HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-15, Page 4SPORTS As most sport fans will know by now the Seaforth Fawns were put out of .the running a week ago when Brussels defeated them 7-0 and =1 in the best of three final series. No mention was made of ' these games last week'due to the fact that we were attending the 'exhibition on Labour Day and were dragged back to the High ,School on Tuesday. This greatly tired us and we missed the deadline with our column. The only sports event in Seaforth last' week was on Friday. evening when the Dublin Irish were downed 20-5 by New Dundee, This was the second game of the'second round of the W.O.A.A. beet of three finals. Earlier in the week New Dundee took the first game 17-7 with these teams playing in Drumbo. The Dublin Irish are now out of the running for 1949. * On Friday evening Ethel took the first game of the Huron Football Association finals from the St. Co- lumban Irish when they booted them W.O.A.A. Softball Finals TONIGHT Thurs., Sept. 15 Wingham vs Centralia Gth game — 8,80 p.m. SEAFORTH LIONS PARK In evJiit of rain, will he played following night out 3-1. This series is a best -of -three final series for the Stephenson cup, This cup has been won by the St. Columban team for three years run- ning. Although St. Colurnban Was near the cellar at:the middle point of the series, by the final game they were quickly approaching the top Loth. This team put out Walton in the semi-finals and are putting'un a good fight to win this cup for the fourth time in a row., With the softball series through, the minds of sport's fans are turning to hockey'. The Maple Leaf Hockey Sehool has opened in St. Catharine;; in Stratford, ice was being made on Saturday, but a break in the ma- chinery necessitated a halt in the work. This is hoped to be corrected at once and. ice should' be ready ,by next Saturday. The Canadian hockey players left from Toronto last week to go to. Scotland. Among those who left was Ken Doig from Seaforth, and one of last year's Bosharts' hockey players. Ed. Wilson, * * * Another great softball game will be played in Seaford' Lions Park to -night, Thursday, under the lights. The Centralia Flyers and the Wingham Mercuries will hook up in the sixth game of their best of seven final W.O.A.A. series. Wingham leads this series 3 games to 2, WALTON Mr, and llrs. Lloyd Armstrong and Ronnie of Ahinston, Ontario, spent the Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Perdue and Larry. 18th, con. of Grey. xmaister s VARIOUS SIZES AND PATTERNS Scatter Mats, Reversibles z Axlninsters 63 r Lovrr Congoleuzn, Inlaids, Rexoleurn, etc. • Come in and participate in the Free Draws WaySagless Hostess Chair will be drawn for on Sept. 24th. Balloting from Sept. 14th to 21st A Famous ]3oshart cedar chest will be draws for on Oct. 1st. Balloting from Sept. 21 to 28th Inquire how you can win an Inglis "Tappan" 4 -burner gas range Mrs. John Hotlram Jr. was lucky winner of Kroehier Hostess Chair. Next draw, Sept, lith, at 9 p.m. Remember all you have to do to reeeiva a free ticket is to come into our store a Box Furniture Store --Funeral Service NIGHT 595Y;% PHONE—DAY 43 Excolleni Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" .- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chicly Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash F',,,1 E e Hence Flour 5Hlis Lai® • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO — PHONES 351 - 354 '$9 FARMERS We will pay $1.70 per bushel f. o. b. mill for Ontario Winter Wheat delivered, this week only FARMERS—We will buy your Wheat, Barley, Oats, Mixed Grain and pay best market prices THE SEAFORTH NEWS DUBLIN Miss nary Simpson, who has been t student of Dublin Contlnnation School during the past three ,years; has returned to her home in Toronto end willcontinue her senior matric- ulation course at St. -Joseph's Con - rent, Toronto. Miss Carol Ann Pringle, who has completed her second year at Dublin Continuation' School will attend the Galt Collegiate, Miss Pita Murray and Gilbert :allay will enrol at Loretta Busi- ness College in Stratford this, term. 'Mi. and Mrs, Gerald Holland Jr: attended the wedding of their sister, Miss Dorothy Holland;, in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schmidt; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmidt ,and Mr. Schmidt, Sr., Mount Forest, with Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin. Miss Mary Atkinson has returned from a plane trip to SanFrdncisco, Calif. Mise Betty Hanley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs , Wnt. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Meagher .at Vanessa. Mr. and - Mrs. A. Whetham and family at South Porcupine. Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin and Miss Bessie Cronin at Montreal, Que. George Hamm, Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster Mr. and Mrs. Stein and family, of New York, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. A. Whetham, Leonard Fowler, Clinton, has re- turned to Dublin creamery as but- ter maker, Mrs, M. Shulman in Buffalo. An aluminum demonstration was held at the home of Mrs, William Stapleton on Wednesday night. A group of interested ladies was pres- ent. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Zion Wometn'. Association met at the home •of Mrs. R. ,Aikens on Wed- needac and Thursday afternoons of i .. i. week and completed two quilts. The nresident, Mrs, A. Whethaln, w-asin charge of the meetings. A do 'rious lunch was served by the le,srees and her assistants, A imide-r•le J- .Iiss Madeline •ln•:n, St Colruuhan, whose marriage ru .1Ir, Thom:.:. Murray at St. Colvin - ban Church, is an event of this niomh. was honored at a miscellan- ouus shower t'eld at the home of :Fir. iud Mrs. John Moylan. Miss Marion Kale and Mrs. Moylan sponsored to event which was attended bY ppro:.i n ete1:- thirty young Iadie The varied gift . were arranged in a is prated basket drawn by a pick "id white, tri Mraed tricycle. Miss M.0 inn Kale read a c'uuplinlentar t address and the gifts were present- ed by Mts. John Moylan. The guset of honor grariotsly expressed her thanks. Several games of bingo and other games were played and suita- ble prizes awarded. A group of teen- agers served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue and children, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, J. Molyneaux, Miss Barbara Holland, Toronto, and Edward Holland, Lambeth, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland, ;Friss Mary Stapleton, Guelph, with her father, Carl Stapleton. Misses Mary Margaret and Petri- cia Ryan, Kitchener, with Bir, ,and Mrs. Pat Ryan. Mise Helen Flanagan, Wallenstein, and Miss. Margaret Flanagan, St. Clements, with their parents; Mr. end iVirs. Wm. E Lanagan. Mr. and Mrs, Roland Kleinfeldt and Mr. and Mrs. Leo hurray, spent Labor weekend at the C.N.L. - Miss Dorothy Kistner, a student at 3t. Mary's School of Nursing; l'itchener, was a weekend' visitor at the home of her parents, Olr, and Mrs. Chas. Kistner, Mrs. Paul Longeway of Stratford spent Labor day weekend with her sister, Mrs: Frank Kenny: THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1949 tl3 ta „v,®um 5 NT THEATRE -, l P . ; L r o. rTr NOW PLAYING IN TECHNICOLOR THURS. 1111.. SAT, "THE UNTAMED BREED with Sunny Tufts and .Inibal;t l.ritton The Indy of taunting, te•mptls r limey. ely. Men quirk to mush end kill. A 'Vostern ate*, of reddest adventure- MON TUES. WED. .1 si Shore 7 p.m.. IN TECHNICOLOR • "THE THREE MUSKETEERS" with Lima Turner' and Gene Kelly All for 'one end one for MI, The Three Muiaceteers. makes toe rood ~frond entertain - Ba sure to see. it 'NEXT THURS, PRI. SAT. In Technicolor 1 "THE SUN COMES UP" with .Jeanette Ntael)onald and Lloyd Nolan i excellent - homespun Brame, with its bits of MUSIC and touches Mr, and. Mrs. Jack Kenny and son touche Everyone wilt want to sue this II t John of Mis.it oro es of comedy, with Claude Jarman Jr. and Laesre. and iV1is, Lena COMING "JOHN LOVES MARY" with Ronald Reagan and Jack Carson Whitt, of Nottingham, England, spent the holiday weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kistner. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny observed their 29th wed-' ding anniversary on Sept.'3; when a lovely dinner was served' at the home o1 Mrs, C. Kistner, including a beautifully decorated anniversary cake. Other members of the family present were Mr, and. Mrs. Joe Ken- ny and children of Seaforth, Mrs, Frank Kenny, Mrs. Kay Thornton and Wayne, of Dublin. Misses Theresa and Dorothy Ifist- ner, who spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kenny, in De teoit, returned home with them. A group of Dublin ladies compli- mented Miss Ally Looby, a bride - elect of this week, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Lo.obv on Tuesday night, Unique arrangements were sponsor- ed by Mrs. Edna Looby when little Jackie Costello and Patricia Curtin, suitably decked in bridal attire, made a picturesque entrance to the living room presenting a decorated basket of miscellaneous gifts after Mrs. Kathleen Feeney had read an ad- dress of congratulations. Mrs. Jinn Curtin assisted the guest of honor to open the gifts for which she thanked each individual donor, Several -;ries of bingo were played under the di- rection of Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. was served and community -.r,ging completed en enjoyable occa- sion. NORTH McKILLOP Mrs. Joseph Thornton .pent Sat- tlr•day with her sisters at Waterloo. - illi. anti bus. Edward Rnge'e d.—earl and .lir. 51. licerceiy :pent Sundry with Mr. and Mrs. Frank `iia,i . ilie of Dashwood, lir Roy Wildfong spent Saturday ,i'tre ne en with hie Parents at Ditch• ^1121 Miss Pearl ire i egele of Clinton spent e'•e ice end with her parents llr. and Mrs. Ed. Hegele. OIr, Stuart Thornton of Brampton spent last week with his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Thornton. The Bethel W.A. held a successful hake sale and bazaar last Saturday in Seaforth. HULLETT The regular monthly meeting of the Hullett Township Council took place in the Community Hall, Lond- esboro, Sept. Sth at 8:30 p.m, The Reeve and all members of the Conn - el' were in attendance. The minutes of special meeting, Aug, 23, and re- gular meeting, Sept. 1st were read. W. R. Jewitt St Wm. J. Dale, that we set our Township Mill Rate at 5 mills, carried. Coo. C. Brown & Wm. I J. Dale, that as we have a petition to have part of the Garret-Shobbrook. Drain put in 'repair and as the work will cost less than $800.00 we en- gage Geo. Radford to do the work by the hour; carried. J. Ira Rapson & W. R. Jewitt, that the Council inter- view Mr. Frank Donnelly re the pe- tition of Mr. James Medd to repair the Kinburn Swamp Drain, carried. Geo. C. Brown & J Ira Rapson, that as the Hydro did not place the stub anchor poles on road 15 & 16 in Hullett Twp., as directed by our Road Superintendent, therefore this Council will accept no responsibility for damage to said poles during snow ploughing and road widening. Accounts—Bert Griese, mower re- pairs & gas, $74.13; Ray Cartwright, grader gas and oil, $119.79; Dom. Itoatl Machine Co., grader, repair, $12.50; 'Gordon Radford, grader & mower repairs, $23.18: Art Wey- mouth, trip to Toronto & W a te, $17.50; Leslie Ball, bridge reflectors, 808.50; Len Caldwell, Road Supt, & Express, $00,70; Dick Bioor, mower operator, $57.60; Art, Weymouth, grader operator, $137.15; Ben Riley, brushing, s47,25; Harold Beacon. trucking culvert, $5.00:•Joe Vodden, brushing; $1,10; Arthar Hayward, brushing, 61.10; Blyth Stend n d, ad - .e tiling, $25.:A; Geo, W. Cowan, slaw, "0,00. I3I nD IN D TROIT ib o d has been received nt' ` the iktroit of George Mont- g•n .u, , in his 74th year, He Was the. t 'and sten of the late Neil and Hannah P,n-n Montgomery and was in M K'llop in Sept. 1875. He attended S.S. 10, McKillop, and later 'c'iiiaed the barber trade in Seaforth and in -1901 he went to Detroit ware e he has lived ever since. His wife the former Sarah Bennett pre- ticeasd him some years ago and also one son and one daug'lter. He is sur- vived by two sons and two daughters all married and residing in Detroit: also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Gif- ford Crich, of Tuckersnrith, and four brothers, John, of Winthrop; William, of 'Seaforth; Malcolm, of Clinton: and Harvey of 'Medford, The funeral took place from Warrick Funeral Home, East Grand Blvd., Detroit, on Tuesday, Sept. 6. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Kressler and Cherry of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Riegel. 1111. andMrs. Sam Smyth and Geo, of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Riegel. Mr, George Seimon has sold his home tie Mr, . Harold Smith and he will make his borne with Mr. :and Mrs. Harry Beuermann. BORN PHILLIPS—At Scott Memorial Hospital on September Sth, to Mn and Mrs, Prank Phillipe, Seaforth, a sort MUEGGE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 1211,, • to Mr. and hers. Gordon Muegge, Seuforth, a daughter BROWN At Scott Memorial Haspital, an September 1.111,,` to Mr, and Mrs. James Brown, Egmondr.lie, a son Opemag Dance booby's Hall, Dublin FRIDAY, SEPT. 30TH EARL IIEYWOOD & His CKNX Barn Dance Gang Dancing 10 to 1 a.m, VVINVIAWARSARAMSKLMARAAPV Notice to Clientele The dna Gray Beauty Shop has resumed business, special- ising in Permanent Waving, Breck Treatments, and all classes of Beauty Culture, For appointments call 669 Seaforth You will find that necessary building and repairs and new equipment are important in maintaining production and earnings from your farm. 02/i-ese6aL ow/2. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 SEAFORTH BRANCH - E. C. BOSWELL, MANAGER 504