HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-15, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1949 RIGHT'S Superior cl STORE apecials B AKE EASY—Vegetable Shortening 1.1b -25c CLUB SPECIAL . • Coffee 1 lb, bag -49c E. D. SMITH CATSUP 2 bottles -35c PITTED DATES 1 Ib. -23c CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup 2 tins -210 FINEST RED COHOE Salmon V, lb. tins 3 for 81.00 ROBIN HOOD quick cook- ing Oats 5 b. bag -35c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 ib. hag ---01c SWEET MIX PICKLES 16 oz jar -25c • ROYAL YORK Orange Pekoe Tea"/.., lb. -47c We Deliver Art. Wright Phone 77 • EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalryrnple visited iio LonclOn, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny and remained for the Fair. Mrs. Henderson, who has been visiting in Toronto, has returned home. Egmondville United Church has just been completely re -decorated by Dave Kay, Clinton, and special re- opening and anniversary services are being held this Sunday, Sept. 18th at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker for the day will be Rev, Keith Love of Burlington, formerly of Hillsgreen. Special music will be sup- plied by the choir with a male octette from Zurich assisting at the evening service. An invitation is extended to all to come to worship in Egmond- ville United Church, Sept. 18th. Mrs, Leslie Pearson, Clinton, will be guest soloist at Egmondville Church, Sunday morning. F or chi es Owing to shortage of winter Storage space we are offering Reduced Prices On all our large stock of -both new and used machines for a limited time Save Money I3y purchasing your future requirements now front Seaforth ot rs W. T. Teall, Prop. PHONE 141 SEAFORTH WIWICGIIISNIR191,11.34. Open House You are invited to visit the offices of the new Huron County Health Unit on Wednes- day, September 21st, from 2 to 4 p.m., in Clinton, Kirk at High Street. • National Immunization Week September 11 to 17, is endorsed by the unit. Dates of Immunization Clinics in your community will be announced later. R. M. ALDIS, M.D., D.P,H., Director Attention Farmers WE have CORNELL DAWBULL SEED WHEAT cleaned and treated. We also have WINTER SEED BARLEY. This Barley is good grain for those growing grain for stock feed. TH HENSALL i rt. ,, .• e 2. INT, . Arar.inaiteMerffiaassisti...I.V410:11n...ASIZERMIMESMIZSIZI.SOR,AP.M.SIVAME$11111.1=0.SFIEWAV,,XDO '...........t.."CX'ZIIIXAVFS15X=MS2Vf.ViStSttXSZVI-Srg.V..Z.aML6VRS.V.ratg.ebtTriTarr.', s In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks • • Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding, and Roll Roofing • INSULATION • Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Screens made to order . Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Westeott in honor of their daughter'S approaeh- ing marriage and to attend her trot- ssectu tea were Mrs, Bruce and Miss M. Bruce, B,A., Reg. N., of Hamil- ton; Mrs, A. E. CudinOre, Mrs. They - ler, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Slimmon of Kitchener; Mrs. T. Copp, 1VIr. and Mrs. H. Sampson and Mr. Lawrence Sampson of London; Mr, and Mrs, Harold Twamley, Mr. and Mas. Gib- bons, Mrs. C. W. Kestle, Mrs. Syd Deem and Mrs. Bill Dern of Strat- ford; •Miss 'Nornia, Gooder, Mr. Jack Evans of Toronto; Mrs. Mat Nediger of Clinton and Mrs. Mary McElroy of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington and Margaret of Varna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldington. Mr, and Mrs. H. R. Hastings of Houston, Texas, spent the week end with the latter's aunt Mrs, L. Porteous. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence South- wicke, Kitchener, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Nolenan McLean, Mr. Tames Kelly, Palmerston, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Kelly, Miss Doris Ferguson, Toronto, vis- ited over the weekend with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs; George Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling and Marilyn and Miss Sheila Moraddin attended the Western fair in London on Wed - n end ay. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lawrence of Van- couver are visiting at the Pinkney home. Mr, Francis Huisser left on Monday to attend the Stratford Normal school, Sir. and Mrs. P. J. Reilly, Galt, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham Jr. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston of Wellington were, week (mil visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellaare 51 ephensin. Dr, and Mrs. F. J. Bechely were in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Nolan, London, spent the week end with his wife and child- ren, who are visiting his mother, Mrs. James Nolan. Attending the funeral of Mrs. Wm. 11Archibald were: Jack Archibald Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood, Montreal; Miss Alice Archibald, Ken - ora; Fro uk Archibald, Chatham; Wm. Archibald, Toronto: Mr, and Mrs. Jack Archibald, Kitchener, MPS. Arm- strong, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane, GOderich. spent the week end with Mr. Thomas Lane. Mrs. AIina Mosquera has returned to Brescia Hall, London. after spend- ing the past three weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. Mr, Joe Sills of Baltimore, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mrs. W. B. Horton of Calgary is a guest of her brother Mr. R. H. Sproat and her mother Mrs. James Sproat. at the home of MN. Sykes. . Mr, Jack Sproat of North Bay spent the • week end in town with Mrs. James Sproat and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Webster have returned from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Danbury, Conn., and the Bronx. New York. Their cousins, Fire Chief John H. Ireland and Mrs. Ireland, accompanied them. Miss Helen Swan, R.N., of Hensall, has returned home after spending the past week with Misses Laura and Vera Mole. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shildroth and sons Russell and Jack, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sparks of Port Elgin. spent Sunday at the home of the lat• ter's nieces Laura and Vei'a Mole, Mr. Isaac McGavin nI McKillop Was purchased the home of Mrs. James Nolan, E. William street, and gets Possession next month, Mrs. Donna Millson, Gary and Carol. were Sunday visitors with Laura and Vera Mole. Misses Laura and Vera Mole and niece Carol Millson visited Toronto Exhibition Labor day week end. Mr. and Mrs. Kee Powell are spend- ing this week in..LOndon. Mr, and Mrs. 'less Savauge and fam- ily. Wayne Ellis and Floyd McPhee. attended Western Fair Wednesday. Mr. Nerris.McMillan of Tillsonburg, spent the week end at hie home at Northside Parsonage. Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. .Campbell and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lamont spent a day at Western Fair this week. Mr, and Mrs. Enos Bashart and family have returned from a holiday in Muskoka. .. . • - Mr. and Mrs.- Wes. Logan of 'Win- nipeg and MN. Wni. Logan cit Myth visited Mrs. Prank Storey Thurs- day of last week... • W. L HEAR ADDRESS ON HEALTH UNIT Mrs. John 3TacLean W.sa 1w3 t oss Ii' the unmli,rs of the Seaforth W,,, men's on Tu,sday, k.40M. la. at her home in Tuck, smith. Mrs. John Hillebrecht, president. open- ed the meeting with the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's prayer it unison and the Institute creed, The secretary, Mrs. Alex Pepper, took charge of the business part of the mooting. Preparations for a booth at the fall fair on Sept, 23 wore taken rare of. Special mention was made of the work done by the girls of the Garden Club on achievement day held in Seaforth High School on August 3Ist, and also a hearty vote of thanks to Nam. Wallace Haugh, the • oonVener. "Thank you" cards were read from several members by the secretary. Mrs. Leming, FIeakt convener, took charge of the meeting.. Home Sweet Horne was sung by the mem-, bers. The motto, "He who cures a disease may be the skilfulest, but he who prevents it is the safest physi- cian" was taken by Mrs. Leeming. Preventing diseases is one of the greatest problems of the world today, she said. There are two slogans we should keep in mind, sho stated, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" and "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Current events were OPENING DANCE Cardno's Hall Seaforth FRIDAY, SEPT. 16TH To Ted Keane And His DIXIE LAND DOWN BEATS Students 40c. Adults 50c • Dancing 9,30 to 1.00 given by Mrs. Paul Doig, Mrs. Leeming then introduced the guest speaker, miss Cunningham. of the Clinton Health Centre. Her topic was "What a Health Unit is," She said a health unit is an organ- ization of public health facilities in a community. Since the health unit has been organized In Huron county they hope to bring the same health facilities to people In rural commun- ities as they have in the larger cen- tres. Dr. Aldis, medical director; is in charge of all public health work in Huron county. All public health mat- ters from each town go through his hands such as school sanitation, res- taurants, sewage, etc., and also food handling. Nursing is an important factor and Miss Cunningham with five nurses work out of Clinton to each town, The Health centre is located in the olcl "Gunn" residence in Clin- ton and an invitation is extended to everyone to visit the health unit and inspect their quarters. She go s" general outline of the work being done by thu unit and also of the work they hope to accomplish in tbe fut- ure. There are 211 health centlsir Ontario, Clinton being 2 lir 0122sh, ch,s41 by answering questions asked by the members. A vote of that -Ilia ANS 1110V4S1 10 Miss Cunningham and the hest by Mrs. Eldon Kerr. Lunch was serve,: by the hostess and bel' assistants. U•IIMV ',48:931ISMIIIISPEV.1510.iiakitati.2.111Mir Notice to Exhibit SEAFORTH rs FALL FAIR Mrs, Roy Lawson, Secretaxy-Treasurer, will be at her home, on Monday, Tuesday, WedneSday, Sept. 19-20-21, for those wishing to make entries for the Fair. • Seaforth Agricultural Society Will the members please note the following: Members are requested to bring clean white cotton for the Can- cer Fund to the honte of Mrs. W. Leeming. Also members, please note that their hospitalization dues will fall due in October and will every member who possibly cart help in the booth on Fair day, and also bring two pies, Also, Miss Broach:Oat of the Home Economics branch will be in ilikhAtiWiPcitAninicift$WWWW4A/Wil TEA By Ladies MCI of the Presby- terian Church at the home of Mrs. McKindsey, on FRIDAY, SEPT. 16 From 3 to 11 Silver Collection EVERYONE WELCOME BRING A FRIEND arftwtstrvicanstamti`exutitricomn, Seaforth to demonstrate on a course for school lunches the first week in October. You are Invited to the Big Modern and Old Time DANCE Stratford Casino Wednesday, Sept. 21 --2-- BANDS — 2 -- Lionel Thornton and the Casa Royal Orchestra, and The Thames Valley Ranch Boys Western Ontario's Finest Obi Tiin, Band 3 Door Prizes: $15.00. 10.00 5.00 Auspices. sliakespect- Community .1-0 - AdiniSSIOn 50e. Ticlicts now on sale. Help the Kiddies 217-11--2v-u-zr-ii-zr-e-zr-ir-zr-11-...1c-ir-7ic-terziL---tr-zk-ir-Ag-ir2g-ir=i--2L-ir-ic---ir2r-ir-2c-ir-2z7r2E-ir. Imsaa.aiti,JLefistt.lasitil.11atwuatibdunia.i.no.rcimisaigiusu.aust.u.siim.i.diatauatisbousiistot.aiitoknalt.souemitt,t,..... , . . ... . , , S..7:-:. .777.777, ...-:..; ea ort P -r.....:' ...„--„,,- ,,,,..".,,,, FAL 22 & 23[ by Babs "airchild Don't miss this exciting, dan- gerous and spectacular riding Friday Afternoon September 23 Featuring o Harness Races * Pony Races o Running Races o Ponies to Ride • Tug -of -War 9 Clowns • Children's Pet Show • Chicken Scramble • Children's Foot Races • Step Dance Contest e Baby Show • Parade of Prize Winning Stock e See the Boys' Tractor Driving Contest PRYDE, WILL I1'N THE PAIR Pe:RTH.HURON Jersey PiTeeders Pari41 Show BANDS IN ATTENDANCE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE t,Ce C. \ DNO'S HALL Fair Night FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23 9.30 TO 1 DON ROBERTSON and His Ranch Boys ADMISSION TO FAIR ADULTS 50 CTS. CHILDREN 25 CTS. CARS 25 cts. Children is Parade Free Admission to grandstand ine J. M. GOVENLOCK RUSSELL BOLTON President 'ince President MRS, R. LAWSON See. -Tres. irrirrarnirirliPTIFINFINFTWINIFINIFICIENEINEINFICIECIPTIEMEEIr •