HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-22, Page 2"Dollar Crisis" Brings Them Together -These are the major figures taking part in the Anglo- American talks in Washington on England's "dollar crisis." Left to right are: Secretary of State:. Dean Acheson; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin; British Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Stafford Cripps; and Canadian Finance Minister Abbott. PLORT StxarrC%ti` tc Of all the various sports which we have watched, reported and— under extreme pressure—even tak- en part in, there are few that occupy such a deep-seated spot in our affections as the noble pastime of pitching horseshoes. When we get around to publishing that book of reminiscences—we are almost up to the middle of page one -the chapter en Horseshoe Pitchers We Have Mingled With will be written with extra loving care, and no footing. * * Few who ever attended then will likely ever forget the weekly out- ings of the Toronto chapter of the Pool and Poker Club, largely made up of big league professional hock- eyists and big-time professional wrestlers. They used to gather at our former country estate — 33. acres, 50 square yards of which were level ground — for the pur- pose of scoffing Russian delicates- sen, pitching horseshoes and It was rumored — imbibing keg brew, ;< 5 * There were times when we must have had. at a conservative esti- mate, half a million dollars worth of hockey and wrestling talent pres- ent - rkouhle that, probably, at pre.ent-day valuation. But outside M two or three, such as Harold ' 1taldy" ("otton, Roy "Squib" 1Vorters, and the late Lorne Cha- bot, as horse -brogan heavers, they wouldn't bare made many head- lines. * * All this. and a whole lot more, carne to mind when reading an ac- count of the United States national horseshoe pitching championships, recently held at Morray, Utah. There were 36 contestants—finalists from 18 states. They did their stuff is a brilliantly floodlighted, cement - surfaced arena, surrounded by thousands of spectators seated in trim metal bleachers. The steel target -pins were tilted an accuately measured three Incites toward the pitchers. They were set in scientifically prepared clay pits. The shoes, weighing up to 2% pounds apiece, were made of "spe- cial analysis heat-treated steel, ae- eurately balanced and plated with eadium and copper." a * * But there were two items in the account which came home to us with epecial vigor—reminding us of our own Pool and Poker Club con- ditions because they were so dis• similar. At the aforesaid U.S. championships they had a loud speaker system to carry a minute report of the play, and on close kiealnaped — This mouth - old baby was sealnaped out of the water at Vancouver, 13.C,, by the crew of the tanker J. L. Hanna. When they " tilrned "George"' loose, out of the kind- ness of their hearts, he barked to be taken on board again. He was met by pretty Rosamund Wilflev with a bottle of warm mills. Now he'll 'serve a stretch' in the Steinhart Aquarium. calls, the judges used calipers to aid in their decisions. * * * Heck, when our gladiators really laid into their pitching, you didn't need any loud speaker aystesn to keep you informed of how things were going. Although the country estate was in a fairly secluded spot, folks with good ears could tell who was winning 'way down in Hogg's Hollow, a good four miles away. * * * And as for calipers, we didn't bother about gadgets such as that. In feet, we had what you might call a sort of "house rule," frt. quently invoked when the evening shadows were starting to settle and the athletes tended to become slightly weary and inaccurate. This rule "stated" that any shoe which landed within the limits of the estate was close enough to be counted. * * * 'Dhe only other rule we recall was one which said that anybody whose shoe vanished over the brow of the hill and landed in the bog at the bottom had to go and retrieve it direct, without any detour in the direction of the barn where the first aid station was located, * * But for all their flossy surround- ings and up-to-date trimmings. the LT.S. horseshoe champions don't seem to be in any danger of amas- sing unwieldly amounts of wealth at their calling, The ultimate vic- tor, Fernando Isais, of Los Angeles —a guy who scored as mane. as 91 ringers in 100 consecutive tries— won 34 out of his 35 snatches in the tournament, which must be al- most par for the course * * 5 But all he took home in tar way of folding money was a mere $400. Why, there wasn't an athlete taking part in our Pool and Poker Club,. Jousts who didn't earn far more thnn that per month. * * * Although not, it must be surrow- fuily admitted, for his skill in pitch- ing horesshoes. The Healing Railway Electric trains, so people are apt to consider, are a fairly new method of transport but Ursula Eason writes interestingly of the very first hydro electric railway in the world, This, which is in Northern Ireland, was designed in 1879 and is now called the Portrush Electric Tramway. It still runs to the Giant's Causeway, a long line of octagonal rocks, stretching out to sea. The Causeway is one of the great geographical curiosities of the British Isles, for the natural rocks look exactly as though they had been hand cut. The antique railway runs along the edge of the cliff and the little open -sided carriages are roofed now, though they were not in the early days, when passengers got more than they wanted of the extremely bracing North Antrim air. The oldest employee of the rail- way is Robert Scott, who has been working on it for fifty-seven years, and he told Miss Eason about its early days. The -main change since then has been the removal of the third rail which carried the power. This rail was situated between the railway car and the ditch and was supported on wooden posts about eighteen inches high. There was dif- ficulties and, according to Mr, Scott, the company was not allowed enough current for the little live rail, so that fifty years ago it was taken away and the overhead sys- tem adopted. Ursula Eason remarked that this was surely a good thing as a live rail in such a prom- inent position must have been rather dangerous? Mr. Scott countered such a suggestion with the story of the old countrywoman from the district who used to sit on the rail every evening. She was warned that, despite her copious skirts, the habit was a dangerous one but she refused to give up her apparently foolhardy practice because, she said, ft eased her rheumatism. Rivers of Ink And Lemonade French scientists have analyzed what n2ust be the most remarkable niver in the world—the so-called Ink River in Algeria. Its name is not symbolic. It merely states the truth, which applies not only to the coloring of the water, but to ite chemical composition as well. This is a stream o£ real ink. The Ink River originates from two sources, one of which contains a considerable amount of iron salts, while the other abounds in lead oxide. It is the combination of these two substances that makes ordinary 'ink. The liquid is thick enough to be used for writing. Another unusual river Is in the State of Nebraska, Its water tastes very sweet and science is still searching for the reason, There are no sugar plantations along its banks. Neither are there any near- by sources of saccharine, which sometimes does become dissolved in rivers from the soil. Thi sweet river came into ex- istence quite unexpectedly in 1930, and since then has increased in size. Geologists believe this wire, natural phenomenon was oaused by an abnormal rise in the level of cer- tain subterranean waters, eventu- ally leading to the bursting forth of the new river.. The Rio de Vinagre, a river which marks the boundary between Chile and Argentina, is known as the Acid River because its water is almost' as acid as lemon juice. By adding a small quantity of sugar to a glass of its water, a beverage can he obtained similar to lemon- ade. One enterprising American. actu ally started a company to transport thousands of gallons of water from the Sweet river in Nebraska to the Rio de Vinagre. Tile idea was to supply aerated table waters for the thirsty Argentinians, but in the end it was found cheaper to buy sugar on the spot. The River Engari Niuki, in East Africa, has water which tastes like diluted bitter beer. Yet there is no alcohol in it. The natives boil it bcfote drinking to get rid of the chemicals it contains. However, it seems to have no detrimental effect on animals, who drink it as if it were ordinary water, There are black, brown, yellow, red and white rivers in many coun- tries, and their bright hues may be due to the color of the river bed or to the reflection from the colored banks. Thus the Black River of Niassaland, in East Equatorial Africa, appears jet blacic because of the black lava over whish is flows. In other cases, it is the contents of the river, such as clay or peat; that give the river its characteristic coloring, Thus the Blackadder in Berwickshire, Scotland, is black- ened by its peaty contents. The. Yellow River of China, draining a vast basin of 600,000 square miles, owes its distractive color to the yellow mud it carries down to the sea. But the Niger, in West Africa, is not so called because it is black, but because "N-eg-hirren" is the native word for river. The twins who had just celebrat- ed their 95th birthday were the wonder of the village. "And to what do they attribute their age?" a newcomer asked. "One to the fact that he's an early riser, and the other to the fact that he isn't!" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ABENTS WAN'I'"IOD OILS, GREASES, TIRES Lnseetioldes, Electric: Fence. Controllers: Mouse and Barn Part, Roof Coatinga eta Deetera are wanted.. Writs Waren Grew. er 011 Limited, Toronto SELL SLIPPERS? Home and retail agents wanted 50 every locality. Quality fieeoe+ lined fast eollln,t supper% for men, women, children. Suet one sample and measuring kit necessary. Start your own business. Write Tho Winner Co., Box 182, Islington, Ont. new:Er OPING SENSATIONAL Thio ad, Is valuable, Any 8 -exposure roll de- veloped and a "Double -size deckle -edge" on- largemont from each negative all for 28e. Send this ad with roll and get special taloa. Regular price 86c. Only one to a mieiontex Photo Research Lab„ Department V, Drawer 870, Regina,Saskatchewan.': DYEING AND -CLEANING HAVE 705) anything needs dyeingor clean Ing'/ Write to us for Information We are end to answer yew •questions. . Department H, Parher'a. Dye. Works: Ltmlfe* 797 Vnnan Street. Toronto. Ontario , FARMS POR SALE FARM for Sale -66 Acro,, goodhouse and barn bordering on Crow River,Hydro, Telephone, Open Roads, One mile Choose fnotor•y, School, Stores. dos, Dickinson,' len, 1, Bonarlaw, Ont. Phone. 104W2, Campbell - ford. -- FOR SALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Crops -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed otyle*, 8 to 10 ft, lengths. Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and eetlmates. Steel Distributors Limited, 580 Cherry St,. Toronto. BATH tube, toilets, washbasin., sinks, fur- naces,' boilers. Water pressure systems sold, also installed. Galvanized pipe,, i gook - Y6o ft., 91 Inch - 18c ft. Articles sent everywhere• Write for. prices. Philip. Verheyden, Aylmer. rlrv4 HAMSTERS:wonder animals from Syria, Poi* or labs. Pair 86. Send money order. Poole, 88 Alma, St. Thomas, Ontario,. Helpful Around midnight, the absent- minded professor left his berth in the sleeping car for a drink of. water. 'Upon his return, he found that he was lost. He appealed to a porter for help. "Don't you remember the num- ber of your berth?" the porter asked. "I'm afraid not," replied the pro- fessor. "Haven't you any idea where it was?" asked the porter. 'Why, yes," the professor bright- ened, "to be sure, I did notice one time this aftennoon that the window looked out on a little lake. Barking Watchman 1 eople of a village near Munich would give a lot for dogs that don't bark. Reason: The night watchman, employed by the Council, can "bark" so touch like a dog that even the dogs are deceived, Every night he patrols the streets, yelping; when 'a dog answers he checks the house number on a list. People who haven't got a dog licence get the bill the next morning. 14* Lowest -Cast Dependable NEAT (that Money Can Delft Wi tool." Start a Fire Bu► Once a Yealr° Enjoy an abnnd„-.ce of dean, healthful heat at lowest east•,. and greater convenience with d WARM MORNING Coal Heat - a. Amazing patented interior construction causes coal to burn slowly- saves fuel. Holds 10o lbs. of coal Heats all day and night without refueling; holds fete several days on closed drafr. Automatic Draft Regulator. Re- quires less attent?ott than moot furnaces. Bows A11 Kinds of h... d and ,.oft road oak, briquote, or wood. Your home le WARM oval: MORNING regardless of dos wrothcr. The only heater Wits kind to the work;: More than a mtNon in twee Ask emir dr+ler. Wrko for free folder, beau ,f"u1„red and Disrributod. by BOON-STRAClAN COAL CO. Ltd. needle. Sasses Bldg. Monirad 2, Coe. Ment.oal Tenet Bldg. Toronle, 0,,t. ISSUE 38 — 1949 FREE BOOK ON ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM ATISM Excelsior- Springs, Mo.—So suc- cessful has a specialized system proven for treating rheumatism and arthritis that an amazing new book will be sent free to any reader of this paper who will write for it. For those who suffer with aches, pains, stiff or sore joints, nervous- ness, over acidity, systemic tox- emia, colitis, or other rheumatic aymptons, this book entitled, "Rheumatism," fully explains why drugs and medicines give only tem- porary relief an`fail to remove the causes of the trouble, The Ball Clinic, Excelsior Springs, Missouri, has perfected a sure to write today. specialized system of treatment for rheumatism and arthritis combined with the world famous mineral waters and baths.. This system of treatment is fully described in the book and tells how it may be pos- sible for you to find freedom front rheumatism. You incur no obligation in send- ing for the instructive book., It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. For writing „promptly, the Clinic will send their Newly enlarged book eotitlerl, "Rhctunaiisni." Address your letter to The Ball ('foie, Dept. 52)3. Etcelsior Springs, Missouri, but l , NOR SALE HAY PRESSES•` FAMOUS broody "Steel Queen" Promo avail- able for prompt delivery, mounted on rub- ber tiro., also potato diggers. Write forfree otroulate, MATTHEW MOODY 0 SONS, Com- pany, Torrebonne, Quebec, (Established 1846), ASBESTOS SHINGLES & SIDING MILL SECONDS' Shingle's, Siding and Roof- ing Papers. Send for our price ]lots, David W. Armstrong, 120 Van Borne. Ave., Montreal 14, RECONDITIONED TRACTORS -2 MAMMY. Harris '101 Suuers". on rubber; -1 M.H. Pacemalsor On .tee): 1 10.20 International on rubber; 1 need 10-20 on steel; also 1 ettehtly seed 9 Il.P, Empire Garden Tractor with im- elements. Priced to sell. See these at 67 Yonge Street, Richmond 1051.' Harold' W. Mort0on. Mnasey-8'arrls Dealer, .Telephone 03,. VOR SALE—Model A Ford sixteen pa0aenger school bus, Nicholson and Pelton, Yound'0 Port, Ont, PLANTS' POI, SALE '. 5EBEn2E - now tot legal' nuwmn planting' Chinese Elm, hedge -12 inches to 20 Inchao high' when shipped—will grow 2 feet the rust Year -25 plants for $2;05—sut,lclent for 28' feet. Giant ExhibitionFloweringPaecnlos In colour. red, white or pink — 8 for $1.85. Brookdale-Iiingaway Nurnurlee, 13owmanvlllo, Ontario. FORD and Fergneon TestatorOSvnsra—when You require a loader You want. the 'boot. Horn hydrauno loaders and attachmento made by tho WOrld'e largest manufacturer of loaders offer you the latest improvements. Write ue for literature. Ii, L. .Turner Co., Ltd., Blom helm; Ontario: HARNESS: Buy direct from taotory and save. We can nowship hat:pees and parts. imme- diately. Write for our new complete 1048 catalogue. North West Mail Order Company Limited, 178. McDerrnot Ave. East, Winnipeg, Manitoba. - HOMESPUN YARN Madeof soleoted long virgin wool—very strong, extra long wearing, suitable for gooks, sweaters and other woollen garments, 2-3-4 p1Y, white, grey, 2-8 ply royal blue,paddy. green, scarlet, maroon, yellow. brown; heather, block, fawn, all .unable for Slwash sweaters. $1.98 lb —10 lbs. or over 81.80 lb. dela, Narthtan& ewooter patterns 250 .each. Adults—doer, bear; Indian design, Child's—deer, bear, dog and squirrel, dancer. Mary Maxim, Bitten, Mani- toba, COTTONS Printed and plain, 88" wide, 1 to 4 mode, 11,98 pound. Ashley's, 'Boa 189, Place D'Armes, Montreal.. HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSES and Certified Norman' A.eietante required for Lady Minto Hoe. Dfldh Chapienu, Ontario. Apply Superin- tendent. ME1)10AL rp DON'T WAIT—]Overs eulierer of Rheumatic Patna or. Neuritis should try Dixon's Beme- 4p. Monroe Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid. 11.00. Pee UPI TABS C.C. & B. Tonto Tablets for low Vitality, nervosa and general debility,. 60c and 81.00 at druggists.. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED—Every .utterer of Rheumatlo Paine or Neuritis should try Dlxon'e Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 1188 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid 11.00 PATENTO V'ETHERSTONHAUaH & Company Paten( Solloltore Established 1890. 860 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request, els SAFES Protect your BOORS and 05011 trona FIRE and THIEVES. We have a else and type of Safe, or cabinet, for any 5005000. 51510 us or write for prices. site.. to Dept. W. LLIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 149 Front St. E., Toronto Established 1991 OPPORTUNITIES for ,11EN and WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 00116 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profeaeton, good Warm, th0us0ndo successful Marvel. graduate.. Amorlca'a greatsat system. Ialuatreted oat lone free, Write or Call lidARVEL RA IRDRES81N0 SCHOOLS 850 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branehos: 44. King St., Hamilton.. A 79 Rideau Street, ()UMW., CONCRETE 13LOCI{ PLANTS, Why work for the other. follow? You can Darn a good . living running a block plant, See Moore Bros,, 81... Nelson Street, Toronto, 0121761, for maohinorY. EARN MONEY AT HOME—Snare of full-time: money -making. Learn to ntaltoeundy at hone; earn while, learning. Free equipment furnished. -Correspondence college, National Institute of Confeatlonei•y 2805'd.,. Dclorimier P.O. .Box 162, Montreal, One. 030U15CH Groups,Organizations, Individuate. • sell Nylon Healery at sonrible Prices. 'Small Towne and Cmnmunitles favored, Seegrant CO., Box 004, Newton, Iowa, A NEW fast selling wooden Toy, Can be made ' on farms or email towns. Patent and equipment for turning out finished product $000.. Must nett, 111 health, W. Aolrorblade, Carnarvon, .Ontario, PERSONAL FREE SA+YtPLE6—pinetic comb. Send dime. for postage andhandling or'4 for 200. °Mee 3, 1184 Yosge Street, Toronto, TEACHERS WANTED .. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TP7AOHER for S.S. No. 0, Begot: Apply etattns salary and quallfloations, to Mrs. Lewlo Em0n. Sec: Troao„ Calabogle,- Ont. R.R, 2. STIFF MUSCLES e tsps//ANYga�ae ' Rub in Mimrd's for muscular stiffness, aches, wins and sprains. Grease- less quick drying, no unpleasant odor. tamp Economkal air. 650 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices We manufacture m our tac toriea — Harness. Horse Col lare, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan leets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE A :SEE -TEND. REPRESENTATIVE Pleasant, profitable work in your own district. Full or part-time. Babes -Tends is a well-known national advertised exclusive patented product. NOT SOLD IN STORES. Other kindred items avail- able. Experience helpful but not necessary—Male or female appli- cant considered. Write — BABEE-TENDA CORPORATION 686 Bathurst St. — A TORONTO CNA UTE Tomo 'oo "Do People Really Call'` a Crabby?" Do you sometimes feel that people are beginning fo think you are high-strung —always tense and nervous—so that you fly off the handle easily? Your Nerves Can Play 1iany women find it hard to realize their nerves are "bad", Yet it's not 'unusual for a high-strung woman's delicate nervous system to get off balance—especially during the functional changes she faces in girlhood, young motherhood and middle life. That's when a good tonic, lilte Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, can do you so molt good by helping to restore pour nervous energy. It will help you feel better, look better, rest better at night. During the last fifty years, thou- sands of. Canadian women of all ages have gone safely and happily Strange Tricks on You! through the most trying periods of life—by taking this time -tested tonic containing Vitamin 131, iron and other needed minerals. Give Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a chance to help you, too, when you feel edgy, upset or a bundle of nerves. Get the large 'economy size" today. The name 1'Dr. Chase" is your assurance. 21 Chase's -1 o