HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-01, Page 7Hot and Not-So-Bothered—Tequila; left, 'a 7 -month-old St. Bernard puppy, is going on his vacation but doesn't look too happy about it. Ile was flying from Ottawa, to Mexico with his master, the Mexican ambassador to Canada. But when Tequila landed in Dallas, Tei,, and found the thertnometer at the 100 -degree mark, he just plopped down by two, cakes of ice and refused to move. On the 'hand, Gussie, a tiny terrier, found it hot when his plane landed in New York City from Calcutta, India, But Gussie was too interested in the wonderfully strange sights of the biome-. city to mind the heat, • !CL LIG thNGER Goann.dol.itil.e P. C le,,r .e This time last week we were a family of ten -and the thermo- meter was around 90. Today ` our family is reduced to three—and the thermometer, this morning, at 7 cm., register; 50. Tonight it will be supperfor ten again but this time our guests, will be threshers. Yes, we have come to that again—and gladrwe are that we have anything to thresh. What I don't like about this --liweshing business today is the fact that it comes on holiday -but that so often seems to lae our luck. It. isn't easy to shop on Saturday for threshing on Monday—or possibly Tuesday morning. There is always the fear of forgetting something— and that would be awful with the stores closed for the holiday. Then there is the trouble of keeping the duff front spoiling once you have got it. But in the case of forgotten things neighbours are worth their weight in gold. You can .always bank on your neighbours if you are short of a loaf of 'Iniad, a packet of lea, or a pound of butter. (Margar- ine? Oh, no» Well, the foregoing was written in a few spare minutes before break- fast. After breakfast there was other work to do. Now here I am, —meat ready, pies baked; applesauce cooling—and it is 3,30 pan.,, and no sign of the threshers. That is the sort of thing that always pleases a farmer's wife! 1-Iowever, we were told at noon it migl.t be three o'clock before they got here. When I heard that .1 said to myself— "Now you just bold your horses . no sense in doing a lot of work for nothing or ha ing so many potatoes cooked you won't know what to do with them!" So the table isn't set and the potatoes are not even scraped so 0 they copse after this and our men decide to start threshing 1 am sure going to have one mad scramble. But I'll take a chance on it. Let's see now—where was I? Oh yes, I was saying we are now down to three. That is after getting up at /1,30 nearly every morning last week to get somebody or other off on the early bus. And that reminds me of the joke about clocks. One sister- in-law said she was late down in the morning because she never knew the time. Loolcing around she said to her daughters—"You know I think it would be a good idea if we gave Aunt Gwen an electric clock for a present" Very ungratefully I said—"For heaven'. sake don't bring any more clocks around here —we've got too many now." "But they don't gol" "Oh yes, they go ... if I wind them!" Then I realized how crazy our clocks must appear to. visitors. There is the mantel clock in the living -room -as noiseless as a deaf- mute. An eight-day travelling clock in the sitting -room ---equally silent. An alarm clock in the big spare room with never: a tick. Another clock in Bob's room that keeps good timebut has an alarm that won't shut off.. The only way Bob can stop its insistent ringing is by setting it to another hour. Conse- quently if the alarm has not run down we hear it going off at some unaccountable hour during the day. Then there's Big Ben stuck away in the sideboard cupboard because it refused to go for more than three hours at a stretch. It was the one we used to get us up in the morn- ing so we replaced it with a new clock. And this clock we wind every night; we also set the alarm, and we carry it from bedroom to kit- chen, and kitchen to bedroom, day in and day out. It's only defect is a broken glass as it got tangled up in the toaster one morning. The other docks we don't bother to wind because we all carry watches. Added to our list I found a strange clock the other day. "Now where did that come from?" T .wondered. The next morning I heard it 'ring- ing. It. belonged to daughter. Well, I began to think 1 should let my sister-in-law know our clocks were not white elephants—or dead ones either. So next day I made a tour of the house and wound all the clocks. The mantel clock swung its pendulum back and forth and wheezily proclaimed the hours; the travelling clock ticked away 'without any, fuss; the 'clock in the spare room performed gallantly; Bob's alarm still rang hit and miss. Big Ben was brought to light and I wound it, set the alarm, and placed it on the bedside table in my sister- in-law's room. where for some un- known reason, -t did a full-time job; I didn't hear any more about needing a new clock. Re- ed #/ I\/ re' TOM GREGORY POTATO V ROG me THE FRESHNESS OF CUT FLOWERS CAN BE PRESERVED LONGER BY USING HALF OF A POTATO AS A ^FROe ".:YOU SIMPLY PUNCTURE TOE TOP OF THE POTATO WITH A NAIL AND USE IT LIKE A CLASS "FROCe SHOEHORN TACIT -PULLER I'll EVIIR.1NINK OP USING THB411 HANDLE OP AN ORDINARY 5110E- WORN A$ A HANDY 'TOOL VOR PRYING o41'r THUMEI TACKS? Save Y iuw Le According to the folks who keep track of such things, the hoose is the most dangerous place there is. That is to say more accidents occur in or around the hone than any- where else. The following is a 'true incident, as told by a well-known safety specialist. 'Mary, will you get that corn ready for the jars?" 'Yes, Mother. How much, more are you going to can today?" "Oh, we'll do 30 or 40 more quarts. I've got to get these out of the pressure canner now'." "How long does it take to lower the steams? Our hone economics teacher said to be sure the Pres- . sure was clear down before open- ing the cooker," That's the big bother of these cookers. It takes too long to get the pressure down. I` wonder if it's really necessary." "Don't take a chance, Mother." "Well, it's practically down now. I'ni going to open it," "Mother II" But Mary was too late. Her mother already had released the lid. The steam rushed out, Mother stepped back to a safe distance. When the steam stopped, she step- ped up to remove the lid. "There it can be released more quickly if you're careful." Then she started to take the lid off. There was a loud explosion. She screamed and put her hands over her face. Mary's mother lived, but she was badly burned by hot water. And the glass from an' exploding jar narrowly missed her right eye. No more corn was tanned that day. , It's dangerous to use your own judgment and decide' to operate equipment in a different way titan that recommended. There are no safe short-cuts around the right way to do things. Such short-cuts don't save time—they usually take more time. And they often cause injury or death to yourself or to others, \Viten manfacturers or experts give recommendations for the use of equipment, they're talking from experience. Profit from that ex- perience—don't use yourself as a guinea pig in a haphazard. experi- ment to xperi-ment`to find a shorter or quicker way. Remember: Be Alert—Don't Get Hurt. Follow the Crowd Diplo—"Did you give your wife the money you won on the radio program?" Matt—"Yes, I told her to buy some decent clothes, and she said: 'I've worn decent clothes all my life; now I'm going to dress life other women.'" The Honey Bee The .honey bee is sad and cross And wicked as a weasel And when she perches on you boss She' leaves a. little measle' • —Don Marquis ofInsect Neatllash Quick/ Stop itching of insect bites, hes!', rash, eewma, hlvee, pimples scales, ecabics, atldete's foot and other externally caused skin. t Gee soothing, antiseptic Pr.oDub. i D. ouit rcoryrPRictAlOYB(uggiu JITTER' .WHY,WHpN5 IJSE07o OAR* HB •4 ' ouren' f ewe' MY seises' A• o,N' Po PAST it DMOseLD FROM �1tlorsoN..p*D-eUNrraa. !AMR LLseo r THa0W A CAtF •lb ewer, 9H, CRR'rSR ... Jttb'+' THROWSD Ate $ CURVE! Mama. RCP! WAS 504OT Its BROOM 'a1 ON Til, HOOP! - A LE I /, u • g cam An.c.tte,s Most of us have eaten—and per- haps served at our tables—stuffed peppers and stuffed cabbage; the Tatter, of course, a,"specialty". at restaurants featuring Austrian or Hungarian cookery. But this excel- lent method can also be applied to other representatives of the'.vege- table kingdom. * Beets and cucumbers, large car sots and eggplant; onions and 'sum- mer squash, tomatoes and white turnips—all these may be hollowed out, stuffed with a well -seasoned mixture, and served, tastyand colorful. The stuffings consist of four types of material. (1) Cooked meat, fhb, poultry,nuts or cheese. (2) Bread crumbs, corn, cooked rice, Macaroni or potatoes. (3) White sauce, gravy, milk or cream. (4) Seasonings such as onion, garlic, sa:t, pepper, herbs. These may be used in almost any desired proportions so long as,the mixture is moistened with enough sauce or gravy to prevent crumbl- ing. Except for tomatoes -or mush- rooms,, the vegetables 'are usually bo led until almost tends' then hol- low ed out and the pulp chopped and mixed with the filling. So now, howsabout a few recipes? * * * STUFFED SUMMER SQUASH 4 or five small or medium squash 1 onion, chopped 1 pound pork sausage meat 11/S tablespoons flour VS cup milk 2% cups soft bread crumbs or cubes Salt and pepper Sage or thyrne 1 tablespoon butter, melted. blethod: (1) Boil squash in water to cover till almost tender, ten min- utes or longer. Drain. Cut a slice from top of each and 'remove pulp. Chop pulp and top slice. Drain both shells and pulp. (2) Cool' together onion and sausage over moderate fire till mixture begins to brown, stirring often. Remove sausage to bowl.. Pour off all but two tablespoons of fat from frying pan. (3) Add flour to fat in pan and cook, stirring, till lightly browned. Add milk and cook, stirring, till thickened: Mix this sauce with the sausage, two cups of the crumbs (or cubes) and chopped squash. Add salt, pepper and herb. (4) Fill squash cases with this mixture. Toss remaining bread in melted butter and sprinkle over fill- ing, (5) Bake in moderate oven (375 degress F.) till tops are brown, or about twenty minutes. Yield: four or five portions. * 5 * PEPPERS STUFFED WITH CORN AND CHEESE 6 medium green pepper, 1 large onion, chopped 1 clove garlic,' chopped 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup tomato juice 6 ears corn 1 tablespoon salt =/s teaspoon pepper Dash cayenne or Tabasco 2 cups grated Canadian cheese. Method: (1) Cut a slice from top of each pepper, remove seeds and boil till almost tender. Drain and stand ingreased muffin cups. Chop meaty portions of tops. (2) Saute chopped pepper, onion and garlic in butter till tender, blend in flour and add tomato juice, Boil, stirring, about thirty seconds. (3) Cut corn front cabs and add to above mixture. Add salt, pepper and cayenne. Boil, stirring, about twp minutes. Add a cup and a half of the cheese. Stir till melted. (4) Fill pepper cases with this mixture. Sprinkle remaining cheese over tops. Bake in a moderate oven' (375 degrees F.) till cheese has melted and filling is hot, about ten minutes, Yield: six servings. EGGPLANT STUFFED WITH LAMB AND NOODLES 1 eggplant 1 medium onion, chopped r/ cup mushrooms, sliced 2 tablespoons olive oil or drip- • pings i% cups cooked noodles 1 cup cooked„ chopped lamb 1 teaspoon salt• 1,4 teaspoon dry mustard 54 cup cooked or canned tomatoes cup buttered soft bread crumbs. Method: Cut eggplant in half and boil in salted water to cover till just tender. Remove center and chop, leaving cases about three- fourths incls thick. (2) Saute onion and mushrooms in oil ordrippings till onion is tender. Mix chopped eggplant with this mixture, Add noodles, lamb, salt mustard and tomatoes. FIB cases. (3) Sprinkle buttered crumbs over tops. Place in a shallow pan, filled about an eighth -inch with water.' Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) till crumbs are brown, 5 * * CABBAGE STUFFED WITH HAM AND RICE 1 medium head cabbage 1 medium onion, chopped aa pound cooked ham, cubed or chopped 2 tablespoons drippings or other fat 1 teaspoon dry mustard 35 teaspoon paprika Salt 2 cups cooked rice lavapor:ted milk or cream Melted butter. Method: Cut a slice from stem end of cabbage and refers cote, Scoop out enough cabbage re, ,sales a shell, Plate all trimmings, in a large pot of iboiling salted water, Tie cabbage' firmly in shape with cord and addto pot. Cook, covered, till cabbage is almost tender,, Re- move and drain head and trinfmings. Chop : trimmings. (2) Saute onion and ham in drip- pings is tnddel - rnaii1ingtill sngreonion e dients; exceer.1) tAbutterer, using enough milk or cream to moisten. (3) Stuff cabbage shell with this mixture and brush entire surface with melted butter. (4) Balce in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) till heated through- out, or about fifteen minutes, Yield: about six servings. The Shark The shark has teeth set like a saw In serried rows within his jaw. When one set gets the worse for wear, Ise simply pushes in a spare, with all of his successive dentures He has carnivorous adventures, And since he cannot bear the sight of you, He roils on his back to take a bite of you. —Earnest A. Hooton R E I D! S HOUSEHOLD INSECT POWDER A sure killer! E. Of Atm, ante bedbug' l"a roaches and Other inset( j pot.. tdeel for kwage. bath, cot- tage ot tape and wage. oIno handy tone- Get ID'S -dodgy ser. Get RIIID'6 today! 50S At ell Druf and Hardware Stores. D,, 'ouitMote UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCHOOL OF NIXING The school offers a five-year general training in nursing leading to Registration as a practising nurse, Including qualifications for Public Health Nursing. The Degree of B.Se.N. (Bachelor of /Science in Nursing) from the University of Toronto. Substantial flnanalal help le available through burearles and scholarsblps, Entrance Requirements Senior Matrleulation (sae currant Calendar) For copies of the School Calendar and further information apply to: The Secretary of the School. yotdMY Honey Pecan Buns Brings Greaseless,. fan -drying, no strong odor. Economical size 65c Recipe Measure Into. bowl, 34 0. lukewarm water, 1 tap. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dieeolved. Sprinkle with 1 envelop, Flaischmann'e Royal Feet Riling Dry Yeast. Lot stand 10 min., THEN -otic well. Scald 3S o, milk and stir in 3( c. granulated sugar, 35 ism. salt, a tbs. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in 1 well -beaten egg. Stir in 1 c. once-alfSed' bread Sour, beat until smooth. Work in 23f a. once -sifted bread Sour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl and •brush top with melted butter or short- ening. Cover and eat in warm plaoe, free from - draught. Let Use until doubled in bulk. While dough is Tieing, combine 3f 0. brown auger (lightly premed down), i4 c. liquid honey, 5 *be. butter or margarine, melted; divide evenly into 24 greased largo muffin pans; drop 8 pecan helves into each pan. Punch down dough and divide mixture into 2equalportions; form into smooth balls. Roll each piece into an oblong 3f" thick and 12" long; looeon dough, Brush with melted butter or margorine. Sprinkle with a mixture of 14 a. brown sugar (lightly pressed down), 34 e. chopped peones. Begin- ning at a 12" edge, roll up each piece looaely, like a jelly rolL Cut into 1" slime. Place, a eut-aide up, in prepared mucin pans. Grease tope. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderately hot oven, 870', about 20 minutes. litre out of pans immediate- ly and terve hot, or reheated. get grand results from this New Fast -Acting Dry Yeast Yee, new Fleischmann s Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast fits all recipes. 1 package equals 1 cake of fresh yeast in any recipe—and It's fast -acting, just like fresh yeast But lt.stays full-strength for weeks in your cupboard. If you bake of home, get a montb.'s sup• ply from your grocer Needs NO Refrigeredionli Arthus' Painter 2