HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-29, Page 2THE SEAFORTH NEWS Seaforth o t Fair Prize Winners HEAVY HORSES Township special, W, J. Dale, N. Shantz, Chas. Falconer. Best handled colt, Chas. Falconer, Wm. McMillan. McMichael special, Wm, Dale, R. McMichael, Barry Bolger, Best team in harness, .Wm. Dale and 2nd, Best team coining longest distance N. Shantz. Four -horse tandem, N. Shantz, Wm. Dale, L. Listnian. • Best heavy horse on grounds, Wm, Dale. Heavy Draught --Brood mare, Wm Dale. Harry Bolger, II, Mellwain; Joel of 19.19, Chas, Falconer, Philip Meadows, Wna. Dale, John Tremeer. filly or gelding, 4 years, N. Shantz and 2nd, Wm, Dale and 4th; filly or gelding 3 years, Fred Ronney' filly or gelding 2 years„ Philip Meadows; filly or gelding 1 year, Chas. Falcon- er, 1'. :4leaduws; sweepstakes, N. Shantz; heavy draught team in har-: mess, X, Shantz, W. J. Dale. Agrieultu al—Brood mare, Philip Meadows,- Chas. Falconer, Wm, .Me - Millan; foal of 1949, Robt. McMich- ael, Wni. McMillan.; filly or gelding 4 years, Wm. J. Dale and 3rd, P. Meadows, F. Roney; 3 years, P. Meadows: sweepstakes, Wm. Dale; Agricultural team, N. Shantz, Wm. Dale, F. Roney. Percheron—Foal, Harry Bolger; filly or gelding, 3 years, E. B. Goudie and 2nd. Judge, Fred Martin. LIGHT HORSES Wagon Horses—Filly or geldi ng, 4 years, Wm. Decker and 2nd; filly or gelding 3 years, Bannerman, Mc- Millan 2 years old. Bannerman; wa- gon team. Decker. Single express horse, Decker and 2nd. Carriage horse, 15-2, Wm. May- berry; carriage horse under 15-2, Wm. Mayberry. Roadster -horse, A. B. Weber,Be- eker and Willert: roadster horse und.- er 15-2, Becker and Willert, A. B. Weber. Roadster team, A. B. Weber. Be - ekes and Willert, Best single turnout, W. Mayberry, A. B. Weber, E. Johnston, Becker and Willert: best lady driver, J. Tye, W. Mayberry, E. Johnston, Shantz. single driver, A. B. Weber and 2nd, Becker & Willert and 4th; single hackney pony, J. Tye and 3rd, E. Johnston and 4th: pony team, 3. Tye. E. Johnston; pony tandem, W. Mayberry. J. Tye, E. Johnston; road race, A. 13. Weber and 2nd. Becker & Willert and 4th. Shetland pony ---brood mare, D. Shean, Tye; pony any age, Shean, Shantz, E. Johnston; pony saddle race, H. Mcllwain and 3rd and 4th, Lorna Hood 2nd; pony harness race, Lloyd Eisler, Shean. Tony team, Shantz, D. Shean, J. Tye. and 4th. Shetland pony, E. ,Johnston, Douglas Shean, John Tye. Pony tandem, Shantz, Tye, Shean. Judge, G. L. Martin. BEEF CATTLE Best Shorthorn calf in Calf Club, Ken Campbell Champion Shorthorn pure bred bull, J. Smith. Best Heifer, special, E. R. andG. A.O'Neii BUTCHER CATTLE Cow or heifer, Wm, Decker. Steer or 'heifer, over 1 year old, Thomas McKenzie, Robt. Campbell. Oliver Anderson, W. R. Parsons, Baby beef, 1 year and under, Thomas McKenzie, R. Kinsman. HEREFORDS Bull, 2 years and over, O'Nenl Bros. Best cow, John McGregor. Heifer, 2 yearsold, O'Neal Bros John McGregor and3rd. Heifer 1 year old. O'Neil and 2nd. Heifer calf under 1 year, O'Neil Bros., J, McBregor. Bull calf, under 1 year, O'Neil, J. McGregor. Bull 1 year, J. McGregor and 2nd. Herd, O'Neil Bros., J. McGregor. SHORTHORNS Best cow, C. R, Nethercott, and 3rd; Strong Bros; Bruce Keyes. Hei- fer, 2 years, Strong Bros, and 2nd: W. Turnbull and Son, C. R. Nether- cott. Bull, 1 year, Strong Bros., Mc- Kinley Farms, J. Smith, W. Turn- bull. Bull, 2. years and over, J. Smith, W. Turnbull. Heifer, 1 year old, Mc- Kinley Farms, James Smith, W. Turnbull, C. R. Nethercott. Heifer calf under 1 year, J. Smith, P, E. Maloney, W. Turnbull, McKinley Farms. Bull calf under 1 year, Mc- Kinley Farms, Bruce Keyes, J, Smith, Herd, Strong Bros., 3. Smith, W. Turnbull, C. Roy Nethercott. Dual Purpose Shorthorns, all classes, J. M. Scott. DAIRY CATTLE Champion cow, Lorne Hood, Best three dairy cows, L. Hood, Irwin Trewartha. Judge, Hume Clutton. HOLSTEINS Bull, 2 years and over, Dick Jac- obs. Best cow, D. Jacobs, Heifer, 2 years old, D. Jacobs. Heifer, 1 year old, D. Jacobs, Simon a n. Hei- fer calf under Hallah 1 year, Dick Jacobs, S. .Halahan, Dairy cattle herd prize, L. Hood, D. Jacobs, I. Trewartha, Judges, W. Hume Clutton, Bert McGrath. PERTH -HURON JERSEY BREEDERS' PARISH SHOW Held in conjunction with Seaforth ra:u r -oar, Bull, Jr. Calf, Lorne A. Hood, At- wood. Bull Senior Calf, Dr, 3. R. Riddell, 'Palmerston Irvin Trewartha, Sea - forth. Bull, yearling, Lorne A. Hood, At- 1 wood; Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth. Bull 2 years and over, Irvin Tre- ! wartha, Seaforth; Lorne A. Hood, Atwood. Heifer Jr. Calf, Irvin Trewartha, Seaforth;, Dr. J. R..Ridell, Palmer-' atop; Lorne A. Hood, Atwood; and 4th; IrvinTrewartha, Seaforth. Heifer Sr. 'Calf; Dr. J. R. Riddell, Palmerston; Irvin Trewartha, and 3rd; Lorne A. Hood, Atwood, and 5th. Heifer Jr. Yearling, Dr. J. R. Rid- dell, Palmerston;, Irvin Trewartha, Seaforth; Lorne A. Hood, Atwood; Irvin Trewartha, .Seaforth; Dr, J. 1R. Riddell, Palmerston. Heifer Sr. Yearling, Irvin Tre- wartha, Seaforth. Heifer 2 years, Irvin Trewartha, and 2nd, Seaforth; Dr. J. R. Riddell, and 4th, Palmerston; Lorne A. Hood, Atwood. Cow, 3 years in milk, Lorne A. Hood, Atwood; Irwin Trewartha, and 3rd, Seaforth.' Cow 3 years and over, dry, must be visibly .in calf, Lorne A. Hood, Atwood; John Powell Jr. Seaforth; Irvin Trewertli, Seaforth; Lorne A. Hood, Atwood; Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth. • 4 years and over in milk, Dr. J. R. Riddell, Palmerston; Lorne A., Hood, Atwood; Irwin Trewartha, and 4th, Seaforth, Junin' Herd, Dr. J. R. Riddell, Palmerston;.Lorne A. Hood, Atwood; Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth. Graded Herd, Lorne A. Hood, At- wood; Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth. Get of Sire, Lorne A. Hood, At, wood; Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth, Dr. Riddell, and 5th, Palmerston.. Progeny of Dam, Lorne•A. Hood, Atwood: Dr. Riddell, Palmerston. • SHEEP Shropahiredown, aged' ram, Orval McGowan and 2nd. Shearling ram, Geo, Armstrong, Orval McGowan. Ram lamb under' 1 year, Orval Mc- Gowan, and 3rd, 'Geo. H. Armstrong. Ewe, 'Orval McGowan and 3rd, Geo. H. Armstrong. Shearling ewe, Geo. H. Armstrong, and 3rd, Orval Mc- Gowan, Ewe lamb, Orval McGowan and 3rd, Geo, Ii, Armstrong. Pen; of 4 lambs, 0. McGowan. SOUTHDOWN$ Rani lamb, under 1 year, G. S. Martin. Ewe having lambed in 1949, G. S. Martin. Shearling ewe, G, S, Martin. Ewe lamb, G. S. Martin. LEICESTER Aged ram, Wm. R. Pepper, John W. Cowan, G. L. Martin. Shearling ram. John W. Cowan, Wm, R. Pep- per, Fred Cook. Ram lamb, under 1 year, G. L. Martin, Wm. R. Pepper, John W. Cowan. Ewe having lambed in 1949, John W. Cowan and 2nd, Wm, R. Pepper. Shearling ewe, J. W. Cowan, G. L. Martin, John W. Cowan. Ewe lamb, John W. Cowan, and 2nd, Wm. R. Pepper. Pen of 4 lambs, Wm, R. Pepper, Geo. H. Armstrong, John W. Cowan. OXFORDS Aged ram, Orval McGowan, Shear - ling ram, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Ram lamb, under 1 year, Orval Mc- Gowan, and 2nd. Ewe having lambed in 1949, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Shearling ewe, Orva] McGowan, Ewe lamb, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Pen of 4 lambs, Orval McGowan. DORSET HORNED Aged ram, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Shearling ram, Orval McGowan Ram lamb under 1 year, Orval Me - Gowan, and 2nd. Ewe having lambed in 19.19, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Shearling ewe, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Ewe lamb, Orval McGowan, and 2nd. Best pen of long -wooled sheep, John W. Cowan, Wm. R. Pepper, Geo, H. Armstrong. Best pen of short -wooled sheep, Orval McGowan. Market lamb, ewe or wether, Wm. R. Pepper, Geo, H. Armstrong, Orval McGowan Sweepstakes — Best long -wooled ram, John W. Cowan (ribbon), Wm. R. Pepper. Best short -wooled ram, Orval McGowan '(ribbon), Geo. H. Armstrong. Best long -wooled ewe, J. W. Cowan, (ribbon), Wm. R. Pepper. Best short -wooled ewe. Orval Mc- Gowan (ribbon), Geo. H. Armstrong. Best lamb of 1949, Wm, R. Pep- per. Pen of 4 lambs, Orval McGowan, Suffolk ewe lamb, Bert W. French Judge, E. Snell, Clinton. PIGS Yorkshire—Boar over 1 year, W. Turnbull, J. Powell,R McMillan. Boar, WTurnbull. Boar (r months and under, Smith, Turnbull, McMillan. Sow, 1 year, Turnbull, Maloney,, Smith. Sow under 1 year,' McMillan, Turnbull, and 3rd, Sow, 6 months and under, Turn- bull, Smith, Maloney. • Berkshire—Boar over 1 year, I. W. Cowan, Bert French. Boar, lit- tered since September, J. W. Cowan and 2nd, P. E. Maloney. Sow, 1 year or Over, J. W. Cowan, and 2nd, P. E. Maloney. Sow littered since September, 3. W. Cowan, P. E. Maloney, Bert French, Tamworth --Boar, over 1 year, l Douglas, Bert French, Douglas. Boar littered since September, Douglas,' Bert French and 3rd. Sow, 1 year or over. Douglas, French and 3rd. Sow, littered since September, French and 2nd, Coleman. Pen of 5 shoats, Turn- bull, Douglas. Powell .Special, Turnbull. Best sow on grounds, Turnbull. Best Berkshire or Tamworth, French. Champion boar, Turnbull. Judge—Norman Wade, Gorrie, POULTRY New Hamphire Cock, J. D. Doug- las; Hen, J. D. Douglas, F. McCly- mont, Cockerel, J. D. Douglas, Elgin Nett. P t ullett, J. D. Douglas, Elgin Nott, Rhode Island Red, Cock, Hen, Cockerel, J. D. Douglas. Pullet, J. D, Douglas and 2nd, Barred Plymouth Rock, c, J, D. Douglas. h, ckl, Douglas, F. McCly mont; p, Douglas, A. Turnbull. White Rocks—h, F. McClymont, ckl, p Douglas and 2nd.' Light Sussex, h,p, F. McClymont. White Leghorns—c, Geo. Douglas, h, ckl, p, Geo. Douglas, F. McCly- mont. A. V. Bantams -c, F. McClymont, Geo. Douglas; h, ckl„ p, Geo. Doug - as and 2nd. HORTICULTURAL Apples — Collection of Apples, Mrs. F. Riley, F. McClymont. Winter Apples, Fred McClymont. Fall Ap- ples, F. McClymont. Baldwins, F. Eleanor F. McClymont. King of , Thonipkins, F. McClymont. Sam Scott. Fallawater, F. McClymont. Northern Spies, Sam. Scott, F. Mc- Clymont. Golden Russet, Mary Whyte, John Whyte. Westfield THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1949 Seek -no -further. F McClymont. CI m nt. Wealthy, Mrs. F. Riley, F. McCly- mont. Pewaukee, F. McClymont, On- tario, F. Coleman, F. McClymont, Roxboro Russets,F bMCC] m tat. Gravenstein, F, cClymont. Cayuga Red Streak, F. Cook, Spitzenburg, F. lVIcClymont., Fameuse or Snow Ap- ple, F. Coleman, Fred Cook. Colvert, F. McClymont. Mann, F. McClymont. Blenheim Orange, Fred McClymont. Maiden Blush, F. McClymont, ;Crab Apples, Red, F. McClymont. Crab Apples, Yellow, , F. McClymont. Rhode Island Greening, F. McCly- mont, Ribston Pippin, F. McClymont, Fall Pippin, Fred McClymont. Cran- berry Pippin, F. MeClymont. St. Lawrence,' W. Cornish, W. Keyes. Can. Red, F. McClymont. McIntosh Red, Mrs, F. Riley, F. McClymont, Tallman Sweet, F. Coleman, F. Mc- Clymont, Pears—All classes, F. McClymont. Plums—Green Gages; Pond's Seed- ling, Burbank, F. _McClymont. Rene Claude, Mrs. F. Riley, German Prune, Elgin Nott, Mrs. F. Riley, any other variety, F. McClymont. Grapes—Blue, W. Keys, B. Keyes. Green, W. Keyes, B. Keyes. Collec- tion of grapes. 13. Keyes, W. Keyes. Judge .Norman Carter. VEGETABLES Tomatoes, red; Win."Bradshaw, Robt. Allan. Tomatoes„ yellow, Wm. Bradshaw, Thos, Aldington. Onion from Dutch sets, Thomas Aiding - ton. Cucumber, pickling, Willi; m Bradshaw, Mrs, Jas. Carter. Butter beans, Elgin Nott, 'Wilbert Cornish. White beans, Neil Haugh,:' Merton Keyes. Table Carrots, Neil Haugh, Thos. D. Oliver. Table Carrots, long, Neil Haugh. Pickling Beets, Wm. Bradshaw. Turnip BloodBeets, Neil Haugh, Andrew Turnbull. Cucum- bers,Robt. Allan, Wilbert Cornish. Parsnips, Thos. D. Oliver, Neil Haugh. Peppers, Wm. Bradshaw, Wilbert Cornish, Peppers, Elgin', Nott Table Corn, Neil Haugh. Robt. Allan: i Field Corn, R. Campbell, Alf. Ross. Sunflower heads, Elgin Nott, Andy Turnbull. Novelty in Vegetables, An- drew Vogt, Wm. S. D. Storey. Cauii- flower, Wm. Bradshaw. Red Cab- bage, Wm. Bradshaw. Savoy Cabbage Dr. E. A. McMaster. Fall Cabbage, Wm. Bradshaw. Red Onions, Neil Haugh. -Muskmelons, Dr. E. A. Me- 1 e- 14iaster, Wilbert Cornish. Citrons, striped, Wilbert Cornish, Fred Mc- Clymont, Watermelons, Elgin Nott, Mrs. T. W. McMillan. Vegetable Marrow, Fred McClymont, Wilber Keyes. Pie 'Pumpkins, Andy Turn- bull. Merton Keyes. Hubbard Squash, Wilbert Cornish. Largest Pumpkin, Wilbert Cornish, Wilber Keyes. Su- gar Mangolds, Fred Cook, Wilbert !Cornish. Intermediate Mangolds, Wil- . bert Cornish, Bushel by weight Irish Cobbler, . Thos. Oliver, Elgin Nott. Any other variety early potatoes, El - 1 gin Nott, Andrew Turnbull. Green • Mountain late potatoes, Francis Cole- man. Any other variety late potatoes, Thos, Oliver, Elgin Nott. Fodder Corn, Robt. Campbell, Robt, McMillan. Garden Produce, Fred McClymont, i FIELD CROP COMPETITION Oats, Wilbert Cornish, Gordon Knight. Barley, Leslie Pryce, Wil- lert Cornish. Beans, Merton Keyes, , Wilber Keyes. Field Competition, Leslie Pryce, Robt. McMillan, F. Hunt, Elgin Nott, Robt. Allan, Sam Scott. Judge, Norman Carter. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Judges -Florence E. McGavin, Preserved Crab Apples, Mrs, E. Nott, Mrs. James Carter. Preserved Strawberries, Mrs. James Carter. Canned Cherries, red. pitted, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Nott. Canned Rhu- barb, Mrs, E. Nott, Mrs. F. Riley. 1 Canned Peaches, Mrs. J. Carter, 1 Mrs, F: Riley. Canned pears,Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs, F. Riley. Canned Plums Mrs. J. Carter,Mrs. E. Nott. Cannes{ Pineapple, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs.. J. a ntei•. Canned Raspberries, C Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Nott,Grape juice, p J n , Mr J. Carter, Mrs E Nott.Tomato juice, Mrs.E. Nott,Mrs. J Grum- mett. Chili Sauce, Mrs, F.Riley, Mrs. E,Nott. Pickled. Cherries, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. J. Carter. Canned Toma- toes,Mrs. J. Grummett, Mrs. F. Riley. Mustard Pickles, Mrs.F. Riley, Mrs. J. Carter. Cucumber Pickles, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Nott. Pickled Beets, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley. Relish, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F.Riley, Salad stressing, Wilbur Keys, Mrs. F. Riley. Canned Chicken, Mrs, J, Carter, Mrs. F. Riley. Canned beef, - Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. 3. Carter. Canned sausage, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. J. Carter. Tomato cat- sup, Mrs. E. Nott, Andrew Turnbull. -Conserve, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Nott. Currant jatn, Mrs, Carter, Strawberry jam, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. J. Carter.,Glass'Raspberry Jam, Mrs. J. Grummett, Mrs. E. Nott. Glass Apple Jelly, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Nott. Glass Red Currant Jelly, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. J. Carter. Glass of any other variety jam, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Nott. Collection of 3 marma- lades, Mrs. J. Carter. Collection (1 pint each) canned corn, peas, beans, Mrs. F. Riley, Mrs. J. Carter. DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter, crock, 5 pounds, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley. 3 pounds, in pound prints, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley.Butter,z individual one dozen serving, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs.F Riley. Best imperial quart of Maple Syrup, Andrew Turnbull, Fred McClymont• Six bars home-made soap, Fred Mc- Clymont, Elgin Nott. Bowl of home- made cottage cheese, Mrs. J. Carter,. F. McClymont.. Home-made; lard, 3 lbs., Mrs. J. Carter, F. McClymont. 1 DOMESTIC SCIENCE Loaf whitebread, entire crust, T. W. McMillan, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Ethel Dennis. Loaf brown bread, entire crust, Mrs. Jas. Carter, T. W. Mc- Millan, Eleanor Storey. Loaf fruit bread, yeast, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. J. Carter. Six buns, plain white, yeast, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Mrs, Carter, Ethel Dennis. Six buns, fancy, yeast, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley. Six clover leaf rolls, yeast. Storey, Mrs. F. Riley, Mrs. J. Carter. Three= ways of serving ap- ples, Wilbur Keyes,Mrs, T.W. Mc- Millan, Mrs. J. Carter. Scones, grid- dle, Eleanor Storey. Scones, whole wheat, Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Stor- ; ey. Six tea biscuits, plain, Eleanor Storey, Y, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley.eY. Six biscuits, whole wheat, Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey. Six muffins, whole wheat or bran, Mrs. -J. Cartier, Mrs. F. Riley, Eleanor Storey. Six cookies, plain white, Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey. Six cookies, ginger, ger sE e n 1 an or Storey. Plate of shortbread, Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. Frank Riley. Six cocoa- nut macaroons, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley; Six doughnuts, plain, Mrs. Cartels. Lemon pie, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Carter. Cherry pie, lattice top, Mrs. Carter, Wilbur Keyes, Raisin pie, Phemia Gordon, 1VIrs. J. Carter, Mfrs, F. Riley, Apple pie, no spice, • W. Keys, Ethel Den- nis, Mrs. J. Carter. Six butter tarts with fruit, Mrs, J. Carter, Ethel Den- nis, W. Keyes, Six jam tarts, "Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley, 'Six cup calces, iced, Mrs. F. Riley, Mrs, 3. Carter. Jelly roll, any filling, iVlrs. Carter. Chocolate layer cake with filling, Mrs. Carter, Mabel. Campbell, Mrs, T. W.' McMillan. White layer cake with filling, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. F. Riley Eleanor Storey. Dark fruit cake, no icing, Mrs. E, Nott, Mrs. F: Riley, Mrs. 3. Carter: Light fruit cake, no icing, Mrs.J, Carter; Mrs., Riley, Eleanor Storey, Ginger- bread, no icing, Eleanor Storey, Ma- bel Campbell, Plate of sandwiches, Eleanor Stprey, Mrs. J. Carter, Ma- bel Campbell. Six varieties cookies, Mrs. J. Carter..Mrs. F. Riley, Elean- or Storey. Child's birtliday cake,'Ma bel Campbell, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. F. Riley. Meat loaf, Mrs. J. Carter. Angel cake, Mrs. F. Riley, Mirs. T. W. McMillan. Best salad plate, .Mrs. 3. Carter, Mrs. F. Riley. One-half lb maple creams ,candy, Mabel Campbell, J. M. Govenlock, Eleanor 'Storey: One-half 1b chocolate fudge, Mrs. F. Riley, J.M. Govenlock, W. S. D. Stor- ey. 1 ]b assorted candy, J. M. Gowen lock, Mabel Campbell, Mrs. F. Riley. Magic Baking Powder Lager Cake, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Mrs. J. Carter. Home-made bread, best loaf, Mrs. T. W. McMillan. Home-made rolls, Ethel Dennis. Hoene -made tea biscuits, Mrs. J. Carter. Horne -made 'plain cake, Mrs. J. Carter•. Half dozen tea bis- cuits, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Eleanor Storey, Mrs: J. Carter. Spice Cake, Mrs. -F. Riley,Mrs, James Carter, El- eanor Storey. DOMESTIC NEEDLEWORK Quilt, applique, Mrs. Wm. Holland, Miss *Livingston, Mrs. Peebles. 'Quilt, best quilting, Mrs. Peebles. Pieced cotton quilt, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Grummett, Mrs, Storey. Bedspread, white or colored, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston, Mrs.. Grummett. Quilt, child's nursery design, Mrs, Hymmen. Five different patterns of quilt blocks, Mrs.E. Nott, Miss Livingston, Ethel Dennis. Afghan, crochet, Mrs. Hymmen. Floor mat, braided, Miss Livingston. Floor mat, hookedMrs. Close, Miss Livingston. Floor mat, hooked. yarn, Mrs. E. Nott. Floor mat, hooked, rural, Ethel. Dennis, Bathroom set, Mrs. Hymmen. LADIES' WORK Crochet table cloth, Mrs. Hymmen. Luncheon set, Mrs, Ilymmen, •Mrs. J. Carter. Luncheon set, crochet, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston. Luncheon set, A.O.W., runner, Mrs. Hymmen, Eleanor Storey, Tea cloth, embroid- ered. Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs.J. Carter. Tea cloth, A.O.W,, Mrs. Hymn -len, Eleanor Storey. Centrepiece, em- broidered, white, Mrs. Hymmen, 1VIiss Livingston. Centrepiece, croch- eted, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Hy- menn. Tray cloth, any work, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Buffet set, 3pieces, Miss Livingston. Mrs. Grummett. Bridge set, 5 pieces, Miss .Livingston, Mrs, Hymmen. Tea cosy, in wool, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Plastic luncheon set, Mrs. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey. Chester field set, 3 pieces, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen, Eleanor Storey. Sampler, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hy- mmen: Cushion, wool, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Peebles. Cushion, modern Mrs. . Hymmen, Miss Livinston. Needle point, suitable for chair, Mrs. Hym- men, Miss Livingston. Pillow slips, pair white, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Grummett Pillow slips, pair colored, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Grummett. Pil- low slips, pair, any other, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Pair towels, embroidered, Miss Livingston. Mrs. Hymmen. Pair towels, crochet trim, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston, Pair towels, any other, Evelyn Shade, Mrs. Hymmen. Pair guest towels, Miss Livingston, Evelyn Shade. Bath towels, Evelyn Shade, Miss Livingston. Single fancy towel, Eve- lyn .Shade, Miss Livingston. Fancy sheets and pair .pillows slips, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston. Vanity set. Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston. Dresser runner, Mrs, Hymmen, Eve- lyn Shade. Man's pyjamas, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Man's work shirt, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hym- men. Pair wool mitts, Miss Living- ston, Mrs. F. Riley. Fine sox, Mrs. F. Storey, Eleanor Storey. Work sox, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Grummett. Work apron, Mrs. Wm. Holland, Mrs. F. Riley. House dress, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. E Nott, Lady's smock, Miss. Livingston. Mrs. Hymmen. Blouse, Mrs, Hymmen, Eleanor Stor- ey. Costume slip, Mrs, Hymmen, Miss Livingston. Night dress, Mrs. Hym- men, E. Nott. Skirt,Miss Liv- ingston, Eleanor Storey. Bed jacket, knit, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Peebles. Sweater, knit, Miss Livingston, 'Wil- ber Keyes. Cloves, knit, Mrs, Grum- mett, Evelyn Shade, Gloves, crochet, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Mitts, fine, knit, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston. Lady's fancy purse, Mrs. Peebles, Miss Livingston. Shopping or work bag, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Children's Wear—Baby's set, bonnet, jacket and booties, El- eanor Storey, Mrs. Wm. Holland. Carriage cover, baby's, Miss Living- ston, Mrs. Hymmen. Child's dress. knit, Mrs. E. Nott, Eleanor Storey. Child's suit, knit, Eleanor Storey. Child's dress, cotton, Mrs. Grum- mett, Eleanor .Storey. Child's dress, Eleanor Storey. Boy's suit, Mrs. Wm. 'Holland. Child's sun suit, any age, Eleanor Storey, Mrs, E. Nott Miscellaneous: Best article made from man's discarded garment, Mrs. E. Nott, Miss Livington. Best made- over garment, Miss Livingston, Best article made from plastic, Eleanor Storey,Mrs. R 1 Dalrymple. Best ar- ticle suitable for Christmas, Mrs. Peebles, Phemia Gordon. Stuffed an- imal, toy, Mrs, Peebles, Mrs. E,.) Nott. Kitchen collection, Mrs. Hym- men, Mrs. J. Carter. Costume jewel- h•y, Eleanor ' Storey, Miss Livingston. Pair home-made leather gloves, Miss Livingston, Mrs. R. Dalrymple, Best 4 tally .pads, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Robt. Dalrymple. Best pair men's sox, Mrs. Grummett, Mrs. J, Carter. Seaforth Women's Institute Special, Marg. 1VIcAr•thur, Marilyn Bolger, Leona Johnston, FINE & DECORATIVE ARTS • Oil painting, Mrs. Hymmen, E. C. Boswell; Water color, Mrs. Hynnnen, Miss Livingston, Crayon sketch, Mrs. Hymmen, Shirley Kirby. Pencil drawing, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hym- men, Drawing or sketch, local, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hynmaen, Three Pieces hand -painted china, lVirs• Hy- mmen. Miss Livingston. Decorated pottery, 2 articles, Mrs. Giuminett, Eleanor Storey. Pen and ink sketch, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen. Car- toon, Miss Livingston. 'Wooden tray, hand -made, .11Iiss Livingston, Elean orStorey. , Miscellaneous novelties, Mrs, R. Dalrymple, Eleanor ,Storey.. Collection of antiques or relics, Mrs. R. Dalrymple, •Mis, Grummett, Judge—Mrs. David Lemon. FLORAL EXHIBITS Aster. Mrs. W. Peebles, Robt. Al- lan. Aster display, Mrs. W. Peebles, Win. D. Storey, Cosmos, display, Mrs. E. Nott, Wm, Storey. Dahlias, 3 blooms, Elgin Nott, W. Peebles. Dah- lias, G blooms, W. 'Peebles. Mari- golds (African) display, W. Peebles, Dr. McMaster. Marigolds (French) display, Mrs. J. Grummett, Mrs. Peebles. Verbeenas, display, W. Peebles. Di'. McMaster, Petunnias ,(single fringed), W. Peebles, Mrs. E. Nott. Pansies, display, Mrs. Bradshaw, Robt, Allan. Zinnias, 5 blooms, Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. Peebles,' Zinnias, baby or pompom, 5 blooms Wm, Bradshaw, Mrs. Peebles. Zin- nias, display, Mrs. Peebles Mrs. E. Nott. Roses, display, Dr, McMaster, Annual Phlox, display, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Nott. Snapdragon, display, Dr. McMaster, Wm. Storey. Stocks, G spikes, Walter Peebles. Scabiosa, dis- play, Dr. McMaster, Mrs, Peebles. Salpiglossis. display, Mrs, E. Nott. Collection of Perennials, Miss Gord- on. Basket mixed blooms, Elgin Nott, W. Peebles. Table bouquet, Mrs.. Grummett, W. Peebles. Floral ar- rangement, R. Campbell, Walter Peebles, Delphinium or Larkspur dis play, Neil Haugh, Mrs. E.Nott. Cal- endula or Pot Marigold, Wm. D. Storey, W. Peebles. Begonias, Dr. E. A. McMaster. Begonias, tuberous (2) one color, Dr. E. A. McMaster. Be- gonias, tuberous (3) different, Dr.. E. A. McMaster. Collection of potted plants, T. J. McMillan. Begonia, Rex Mrs. T. J. McMillan, Mrs. E. Nott,. Fuschia, in bloom, Robt.Miller, Dr. McMaster, African Violet, in bloom, no name, Mary Whyte, Single house plant in bloom, Mrs. F.Storey, W. D. Storey. Best novelty in cut flowers, Elgin Nott, Neil. Haugh. Coleus (foliage), 2 varieties, Mrs. Wm. Dale, Dr. E. A. McMaster•, Jerusalem •Cherry, S. D. Storey. Aspidistra, El- gin Nott. Hen and Chickens, Mrs, E. Nott. Cactus, collection, Dr. Mc- Master, Neil Haugh. Gladiolus, 6 spikes, Robt. Allan, Harold Free. Gladiolus, 3 spikes, different, Robt, Allan, Harold Free. Gladiolus, 3 named, Robt, Allan, Harold Free. Gladiolus display, Harold Free, Robt. Allan. Best spike of Gladioli, Mrs, Robt. Allan. Judge, L. D. Bailey. DRESSED POULTRY Six dressed chickens, Russell Bol- ton. White eggs, Mrs. J. Canter, Mrs, S, D. Storey, E. Storey, F, McCly- mont. Brown eggs, Elgin Nott, Mrs. -E1- gin Nott, Mrs. Jas. Carter, F. Nicely most. Rouen' Ducks, c. h,, Geo. Douglas,. Wilbur Keyes, 'ski. p., Geo, Douglas, Merton Keyes. Pekin Ducks, all classes, Geo. Douglas. Toulouse Geese, c. h., Jno. Powell, Utility pens—New Hampshires, Elgin Nott, F. McClymont. Rhode Is- land Red, F. McClymont. J. D. Doug- las. Plymouth Rock, 15. McClymont„ and '2nd. White Rock. F. McCiyniont and 2nd. Light Sussex, F. McClymont and 2nd. White Leghorn, F. McCly- mont, and 2nd. Cross -bred, F. Mc. Clymont. ' HIGH SCHOOL SECTION Hosie,n Ecoomics Tunic,Yvonne Diegel, Margaret McArthur, Alice Watson. Cotton Slip, Donna Smith, Eileen McCartney, Patsy Lane, Maxine Hoff, Rita Drager. • Cotton dress, Eileen 14IcCartney, Alice Watson, Beulah Bradburn, Ione Watson, Lvmme Diegel. i Rayon dress, Bernice Dilling, Mar- ilyn Hillis, Eleanor McCartney, Frances Lane, Ruth Keyes. { Smocking, Frances Lane, Betty I Addison. Wool shirt, Bernice Dilling, Elaine Frieday, Berva Knght, Gladys Col- lins, ShirleyFrieday. • AGRICULTURAL Inions, Ken Willis, Beverly Groad- foot, Allen Haugh, Nancy Nott, Knight, Harold Knight, shay, Isabel Caldwell, Barbara Hillis, Yvonne Diegel. Carrots, Doing Smith, Harold • Knight, Beulah Bradburn, Charleen Corlett, Betty Hoegy. Parsnips, Charleen Collett, Gladys Chapman, Ruth Keyes, Bernice Lydiatt, Gladys Chapman. Henderson, Lvonne Allan Beets, Flora Turnbull, David Brad - Ruth Boyd. Sweet Corn, Flora Turnbull, Geo. Beverly Bro Mcllwain, Leona Johntson, Harold Knight, Doris Stevens. Cucumbers, Thelma Moire, Isabel Caldwell, Leona Johnston, Gordon Cabbage, Jean Simon, Doreen Diegel, Haugh, Leona Johnston. Turnips, Mac Bolton, Marjorie HoPumlmes, pkiss l adfoot, Berva Knight, Edna Martin, Flora Turnbull, Ruth Keyes. Muskmelons, Karen Kidd, Harold . „_ Knight,` Berva Knight, Frances Lane, Patsy Lane. Irish Cobblers, Douglas Keyes, George Mcllwain, Allan Haugh, John McIlwain, Lyle Montgomery. Other potatoes, Betty Hoegy, Beulah Bradburn, Beth Boyd, Bar- bara Hillis, Allan Haugh. Potato Special, Betty Hoegy, Beu- lah Bradburn, Douglas Keyes, 'Geo. :Mcllwain. Judge -Norman Carter. Dressed chickens, Arthur Bolton, Mac Bolton, John Whyte, White eggs, Yvonne Diegel, Glad- ys Collins, Fred Martin, Isaac Cal - well, John Whyte. Brown eggs, Don Powell, Mervyn Eyre, Betty O'Keefe, Allan Haigh, Keith MacDonald. HIGH SCHOOL POULTRY New Hampshire, c. h, John. Whyte, ski., p, Bernice Dilling, John Whyte. R,hode Island Red, c, Arthur Bol- ton Barred Plymouth Rock, C. Arthur Bolton. Heng Mac Bolton, Arthur Bolton. Cckl, p., Flora Turnbull, Lorraine Smith. Light Sussex, h., Gladys Chapman. P. Douglas Keyes. Excollence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" --' Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 . 354 • FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES