HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-15, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 72, No. 37 C O U N T Y'S LEADING N E W BPA P E R SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1949 IPIRE .CAUSES MEETING TO. BE POSTPONED A joint meeting of Tuckersmith and Stanley riley Township ship Councilss and Brucefield Fire Brigade was sehed-r uled for Friday last to discuss in- creased fire protection. The meet- ing had to be adjourned owing to.a barn fire at 'Ernest Talbot's farad on the second 'concession of Stanley, TROUSSEAU TEAS HELD FOR BRIDE -ELECT Afternoon and evening trousseau teas were held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Westcott, High St., on Wednesday and Thursday. of this. I week in honor of their daughter, !Marguerite, whose marriage takes place on Sept. 17. Tlie home was TO HOLD RECEPTION cleverly arranged withlate summer The Women's Hospital Aid to flowers. Scott Memorial Hospital intend hold- Mrs. Westeott and Marguerite Le- in an afternoon tea and reception eeived at the door. In the afternoon for Miss Drops, the new superintend- on Wednesday, Mrs. P. L. Brady'and Mrs. C, M. Smith poured tea and in the evening, Airs. E. A. McMaster and Mrs. J. T. Kaiser. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Ross Savauge and Mrs. C. W. Kestle of Stratford did ent, on Wednesday, Sept. 28th, in the nurses residence from 3 to 5. ATTEND STRATFORD NORMAL District students, enrolled at Strat- ford Normal School include: the honors, while Mrs. P. B. Moffat Mary Amelia Hagan, Seaforth; and Mrs..McElroy acted in the even - Francis John Huisser; Seaforth; Jo- ing. Those serving on Wednesday sephine Monica McIver, Seaforth; afternoon and evening were; Mr's J.. Helen Jean Rice, Staffa; LarraineM. Scott, Miss Belle Campbell, Mrs, 'Rowland, St. Columbari; Dorothy l P. Savauge, Mrs. T. Willbee. Thurs- Mae Turner, Varna; Lillian Alice day afternoon and evening, Mrs. Stewart, Clinton. Lorne Dale, Mrs. C. Walden, Mre. I Helmar Snell, Mrs. 'David McLean. ENGAGEMENT In charge of rooms during the two Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes wish days were Miss Rebekah Shinen, Mrs. to announce the engagement of their A. W. Wright, :Miss Dorothy Park, second daughter, Gladys Mary, to Janie Moffatt, Miss Helen Smith, Mr. William Ross Thuell, eldest son i Reg. N. Miss Ethel Storey, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. William Thuell, Johnson, Miss Evelyn Cardno, Miss Blyth, Ont. The marriage to take Betty Dunlop, Miss Abhie Seip, Miss place quietly late in September. ' Vera Mole and Mrs. Wm. O'Shea. Mrs. H. E. Smith, Mrs. John Stevens ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. B.F. Christie were in i Mr, and Mrs, Jahn. A. McEwen, charge of the living room. AIts. E Brucefield, Ont., wish to announce L. Box, Mrs. C. W. Kestle, Mrs. E. C. the engagement of their only daugh-' Chamberlain, and Mrs. Lillian Barb - ter, Margaret Lillian, to Russel G.1 ber were in charge of the register K. Zurbrigg, only son of Mrs Zur- while Mrs, Harvey Moore assisted brigg, and the late Ezra Zurbrigg , with the lunch. Friends from a dis- 'Wingham, Ont. The marriage will tance were from Hamilton, London, take place in Brucefield United Kitchener, Stratford, Clinton and Church on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 2:30. Blyth. Pan. use BLUE COAL The Coal you Can Depend On E. L.BOX PHONE 43 MRS. WM. R. ARCHIBALD A. highly respected resident passed away at her home in Tuckersmith on Sunday, Sept. 11th, hi the person of • Mrs. Jessie Valance Craig Archibald, beloved wife of Mr. Writ. R. Archi- • bald, following, a long illness. Mrs. Archibald was in her 75th year and was born in Strathaven, Lanarkshire, Scotland, where she received her ed- ucation, an c td arae to Canada in TOWN COUNCIL ADOPTS NEW SURVEY PLAN Important business before the. Seaforth town council at the regular September meeting on Tuesday even Ing was a bylaw dealing with changes in the Tuckersmith Agricul- tural Society property on the west side of the town. Council also de- cided to bltve an engineer make a drainage survey for the same area. Four thousand feet of Silver Creek will also be cleaned out. All member's were present and the Mayor presided. Minutes of the last regular meeting 'and of the special meetings on Sept. 1st were confirmed. The special meeting passed the by- law for $40,000.00 for the new rink, and named the Mayor and ' J. A. Stewart to the committee in charge of it. Mr. Steinhart spoke to council about a refreshment stand opposite his house. Council said they would consider the matter. Later it was de- cided to ask the owner to have loose wrapping paper, etc„ gathered up each clay. Mr. Harold Finlay asked council to sell hint one of the lots in the Tuckersmith Agricultural survey. He said he had bought a house in the co*try which he would move to town. Councillors advised him to tura in his application with full par- ticulars. A one day meeting for civic offi- cials is to be held in Goderich on Tuesday, Oct. 18. Town Clerk Wilson and Assessor Anent will attend. Building permits: Store #1 of Cardno Bros. front $2,000, inside $800. J, C. Bradshaw, Market St., foundation, $200, St, Thomas Parish Hall,, new foundation, $800. J. A. Baldwin,. residence, west end of God- erich street, $10,000. After discussion council decided to rebate permit fees to Mr. Brad- shaw and St. Thomas' Church. Mrs. Clara Merrier complained that water from the street catch basin on the east end of James St. flooded her cellar. It was reported the drain at the corner of Church and Goderich streets had been blown out and was working again. Fire Chief D. Sills reported a call to Egn.ondville, Councillor Scoins said he had been asked to turn in the alarm for this fire when a burning tree had threatened the main Bell Telephone Lines down through Eg- North Side United Church Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister. 10 a.ni., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. 11 a.m., Worship. Sermon subject, "God's Middleman". All cordially welcome. Evening service withdrawn for Egmondville Anniversary. Egmondville United Church Eev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Anniversary end Reopening Services, Rev. R. ICeith Love, B.A.; BM., Burlington. 1904. On Nov. 7th. 1904, she was • married at Montreal to Mr. Archibald' and they had lived at Seaforth ever since. Mrs. Archibald was a member of St. Thomas' Anglican Church and mondville. took an active part in the work of I Councillor Close, reporting far the • the women's organizations of the street committeesaid all the town's , church. Besides her husband site is supply of cement had been used, the survived by four sons and three last repairs having been made north I' daughters, John Craig Archi THIRTY DUBLIN GUESTS ATTEND WINDSOR WEDDING A large gathering. of friends acid' relatives from this vicinity were pre- sent. at the Gaspar -Holland wedding on Monday, September 5, at 11 a,m. at Saered Heart Church, Windsor. Thirty guests from the district of Dublin attended the ceremony which was also the occasion of the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom l' Holland, 1460 Parent Blvd., Wind- sor. Dinner was served at the Domin-1 ion Golf and Country Club, Howard ' Ave„ to some sixty guests. Luncheon, was held at St. Angela's Hall to ap- proximately one hundred and twenty- five guests. Dancing was enjoyed in the evening until the early hours of the morning and as the enjoyable day came to a close Mr, Holland ex- pressed the hope on behalf of his wife, and himself, that twenty-five years hence the happy gathering will again assemble at their home to cele- brate their golden wedding and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the re- cent newly weds. Mr. and Mrs. Gaspar and Altand Mrs, Holland were the recipients of many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Hol- land were formerly from this district and the good wishes of their many friends are for a continued happy married life.for many years to come. Those present at the wedding from Dublin were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hol- land, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Mrs. Jas. Carlin, Mrs. Joe Murray, AltGerald Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Purcell, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. George Hol- land and son Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Melady, Mr, Pat Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hol- land, and daughter Carol, Mr. and, Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray. iba d, from the Salvation Army on N. Main R.R. 4, Mrs, C. G. Sherwood, lion There was discussion about the DesAloines, Iowa; Robert, Seaforth, street. tr'eal; A. W. Archibald, Toronto; new surface on Main street which Mr's. 0. J. Rowe, Barrie; Frank J. had chipped off in front of some of Archibald, Chatham; -hiss Alice M.1 the stores. It was reported that a Archibald, Senora, Her youngest lady bad fallen and had had to be i son, Arnold R. Archibald was killed taken to the hospital. Council decid- ed to see if special asphalt prepara- tions might be some help for the wort spots. There was considerable discussion about various drains. Council decid- ed to ask for an engineer's report on draina{ge for the property on the . i First Presbyterian Church ' in action during World War II. 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday She is also survived by four bro- :School. i thers and two sisters, Adam J. Craig, 11 a.m., "The Master's Choice". ; Toronto; Mrs. John Alexander, '7 p.m., "Times of Refreshing". Georgetown; William Craig, Burn - harem Bucks, Eng., Dr. John Craig, ' Manchester, Eng.; Robt. Craig, Steat- NORTH SIDE W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Northside United held their September meeting Thurs- day, with 20 members present. Mrs. R. Lawson was in the chair and opened the meeting' with hymn "Thy Kingdom Come 0 Lord" and prayer. Miss A. Lawrence led in responsive reading of Psalm 145 and gave the prayers of thanksgiving. The theme hymn of the Dominion Board 1949 "Heralds of Christ who bear the King's Commands" was sung. Dele- gates were appointed to the sectional meeting to be held at Brucefield 1n the near future. Temperance read- ing "A great remover" was given by Mrs. C. C. Keine, reports and roll call. The Study Book "Growing with 'the years" was introduced by IVliss A. Lawrence, Mrs. D. Aikenhead, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Finnigan, Mrs. Lawson. Meeting closed with the Benediction. I haven, Scotland; %lis A Stewart , ' 1 d inbur li, Scot an• Tucksrsmt th Agi' cultural survey on Fd g the west, side of the town, as there ' The funeral which was private had been some difficulty in establish- , took place from her late home, lot ing an outlet. 5, concession 5. Tuckersmith, on Council granted permission to the Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.im, Rev Lions' Club for their raffle on Oct, T. Dale Jones officiating. The pallf bearers were Leonard Strong, Ro bert Tyndall,. James Doig, Harold Rice, Arthur Wallace, Robt. Wallace. Interment was in the Maitlandbank cemetery. MRS. CHARLES OKE • Mrs. Charles Oke died in Alex- andra Hospital, Goderich, on Mon- day morning' in her 83rd year. For- merly Ann Blake, she was born in building was put in shape. He also Colborne township, daughter of the reported that new dumping grounds lath William and Susanna Fisher for the scavenger would have to be 1 Blake. Her husband died 11 years arranged as the present grounds ago. She was a member of North were to be plowed. Councillors wog - Street United Church. She is sur- gested that rubber tires should be , vived by seven sons, Wilson and pint on the scavenger's wagon. • 1 Inc sor; Albertan Irwin ounar sets Mr.HighR.R.the**bigMrs.Bolton,dayhisA ew Brussels,Maloney,per n workin thedayAl.mayMr.0'- W. A. Group 3 of the Woman's Associa- tion of Northside United Church held their September meeting Tues-' day at the home of Mrs. B. F.! Christie. Miss Edith Hoag, the presi- dent, opened the meeting by reading i a poem "Small Deeds" followed by; a prayer. Hymn 445 was sung after which Mrs N. Knight led in prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. The scripture lesson was taken from the third chapter of John and was read by Mrs. Walden. A piano solo by Gwendolyn Christie was much enjoyed; Roll call was answer- ed by 20 members by naming a book of the Old Testament. There were also 8 visitors present. A reading "The Everlasting Beauty" was given by Miss Ida Cooper. Mee. Morrison, president of the General Society, was present and outlined the work fox' the fall term. Miss Hoag then read a poem "I Know God's Near", Hymn 334 was sung and the presi- dent closed the meetrn with prayer. Mrs. Snell then conducted a very in- teresting musical contest after which a delicious lunch was served. 'WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band of Caven Church will meet Saturday, Sept. 17th. Mrs. C. Hawley, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley. Goderich township Ira, Goderich; Stewart, Sarnia; and Orville, Sea - forth; two daughters, Mrs, Allan Walker, Hamilton; Mrs. Geo. Feagan, Goderichyytownship; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Walker, Rocanvilley Sask.; and Mrs. Jessie Hillier, Toronto; 19 grandchildren, and 16 great grand- property on the west side of the children. The funeral service at 2:00 town was passed. It was explained p.m. Wednesday at the Brophey that most of this property was owned Funeral Home will be conducted by by the town, and therefore changes Rev. L. H. Turner of Victoria Street in the roadway could more easily be United Church. Burial will be in made. t p dump under supervision. Councillors said that people made a mess of the dump and it would cost 5100 to get a bulldozer to clean it up. Bylaw 506 of 1949 dealing with roadways and survey changes in the Tuckersmith Agricultural Society .Maitland cemetery, Councillor .McMaster asked about the water main on East Goderich ST. THOMAS' CHURCH GUILD street which he said was inadequate, The September meeting o$ the being only 134". Mayor Keating said Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church the F.U.C. was considering a four was held on Tuesday of this week at or six inch main, He said the P.U.C. the home of Mrs. Colbert. In the ab- had not secured a new manager. Bence of the president, the vice presi-Councillors asked about the quarter dent, Mrs. Colbert, opened the meet- lY report from the P.U.C. with prayers for the pari ingsh and Councillor Stewart reported that parish workers. The secretary read he had interviewed Mr. Deitrich, con - the minutes of . the June meeting 1 tractor, about ,cleaning out Silver Creek. He said Mr. Deitrich had which ware approved. The treasur- er's report showed a substantial bal- Iagreed a foot which would be 5400 for ance. The members discussed plans '0c job. for fall activities, catering for the i men's deanery greeting on Oct. 191 • The Finance Committee reported and were urged to keep up prepare- the following accounts and salaries tions for the annual bazaar in No- be passed. rember. After the offertory was re- E. L. Box, 5911.83; Jos. O'Reilly, ceived and dedicated, a one -minute • 525.80; Geo. Mowbray, 521.00; E. silence -was observed in honor of a Miller, 548.80; S. Williams, $51.75; valued member, the late Mrs. Wm. ' Seaforth Public Library, $400.00; Archibald. The greeting closed with Can. Bk. of Commerce, $1,03; Can, prayer, when a contest was held, and Blc. of Commerce, $59.45; C. P. Dei - the hostess served refreshments. The trich, $700.00, J. F. Scott, $110.59; Rector, the Rev. T. Dale Jones, paid J. F. Scott, 5125,70; Receiver Gan- a friendly visit to the meeting. evil of Canada, 517.13; C. P. Sills, Teresa Maloney of Kitchener; Mi'.1 KIPPEN Dennis Maloney of London. The third annual re -union of the To Hold Anniversary Maloney family will be held at the , The congregation of Hillsgreen hone of Ms. and Mrs. Joe Maloney United Church will hold their annual of Beechwood, the same date next Fall Anniversary on Sunday next at year. 11 a.m. and 7:30 pm., DST. The guest speaker at both services will be Rev. N. E. Aldworth, M.A., B.D.. CO►VSTANCE of Tillsonbures who was raised in this community. Special music will Rev. and Mrs. Allan of Goderich be furnished in the morning by an spent Friday with .lir, and Mrs. Octette from Zurich Evangelical 1 Church. The Hillsgreen choir Will Loi•tte Lawson and Mr, Robt, Law furnish the rinrsic for the evening, sett• service with Ret Mr, Hinton as so - Miss e weep 3'd with of Tai'oitt° loist. Friends are cordially invited to spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and :Mrs. Second McBi•iet. Donald Stephenson of Ottawa spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mr. and •Mr's. Earl Lawson spent a few days last weekend in Sarnia and Port Huron. - Mr: and &It's. John Maines, Mr, and Mrs. Stacey Ferguson and Mrs. Agnes McRorie of Warwick visited with Mr. Wm. Britton and other rel- atives on -Sunday. - 1'Ir. and Mrs. Jack Dodds and 11'. Wm. McMillan of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawsonn o San day. - Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Britton of Thamesville visited with Mr. Wm. Britton on Tuesday. 1 " attend both these services. The members of St. Andrew's United -aura here aye renlinded- there will be no service on Sunday, or Sunday School, in honour of Hillsgreen Anniversary. The Kipper CCiuh are holding a shoot do Friday evening at 6:60 p.tn. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jotter, who have spent the past month • in the Western Provinces and the U.S A. returned •home last week. Mrs 13 Bright -more, who has spent several week, with her sister, Mrs. N. Cochrane, returned to her home in London on Sunday. We ere sorry to report Mrs. Arthur Anderson is confined- to her room through illness. Fire destroys Barn The large hank barn on the farm of Ernie Talbot was completely de- stroyed by fire en Friday night last. It was first noticed by Aubrey Far- quhar who immediately turned in the alarm and the' Brucefield anti Hayfield firemen were soon on the scene and saved surrounding build-. ings but were unbale to save the barn with 'the season's crop,•tractor. and theesmhing machine. Several small calves were taker: out to safety. Many from here are this week tak- in°' in the Western Fait' in London. The hcan harvest is at present in frill swing. Good weather ;s the bone of man farmers. P.M., 581.20; Can. Natl. Rlwys, 511,- 78: Hay Stationery, 531.88; Muni- cipal World, 58.34; William M. Sproat, 542.00; Bell Telephone co. 514.75; Treas. of Ontario, $883.90; R.O., D.R.O's, polling booth 557.00; Relief, 5117.08; D. H. Wilson, 5141.- 66; John - Cummings, 5117.00; A. Bushie, 5125.00: Jim. A. Wilson, $20.00; M..E. Claris, 518.77; Bald- win Hardware, $30.30; Seaforth Farmers' Co -Op 37.80: F. hlin.g, 51.1.25; J. Burns, 55.00; S. Williams $18.00: Seaforth News, $291.55; 0. P. Sills P.M., $29.00; A. W, Dun- lop, 518,52; P,tt.C, 538.92: Seaforth Bend, grant 5300.00. meet to enter a team in a WOSSA group for some keen rugby competi- tion. * * Nominations for the 1049-50 Stu- dents' Council will take place ,one- time next week. The reason for Ulf., delay is the fact that it takes the new students, who are scattered throughput the school, a while to come to know the students around then. - * v (ln Tuesday morning the first of a series of are drills was held at S.H.S. These drills are to make the students familiar with the way to leave the school should there be s fire. VARNA Mrs. York and slaughter visited her -mother• Mrs. Suter 'and aster Mrs. Orrin Dowson tlurina the Past two weeks returning to Smith Fulls accompanied by her husband and Miss Merylin Howson. who-accovn- panied them to Toronto where she Anent the weekend at the Toronto Ex- hibition. Mrs. J. T. Reid, London. and her daughter Mrs. Case, Hensel), called. pre relatives in the village last week. Harvest Thanksgiving Services will he held in St. John's Anglican Church Oct. 2nd at 7 p.m. Rei. G. S. 'Honour, Merlin, will he the gnest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnston and slaughter, Wellington. are spending some time with relatives and friends in the community. Some of the villagers took in the Western Pair, London, on Mondac. Recent Q'uesls at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ings were Dr. and 'Mrs. G. F. Coiling, Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs, Menne Oesclr of Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Horner and family, I-Ianrilton. :Miss Myrtle Johnston and sister. Mrs, Wm. McIntosh, Flint, were re- newing acquaintances in the rillaat, Monday, canine' en "Airs, Wnt. Hart • and Mr. and Mrs. Ings.