HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-29, Page 4• THE SEAFORTH NEWS DUBLIN ' HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS j two claeses with seventeen mem- Leonard Nagle has been appointed i bens present. In the Baby beef class r while tophonors, ii took to the Stratford Police Department I 7.uesday�was election day. at S,T3. Ken Campbell , filling' the vacancy oaused by the S. The final balloting, after being Bob Parsons came soeond, Eric An - resignation of. Sergeant John Nutt.totalled by Mary Boswell, Bert Shaw, derson and Catherine Campbell, 3rd. -Wee selected from 19 ap plicants. and Merton Haekwell, showed these In the Beef Heifer class, Bill Nigh e l sp a results: President Ron Sills, copped them all, while Frank Malon- son of Mr. and Mrs, final 1 were runners Re is the eldest , ,na t • 'Joan Ryan, e:e and Douglas Keyes i primary 1 3101 Chapman, J1, y , t N, J. Nagle, and educationchis pr 3 1 13 Margaret Stevens 13. up. and secondary at Dublin $ A r'thgr Bolton, 77; Those Who came forth with the Separate and Continuation Schools. l' Seoretat'y, severalv ars hi- Gordon 11IcKiridsee 70•„ Mary Lou most points in the High School See - Sills spent e tion were Arthur o on, pom s, Sills, 00. services.. ale .105; Jdm and Flora Turnbull with 31 po nts. Treasurer, Don Dale, Mciiindsey, S'1; e en ;u Wee � 11�ected ► e the wa1' A I .Bolton, 3p t Miss r p este c ver', o Helen Johnston, 50 In the you ry section John Whyte with her parents VIr. and Mrs. 'V * land Gladys Katharine McIver, 'Toronto, It t J 1 Wi t C011nis born co lT am . and. I The W.O,S.S.A. District Track 23 points, while 'Arthur Bolton and Mr. and Mrs. L+'eery and daughter, ts. • ► ► ► 1► ► I 1 •1•u • ► • 1 ► r 1 and Field inert will be held at the Flora Turnbull each had 19 poin Vary R Detroit, and ug and Mrs. ricultural grounds in Seaforth Thirty-eight entries were made in Harry Ryan and t. daughters, o i on Thursday, October 6th, This meet the live poultry section, thirty-two onto, bieh Mfr. A. M. trLit, is participated in by the highest hi eggs and three in the dressed Bobbie J. Cronin, Detroit, i prioith r his 1 e aunt; Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin, prior to standing athletes of Goderich,rthWing poultry section, p t ham Clinton and Seafortli High 1 The W. L. Whyte trophy went S.H.S.are bus pre - grin the pits for this event „and SRODHAGEN William Walter un derwent e nt as Mrs.p- I ho re to havthe track in good con- Mr. Robert Rock spent a few days William in Se forth Met major os-, 1,at the home of his parents, Mr. and pital ns in Seaforth ph Eckert Hos- iistin eeyobad rensia shape caused The track Mrs. Edwin. Rock, having • just re - Maulast iron re poliomyletiset•t and , heavy it traffic thatcrossed it o i Fhe Maurice Dillon are pa- , Yturned -from Nova Scotia were he tients in Victoria Isolation Hospital, . day during the fair. and 11'Ir, Wilfred. Myra were doing * s` missionary work for the summer London. months; among the churches. He en - John Kennyahad a successful clear- Come rain or shine the students tered Waterloo Seminary on Meil- ing out sale on Monday. i of S.H.S. are always oil the, hen day for his final year. Mi. and Mrs. i;dwin Hill, Vanessa, This became true on Friday when Mies Joyce McDonald and Miss with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick,]3Feenevth: thBtu'le rned out in full force to and:. the student 1)21' Betty Rock, nurses -in -training in St. William Mrs. Heffernan, Blyth, vi bodyMary's Hospital, Kitchener, spent his niece, ard Geo.,o , with 'ade to the though it agricultural grounds. Monday at the home . of Mr. and Gerard Stock, London, with Mr. Even though it raided spasnrodi- and Mrs. Harold Meagher. . ': cally throughout the day the parade Mrs. Edwin Rock, hiss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, went on as the spirits of those pal' Rev, and Mrs Siegert of Jersey with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ticipating were not dampened, As City, New Jersey, with Mrs. Sophie f visiting friends leaving to attend school at reser a -i Schools. once again to S.H.S. Brothers Novitiate, Montes Bella, Students of y .Que.d THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1949 former Elsie Wiegand, former resi- .' dent here. u e ges . er 1 Mrs,Clarence& DIr. and `� ser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wicke and family of Rostock with John Arbuckle. Mr .and Mrs. Jo Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staudt and family of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woodward of Toronto, with Mr. and- Mrs. A. E. Querengesser. 1 NIr. and Mrs. Freeman Spencer of': Detroit with Mr,and Mrs. Ed. Smith. Mr, Eric Schultz returned to • Waterloo College on Monday; 1- Kenneth Hinz of Hamilton and Miss 'Betty Jean Hinz of London with their. parents Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Hinz. Mr. Earl Sholdice and daughter Helen of Thornhill and Mrs. Russell Knight of Cranbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice: Next Sunday services at St. Pe- ter's Lutheran •Chureh will' be held at 11 a.m. et/andard time Student Robert Rock will be in charge. Mr. and Mrs. David Sholdice and son Graham of Walton with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Harvest Home Service on Sunday morning was very largely attended with Rev. Zarnke of New Hamburg in charge. The chancel and Altar were beautifully decorated • with flowers, fruit, vegetables and. grain. The Sunday School and choir assisi- ed in the service. In. the evening the Luther League held "their service with student Robert'Rock in charge. Qhisethurst United Church anni- seph Atkinson. luck would Mare it the students o Bennewles and are vistti Q versary services take place on Sun - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Evans, Detroit; S.H.S. were not splattered with crepe in this vicinity. Mrs. SieVert was the day afternoon and evening Oct, 2nd. and lies.P. F. Henn, Toronto, with parer and so they did not . retular • Mr. and Mrs.—Frank Evans. home on Friday night with polka ._ 3Ir. and Mr-. Gordon Columbus dot white shirts and blouses. All the 1 n Kitrheuer and 1Ir I3rtden students got from the parade eves :aid \.,'le 3Ir. Morrison and Mr. Plumsteel Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hiil, China- took many pictures of the students go, with Mr. and Mrs. Martin on the -100 font reel of •film which blink Ricer. they had obtained for the purpose• lir.. Hubert Miller, Waterloo, Thee coloured fihn will he hown with her mother, Mrs. Mary 51e- in the . auditorium , soon a the Grath. film is received. They also took some Mr. and Mrs, J„scpn Moylan and picture's for the new elide projector. children, Kt"h ler. with 3Ir, and One of the best features of this • 3Ir y and egg Mr. ohn ancd,Mrlan. year's . Cyril Brown,Kin- display. Mr. r was the Inspector, stated kora, with Mt and ahs. J. Atkinson that this was one of the largest egg Mr.. Carl T 1y ler, Hamilton, with and poultry exhibits in.. Canada, • Mr. and 3Ir Gar Smith. ellen larger than that of the Cana -- A card party and social evening Bran National Exhibition. Ot this sponsored by St. -Patrick's Altar So- exhibit about 75 per cent or greater cieti was held in the parish hall on - was made up by S.A.S. exhibitors, Friday night. The president Mrs, In the vegetable section the ex James A. Morrison, assisted by the , hibit was much greater theft last Executive Officers arranged approx-- year and so was the home eennonl105 imately 35 tables of progressive eu- section. The shop ecein1 15a, much eine. Gentlem tn* 1st prize was won Dialler than -formerly with only ore by Joseph Kelly and ladies prize by entry in some classes Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke Consolation A new feature this year was a awards were won by Miss Mary display by the Gni. Garden Club, Hastings and Francis Flanagan. which was formed in the spring, by Prize: for high scores in the forty Mrs. W. Haugh. Eighteen hteen i,•ls, five's eonte_t were awarded to Much- mostly students of S.H.S. have sue - kw' McCarthy. Albert Rock and El-`-cessfully completed the work of Cie iyitl (t'Hea •n. Darningfollowed, the cab under. Mrs. Mime i s uida.l�•e. - Delaney -McQuaid Orchestra supply-. Their roup display eensisted of ve- in'_ the m' -t Sandwiches and cof-' _etables and digin n:n 1ounuet e fee were served by a 1100p of vodun- j Tno Tracter C.a di ter mu- i at- to ten on .o Fr d.: ast ”-e 1 Loy ' T efi er ppoir d for the eo`npe or drove + e ' tin o •'r. 0• rl 't year. '-i h A. _)- at }n of ri 1 ,a a i he the Hely C1 t.lhood D .•. t 1 . o rse :Speed i t as t raev tinuatiod School are Grade i\ Pse , r-Vr -ted 3 J 1r= • sir Mary Lou M,llui i Ire Chapman rC u c t p ts, President, t, Leonard M r o.ey Secy- 2d0 t The ea feel. o _e. Trees Joseph Woods; Promoter. ; i ,Ie, 1 ,r was D91 -0;:h7 -_i C stn o i w yet I a ll Keyes Grade l President, Edward Pow rd A P to e 1• teed; ♦ r. I , e : T ee VI:' points . r 1 .ab ray:S e'i T:eas.. liar e Bnuxer; + was- ; de _ Gr'd i• P omote•, Joseph Cn .el.o. on McG r 10 Gla,.':-. XI, \II a..l XIII• Pre i-- The ! -- `1 dent, J_=-„_': Malone; ViceePresi- den: Lou::. I.::e; Ser'.'-Tr•eas Ron- • aid Batter,. Promoter. Beatrice. lIur- ra,Dublin's grand , . man. and only nonagenarian, J• ries Jee-dae. died Seaforth Memorial Hc�=I'ta1 -on Sat- ' urdav fo':lewi a brief nes He' was the son of the sate Mr -and i'Mr:< Si .I.:am Jordan. and he lee .=rviv- ir mere:er or .,; ra wins h :+3rd year. He e the v :or. of Mi:.i: pal C e..: -k fee -re. Towneh.p t of Hibbert •.e-:...;.. ' .ed 1` : He wee _e:ra efnDeb:i- for about 40 years until 185. He wee a fa:'±'171: f:r: -:e: St Pat- ilek`s Chu. ~ - ., cf the Holy 3'atr.e So s::-'. He vias twice er r, ler li Ifo- i .. o _ 1919: e ; was .. . -:_d '''then;* Dor---o ; e, fire ..:d Theud . ,,a_ d e r t e _ .Jr. re,, are M., F M. Agatha. e Sts er r ria^ ed tvlrt0er 1, M. Evelyn, Stratford: Mrs. lA i r es Byrne and Mrs. Lao Bore, Detrnit. large n grez * . o'.' friends I seri neighborssire d+''^.e �' air., which its= held at St. Patrick's rhut•e:h, Jl i ir.., nt 110 .da;' Ree, Dr. Ffo like, nff:rated at the Ileteriem fiieh "Mess ;;1.d e+, tee grave services. 1..-v. E. P. VV"riser. 3<isikera. we, ii, the s inetoer::. Numerous fb,r;1 :1114 :-oi3Olal offerings were in s,•,eidenee. I;nrial took *pace in St. Ya'-ch'k' C'e,�:eteee, De lir. The helloes-re.s tv.=1,' ri:r arnnti.o1<s: John .fordrn, Tom Jer,l<e0, .Jin,: .Jordan, Jim Byrne, Doll fi rne, lre11r,it1 and Rotel., Jordan, Toronto. Those attending the i'uner3l in- cluded Mother 31. .Jerome, Mother M. Evelyn, Mother M. Agatha, Ursu- line Community, Windsor and Strat- ford: Mr. and Mrs, Lyall Jordan and slaughters, Gloria and Doreen,. and Mr'. and iVirs. Robt. Jordan, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Jordan and daughter, and sons Jack, Jim and Tome Mr. and Mrs, Jerome Jordan, Joseph Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Byrne and -sons Jim and Don and danghe,,.rs, Betty Jane and Rose Mory;Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bolger and children, all of Detroit; and Mr. and Mrs. -Gerald Jordan, • Sarnia, Mrs. Stan Bolger, Mrs. D. Scully; Detroit and Mrs. Joseph Gibson, Toronto. '1111 tl lie pei i, with lir- and llrs. Leon a number of colds. Fovi T 1, �^ In Cardno's Hall 18 Games for 50 cents 2 special Prizes Turkeys at 10 cts. Mohday Nite, Oct. 3 AT 9 O'CLOCK Auspices of Branch 156 Canadian Legion ASIMMINEll Work On Hensall Recreational Centre Progressing Work on the Hensel' Community Recreational building is progressing satisfactorily. Seven trusses have been erected in spite > of, the rainy weather. Volunteer help is urgently needed and will be greatly appreciat- ed at any time. Terrys �`f, odic epair Prompt and Reliable Repairs to all makes and models Opposite the Dick House Seaforth ...., 'I'IFIEATRIE 1� S EAI Oi3.TI3 NOW PLAYING THURS. 101. SA'e:.-. "JUNE BRIDE" with 13ette Davis and Robert Montgoucery You will leant to roe this fgnny, rollicking comedy-vonmme ADULT ENTE1TAINMPNT In TechnicolorMON. TUPS. 'Wel) "THE. LOVES OF CARMEN” with Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford As the famous Cyesy wench n old Seville Int., is In-eseeled as 5110 tragic figure in this tole of gypsy love passion and benwltng life` NEXT TRUSS, 1011I. SAT. ",A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" with the Marx Bros. Coming in Teehnioolm•: "Little women" - June Alb',o,, Pelee Lnwford, M. O'nclen, One of the hest of the AR'ets tiros. pictures Ile sure to see this lough Emile vammimmeriammensmew GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS 3% due October 1, 1952 have been called for payment October 1, 1949 These bonds should be presented for redemp- tion with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. RB2W Genuine John Boshart & Sons Cedar chests Rubber Seal Free Insurance Policy Interlocking Corners • Come in and participate in the Free Draws A Famous Boshai't cedar chest will be drawn for Inquire how you can win an Inglis "Tappan" 4 -burner gas range The winner of last week's draw was Mrs, M. Horton, 1311A 1511r Stree,, West. Calgary, Alberta. Draw was made by Councillor 13. F. Christie. Remember all you have to do to receive a free ticket is to cone into our store Box Furniture Store -Funeral Service NIGHT 595 W PIIONE—DAY 48 O Pupils of Egniondville Public School were Snapped by the photographer during the parade at the Seaforth Fall Fair