HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-08-25, Page 2She Knows A Better Way—While Shirley May France and other swimmers train for the grueling task of swimming the English Channel, Mrs. Eetta Hills, above, of Southsea, England, prefers to make the crossing in a more leisurely manner, Astride her "waterbike," Mrs. Hills chats with radio announcer Derek Roy, who has arranged a race across the Channel between Mrs. Hills and a gentleman challenger. The English housewife pedaled across the Channel as a young girl, and is confident she can beat all comers. 1), '.e/ A aniTC'h IC "We have compulsory vaccina- tion against smallpox, and inocu- lations to prevent measles and all sorts of other things" remarked friend of ours not so long ago. "But hi my r rinion it Would be afar more sensible if we made it com- pulsory for every kid to learn how to swim and, later on, to drive a ear properly." * * All joking aside, we honestly think he has something there. Death from the automobile is -a far greater menace today than death from smallpox has become under modern sanitary conditions. Yet any experi- enced traffic cop will tell you that the percentage of those tooling cars along our streets and highways who really know HOW t drive prop- erly is amazingly low. This includes not only beginners and screwballs, but many who have been driving cars for years—pre- sent company NOT EXCEPTED, barring ourself. (We have never driven and never intend doing so). * * * As for the compulsory swimming lessons—well, you have only to open up any paper during the sum- mer months, and especially on a Monday, and be sickened at the thought of so many' lives lost in the water—lives which might have been spared had there been even a rudimentary knowledge of swim- ming. * * * In this connection, it is interest- ing to note how many swimming fatalities, at the seashore and on lake beaches, are attributed to what is called "the undertow". According to general belief this undertow is a broad, powerful current running below the surface, and returning to thte lake or ocean the water which the waves had piled up upon the beach. k * * Encyclopedias, dictionaries and r'.ZZARD CHARLES Heavyweight even textbooks on geology give their theories o es abouth t e undertow, their explanations running along the line just quoted above. But it ap- pears that, until lately, no scien- tist had ever bothered to check up and find out whether or not the un- dertow theory was correc.t 5 e A week or so ago Dr. Francis Shephard, a very noted marine ge- ologist, came out with some state- ment* Which all who like to dis- port thdisiselves in the water, wife ther swimmers or not, might do well to note for future use. Writing in the magazine PHYSICS TO- DAY he tells of extensive experi- ments and neasurments of beach - side water flow. And he says that —"The net movement at the sur- f;ire is ordinarily in approximately the same direction as it is at inter- mediate depths and even near the bottom." " a Dr. Shephard hastens to explain that this does not mean that there is no seaward current, Water brought in by the waves has to get back somehow, and everybody knows that bathers are often drag- ged out beyond their depth by some hydralic force. But this counter- movement of the water is not a GENERAL UNDERTOW.>It is a well-defined and LOCALIZED rip current, (sometimes called a rip tide.) A rip current is formed when an incoming wave is bent by a ridge in the lake or ocean floor, or even by a pier. or jetty. The ends of the wave converge in a pincers move- ment, causing a pile-up of water. Then the piled -up water rushes back, generally along a narrow pathway defined by a miniature sub- marine canyon. Beyond the breakers this rip current fans out and loses its force, * * :k A poor swimmer, Shephard warns, should be on his guard against rips when breakers are more than 3 feet high. The height can be judged by standing knee-deep in water during upsurges and gazing seaward at the horizon, If waves breaking near shore do not cut off the view of the horizon, it is pretty safe to assume that the surf is not violent enough to cause dangerous rips, He gives this advice to swim- mers: "If the breakers are large, the poor swimmer should keep in shallow water, never getting deeper than waist high even- during the largest waves. He should also avoid bottom irregularities, which indi- cate the existence of channels cut by the feeder currents of the rips. Even if the water in the channels appears to have little current, a series of large waves may send a concentrated surge along the chan- nel, sweeping the bather off his feet and out into the zone of large breakers." The bather who blunders into -a. rip and feels himself being carried out beyond his depth should con- serve his strength and not try to fight his way to shore against a powerful current Since rips are narrow, the best strategy is to head at right angles from the current and parallel to the beach. A few strokes will often land the swimmer on a shoal bordering the rip channel or at least In quieter water, WIIATGOES ON 1N THE PALESTINE Shouting. for "Bread and Work" some 400 Israeli broke into the courtyard of the Parliament Build- ing at Tel Aviv and battled with the police. One New York news- paper correspondent reported that at least 15;000 of the new republic's population are seeking visas that will permit them to emigrate to the United States; and a Times report- er, after visiting one of the 330 camps housing 66,000 immigrants found the inhabitants "enveloped in hopeless idleness and too tired to understand that ,the State (of Israel) is new and that its funds are inadequate," After fifteen monthsof existence the Israeli Republic appears to face a bleak future. It is over populated and under capitalized. At the be- ginning of the year immigrants were arriving at the rate of 225,000 annually, while homes were going up for less than a quarter that number. Alarmed at the effect in foreign lands of reports on the existing situation, the Israeli Finance Min- istry called in reporters a few weeks ago and scoffed at predic- tions of the country's collapse. Dur- ing the first half of 1949, according to the spokesman, $60,000,000 had been invested in Israel, while -im- migration had dropped by almost one-half. But to sustain the Finance Min- istry's optimistic outlook, Israel is going to need far more capital than it is getting from outside. Large private investments are slow to develop. New businesses, accord- ing to the Official Gazette, are gen- erally capitalized at around $3;000. And a speaker warned the Tel Aviv Commercial Club that 200 American business men, represent- ing an investment potential of one hundred million dollars, had visited the country and then left without signing any centiacts at all. In other words shouting for the new Republic and damning the British for retarding its creation was one -thing. Investing hard cash in it, now that it has got started, quite anotherI o - CHINA United States experts are trying M line up the Western Powers in an agreement not to extend any credits to Communist China. They figure that without big credits from - the West the Chinese Reds will have to turn to Russia for ex- tensive help help that Moscow oennot afford to give without mak- ing either the Russian people, or other Russian satellites, go short. Thus, in theory, if the West stands firm in refusing economic help, world Communism is bound to suffer, no matter what policy the Kremlin -adopts. Only time, of course, can prove whether or not this theory is sound. But there seems to be no doubt that the Chinese Communists are having their troubles. Depression and inflation are crippling both Nanking and Shanghai. Since the Reds took overe checks passing through the Nanking clearing -house have dropped from 20,000 to 200 a day. Up to a week or so ago only one ship had dared to run the National- ist blockade into Shanghai — and her cargo of cotton just doubled its value in the course of a voyage from Hong Kong. Trying to keep the city adminis- tration going, the Reds increased the Shanghai land tax one hundred- fold. And in an effort to impose discipline on the hopelessly corrupt city then even clacked down on the mah-jongg gamblers, rounding them up in droves and putting them to work cleaning lavatories and sweeping the city streets. THE UNITED STATES Mr. Truman has been having rather tough going since he pulled the great surprise last November; but even his worst enemies cannot deny that he, personally, has been doing his utmost to keep his elec- tion promises, in the face of stiff opposition from all sides, including his own, His most clear-cut triumph, up to now, was the passage of a fed- eral housing bill over the opposition of a well-financed real estate lobby. This me -sine will provide funds Nor man Blair for an immense program of hous- ing. for low-income families, slum clearance, and rural housing im- provements. Then, just a couple of weeks ago, the House of Representatives ap- proved a bill to broaden the cover- age and raise the benefits of the federal social security system. Av- erage benefiits for old age would be raised 80 per cent, and 11 million workers would be added to the 35 million now covered by social security. Passage of this measure at the next session of Congress is now regarded as nearly certain; and al- though it is somewhat less than the President originally requested, it will be the most important social security improvement in the past decade. - There are those who lay that there is a certain lack of skill in President Truman's leadership. Nevertheless the stubborness with whichhe fights • for his liberal-con- viotions are undoubtedly bearing fruit — banked, as it appears ,to be, by a strong tide of, Public opinion behind his social reforms. INDIA India has just celebrated its sec- ond anniversary as an independent] and the record of accomplishment, in that comparatively short time, is surprisingly good. Because of monsoons and other disasters 0 tcrops,-India has had noelo e with more than the normal food shortage. But the met the emergency by the importation of foodstuffs and by the most ambi- tious rationing scheme ever at- tempted anywhere — a rationing system affecting 140,000,000 people. And this scheme proved amazingly effective. Now India, handicapped by an unfavorable balance of trade, wants to end her importations of food and aims to become self-sufficient in the matter of food by the end of 1951° This, in a sense, is bad news for. Canada, which shipped 10 million bushels of wheat to India in the past 12 -months. Nor is Canada's export outlook brightened by the new Indian program of locomotive manufacture. India has been im- porting railway stock from Canada and other countries in the past, but hopes to be making her own within a year and a half. But an increasingly• prosperous India 'should eventually develop a higher standard of living, and will not only require Canadian goods but will have goods of her own to trade for them. At all events the progress has been made since India struck out, "on her own" is far greater then nine -tenths of the "experts" were predicting two years ago, when the great event finally occurred. Some Party! Two Scotsmen who had Veen at a party met the following morning, and one said to the other; "Weed, Donald, and did ye get hanle all richt?" "Aye," replied Donald, "I got hame all richt, except that just as I turned a corner a policeman trod on ma knuckles." Naturally! An artist who always painted pictures of people with no clothes on was asked: - "Why do you always paint people in the nude?" - "Oh," he replied, "I suppose it's because I was born that way." E Fl 95 HOUSEHOLD INSECT POW ER A sure killer! Of ices, auto, bedbugs, roacheo and other insect ppaeto. Ideol for kitchen, bath, cot- tage and 'garage. In handy cone-oheped ahalcer- today!. Get RRID'5 ]• At all Drug and Hardware • Slorea. Classified Advertising.. AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES tnneutleldea, Electric Fence Controllers, House and Barn Paint, 'Roof' Coatinga, eta, Dealern I are wanted. Write waroo °reaao & 051 Limited, Toronto THE ONE CHANCE of your lifetime, Four- day ween. 85 commiOalon. You can retire On repeat business. Income Tax Sorylcoe, 1782 Avenue Rd„ Toronto, Redfern 1145. BARS 01j1ORs - FREE RANGE PULLETS 10 weeks to laying, pure -breeds and arose breed&. Also. day old ohielsa available the year round. Free cata- logue. , Tweddle Chink 13ateherlea. Limited: Forties. Ontario. DYEING AND O1.r9AffING, HAVE YOV anything node dyeing or clean- ing? Write to in for Information We are glad to answer your question. Department H, Parker's Dyo Works Limited, .791 Yonne Street. Toronto, Ontario. FARMS .COR SALE 50 ACRES -Good land, location, buildings 88,000. Lovely located" home edge Kemt- vllle, Nice lawn, trees and 4 acres 87,600. A' good choice in all size: farms—Write Re- aulrements. ,.Charles Felton, Realtor, Kompt- y1de, Ontario. , FOB SALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cr0.o-Crimped Corrugated and -ribbed Myles. 8 to 10 ft. lengths immediate delivery from Mock, Write for eampiee and estimates Steel D1etrlbut0re Limited. 600 Cherry St,. Temente, PAINT SALE—Outside' gloea, White,•cream, brown, red, grey, green or black.. Sale. price 88.98 per gallon. Thio to new .stook paint not war sm'n1us stock. - Regular retail Price. $6:80. Mall orders: sent C.O.D.. Coyle's Cold Storage,. Vienna. - CHIMNEYS — Patented, prefabricated, aP. proved, lightweight.. handyman lnetallatlon. Free literature, The Lookbarto, Terminal A. Box 182, or Midway 4698, Toronto. FARM EQUIPMENT ONCE USED GRAIN. potato, onion, cabbage bags, eta Used bags bought and sold in any Quantity. Over quarter centuryservicing the trade. Write or call London Bag Com- pany, London, Ontario, SEED rye: Packed 1n two bushel sanies. de- livered your nation at 82.26 per bushel. Pla.00 fiend money wltb order. Tack Uritn, London, Ontario. BUSINESS FOR SALE FARM Implements for sale. small town, 80,- 000 volume, major linen. Box No, 46. 122 Eighteenth Street, Now Toronto, Ont. GIFTS china babywear and library. Living quarters. Low rent lease, Good turnover, 2628 train, Vancouver. GENERAL atore and 7 -roomed apartment combined. Meats, ice cream, tearoom. flour - ascent lighting, Kelvinator refrigerator, very profitable turnover. priced right for quick sale $6,600. 60 miles from Peterboro. Leonard'■ Biwa Coe Hili i HOUNDS AFIELD A monthly magazine of Hounds and Hunting— for' the aDortarnan, Hunter, Breeder and Fancier; Features all the hound breeds— hunting and Mooting—Field Trials and Shows —Exclusive articles, illustrated. $2.26 per Year, HOUNDS AFIELD. 011/51014. ONTARIO. MOUNT FOREST, ONT., for sale: White bride, eleven -room duplex home, all con- veNoncee, near highway and two rallwaye; two storey out building with over 8,000 -sq. het floor space; hen houeee; five acres of land, hydro, telephone. John Gil/mole, Box 08, Mount Forest, Ontario. FOR BALE—Model A Ford sixteen passenger School bun, Nicholson and Pelton, Young's Point, Ont. FEMALE COCKER .SPANIEL, four Years, rood pet for woman or. girl. Produces nice anally gold puppies, Fiteen dollare. Ere. Brodie, Aultevllle, Ont. HELP WANTED y QUALIFIED TEACHER for Whitetleh Falls School, to teach Grades 7, 8, 5, 10; Muat be good dlaclpnnarinnt salary 81.600, plus healed and partly furnished teachbrage. Be'.'. R. W. Stump, .Ser., Whitefish Palls, Ont. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.D. No. 8, Begot, Apply stating eatery and qualifications, to Mrs. Lewis Emon, See, - Treats., Calnbogle, Ont. R,R. 2. WANTED Old gold. Jewellery, sterling sliver, dental geld, antique Jewellery, .earl eunbnrete and watch poses. Gather together your forgotten articles end turn them into dollars at The Gold Sheave (Crawfords). 189 Tonga Street, Toronto, Prompt valuation on melted parcels, PILES Mien you remove the internal nun *6 piles you get worthwhile results tbot Int. That's the simple reason for Pyltone'a d'eat mecca. No matter what you have one for this torture, or how long -ensuing and stubborn your cava modern science bas the gnawer in the new cam, Treatment (e liquid taken by mouth). Your deet bottle VMS this or the price refunded at one. That's our guarantee of Pyltone'e quality. 81.70 et all modern druggists. PT MEDICA1, IT'S PROVEN—Every sufferer' of Rhenmatie _. Paine or. Neuritic Mould try Dixon's Itetne- dy, Mnnro'e Drug Store, 886- Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00, SATISFY YOURSELF—Every sufferer of Rhen- matlo Pains or Neuritis ehould try Dixon'e Remedy, hiunro'o Drug Store, 085 Elgin. Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1,00. PATENTS FETH1ORSTONHAUGIS & Company Paten) - Solicitors Established 1870. 880 Bay Street. Toronto Booklet of informatlpn on request. OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN,. - BE. A .HAIRDRESSER 00224 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL' - Great Opportunity Leann Itatrdreaoing Pleasant dlgnlned profeeaion; wood wage., thousands) successful Memel egraduatea, Am rica'o groateat mann tlluatrated cite.. - MALogueRVEtrLee WORDritRe E8S1or Call NO SCHOOLS ' 868 Blom St -W , Toronto - Branchee, 49. King St„ Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street Ottawa- MOKEISLAIt GENERAL HOSPITAL, Fort Wm miming Ontario, offers a thrnw year course 1a ourding under cheerful and Intercaths surroundings. Applicants mat be 18 year. of age and holo s0condary 6obool - graduation to Ontario, Rooke, uniformn, are race by the fall al, Appltoatlona now being received for tan- clasp, Apply, Superintendent of NureeaWilliam,, - Mcllar General Hospital. Fort OntarioKe. CONCRETE HLOCI{ PLANTS, why Work for the other fellow? You can Barn a good Rving running a block plant: Bae Moore Bros,.. 61 - Nelson Street, Toronto, AD1701, for maehinery. PERSONAL. ' FREE SAMPLES—plastic. comb, Send dim$ for postage and handling or 4 for 95e. 01900 9, 1194 Yonge Street, Toronto, WANTED APPLICATIONS for Student Nurses are rF qufred at the Sarnia., General Hospital Sarnia, Ontario. This la an. approved' Scholl of Nursing. - Honorarium after preliminary term' is compote. $26 per month. - BROCCOLI planta wanted. suitable for trans. Wanting, any quantity, Phone El, 7128,- or write S. Lightfoot & -Son Ltd., 28 St. Law- renee Market, Toronto, GRAIN separator, In good condition, at leaitf 28" cylinder, State full particulars inolud- Ing -price. Gordon Dixon, 10,R. 1, Port Dover. Ontario,. WIN WANTED YOUNG WOMEN for - Harvesting'Peaches Plums, Pears, Apples, Grapes, Tomatoes and other Fall fruits and vegetables Accommodation in Farm Service. Force Camps August 15th to November 15th Campers must ,bring blankets, sheets and pillow cases For further information writ♦: - Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street East Toronto 1, Ontario. Auspices: Dominion -Provincial Farm Labour Committee MINARD'S LINIMENT ► Apply freely, and rub. 2.9 That's all. It's greaseless, fest-drying; hos no strong odor. And it brings quick relief to muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, lumbago. LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZE 65c ISSUE 35 — 1949 For constant' Smoking e'Ieastare Zeffsettie4*4 f*4rlC�lpidC� Cigai ette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE r Iii Tow JITTER "00*'- THAT'S THE LIFE - E)CPLOR0N' UNCHARTED RIVER. SN0drIN8 WILD GAMC.DOD6IN' HEADHUNTERS -- MN, IF WE HADA RAPT, ' WE COMO FLOAT DOWN THIS - RIVER AND EXPLORE IT... No TEt.LIN' WHAT WE'D DISGOVEMI. r•.,e,rlp..'�,�II ilgll By Arthur Pointer yl `' art., 9�tNII1' "gar'