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 27, - to Mr, and Mrs, Angela) Phil- lips, Seaforth, e- daughter LONDESBORO'THRESHER Continued from page 1 . Another' change, Mr, Mott.' noted during the years, was from leather belts to rubber drive belts. Mr. Nott would like to hear froin ar,y one else in this neighborhood who has been a long time in the threshing business and wonders if anyone else can equal his 'long re- cord. He has worked with a number of different 'makes' of machines, George White & Sons of . London, Sawyer -Massey, and :the Goodison,' also another machine made by Mc- Pherson & Hovey, who at one time had a factory at Clinton. Mr. Nott was born on the 13th concession of Hallett, and has spent most of his life in Londesboro, where he and his wife reside. They have two daughters. Mrs. E. Stevens of Walton, and Mrs. F. Roberton of Sealorth. WINTHROP The Helping -land Mission hand held their meeting in the classroom of the Church, Saturday, Sept. 17. The meeting opened with the call to worship. The scripture was read by Donald Dodds followed by a prayer by Lois Ami Somerville. The offer ing was taken by Francis Blanchard after which the response was sung, The minutes of the last meeting were read by Dorothy Cuthill and the roll call was taken. Hymn 502 was sung, iod. taken by Mrs. Davidson and followed bythe story and study per - Mrs. Dodds. Hymn 588 was sung andthe meeting closed withthe bene- diction. Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Davidson and daughter of Stratford spent the weekend with Ralph Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolmage and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dohnage and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLaughlin, Tuckersmith Mr. Glen Hasse of London called on Winthrop friends on Sunday. The W.M.S. of Coven, Winthrop, will meet on Thursday, Oct. 0. in the schoolroom of the Church at 2 p.nl. standard time. Circle 4 will ' have charge of the meeting, Farm Machines Owing to shortage of winter storage space we are offering Reduced Prices On all our large stock of both new and used machines for a limited time Save Money I3y purchasing your future requirements now from Seaforth MMotors W. T. Teall, Prop. PHONE 141 SEAFORTH In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Cooksvilie Bricks Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding, and Roll Roofing • INSUILATION Loose, ' 2" Batts, 3" Batts Lumber, Sash and Doors Screens made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth, Supply & Fuel ltd. "Whore The Best Costs No Mara" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH rarrr••rs•rmem,oiauauusadurre DESPITE AI,L TIIli RAIN AND MUTT, one of the brighter spots at Seaford) lair was Ow 11111910 suppled by these members of tint Bannockburn Varna Pipe Band, Left to right.-- Il. Freeland, Palmerston; Nelson Howe, Cromarty; Watson Webster. Varna; Charles Johnsons, Clinton; Bob Agnew, Clinton; R11sS Sweeney, Pahura'ston; and Ca Cook, Clinton. Director. VARNA Sunday with Mr. and 311:s. Bill Ma - shall of Exeter. Mrs. Henry McClinehey of Bay- field pent the weekend with Mrs. Will hart. Several of the members of St.. Johns Anglican Church attended the Harvest Thanksgiving service in St. James Church, Middleton, last Sun- day afternoon. Fit. Lt. C. L. Hard- ing of Clinton Radar School was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ferguson, Mont- gomery. Alabama, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. In.'s last week. Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in the Anglican Church, Sun- day next Oct. 2nd at 7 p.m. Rev. G. S. Honour, Merlin, will be the guest speaker, Miss Mossop spent the past week with her sister Mrs. Sheardown, Gnderich. .Mrs. H. MeClinchey, Bayfield, spent the weekend with Mrs. Wm. Hart. Recent guests at the home of Mr. "d Mrs. Ingo were Mrs. Jack Slute, Windsor, and Mr. Hugh Fletcher, London. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys spent WALTON Mrs. Geo, Kirkby has returned. to her home in Burwash after spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Murray who has been ill for some time. Her son Murray, who has been holidaying: with his grandpar- ents since July 1st. accompanied her. Mr. Lew Kirkby of London spent a holiday week with his parent= here. Rally Day was observed in Duff's United Church here by a children's choir of thirty voices, Joyce John- ston read the scripture and Mona Clark told the story of Sunday School by mail and air. Rev \Ir Bright gave an address on "Ile shall have dominion from sea to sea". Rev. P G. Ilazeiw,,,ul preached annivel ,.dr; services at Dungannon, Anniversary Services Constance UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Oct. 2 AT 11 A.M. AND 7.30 P.M. Standard Time Rev. Hugh Wilson of Clinton, Guest Speaker Speciai :4lnsic by tlw Choir assist eri by Ralph 1I,n'1' i' 'u of Gude- rich. soloist The Lnndrshoro Ladles Trio will sing BORN ---At Mrs. Pearl Stephen's Nursing Home, Henson, oh Monday, S •pt, 2 9 to Ml and Mrs. V r Stan e I-.uu.t SailO..cr- of I.nudon, a "Why accept anything less than the most Beautiful BUY of all?i" ...,xu i`1x,_w:tt....... Stand by for a Chevrolet and get the ,'Hast for your money Cittif it's your money you're spending, and you're entitled to get the most motor car, in return. All Canada says that means Chevrolet—the most beautiful buy of afi—and the car that gives EXTRA VALUES in every phase and feature of motoring. It brings you fine -car advantage after fine - car advantage, from Fisher Body Styling and Valve -in - Head performance to Centre -Point steering ease and the greater riding comfort of the longest, heaviest car in its field, And offers these advantages of the lowest prices! So, why accept anything less than the most beautiful buy of all? ... Invest in a Chevrolet and get the most for your money! - Insist on getting these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE the extra efficient power plant that's setting the trend for the industry. FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY found elsewhere only on higher priced cars. CENTRE -POINT STEERING giving maximum steering ease with minimum driver -fatigue or "'car -wan- der" and foundelsewhere only on costlier cars. CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with Dubl-Life Rivetless Brake Linings) assuring swifter, safer stops for you and your family. FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION with steel welded to steel all around you for maximum solidity, quietness and safety. CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY supplying that extra vision which means extra safely, exclusive to Chevrolet in its field. LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD with WIDEST TREAD, as well giving more room, more riding -comfort, more road -steadiness and- safety. 5 -INCH WIDE -BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low -Pressure Tires) the widest rims in the entire low -price field, providing greater ride -stability. EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN—OPERATE— MAINTAIN and bringing you more when you trade; for Chevrolets ore most wanted — new or used1 A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS C-19495 SEAFORTH MOTORS