HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1949-08-04, Page 4CARTWRIGH',, HAWLEY Cartwright Hawley died at his home, 208 Norman street, Stratford, Saturday evening following a lengthy_ illness. He had resided there only for a few months, going to Stratford from Seaforth, .where- he had ?rade his home for four years. Born at Hay Bay in Lennox -Addington county, he farmed :in that district for some years and later operated the post office at Bardolph. Most of his We was spent in Napanee and Toronto. Twice mar-. Tied, his first wife, Elizabeth Joyce of Napanee, died many years ago. He is survived by his second wile, the former Minnie Elizabeth McSpadden of. Seaforth. He was, a member of Trinity United Church in Napanee, where he was formerly an elder, and member of the board of management, as wellas superintendent of the S3m- day school at Hay •Bay. Surviving aro his wife, one brother, W. E. Haw- le - v, Winthrop. and one niece, 1•Irs. DOYOU BUY COM OR - CLINKERS? 'i BLUE s COAL The Coal you Can Depend On E. L. BOX PHONE 43 THE SEAFORTH NEWS . THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 John Jayne, Camden . East. A funeral Isobel, Lon on, w r. an. service was held in Stratford Holiday Lloyd Sorsdahl. • evening, and the body taken to Nap- • Mr, and Mrs. Lamond, in company ane for burial on Tuesday in 'River- with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoskopf, side cemetery, Sebriugville, intend leaving ,fora ' trip to the west -this week. LONDESBORO ' I :rife. Wm. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier, Mrs. Lillie Webster and Jack spent the weekend holiday with .Hamilton and Pt. Colborne friends, returning Tuesday. Mi s.oadlo McCool, Ottawa, has et h e l-'lellLlln her holidays t t been _ h 3 be 1 g hone of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. 'and Mrs. Jas. McCool. Mrs. Nellie Watson spent a few' days at the -home of her daughter and on -in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Riley, Hensel'. Friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Riley was not 'afflicted with polio. as was feared at first. ' Bert Knox, Niagara Falls is visit in at the home of his grandparents, Mr', and Mrs, Wm. Knox. • Mrs. J,Barker, Toronto, spent the weekend holiday with her '. mother, Mrs. J. Finland and her sister, Mrs. Grierson. Rev, S. Brenton, Mr's. Brenton and Sylvia are spending their holi- days in the West. Rev. Mr. Wath of Whitechurch will take the church services next Sunday and on Aug. 14, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Griffiths, Ni.grra Falls, are holidaying with Mr. and Mr William Griffiths. 31r. and Mrs. W. E. Manning, Grit and June,Mrs. F. Wood, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Roberton, Sunday. ?11 a Esther and Bary Jamieson, Tr,rn, visited with their parents, Mr. :Dd Mrs. Arthur Jamieson and Flossie. Miss Mary -Scott is a patient in :Clinton hospital. ' BY MAiL ORD INTRODUCING FOR THE (Vl FiRST TIME IN CANADA ROS -ANN'S SENSATIONAL NEW ZIP -O CUFF BLOUSE ER CROMARTY "Mrs. George Clipsson, r. h Mr. and Mrs, Otto id 3Irs. Nell Lamont and ONLY $395 Celanese Tropical Blouses with the new patented Zip -O Cuff and di- agonal zipper front. Sizes 12-18, in 10 brilliant colors—white, pink, blue, gold, grey, green, red, wine, brown, navy. By Mail Order only. ALPINE DRAPE SLACKS 1195 Smart, comfortable, for all ages. 1 Tailored in quality Alpine, drape with 24 -inch knee and 13 -inch bottoms, neatly cuffed bottoms, self belt, sizes 10-20, in 8 choice colors— grey, grey mix, wine, dark green, paddy green, brown, navy and black. Money -Back Guarantee We Pay ,411 Mailing Charges. ROS -ANN SHOPS, 69 Macdonnell Street, Guelph, Ontario Please ship the following C, O. D. 0 Money Order Enclosed d Check hem Desired Article Size Cofer -- 10 10 Choice Cemr- 2nd Choice BLOUSE BLOUSE SLACKS SLACKS Name 1pieese Printf....,.....:....»......,«.....,«...............................».....,...,,....,,...,............, town ....... We Puy Ali Shinning Cho,gos—Jess Remit -Amo 1 f Purchase. r Alen Walker holidaying in Inger- soll. • Gary + McKellar, Infant son of Mr'. and Mrs. Fergus McKellar, is a pa- tient in- St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, ior fs rfs On Civic holiday - local bowlers gathered at the green for a mixed doubles tournament, The following were winners in. the men's section; first, Eric Munro; 3 wins plus 22; second, Harold Free, 3 wins plus '7; in the. women's games, first, Mrs: Beattie, 2 wins plus 18; second, Mrs. Paul. Brady, 2 wins plus 5. The women who played were Dor- othy Parke, -Alice Reid, firs. Johti Kaiser, Mrs. E. H. Close, Mrs. Paul Brady, Mrs. H. Free, Dire. Hart, Mrs. John Beattie, Mrs, W. J. Baker, Mrs. Hartman and Mrs, J. Gird, Goderich. The, men taking part in these doubles were Harold Free, _Bertin Reid, Wm. Moose, John Beattie, Mr. Heitman, Bil Hart, W. J. Baker, Lloyd Hoggarth, Eric Monroe, J. C. Cutt, Grattan Flannigan, and Gord- on Mair.. * * Last Thursday evening fifty-five howlers from local greens including Stratford, Goderich, Brantford, Ex- eter. :Mitchell, Clinton and Seaforth congregated at the Seaforth Bowling Club greens for a mixed double tournament. The winners of this tournament were S. Robinson and`3T1.s. Elliot; Clinton; 12i. '_ :d Br-. J. A. Mac- Donald, Stratford; and 'Harold Jen- kins ] and Mre. Balfour, Mitchell. The skips of the Thursday even- s rl.s were: Mi. Murray; .Mr. W?—mar.. C Lo: on, 11-c. Col CSrtorl; H. C. Rivers. A. 11 -1:;!r„Fe, Exeter.; 1Ii'. Ireland, t .an:ford; T. Pritebrd;.-3. T. Baker, .T. Ii. ii'hee'.e:•. W. Price, J. C. Niv- ens, R. S. Soot; Goderich; J. A. Mac- Dons'cl, lir. T. Sanderson, Stratford; F. Rusin, L. E. Howe, H. Jenkins, 3titcitel:: and from Seaforth: Eric Monroe, Dr. .3. A. MacLennen, Geo. Hays., F. Johnson, Bev, Christie, J. Hotham, Charles Barber and H. 0. Free. The -visiting bowlers were treated to a lunch served following the games. Colquhoun to Prowse. Don Smith did the running for Archie Hubert who Las a sore leg but was forced to play. when Bill O'Shea' nor Gus Boussey were present to catch. * The Centralia Flyers went down to their second defeat on Wednesday when. Seaforth down them by an S-7 score in Is four -point feature. It was a close affair'througliout and anyone's game through to the finish. The.HHL All Stars will flay in Sea - forth on Wednesday evening, Aug,. 10, Solue of the A11-Btars 10110 wi1' put in their appearance c T,,I L Broda, :Toronto, Bill Clapsworth, i d Houston, Boston, Sid Smith, Toronto, Rontz, Boston, Jim Tollmpson, To- ronto, Barilko, Toronto, Mackell, To- ronto, Harry Watson, Toronto, Bnd Poi1e, Detroit, Ray Tungr'en, Toronto, Red Kelly, Detroit, and Gordon Wright, Toronto, phis others. Their opponents will be the Seaforth Bosli- arts, ,,roup champions. HOME' BURNED Joseph Postill, Goderich Township farmer residing on the Bayfield line', lost his cement -block house by fire Friday with .a heavy loss, only partly * * Don't forget the final W.O.A.A. men's game to -night at Lions Park. Game time 8:30 under the lights. Centralia Flyer will hook up with the Bosharts. * * W L Pts Seaforth 13 2 26 Centralia 11 4 22 Wingham 10 6 20 Sebringville • • • ... • • 2 Listowel. 14 4 * * In the ladies series Seaforth ranks first and those following are: Brussels, Blyth, Hensall and Goder- ich. * • * The Fawns played, Goderich on Wednesday and will play on Friday to end their schedule. The playoffs will start early next week with first and third, second and fourth play- ing off. `” » THEATRE �i.�Ail r .� r .. OF'L,rTI THURS.- FRI. SAT, "THE GALLANT BLAIJE" In 'rneh111.101' ""New Playing With LARRY PARKS and MARI'UP:HITE C.HA.PMAN This is at story of French politico -military intrigue ofthe mi617th Clentury 'vlu•iety. Ono of Golumhitt.4.§woid and 11ognov triumphs Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday , "THE. SEA RC N" with ALINE BInehIAIION nod, MOA'1'GOMiRY GLI1"s' A .moving story of courage zu, 1 trhunl,h: lyucep. s tri ltte,•d (Millirem have lived a thousand years of suffering and opi'sresSion ns the verses unfolds' the shook SLoiy of5 the year, — of a motherstruggle ng11111st evu.wlts-Lnhig odd, Nes ,.Th ra rs Sat "FOUR PACKS Y ti1 Double Feature with Tncl MaCrca. and Pr r[is ll.c A eteu i, iy ' 1' ',lasing uuu u rns•rumnuse and high- adventure. AND "HERE COMPS T JROUBLE" with William, Trtcy and Rarely Lloyd. Don't mines out; its the Jahr hs in Mitt slap:Lich comedy Coming—In 'Technicolor "ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON" with Dennis Itiorgan nod Dorothy hlateno covered by insurance. Through the efforts' of volunteers and the Bay- field Fire Department, neighboring buildings were saved. When he arose, Mr. Postill went downstairs, lighted the coal oil stove and then lay down for a time. He was awakened by the call of his" wife who had heard something un- usual and 'figured there was some- thing wrong. He foundthe, stove and kitchen in flames and immediately gave the alarm. Jlirs. Postill and family were 'able to reach outdoors in safetg. In their"efforts to quell the blaze, the firefighters pumped the well dry. Bayfield Fire •Department's 500 -gal- lon tank of water carne in handy, but was insufficient to do. - much * The Seaforth Bosharts played on Tuesday evening at Lions Park with the Sebringville nine. The final score read Seaforth 12, Sebringville 4. In the first inning Sebringville scoredand Jimruns nGib. Seforth Duns - more, Ney was held scoreless until the 5th inn- ing when Smith. Cameron, Kennedy, rl Wright scored runs. In the sixth Smith, Cameron, Hubert, Woods, MacGregor and Wright scored runs to make the score 10-3 for Seaforth.. Sebringvill was held scoreless from the first inning throughout the game. In the first of the eighth when they scored two runs on Jim Gibbs triple with Deena and Kline scoring. In the seventh Wilson was the only player to cross the plate when he hit the ball into the left field well be- yond the Sebringville player. In the end of the eighth inning Wood flied to the catcher, MacGregor hit a singe in the infield, Don Smith hit a single but MacGregor on an at- tempted run to second was forced out by the third baseman but Smith scored on Wright's single. Wilson hit into the infield but Wilson flied out to the Sebringville,shortstop. In' Sebringville's half of the ninth Young' hit a single but was forced at home on Grebh's hit fielded to the catcher. 'Grebb scored on K1ine's double to centre field. Schmidt flied out to Wilson and Dunsman struck out, * e w * The Fawns dovrne.d the Blyth girls on Friday evening 22.2. Although the more -wee large this did mot designate the type of playing there was. The Blyth pitcher, Maxine Hunking, although tired, pitched the whole game. Sometimes it looked as though she would have to quit when she pitched three walks in a row, but then she put all she bad into the game and pitched only one walk after this section. The catcher, Delphine Hunk- ing, encouraged Maxine, and the two played sound hall while their fielders seemed to give them little support. These two also pitched an exhibi- tion game against Clifford for the Brussels team. Toots Stapleton, for the Fawns, ii'ttnhed a geed game throughout. - *- * The Listowel W.O.A.A. entry played in Seaforth on Friday night when the Bosharts downed them 11 too There was a. good crowd on ha:d to watch the locals win their second game of the week. There were some smart plays throughout the afternoon,' one when Bill Smith made a great catch on Griesbach sizzling line drive and a smart double play by Farrish to detWeePossfee04,4WigrIV-4010.04f7 THIS SPECIAL VALUE! Is a new ultra fashionable Kroehler creation .. . St r Sofa Chair In fine durable Tapestries • • • In thick -pile Cotton Frieze $15950 • • • Luxurious modern Boucle Frieze $199 50 LIBERAL - TERMS! The Smashing Sale You Read About in LIFE and the SATURDAY EVENING POST! Only the close cooperation of dealers all over the country with the famous Kroehler Mfg. Co. could ever have made this sale possible! Now that it's here, you have to see the glorious styles and colors and fabrics to appreciate the magnificent values! ox Furnture Store PHONE—DAY 43 Funeral Service NIGHT 595 W