HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-22, Page 6WEST gOOE7 THE SUN A Serial Story by JOSEPH LEWIS CHADWICK n , ,f.,,. rhr utuo thus far, t•Wanda Ames erases the wild frontier Rest by call and stage In response to thr plea or her liano, ran Lawrnee, that ahs b me to him at one at Sante Bonita. yellowing the hold. on of the atone east of Lumina.. In which a cameo pin of hers and a move, box for Steve nation, gambling czar lit Sante Bonita, are noised she lo escorted by 14, alai Randall whom she once knew In Washington and who In now with the territorial army Alin, she learns, has had serious trouble with Barron over a gambling debt. She meets him things and Ando him much changed, He Imo lost everything, is extremely bitter and advises her to return home. ,Tin Randall. menu. whit learns that ehll robbed the stage la r eir ie Laps• Correy, against whom Virginia e glastosem wen rias the stolen cameo pin. CHAPTER IX When she faced the girl inside her tiny living room, Virginia saw that she was distressed. Her lips quivered and she moved nervously across the room to the window, stood looking out a moment, then turned as if with a supreme effort. "Miss Ames, you're not going to like what I'm going to say," she said in a flat voice. "You won't even like the way I'll say it. I -I an no lady. i know no fine words Virginia smiled. She was puzzled, 732 W Here's real fun for a little onef Dolly's just as tall as your two- year old, and wears her cast -oft clothes. Easy to sewl A real friend for any child -this big -as -life doll! Pattern 732; transfer of 32 -inch troll only. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stampscannot be accept- ed) for this -pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Cone Out front. Under the Shadow of Try DOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief from/11M 1T=CandRlll"sIJ- MATIC pain ...Try DOLCIN . . get a bottle of 100 or 500 tablets from your druggist TODAY and join the thousands of relieved sufferers who by taking DOLCIN have come out from under the shadow of Pain... Moat druggists carry DOLCIN. If yours does not, write direct to DOLCIN LIMITED Toronto 10 Ontario ISSUE 38 - 1949 but despite herself she liked Lanya Correy. She recalled Mrs. Warden's words, that Lanya was not a bad girl but merely unfortunate. "Fine words are often dishonest words, Lanya," she said gently. "I'm going to be -honest," came the heavy reply. "What is it, Lanya" Lanya said. "It's about Phil Law- rence." "Phil-" Virginia's voice broke on the name. "Yes," Lanya whispered. "You see, I love him." "You -love him!" Her thoughts were thrown into sudden confusion. Steve Barron. Jim Randall. And now -Phil! "I'm not going to give hint up," the dark girl said. "Not for you. I love him -and he loves met" "So that is what holds him here," Virginia said chokingly, "And he is afraid to tell me. I should have known!" Pickle Picker - It comes as no surprise that mechanical in- genuity has finally 'invaded the pickle fields. Beverly Arnold, 14, rides an outrigger extending from a machine which carries workers between rows without need for bending or stooping, Two others pickers ride with Beverlx on the machine which is driverless. 95 FABLE or e1ane 44ndt►ews. What would you say was the most popular pickle of all? A New York expert claims that cauliflower is the prime favorite and says that if you doubt this, just lay out a plate of mixed pickles and see If the cauliflower doesn't disappear first. But before giving you the recipe, here are a few general hints on pickling. Even if you've seen them here before, they're well worth re- peating, just as a reminder. First, use the best vinegar you can procure; and unless it's the cider variety, don't forget that the vinegars made today are about twice as'high in acetic acid as those of 20 or 30 years ago. That's why, CROSS : R PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Animal's reot IL Spring month (ab,) 9. English. county 19, Cooking vessel 14. Helped 16, fan's nick- name 16, Learned 17. Test 11i. Constellation 26, Speech organs 22. I31hi1eal prier 28. Army meal 26, Spoils 27, Common point 29. Roman bronze 31. Discerns 38. 100 square meters 38le. C!aTnn city 89, Loyal 40. Equality 41. Wager 48. Other 46. Cane 48. Nothing 50. Ancient slave 62. Finial 58. Ventilated 66. Notion 57. Printer's measure 66. Landscape 59. (giving 66, in000 tnba l to 61. Test ore e,2 Tonittnn fabs! - i, limiermI. 8. Engage, 9, Heathen goad 10. Change 11, Dutch cotta - mune 3u. Prrnelptea of Christian unity 36. Slipper 87, Fanny record 42.'Parts of wheels 44. Concluded 12. Wire measure 46. Paid out DOWN 19. (glacial ridges 47. Burn slightly 1. Sacred poem 21. Stair 49. Siberian river 2. Tamarisk 24. Party 51, ]Over (contr.) Balt tree 26. Percolate 63. Biblical king 28. Twisted 04, Scoteh dnlr7- 2. Pronoun 80, Certain mal 4. Proverb 82. Read metre- 66, Ruined 6. Norse gods rally Burmese city 6. Attractive 94, Young bear ; 00. Among z 4 8 12 9 10 11 13 14 17 23 24 26 ." 22 27 28 37 40 51 45 46 47 52 55 56 58 61 59 ..b 62 •4 S7 60 63 Answer e sewhere on this page. Lanya said simply. "He feels bound by a promise -to marry you." Virginia stood up. She felt no anger, but only a furious desire to fight for her own. "And if I hold hint to his promise?" she demanded. "You don't believe me, do you?" Lanya said, She picked up some- thing ,front the table and held it out to Virginia. It was the cameo pin. "You recognize this? Of course you Cpl Do you want to know how h carne into my possession?" "I recognize it," Virginia said. "It was mine. It was taken from me during the stage holdup. I -I don't care how you came by it!" The partly open door creaked noisily on its hinges as .it swung wide. Virginia turned and saw Steve Barron standing in the doorway. He always seemed a threat to Virginia. and now with his grim face and glittering eyes he was more than a threat. He was danger itself. His voice came low but sharp, "Miss Ames may not care, Lanya- but 1 do How did you come by that cameo pin?" _ The girl shrank from him as he came into the room, her eyes wide and full of terror. She cried in her throat. "You-heardl" Steve Barron was before her. He reached out and seized her left wrist. "I know," he snapped. "You got that pin from Phil Lawrence - so it's he who has been stealing my money off the stagesl" "No, nol" cried Lanya, "Don't lie to mel" Barron said in cold rage. "You ungrateful little- " He broke off and suddenly struck her across the mouth with the flat of his hand, The blow flung Lanya against the wall, then she sank down in a sob- bing heap. Steve Barron swung about ant,; strode to the door. Lanya rose to her knees. "Steve! Where are you going?" He halted in the doorway, slowly turned, his face black and his eyes stormy. "To see Lawrence," he said savagely. "Nol".Lanya got to her feet, Her face was gray to the lips. "Steve don't! I'll do anything -anything in the world. I'll marry you, Steve-" "You're generous too late, Lan- ya," he told her, The girl drew a sharp breath. "Steve, if you do what's in your mind, I -I shall tell Jim Randall what I know about you!" Virginia watched Steve Barron's face with alarmed eyes, Fear played briefly across it, then was replaced by something that was cruel and deadly. "No," he said. "No, you won't," He walked from the house then and Virginia, going to the door, saw him striding toward the big, false -fronted building of his gam- bling place, Lanya Correy came and stood trembling at her side, "He'll do ill" tate dance hall girl cried hysterically, "He'll kill Phil!" Virginia turned quickly, fighting down fear. "Lanya, hurry to the stable and have my horse saddled 1 need only five minutes to change to riding clothes!" "Where are you going?" 'To warn Phil!" Virginia flung back over her shoulder, Site was already hurrying across the dusty, sun -blasted street toward : Sarah Warden's house. (Continued Next Week) if you use some of mother's or grandmother's recipes, you may find your pickles a bit tart. Second, use pure salt, not the table variety, as thelatter some- times contains carbonates or bicar- bonates to prevent lumpiness, and isn't as good for pickles as the other. Utensils made of enamelware, aluminum or stainless steel are OK for pickles. Those of copper or galvanized zinc aren't, as there may be harmful reactions between the metal and the acid or salt. And to really sterilize your jars and lids, scrub them in hot, sudsy water and, just before packing with the hot pickles, boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Now, after that lengthy preamble, we come to PICKLED CAULIFLOWER 3 medium - size heads cauli- flower 1 quart small white onions 1 cup salt 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1 tablespoon celery seed 1 teaspoon whole cloves 2 sticks cinnamon, broken 2 quarts white vinegar 214 cups sugar itethod: Separate cauliflower into flowerets. Peel onions, Place in large bowl or crock and cover with water in which salt has been dis- solved. Let stand overnight. Next, drain vegetables, rinse in cold water and drain again, Tie spices in square of cheesecloth and boil with vinegar and sugar for five minutes Add vegetables and boil three minutes, Remove spice bag. Pack vegetables in hot sterile jars. Cover with boiling syrup. Seal tightly. Yield, about eight pints. t 4 a Lots of folks l know think that their crab apple trees are only good for ornament, or to furnish am- munition for the youngsters in their "wars", I believe they'll have a different idea if they try this recipe, which can be used just as well for small, hard pears, PICKLED CRABAPPLES OR SECKEL PEARS 7 pounds crabapples or seckel pears 1 quart white vinegar 8 cups sugar 74 cup whole cloves 1 stick cinnamon 1% teaspoons whole ginger Method: Wash) and remove blos- som ends from fruit, Prick each piece several times. Heat vinegar and sugar to boiling. Add spices tied loosely in a cheesecloth bag. Add fruit and boil gently until tender but not broken. Remove spice bag. Quickly pack one hot sterilized jar at a tinge. Fill to one• eighth inch from the top. Be sure your vinegar solution completely covers the fruit. Seal each far at once. Yield, about six pints. * * * There are ever so many who find it good for the health to eat bran regularly in some form or other But this doesn't need to be any thing lilce a "chore" if you do so in some such forst as bhese really delicious If you tell a girl, "Your face would stop a clock," that stupidity. But if you tell her, "When 1 look into your face, time stands still,' that's diplomacy. Banish That Outdoor Toilet! Now you can have a modern water toilet at low cost in your farm, !rouse or cottage, No electricity or running water required, Hygeosan Septic Toilet gives you new comfort and convenience- helps rid your home of disease -breeding insects -protects your water supply from contamination. Installation cost is very low. No upkeep expense. We install any- where in Ontario, Write for complete details on this modern toilet, immediate delivery. HYGREOSAN DIVISION RURAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT LTD, 2067 Dundas St. W. TORONTO AN 1 41RST I 7gofw O,eae,1eget "Dear ' Anne Hirst: We are 12 children,most of us married and - with youngsters of our own. We are all very muchconcerned about our father's conduct. "Two years ago, he -started: being unfaithful: to Mother. We told ` her, but Daddy talked her out of it and she believed hits. Ever since, he has had one affair after an- other. He seems to feel no shame that . we know it. We have agreed among us not to tell Mother, ""Is it usual to expect men in their 50's to trifle? "As a mother, ours can't be beat, She has had more thanher share of work and trouble. She's never had any of the nice things other mothers get, except what we give . her. Will you give tis some idea what to do? R, J." * The kindest thing you can do * for your mother now is to shield * her from the knowledgeof your * father's unfaithfulness, and 511 * her daily life with the comforts * and pleasures she deserves. Don't let a day pass without * a telephone call from some of * you. Take her for unexpected * outings with your children, for * frequent drives, and to movies * and concerts this fall. When * something special comes to town, * buy tickets for her and one or * two of her choice friends, and * ask her to take them to dinner * at your expense. Send her of * for short visits to out-of-town * friends or her family. And do get * together and buy her new fall * clothes, and a permanent, and * see that she has some spend- * ing money of her own. Encour- * age her to be active in her church, * and other groups, so she will * enlarge her acquaintance, * She will almost renew her * youth in the knowledge that her * children and grandchildren still * need her, that she is important * to then as an individual. Your * love and your thought for her * will go a long way toward dim- * ming the memories of her earlier * difficult days. * In these arrangements, include * your father often enough to calm * any suspicions she may have * about him. * Often a married man in his * 50's or 60's grows bored with * his lot, is tempted to risk a last * fling before old age settles upon * him, and brings shame and ser- * row to those who love him most, * Many a wife feels the same urge, too, but she is more apt to think * first of her responsibilities. Upside down to prevent peeking. g11t =: ';69; A V99V 5. /11 Y n N A 3 N 3 3 V d 8 21 d 8 3 8 5 0 1 N 5 5 11 3 5 1 3 1 3 2 V d 9 n 21 1 .2 3 1 9 S A 3 1 3 4 5. 0 5 5 3 9 d v 3 5 1 O S el b w n a 3 w 9 3 3 1 1 B 2 21 (e If 5 a vas M 9 4 1 salute you all in your anx,u,y * to brighten your mother's life, * I hope she lives long, and mote * happily than ever, * * * Thoughtful children can do, much. to cheer an aging mother. Cherish yours while- you have her, and know thesatisfaction it will bring you. Anne Hirstcan help write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont, .;?..NTE Gid-: gold, Jewellery, sterlinu silver. dental gold. ontlgee Jewellers. " oearl sunbursts nod watch -eases. Gather together your forgotten nrtloles rind turn them Into dollar. at The Gold Sheepe (Crawfords), 180 "Yonge Street,. Toronto. . Prompt valnmtion on moiled oareris REI 9 S Ii1'USEi4OLD INSECT Pl WDER A sure killer! Of nese, onto, bedbug., roaches andother insect MIT Id<al for kitchen, bath, got. tags and garage. In handy cone -Moped eheker.dispen-. mr. Get REID'S today! At err Drug. and Hardware Storax, ACRES ANPN/IS tf IIERE,S Quiet( vokrown And the RELIEF IS LASTING There's one thing for the headache . the muscular aches and pain. that often accompany a cold . . t INSTANTINE.INSTANT!NE brings really fast relief from pain and the relief is prolonged! So get INSTANTINE and get quick comfort. INSTANT/NE is compounded like a doctor's prescription of three proven medical ingredients. You can depend on its fast actipn ingetting relief from every day aches and pains, headache, rheumatic pain, for nett• ritic or neuralgic pain. Met Instanline today and always keep It handy nstantine --- 12-Tablet Tin 25 !economical .48 -Tablet Bottle 49g HOUSEills Better Bake Plenty Measure into large bowl, 3. cup lukewarm water, 1 tap. granu- lated sugar; stir until sugar is die - solved. Sprinkle with 1. envelope Fleiachmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 min.,. TIIEN stir well. Scald 1 c. milk and atir-in6 tba. granulated sugar, 23/ taps. salt; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in 32 c. lukewarm water. Beat in 3 c. once -sifted bread flour; beat well. Beat in 4 tbs. melted short- ening. Work in 3 c. more once - sifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set-in warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough in bowl, grease top and let rise again until nearly doubled. Punch down dough and roll out to 1/t" thickness. Cut into rounds with 3" cutter; brush with melted butter or shortening. Crease , rounds deeply with dull side of knife, a little to one aide of centre; fold larger half over smaller half and press along the fold. Place, touchingeach other, on greased pane. Grease tops .Coverand let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in hot oven, 400*, about 16 min. New Fast -Acting. Dry Yeast Needs NO Refrigeration! Thousands of women every week are switching to the new Fleischmann'® !loyal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. It's fast -it's active - keeps for weeks in the cupboard. Perfect results in rolls, buns, breads! Gee 80 ,6rh41,