HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-22, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 25, 1949 Dramatic New Fashions in New FALL T Quality All -Wool Broadcloths. Suede, Dovetyne, Boucle and Fleece Coatings, Warmly dined and 'chamois interlined. Styled flatteringly in new body fitting or casual loose coats. The new Fall shades include Mack, Wine, Royal, Green, Grey and Brown, lavishly furred with fox, lamb, mink and- squirrel, or in classic untrimmed models. See these new coats now at 29.50 to $95 Handbags To Compliment Your_ Fall Outfit Soft leather, bengaline. plastic or suedene, in new Fall shades of black. brown, green, wine or grey. Small pouch and box shapes at 3.50 to 6.50 Flattering all Lovely wool or fur felt numbers, cleverly feather plumed or ribbon trimmed, in the newest Fall trends. See these delightful new hats in cur Millinery Department at 3.95 to 8.95 A Personalized Service Jor Prospective Brides You lucky brides-to-be are invited to avail yourselves of our new personalized bridal service. Competent advice in selecting the right gown for bride and bridesmaids, wedding veils and coronets. Also going -away costumes and dainty lingerie needs. A gift portrait of the bride will be taken without charge by Mrs, Loraine Ziegler. teiliiiNVMAINTMefiltATMetWesettrostoerarstensteoto BRODHAGEN mr. <*.d Mn,. Herman Leonhal'dt. 13Irs. C. W. Leonhardt, Mr. n Mrs, Wm. Diertl, Mr, and Mrs. rr ,r tr Hina, Mr. and Mr Henry ittended the Church Council c r ..,tion at Linwood, on Sunday. Mie. Howard Querenges$er and Su - FOR SALE HomommomemEnummemmor House and stable and two lots for sale in �t Dublin. Immediate possession,- ApPly on tine ,At C intlig'ans premises to MRS. CATHERINE EVANS- . •WANTED Wanted to boy -160 good yearling Leghorn hens. Apply. 616r2, Clinton central FOR SALE 32 Model B Ford. KENNETH I'IULLEY, 2=18 r 82 Seaforth "MOR POWR" Super • Built, Auto Batteries 13 -plate HeavyDuty 15 months guarantee 15 -plate Sutler-Servlee 2 year guarantee 17 -plate Armor -Glass 135 'amperes,8 year Guarantee (9 x 7 case) 1 -7 -plate Ford V-8 2 year guarantee 17 -plate Later Ford V-8 2 year guarantee 916,35 Batteries for other ems 8 Super -Service, 2 yearguarantee, and Armor Glass, 3 year guarantee, in stock 22.00 Allowance for Your Old Battery All Batteries Installed in Our Service Dept. No charge Canadian Tire Associate Store SMITH BROS. - - Dublin Phone .73 911.55 918.98 916.00 $14,60 FOR SALE Twelve pigs six weeks old. Apply to JAMES BROWN, phone 862r31 Seaforth FOR SALE Rosen Portable Silos and silo paper. .1TL'RRAY TYNDALL, Brucefiold. Phone Clin- ton d58 r 12 PRESTONE STILL SHORT SUPPLY Get your requirement early for Tractors, Cars, Trucks and Combines from SEAFORTH MOTORS N STOCK RUBBER. BOOTS In stock, Rubber Boots for Men and Boys. The price i5 right. New stock now on display Fain- Week .Specials Flowerdale Tea, Yes 49c White Granite Pairs 2,45 Eddy's Matches, 3 for 18e, Copper Boilers , ... 5.50 Pork & Beans, 20 oz. 2 for 25c Galv. Pails +11 sizes The Easiest Money youmake is what you save in buying W. J. FINNIGAN & SON CARD- OF THANKS Mr,and Mrs, Ernie Toll wish to express their cheep and .sincere nppretiation for the many nets -of kindness extended to them din- ing their sial bereavement, especially to Rev. S. Brenton, Londesboro, Burns Church peo- ple and -those who -loaned cars - IN MEMORIAM swornitit,nwho Vp ssed mcrnom of Frank M. away Sept. 15, 1947 Not deal to us who loved hint, Not dead, but gone before; He lives with us in .memory, And will forever more. .Ever remembered by son and daughter.. WANTED Ca'etaker, married, for St. Columban, Ont., church property ; house provided. APpiy at Rectory. FOR SALE Your choice of three York emits due .soon, third litter; also one well bred Holstein 1VINCENTBLANE, psted hone146-12ntedDublin calf. salt and Mrs. Fred Jones, all of Waterloo, spent last week at the horse of 31i', and Mrs. W. L. Queren- gesser. Mrs- Louise Hinz had the misfor- tune to fall and break her hip and wrist and is confined to Stratford Hospital. POP q, P" 6CB COOTR r/, h'N3 ed IN TIE PAST four years we added more than half a million telephones and- installed new equipment in every ex- change in Ontario and Quebec. At the same time 'we were able to snake substantial improvements in service. But it took a lot of honey, over two hundred million dollars( There remains much to be done! Many applicants are still waiting for telephone service, and many more sub- scribers' present service is not adequate to their needs. We intend to meet their wishes, and to.continue making the service clearer, faster, better in every way. This will take more millions for new equipment and buildings. As in the past ii i. liu)ncv must cupric Iron ill.. savings or thousands 01 t;.ITladi.ins who are willing to u;c>l ill he telephone business. THE; a1 LL �EL'1 G'rIo€tRa l 1401 COS h` 01' CANADA FOR SALE Young collie dog rising 2 years old. Phone 831 r 16 Scatorrth. ISAAC MCGAVIN; FOR SALE 60 New Hampshire x Rook pullets, laying.. Phone 045-3 Seafortli DOG STRAYED Large black collie dog, strayed from home m1 Centre street on Sept. 16. White on chest, 4 white feet, answers to Mike. Phone 222M Seaforth Reword. BEN RISING ' FOR SALE A Bach kitchen range. In real good Sen- rhtion. MRS.. ALEX WRIGHT. Royal Ants. FOR SALE NinFREI)e 1i (ILANVILLE.RRti2, Walton 53102.. FOR SALE A quantity et good dry mixed wwood. pepl to WILLIAM DANTZER, FOR SALE 60 Hamp, x Rock pullets, March hatch. Apply to LEONARD LEEMING, phone 831r12 FOR SALE 201) New Hmnpshiro pullets, laying, Also yearRenfrew a ELGIN' NOTT,11phone separator, Seaforth THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers Authorized as Second Class mail, Pot ORMe Dept., Ottawa BOX Nutterat gruiuu AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595'W Clearing Auction Sale FARM, . FARM STOCK. & IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 42, Con. 11, Hullett ten., 1/(, .mile east of Auburn, on Monday, Sept. nth at 1 p.m. FARM—Lot 42, Oon. 14, Hullett twp•, con- taining 1211%- acres. 20 acres bush, balance 1st class workable land, bank barn 40x80, other barn 24x30, 6 roomed brick house, drilled well, water piped to barn. 't mile east of village of Auburn on paved incl, 114 mile from school - IMPLEMENTS -Wagon, set sleighs, cutter, hay rack, set double harness, wagon harness, brass mounted DeLaval No. 5 cream separa- tor, good as new ; 8 barrels 45 gal. eapaolty, water trough,. 800 used brick. Quantity of hemlock plank. Fence posts. 2 used car tires 16x660. HORSES -3 filly colts 9 months old, sired by West .Pine Supreme; 2 yearling /lilies; 1 yearling gelding, -2-2-year-old geldings; 1 three-year-old filly, Belgian, broken to har- ness; 1 four-year-old gelding; 1 five-year-old gelding ; 1 -5 -yens -old.. filly ; ),-6-year-old mare supposed to 1.10 in foal; 1 seven-year-old ma1'o in foal; 1 -9 -year -old -mare in. foal ; 3, work horses. Terms cash Property will be sold subject to reserve bid. THOMAS MCMICHAEL, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer LOST Cow. half Hereford, white ince, wearing 'r -B test ung, strayed from Lot 30, Con. 4, Hibbert, during past two or three weeks. Anyone knowing whereabouts, Please Phone Dublin 41-17,, MICHAEL BARRY -. Auction Sale ,Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. Ali kinds of Insurance risks effect, ed at lowest rates in First -Class Oompanies, FOR SALE Brick house, 3 Pc. bathroom, furnace; double garage, situated e/w corner of Wilson & Centre Sts, A lovely home. -Prompt pos- session. E. C. Chamberlain OF HOUSETHOLD. EFFECTS. Al the home of Mrs Das Cunningham, Brussels, on Sat- urday Sept 2401, 1tf: 12.30-p m. One extension table, six elixirs, walnut veneer, china cabinet, chesterfield suite, three pieces; bedroom suite, 3 -piece complete; iron hd, springs & mattress, wardrobe, wasbsuurd. dresser, sewing machine, hall tree, desk, four cane bottom chairs, bookcase, small table; oak; magazine stand, kitchen cupboard, 4 kitchen chair's, 4 rocking chairs, eonsol table. walnut 1 Jewel heater, coal ; kitchen nomas.. wood , 3 electric table lamps; large number of books; set gold banded dishes, including dinner Plates, tea plates, cups and saucers, bread & butter .plates, platters, vegetable dishes, bowl, gravyhoat, sugar bowl, soup dishes, eta, toilet sets, pictures, stools, step ladder, daybed, lawn mower,,,Coffield electric washer with copper tub, electric iron, toaster, electric plate, 2 burner. Extension ladder. saws, sealers, Erosecut saw, tools, a half ton of coal, grindstone, cooking utensils, copper. boiler, galvanized boiler, bench, wash tubs,• cupboard, wicker fernery, clothes horse, settee, coach, armchair.' Cutter, buggy. Terms cash. MRS. D. CUNNINGHAM,. Proprietress L. Rowland,. Auctioneer efts g to have SUPPOSE you have what you feel is a good opportunity which calls for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it your way, or if you think you can get a better deal elsewhere, you're free to "shop around". Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs, no matter how specialized any of thein may be . . personal, business, or farm loans, money transfers, collections—to name just a few. - More than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications are decided "right in the field"—in the branches—by bank managers who take a personal interest in serving their customers' individual requirements. "Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs," SPONSORED BY • INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Res. 220 Office 334 FOR SALE Hygienic - Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.0Q. Mail Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. HUGH THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR Opp, Library New Stock Sterling Work Shoes 7 different Styles Sr, Prices to choose from including Arch Support Shoes 11011 line of Gotta Percha RubberBoots FOR SALE 80 choice Light Sussex & 'New Ramp. pul- lets, laying. Also a Cockshutt foot lift riding plow nearly new.. 4-600x10 tires: these tires would be fine for farm wagon. J'. ERNEST CRICII, RR. 3 Seaforth, Phone Clinton 24-614 FOR SALE Registered purebred -Hereford. 5 cows due in Dec.; 1 cow due in Ma'. 1 two-year-old heifer; 8 yearling- heifers. 2 ten -months -old bulls. 2 grade yearlings, 1 Belgian team 6 Years old. 2 Belgian filly colts, ARNOLD DALE, Clinton #1. Phone 3-801 Clinton FOR SALE Sprayed Apples—Thoroughly eprayed, care- fully picked and graded. Winter apples for Bale. Spies, Russets. Kings, Delicious, Mc- Intosh. Piece your order now. Phone 6551.16. ROEERT ARCHIBALD) Seaforth FOR SALE Sprayed Apples for sole --Fall varieties. Phone Clinton 613-24. 'FRED MICLYMONT, Sarna FOR SALE One Findley Superoysl cook range. All . enamel cream end brown. flood as ,new, 15'„J. F. BELL, Iiftpen. FARM FOR SALE 1J10 acres, 215 miles south of Seaforth, • teicl; house. bank barn, other buildings, rot t7ee's.--•e•- . ��• f. well, tenter in stable. Apply to 30TIN S?rrAVIS, phone 612 r 42. R.11, d, Senfo $h FOR SALE A limited number of Tomwurth sow. ready FRANCIS' COLEMAN ,lit. 83.'1.23 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate ofMary Gordon Mnusnn. Ail pervms having claims against the Estate of Mary Chandon Manson. hale of the tillage of D,moldville, in the County of Hitr,n, Widow, deceased, who died on the 14th day of July 1040, are hereby notified to Bard in full ptutitulsrs of their claims to the rnderoi,med on or before the 8th da- of Ortel er, 1015, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of September, 1040. MoCONNELI, & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solirito's for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Susannah Maria Rogerson, All persons having claims against the Estate of Susannah Mania Rogerson, late of the Township of ITnllett, in the 'County of Huron, Married Woman. deceased, she died en the 111111 day of July. 1940. are hereby notified tosend in full peticuhu•e of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th ley of October, 1949,.after tvhieh (lute the assets will he distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Senfortb, this 12th day of September, 1049. - MoCONNIQLL& HAYS , Senfoth, Ontario Sulicilers for the Executor WILLIAM M. HART TOP QUALITY Office Phone 593-W Seaforth til 0 Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock HORSES -2.50 each CATTLE 2.50 each HOGS .50 per cwt, According tosize and condition OAI.,L COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 sf I�q 60, 15 1�