HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-09-01, Page 2LIFE IN THE 010 BOY YET—As he neared the all-time record for number of games played by a shortstop, veteran infielder Luke Appling of the Chicago White Sox posed amiably for a photographer to prove that the old rockin' chair hasn't got him yet. Luke was "inning for the record of 2158 games set by Rabbit Maranville. PORT Bobby Locke, after winning the British Open Golf Championship last month, decided to take part in some exhibition games over there. At the same time he expressed the hope that such affairs wouldn't keep him in England too long. * * * "There's a lot of sugar over in the United States," the rather cock- sure South African is reported to have said, "and I certainly hope to get back there by Fall." * 5 But right now it looks as though Bobby could take a slow freight in- stead of a fast plane across the Atlantic, and still not do his bank- roll any too much harm• Alleging chat Locke had been guilty of with- drawing from "numerous" events in the United States after commit- ting himself to participate, Bobby, was ruled ineligible for any future tournament sponsored by the Na- tional Professional Golfers Associa- tion. And that means practically every United States tournament worth Locke spending time over. * * * Now it is no intention of ours to get out the crying -towels over Mr. Locke's plight. We gave up attend- ing golf tourneys as soon as we saw them developing into one of the most over -publicized rackets in sport, and that's quite some years ago. And we understand, from those who have been snore or less closely associated with him, that Mr. Locke is—well, somewhat hard ° to take. "Bobby Locke's all right," was the way one golfer of our ac- quaintance expressed it, "if you bappen to like Bobby Locke." * * * Still, to give everybody his due, we don't think that the National Professional Golfers Association of the United States comes out of the affair with flying colors exactly. In fact, to us the whole thing has a Sather smelly atmosphere. The nub of the matter lies in the statement that, since he first started paying viaits to "God's country" back in 1947, Bobby Locke has packed away "sugar" to the amount of $50,712. * * * if that figure had been five grand, Instead of fifty, do you itnagine that those great sportsmen, the American pros, would have been so ready and anxious to bar Hs further entries? If you do—well, go right up to the head of the class as one of the world's great be- lievers, * * * Just what the harness -horse game has developed into during recent years is seen in some facts end figures regarding the recent meet at Westbury, N.Y. in which GRATTAN McKLYO stepped two miles in the record-breaking time of 4,16 and 4/5ths—which fs some stepping, at that. And when you read those facts and figures, you won't wonder why Canadian Thoroughbred racing men shudder every time somebody mentions Answer to Crossword Puzzle ° INR Ea, ®I N s l R :. C T R 4i ER d L %fir G Lt, S N ruw; u QId 5 nNja RP 4Io/ ll CC Tit "IT!ER E fe t8 E R 5 E R 6d E 0 H E R RI.I '0 S E 5 E C 1 T D u D N �kS fd EAT T R 1 TIN AGE M 5 P E E E 5 5 opening a big-time harness track= with night racing—on this side of the Border, * * * The crowd that watched GRAT- TAN leleKLYO pace his two miles numbered 29,619 — and they wag- ered, during that one evening over a million dollars — $1,076,601 to be exact. That is a lot of people, and a heap of money, and you can bet all the tea in Ohine, plus all the coffee in Brazil, that a lot of Canadian sports promoters are studying them long, longingly, and with intent to act. * * * They have mutuels instead of book•, on these modern American tracks, of course; and the winner— highly favored by the crowd—paid his backers $6.80; $5.10; and $3.60 across the board. (With the books, We imagine he'd have been about 2 to 5, out, out). The second horse, $19.90 and $10.10; while ROYAL MAN, finishing in the third slot, paid $3.20 for show, coupled with two others as an entry, * * * Canadian horses didn't do so well. DR. STRATTON — which went to the post favorite in the same'event a year ago — did a lot of pacing in the first mile but ap- parently ran out of gas after that. With his veteran owner, 'Lindy" Fraser of Forest, Ont., in the driver's seat, DR. STANTON stopped to a walk and eventually wound up fifteenth. * Only one other Canadian side- wheeler faced the starter. That was STEWART DIRECT from Hugh Stewae,t's Peterborough, Ontario stables. He gave a most creditable performance, finishing fifth—which, in a bulky field of that kind, isn't d4in•g so badly after all. * * * Finally, lest some of you might think that big-time harness racing calla for a mile or better track, we might say that Roosevelt Raceway to only a half -mile affair. That is to say, the horses in the Nassau two- mile pace had to travel four -times - around the racing strip, which makes GRATTAN McKLYO'S performance. snore noteworthy. SALESMAN "Excuse me, sir," said a shabby caller at a City office, "are you sat- isfied with the amount of your pres- ent life insurance?" "Yes," replied the manager shortly. "Could I interest you in a morocco - bound edition of the works of Thackeray?" - "You could not." "Would you invest in e good second-hand cornet if you could get it cheap?'.' "No 1" "Just sol Would an offer to sup- ply you with first-class imported Havana cigars at ten dollars n hundred appeal to you?" "Not a bitl" "That being the ease," said the caller, "would you be willing to buy a tin of shoe polish, just to get rid of mei" 7iGreat Scot! Tea" "Thankal Good day!" DIPLOMAT Housewife: "Why should a big strong man like you be out beg- ging?" Hobo: "Well, lady, it's the only profession I know in which a gentle- man can address a beautiful woman like you without an introductionl" 1NIIATGOES ON 1N THE 1ORLD _ XyNorinanBlaw PALESTINE Some fourteen months ago Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden said that the chances of restoring peace between the Arabs and the Israelis were about 100 to 1. In the interim ten administrators and soldiers in 'the service of the United Nation, died violently in the ettefnpt.' But the "long shot" seems to have come off. Just recently Berns- • dotte's aueceseor—Acting Meriator Ralph J. Bundle—was able to re- port to the Security Council' that "The mission of the Mediator has been fufilled." This was Bunche's final Palestine report. With armistices arranged betweete.the Arab States and Israel covering the entire fighting front. he said that the job of negotiating a definite peace settlement should be left to the three-power—(France, Turkey, the United States)—Con- 'ciliation Commission at Lausanne in Switzerland. The commission's talk with Jews and Aruba had bogged down last June over the question of returning to Israel the six or seven hundred .thousand Arab refugees put to flight by the war. But under prod- ding by the United States, Israeli negotiators recently returned to Lausanne prepared to make a definite offer aimed at breaking the jam — the acceptance of some one hundred thousand of the refugees du return for the Arab States' ac- ceptance of a final and definite peace treaty. . GERMANY' As chaplains read out the names of 39 British and 31 American fliers who had lost their lives in the great Allied airlift to Berlin, the strains of "The Last ',Post" and "Taps" floated across the airfield at Fats - berg, in the British zone of Ger- many. This Allied memorial service marked the beginning of the end of the unique operation. Since the end of the Russian blodcade last May stockpiles of food, gasoline and coal in the Ger- man capital have grown to nearly one million tons, and are becoming too large to handle. So the 30,000 British and Americans who were operating more than 300 airlift planes are being gradually rede- ployed. By the end of October lees than half the original number of transport planes will remain in Germany. Just for the accord: since jun* 26, 1948 those Hires carried some 2,220,000 tons of supplies on nearly 275,000 flights totalling over a hun- dred million flying miles. One one day alone — last April 16 — they flew in 13,000 tons. • But there's always a drawback, it seems. In Berlin, the discharge of thousands of freight handlers will add to an already serious unemploy- ment problem. And those Berliners who remain deep in the Russian zone of the city are likely to miss the familiar, reassuring sound of those friendly airplane engines sounding front above. GREAT BRITAIN Were the 'good old days' really so good, after all? was the question brought to many British minds when Prime Minister Clement Att- lee raked over some between -wars history in an electioneering speech toward the end of July. In it Attlee flung at the Conservatives Winston Churchill's recent blast at the "dis- astrous rule" of the Labor Party. "How disgraceful it is to try and make people believe all our difficulties are due to Socialist mis- management," Then he quoted the Conservative Party Chairman, Lord Woolton, as having admitted that, before the war, "not less than 25 per cent were suffering from mal- nutrition—or improper feeding," and that between 1922 and 1939 Britain had an average of 1,700,000 unemployed. "As for Mr. Churchill, I have never been slow to acknowledge his war service, 'but during the past four years he has had a bad relapse into irresponsibility and party spite," quoth Mr. Attlee. JAPAN • General Douglas McArthur has ordered the Army to return local Government to Japanese control by the end of the year. At first the Jepanese welcomed the news, but now they're beginning to realize that the new autonomy will bring CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fon mut AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Ineeeticidee, Eleotrie Fence Controllers, douse and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, no. Deniers are wanted. Write' Warne Great, • Oil Limited, Toronto. - THE. ONE CHANCE of your litetimel Four- day week, 85% commission, You can retire on, repeat business. Income Tax Services, 1789. Avenue Rd.: Toronto. Redfern 554• meet canons FREE RANGE . pupate 10 weelte to laying, Duro breeds and cross breeds, Also day old chicks available the year round. Free cata- logue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fargue, Ontario. . PULLETS all ages to laying. Pun breeds and erose -breeds.' Free catalogue. ^Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, PULLETS. wonted all ages and breed., pure breeds and hybrldo. Apply Box No, 111, las Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. DYEING AND . OLEANINO. HAVE YOU aoything needs dyeing or clean. Inez. Writeto us for information, We are glad to answer your question. Department H, Parker's Dye Work, Limited, 791 Yong. Street, Toronto. Ontario.' FARMS FOR 'BALE 60 ACRES—Good land, location, buildings 93,000. Lovely located home edge Helbpt- vllle., Nioe lawn, trees and 4 sores 97,500. A good choice in all size farms—write Re. quiromente. Charles Pelton, Realtor, Hemet - villa, Ontario. FOR' SALE ALUMINUIVf ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed style*, 6 to 10 ft. lengths. Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates. Steel Dletrlbutoro Limited. 800 Cherry St.. Toronto. PAINT SALE—Outelde gleno, white, - °ream, brown, red, grey, neon or black. Sale price 98.98 per gallon. Thi. Is new .stook Paint not war surplus stock. Regular retail price. 90.80. Mall orders sent C.O.D. Coy1Ps Cold Storage, Vienna, CRIMNIINS — Patented, zrefabricated, ap- proved, -lightweight, handyman lnetailatfon. Free literature, The Lockhart,, Terminal A. Box 182, or Midway 4693, Toronto. FARM EQUIPMENT ONCE USED GRAIN, potato, onion, cabbage bago, etc. Used bags bought and sold in any quantity. Oyer quarter century eervloing the trade. Write or call London Bag Com- pany, London, Ontario. CATTLE COLLIES, males 16; females, H. 3 months old excellent. heeler*, nicely marked. Cash with order please. Mrs. Cecil R. Burnt!, R.R. No. 1, Mattawa, Ontario. DEBTOR. Lovely elx room*, sunroom, cement clad house. Every convenience.- rumen oils heating. Large lot. Immediate 00o.etston. W. 6. Pollard, Real Estate Broker, New Lowell, -Ont. WATERLOO THRESHER 08248 A-1 Wane on hard rubber with orlglnal cylinder teeth and belts. John ChitUe, Maidstone. COLLIES LIKE LASSIE GOLDEN SABLES,. whites and tri'■ 92 champion blood lines. Prompt attention to all enquiries. Glen Valley Coulee, Glen Enron, Ontario, ,. SEED rye: Packed is two buehei sacks de- livered your station at 82,313. per minket. Please *end money with order. Jack UrlIn, London, Ontario. ad frightening new responsibilities. As one Tokyo newspaper put ft, "The series of violent outbreaks in recent months' east a dark shadow." The most threatening of these outbreaks were organized by pris- oners df war returning from Russia in the repatriation of what the Sov- iets owiett elaim are their last 95,000 Japanese prisoners -of -war, Thor- oughly indoctrinated Communists by now, they rioted on the docks, staged sit-down strikes, and even dragged one captain before a "peo- ples' court" on board his own ship. Japanese famiiles who had been urging repatriation for the past three years naturally expected to find some Communistic tendencies among those returning to their native land; but now they are horri- fied to find that these included utter contempt for traditional personale and family relationships. The full meaning of Communism is now dawning on these "remain -at - homes." There are some authorities who believe that the repatriates will turn out to be a smaller and a less effec- tive red weapon than either the police or the Japanese communists had anticipated. But most of the really responsible Japanese' fear that these repatriations—coinciding as they do with Communist suc- cesses in China—mark the opening of an all-out Russian program for the complete communization of Japan. FRIEND IN NEED Master of House; "Why did you tell your mistress what time I came home last night after I had told you to be quiet about it?" Maid: "I didn't, sir. She asked me what time it was and 1 told her I was too busy getting breakfast to notice." PILES When you remove the internal ' cause of On you get worthwhile results that Mat. That's the 'l yla reason for Pyltone'e great means. No matter what you have done for We torture, or bow longstonding and stubborn your ease modern 5}0ienee has the answer in the now Pyltone 7tratment (a liquid taken by mouth); Your Out Sottle proves this or the price refunded .1 one°. Tl,at'e our guarantee of Pyltone'a quality. 91.76 at all modern druggists. PT -1 BUSINESS FOR. SALE. FARM Implements for ogle, small town,, 1�0,- 000 volume, malar lines. Dox No. 40,i21 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. GIFTS ohtne babywear and library, Living quarters. Low rent lease, Good turnover, 9628 Malls, Vancouver. INTERRNATIONAL SCHOOL BUS In A-1 .condition. Capitally twenty-five to thirty. Reasonable, Alfred T.• Smith, Riptt' ohm Ontario, GENERAL - More and 7 -roomed apartment combined. Meats, .Ice °roam, tearoom, flour-. eeoent lighting, Kelvinator refrigerator, von Profitable turnover, priced right for gufnk. male 98,500, 60 mileo from Peterboro. Leonard's Store, Coe H111. HARNESS REPAIR BUSINESS FOR SALE, 28 Years' standing coveringwide nen around Compbellford, Sacrifice to elan Estate. 9800 plus Stook of about 91,000. Write for appointment to Arthur 11'. Collotte, Campbeliford, Ontario. FOR SALE, email' general non. gam and oft;. living quarters, with running water; good opportunity. Write Allan Cowen, Engle Lake, Ontario. ,STORAGE TANKS - 600 Gallons Horizontal 1,000 Gallons 4,400 Gallons 8,000 Gallons .. 10,000 Gallons 10,000 Galion, Vertlea 18,000 Gallons „ 83,000 Gallons. We buy and sell steel tanks of *II ulzes, R. ST. GERMA121 0608 St, Lawrence, Montreal, F,G. HOUNDS AFIELD A monthly magazine of Hounds and Hunting— tor the sportsman; Hunter, Breeder and Pander; Features all the hound breeds— hunting and shooting—Field Trlale and Shows —Exclusive articles, illustrated. 92,95 per Pear. HOUNDS AFIELD, ORTON, ONTARIO. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT. Real rennet atter tilling Dixon'. Remedy for Rheumatic Paint and Neuritic. Munro'° Drug Store, 285 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Pootpald 81,00. PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the good re- sults from taking Dlxon'd Remedy for Rheu- matic Pains and Neuritic Munrn's,Drug Store, 888 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00. PATENTS FBTHERSTONHAUGH a Company Patent Solicitor's Established 1880. 260 Bay Street. Toronto. Booklet or Information on rennet. OPPORTUNITIES for. MEN and WOMBS BE A HAIRDRESSER 80tH CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunit7 Learn' Hairdressing Pleasant dignlaed proteeelon, (00d wages thousands ntooeselul Marvel.. graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated sate lo(ue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 152 Bloor Bt. W.. Toronto ( roaches: 44 Ring St.. Hamilton 8 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa. MOHELLAR GENERAL HOSPITAL, Fort William, Ontario, offers a three year Bourse 1n nursing under cheerful and lntereoUng surroundingu. Applicants must be 18 years of age and hold secondary school ''graduation in Ontario, Books, uniforms, aro eupplled by the Hospital. Applications now being received for tall class, Appty. Superintendent of Nursed, McKellar Genera) Meoi ttal, PO01 William, Ontario. Investigations Have you a Domestic, Private or Matrimonial problem and do you require the services of a Private Detective? We investigate anything any- where. You may be visiting To- ronto and you will be granted a free consultation, Deal with this old established agency in the strictest confidence. e are giving special attention to visitors to the Exhibition. Write for your appointment NOWT Sterling Detective Agency 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto W. H, Bacon, Manager Tel. ELgln 9760 SAFES Protect your BOORS mrd DASD from b'IRE and 'THIEVES. We have n aloe and tYpe of Sade, or Cabinet, for any purn°e0, Visit tie er mite for prices, eta.. to Dept. W. J.&J.TA% La LIMInn TORONTO SAFE WORKS L46 Front 8t. E,, Toronto Esta Mi011rd 1855 ISSUE 34 — 1949 TEACHERS WANTED MUSKOKA, Morrleon Township, Protestant teacher wanted for 8.5 No. 5—Must he experienced, choice of board or can rent, Oh No, 11 Highway, All conveniencee, Apply H. Modrindle, Sec„ R,R. 1, Severn Bridge, Ont, ... WANTED APPLICATIONS for Student Nursed aro tib- qulred at the Sarnia General Hospital, Sarnia, Ontario, This fp an approved School of Nuroing. Honorarium after preliminary term le complete. 326 per month, mem PRESS WEEKLY requires salesman for local county. Our Supervisor will inter- view and train you. Car helpful but not ep- sentlal. Permanent position. Veterans given Preference. Lloyds Subecrlptlon Service, 2490 Yong°Street, Toronto, -BROCCOLI planto wanted, pultable for •trona• planting, any quantity. Phone E1. 7128, or write 2. Lightfoot & .Son Ltd., 21 St, Law- reuce Market, Toronto. WANTED—LAIi70 ON FARM Desire to lease - privet° lake for number of yearn during summer months, Will build cot- tage 11 necessary, Within 200 miles of Toronto, Write V. Foster, 46 Marmaduke Street, Toronto. Fiery Itching SKIN RASHES? Brings Quick, Blessed Relief From Misery — Distress If you paid ten times the price there's •nothing better anywhere than 5100NE'5 EMERALD OIL. and druggists who know thio recommend EMERALD OIL 'benne ,utterer° get reel reselt0. So If yeti suffer from any Itching Burning Skin Irritation.;. or other Surface Skin Disorder — Itching.:. Scaly Scalp or Itching Toes and Feet - try EMERALD OIL—Satlefactlon euaroo teed or money back, All drugglele. METAL SHEETS At Low Cost Direst from factory wnrehnuoe Here's a good buy for any thrifty farmer—Supertlte Metal Sheets. Since 1986, farmers everywhere have iron them for any lob requiring a good quality metal sheet.. Thousands have used them to lino their granaries— and have saved 830 to 2100 each year. In thio way you protect your summer Proffitt from dhleving rats, mice and e0ulrrels. Order nowt Supertlte Metal' Sheets are available In widths from 19" to 24" and 1n lengths from 24" 00 80" These new sheets are supplied all the same sire on each order at a. price of 24.00 per hundred square Leet delivered If Order totals 800 square ft. or more. Order now while there le a good selection of larger sheets. Superior Products Limited 20 Nelson 8t. Sarnia, Ontario. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about $taco Harness Supplies." We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather. Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fa* tories — Harness, Horse Col. Ian, Sweat Pads, Horse Bien.. kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by. SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE s DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your 01 Relief That Helps to"28"n Melte You Ririe Kind Go below then beltellooyour 20 feet of is 80 when indigestion etrikoe, try somethtnu that helps digestion In the nomad AND below the belt. WPine to give needed help to that "forgotten 28 feet" of bowels. Take ono Carter's Little Liver Pill before and ono otter meale. Take them 'wording two ofrthe 3 main digestive juices In yourreto>n�aeli AND bowels -help you digest what you have eaten In Nature's own way, matoe9 youufeel folksget from your head to your tom. Just bo euro you got the genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills from your droned -88o ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH o CIGARETTE micro .aagsose ARCHIE wacoME (ohjR rtsHI G PA TY. VM • SIR HARRIS TW EEO!.,, MY TWIN NIECES.,.. TEA AND LEE TWEED! WHY, UNCLE? HE'S THE BEET THING YOU'VE CAUGHT YET ON *THIS TRIP! by Montana NOW• G1RL�3„! n' iI easier Atils:ifir -eau II